View Full Version : DM Help "Curse" weapons

2018-02-02, 06:54 PM
So the party is aiming to become gods they at a a level where I deemed it appropriate for them to each get their godly weapons which will continue to grow with them for the rest of the campaign, the weapons are themselves cursed rather than inflicting the curse on the players.
The first one is the fluffy bunny it creator was put to death so now one else would be able acquire a like it, the player wanted a shield. it curse is that it want to destroy the legacy of the one who kill the smith, and make itself and created it are remembered. the curse was that the warlord will be scored and laughed at for as long as his name is remembered, while he and his craft will receive the praise that he could have had.
The second has the soul monk sealed inside, it will grow in damage, allow the wielder to flurry of blows or divisive strike, and make stunning attacks. he wished for the power to fight alongside the gods so the ______ not sure who he made the deal with. Trapped him in a weapon and ensured he would end up in the hands of a inheritor of the heavens.
the last one is a dancing sword that holds that soul a bard it will had the inspire ability of a bard. he was cursed by a fairy to dance forever.

How do these sound?

They were each handed a lump of metal and told to think of a weapon the shield doesn't a set of abilities yet as it was I was caught off guard by the choice of shield