View Full Version : Sellout the party

2018-02-05, 11:04 AM
So I'm playing a halfling rogue in the lost mines of Phandalin and became the only member of the zhentarim faction within my group of 8 players (counting me). I was asked to watch them and report back what I find.

My question is has any ever sold out your party? Why? And how did it go?

HMS Invincible
2018-02-05, 01:01 PM
So I'm playing a halfling rogue in the lost mines of Phandalin and became the only member of the zhentarim faction within my group of 8 players (counting me). I was asked to watch them and report back what I find.

My question is has any ever sold out your party? Why? And how did it go?
A half orc PC sold out his party for a level two encounter worth of gold. We found out about it when I questioned the increasingly evil direction of the party over the course of the campaign, somewhere around 9 levels in. The party was upset about it, so we killed him. It was a massive troll, and the reward for him was so miniscule, it was crazy that he even did it. I guess it was memorable for everyone. Took us several sessions to undo the damage to the storyline.

I would say at least consult with your dm about it, and ask what happens when you get found out.

2018-02-05, 01:22 PM
Generally a bad idea.

For all the sense it makes for that character there should be some collaboration between you and the DM to find a way that makes equal sense for the game to keep a working party.

2018-02-05, 01:29 PM
I'm definitely not wanting to kill any player character or try to make a profit on someone's death. I was thinking along the lines of informing the zhentarim about the strengths and weaknesses of the group, as I was asked to gather information. Something else i had considered was informing the zhentarim agent where the mine is located as well as letting him know that the drow wizard and a doppelganger that we killed had gentle repose cast on him by the cleric (it was his idea with no suggestion on my part). As for discussing with the DM i have every intention of doing so as i really like this group and these characters as a whole. Maybe not the druid... Lol

2018-02-05, 01:36 PM
I would raise it with the party as well. It will have an impact on them as well.

It may help that selling out PCs is made distinct from selling out players.

2018-02-05, 01:54 PM
Depends on what you mean by selling out. Betraying them to death or slavery is a party ending thing. Reporting to the zhents and trying to nudge them into actions that support the zhents goals? Should be fine as long as your not actively harming your team.

Ideally you would try to become so trusted and relied upon that you can flip them to willing agents.

2018-02-05, 02:14 PM
Selling out may be the wrong word to use but i couldn't think of a better word. My intention is to gain influence in the zhentarim faction and use the faction as a means to improve the party (ie magical items). In order to move up in faction I need to fulfill my role as an agent. In order to do this i may need to inform on/against the party.

2018-02-05, 02:19 PM
Selling out may be the wrong word to use but i couldn't think of a better word. My intention is to gain influence in the zhentarim faction and use the faction as a means to improve the party (ie magical items). In order to move up in faction I need to fulfill my role as an agent. In order to do this i may need to inform on/against the party.

Pick and choose what you inform. As I said, you can keep tabs on and try to steer the party without harming them. As an example, it's probably a pretty bad idea to give the zhents legitimately damaging blackmail information. On the other hand, capabilities, goals, general habits, not so much.

Honest Tiefling
2018-02-05, 02:20 PM
Ideally you would try to become so trusted and relied upon that you can flip them to willing agents.

Agreed! You are the only member of the Zhentarim in the party...For now. Is there no one you might be able to convert? Getting allies is more valuable than information on random adventurers. Remember, Evil is a growth industry!

Also, the risk of getting caught sneaking out and contacting people might be too high if you are outnumbered 7 to 1. Getting information on the mine and getting allies might be more valuable in the long run.

2018-02-05, 02:20 PM
In a campaign a year or so ago my character (innocently enough) took possession of an artifact with a curse. The curse, basically, freed him of any feelings of guilt or obligation to others. Since up to that point he had been somewhat haughty and self important I decided (with DM approval) that this wouldn’t end well.

He decided he wanted to deal with things himself and tried to take a second artifact for his own. Naturally, as it was then three on one when it came to blows he was captured in two rounds. Had the artifact forcibly taken, the curse broken and he was tossed in jail by the team.

He was “acquitted” on the basis of temporary insanity. But it ended with the character leaving the team in disgrace and I brought in a replacement the next session.

My point being, it was great fun because I was playing with people who could separate character and player and the dm and I worked out things ahead of time. But even then it was clear it was going to be best for him to go. Otherwise he would have never been allowed to touch another magic item, endless suspicion of just how “insane” he really was, etc.

Much like a character death, I was bummed to lose him until I had “met” my new character.

2018-02-05, 02:37 PM
The mine was an idea. Give the location of the mine or at the very least inform the zhents when a shipment was scheduled. Not every schedule but some. Enough to keep the zhents happy but not enough to keep the party from hunting them out and uprooting them.

I like the idea of not blackmailing them but rather informing on their capabilities and the goals and like.

I'm not sure who i can convert. The bard in the group i have a strong inclination to believe he is a Harper... everyone else is still up in the air

2018-02-05, 04:06 PM
Informing can be as easy as just keeping your faction up to date on what the party has accomplished. Like:

"Have removed goblins and Bugbear from cave near the road to Phandalin from Neverwinter. Also released Neverwinter agent and escorted to Phandalin. Will report on future developments."

Edit: I have a little more to say. I actually think this is the stuff the Faction would want out of you. The Zehnts probably don't care what Flaws your Party mates have, but rather care about what effect they are having on the world around them.

Being the first to know that a powerful local figure has been brought down could let the Zhents make some good economic moves before someone else gets the chance. The could fill a power vacuum before the Lords Alliance gets to for example. That's the kind of thing they would reward.

2018-02-05, 04:16 PM
You can do whatever you like, with DM approval. However, I would caution against
-stealing the party's stuff
-attacking party members
-joining the bad guys.

Therefore, if the rest of the party considers the Zhents evil, and are willing to fight them, I would quietly end your allegiance to them. Otherwise, feel free to inform away. (Subject to DM approval. Offer not valid on Mechanus)

2018-02-05, 04:47 PM
No intention of killing/stealing/harming any of the party members. I like what Glensmash! commented on with the idea of informing the zhents more about current events and or the actions of the party.

2018-02-06, 11:05 AM
I could see you want to do that if:
It's an elaborate ruse to get accepted and then also get the rest of the party in the same location where they couldn't normally get to normally, then pull a double agent, free the party and git 'r done.
The player either hates their PC, or just doesn't particularly care for it, and wants to reroll without starting everyone over or waiting for a TPK. That player doesn't mind what happens to it, as long as they get to play something new.
The DM wants to remove that PC from the game for reasons. That could be because they're too powerful, have an ability that would ruin a plot point, is really annoying, or that it makes the most sense for that PC's story. That PC may turn into a DMPC, a potential BBEG, or other villain, or just vanish.

Lord Vukodlak
2018-02-06, 03:17 PM
So I'm playing a halfling rogue in the lost mines of Phandalin and became the only member of the zhentarim faction within my group of 8 players (counting me). I was asked to watch them and report back what I find.

My question is has any ever sold out your party? Why? And how did it go?

In an Evil Campaign I ran back in 3.5. The Lawful Neutral character Sky sold out the party to the Chaotic Good Artificer, Gizmo [NPC]they were manipulating into helping them. The purpose was to ensure the McGuffin of evil was destroyed not captured as it could blight and entire city. Which was hilarious because the Artificer was already planning to betray the party and destroy the McGuffin rather then disable it rather then disable it to be captured by the Empire.

And it was successful the McGuffin was going to self-destruction imploding everything within a few hundred yards and the Gizmo and Sky then escaped up the shaft using Gizmo's jetpacks. (it was a few thousand feet down and the city was warded against teleportation) Gizmo had sabotaged the ones given to the rest of the party so they were left behind.

But the Imperial General they were working for betrayed all of them by sealing off the exit with a wall of force. He wanted to destroy the weapon and the city purely out of spite over the death of his family. He wanted the PC's and Gizmo out of the way so they couldn't report him for intentionally destroying the weapon and all evidence of its construction.

The party ended up sucked into another dimension and enslaved by the primary antagonists of my following campaign save for Sky and Gizmo whose jetpacks still worked and they escaped.

So it went really well, I had planned from the beginning that an evil campaign should end in betrayal. But having a player join in that was so wonderful. He helped cover up the clues so the rest of the party didn't find out, I'm not sure it would have worked without a PC helping it happen.

2018-02-06, 07:33 PM
Feel them out. "You know what, I bet the Zhentarim would pay good money just to know this is here and we could use a little extra cash before we get started." It lets everyone get in on it if they are so inclined. At that point, you make notes about who was really opposed to the idea, and who you could split the payout with. When you send info back, include enough info so that the Zhents know who is on their side, online give them info on those who refused to take the first deal. If confronted about it, own it.

2018-02-06, 08:06 PM
Its one of those things that is very DM and TABLE dependent.

If you have a good group of friends you know well and are either able to separate IC and OC knowledge it can be very fun and dramatic.

However if this is some group you just kind of join every week and don't know that well.... not a great idea.

2018-02-06, 09:08 PM
Sell out the Zhentarim.

Tell the party exactly what happened.

Decide as a group how to handle it.

The people who risk their lives to protect you are more important than any organization in the multiverse. Never, ever betray them.