View Full Version : Divination races?

2018-02-03, 03:06 PM
I have a campaign about to start, and I've decided upon a divination wizard, but I am unsure on what race would fit best to the concept. Going more for a paranoid, must know everything going on type of diviner than one about fate.

My question being, what race fits a divination wizard best? And not just mechanically.

I've been drawn to elves, who can spend half their night awake. Tieflings, who would be rightfully paranoid about what others thought of them. And gnomes, because... well, eccentric personalities are just so gnomish.

Is there anything I am missing? Any other suggestions?

2018-02-03, 03:22 PM
Would your DM allow a Warforged Surveillance Drone character?

2018-02-03, 03:45 PM
A halfling that has an affinity to psychedelic drugs? Could explain a good deal of paranoia. I was thinking along the lines of Radgast the Brown. Nets you the racial trait lucky for extra roll manipulation. Made even better with the bountiful luck feat.

2018-02-03, 11:16 PM
I love the suggestions, but unfortunately, due to campaign settings, the technology needed for a warforged character is not available. I also do not have the experience with drugs to pull of the halfling idea, though it sounds like fun.

2018-02-03, 11:29 PM
How about an honorable and dignified Dragonborn seer or shaman? Someone who's training to serve their clan as either a leader, or advisor. It lets you be a bit oracular, and also take the role of party brainiac/sounding board/voice of sanity.

2018-02-04, 01:01 AM
If you want a paranoid race, look at beholders. PC races typically are not known for traits like paranoia, leaving aspects like that to backgrounds. I'll toss a few character concepts though.

A halfling with a gambling problem, used his luck and magic to influence the outcome at the wrong tables. Now he has an organized crime family after him and looking to collect with "interest".

A human apprenticed at the local newspaper (or campaign equivalent) obsessively collects scraps and rumors from the cutting room floor, drawing connections and mapping out a grand conspiracy. He sees signs of the shadow organization's influence everywhere he looks.

A half elf student/acolyte got drunk with some peers one night of carousing, and stole a macguffin from an accidentally uncovered cache, not knowing it was meant for Xanathar. The beholder wants his property back and to make an example of the thief.