View Full Version : Converting a Temple!

2018-02-04, 01:59 PM
Hello and thanks for the help in advance.

Firstly, Michel and Justin walk away, don't read any further.

Sorry two of my players pop on here every now and then and this is a big plot point of my current game. So don't want then to ruin it for themselves.

So here the layout:
the players have found themselfhemselves dealing with a necromancer and the undead for the first time in nearly 100 years. Quick back story, raven queen and her followers slayed orcus 100 years ago, thus ending the curse of undeath.

Now the city they were in was hit and they have followed the clues to a small temple.

The plot I am aiming for is this is an ancient temple to the Raven Queen, and at some point the temple was converted to worshipping orcus.

I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions of how to represent this to the party. I have a few trap ideas, which I belive they will enjoy and some puzzles. But I looking for some help on the building it out, more than just symbols carved over the old symbols.

2018-02-04, 02:08 PM
I strongly suggest that you use the spoiler tag

So here the layout:
the players have found themselfhemselves dealing with a necromancer and the undead for the first time in nearly 100 years. Quick back story, raven queen and her followers slayed orcus 100 years ago, thus ending the curse of undeath.

Now the city they were in was hit and they have followed the clues to a small temple.

The plot I am aiming for is this is an ancient temple to the Raven Queen, and at some point the temple was converted to worshipping orcus.

I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions of how to represent this to the party. I have a few trap ideas, which I belive they will enjoy and some puzzles. But I looking for some help on the building it out, more than just symbols carved over the old symbols.

2018-02-04, 02:27 PM
I strongly suggest that you use the spoiler tag

Thank yoy! :)

2018-02-04, 09:44 PM
if your looking for a way to represent it I would say if it was recent then make it look sloppy like they barely covered it up. But since its a while ago I would have it so if they talk to people in the town they could tell you or if they make a history check. I advise you make them have to look for information or make it evident not obvious. If all else fails have them overhear some one remark on it or something of that nature. On the inside i would have it somewhat apparent that things have been painted / carved over. Sorry if this is not what you were looking for.

2018-02-05, 01:39 AM
The most important question to ask is what was the original purpose of the temple before it was retrofitted? This controls the layout. I like the idea of this being a crypt of sort where bodies where stored that would have

A - risen as undead if they where not attended to


B - impossible to destroy without creating a restless spirit

From Dawn to Dusk, the Raven Queens faithful servants would venture into the tomb looking for bodies whose enchantments had begun to fade so they could take them to a holy chamber where the could be restored. At Night they sealed themselves into humble quarters where they awaited the day that they would join the host of bodies they attended. For working so close to these corrupted bodies spread the corruption along.
This was the temples function for centuries as it slowly collected an impressive host of Orcus's most powerful necromancers. Of course when the Raven Queen destroyed Orcus and ended all of his curses the temple had no more function and was left to abandonment. The bodies left to rot as the Raven Queen now had total Dominion over their souls
However this was not the end of the temples function, for while Orcus was destroyed, his followers where not. They quietly moved in when the Raven Queen moved out and took up the task of preservation, so that one day when Orcus returned, it would not be to an empire of dust.

Temple Construction:

1. The entrance -
Then: A simple tunnel that winds and weaves though the mountains
Now: Loose rocks and roots clog the tunnel up
2. The chamber of solidarity -
Then: A simple chamber that separates the outside world from the tomb, where the Raven Queens followers lived
Now: An empty chamber with a broken locking mechanism

And so on

2018-02-05, 06:00 AM
A good illustration would be to have the altar furnishings be completely removed and replaced, with different holy symbols, etc. Have the original stuff in the basement under guard, and give the players a magic item for restoring them. That would be cool.

2018-02-05, 10:58 AM
One thing that might be cool would be a backward flowing hour glass that once flowed forward. In its time it symbolized the finality of death, the sands falling down in to the hand of the Raven Queen. The sculpture of the hand has been altered to be more demonic and the sand flows back up, symbolizing Orcus and his desire to raise the dead under his power

2018-02-06, 01:19 PM
The most important question to ask is what was the original purpose of the temple before it was retrofitted? This controls the layout. I like the idea of this being a crypt of sort where bodies where stored that would have

A - risen as undead if they where not attended to


B - impossible to destroy without creating a restless spirit

From Dawn to Dusk, the Raven Queens faithful servants would venture into the tomb looking for bodies whose enchantments had begun to fade so they could take them to a holy chamber where the could be restored. At Night they sealed themselves into humble quarters where they awaited the day that they would join the host of bodies they attended. For working so close to these corrupted bodies spread the corruption along.
This was the temples function for centuries as it slowly collected an impressive host of Orcus's most powerful necromancers. Of course when the Raven Queen destroyed Orcus and ended all of his curses the temple had no more function and was left to abandonment. The bodies left to rot as the Raven Queen now had total Dominion over their souls
However this was not the end of the temples function, for while Orcus was destroyed, his followers where not. They quietly moved in when the Raven Queen moved out and took up the task of preservation, so that one day when Orcus returned, it would not be to an empire of dust.

Temple Construction:

1. The entrance -
Then: A simple tunnel that winds and weaves though the mountains
Now: Loose rocks and roots clog the tunnel up
2. The chamber of solidarity -
Then: A simple chamber that separates the outside world from the tomb, where the Raven Queens followers lived
Now: An empty chamber with a broken locking mechanism

And so on

I absolutely love this.

I was thinking the temple would open up like a tomb to the queen, with a statue of a heroic character, and then a tomb against the wall, which is a hidden door to the true temple.

I like the idea that this was once used as a place to store the followers of undeath and now is maybe like a necromancer energy point because so many of them were gathered. My campaign setting has the raven queen falling out of favor, since undeath is so rare people don't see as much much need. So maybe as her powers are fading this necromatic powers are surgering.
Have the temple be refitted as a shrine to orcus, and the body of the once stoic guard is now a mouth to talk to those whom passed.

Give then a chance to learn about the previous necromancer, and see what the big bad is planning.

Also gives them a goal to find these other temples, maybe have the temples be the key to the revival of orcus or something.

2018-02-06, 02:23 PM
I also like what I have come up. I think that I will be fleshing out a crypt as well