View Full Version : working on a character rebuild, Ranger, Rogue, hexblade multiclass

2018-02-05, 09:01 PM
So when I oringally made this character awhile back it was basicaly inspired by me playing to much bloodborn and Monster hunter.

Now I wasn't really going for 100 like those games but more of the idea that he is part of an order that hunts down monstrosities and aberrations in the world.

Hexblade wasn't out at the time so I went with Ranger 5 and rogue 3. We are starting up again soon with him for a short bit and my Dm said we are lv 10 now and if I wanted to switch a few levels to hexblade I could but he would rather I keep the stats as I have them.

So currently I am thinking Hexblade 5 Rogue assassin 3 and Ranger 2

So my question is do I really need Char. I'm not planning on taking eldritch blast. hes going to be using a bow via the improved pact weapon invocation and I'm not going to rely on the Char to hit function of hexblade. Which is sort of a bummer but everything else I see doesn't really need Char. The only thing that's going to hurt I think is my Spell DC will be horrible. Though I don't think much of what I plan to take will have those.

The idea was to be something that stayed at range, did a lot of damage especially during a surprise round who could function decently if he had to get up in the face of a monster.

If anyone has any better solutions to this let me know also.

Crap put this in the wrong forum. *summons a mod*