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2018-02-07, 09:37 PM
Totally inspired by the_brazenburn’s post about ASoIaF character builds, my friends and I were thinking about Disney prince, princess and villain builds. I know lots of them aren’t fighters but let’s use our imaginations here.

Some of those we liked:

Gaston: Ranger (hunter archetype)
Prince Adam (the beast): Barbarian (with stat bonuses like cat folk - lion)
Hercules: Fighter (champion) with some awesome STR bonuses
Ursula: She’s already a morfolk sorcerer pretty much
Mulan: Fighter/rouge

Toss out any suggestions you have! We are going to build our favourites :)

2018-02-07, 09:47 PM
Let it go.

2018-02-07, 09:49 PM
Let it go.

Either you’re not a Disney fan or you’re thinking Elsa is a sorceress with spells like Cone of Cold :)

Honest Tiefling
2018-02-07, 09:50 PM
Dr. Facilier is probably some sort of warlock. You could make an argument for a cleric, however, since the line between 'serve a patron for power' and 'serve a god for power' is a little blurry. heck, can a god make a warlock? But I'd argue he's far more charisma oriented than wisdom, so warlock.

I'd also argue that Mulan is just a fighter. She doesn't really display much roguery as much as bravery and fighting ability.

2018-02-07, 09:53 PM
Dr. Facilier is probably some sort of warlock. You could make an argument for a cleric, however, since the line between 'serve a patron for power' and 'serve a god for power' is a little blurry. heck, can a god make a warlock? But I'd argue he's far more charisma oriented than wisdom, so warlock.

I'd also argue that Mulan is just a fighter. She doesn't really display much roguery as much as bravery and fighting ability.

Interesting argument for Dr Faciller!

I was thinking rouge/fighter for Mulan considering her proficiency with disguises :)

Honest Tiefling
2018-02-07, 10:01 PM
I was thinking rouge/fighter for Mulan considering her proficiency with disguises :)

I think that it's just that no one thought a woman would or could fight, so no one questioned it. Remember that it doesn't take that long for Shan Yu to figure it out...And he might have come from a culture where women could be warriors, so he figured it out quickly because it was a crummy disguise. I thought that was a nice touch.

2018-02-07, 10:10 PM
Either you’re not a Disney fan or you’re thinking Elsa is a sorceress with spells like Cone of Cold :)

I actually knocked up a homebrew feat for this a while back:

Elemental Savant

You trace your lineage back to a potent creature of elemental magic, or have a particularly strong calling towards a specific element. You dont care what they're going to say, and have learnt to let it go.

- Choose one element from fire, cold, acid, thunder or lightning. Spells you cast that deal a damage of one of these types, now deal damage of the type you choose when you selected this feat.
- You learn the firebolt cantrip. It deals damage of a type you choose when you selected this feat.

No brains
2018-02-07, 10:19 PM
Everybody's got at least 1 level of bard. :smallsmile:

Regarding Facilier, I might say warlock because he can Polymorph people and his divinations are probably just deceptions.

As for Mulan, battlemaster may be a good pick since she does a Riposte/ Disarming Attack on the bad guy at the climax. Her disguise is sort of a matter of perspective- did she fool everyone or was everyone a fool? Either way, she could have gotten proficiency with the disguise kit while learning to prepare her normal makeup. 1 montage/song = downtime training time.

I think Beast may be someone who was True Polymorphed into some 'beast', more likely some monstrosity. A minotaur might be a decent match since he loves to charge and he micromanages his castle.

I think Aladdin and Jasmine may both be rogues, with expertise in acrobatics between them, but with deception for Aladdin and Insight for Jasmine. Aladdin was able to fool both Jafar and Genie, but not Jasmine. Jafar is a wizard with Iago as his familiar. Wizard was a tough call, but I think the wizard spell list best accommodates the spells Jafar casts.

2018-02-07, 10:28 PM
No matter what background you choose, they all have proficiency in performance. Even the animals (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivL-ZuYelhk) have it. Curious.

At least the proliferation of weapon proficiency (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFdao_VSVXA) fits well.

2018-02-07, 10:50 PM
Ursula might be more of a Warlock than a Sorcerer. She doesn’t have a patron, exactly - it’s more like she IS the patron - but her magic has strong thematic similarities to the 5e Warlock.

- her power is not entirely innate - she harvests poor unfortunate souls to feed it.
- her power is based upon contracts, like a Warlock’s pact with the archfiend/deal with the devil.
- she has a (double) familiar in flotsam and jetsam

2018-02-07, 11:15 PM
Everybody's got at least 1 level of bard. :smallsmile:

Regarding Facilier, I might say warlock because he can Polymorph people and his divinations are probably just deceptions.

As for Mulan, battlemaster may be a good pick since she does a Riposte/ Disarming Attack on the bad guy at the climax. Her disguise is sort of a matter of perspective- did she fool everyone or was everyone a fool? Either way, she could have gotten proficiency with the disguise kit while learning to prepare her normal makeup. 1 montage/song = downtime training time.

I think Beast may be someone who was True Polymorphed into some 'beast', more likely some monstrosity. A minotaur might be a decent match since he loves to charge and he micromanages his castle.

I think Aladdin and Jasmine may both be rogues, with expertise in acrobatics between them, but with deception for Aladdin and Insight for Jasmine. Aladdin was able to fool both Jafar and Genie, but not Jasmine. Jafar is a wizard with Iago as his familiar. Wizard was a tough call, but I think the wizard spell list best accommodates the spells Jafar casts.

Hahaha! They definitely all have some bard levels!

I’m loving this guys.

My sister just mentioned Rpanuzel as a cleric of life which I thought went quite nicely

Honest Tiefling
2018-02-07, 11:16 PM
- her power is not entirely innate - she harvests poor unfortunate souls to feed it.

Actually, if you believe that Ursual is telling the truth in her song, she claims that her powers are something she has always possessed. This would imply that her powers are indeed, innate. The argument could be made that she is lying to Ariel, but then you have the issue of where the heck did she get the power to make the first pact from? She's also referred to and calls herself a witch, not some sort of magical being. Furthermore, she reveals that she once lived in the paladin and King Triton would have to be an extremely poor father even by movie standards to allow a demon or demon-like creature to crash at his pad around his family.

She probably doesn't NEED the souls, she just has a hobby, okay? Some people have a garden of plants, she has a garden of tormented souls.

Merida is probably a champion, maybe a battlemaster, given her archery skills. Definite archery fighting style.

2018-02-07, 11:55 PM
Meg is definitely a Warlock, except all she got was a Pact that bound her soul forever, without getting any magic in return.

Jafar is either a Pact of the Chain Warlock, or a Wizard. His parrot familiar can speak, so it's more likely he's a Chainlock.

The witch from Brave must be some kind of Chainlock as well due to her brewing a potion of True Polymorph, plus she has a talking raven.

2018-02-08, 12:32 AM
I could see Facilier being a Warlock (though it'd feel weird, because since he's serving the lwa, he'd almost certainly be a Celestial Warlock and that doesn't feel quite right), but I instinctively want to say Grave Cleric/Shadow Sorcerer instead.

Clopin from HoND is a Jester Bard with Rogue levels, though I'm having trouble figuring out what Rogue subclass, if any. Scout, maybe?

I'm not sure about Meg from Hercules... Any ideas? ETA: LOL, I kinda like that about her being a Warlock without actually having gotten any magic... I'm not sure how that particular take on the class would play though, unfortunately.

2018-02-08, 02:13 AM
Aladdin is a Thief in more than just name. He's got Use Magic Device after all!

Maleficent is naturally a Draconic Sorcerer with True Polymorph. Mother Gothel is a College of Whispers Bard while the Evil Queen is College of Glamour. Jafar is probably an Illusion Wizard, or perhaps a Fiendish Warlock.

Hercules might actually be some kind of Paladin since he's got a flying steed and some Divine powers.

Scots Dragon
2018-02-08, 03:08 AM
Hercules might actually be some kind of Paladin since he's got a flying steed and some Divine powers.

He seems more barbarian to me given that his fighting style emphasises occasional shifts into rage that seem to boost his strength somewhat further. His divine powers are probably the result of being an aasimar of some kind, or even having whatever the D&D 5E equivalent of divine ranks wind up being.

He is after all literally a demigod, and as a fun note has been statted in the 1E, 2E, and 3E deity books.

In AD&D 1E he's a Ranger 15, Bard 3, with the powers of a demigod and Str 25 (which is the maximum possible), as well as a berserker rage that increases his damage bonus from strength (from +14 to +25).

In AD&D 2E he's a Fighter 20, once again with the powers of a demigod and the maximum-possible Str 25, as well as a berserker rage that increases his damage bonus from strength (from +14 to +28).

In D&D 3E he's a Barbarian 20/Fighter 20, with a Divine Rank of 5 and an approximate Str 55, and naturally has barbarian rage that increases that, as well as alter size and divine rage.

2018-02-08, 03:26 AM
Aladdin is definitely 100% thief rogue. He has basically everything from that subclass. In fact, I wonder if WotC didn't consciously model it on him.

There's no doubt Elsa is a sorceress, either. They explicitly say she was born with her power.

As for the earlier princesses (particularly ones that don't fight as much), I actually wrote something (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?482608-Zaydos-Princess-Updated-for-5e) for this. Design-wise it's basically a spell-less bard, which fits people like Snow White very well.

Lvl 2 Expert
2018-02-08, 04:15 AM
My sister just mentioned Rpanuzel as a cleric of life which I thought went quite nicely

Or maybe a favored soul, since her powers are pretty innate rather than begotten through prayer? Is there even a 5e version of that? Probably not.

Robin Hood and the gang are all rangers and rogues. Maybe with a few levels of aristocrat for Robin himself, though I'm sure he's traded those in by now.

Mowgli is probably some form of barbarian, maybe even a pathfinder bloodrager from the perspective of the animals, since fire is treated within the film as magic. (Yes, this is a 5e thread, I have no honor!)

Dumbo has used too many templates and is just plain broken. What kind of medium creature with advancement options to huge gets flight for free at first level? Wait, is Dumbo a dragon?

Maui (Moana) is probably one of the harder ones to fit. I suspect he's some sort of magic user heavily refluffed, since the things he's done would be pretty much impossible for a martial, even with shape changing powers, in d&d. A Druid in sheep's clothing maybe?

2018-02-08, 04:23 AM
Robin Hood and the gang are all rangers and rogues. Maybe with a few levels of aristocrat for Robin himself, though I'm sure he's traded those in by now.

Robin for mine is a Rogue (scout)/ Fighter (Sharpshooter feat, archery style). Not seeing the Ranger thing.

Errol Flynn (and Robin Hood Daffy) are Rogue (Swashbuckler)/ Fighters.

Engarde! Parry! Slash! Twirl!

2018-02-08, 04:57 AM
There's no doubt Elsa is a sorceress, either. They explicitly say she was born with her power.

She's also got trouble controlling her powers, so she's a Wild Mage, with a custom Wild Surge table that's all icy effects.

At level 9 you could have a spell list looking something like:

Ray of Frost
Frost Bite
Minor Illusion

Level 1:
Ice Knife
Fog Cloud

Level 2:
Snilloc's Snowball Swarm
Gust of Wind
Warding Wind

Level 3:
Sleet Storm

Level 4:
Ice Storm

Level 5:
Cone of Cold

2018-02-08, 05:55 AM
Aladdin is definitely 100% thief rogue. He has basically everything from that subclass. In fact, I wonder if WotC didn't consciously model it on him.

There's no doubt Elsa is a sorceress, either. They explicitly say she was born with her power.

As for the earlier princesses (particularly ones that don't fight as much), I actually wrote something (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?482608-Zaydos-Princess-Updated-for-5e) for this. Design-wise it's basically a spell-less bard, which fits people like Snow White very well.

I totally want to play a princess for my next character now! Nice homebrew

2018-02-08, 06:14 AM
I'd also argue that Mulan is just a fighter. She doesn't really display much roguery as much as bravery and fighting ability.

That's what I'm thinking. She certainly has a few skill and tool proficiencies, but not enough that can't be explained by a mixture of background and using Vuman to grab the Skilled feat. She's still low enough level to only have a +2 proficiency bonus, but she's able to use the letter of conscription to get Advantage on her Deception check (and lets say that the GM allows it to stay until she requires treatment because she rolled a 20).

Trying to think of the others, it's been ages since I've seen a Disney film. I think Snow White would be a bard, while Cinderella might be a druid. The key thing is that they'd all be rather low level until we start getting to the really recent ones (Elsa is a high level sorceress at least), so them not casting spells can be handwaved as them not really having that many.

2018-02-08, 06:20 AM
Ursula fits the hag fluff so much (except that hags are a species) that I struggle even giving her a PC class.

2018-02-08, 06:30 AM
She's also got trouble controlling her powers, so she's a Wild Mage, with a custom Wild Surge table that's all icy effects.

At level 9 you could have a spell list looking something like:

Ray of Frost
Frost Bite
Minor Illusion

Level 1:
Ice Knife
Fog Cloud

Level 2:
Snilloc's Snowball Swarm
Gust of Wind
Warding Wind

Level 3:
Sleet Storm

Level 4:
Ice Storm

Level 5:
Cone of Cold

Dont forget:

Level 8:
Mighty Fortress.

2018-02-08, 07:19 AM
A Jasmine expy can be represented by a Fighter, probably with Tavern Brawler.

Yes, the Animated Series and the third movie are canon.

2018-02-08, 07:58 AM
Let’s see:

Merida from Brave seems like a good candidate for Ranger, maybe with a Barb level or two.

A while back, someone had a Maui build that was a barbarian/ Moon druid build.

Would Belle just be a straight Lore Bard?

Tarzan seems like a Dex based Barbarian or a very customized Circle of the Shepherd Druid.

While on this subject, has anyone here seen Princesses and Palaces?
It’s this exercise converted into a kid friendly RPG.

2018-02-08, 08:11 AM
Snow White is definitely a Shepherd Druid...she talks to animals and lives among forest gnomes (come on, the Dwarves are totally forest gnomes).

Princess Aurora is likely a Wizard or Cleric of some type. I'm not sure exactly what class, but she's certainly...long rest...dependent.

(I'll just show myself out)

2018-02-08, 09:44 AM
Ursula fits the hag fluff so much (except that hags are a species) that I struggle even giving her a PC class.

This. Ursula is clearly a Warlock patron.

Yes, that means Ariel signed the worst Warlock Pact ever.

2018-02-08, 09:54 AM
Mulan is clearly a warlock, she has a pseudo dragon familiar. :P

Vhuman with prodigy feat is my go to for a rogueish flair

2018-02-08, 10:09 AM
She's also got trouble controlling her powers, so she's a Wild Mage, with a custom Wild Surge table that's all icy effects.

Once she controls everything you'd just use a slightly modified Sea Sorcerer shell.

The same build you'd use for Frozone from the Incredibles, actually.

Scots Dragon
2018-02-08, 10:17 AM
Once she controls everything you'd just use a slightly modified Sea Sorcerer shell.

The same build you'd use for Frozone from the Incredibles, actually.

I think Incredibles builds are better off using other role-playing games entirely, for obvious reasons.


2018-02-08, 10:28 AM
Would Belle just be a straight Lore Bard?
I think Belle might be a Knowledge Cleric.

2018-02-08, 10:37 AM
Slightly surprised that nobody has gone for this one yet but...

Merlin (Sword in the Stone) is clearly a Divination Wizard albeit one with a knack for Transmutation too
Mad Madam Mim is also a Wizard, probably an Evoker.

Fox Robin Hood is definitely a Rogue/Ranger multiclass
The chicken from same movie is 100% bard

Lady & the tramp, can dogs have backgrounds (Noble & Urchin respectively)?

2018-02-08, 11:13 AM
Pocahontas would either be a Forest Land Druid, Shepherd Druid, or Ranger. I think any of those would be fair for her.
Prince Valiant makes a pretty decent Cavalier Fighter

2018-02-08, 11:51 AM
Actually, if you believe that Ursual is telling the truth in her song, she claims that her powers are something she has always possessed. This would imply that her powers are indeed, innate. The argument could be made that she is lying to Ariel, but then you have the issue of where the heck did she get the power to make the first pact from? She's also referred to and calls herself a witch, not some sort of magical being. Furthermore, she reveals that she once lived in the paladin and King Triton would have to be an extremely poor father even by movie standards to allow a demon or demon-like creature to crash at his pad around his family.

She probably doesn't NEED the souls, she just has a hobby, okay? Some people have a garden of plants, she has a garden of tormented souls.

This. Ursula is clearly a Warlock patron.

Yes, that means Ariel signed the worst Warlock Pact ever.

Yeah, the conclusion I have to come to is that Ursula is a Patron, and Ariel is a Haglock. They are definitely doing pact magic, though.

Honest Tiefling
2018-02-08, 01:07 PM
Iago isn't Jafar's familiar, because in the second movie he switches sides and betrays Jafar. He's just an awakened parrot.

2018-02-08, 04:46 PM
Iago isn't Jafar's familiar, because in the second movie he switches sides and betrays Jafar. He's just an awakened parrot.

So does that make Jafar a Yuan-ti Pureblood Druid?

Scots Dragon
2018-02-08, 04:51 PM
So does that make Jafar a Yuan-ti Pureblood Druid?

Enchantment Wizard. His primary powers early on include stuff like Charm Person, Suggestion, Domination, etc. and when he gets upgraded later he's throwing around stuff like True Polymorph and other transmutation spells.

By the end of the film, and in the sequel, he's an Efreeti with upgraded magical abilities.

2018-02-08, 05:48 PM
*sobbing quietly* Baymax = life cleric who slowly realises it takes more than healing to save his buddies

2018-02-08, 05:50 PM
I forget what the name of the guy who fights Maleficent is, but he strikes me as a level 1 Paladin. Cause he fights Maleficent, but completely sucks at it, and the fairies do all the work.

Maleficent, though, there's a high level...hmmm...Well, she clearly has true polymorph to take a Dragon form...so she's a 17th level Warlock or Wizard. Probably Warlock, being as she loves her curses.

2018-02-08, 07:11 PM
I forget what the name of the guy who fights Maleficent is, but he strikes me as a level 1 Paladin. Cause he fights Maleficent, but completely sucks at it, and the fairies do all the work.

Maleficent, though, there's a high level...hmmm...Well, she clearly has true polymorph to take a Dragon form...so she's a 17th level Warlock or Wizard. Probably Warlock, being as she loves her curses.

And she might be something like an avarial since she was born with her wings, not a spell.

Honest Tiefling
2018-02-08, 09:23 PM
I forget what the name of the guy who fights Maleficent is, but he strikes me as a level 1 Paladin. Cause he fights Maleficent, but completely sucks at it, and the fairies do all the work.

Prince Phillip. Everyone forgets him, so you aren't alone. But since he doesn't have any magical powers, I'd say he's more of a low-level fighter with bad stats except for charisma. I mean, he got Aurora in the end, right?

Maleficent, though, there's a high level...hmmm...Well, she clearly has true polymorph to take a Dragon form...so she's a 17th level Warlock or Wizard. Probably Warlock, being as she loves her curses.

She's...She's explicitly a fairy! I haven't seen the live-action, but I am not sure that is considered canon. If we ignore it, she's a fairy both in the film and in the original fairy tale. She might have infernal powers, however, since she does reference getting power from Hell itself. Can fairies make infernal pacts?

Falcon X
2018-02-08, 10:23 PM
There is a really great Princess homebrew class out there. Check it out:

2018-02-08, 10:35 PM
There is a really great Princess homebrew class out there. Check it out:

I've been thinking of trying that one for my next oneshot actually :)

Honest Tiefling
2018-02-08, 11:04 PM
I've been thinking of trying that one for my next oneshot actually :)

See if you can't run with an entire team of princesses. C'mon, it'd be funny.

No brains
2018-02-08, 11:16 PM
And she might be something like an avarial since she was born with her wings, not a spell.

She's...She's explicitly a fairy! I haven't seen the live-action, but I am not sure that is considered canon. If we ignore it, she's a fairy both in the film and in the original fairy tale. She might have infernal powers, however, since she does reference getting power from Hell itself. Can fairies make infernal pacts?

Oh boy, if we're going by the live action movie, Maleficent is a freakin' god! Her own severed limbs can move on their own to find and seamlessly reattach to her! Her 'weakness' to iron amounts to momentary discomfort that also leaves no lasting wound! Her entire pathos can be brushed off with one line, "You got a whole kingdom? That was a good hustle! Gimme back my wings and our two kingdoms can live in peace because it turns out I'm mother****ing invincible!" The sanest thing she could be is an Oni with expanded spellcasting.

And she's still 100% evil for terrorizing her subservient faeries and enslaving a crow, 'avenging betrayal' excuses be damned.
On the subject of familiars, remember that some familiars can have wills of their own and special bonds that aren't reliant on spells. Mushu wants to bond to Mulan and maybe Iago once wanted to bond with Jafar as well. Do we have proof that he's not a transformed quasit? :smallsmile:

I think I'm also a fan of Hercules being a paladin of some stripe. The pegasus mount makes a good case on its own, but smites can also explain his huge punches.

Honest Tiefling
2018-02-08, 11:50 PM
Oh boy, if we're going by the live action movie, Maleficent is a freakin' god! Her own severed limbs can move on their own to find and seamlessly reattach to her! Her 'weakness' to iron amounts to momentary discomfort that also leaves no lasting wound! Her entire pathos can be brushed off with one line, "You got a whole kingdom? That was a good hustle! Gimme back my wings and our two kingdoms can live in peace because it turns out I'm mother****ing invincible!" The sanest thing she could be is an Oni with expanded spellcasting.

And she's still 100% evil for terrorizing her subservient faeries and enslaving a crow, 'avenging betrayal' excuses be damned.

Changed my mind. Be that instead.

On the subject of familiars, remember that some familiars can have wills of their own and special bonds that aren't reliant on spells. Mushu wants to bond to Mulan and maybe Iago once wanted to bond with Jafar as well. Do we have proof that he's not a transformed quasit? :smallsmile:

True, but can they betray the caster by the rules? I think a lot of warlocks and wizards would want to find out...And Mushuu is an ancestral spirit, not a familiar. Through would the bug count as equipment? Have cricket, gain luck point?

2018-02-09, 03:17 AM
There is a really great Princess homebrew class out there. Check it out:

That's... pretty similar to my verison (which predates it by 4 months). It even uses the exact same wording in a couple of places. A coincidence? :smallannoyed:

2018-02-09, 06:29 AM
Yes, that means Ariel signed the worst Warlock Pact ever.

Not to the same level as Meg. Her Pact was to bring her dead boyfriend back to life in exchange for her eternal service to Hades, only for her boyfriend to break up with her and find a new girl.

2018-02-09, 07:19 AM
She's...She's explicitly a fairy! I haven't seen the live-action, but I am not sure that is considered canon. If we ignore it, she's a fairy both in the film and in the original fairy tale. She might have infernal powers, however, since she does reference getting power from Hell itself. Can fairies make infernal pacts?

Merryweather "That witch. What does she want here?"

Nobody ever specifically calls her "The Evil Fairy Maleficent" in the animated movie.

2018-02-09, 07:26 AM
Cinderella is clearly a Druid, talking to animals and spirits all the time.

2018-02-09, 07:33 AM
Peter Pan...is he using pixie dust to fly or is he actually casting a spell on everyone?

2018-02-09, 07:42 AM
With the pixie dust as "material component"?

2018-02-09, 07:59 AM
With the pixie dust as "material component"?

That would make sense, giving him some sort of boost for numbers/duration :)

Joe the Rat
2018-02-09, 08:02 AM
Not to the same level as Meg. Her Pact was to bring her dead boyfriend back to life in exchange for her eternal service to Hades, only for her boyfriend to break up with her and find a new girl.

Meg's not a warlock. She's a Rogue (Mastermind most likely) that has a really vicious "I owe someone" in her backstory.
Remember it's not who they know that sets the class, it's what they can do, and schmoozing and deception are the Mastermind's Bag (along with "be a cheerleader"... sigh).

Prince Philip (Sleeping Beauty) - Oath of the Ancients Paladin can work to an extent, if you want to blend the fairy empowerment into his bag. Or a Fighter / Fey Bladelock mix with the Arcane Smite invocation for magic sword -throwing. Or a straight-up Fighter trying to rescue a Chain Feylock with the most proactive familiar(s) ever.

Though realistically, this is one where everyone is a Noble, Guard, or to be generous Veteran, and the PCs are those three stupid fairies. Is "destroy all spindles, then kidnap the victim and wait out the clock" not a classic player-driven plan to save someone? Okay, "Go Kill the well-above-level villain" is probably most classic, but when you've got three primary casters and nobody has remove curse or any evocations...
Plus the whole "Whoops, failed, let's put everyone else to sleep so nobody notices..."

2018-02-09, 08:11 AM
That would make sense, giving him some sort of boost for numbers/duration :)

So Pan is a Warlock who is majorly upcasting Fly?

2018-02-09, 08:12 AM
Is "destroy all spindles, then kidnap the victim and wait out the clock" not a classic player-driven plan to save someone?

The first part was more Stefan than them - Stefan insisted - they say to one another "It won't work" "But what will?"

2018-02-09, 10:46 AM
As for the earlier princesses (particularly ones that don't fight as much), I actually wrote something (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?482608-Zaydos-Princess-Updated-for-5e) for this. Design-wise it's basically a spell-less bard, which fits people like Snow White very well.

I Require a Hero. (Level 7 required.) Once per short rest, you may speak a command to one of your allies as a bonus action, inspiring them to seize the initiative and act like a hero. If they can hear and understand you, they may take an action immediately. They can do anything with this action that they would normally be able to do with an action on their turn. Responding to this Decree consumes the ally's reaction for the round.Welp. Now I know what the soundtrack (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holding_Out_for_a_Hero) should be for that point in the game, if this class ever comes up at a table.

2018-02-09, 02:32 PM
Well, back in 3.5, Hercules is a demigod with 20 levels of fighter and 20 levels of barbarian, and divine rank 3. Per Deities and Demigods. He has a strength of 55, which is as high as it gets in the book. (Kord is also that strong, but he's stronger than both Bahamut and Tiamat, for frame of reference.) Also stronger than Zeus, barely stronger than Poseidon. Also stronger than Thor unless Thor is cheating with his magic strength doubling belt.

So in 5e, Herc is packing Strength 30, for sure, since that's as high as it goes.

2018-02-09, 02:46 PM
Welp. Now I know what the soundtrack (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holding_Out_for_a_Hero) should be for that point in the game, if this class ever comes up at a table.

That was totally running through my head when I wrote that.

2018-02-09, 05:24 PM
Not to the same level as Meg. Her Pact was to bring her dead boyfriend back to life in exchange for her eternal service to Hades, only for her boyfriend to break up with her and find a new girl.

Eh, that seems like a fairly classic Deal with the Devil, albeit with a cruel and unromantic twist. Give a soul to ransom a soul. It's not Hades fault the guy was a cad.

Ariel on the other hand, exchanged her voice for three days as a land-dwelling human, and then had to get Prince Eric to fall in love with her (a mute stranger) in less than three days or spend eternity as a sea polyp - while her Patron actively attempted to sabotage her. And to boot, Ursula transformed her into a human while she was in a cave on the sea-floor! Really, Ariel is a solid example of why everyone in a D&D setting doesn't go and sign a Warlock pact. You're at real risk of being legally screwed over so bad that you never get to first level.

Also, the reason Ariel never displayed any pact magic was because she was physically incapable of producing verbal components. Unfortunately, the only spells available to a first level Warlock that don't have verbal components are Minor Illusion, True Strike, and Illusory Script. Again, bad pact. But hey, Illusory Script is really the only spell Ariel really needed, so if she couldn't find some quality lead ink, that's on her.

2018-02-09, 10:16 PM
That was totally running through my head when I wrote that.I feel like it could be built up to during previous levels with small bits of "Some Day My Prince Will Come (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snow_White_and_the_Seven_Dwarfs_(soundtrack))." Then, at 7th level, bam, you're a 4th edition warlord at least once a day. Actually, while the Rebellious style eventually grants Princess of Battle, it looks like there isn't a direct adaptation of the Warrior Princess variant for Zaydos' princess. Hm. There must be some way to work "Riding a Black Unicorn... (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riding_a_Black_Unicorn_Down_the_Side_of_an_Eruptin g_Volcano_While_Drinking_from_a_Chalice_Filled_wit h_the_Laughter_of_Small_Children)" into this.

2018-02-10, 04:36 AM
I feel like it could be built up to during previous levels with small bits of "Some Day My Prince Will Come (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snow_White_and_the_Seven_Dwarfs_(soundtrack))." Then, at 7th level, bam, you're a 4th edition warlord at least once a day. Actually, while the Rebellious style eventually grants Princess of Battle, it looks like there isn't a direct adaptation of the Warrior Princess variant for Zaydos' princess. Hm. There must be some way to work "Riding a Black Unicorn... (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riding_a_Black_Unicorn_Down_the_Side_of_an_Eruptin g_Volcano_While_Drinking_from_a_Chalice_Filled_wit h_the_Laughter_of_Small_Children)" into this.

I do have plans for a few new subclasses. Don't know if I'll ever write them though...

Are there any Disney Princesses that we haven't been able to fairly represent with the tools available?

2018-02-10, 10:46 AM
Are there any Disney Princesses that we haven't been able to fairly represent with the tools available?On the magical prince side of things, I might have to look into Joharv (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_Train_to_Kathmandu). The Night Train to Kathmandu was made for the Disney channel (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Disney_Channel_original_films).

2018-02-10, 04:58 PM
Not sure what he built him as, but Jafar was once the villain in a game my mate ran. He was too lazy to even rename him.

Think It was a High level Sorceror though.

Honest Tiefling
2018-02-10, 08:15 PM
Are there any Disney Princesses that we haven't been able to fairly represent with the tools available?

Well, there's Maid Marian, don't know if there's a Fox-folk race out there.

Now I'm begining to wonder how a Disney villain party would go...

2018-02-10, 10:38 PM
Now I'm begining to wonder how a Disney villain party would go...Well, what's the 5th edition version of the 3.x aristocrat? When you get to Tailspin, even Sheer Khan has levels in that.

2018-02-10, 11:08 PM
Well, what's the 5th edition version of the 3.x aristocrat? When you get to Tailspin, even Sheer Khan has levels in that.

Rogue, especially with the Mastermind subclass, should work well enough.

2018-02-11, 09:29 AM
Jafar has no actual magical powers at the start of the movie, he is more of a charisma centric rogue with expertise in his Deception and Persuasion skills (and maybe a magic item to help with those checks). Later on he wishes for a full retraining into Wizard. Also, I can only really remember him using two 4th level spells (Polymorph and Wall of Fire) so he doesn't even need to be over 8th level for that (He was probably under level 11 too, considering how he failed the Deception/Persuasion check on the Sultan "But you are so... Old!"). Edit: went to check again and maybe also telekinesis? 9th or 10th tops then.

Also, Ursula doesn't really take just the merfolk's souls, she takes all of it, bodies included. If she has a class, I would go with sorcerer. But she's probably a monster of some kind rather than a classed character.

2018-02-11, 09:37 AM
Jafar has no actual magical powers at the start of the movie, he is more of a charisma centric rogue with expertise in his Deception and Persuasion skills (and maybe a magic item to help with those checks).

The staff seems kinda magical. So does the "Find the Diamond In The Rough" spell.

2018-02-11, 09:52 AM
The staff seems kinda magical. So does the "Find the Diamond In The Rough" spell.

Well, the staff, yes. But most sources state that prior to asking the genie, he was, at most, a dabbling alchemist, not an actual spellcaster.

2018-02-11, 10:19 AM
"Ritualist" might fit - someone who knows about magic rituals and how to set them up.

Regarding Jafar's Polymorph - it should be noted that the snake is ginormous - it might be more "Shapechange" than regular Polymorph.

2018-02-11, 11:16 AM
Jafar has no actual magical powers at the start of the movie, he is more of a charisma centric rogue with expertise in his Deception and Persuasion skills (and maybe a magic item to help with those checks). Later on he wishes for a full retraining into Wizard.
Edit: went to check again and maybe also telekinesis? 9th or 10th tops then.I dunno, he did make a blade barrier. :smallbiggrin:

2018-02-11, 12:59 PM
"Ritualist" might fit - someone who knows about magic rituals and how to set them up.

Regarding Jafar's Polymorph - it should be noted that the snake is ginormous - it might be more "Shapechange" than regular Polymorph.

Eeeeeh. Not really? I mean, a gargantuan mix of constrictor and poisonous snake would probably be hard-pressed to be a CR 9 monster at most and could very easily still be a beast. So safely within the boundaries of Polymorph.

Size is irrelevant, a wizard can turn into a brontosaurus the moment he gets access to Polymorph.

2018-02-11, 01:09 PM
I thought in 5e, Polymorph can only be cast on others, whereas Shapechange can be cast on self?

Size is irrelevant, a wizard can turn into a brontosaurus the moment he gets access to Polymorph.

I was thinking more of 3.5 where Polymorph and Shapchange have different HD maximums.

2018-02-11, 03:39 PM
I thought in 5e, Polymorph can only be cast on others, whereas Shapechange can be cast on self?

I was thinking more of 3.5 where Polymorph and Shapchange have different HD maximums.

Nope, you can Polymorph self just as easily as anyone else. Shapechange has the advantage of:

1. You keep your class features.
2. You can change shapes continuously.
3. You are not limited to beasts only.

2018-02-11, 06:08 PM
Disney is buying 21st Century Fox (or at least a large chunk of it, including MASH).
That means Klinger will soon be a Disney Princess.

Where's the Klinger build? :)

2018-02-11, 06:39 PM
Disney is buying 21st Century Fox (or at least a large chunk of it, including MASH).
That means Klinger will soon be a Disney Princess.

Where's the Klinger build? :)If we're going there, first, does that include television or just movies? Even if it doesn't Dana Scully was in two movies so I would be amused if she counted. However, it has been pointed out that all xenomorphs are descended from a queen so...

No brains
2018-02-11, 07:39 PM
Will Ripley 8 be a Disney Princess? How about the newborn xenomorph?

I wonder if Jafar's staff is a magic item or just a focus for his spells? Suggestion does have a worthless material component, so busting the staff would stop him from Suggesting to the Sultan. When he controls the genie he gets a new staff and casts Dispel Magic on Aladdin and pals.

Aladdin was actually the movie that got me interested in fantasy and now I'm starting to see why. Jafar displayed some good system knowledge. :smallamused: