View Full Version : AVB - Vanessa

2018-02-08, 07:46 PM
DMs and Jeriah only, please. Private threads are private, you know.

How much detail do you want to do here? You want the full copy/paste standard and everything or do you just want to gloss over things? I'm never sure how much you're wanting to get into the game with your characters.
As you enter Ezekiel's Supplies, you notice that the walls are lined with supplies of all kinds. There are various sets of outfits designed for harsh weather conditions and dangerous climates, flasks and bottles and bags and pouches and all manner of containers, swords and knives and bows, and even a small section entirely devoted to cooking utensils and pots and pans. In the far back is a locked glass case filled with what appear to be various magical potions.

A half-elf woman stands behind a counter near the door and smiles at you as you enter. "Welcome to Ezekiel's Supplies! Please, look around and ask if you have any questions."

2018-02-08, 07:53 PM
I'd like the full experience, with a side of fries, please.
I'm feeling really roleplayish this time around.
(Couldn't figure out how to spell roleplayey... ee... er you know what I mean.)

Vanessa approaches the counter as she eyes the wares.

"I was actually looking for somewhere to purchase enchanted tattoos. Do you sell them or know of anyplace that does?"

2018-02-08, 07:57 PM
Oh! The old woman watched you start to walk away and then went back to asking passersby for help as soon as she thought you were out of earshot.

"Ah. Unfortunately, we do not stock such items. However, you can check with our partner across the way at Erbauer's. He deals in psionic items and may be able to provide them or have more information for you."

2018-02-08, 08:00 PM
"Well, thank you anyway. Good day."

Vanessa turns and walks out, crossing the Plaza over to Erbauer's.

You knew this was going to happen before I even started playing. :smallamused:

2018-02-08, 08:01 PM
Erbauer's Enchanted Devices and Dynamos sits on the north-west side of the Plaza on Mastiff's Road. A stout wooden door with elegant etching work opens out onto the street. The sign hanging on the corner of the building has a picture of a bag of holding with rings, swords, and other magical items protruding from it and reads:

Erbauer's Enchanted Devices and Dynamos
Custom magical items, discount rates.
Accepts almost anything magical in trade.
Sizable discount to all new customers!

Inside is a small workshop, about twenty feet by forty feet. On entering, one does not find a true proper shop area, and there is often at least one apprentice noisily working on some magical contraption within.

Near the front are two comfortably upholstered chairs and a small counter which separates the entryway from the workshop. Behind the counter stands a woman of shocking beauty, a nearly perfect face, and shimmering golden hair with trace highlights of blue. Her diaphanous clothing is only just on this side of modest and is really quite distracting. Once you notice her, you find it physically difficult to look anywhere else in the shop... The name tag she wears reads "Clearwater".

2018-02-08, 10:43 PM
"Oh. Hello. Um, Miss Clearwater, was it? I was interested in purchasing some psionic tattoos and was referred here by the kind lady across the way at Ezekiel's Supplies."

2018-02-08, 11:49 PM
"Welcome. Yes, we can provide psionic tattoos. Would you prefer to be present and have them tattooed directly or would you prefer to choose from our selection of existing tattoos?"

2018-02-09, 01:34 AM
"If you have any tattoos with the strength of my enemy power, I should greatly like to acquire several of them. I'd prefer some with a higher manifester level than average though, so that the duration is longer.

Truthfully, I'd really like an item that allows me to manifest it at will or be constantly active, but I know I don't have enough money for it."

2018-02-09, 01:36 PM
Clearwater snaps her fingers, and a small, misshapen dwarf-like thing seemingly composed of clay and stone shuffles out from behind the counter, crosses over to the wall, and opens a hidden panel. It reaches inside of some sort of magical darkness and pulls out a stone statuette, about 20 inches tall, setting it on the floor with a loud thunk. The statuette is rather plain and boring, with the exception of what are clearly pulsating psionic tattoos.

The golem(?) creature runs its fingers across four of the tattoos, which transfer themselves to its arms, and then walks over towards you to present them.

As it approaches you, Clearwater lightly clears her throat to get your attention again.

"We have four in stock which are above the minimum power level. Two of these are at a manifester level of 6, one at an 8, and the fine one crafted at a 10.

As a first time customer, you'll receive the new customer discount in addition to our regular low prices. As such, the prices for the tattoos are 360, 480, and 600, respectively. 1800 for the whole lot.

For the other item you've requested..." She takes a few second to run a calculation on a notepad next to her, "We're going to have to ask 21,600 for the lesser and 48,000 for the continuous, both prices include the first time buyer discount and would need to be ordered with your first purchase to qualify."

2018-02-09, 03:58 PM
"Hmm. I'll probably take the 8 and 10. I can't afford to spend more to get all 4. The other items will just have to wait until I have some meaningful income.

What about a magic item that can improve natural weapons? You have anything like that?"

2018-02-09, 04:05 PM
"A Necklace of Natural Attacks +1 would be 1,560 with your initial order and ready immediately. It can, of course, be enchanted with additional effects at you request, but it will take some time for such enchantments to be added."

2018-02-09, 04:12 PM
"I'll take it and the two tattoos. Thank you!"

She pays out the 2,640gp and accepts the tattoo transfer from the creepy midget thing and the necklace from Clearwater.

"I expect we'll be doing a lot of business together. Have a pleasant day."

She gives a polite nod and turns to walk out the door back into the Plaza.

2018-02-09, 04:24 PM
She takes your money and thanks you for your business.

You leave.