View Full Version : Magenta's Lost Mine of Phandelver IC

2018-02-02, 10:00 PM
OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?549853-Magenta-s-Lost-Mine-of-Phandelver-OOC)

It's a cloudy day on the Triboar Trail as your wagon rattles along the muddy road. One way or another, you've ended up on this wagon of provisions. In Neverwinter, a dwarf named Gundren Rockseeker hired (or asked) you to escort the wagon to the rough-and-tumble settlement of Phandalin, a couple days travel southeast of Neverwinter. Gundren was clearly excited but more than a little secretive about his reasons for the trip, saying only that he and his brothers had found "something big" and that he'd pay you ten gold pieces each to escort his supplies safely to Barthen's Provisions, and trading post in Phandalin. He then set out ahead of you on horse, along with a warrior named Hallwinter, claiming he needed to arrive early to "take care of business".
You've spent the last few days following the High Road south from Neverwinter, and you've just recently veered east along the Triboar Trail. You've encountered no trouble so far, but this territory can be dangerous. Bandits and outlaws have been known to lurk along the trail.

I'd like to give you an opportunity to introduce your characters to each other. Just a post or two, you don't need to start conversations. As well, please describe how your character is traveling- are they in front of the cart? Behind? Driving? Riding?

2018-02-02, 11:21 PM
Arik sits on the bench of the cart and enjoys the sway of the horses. It has a relaxing rhythm to it, and Arik strums his lute with a soft, slow Melody.

He plays softly so as not to make his sounds play to far, but enough to keep the boredom from setting in. Why are all of you hear again? I owe Gundren a favor from getting me out a bit of a... misunderstanding. I can always use the gold as well.

Looking over the party, Arik can see there is a lot of muscle and magic, but not much in the way of a healer. Smiling slightly, he sees himself suddenly in a more protected position then with his traveling caravan before.

2018-02-02, 11:51 PM
Call me Gurik, the half-orc said while looking over the half-elf sitting across from him.

He continued, in a voice deeper than his stature indicated, It seemed like an easy job. Don't take these things, he waved towards the supplies in the wagon, keep others from taking them and you'll have a ride to Phandalin.

2018-02-03, 12:43 AM

Lothar walks besides the caravan. He is not much for riding animals and detest those who enjoy the comforts so afforded. He eyes his companions and looks at the half orc weerily. Lothar knows that orcs have bred with humans in the worst way and spits at those who do. Looking at Gurik, he speaks "Ho, tell me, why do you come along with us on this journey? What use do you serve?"

2018-02-03, 01:37 AM
Gurik turned to look over the edge at the man on the ground in chainmail. He showed a bit more of his tusks as he said, When I ask people to leave, they want to. Are you here to keep them away in the first place? He added a little late, By reputation?

2018-02-03, 08:17 AM
Mordy's riding on the back of the cart, looking back along the road. He really wants to be riding up at the front, looking forward to their destination, but he's taking guard duty seriously and he felt like someone should be watching the rear.

He pipes up, cutting through the tension.
"I'm out here on my sojourn. All new paladins of Sune have to take the test of wandering, and Gundren's offer came on the day of my confirmation.
Was it providence? Maybe not, but it was convenient."

He smiles around at the others.
"My name's Mordamakos. Call me Mord!"

2018-02-03, 01:11 PM
Arik grimaced at the mention of serving a god, and his lute momentarily falls silent. Taking a deep slow breath, he calms himself, and begins to play a more jaunty tune. Knowing that picking a fight with the devote is like trying to explain what an echo is to a deaf person, he lets it go and tries to also break any tension.

Well, clearly there may be some issues among the group, but we will need to get along at least until the traveling is done.
Does anyone have a song or epic tale they would like me to regale you with?

2018-02-03, 05:52 PM

Lothar heard the half orc and grumbled under his breath in reply. He will keep an eye on this abomination. In the meantime, he focuses on his work - keeping this caravan safe. The minstrel seems good though and would like to hear more.

“ Can you play something that reminds me of good times, like a tavern song? My name is Lothar, by the way” and nods to the bard.

[OOC sent from the phone so apologize for mistakes]

2018-02-03, 06:49 PM
And what's the name of the bard who plays for us?

After hearing Lothar's request, Do you know Zenzadunk the Drunken Monk?

2018-02-03, 09:47 PM
Arik stands on the bench, takes a bow, and his persona takes on a commanding pressense of a seasoned performer. Arik the magnificent is the name. The drunken monk is an old favorite of my troop, though I do not know the words to that particular version. Perhaps Marishma the drunken monk?

With that, his foot begins to tap out a rhythm, and begins to sing a variant of the song requested, while playing his Lute.

After a minute of playing, a bump in the road jostles Arik off his standing performance, and with a soft curse, he sits back down and resumes playing softly once more. With heat of embarrassment in his cheeks that he let himself get carried away to the point of ruining a performance by his standards.
Perhaps we should focus on the road once more. Arik says a tad bit sheepishly.

2018-02-04, 09:17 AM
Mord is rapt through the performance, watching with his legs crossed and his head propped up in his hands. After it's finished he says,
"That was amazing! I've never heard that one before. I want to learn to play the flute.
In the temple they say we're supposed to bring beauty into the world, but all I've got so far is my sewing."

He reaches into his backpack and pulls out a wooden embroidery disc, and holds it up to show Arik. The image is a pretty good but unfinished embroidered portrait of Sune.
"See? It's fine, but I don't think it counts as being beautiful."

2018-02-04, 09:52 AM
Gurik clapped a hand on his knee along to the performance, enjoying the moment.

When the planetouched paladin produced the portrait, the half-orc looked a little puzzled.
Where is this temple you speak of?

2018-02-04, 10:05 AM
"It's the temple of Sune, back in Neverwinter. That's the one with all the mirrors, right across the street from the temple of Selûne."
Mord stows the disc back in his bag and casts an eye back at the road.

"I just got confirmed as a paladin a few days ago. Now I have to go on the sojourn, to find myself, and find my oath. When I get back I've got to tell the tales of all the beauty I found and fostered."

"What about you Gurik, where're you from?"

2018-02-04, 10:32 AM
So not all things from Neverwinter turn out perfect. Gurik smirked a bit at the thought that the city dwellers can make something normal.

The half-orc looked a bit less amused at the question of his origin. Not Neverwinter. He shook his head once. I wander the wild and forgotten places. He stared at Mordakamos, to discourage another question.

Does the bard know any old tales of our destination? He turned to Arik.

2018-02-04, 01:19 PM
To Mord, Arik says "It is fine needlework of course.. Arik tries to hide his distaste for the content with praise over the sewing.

To the rest of the party in regards to their location "My previous troop only focused on the larger towns and cities. More coin to be made for a band of entertainers you see... The only thing I know about where we are headed is what Gendren told us. it is a fleaspeck village that I will be happy to see behind me once I repay the favor and earn some gold.

2018-02-04, 10:05 PM
Gurik turned once more to look over the side. What of you, Lothar? Any tales to tell? A vague question seemed like the way to keep the questions from turning back to him.

2018-02-05, 09:10 AM
Evan walked along the side of the cart, listening to his new "friends" chat. He slowly eased his way toward the back, to be closer to Mort. If the expedition was ambushed, the paladin seemed most likely to stand between Evan and any arrows, and Evan had a great dislike of arrows.

Introductions seemed to be in order, so Evan chimed in. I am Evan Scarlett, son of dragons and master of fire. I come from far to the south, but I haven't been to my homeland in some time. The brothers Rockseeker offered me a job and it seemed lucrative. I'm no dwarf, but like our bearded friends, I have a great love of gold.

2018-02-05, 01:13 PM

Lothar walks along with the caravan thinking listening to the wonderful song of the bard. He is put in a good spirit and is starting to like these people he has signed up with.

Turning to Gurik, I hail from the Storm Horns, but it seems so long ago. My entire clan was destroyed when orcs raided whatever they could. I have spent these past few years in search of answers....and vengeance. I will find both.

He looks ahead, lost in his own thoughts.

2018-02-05, 10:48 PM
Gurik looked a little puzzled as he responded to Lothar. The Storm Horns? I had heard dragons... he turned briefly to Evan ...which may not be of any relation... were a larger threat in those mountains. Still, your search has taken you very far away. Do you suspect your quarry is in Phandalin?

2018-02-06, 02:34 PM

I’ve heard of the orcs and goblin attacks in the area. Maybe I can find out more.

Turning to Gurik, Why are you here?

2018-02-06, 11:40 PM
Conversation makes time fly by, and before you know it you've been on the Triboar Trail for about half a day. As you round a bend, you see two dead horses sprawled out on the path about 50 feet ahead of you. Each has several black-feathered arrows sticking out of it. The woods press close to the trail here, with a steep embankment and dense thickets on each side.
You hear a screech and four goblins jump out of the woods near the horses. "Get 'em, boys!" snarls one as they reach for their weapons.

Mordamakos: [roll0] This should be 16, sorry
Evan: [roll1]
Gurik: [roll2]
Lothar: [roll3]
Arik: [roll4]

Goblins: [roll5]

2018-02-07, 06:12 AM
Mord grabs his shield, rolls off the wagon, and scrambles around to the front. His eyes dart along the tree line searching for hidden threats as he skids to a stop facing the goblins.

He holds up his free hand and says,
"Hey! We're only carrying provisions! There's nothing here worth risking your lives for!"

AC:18, HP:12/12
Move: 20ft towards the goblins, leaving 30ft gap.
Action: Dodge

Can I actively look into woods to see if there are any more goblins hiding out there?
Here's a roll if needed:
Perception: [roll0]

2018-02-07, 11:51 AM

Lothar draws his greatsword with a growl, "Goblins! Oh how I hate these little things." He moves forward to strike.

Note: Lothar has the lowest initiative. So, if the Goblins move, he will move to attack the closest one.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

If they do not move and stay put, then he will move ahead to close the gap.

Move: 30ft ahead and towards the leftmost Goblin
Action: Dodge

2018-02-07, 11:59 AM
Gurik stood up on the cart to see their attackers. After hearing Mordamakos' announcement he added, Yes. Leave, while you can.


He flexed his fingers apart and together before aiming a colorful bolt at one of the goblins. He then reached for a dagger.

Action: casting eldritch blast
attack roll
damage roll
[roll1] If this does enough damage, Gurik is attempting to render unconscious, rather than to kill.

2018-02-07, 03:40 PM
Evan stops playing with magical fire he had conjured in his palm as the goblins step into view. He whips his staff around and examines the threat. Seeing his companions make some questionable decisions, Evan maneuvers slightly to take cover behind the cart, while keeping Mord between himself and the greenskins.

"Negotiating? With goblins? Are we sure that's the best idea here?"

Having said his piece, Evan begins the complex incantation to send a bolt of flame hurtling toward the goblins.

Evan will cast Firebolt. If there's an injured goblin, he targets him, if not, the closest

Attack roll d20 + Cha (3) + Prof (1)

Damage 1d10

2018-02-07, 11:45 PM
With a sigh, Arik leaps off the cart, and closes the distance so he is 30feet away. Strumming his lute, he says to the nearest, non injured one, “Your ambush is as effective as your face... dismal and hideous to witness.”

Cutting words. DC 13 WIS save for th goblin or take damage and have disadvantage on the next attack.

2018-02-08, 12:51 AM
[Okay, so the goblins will be designated Stinky & Hairy (Scimitar users), Warty & Lumpy (Shortbow users).]

Mord grabs his shield, rolls off the wagon, and scrambles around to the front. His eyes dart along the tree line searching for hidden threats as he skids to a stop facing the goblins.

He holds up his free hand and says,
"Hey! We're only carrying provisions! There's nothing here worth risking your lives for!"

AC:18, HP:12/12
Move: 20ft towards the goblins, leaving 30ft gap.
Action: Dodge

Can I actively look into woods to see if there are any more goblins hiding out there?
Here's a roll if needed:
Perception: [roll0]
Scanning the thickets, Mord does not see any more goblins hiding. However, he does spot an area of hacked-aside brush and several sets of footprints on the northern side of the road- evidence of a trail?
Mord then advances 20 feet on the goblins.

Gurik stood up on the cart to see their attackers. After hearing Mordamakos' announcement he added, Yes. Leave, while you can.


He flexed his fingers apart and together before aiming a colorful bolt at one of the goblins. He then reached for a dagger.

Action: casting eldritch blast
attack roll
damage roll
[roll1] If this does enough damage, Gurik is attempting to render unconscious, rather than to kill.

Gurik's bolt flies towards Warty, but the sneering goblin twists away from the impact. The bolt strikes Warty's armor, doing nothing.

With a sigh, Arik leaps off the cart, and closes the distance so he is 30feet away. Strumming his lute, he says to the nearest, non injured one, “Your ambush is as effective as your face... dismal and hideous to witness.”

Cutting words. DC 13 WIS save for th goblin or take damage and have disadvantage on the next attack.

Stinky winces (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22824624&postcount=1), his mind suddenly filled with doubt as Arik's insult damages him. Stinky takes 1 damage.

Evan stops playing with magical fire he had conjured in his palm as the goblins step into view. He whips his staff around and examines the threat. Seeing his companions make some questionable decisions, Evan maneuvers slightly to take cover behind the cart, while keeping Mord between himself and the greenskins.

"Negotiating? With goblins? Are we sure that's the best idea here?"

Having said his piece, Evan begins the complex incantation to send a bolt of flame hurtling toward the goblins.

Evan will cast Firebolt. If there's an injured goblin, he targets him, if not, the closest

Attack roll d20 + Cha (3) + Prof (1)

Damage 1d10

Evan's flame mote flies true, striking Stinky and burning his face. Stinky takes 2 damage.

Stinky and Hairy howl with fury and rush forward, swinging their scimitars clumsily. Warty and Lumpy, meanwhile, grab their shortbows and fire at the party.
Stinky slashes at Mord, hungry for revenge. His attack (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22824651&postcount=2) is weak, the goblin still under Arik's mocking influence, and so his sword easily bounces off Mord's armor.
Hairy slashes at Mord, following his fellow. His slash (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22824651&postcount=2) is heavy and hits Mord hard, but his armor absorbs the blow.
Warty (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22824665&postcount=3) fires an arrow at Arik, seeing the bard's power. He misses, the arrow sinking into a tree overhead.
Lumpy (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22824665&postcount=3) fires an arrow at Arik, afraid of being the next mockee. His arrow flies fast, stabbing into Arik's leg and dealing 4 damage.


Lothar draws his greatsword with a growl, "Goblins! Oh how I hate these little things." He moves forward to strike.

Note: Lothar has the lowest initiative. So, if the Goblins move, he will move to attack the closest one.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

If they do not move and stay put, then he will move ahead to close the gap.

Move: 30ft ahead and towards the leftmost Goblin
Action: Dodge

Lothar charges forward to aid Mord. However, his greatsword swing misses the wily Stinky.

Stinky is at 4 HP, the others at 7.

2018-02-08, 02:00 AM
Lothar charges forward to aid Mord. However, his greatsword swing misses the wily Stinky.

Since Cutting Words hit, Stinky should have disadvantage, so I am going to use Advantage on this turn. Is that correct? If so, here is my attack reroll for Advantage:

Attack: [roll0]

Well, crap! :smallfurious:

2018-02-08, 02:03 AM

Lothar grumbles as his huge greatsword flies wide. Clenching his jaw, he swings again with a grunt of hatred.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Note: Attack aimed at Stinky if he is still alive by the time it is Lothar's turn again. If not, it's Hairy assuming he is still in range.

2018-02-08, 05:36 AM
Mord twists his head to look back over his shoulder and shouts,
"They have archers! Get low, or take cover behind the wagon!"

He turns back to look down at the scorched face of the goblin in front of him.
You brought this on yourself, Stinky. Mord draws his longsword and lunges at the wounded goblin.

AC: 18, HP:12/12

Action: Attack Stinky [roll0] for [roll1]

2018-02-08, 10:03 AM
Arik watches as Stinky is cut down by his new team-mate. Growling in pain, Arik yanks the shaft free of his leg and looks to the goblin that shot him.
You shoot your bow with the same skill your mother chose a mate. Blindly!

Viscous Mockery
Has disadvantage on next attack if successful.

using his 30 feet of movement, Arik runs back behind the cart to gain partial cover from the goblins, raising his AC by 4.

2018-02-08, 12:18 PM
Unsatisfied with the target of his first attack, Gurik kneels and aims for the one which shot true against Arik.

There's no negotiating if they think they have everything to lose, son of dragons.


With a dagger in one hand, the half-orc plucks at unseen strings with one hand this time.

Action: Casting eldritch blast, aiming for Lumpy
I'm not certain if ducking to hopefully gain cover would mean cover is granted to the goblins, but if it is, here's a second spell attack roll if there's disadvantage

Damage: [roll2]
Once again attempting to render unconscious

2018-02-10, 10:04 AM
Evan examined the battlefield from behind the cart. These goblins were tougher than he had hoped. Hopefully they would be distracted by the bigger, scarier types, and not focus on the stunningly handsome human in the back.

Well, my friend, I have quite a bit to lose, so I'd prefer not to negotiate as well.

As the front line goblins engage with his burly friends, Evan focuses on an archer in the back.

Evan will cast Firebolt at Lumpy. Should Evan become targeted, and the attack hits with a "low" roll, Evan will reaction cast Shield.

Attack roll d20 + Cha (3) + Prof (1)

Damage 1d10

2018-02-12, 12:14 AM
Mord twists his head to look back over his shoulder and shouts,
"They have archers! Get low, or take cover behind the wagon!"

He turns back to look down at the scorched face of the goblin in front of him.
You brought this on yourself, Stinky. Mord draws his longsword and lunges at the wounded goblin.

AC: 18, HP:12/12

Action: Attack Stinky [roll0] for [roll1]
Mord's longsword slices heavily through the air and cuts into Stinky's chest. Stinky lets out a pained cry and slumps to the ground, dead.

Unsatisfied with the target of his first attack, Gurik kneels and aims for the one which shot true against Arik.

There's no negotiating if they think they have everything to lose, son of dragons.


With a dagger in one hand, the half-orc plucks at unseen strings with one hand this time.

Action: Casting eldritch blast, aiming for Lumpy
I'm not certain if ducking to hopefully gain cover would mean cover is granted to the goblins, but if it is, here's a second spell attack roll if there's disadvantage

Damage: [roll2]
Once again attempting to render unconscious

Gurik's blast sizzles past Lumpy's pointed nose, but the slimy goblin manages to avoid being hit.

Arik watches as Stinky is cut down by his new team-mate. Growling in pain, Arik yanks the shaft free of his leg and looks to the goblin that shot him.
You shoot your bow with the same skill your mother chose a mate. Blindly!

Viscous Mockery
Has disadvantage on next attack if successful.

using his 30 feet of movement, Arik runs back behind the cart to gain partial cover from the goblins, raising his AC by 4.
Tears fill Lumpy's eyes as Arik's insult twists in his mind. Lumpy takes 1 damage and has disadvantage on his next attack.

Evan examined the battlefield from behind the cart. These goblins were tougher than he had hoped. Hopefully they would be distracted by the bigger, scarier types, and not focus on the stunningly handsome human in the back.

Well, my friend, I have quite a bit to lose, so I'd prefer not to negotiate as well.

As the front line goblins engage with his burly friends, Evan focuses on an archer in the back.

Evan will cast Firebolt at Lumpy. Should Evan become targeted, and the attack hits with a "low" roll, Evan will reaction cast Shield.

Attack roll d20 + Cha (3) + Prof (1)

Damage 1d10
The burning projectile rockets straight for Lumpy and strikes him dead in the stomach, dealing 2 damage.

Hairy (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22834749&postcount=5)'s eyes grow fearful as Stinky is cut down, but he slashes at Lothar. The blade hits Lothar's shoulder, dealing 3 damage.
Lumpy (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?550483-Magenta-s-lost-mine-rolls&p=22834756#post22834756), mind still reeling, tries to aim a shot at Mord. However, his shaking hands cause the arrow to miss the tiefling.
Warty (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?550483-Magenta-s-lost-mine-rolls&p=22834761#post22834761) tries to retaliate against Evan for the attack on his fellow archer. However, his shot goes the same as Lumpy's, missing.


Lothar grumbles as his huge greatsword flies wide. Clenching his jaw, he swings again with a grunt of hatred.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Note: Attack aimed at Stinky if he is still alive by the time it is Lothar's turn again. If not, it's Hairy assuming he is still in range.

This time, Lothar's blade strikes true, slicing through the unfortunate Hairy and dropping him dead.

Stinky and Hairy dead. Lumpy at 3, Warty at 7.

2018-02-12, 05:51 AM
Mord grimaces as the goblin goes down, then flicks a line of blood from his sword and charges the archers.

He skids to a stop in front of Lumpy and aims a disabling strike at the goblin's knee.

Aiming to make a non-lethal attack on Lumpy

AC: 18, HP:12/12

Attack: [roll0] for [roll1]

2018-02-12, 10:04 AM

Lothar grunts as Hairy's scimitar slices into him, just as Lothar strikes through and cuts him down. Enraged, he yells at the remaining Goblins. "You shall die now!" He charges with his mighty greatsword ready to bring the finishing blows down.

Lothar will charge Warty only after he attacks this round.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2018-02-12, 02:09 PM
Arik looks to the healthiest looking Goblin Were your parents blind, or did they raise you in the dark?

Vicious Mockery
DC 13. Disadvantage on the next attack.

2018-02-12, 09:29 PM
After seeing this miss, Gurik aimed once more for the goblin whose armor he had struck.


Gurik is still kneeling on the wagon to try to have cover.

Attack: casting eldritch blast, aiming for Warty
spell attack roll
damage roll
[roll1] force damage

2018-02-14, 04:45 PM
Why won't you die, you warty little...

Pointing, Evan sends another bolt of flames at the archer.

Evan will cast Firebolt. If there's an injured goblin, he targets him, if not, the closest

Attack roll d20 + Cha (3) + Prof (1)

Damage 1d10

2018-02-14, 11:16 PM
Mord strikes Lumpy in his knee. The goblin drops his bow and keels over, his eyes rolling back. He slumps to the ground, breathing but unconscious.

Warty barely has time to turn to Mord before Gurik's eldritch blast hits him full in the chest. The acne-afflicted goblin stumbles back a step before dying with a gurgle.

The trail is suddenly quiet again. You hear nought but a few birds in the distance. In front of the goblin bodies lies the arrow-filled horses, and the trail Mord spotted is up on the side of the embankment.

Now that we're out of combat, I may respond to people's actions before everyone posts a round.

2018-02-15, 06:30 AM
Mord wipes his sword on Lumpy's clothes then stows his shield.

"Is anyone hurt?" he asks, looking around at the others.

He points at the trail he spotted and says,
"It looks like they came from up there - a trail leading off to the north."

2018-02-15, 10:01 AM

Lothar grunts as the last goblin falls. Four less Goblins in this world, is a good thing. But, there must be something behind this attack. I think we should tread carefully.

Turning to Mord, I have a small knick on my shoulder, but I will be ok. I think we should scout that trail. Lothar stows his mighty greatsword and starts to examine the fallen goblins for something that may give a clue as to where they came from and their mission.

2018-02-15, 11:01 AM
"They're not all dead, this one just fainted from the pain. If he wakes up, we might be able to talk to him."

Mord slings Lumpy's bow and quiver over his own shoulder, then unstraps the rope from his pack and starts binding the goblin's hands and feet.

Looking back over at Stinky's corpse, Mord's tail begins to twitch in agitation. It's only the second person he's ever killed.

2018-02-15, 01:27 PM
Evan steps out from behind the cart, glad that the mortal danger has passed, but relishing the last few feelings of burning power in his fingers before it dissipates. Parlor tricks were fun, but nothing compared to the sensation when danger caused him to tap deep into his true draconic essence. Composing himself, he addressed the group.

Talk to him? He's a goblin. Who jumped out from behind a bush. And started shooting at us. For no apparent reason. What do you think he's going to say? That he misses his wife and kids? That he needs to rush back to his cave before his stew boils over? I say we leave his head on a stick at the trail head as a warning to whatever is up that path and get on our way. I don't know about you, but I don't want to keep the Rockseekers waiting.

I know that exploring the path is the adventury thing to do, but Evan struggles with his conflicting urges to be both a hero and a coward, so I'm just trying to play him out a little :)

2018-02-15, 01:34 PM

Lothar looks at the unconscious goblin and spits on him. Looking at Mord, I agree with the sorcerer. This thing deserves to die. But, if it is your will, let the Orc get some information from him. I'll be waiting by the cart while you play with this thing ready to kill it should it make a wrong move.

Lothar returns to original location by the cart while the Tiefling and Half Orc do their business with the Goblin. He constantly is alert and scanning the way forward in the event of another attack.

2018-02-15, 04:59 PM
Arik smiles at the trail where the goblins came from as he binds the arrow hole in his leg. well... there is nothing as healing as revenge I always say. It looks like they have been robbing people hear a while if they were camped out here and taking that trail. I say we steal some of thr loot they stole, and rid the world of this tribe while we are at it.

Ariks dark mirth is only deepened when he gets a better look at the horse and rider.

2018-02-15, 05:08 PM
Mord double checks the goblin's bindings and says,
"If you're right about there being a bigger tribe, we need to know, or they could dog us all the way to Phandalin."

He presses two fingers against the goblin's forehead and closes his eyes.

Magenta - I forgot to ask if I need to roll for binding. There's no use rope in 5e, but just in case you want a flat Dex check:
Dexterity: [roll0]

Also I'm invoking Lay on Hands to heal Lumpy for 1 hit point, with the intent of waking him up.

(btw therp, I don't think there are any people bodies - just the two horses.)

2018-02-15, 10:27 PM
Mord double checks the goblin's bindings and says,
"If you're right about there being a bigger tribe, we need to know, or they could dog us all the way to Phandalin."

He presses two fingers against the goblin's forehead and closes his eyes.

Magenta - I forgot to ask if I need to roll for binding. There's no use rope in 5e, but just in case you want a flat Dex check:
Dexterity: [roll0]

Also I'm invoking Lay on Hands to heal Lumpy for 1 hit point, with the intent of waking him up.

(btw therp, I don't think there are any people bodies - just the two horses.)

(No need for a binding check in this case.)
Lumpy shudders as Mord's healing flows into him. The goblin's eyes blink groggily, then shoot open in fear as he takes in his situation. The goblin bares his teeth and feebly tries to spit at Mord, but is shuddering.
"Stinkin' humans! I won't tell you nothin', see? Lemme go or I'll lick the lot of ya once I get me bow back!"

Arik smiles at the trail where the goblins came from as he binds the arrow hole in his leg. well... there is nothing as healing as revenge I always say. It looks like they have been robbing people hear a while if they were camped out here and taking that trail. I say we steal some of thr loot they stole, and rid the world of this tribe while we are at it.

Ariks dark mirth is only deepened when he gets a better look at the horse and rider.
(No rider bodies, just the two horse corpses.)
As Arik examines the two horses and the area around them, he recognizes signs of about a dozen goblins who have come and gone along the trail. As well, he sees evidence of two human-sized bodies being hauled away from the ambush site.


Lothar grunts as the last goblin falls. Four less Goblins in this world, is a good thing. But, there must be something behind this attack. I think we should tread carefully.

Turning to Mord, I have a small knick on my shoulder, but I will be ok. I think we should scout that trail. Lothar stows his mighty greatsword and starts to examine the fallen goblins for something that may give a clue as to where they came from and their mission.
Searching the goblin bodies, Lothar finds two scimitars, shortswords, quivers of arrows and grimy wooden shields. However, he finds no other items, apart from a few stale crusts of tack.

2018-02-16, 09:03 AM
Mord grabs Lumpy by the shoulders and says,
"Listen, you little squirt: these people behind me are ready to kill you!"

He points back at Evan.
"Look at him! Look into his eyes! You're just vermin to him. Look at that half-orc! All of these people are ready to cut your head off right now!"

Mord's voice softens,
"But if you tell us who you are, all your names, what you're doing out here, and if there are any more of you out there, then I'll try and convince the others to let you go. No bow though - you lost your right to that."

I think I'm making a persuasion check to try and convince him to answer-

Persuasion: [roll0]

2018-02-16, 11:12 AM
Evan smiles cheerfully and waves at Lumpy. He turns to Lothar, Vermin might be a bit strong, but I can't say I'm a fan of goblins. Lothar was it? I think you and I are going to be fast friends.

2018-02-16, 11:39 AM

Scanning the horizon with one eye and keeping another on that disgusting, talking creature, he says to Evan, "No, they are worse than vermin and all deserve to die. One way or another, this planet should be rid of the Goblin race."

Then shouting at Mord, "We should probably hurry this up, and dont trust a word that thing says. There could be more on the way."

2018-02-18, 12:15 AM
Mord grabs Lumpy by the shoulders and says,
"Listen, you little squirt: these people behind me are ready to kill you!"

He points back at Evan.
"Look at him! Look into his eyes! You're just vermin to him. Look at that half-orc! All of these people are ready to cut your head off right now!"

Mord's voice softens,
"But if you tell us who you are, all your names, what you're doing out here, and if there are any more of you out there, then I'll try and convince the others to let you go. No bow though - you lost your right to that."

I think I'm making a persuasion check to try and convince him to answer-

Persuasion: [roll0]
Mord's highly persuasive words soften Lumpy's resolve. (The heavily armed guys scowling behind him help, too. :smallbiggrin:)
"Okay, okay, I'll tell you what I know!
There's less'n 20 of us in th' lair. We ambush an' loot caravans that don't look well defended. That trail up there-" Lumpy indicates the trail Mord spotted- "it leads to th' lair.
Th' boss is a bugbear called Klarg. He answers to King Grol, chief of tha whole Cragmaw Tribe; lives up in Cragmaw Castle.
A few days ago, a messenger came from Grol. Said that someone called tha Black Spider was paying the Cragmaws to watch out for a dwarf named Gundren Rockseeker, nab 'im, and bring 'im and 'is stuff back to Grol.
So we ambushed Gundren, an' took 'im and his map to Cragmaw Castle. There was a human with 'im, too. We're keeping 'im in the lair's eating cave."
Lumpy keeps his eyes on Evan and Lothar while speaking, trembling but trying to hide it.

2018-02-18, 03:11 PM
Mord scowls at the accusation of the wagon not looking well defended, but seems to grow more confused as the goblin explains.

When the explanation is over, he turns to the rest of the party and asks,
"What does it mean? Cragmaw Castle? There's some kind of spider, and what's a bug bear!?
Does anyone understand what he's talking about?"

Mord has an intelligence of 9. Someone help him out?

2018-02-19, 05:18 PM

Lothar looks at Mord, As I said, do not trust that disgusting thing. I think it is time to end its life.

Lothar has the same intelligence! Kill Goblins and Orcs, thats his thing

2018-02-19, 10:51 PM
This will take two actions to accomplish. 1action for using Fey Presence to try to charm the goblin. If Lumpy fails a Wisdom save against Gurik's spell DC, the second action to try to deceive Lumpy into saying something which confirms Gundren is alive may have advantage.
Roll for regular Deception
Roll in case Gurik has advantage
Gurik moves from the cart and looks toward the bound goblin. A shimmer seems to pass over his face before he beguns speaking.

You don't expect us to believe that story. The bloodthirsty man is right. You don't have the honor to leave Gundren alive. You're making tales to get us to look for a dead man or a map while we walk into your tribe.

2018-02-19, 11:06 PM
Lumpy's eyes glaze over as Gurik exerts his fey presence.
"No, I ain't lyin'! The dwarf is alive, an 'is map, we delivered 'im to King Grol up in Cragmaw Castle. Th' castle's about twenty miles northeast of our hideout, in Neverwinter Wood.

2018-02-20, 07:33 AM
As much as I doubt the creature, if that is the case, then we must be on our way to save him. Do what you will to the goblin. It is of no further consequence. Lets go save Gundren... or avenge him.

2018-02-20, 08:50 AM
Mord leans in to Lumpy, and quietly says,
"Thanks, Lumpy. When you wake up - if you wake up - count it as a blessing. Cut your losses. Get as far away from here as you can, and try to find a new way to live,"
then he clocks the goblin over the head.

He turns to the others and says,
"Does anyone think we should hide the wagon? If we dragged it a way into the South woods and hitched the horses, it wouldn't be so obvious to any thieves. I'll deal with the bodies."

If nobody stops him, Mord will grab two goblin arms in each hand and drag the bodies away into the forest on the south side of the road. When he's out of sight of the road, he unties Lumpy, then pulls the last gold piece from his coinpurse and presses it into the unconscious goblin's hand. Finally he places a wrapped ration pack at Lumpy's feet and heads back to the road.

If this attack misses, can I assume I just kept swinging until I knocked Lumpy out?

Punching Lumpy (nonlethally) to knock him out.
Attack: [roll0]

2018-02-20, 09:06 AM

Lothar watches and listens intently to the Goblin. He is troubled by the other goblins nearby and shares his compatriots feelings about saving the dwarf.

“While I agree that Gunden needs some help, since he has our money, I do not like that hive of goblins creeping up behind us. Plus, they are holding Gundens partner. I think we should deal with the more immediate threat of that cave and see if we can find out more about this Black Spider. I’m sure Gunden would reward us more if we happen to free his partner too.”

Looking at Mord, “I will help push this wagon into the brush.”


Lothar, 1st level Fighter
AC: 16
HP: 9/12
Initiative: +2
Perception: +0 (passive 10)
Proficiency Bonus: +2

Greatsword (+5 Attack, 2D6+3 slashing damage. Heavy, Two-Handed)
Crossbow, Light (+4 Attack, 1D8+2 piercing damage. Ammunition, Loading, Range 80/320, Two-Handed)

Protective/Other Magical Items:
None ()

Savings Throws: STR +5 / DEX +2 / CON +4 / INT -1 / WIS 0 / CHA +1.
Ability Mod: STR +3 / DEX +2 / CON +2 / INT -1 / WIS 0 / CHA +1.

(Acrobatics +4, Animal Handling 0, Arcana -1, Athletics +5, Deception +1, History -1, Insight 0,
Intimidation +3, Investigation -1, Medicine 0, Nature -1, Perception 0, Performance +1,
Persuasion +1, Religion -1, Sleight of Hand +2, Stealth +2, Survival +2)

Other Special Abilities:
---Great Weapon Fighting - When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee
weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even
if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to
gain this benefit.
---Second Wind - You have a limited well of stamina that you can draw on to protect yourself from harm.
On your turn, you can use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to 1d10 + your fighter level. Once
you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.
---Languages - Common, Giant, Dwarvish.

Spells, Cantrips and Invocations:

2018-02-20, 10:41 PM
Looking toward the dead horses, Gurik thought of how to remove them.

If we are to hide our cart, and seek Hallwinter, it will not remain hidden long if others cannot pass. If we are to leave, we still need the road unblocked. Unless the son of dragons can produce a faster flame, I think we have some carving ahead.

He began to consider the state of the horses and draw out a handaxe. There may be some meat for our packs, if the trap isn't too old.

2018-02-21, 09:39 PM
Mord wanders back to the road dusting his hands off.
"Well, we'll need to find the goblin lair to orient ourselves towards the castle in any event. Shall we take a short break and then be off?"

Suggesting we take a short rest to recover some HP, then head off down the trail.

2018-02-21, 11:57 PM

Lothar watches and listens intently to the Goblin. He is troubled by the other goblins nearby and shares his compatriots feelings about saving the dwarf.

“While I agree that Gunden needs some help, since he has our money, I do not like that hive of goblins creeping up behind us. Plus, they are holding Gundens partner. I think we should deal with the more immediate threat of that cave and see if we can find out more about this Black Spider. I’m sure Gunden would reward us more if we happen to free his partner too.”

Looking at Mord, “I will help push this wagon into the brush.”

Mord leans in to Lumpy, and quietly says,
"Thanks, Lumpy. When you wake up - if you wake up - count it as a blessing. Cut your losses. Get as far away from here as you can, and try to find a new way to live,"
then he clocks the goblin over the head.

He turns to the others and says,
"Does anyone think we should hide the wagon? If we dragged it a way into the South woods and hitched the horses, it wouldn't be so obvious to any thieves. I'll deal with the bodies."

If nobody stops him, Mord will grab two goblin arms in each hand and drag the bodies away into the forest on the south side of the road. When he's out of sight of the road, he unties Lumpy, then pulls the last gold piece from his coinpurse and presses it into the unconscious goblin's hand. Finally he places a wrapped ration pack at Lumpy's feet and heads back to the road.

If this attack misses, can I assume I just kept swinging until I knocked Lumpy out?

Punching Lumpy (nonlethally) to knock him out.
Attack: [roll0]
The goblin is knocked cleanly unconscious and is left lying in the forest, along with Mord's gifts of kindness. Working together, Lothar and Mord push the wagon into the nearby brush and cover it somewhat with branches.

Looking toward the dead horses, Gurik thought of how to remove them.

If we are to hide our cart, and seek Hallwinter, it will not remain hidden long if others cannot pass. If we are to leave, we still need the road unblocked. Unless the son of dragons can produce a faster flame, I think we have some carving ahead.

He began to consider the state of the horses and draw out a handaxe. There may be some meat for our packs, if the trap isn't too old.
Examining the horse bodies, Gurik recalls that they are the horses Gundren and Hallwinter rode on when they left Neverwinter. The saddlebags have been looted, and nearby lies an empty leather map case. The horses have been dead for about a day, but unfortunately the flies, hot weather and birds of prey have already been hard at work on these corpses. The meat is in no condition to eat, but the bodies are chopped up easily by Gurik's axe.

2018-02-22, 11:17 AM

In response to Mord, Lothar says, "Yes, let us recover some." Then, turning to Arik, "After you are well rested, can you scout that trail ahead? You'll need to be quiet because Goblins lay all kinds of traps."

Short Rest: [roll0] HPs recovered

2018-02-22, 10:47 PM
After cutting the horses into more moveable pieces and disposing of them far enough away from the cart, Gurik returned to the group and sat down with them while taking a drink from his waterskin.

I think I recognized those horses by their coats. They may have been the same horses Gundren and Hallwinter set out on. There was a case for a map. That lends some truth to the goblin's story. I would guess they were dead for a day or so, but I wouldn't take that meat unless it were a harsh winter. Let the wolves or the gibberlings take it.

While he leaned back against his pack the half-orc chuckled a bit as he remembered something. "Did they raise you in the dark?" That one may need some work. Would colors mean so much to you, Arik?

2018-02-23, 09:09 PM

I can scout ahead as soon as you are ready. I want to get some well earned Revenge. What do you mean about raising in the dark and colors friend? I am lost. You can tell me on the trail. I am eager for blood
After resting, Arik heads out on the path. Stay close, but not to close... If there are traps i will need you to pull me out of them.

[roll1] Stealth
[roll2] Perception for goblins and traps
[roll3] Investigation if needed

2018-02-24, 02:05 AM

I can scout ahead as soon as you are ready. I want to get some well earned Revenge. What do you mean about raising in the dark and colors friend? I am lost. You can tell me on the trail. I am eager for blood
After resting, Arik heads out on the path. Stay close, but not to close... If there are traps i will need you to pull me out of them.

[roll1] Stealth
[roll2] Perception for goblins and traps
[roll3] Investigation if needed

About 10 minutes down the trail, Arik notices a hidden snare. Stepping over it nimbly, he continues down the trail. After another 10 minutes or so, he detects a camouflaged pit hidden on the ground, about 6 feet across. After that, going down the trail further, he finds that the trail ends at a large cave mouth with a path leading in and a shallow stream flowing out of it and away into the woods. He does not detect any creatures around the cave mouth.

2018-02-24, 11:00 PM
While he cleaned the blade of his handaxe, Gurk responded to the bard. I mean your last taunt to the goblins was not a strong one. You're in the dark, so you don't see colors. Wouldn't you know... The half-orc paused before responding again. That is to say, you seemed... elfy. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Look, if you can't see in the dark, fine. I think the goblins do.

After the rest was complete, he followed a bit behind Arik as he scouted the trail. Gurik used his dagger to cut small branches and placed them to mark the goblins' traps the bard had pointed out. He tried to assess the age of the trail as they traveled along it.

Gurik is proficient in both nature and survival. Magentamist, I'm not sure which would be more relevant, so here is a roll for each, in case.


2018-02-25, 08:28 PM
While he cleaned the blade of his handaxe, Gurk responded to the bard. I mean your last taunt to the goblins was not a strong one. You're in the dark, so you don't see colors. Wouldn't you know... The half-orc paused before responding again. That is to say, you seemed... elfy. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Look, if you can't see in the dark, fine. I think the goblins do.

After the rest was complete, he followed a bit behind Arik as he scouted the trail. Gurik used his dagger to cut small branches and placed them to mark the goblins' traps the bard had pointed out. He tried to assess the age of the trail as they traveled along it.

Gurik is proficient in both nature and survival. Magentamist, I'm not sure which would be more relevant, so here is a roll for each, in case.


well... I am elf...ish... My tints are not just what is said. I wrap magic into them to cause doubt and mental harm. I could speak in sylvan calling them a donkey goat fishing it would have the same effect.

Arik smiles mischievously. I could have done much more frightening things to them, but I am trying to save my Magic’s for a bigger fight.

2018-02-27, 12:27 AM
Gurik thought for a bit on the trail about Arik's words. Perhaps he, too, could do something similar with his power. All the taunts he had learned when they were directed at him might not be as valuable if magic made intimidation so easy. That seemed like a cheat... and part of him wanted to find out how far he could push that.

When the cave came into sight, the half-orc whispered to Arik. We should return.

2018-02-27, 08:26 AM
As they walk along the trail, Mord approaches Arik and says,
"Oh, that reminds me! Here Arik, I took this from one of the goblins."

He passes Arik one of the shortbows he collected from the ranged goblins back at the road.
"In case you want to throw arrows, as well as insults."

2018-02-27, 10:42 AM

Lothar follows along with the party being careful to avoid the traps that Gurik has marked. When the reach of the mouth of the cave, he ducks behind some foliage and awaits everyone to catch up. His adrenaline is starting to pump as the thought of killing more Goblins has him bloodthirsty.

"Direct assault or scout & kill? I think we should go in and wipe out these goblins with Mord and I in the lead."

2018-02-28, 10:11 AM
"We'll be walking into their home, they'll have us at a disadvantage. Traps, archer placements, I think we should be careful."

Mord tightens the silk sash around his wrist.
"If it comes to fighting, I'll focus on protecting the others and supporting you on the front line, though I don't look foward to fighting a bug bear. What even is a bugbear!?"

2018-02-28, 10:30 AM

Lothar considers Mord's words. Though he loves a good fight, maybe Mord is right that discretion is the better part of valor in this case. "Send in the bard."