View Full Version : Mournland Magebred Template? [Eberron]

2018-02-08, 10:36 PM
So I was flipping through the 4e Eberron book for inspiration, as one does, and I came across an entry I'd never seen before called Mournland Magebred.

I'd been saying for years that Vadalis needed something more sinister going on, so the fact that it's apparently existed in canon for years is a bit of a shocker! I'm considering backporting some of these ideas to 3.5 for a game, but, uh...

Well, there's very little info on them. The only one that has any stats in the campaign guide is their leader, and while I think she could be represented easily enough with Psionics or Spheres Of Power (or, heck, even something like Truenaming), they don't have any stats even suggested for the others, apart from the fact that they're all stronger, smarter, healthier, and more attractive than all regular humans.

So, uh... is there a template that just flat out adds a +2 to all ability scores? Or something that might approximate it? And if not, any suggestions for what that might do to change a humanoid's base CR?

Epic Legand
2018-02-08, 11:47 PM
I have been working on this exact same thing. BUT power levels vary based on weather your running PF, 3.5 or 4.0. Mine is set at what I feel is balanced for PF (LA+1)
+2 to any 2 of stats, and + 4 to any other one( non stacking), +10' base move, +1 Nat Armor and pick one feat from a short list
Improved initiative, Fast Healing or Aberrant Dragonmark

2018-02-09, 02:28 AM
I have been working on this exact same thing. BUT power levels vary based on weather your running PF, 3.5 or 4.0. Mine is set at what I feel is balanced for PF (LA+1)
+2 to any 2 of stats, and + 4 to any other one( non stacking), +10' base move, +1 Nat Armor and pick one feat from a short list
Improved initiative, Fast Healing or Aberrant Dragonmark

That sounds like a good rough set. I'm working for 3.5 instead of Pathfinder; I don't think I'd need to alter it *too* much, but I'll have to keep it in mind.

As for Aberrant Dragonmark... I'm torn about that idea. It makes a lot of sense in some ways, but in others I almost think I'd like their abilities to be different and unreal feeling. I might want to make it a custom feat that can grant one of those spell like abilities (or if I wanna go crazy, maybe a base sphere ability from Spheres of Power; I'm tempted to stick with the ablities of an aberrant mark, though, or possibly just psionic variants on them to help emphasize the "that isn't right" feeling about them, something that psionics tend to be good at.)