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View Full Version : Player Help Help picking a Forgotten Realms City

2018-02-05, 10:42 AM
So I'm in my friend's new DnD 5th edition game, and it's set in what's essentially the Forgotten Realms setting. My GM asked me what city my character would come from. I could have made up one, but I wanted to do a canon city to help fit into the world. Unfortunately, I don't know much about the world of Forgotten Realms. So I was hoping to get advice from you guys on a city to pick.

My character is a half-orc who grew up in the ghettho of a city, where Half-orcs and other monstrous looking sentient races are heavily discriminated against. He joined the army when he became of age to gain respect. He trained as a Ranger and fought against goblin races and invading orcs primarily, before his unit was left to die.

So what I need is a city that:

Discriminates against Half-orcs
Has a Ghetto of monster or non-human races
Is part of a kingdom that has an army, or has it's own city army
Exists in the Forgotten Realms canon
Deals with the threat of goblins and Orcs on a frequent basis, possibly on the boards with them

So yeah. I don't know if there's a city that falls into these restrictions. I'm wondering if maybe Waterdeep, but I don't know if that's too cosmopolitan to discriminate half-orcs. But let me know if Waterdeep would be a good choice, or some other city, and I'll do more research.

Thanks in advance

Scots Dragon
2018-02-05, 10:45 AM
Your best option would be the cities of Melvaunt or Mulmaster, located in the Moonsea Region and generally pretty evil and oppressive-leaning.

2018-02-05, 11:19 AM
My first thought was Hillsfar (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Hillsfar), though their half-orc ghetto would more likely be a foulburg outside the walls (given the Great Law of Humanity). Mulmaster and Melvaunt would also work pretty well.

It's a bit less canon, but you might also look at Castle Crag, in NE Cormyr. It's a garrison of Cormyr, arrayed on the northern border near the Stonelands. You'd need to have a town nearby.

You might also go with Arabel, again in NE Cormyr, adjacent to the Stonelands. There's no listed half-orc ghetto, but you could easily decide one of the crowded sections in town met your needs.

2018-02-05, 01:06 PM
Arabel is tempting because of the Goblin War sounds perfect/would inspire animosity towards Orcs and suck, but I think I will go with the Hilsfur. Although I'll give it some thought.