View Full Version : Law Vs. Neutral Vs. Chaos

2018-02-05, 09:47 AM
So I posted this a few days a go(http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?549992-The-sides-of-the-law-vs-chaos-conflict) I was looking for the primary outer planer creature for the CG alinement for a game I will be running. This game is base on the war between law and chaos spinning out of control. I learned some thing there and would like to poses this question. What are the premier outer planer creatures for each alinement. This is what I have

LG: Archons,Angles NG: Guardinals,Angles CG: Eladrin,Angles, Lillend,asure,Titans
LN: Modrons,Formians N: Rilmani CN: Slaad,Titans
LE: Baatezu, Baatorians NE: Yugoloth CE: Tanar'ri, Titans, Obyrith

What I am trying to do with this is make a listed of what creatures would be on what sides of the conflict I am working on

2018-02-05, 10:02 AM
Looks like you're missing Inevitables (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/inevitable.htm).

2018-02-05, 10:06 AM
Inevitables are LN, but they are not exemplars of LN the way modrons are.

They are to LN, what Angels are to Good - its agents, but not its exemplars. Guardinals are "exemplars of NG".

2018-02-05, 12:27 PM
Again, Angels don't belong on that list. They aren't Exemplars. The Nine Exemplar races are quite stritcly defined:

LG: Archons NG: Guardinals CG: Eladrin
LN: Modrons N: Rilmani CN: Slaad
LE: Baatezu NE: Yugoloth CE: Tanar'ri

There are of course, other big crreatures of various alignments, but they don't hold the same position of cosic power.

If you want some more outsider groups and similar:
Angels (Any good, depending on god), Formians (Lawful Neutral), Asura (Chaotic Good), Lillend (Chaotic Good), Titans (chaotic), Obyrith (Chaotic Evil), Baatorians (Lawful Evil)

2018-02-05, 12:56 PM
Outsiders are described as being composed of the essence (but not necessarily the material) of the plane that they originate from. I'd regard any outsider described as being native to specifically aligned planes and with alignment subtypes as an exemplar of that alignment, as they are the literal embodiment of the alignment in question.

Angels are described as being natives of good planes and have the good subtype. They may lean towards lawful or chaotic individually, but as a whole they represent good above all else. They are described as being impeccably honorable, regardless of their position on the law-chaos axis, and the most trustworthy and diplomatic of all celestials. They are literally Good incarnate, and thus should be considered exemplars of their alignment.

Inevitables are lawful, but they are constructs rather than outsiders. They do originate from lawful planes and have the lawful subtype, as well as intelligence score that allows them at least a semblance of sentience, and are described as existing solely to uphold the natural laws of the universe, so one might say that they embody law to such a degree that they should be considered exemplars of law. One might also argue, though, that as they are merely constructs designed to embody the law rather than outsiders born of law itself, they are not literally Law incarnate and thus should not be considered exemplars.
Regardless, they are designed only to hunt those who have made specific transgressions. In a cosmic war of law vs. chaos, it is unlikely that they would allow themselves to be used as weapons to smite things simply for having a chaotic alignment if those chaotic creatures have not broken the specific law that they are designed to uphold.

Also, Archons for LG :P

2018-02-05, 05:40 PM
Exemplar has a more narrow definition than that, though. They aren't just outsiders. They are created by the essence of the plane itself, made of mortal souls, have planar rulers (like the lords of hell, or demon princes) and rule an entire plane. They are Exemplars of a Plane, not an alignment.

Angels, in contrast, aren't made by the planes. They are made by the gods. it matters.

2018-02-06, 05:25 PM
Its further complicated by the fact that this conflict spanned eons, so many of these races wouldn't have existed at the same time.

If you are involving Eladrins, which you seem to be, this implies you are setting the campaign near the end of this conflict. I'm pretty sure they are quite recent players in the scheme of things.

Realistically, you wouldn't have Baatorians and Baatezu in the conflict together. Its going to be before Asmodeus and his archons were sent to Baator. Since they were dispatched there in the first place, it seems logical that the Baatorians had not been directly involved in the conflict for a considerable length of time either.

Good and evil weren't big players at all before Asmodeus fell, and I think the canon suggests that "archons" were pretty uniform angel-like beings of Law before the Baatezu fell, without major concerns/leanings about good and evil. I represent this kind of proto-archon in my campaign as the Justicator from MM3.

2018-02-06, 05:41 PM
If you are involving Eladrins, which you seem to be, this implies you are setting the campaign near the end of this conflict. I'm pretty sure they are quite recent players in the scheme of things.

There isn't a lot of detail, but I believe that somewhere when Good and Evil started to become major players the demons betrayed a bunch of eladrin, imprisoned them, and thereby caused a split in the forces of chaos. One of the Fiendish Codices has details on the abyssal layer that holds those eladrin.

2018-02-06, 05:56 PM
There isn't a lot of detail, but I believe that somewhere when Good and Evil started to become major players the demons betrayed a bunch of eladrin, imprisoned them, and thereby caused a split in the forces of chaos. One of the Fiendish Codices has details on the abyssal layer that holds those eladrin.
It wasn't eladrins that were betrayed, it was astral devas - the representatives of deities, who'd been invited to a peace treaty, after the overthrow of the obyriths by their tanar'ri slaves. The layer was Twelvetrees (layer 12).

The layer with the eladrins (Androlynne, layer 471), is described differently.

First the eladrins invaded the Abyss - simultaneous with the obyrith overthrow.

Then, as revenge, the obyrith Pale Night tricked the Royal Consort of Queen Morwel's, of the time, which involved delivering an entire generation of eladrin children to that layer and binding them to it.

After realizing what had happened, a bunch of celestial beings (including him) went there to protect the children from demonic attack. He died there defending them, and after many centuries, the children (kept young by the pact) are still there, still being defended. Few are left though - less than 100.