View Full Version : Blood War in your Backyard (IC)

2018-02-08, 08:58 PM
(But daytime)
Even a mile away from the barrier around the fortress you could see the signs of demons taking this land as their own. Here the sky is thick with clouds on an otherwise bright and clear day, and the wind is heavy with a foul scent, and the grass has withered to dust leaving only dry earth.

It is already an hour past noon; eleven hours remain before the demons will make even greater progress in bringing forth an army to properly command the area around this outpost and already their numbers and fighting power is likely beyond what you or any mortals of this realm can handle. The greatest forces and armies of this world have raced into position around the conquered fort, ready to fight and bleed and die to draw the attention of the demon army while you destroy the connect to the abyss. The more impatient groups, like the Half-Dragon knights who arrived quite early in comparison to the others, are already raining gouts of dragonfire upon the shimmering wall of energy around the fortress to no avail; even when an attack pierces a few of the layered Walls of Force it accomplish nothing in the face of the dozens of other wards that prevents physical and magical intrusion. Quasit swarm the airspace above the castle spewing expletives and vulgar phrases as they revel in their invulnerability.

Each of you have been marked by words of old power at great cost; the delicate piece of magic that should get you through the barrier, though it offers no hope of getting back out. Should you successfully slay the Wardmasters within the castle that will not be a problem, but will hopefully come after you destroy the portal into the Abyss.

The Half-Dragons making up the Covetous Guardians from the Empire of the Endless Hoard have already proven the barrier is not perfect with their hundred strong team of Dragon-blooded knights, and those efforts did not include the thousand kobold foot soldiers they brought with them.

The Earthly Celestial Empire’s warriors seem especially eager to reclaim the fortress for their pure blooded cousins; the hundreds of Humans and Elves and Assimars each hold a vial of holy water and are only a short sprint away from the barrier, the closest any group dared to approach.

Likewise each other group is ready to fight. At your signal every army will attack employing the greatest magic and power at their disposal; no defense is perfect, after all, and with this force numbering in the thousands the demons will have no choice but to mount some form of response.

The main question on everyone’s mind is simply ‘How will these heroes approach?’

The encampment housing you and officers handling coordination between the armies is strategically positioned between the fortress and the entrance to one of the many underground escape paths that wind through the hills and mountains in the surrounding area. Likewise one of the canals (a deep, twenty foot wide by twenty foot deep passage that fully connects to the great Beryl-Foam river to the South) feeding into the fortress’ moat is not far away either, as is an entrance to the aqueduct system that bypasses the most entirely and feeds into the castle’s cistern.

And beyond that there is magic. While you cannot teleport directly into the castle, you could easily teleport to the barrier itself and then rush in madly. Invisibility, flight, burrowing through the earth, marching alongside the army...there are so many options, but so little time.

2018-02-08, 09:41 PM
"Attention moronic demons! Your end is nigh. Your eyes are on the wrong place! Clearly they've been misplaced, and so I'm the one who's going to do that for you literally! That's right, feast your eyes before I feast on them, plebs! Now, that I have your attention, allow me to introduce myself! What you are observing is the great and powerful Lamarck, here to steal the hearts of onlookers everywhere!"

Apparently, there's an aasimar making a real ass of herself. She's been yelling at the gate for hours, either trying to psyche out the demons or psyching herself for a direct assault in lieu of a plan, which would require more intelligence than she can muster.

"My legend began in the prior century. Once there was an orphan babe, and, spoilers, she grew into the babe before. So anyway, she was an orphan! She was left at the convent's steps and raised as a nun. The mothers positively loved her, so much so that they kept shouting her name, probably in praise. Anywho, there was a point to this. Right. Anyway one day she decided she learned all she could and struck out on her own. Everywhere she traveled she threw off the garb of tyranny and shattered the shackles of slavery! Who was this person! It was me, the incorrigible and beautiful Lamarck."

This has going on far past the point of inspiration. She might be repeating herself, but she's been so loud that you can't think straight.

"And that's why I had eggs for breakfast. Remember when I, the unstoppable and lovable Lamarck, say it, but eggs and bacon is the breakfast of champions! Remember that when you're serving me breakfast in restitution for that waste of my time. I'm far beyond what you're capable of handling! Do you see now what you've brought upon yourself. It's like mere mortals say, you've brought this storm upon yourself for you wickedness. Repent now, and Lamarck, which is me, might consider excusing this behavior."

2018-02-08, 11:51 PM

lili gazes across the field of battle at the mocking denizens of her former home. she sighs and decides to put her eyes on something more entertaining. lamark.

"what if we just walk in? they would expect us to be part of some trap. or something. catch them completely off guard."

2018-02-09, 02:12 AM
I like this plan! For more suprise we could walk in invisible! If you can't do it by yourself, I can do it for some of you!

Rúrik wasn't pleased to be here - who was?. But that old man was sent by his goddess herself! He knew that with most of his fellows he wouldn't be friends with. He didn't even like them. But that wasn't important. Important was that they were reliable. He was.
And hopefully they were, too!

2018-02-09, 09:01 AM
But sneaking in is kinda boring, Gokai chimes in. He looks out across the endless multitudes of various demons. It would be more fun to just beat everything up.

He pauses and then furrows his brow. But we are supposed to destroy this portal thing and we don't have a lot of time. Why does everyone have to make everything so complicated, why can't we just enjoy a good fight?

2018-02-09, 09:19 AM
The tiny dragon would watch his fellow members of this team and just shake his head at them. Vax would then just think of a solution as he heard one of the giants starts yelling at enemies on other side and would just face palm himself at the stupidity of that not only did see give away our position but any element of surprise that they might have. he would look to the yelling giant (Lamarck) "If your done yelling and giving our enemies our position and taking any element of surprise we might have had and making this job any harder" he would say to the women as hard part is moving a large group like this their a few options but hard part is can they get where going and avoid getting into fights unless it is necessary.

He would look at what they seem to be able to do as he did not have an exactly what their abilities are only roughly from details given in the meet and greet. He would look to other the where dancing and sighed if they do not take this seriously they might not last long that was for sure. The tiny dragon would look he knew of aqueduct nearby but the question is it guarded can they go over the wall or through it without drawing attention from armies outside. he would sit and think he tail flicking back and worth as he pounded what an idea to give them as he was never great at combat he usually weaker in that skill than others.

2018-02-09, 10:30 AM
hmm... that's true. Both of you are right. We're in a hurry. And they might know where we are.
I have a plan: 4 of us are going to the sphere, ready to fight. Myself, our tiny dragon and two others are following unseen. So we have both. The direct confrontation with a bit of suprise.

Give me a “yeah“ or an alternative. But decide fast!

2018-02-09, 11:58 AM
Krhar shook his head as he squatted to the side, he sideways glanced at the little dragon, he had decided would be his friend, he snorted slightly at the little dragons exclamation. He shook his head all the suggestions. These were demons, far more crafty, than all of us combined, they would have to fight, however they got in there.

His hackles raised in irritation from the old man, he was already starting to annoy him.

He controlled a growl, lest they see it for something else.

"The aqueduct is an obvious choice, it will be guarded, but probably easier battle than running in while everyone out here distracts."

Even if he wore the skin of a demon, and looked like a hyena with horns (or are those teeth?), there was still an intelligence behind those eyes.

2018-02-09, 12:01 PM
"Dancer and Crazy Talker are doing a great job attracting the attention, so let's do the real job, I'm following you"

As Astrid said that, she disapears from sight using one of her invocations.

"...Right behind you...", said with a lower voice.

2018-02-09, 12:24 PM
The dark red lass places her hand on Lamarck's back, "we should probably get ready to go. everyone is looking at the aqueduct."

2018-02-09, 02:37 PM
The human, previously silent, now speaks up

"We could go in directly, but we would be more likely to encounter swarms of enemies and their bodies would end up blocking us. The cisterns, sure, but probably just as ineffective due to a smaller corridor. So, how about we go in through the air? We could all fly, and start off by those nifty catapults that they have..."

2018-02-09, 10:37 PM
‘You’re doing a great job putting those people in there place, Lamarck” Lamarck hears Vax say. “Now that you’ve shown them who’s boss, time to get inside,” she hears Lili say.

“Thank you very much, tiny lizard and muscle lady,” she responds to her earnest companions. “That was much quicker than I thought. I guess they might be a worthy challenge after all.”

2018-02-10, 03:41 PM
"...That said, we could also reasonably go in through the aqueducts -- a tight space, but would lessen the chance of being surprised. Well, any objections?" he then continued, not bothering to say anything that didn't need to be said.

2018-02-10, 05:41 PM
Do we have to? It would be a lot more fun to go through the front door. Gokai gives a pleading look to the group. Besides, im really kinda bad at the whole stealth thing.

2018-02-11, 11:14 AM
The tiny dragon would watch as he ponders the options but without knowing the strength of what they face out there it's hard to determine what would be the best option. The aqueduct is the safest option plus any enemies that goes in their he can toast or corrode away with his breath weapon. His tail would flicker a bit more before getting up and looking to them "we need to plan to move forward anyone have amazing stealth skills or ability that make it easy for them scout ahead of aqueduct" he would ask them as time was running out it won't take long for armies outside to organize but if their lucky they can take advantage of chaos to get to the barrier.

He would look up to his giant teammates one after the other as rushing in aqueduct is not very smart even he knew that even if he was an oddity to his race due dragon legacy and the fact he was not a coward like rest of his race. He knew without keeping a large or even all of their skins unharmed or this mission was doomed. he would sigh and think look to them "I would need at least two people with either stealth skill or magic that make them perfect for scouting to step up" he would request but he was surrounded by giants so he did not know if any one of them would even do it but debating best plan was wasting time they could be using getting to the barrier hopefully before the armies outside get organised.

2018-02-12, 10:06 AM
"sigh. while you guys try to figure out which way to go, i'll be heading to the front door. swimming was never my thing and i want to crush some heads."

With that simple statement and logic, Lili begins walking to the magical wall and dons her greater mage armor. She steps through the barrier...

2018-02-12, 11:20 AM
This girl's tough! Rúrik said while turning into a brown bear and following her. That will be funny!
Wait for me! he shouted. He casts a spell to be faster longstrider 1st lvl domain slot/ +10 base land speed for 8 hours

2018-02-12, 12:12 PM
The tiny dragon would watch as he ponders the options but without knowing the strength of what they face out there it's hard to determine what would be the best option. The aqueduct is the safest option plus any enemies that goes in their he can toast or corrode away with his breath weapon. His tail would flicker a bit more before getting up and looking to them "we need to plan to move forward anyone have amazing stealth skills or ability that make it easy for them scout ahead of aqueduct" he would ask them as time was running out it won't take long for armies outside to organize but if their lucky they can take advantage of chaos to get to the barrier.

He would look up to his giant teammates one after the other as rushing in aqueduct is not very smart even he knew that even if he was an oddity to his race due dragon legacy and the fact he was not a coward like rest of his race. He knew without keeping a large or even all of their skins unharmed or this mission was doomed. he would sigh and think look to them "I would need at least two people with either stealth skill or magic that make them perfect for scouting to step up" he would request but he was surrounded by giants so he did not know if any one of them would even do it but debating best plan was wasting time they could be using getting to the barrier hopefully before the armies outside get organised.

Astrid appears behind the tiny dragon (cancelling his Walk Unseen invocation), "Hey!, I have what you looking for, both stealth and magic, however, seems the plan is inclined to do it barbaric style...", she points to those two moving forward to the enemy.

2018-02-12, 12:32 PM
"Well, the great and powerful Lamarck can move through walls- HEY WAIT FOR ME MUSCLE LADY! IF YOU DIE I WON'T HAVE A DANCING PARTNER!" Lamarck stops herself midsentence and chases after Lili.

2018-02-12, 02:55 PM
Oh yeah! Lets do this! Gokai states as he moves off to follow the group headed for melee with a massive smile on his face.

2018-02-12, 04:13 PM
Khrar shrugs and looks to the little dragon. "Looks like we found another distraction for us, care to go?"

Will cast invisibility if they head off towards the aqueduct

2018-02-12, 04:24 PM
"Fine, kill yourselves for all I care, I have my own ways of getting things done" Claidheamh said, moving towards the endless barrage of catapults, looking for an empty one nearby.

2018-02-12, 06:03 PM
he would sigh as he watched group spit up one group planning fight through demon armies through enemies that they have little information of weakness and strengths. He watched one go for a catapult he was a little smarter and hoped he survived the time in the air and the landing. He would look to the two "I pray dragon gods guide them in the destruction of their enemies. will lets go with them fighting we might get lucky and any soldiers guarding the aqueduct might be pulled away from us to them but be prepared to fight in case" he would warn them as their still a chance there might be a small squad of demons where they need get out to enter the barrier which is their main goal of getting too for the moment.

he would flop his tail and look at the other one "can you go invisible and scout a bit ahead and give us a idea of what we might be dealing with" he would say to them he was kinda happy the giant hyna man had decided to join him as they may need his brute strength but he hoped they did not have fight too much as he had a bad feeling this was but only a warmup. The other one was very versatile that he would come in very handy that was for sure with range mid and close combat covered he was a bit sure they can make it hopefully a lot fresher and not as hurt as ones that are going to try brutely force their way to the barrier they need to enter.

2018-02-12, 06:10 PM
Krahr nods.

"let's go, I'll scout once we reach the aqueduct."

2018-02-12, 09:34 PM
And so the heroes take fate into their own hands and go their separate ways. Some have chosen to assault the fortress directly (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?550890-Blood-War-in-your-Backyard-(IC)-Frontal-Assault&p=22837433#post22837433), some have chosen to assault it very directly by way of catapult (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?550892-Blood-War-in-your-Backyard-(IC)-Team-Catapult&p=22837462#post22837462) and a few take the aqueduct path (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?550891-Blood-War-in-your-Backyard-(IC)-Aqueduct-Invasion&p=22837442#post22837442)in hopes of minimizing the resistance they face.

But what of the army you leave behind? The many brave men and women and halflings that are willing to help in any way they can? What shall they do to aid you? It will take some time for them to break the barrier, so the options are limited...unless you strive to destroy the Wardmasters maintaining the barrier first, of course. Still, what are your orders?

2018-02-13, 03:53 PM
Krahr nods.

"let's go, I'll scout once we reach the aqueduct."

"I will be watching your back while you scout". Astrid proceed to cast some Invocations on herself and then dissapears from plain sight.

- Humanoid Shape (Dark Stalker):
o. Sneak Attack +3d6
o. Improved Initiative feat
o. Lighning Reflexes feat
o. Hide, Move Silently, Sleight of Hand, Tumble skills +6
o. Listen, Spot skills +5
- Swimming the stix
- Walk Unseen
- Dark One's Own Luck (to Fort)
- See the Unseen
- Fell flight (to float 1 feet over ground)

2018-02-14, 01:00 PM
Claidheamh wishes for the common folk to stay back, and defensively advance when the barrier is down.