View Full Version : Hell's Rebels for NeoSeraphi

2018-02-06, 09:10 PM
Morning dawns damply over Citadel Vaull, the former stronghold of the Hellknight Order of the torrent. Drizzle and mist muffle the sounds of the Order of the Rack as they prepare for the day, mimicking the sounds you’ve heard over the last six years, in which you have counted the Citadel as home. But mimicry is all it is, as the rightful tenants, the Order of the Torrent, has been routed by Paracount Barzillai Thrune’s supporters. You aren’t even sure what has become of the Lictor, much less the rest of your comrades.

“Minamoto! Stop wool-gathering and ready the recruits for inspection!” The voice of Paralictor Kyrre Ekodyre cuts through the activity, jerking you erect. You may have only just been accepted into the Order of the Rack, but it doesn’t take seven days to learn to react properly to lawful authority. As you salute, the Armiger candidates begin falling into ranks without even a glower in their direction. It seems they haven’t lost the discipline instilled by the Order of the Torrent.

As the Paralictor strides the ranks, she continues speaking, giving orders for a “training exercise” she wants undertaken this evening. You had already heard some of the rumblings of a large protest in Aria Park. Now it seems you will be helping provide crowd control, under the authority of one of Thrune’s lieutenants, a woman by the name of “Nox”. “Do as she says, but do not let her take command of your trainees. She is not a Hellknight.” There is an air of finality to her statement. As she walks away, she turns quickly, almost as if she has forgotten something. “You have done a commendable job with these. Mold them into the Order of the Rack and forget the Torrent, and you will do well with me.” With that, she is gone.

2018-02-06, 09:20 PM
Hitori grabs onto one shoulder and cracks his neck. "Damn..."

Sabinus can take care of himself, and Hitori knows that old man wouldn't die to someone like Thrune. But he hasn't seen Hortense since then either, and that is concerning to him. Regardless, he pushes that thought to the back of his mind like he always does. The Order of the Torrent has been made illegal by Thrune's proclamations, so he doesn't imagine he'll ever see Hortense again. She's probably with Octavio somewhere, setting up a new Citadel. That's what the Order does, after all. They move around. They don't have any ties to this city or to its people. They don't have any ties to him.

Hitori grips his shoulder firmly and forces himself to snap out of it. As usual, though he rested in his normal attire, he kept his helmet on overnight. None of these Rack people had seen his face, just like most of the Torrent hadn't. Hitori keeps his face completely covered at all times. He's started to forget what he looks like...

"Alright recruits, line up!" Hitori orders. "First things first! There's going to be an inspection, just like every morning. Stand up straight, shoulders back, feet apart but parallel. Do not let your stance show even a single opening or sign of weakness. That means you, Mendez!"

He marches past everyone, keeping an eye on each of them before pausing. "Good enough. Now then. Our assignment today: we are going to be providing extra security. Seems like some of the townsfolk are giving our new Lord Mayor some trouble. The man has to sleep peacefully if he's going to fix things around here. Now, keep your weapons stashed until I give you the command, and not before. If I see a single one of you going rogue and trying to be a hero, I will make damn sure I am your sparring partner for the next month! Do you hear me, armigers?"

Hitori waits for the affirmative, and then moves his troops out to Aria Park. A scheduled protest of the government? Who had ever heard of such a thing? Just try this in Erdogan, see if you wake up in the morning, he thinks to himself.

2018-02-07, 11:31 AM
The march from the Citadel to the Kintargo Opera House is dreary and damp. You know your armor will need particular attention with an oil cloth when you return tonight, or it will begin to rust. You make a note in your head to check the Armiger's for rust at morning inspection.

As you march, you see Paracount Thrune's proclamations plastered on every available surface.

Proclamation the First: All slayers of city pests (hereby
defined as doves, mice, and ravens) who present said
pests to the dottari shall be rewarded with a bounty of
1 copper piece.

Proclamation the Second: All places of public business
must display in a position of prominence within the first
room accessible from the building’s primary entrance
a portrait of Her Infernal Majestrix Queen Abrogail II.
Said portrait must measure no less than 11 by 17 inches.

Proclamation the Third: Anyone who captures, alive and
unharmed, a feral dog of a weight exceeding 50 pounds
is to be rewarded with a payment of 2 silver pieces upon
transfer of the dog to the dottari. Such noble guardian
creatures should find homes worthy of their kind!

Proclamation the Fourth: The right to wear fine
embroidered clothing in public is hereafter proscribed
to anyone other than agents of House Thrune or the
Holy Church of Asmodeus. Exceptions can be awarded or
purchased at the city’s discretion.

Proclamation the Fifth: Grain is life! Should grain
be spilled in public, it must be gathered, cleaned, and
repackaged within the hour. Any person who allows grain
to go ungathered after a spillage shall be fined 1*copper
piece per grain.

Proclamation the Sixth: The imbibing of night tea
brings a dangerous imbalance to the slumbering mind.
Between the hours of sunset and sunrise, the taking of
tea is proscribed.

Proclamation the Seventh: The odor and flavor of
mint is an abomination to the refined palate. Be not the
cretin! Mint use in candies, drinks, and all manner of
confections is hereby proscribed.

Proclamations that have the turbulent denizens of Kintargo protesting in the streets. Such simple statutes. And yet the city has a mutinous feel, like a keg of black powder with a lit fuse. And it's your job, at least for the afternoon, to keep the explosion from happening...

Entering Aria Park from the north, you see a significant crowd has already began to gather. It will be a massive mob by the scheduled time of the protest. To your left, you see a small gathering of Dottari and some of the newly formed Chelish Citizen's Group. They are being addressed by a hard-faced woman. As you approach, the Dottari move towards the entrance of the Kintargo Opera House, where Barzillai thrune has made his headquarters. The Chelish Citizen's Group members move out into the gathering crowd, dispersing throughout, presumably ready to react to a riot.

The woman turns to you, an almost bestial cast to her features, and seems to dismiss you with a glance at your long sword. "You are the Paralictor's offering? I asked for full Hellknights." She sneeringly assesses your Armigers. "Station them along the northern edge of the park, spread out to contain the rio... protest and keep it from the Opera House."

She turns on her heel and stalks toward the Dottari gathered on the walkway between the park and the opera, moving with an almost animal grace. She is an imposing woman, no doubt.

2018-02-07, 12:30 PM
Hitori offers a gauntlet to shake. "You must be Nox," he says, trying to stop her from walking away. "I am Lieutenant Hitori Minamoto of the Order of the Rack. And you can rest assured, ma'am. These people are just frustrated. Kintargo is still a loyal branch of the Empire, they have no interest in violence in the street like common thugs."

He lets her go about her business and turns to his men. "The dottaris' job is to protect the people. Our job is to protect the state. The Opera House is where the Lord Mayor is currently resting. Do not allow any civilians within one hundred yards of it. If anyone attempts to move past you, dispatch them with hand to hand combat only. We do not want to provoke a riot here. The last thing that the Lord Mayor needs is a body count."

He spreads his men across the northern perimeter as expected, and stations himself near the center of Aria Park. He keeps an eye on the crowd, ready to deal with anyone who might start causing a fuss.

In his ear, he can hear the Paralictor's words. Letting these people speak is dangerous. Even if there is no violence, information is power. Information is a weapon. Information is to be contained.

He winces and grips his left hand as his burn starts acting up again. ...No matter. Censorship is not necessary here. Let these people have it out, get it out of their systems so they can go home after.

2018-02-07, 09:38 PM
As the morning wears on, the crowd continues to grow. A strange tension ebbs and flows across Aria Park as groups of Kintargans chant and yell and jostle for position. As the sun moves across the sky, moving towards it's zenith, you get a sense of the protesters loyalties.

The largest group are Kintargans who are unhappy with the tightening of the Chelish fist on their city and want local rule. They seem to make up almost a third of the crowd.

Economic conservatives, made up largely of local merchants and shipping concerns, are protesting the restrictive business policies and increasing taxes Thrune has enacted in his short time in Kintargo.

A small group of democracy advocates are unhappy with the appointment of Paracount Thrune and agitate loudly for local elections, but they seem to be gaining little traction.

The fourth group is the hardest to pin down. They seem to be anarchists hell-bent on turning this protest into a riot, yelling down the other groups, traveling in small mobs, and bumping and pushing everyone who comes close.

Finally, there is a significant presense of Chelish loyalists arguing with anyone who complains about the proclamations and newly enacted statutes of Barzillai Thrune.

It all adds up to a dangerous mix that threatens to turn ugly at a moments notice.

2018-02-07, 09:59 PM
Hitori rolls his eyes at the idea of democracy. Ridiculous. Why would the hellknights or the dottari listen to someone who isn't of noble blood? Someone with no connection to Her Imperial Majestrix? Where would their power come from? Certainly not from Asmodeus.

Still, some people are on edge. Hitori doesn't particularly care if any of them start hitting each other, but he doesn't want his men or the dottari hurt over some dissatisfaction. He's starting to see the power of words. Everyone is getting angry just because of tension and ideas. Maybe he should step in and stop them from speaking...

Hitori steps forward. "Excuse me. Please remain still or I will need to intervene," he says, placing one hand on his sword handle threateningly.

Action for this hour: Suppress the Anarchists
Intimidate: [roll0]

2018-02-10, 02:13 PM
The anarchists stirring up the crowd in your area move farther out into the park, muttering to themselves about "The Man keeping us down" and casting scowls back at you over their shoulders. The crowd is still unruly, but the tense edge seems a little less pronounced close to you. It's gratifying to see even those who have no self-control recognize legitimate authority displayed.

Speaking of legitimate authority, the protest has been going on for a few hours now, with not a sign of the Paracount. Surely he won't let it continue much longer without addressing the people and attempting to bring some order to this chaos?

You watch the different groups jockeying for position, the better to be heard. A few, young rabble-rousers try to throw rotting vegetables over the heads of your Armigers towards the Opera House, but none even make it to the Dottari. You are proud, watching the discipline of your trainees as they quell the young men without doing too much damage to them. As the armored Hell Knights-to-be return to ranks, you hear the peals of the bells from the Temple of Asmodeus. BONG... BONG... BONG... Three bells this time. No one is ever sure how many bells will ring at a given time. It's an interesting mystery for discussion, but you have no time to ruminate on it now. Paracount Barzillai Thrune has just chosen to make his presence felt, appearing at the window of the Opera House. He throws open the window and curtains, and raises his hands to ask the crowd to quieten so he can speak...

2018-02-10, 02:27 PM
Hitori stands at attention and salutes, directing the crowd towards the Paracount. "Stand firm, citizens, and air your grievances with respect and dignity. See now, as your fearless leader stands up before this mob and addresses your concerns with the grace and poise of House Thrune!"

2018-02-10, 03:32 PM
Thrune is an imposing man dressed in red, orange, and black clothing and an ornate breastplate, all emblazoned with the pentagram of Asmodeus and the cross of Cheliax. Middle-aged, with short, dark hair and a diabolical mace cradled in his hands, the lord-mayor of Kintargo addresses the crowd with a condescending sneer. The gathering swiftly grows quiet as he clears his throat and begins to speak.

“Ah, my adoring little chickadees. I am sorry to say I have not yet adapted to your quaint, country ways, being accustomed as I am to the sophistication and learning of Egorian. Nonetheless, know I have heard your concerns, and that I appreciate your valued feedback, and I know we shall eventually find a mutual understanding in the fullness of time. I take pride in updating Kintargo’s quaint, outdated laws to the modern standards the city deserves, and strengthening its ties with the empire in these cruel times, but obviously I have approached my duties too aggressively.

You say you chafe at the presence of nonnatives in positions of power? That authorities not of this city have no place as its leaders? That you will not be yoked by intruders?

Your lord-mayor hears you. And so it is with a heavy heart that I issue this proclamation, in response to your demands: all ships’ captains are hereafter barred from leaving their vessels and setting foot on Kintargo docks or streets, under pain of... let’s say... squassation!”

As he finishes this pronouncement, he stands, beaming, in the window looking down on the gathered crowd. You hear murmurs begin, an undercurrent of anger and resentment building thoughout the park.

2018-02-10, 04:15 PM
Hitori stares at the man and his proclamation in shock. After a moment, he turns to face Thrune head on. "M-My lord mayor?! Who...who do you intend to impose this penalty? Squassation, that...that's torture! Surely the dottari do not even have the equipment for such a task, and the Order...Lord Mayor, most of the men we subject this to would plead for death in a matter of minutes. This level of pain...we should not inflict something like that so lightly!" he calls urgently.

This can't be happening...this is directly going to impact the business of everyone in Kintargo. Such a proclamation would definitely spur the ire of the economic conservatives, while igniting the rage of the anarchists and lending credence to the arguments of the democrats. What is going on? Does this man not know how to read a crowd? This would spark a riot for sure!

As soon as that thought enters Hitori's mind, he quickly spins around and faces the crowd, raising his shield threateningly. He knows better than to draw his weapon until he is threatened.

2018-02-13, 12:30 PM
The crowd around you is turning ugly, Chelish Loyalists screaming at democracy advocates and the pro-business crowd. The Kintargo partisans loudly calling for local rule, and the anarchists inflaming everyone around them.

As you are speaking, out of the corner of your eye, you see one of the young anarchists run forward and fling a huge handful of horse manure at the Paracount. He's got a good arm. It hits the Opera House right next to the window. And though it isn't a direct hit, it splatters in the direction of Thrune, enraging him. He shrieks,
“Enough of this! Nox, run them off, arrest them, or kill them. I don’t care which!” before retreating into the opera house and slamming the windows.

Down below, Nox immediately mobilizes the dottari, who draw their weapons. At the same time, men and women throughout the crowd pull back their cloaks, revealing
matching armbands, truncheons, and the sadistic grins of Chelish Citizens’ Group members eager to mete out some “justice.”

2018-02-13, 12:36 PM
Hitori shakes his head for a moment. He needs to think clearly. He steps forward and raises his blade. "Stand down, all of you! We are not Korvosans, play actors hoping to forget that we live in an orc-infested wildlands. This is the Empire of Cheliax, and you are all subjects of Her Imperial Majestrix. Lower your weapons and allow the state to handle these protestors or I will bring the wrath of the Prince of Lies upon all of you."

Intimidate: [roll0]

2018-02-13, 01:10 PM
The protestors in your general area immediately quieten down and begin fleeing the park. Their fear of your threat is stronger than their outrage at Thrune. Those farther away do not fare so well. You see Nox shouting orders at the Dottari, who draw thier weapons and wade into the crowd. And all around you, men and women throw back cloaks, revealing matching armbands of the Chelish Citizen's Group, each armed with a truncheon which they begin swinging gleefully at anyone who gets within arm's length.

Your men continue to hold the perimeter with judicious use of force. So far, none of them has drawn a weapon. But you hear Nox haranguing two of them, ordering them to join the fray.

2018-02-13, 01:18 PM
Hitori grimaces. "Knights of Hell! Draw your weapons and disperse of these traitors...peacefully."

He doesn't like the situation, but the Paralictor was clear: he should not let Nox control his men. At least now, they can act under his commands instead of hers.

Hitori approaches a few Cheliax Citizen's Group members and flips his blade to the side, body checking one of them into a wall.

Nonlethal: [roll0]

2018-02-14, 05:26 PM
The Armigers draw their weapons and advance, a well-trained unit moving as one. Their orders to "Desist and disperse!" are followed by well-placed blows from the flat of their blades. Small pockets of calm form around each of your trainees as they continue wading into the mob.

The Chelish Citizen's Group member careens off your armored hip and slams into the fountain, slumping at the bottom when he lands. Three more start your way, looking a little surprised by your action. "Shouldn't you be dealing with the rioters?" one of the three yells, swinging his truncheon into a man screaming anarchist slogans on the edge of the fountain.

To your left you see someone whip a knife in the direction of the Opera House. It finds a home in Nox's neck. She shockingly rips it out, leaving a bloody gash in her throat. One ragged breath later and the wound has sealed over as she ducks into the Opera House looking none the worse for wear.

2018-02-14, 05:35 PM
Hitori narrows his eyes beneath the darkness of his helmet. "I fully intend to deal with these rioters, but that is my role. Not all of yours. Do as you are told and stand down, or you shall be arrested for disturbing the peace just as all of them will be. The law does not care for your intent, it only cares for your actions."

Hitori turns his head to see Nox back into the Opera House with a wound. He roars angrily and stands up as tall as he can.

"Listen up!" he yells, hoping his voice will carry throughout the Park. "The next person to throw a punch or any sort of weapon against anyone will be put down with lethal force! I don't care if you're trying to keep the peace, save your city or just get your jollies, I will have order! Do I make myself clear?!"

Intimidate: [roll0]

2018-02-16, 01:21 PM
While still relatively calm in your general area, the riot seems to be growing in intensity farther afield. About sixty feet past the fountain there is a particularly violent knot of action. A large man with a staff is surrounded by several members of the Chelish Ctizen's Group, little more than thugs with Thrune's blessing as far as you can tell. He is a blur with a quarterstaff, easily fending off the attacks of more than a half-dozen arm-banded attackers. Two Dotarri are making their way towards the fracas. swords drawn. His time might be coming to an ugly end.

Make a Perception Check, please.

2018-02-16, 06:00 PM

Hitori rushes over to the man in the crowd and steps up next to him, brandishing his weapon threateningly. "If a single one of you break the law right here, you will be put to the Rack. Do you understand me?" he says to the CCG coldly.

Hitori glances up as the dottari approach. "And you lot. Are you about to cross into my jurisdiction? Do you want your group to go the way of the Torrent?"

2018-02-17, 07:44 PM
As you move towards the fight, you recognize the staff-wielder. His name is Darius, and he was in the same group as you when you were an Armiger. You remember him as a bit of a firebrand, but a capable fighter. Obviously, he has become particularly adept with the quarterstaff. He wasn't able to withstand the psychological rigors of Hell Knight training, having a weak and chaotic mind.

The fight is steadily taking him away from you, and the Dottari press the attack against Darius. His staff spins in a seemingly impenatrable wall as he wards off the attacks of both Dottari and Chelish Citizen's Group thugs.

The riot is still gaining momentum outside the sphere of your immediate influence, and even those citizens who would normally shrink from violence are turning on the forces of order in the park.

2018-02-17, 08:22 PM
Hitori frowns and looks around. "This isn't going to work...there really will be bloodshed if we don't do something."

He thinks about what he should do. This is an empire. Upholding order is everything. But, if his men start killing people now, that's only going to make things worse in the long run. It might be better for him to just let the civilians and the CCG go at it until they get tired. It's not like a truncheon will cause any lasting damage anyway.

"Armigers of the Rack! Retreat!" Hitori barks, pointing towards the Citadel.

2018-02-21, 01:06 PM
The trainees begin pulling back, taking defensive stances and covering each other's flanks. They are obviously well trained. They disengage from the mob easily and form up between Aria Park and the Kintargo Opera House.

The fighting is starting to turn ugly around you. The fear you created in the protesters seems to have dissipated as the Chelish Citizen's Group and Dottari press the attack. Your retreat from the crowd sees you jostled and almost knocked to the ground on multiple occasions. Just as you break free, you see another group of Dottari exit the Opera House, headed towards the Park. They are followed immediately by a completely healthy Nox, who is holding the leash of a terrifyingly large Hell Hound. The entire troupe jogs past your Armigers and enters the fry, knocking protesters to the ground as they fight their way to the thick of the battle.

Darius is still holding his own, keeping the Dotarri and the armbanded thugs at bay easily with his quarterstaff. Several of the Chelish Citizen's Group members are down, with large knots on their foreheads or behind their ears. Nox and her Hound close quickly on the staff-wielder. They fight their way through the mob easily, and as they break through the last layer, she releases the leash, screaming, "KILL HIM, MEPHIRY!" The Hell Hound lunges for the former Armiger.

2018-02-21, 03:11 PM
Hitori's eyes narrow and he doesn't hesitate. He leaps forward and puts up his shield, deflecting the hound's attack and then swinging his sword forward. "There will be no outsider filth in this city, Nox. Dismiss your pet, or I will cut it down myself," he threatens.

Malconvocation is a sin beyond forgiveness. The people who use their magic to enslave and seek the power of outsiders...monsters that do not belong in this world...they are traitors to their humanity. Summoners of all kinds, Hitori hates them. Just like the one who killed his father. And he feels nothing but contempt for the beast before him. Outsiders deserve no mercy. No kind ear, no chance to explain. They are invaders. They should be sent back home, by the sword if necessary.

2018-02-22, 09:35 PM
Nox' heavy features seem to become even more bestial when she hears your threat. "You DARE threaten Mephiry? You dare threaten ME?!" She seems incredulous. But she takes control of the hound again. "To me, Mephiry." As he returns to her side, she dismisses him with a wave of her hand. The smell of brimstone is strong in the air.

Nox turns to you with a look of contempt. "Cut down the staff-wielder of I will see you before the Paracount himself this evening."

2018-02-22, 09:43 PM
Hitori shakes his head. "I will not. He is free to disperse, like everyone else. The Paracount's orders were clear. Drive off. That is what I aim to do. Darius! Get out of here, now!" he orders the man behind him.

2018-02-22, 10:05 PM
Nox appears to barely supress her rage as she turns back to the riot. She casually backhands a protester, sending him flying. She gathers the Dottari and Chelish Citizen's Group members and leads them through the crowd, systematically demoralizing the rioters.

Darius throws an odd look your way, raises his staff in salute, and quickly leaves the park. You notice a couple of young women follow closely behind him.

Your men remain where you formed them up, awaiting orders.

2018-02-22, 10:09 PM
"Good work today, men. For now, we will wait here and make sure that the violence dies down on its own. The people will feel better if they see less officers of the law around them, not more."

He has his men stay back and wait for an hour to see how the riot continues. If it hasn't died down by then, he will have to act.

2018-02-28, 06:45 PM
The riot eventually runs out of steam, helped along by Nox, the Dotarri, and the Chelish Citizen's group. You return to Citadel Vaull, unsure of the reception you will get.

Upon your return, you set about getting your men settled, making sure they stow their gear with proper care. As you are dismissing them for the evening meal, a runner stops in front of you, salutes, and hands a handwritten note to you. "From the Paralictor, sir!"

Attend me in my quarters at dinner.

Paralictor Ekodyre

2018-02-28, 07:25 PM
Hitori's stomach turns, but he has no choice. He heads to the Paralictor's quarters at dinner time. Hitori travels in full armor but with no weapons or shield. He knocks on the door, his face hidden behind the black iron helmet, as always.