View Full Version : DM Help Planar Allies for a priestess of Zodal

2018-02-08, 03:31 AM
Greetings! I am running a 3.5 game and we have a NG healing oriented cleric of Zodal (https://dnd-wiki.org/wiki/Canon:Zodal), a lesser known Flan deity of mercy, hope, and benevolence.

I like the idea of a lesser known deity being a big part of my player's PCs. It allows them to show that their are more than the core gods ( we play in Greyhwak).

The problem arose when she stated she wanted to prepare a Lesser Planar Ally spell to call forth a meat shield that can help the party. The player is aware of the dangers of Called creatures and dying and is willing to purchase a scroll of Revive Outsider if the unthinkable were to happen.

I refer to Complete Divine's Chapter 5. There, a bunch of deities are described and you get to see what planar allies each god gives you, depending on the spell's version.

There is also a sidebar on page 119 of that same book, giving alternative planar allies for deities not listed in that book going strictly by alignment, not name. Sadly, when looking at the Lesser Planar options in that table, I could find nothing for NG, which is quite a bummer, since they covered every alignment except that one.

So I was asking you fine folk if you'd have any suggestions for a lesser, planar and greater planar ally for a deity like Zodal? My first choice were Guardinals, but the SRD doesn't have anything of 6HD or less for the lesser version. So i have, for the time being, allowed a Bralani eladrin, but they don't quite fit the theme of Zodal's tenets. They are both good, but approach situations in a very different matter.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance.

2018-02-08, 03:59 AM
You could have it the cleric summon a Triton with additional levels of Cleric or Paladin to bump it's Hit Dice to around 6. Make it something of a potentially recurring NPC (if she uses the spell often). A servant devoted to the ideals of mercy, protection, and benevolence, who heard Zodal's call for aid, and opened himself to being summoned.

Also, you can search monsters by type, alignment, CR, or all other sorts of things here (http://monsterfinder.dndrunde.de). After you search, it'll give you a list of monsters, and will include their HD. If you click on the monster's name, it'll tell you what good they can be found in (or provide a link to the SRD)