View Full Version : Optimization Collecting effects for the Sticky Bomb build, need help.

2018-02-06, 12:23 AM
In pathfinder, particularly SoM / SoP / CoS, I've noticed a few Damage Aura effects, which made me think about possibly optimizing that particular type of effect. "But isn't that like...bad. Like strictly inferior to any other way of blasting?" Yes, thanks Jimmy for that insight. That's why I'm optimizing it.

My idea is to mix in some Grappling with this aura effect, since you only need to/can cast the aura(s) once before just moving in and trying to get it to do damage. And grappling puts them in direct contact automatically. And, since it's a CMD roll to escape grapple (unless they are that unicorn that put points in Escape Artist), they get hit again.

I'll assume the casting modifier is equal to +4 or +5 at level 1, for simplicity's sake.

But, I need to compile the resources available for such a build. I think I've got the grappling under control with this thread (http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2u2g5?list-of-all-available-grapple-feats) and the Wrestling sphere, notably Talented Tie Up (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/wrestling#toc17). With Talented Tie Up, you are counted as having both hands still free. This means you don't take a -4 to grappling another target. Power Bomb (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/wrestling#toc27) is also exceptionally useful for further debuffing them so they don't get free. Inescapable Grasp (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/wrestling#toc7), because grappling casters is what grappling's all about.

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTA9pFJtSB3vWQ6BrQ9JpHi8GYBwlX5a smjEil9laSCWl5yh0t9
But, on to the interesting part, and the part that I've got the least number of resources available/known, the aura. First off is the Sage class, specifically the Elemental Aura esotery. This does 1d8 + 1d8/4 damage per physical contact. Very restricted aura. Not much of an aura. More like a candle...or a body suit. Interestingly, it does not say you can't have multiples of these going. Any turn you don't otherwise spend a swift action, just go ahead and increase damage per round, for free. (Congratulations on ruining the spheres for that poor GM who now thinks that the Sage is representative of the system.)

I am honestly really torn about which Training to take it from though. Against my better judgement about what's generally best (like the +10 to physical and mental attribute, or free Destruction talents), I think Infuser would be the best Training here. Hear me out. It has Elemental Aura (the core of the build), Maneuver Master (secondary core), and Ki Clone, which can double up on your damage, and help with Grappling. Rubber Ki for reach could be cool, but mostly unnecessary, I believe.

At level 8, you would HAVE to take Enhancer though. No choice. +10 (untyped) to Wisdom and Strength is just way too good (especially since that means it's an extra 5 rounds of not having to spend a swift action to activate stuff from Sage).

Enough about Sage and how they are completely and utterly broken. Other sources of "aura" damage? Well, there's the Energy Aura (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/destruction#toc24) from the Destruction sphere. Since Sage is a high caster, that's 1 spell point for 1 damage per 2 levels, or 2 spell points for 1/lvl. Doesn't matter too, too much, but Sage is glutted with points anyway. Oh, and it's only a move action to use, so you can do your standard action as well.

What we notably want to do is use it for disabling Blast Types, such as Blinding Blast (which is just an amusing mental image). But, we can get some super value with custom blast types, because of the unique mechanic of Energy Aura only dealing minimum damage.

We can take Nonlethal damage type (+3), and -1 die size (-3) and have 10 points left over to build some super disabling aura. Tack on a +1 spell point for another 4 points to build it, because you'll only ever need to activate it once in a fight.
Let's just call it "Soul Ripper Aura", and have it inflict Daze for 1d4 rounds on a failed reflex save (inherent in Energy Aura, and happens each round), and spend up all 14 points.

Damage Control (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/destruction#toc7) talent adds +1 damage per die. That's doubling our damage (lol). And Admixture (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/destruction#toc2)talent lets us add another Blast Type for 1 more spell point. Again, that means nothing, because it's used only once per fight. So, let's tack on some Entangle and Blind. It's completely and totally unnecessary, but it's cool to reduce their Dexterity with Entangle and Grapple, which means they can't further save against your aura, after they've failed once.


In 3.5, there's the spell Babau Slime, which works like Sage's Elemental Aura (but with explicit interaction with Grapple), but I don't know of similar spells or effects in Pathfinder. Do you?

EDIT: Elemental Aura (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/e/elemental-aura/)works. Acid is probably going to be the go-to since it's relatively hard to get the Sickened otherwise, even if the DC is going to be low, relative to your normal spells and effects, since you'd probably use a wand or scroll. It is strictly inferior to just adding a stack of the Sage's Elemental Aura, once you're level 4 or higher. This spell requires a level 6 caster, minimum, as a 3rd level spell.

Aura of Doom (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/a/aura-of-doom/) is technically an aura, but it doesn't do the whole damage over time deal, and is frankly pathetic for a 4th level spell.

2018-02-06, 01:18 AM
Hmm. You know? Probably won't be allowed to take custom Blast Type, but if you are, then I guess you don't really need anything else, as you essentially hard save or (effectively) die them anyway.

2018-02-06, 02:31 PM
OK. I found 2 aura spells in Pathfinder, but only one that fits what I'm going for. (Edited OP with them.) Are there any more?