View Full Version : The Heights of Londo [IC 3: For The Love of the Lady]

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2018-02-09, 12:53 PM
Clayr looks over the last chunk of cake, then tosses it into the mouth of her Mareep. "I've never heard of her. Is healing her job, and is it real healing? Or is it the foreign tech?" She asks, as bolts scatter up and down the Mareep's ears.

2018-02-09, 01:09 PM
Leah hesitates before replying. "Well, umm, she, uh, she used salves and, umm, and berries so... So I, uh, I assume it's, uh, traditional..." She rubs at her arm uncomfortably as she continues, "But, umm, I'm, uh, I'm not sure why it would, uh, why it would matter what method she used... I mean, she, uh, she makes people better. Using technology to, uh, to do so wouldn't be any less real..."

2018-02-09, 01:20 PM
"I guess it depends on the technology." Clayr concedes. "It's not what I want to learn. There's not a lot of it here, I don't know how to fix or replace it, and what I know - the stuff i know - isn't going to be useful with it, I bet. And...pointing a stick at somebody and healing them doesn't need a healer. Traditional stuff is stuff I can learn, get the stuff to do, right here."

2018-02-09, 05:50 PM
Alyssa, glad to have a small break from needing to speak, listens to Clayr and Leah's conversation. She nods in agreement with Clayr's last assertion. "Even the technology isn't perfect. And there's a lot you can do by just knowing the right things to do that you can't do with whatever the people with the machines and stuff do. They can fail in ways a person with good hands can't."

2018-02-10, 05:55 AM
Leah nods at Clayr's explanation, "Yeah, umm, I guess that makes sense." She feels a twinge of discomfort at Alyssa's mention of mechanical failure, her mind flitting back to Macha's injury. Not wanting to recall the event to Alyssa's mind, though, she opts to simply stay quiet again.

2018-02-10, 02:36 PM
"Yeah." Clayr says. "Is this Bibi a good teacher?"

2018-02-10, 05:53 PM
Alyssa looks at Leah, but goes with her immediate response of "I, um, wouldn't say that. She's, um, she doesn't say much. You gotta learn by watching."

2018-02-10, 06:27 PM
Leah nods in agreement with Alyssa, "Yeah, she'll, uh, she'll explain things if you ask her, but you usually have to be direct to, uh, to get an explanation."

2018-02-11, 09:04 AM
"Well. I think I'd like to meet her, just in case she's any good. The teacher I have now is old and distracted." Clayr says.

2018-02-11, 09:58 PM
Alyssa nods and smiles. "We can, um, introduce you sometime for sure." She looks at Leah, wondering how Bibi and Clayr would get along.

2018-02-12, 03:24 AM
Leah catches Alyssa's look and finds herself hoping she hadn't just promised Bibi to something she wanted no part of. Putting the thought out of mind, she turned her attention back to Clayr, "Umm, is, uh, is your teacher with you at, uh, at the moment..? In, uh, in Thundercrag, I mean."

2018-02-12, 09:00 AM
"Thanks." Clayr says to Alyssa, as her Mareep starts to wander around the room. "Yes, he lives in Thundercag. Why?"

2018-02-12, 05:51 PM
Saura, at this point growing bored of listening to the conversation, rises to her feet and ambles over to greet the Mareep. Leah, meanwhile, just gives a small shrug in response to Clayr, "I was, uh, just curious. I wasn't sure if they, uh, if they lived over in Bastille or not."

2018-02-12, 10:44 PM
"Well, no, he's lived here all his life." Clayr answers, while her Mareep tilts its head at Saura and lets out a faint cry of greeting. "I was only in Bastille for the event. I've heard the resident healer there is obsessed with annoying Lilligant, but they can't be any worse than Knotte."

2018-02-13, 11:35 AM
Alyssa laughs a bit nervously. "Yeah, um, no, they're not worse than Knotte I don't think." Not really sure what else to say, she asks, "What, um, specialty does your teacher have?"

2018-02-13, 11:03 PM
"He was a battle healer." Clayr says. "I know that there haven't been many battles recently, but it's just regular healing done quicker anyway."

2018-02-13, 11:44 PM
Alyssa nods. "I, um, learned a bit from some healers, but I'm not, um, really fast. So, um, that's really impressive. I know being fast is, um, really important."

2018-02-14, 09:40 AM
Saura gives the Mareep a genial "Saur!" before motioning with her head over to Leah to indicate who her trainer was. Introductions made, she tilted her head up at the now empty plate of cakes, then over at Clayr, asking a hopeful "Bulba bulb?"

Leah frowns faintly at the mention of Lilligants. "The, uh, the lady who runs the pokécenter in Sorland has a Lilligant as well. Are they, uh, are they common pokémon for a healer to have here..?"

2018-02-14, 11:10 AM
Clayr looks down at Saura and then back up at Leah. "Their powders are useful for herbs, they produce them constantly, they're small, easy on the eyes, they're smart enough to help, and they have the limbs to do it. Your Pokemon wants a cake - is she allowed?"

2018-02-14, 12:26 PM
Leah nods, "That makes sense." She glances down at Saura as Clayr makes her comment, finding her Bulbasaur looking back with a pleading look. The sight makes her break out into a grin, and she nods, "Yeah, she can. Just so long as it's only one, though."

Saura's expression turns from elated, to faintly disappointed as Leah sets the limit on how many cakes she could have. Nevertheless, she turned to look up at Clayr with a hopeful grin.

2018-02-14, 02:17 PM
Clayr tosses one of the tasty cakes down to Saura.

2018-02-14, 06:11 PM
Saura gratefully accepts the cake, making short work of it as she enjoys it.

2018-02-14, 06:17 PM
"You two can have some if you like." Clayr steps away from the tray. "I won't throw them to you unless you're at least as good at catching as her." She nods to Saura.

2018-02-15, 03:14 AM
Alyssa smiles. "Better not, then." She leans in to look at the cakes and selects one to enjoy herself. Before she starts, she offers a bow of her head. "Thank you!"

2018-02-15, 07:29 AM
Leah follows Alyssa's lead, leaning forward to pick out a cake of her own. She gives Clayr a grateful smile and a "Thanks." before trying the treat.

2018-02-15, 07:35 AM
The pair find the cakes delicious and moist. "Where did you get her?" Clayr nods to Saura.

2018-02-15, 08:06 AM
Leah follows Clayr's gaze down to Saura as she was asked about her. Giving an apologetic "Mmphh..." as she fought to swallow the bite of cake she'd just taken, she replied, "I, uh... Sorry, excuse me..." She raised a hand to her chest as she swallowed again, "There's a starter give-away in Kanto when, uh, when you turn ten. Umm, I chose Saura back then and, uh, and never looked back, really."

2018-02-16, 08:21 AM
"I don't know what a starter is." Clayr says. "Beginner Pokemon?"

2018-02-16, 01:17 PM
Leah gave Clayr an apologetic smile, "Umm, sorry, I forget it's, uh, it's only just starting here. Umm, yes, a starter is, uh, is the first pokémon trainers get." She tucks a strand of hair away from her face, "The idea is to help you get, well, uh, started, as a trainer."

2018-02-16, 01:50 PM
"And then you decided to become a fossil expert instead?" Clayr raises an eyebrow.

2018-02-16, 06:33 PM
Leah hesitates, then rubs behind her neck, "Well... A lot of kids get starters but, uh, but don't go on to, uh, to travel. Or, uh, train. I wanted to, uh, to keep studying, so I didn't leave school."

2018-02-16, 11:54 PM
Alyssa, not having much to add to Leah's story or Clayr's questions, watches the conversation carefully while she slowly eats away at the cake in her hand.

2018-02-17, 01:44 PM
"How many starters are there?" Clayr asks, as she leans against the counter and keeps her eyes on Leah.

2018-02-17, 05:18 PM
Leah begins to fidget under Clayr's attention. "Umm, three. There's, uh, there's Bulbasaur like, uh, like Saura. Umm, then there's, uh, there's Squirtle. They're water types. Umm, and, uh, and then there's Charmander. They're fire types and, uh, and I think they're maybe the most popular..?" She gives an uncertain shrug, "But, umm, most regions have, uh, have starters and, umm, and there's pretty much always a choice of three."

2018-02-18, 06:14 PM
"Charmander?" Clayr asks. "I don't know what that is, but it sounds disappointing. Does that mean everyone has one of those three, if people who don't become trainers get one of them?"

2018-02-19, 12:42 AM
Alyssa looks thoughtfully between the two of Clayr and Leah. "Isn't there, um, a starter thing happening now in Londo? They give away Eevees, right?"

2018-02-19, 02:33 AM
Leah breaks into a grin as Clayr dismisses Charmander's. She nods at her follow-up question, "For the most part, yeah. There are, uh, there are times when someone misses out. Sometimes a lab will, uh, will run out of starters, so new trainers end up with a local pokémon instead." She turns to look at Alyssa, giving her a smile and a nod, "Yeah, that's right. The professor liked the idea of the starter program, and she wanted to introduce it to Londo. Devon got a lot of it set up, and, uh, I helped her out with it, too. With raising the Eevee's, that is."

2018-02-19, 08:38 AM
Clayr's expression doesn't change for a few seconds, then she smiles. "I remember seeing one of those. The girl who beat Lord Bastille had one, didn't she?"

2018-02-19, 09:49 AM
Leah nods with a smile, "Sass. Yeah, she's from Sorland as well. She, uh, she came by a lot when we were raising the Eevee's. Umm, I was really impressed by her battling."

2018-02-19, 08:11 PM
"How does she compare to your Kanto trainers?" Clayr asks.

2018-02-20, 02:32 AM
Leah hesitates before responding, opting for a diplomatic answer. "It's... Tricky to say... She's, uh, she's only just starting and, umm, and I've, uh, I've not watched many battles of people just, uh, just starting in Kanto. The battles I have watched were, uh, were much more experienced trainers. Umm, either going for a, uh, a late badge or at the league. So, umm, they use pretty, uh, pretty advanced tactics." She rubs at her arm as she continues, "I do think she's good, though! I think she can definitely, uh, definitely go all the way."

2018-02-20, 06:29 AM
Alyssa pipes in. "I, um, thought she was pretty good, but, um, Lord Bastille was... um, he was totally different. He was amazing and, um, I still thought he wasn't going all out. But I thought Sass was really good. She hasn't been going long so she learns fast."

2018-02-21, 09:21 AM
Clayr nods slowly. "I hope she does well. It will be good to have a good local joining in with all the foreigners on the League thing."

2018-02-21, 09:42 AM
Leah glances at Alyssa, nodding her agreement. "Yeah, umm, he reminded me of the gym leaders back in Kanto. They really knew their stuff, too."

She finds herself hesitating at Clayr's off-hand comment. She'd never thought of Sass as being anything other than 'another kid', she hadn't thought about how her success might be viewed by others. "Yeah, umm, I, uh, I hope she does well." Casting about for a change in topic, she found herself glancing to where Maddy was taken away by Parkin, "So, uh, how do you know Maddy..?"

2018-02-21, 09:51 AM
"I don't." Clayr shrugs. "This is the first time I've met him."

2018-02-21, 10:01 AM
"Oh, sorry, I just, uh, just assumed..." Leah trails off, struggling to think of another topic. She glances briefly at Alyssa, a thought occurring to her as she does, then back to Clayr, "Umm... I've, uh, I've not had much of a chance to, uh, to explore Thundercrag yet. Umm, is there, uh, is there anywhere you'd recommend visiting..? Umm, somewhere open in the evenings, ideally?"

2018-02-21, 11:57 AM
Alyssa looks thoughtfully. "How much do you know about the league in Londo? I didn't think there were people from other places competing, I though it was just people from here."

2018-02-21, 12:55 PM
"Like, for dinner?" Clayr asks Leah. "There are a few good places. Spicy food you can find by the docks, where they get their berries from, place called The Stunfisk's Sting. There's this place that mostly serves Knights, lots of healthy food, near the waterfall. It's called...Aspear's Rest, I think? If you prefer something quiet, there's Pecha Hut just inside the walls. You get your own hut to eat in, it's almost soundproof, but it doesn't seat a lot of people, so you'd have to split up into multiple huts if there's more than two or three of you."

Her eyes flick to Alyssa. "Isn't the point of the giveaway to get foreigners competing?"

2018-02-21, 03:33 PM
Leah gives Clayr a hesitant nod as she asks for clarification, hoping Alyssa would be up for her idea. "Those all sound, uh, pretty nice." She tucks a strand of hair away from her face, glancing between the other two as they discuss the starter giveaway, "Umm, it's just meant to, uh, to help people just starting out. Umm, I don't think the professor's plan was to, uh, to give advantages to natives or, uh, or foreigners specifically..."

2018-02-21, 03:34 PM
Alyssa listens carefully to Clayr's suggestions, not offering any response to Clayr but smiling at Leah and winking.

She shrugs when Clayr responds to her question. "I guess, but, um, I thought they wanted people from here to compete. It seemed like, um, a way to try and make good with people here. They must have talked to the lords about it, right? I guess people from far away would want the prize, but, um, I didn't think that was what they wanted when they made it."

2018-02-22, 05:02 AM
Leah breaks into a grin, blushing slightly, as Alyssa appeared to agree to her implied suggestion. At Alyssa's question about the Lords, Leah asked "Well, uh, the Lords act as the, uh, the ones to beat before you can take on the, uh, the league, right..? I can't imagine they weren't asked..."

2018-02-22, 07:52 AM
"Whatever the case, I've been thinking about helping a trainer once I'm a little better at healing." Clayr says. "I think they'd be grateful to have a healer with them, and I'd actually get to use this stuff in the wild."

2018-02-22, 08:00 AM
Leah nods, "That sounds like a good idea. Umm, nothing really beats, uh, practical experience, too. So, uh, so it'd help you improve as well."

2018-02-22, 08:36 PM
Alyssa nods. "Yeah! I've, um, done some reading about healing but it's nothing like actually doing it. You'd learn a lot traveling with a trainer! Though you do want to go with people you, um, like to be with. It can be bad if you travel with people you don't like." She glances at Leah and smiles.

2018-02-23, 08:38 AM
Clayr leans back against the counter and tilts her head at the two girls. "So, uh. Why do you two keep looking at each other and smiling and winking? Have I got something on my face...?"

2018-02-23, 01:14 PM
Leah feels herself turn bright red as Clayr comments on the looks she'd been sharing with Alyssa. She shakes her head, an embarrassed expression written plainly across her face as she sat up a bit straighter. "N-n-no, that's not- we weren't..." She shoots Alyssa a worried glance, then looks back at Clayr, "I-I-It's just, uh, we, uh, recently, that is, we, uh..." Struggling to find the words she wanted to use, she looked over to Alyssa with a pleading expression.

2018-02-23, 06:40 PM
Alyssa smiles awkwardly and laughs a bit. "Oh, um, no, it's nothing like that. We're, um. We're together?" She takes Leah's hand as if to try and show it and also because of her desperation. "Sorry we, um, made it seem like we were keeping a secret or something. We're just, um, new at it and, um, not sure how much stuff we want to do out in the open." She gives Leah a reassuring look.

2018-02-23, 10:17 PM
"Oh. Okay." Clayr smiles. "Kind of obvious, but it works, I suppose. You're cute together. And if you're new...you probably want me to get out of your hair,
don't you?"

2018-02-24, 04:27 AM
Leah feels her nerves settle somewhat as Alyssa clarifies, gratefully taking her hand. She returns her look with a relieved smile. As Clayr comments on them being cute together, she finds herself reddening further. When she asks if she should leave, Leah gives a hurried shake of her head, "Y-you don't have to! I-I-I..." She swallows as she tries to figure out what she wanted to say, "Y-you... I-I don't want to, umm, to, uh, to force you to, uh, to leave."

2018-02-24, 09:30 PM
Alyssa smiles and puts her other hand over Leah's to help give her some support. To Clayr she says, "It's okay. You, um, don't have to run off. Though we wouldn't mind being your excuse if you, um, really didn't want to stay. But that was why...I was guessing when Leah asked you about the, um, dinner and things she was saying she wanted to go out for dinner." She looks to Leah for some confirmation, then back to Clayr. "It's been nice talking to someone besides Parkin, to be honest."

2018-02-25, 01:00 PM
Leah glances at Alyssa and gives her hand a quick squeeze to affirm that she was alright, even if she was stumbling on her words a bit. She nods an affirmation when she's asked about her reasons for asking about places to eat, feeling her cheeks warm as she did.

2018-02-25, 01:59 PM
"You mean you don't find her company thoroughly enchanting?" Clayr asks. "Yeah, I get it. I can go either way - I didn't want to come here in the first place, though it's been nice talking to you two."

2018-02-25, 03:16 PM
Alyssa shakes her head. "It's, um, a lot to take in a once. If you want to go we can, um, cover for you. It's been nice to meet you!"

2018-02-25, 05:02 PM
Leah fights back a grin at Clayr's flattering description of Parkin. "It's, umm, hard to complain when you're allowed to stay for free." With her free hand, she tucked a strand of hair away from her face, "It was nice talking with you. Umm, properly, this time."

2018-02-26, 05:16 PM
"I think I'll go." Clayr says, with a brief look at the tray of cakes before she heads to to the door. "And see you some other time." She says, as her Mareep baas at the pair.

2018-02-26, 06:01 PM
Leah nods, "Umm, ok, if you're sure." She offers Clayr a wave as she heads out the door, then gives another, quicker wave at her Mareep as it follows after her. She watches the door for a few moments after she's gone, before looking back to Alyssa, a slightly guilty expression on her face. "... You don't think we pushed her to leave, do you..?"

2018-02-26, 06:19 PM
Alyssa waves to Clayr as she leaves. "And, um, thanks for the cakes!" She offers Mareep some scratches before she goes, giggling a bit at the static.

Turning back to Leah, she shrugs, though she has a bit of a guilty face too. "Maybe? But, um, we did say she could stay. She probably just, um, felt uncomfortable?" She kisses Leah on the cheek. "I think, um, she might have left anyways. Unless we, um, had more to talk to. She seemed a bit...bored?"

2018-02-27, 02:48 AM
Leah couldn't help but break into a smile as Alyssa kissed her cheek, feeling her chest flutter. "Yeah, I guess you're right. Though it, uh, it does mean we can spend a little longer together this morning." She squeezes Alyssa's hand, leaning in to return the favour.

Once she's pulled away again, she smiles at her again, "So, umm, did any of the places Clayr mentioned sound good to you..?"

2018-02-27, 11:35 AM
Alyssa tries to keep her composure as Leah returns her kiss. Her mind wanders a bit in the feeling before it finds Leah's question to grab hold of. It takes her a moment of just vocalizing to put her thoughts in the right direction before she can answer. "Um, yeah, um, I liked the, um, the hut place. Something private and, um, just for us. If you're, um, okay with that." She looks Leah in the eyes and smiles back.

2018-02-27, 12:00 PM
Leah nods, a grin on her face, "Yeah, I liked the sound of that one, too." She breaks into a giggle, "Umm, I guess it's, uh, it's a date!"

2018-02-27, 12:13 PM
Alyssa smiles and giggles along with Leah. "Are you asking me?" She leans in close enough to kiss Leah. "Because I'd say yes." She kisses her on the lips quickly and leans back, trying to keep from lingering too long.

2018-02-27, 12:30 PM
Leah closes her eyes as Alyssa leans in to kiss her, enjoying the all too brief moment. She opens her eyes again as Alyssa pulls away, finding herself wishing she'd stayed just a little longer. The thought brought a smile to her face, and she absently squeezed her hand around Alyssa's. It took her a moment to realise she hadn't actually answered. She grinned again, "Umm, then, uh, I guess, uh, I guess it's a good thing I asked..."

2018-02-27, 02:05 PM
Alyssa smiles and winks at Leah, returning her squeeze. "We never would have gone if you hadn't!" She looks at Leah's eyes and starts to blush. Stammering a bit, she gestures towards where Parkin and Maddy left. "I, uh-um, wonder how, uh, long they'll be."

2018-02-27, 02:31 PM
Leah feels her own cheeks heat as Alyssa holds her gaze. Turning her attention to the door, she shrugged, "Not sure. Umm, I was never really into doing make-up for myself. And, uh, and they don't sell the stuff I did use over here, anyway, so... I don't really know how long it'll take." She shuffles in her seat, resting her head on Alyssa's shoulder, "... I, uh, I guess you'll have to get back to painting when they're back, though..."

2018-02-27, 02:40 PM
Alyssa seems a bit surprised by Leah's head on her shoulder, but relaxes into it almost immediately. She nods at Leah's comment before remembering that she wouldn't be able to see that very well. "Yeah. I'll be done, um, around usual time though. And, um, I won't have to watch Parkin for the rest of it. I've got, um, a lot of notes and stuff. So, um, if you want to be with me while I paint sometime you can. Though, um, I'd need to work, and, um, to be honest you take up a lot of my attention." She takes a second and says, "I meant that in a good way."

2018-02-27, 02:55 PM
Leah grins at Alyssa's comment, "I guessed. I, uh, I might join you some time but, umm, I could use the time today to book a table..?"

2018-02-27, 03:59 PM
Alyssa smiles and nods again as she says "Yeah, um, maybe tomorrow night? I've been tired the last few days." She absently traces circles with her thumb on the back of Leah's hand.

2018-02-27, 04:11 PM
Leah hesitates, then nods, "Yeah, sounds good." She brightens up again, watching Alyssa trace patterns on her hand, "It should, uh, be easier to book, though, for tomorrow." She grins, "Just make sure you, uh, you don't work too hard tomorrow."

2018-02-27, 11:21 PM
Alyssa smiles. "I'll try." She sits in silence, enjoying the moment. Her thumb still traces circles on Leah's hand while she holds it.

2018-02-28, 07:26 AM
As it becomes clear that Alyssa didn't have anything else to say, Leah let her eyes close. In the quiet of the room, she let her other senses take over. The warmth and proximity of Alyssa was comforting, letting her completely relax. The slow tracing on the back of her hand served as a reminder that she wasn't simply asleep, a thought that brought a smile to her face.

2018-02-28, 09:03 PM
Alyssa notices Leah relaxing and giggles at the feeling. She tries to keep her breathing level so as not to jar Leah from her shoulder and resists the urge to just turn and look at her. After a good moment of silence she asks, "What are you thinking about?"

2018-03-01, 02:26 AM
Leah smiles at the question, gently squeezing Alyssa's hand as she answered "You."

The simple statement brought a blush to her cheeks, and she had to fight through butterfrees in her stomach to continue, "U-umm, I'm thinking, uh, thinking about how lucky I feel that, uh, that I got to meet you... How much I, uh, I'm looking forward to tomorrow..." She opened her eyes and lifted her head up off of Alyssa's shoulder, turning to look at her, "A-and, umm, how I, uh, I wish we could just stay like this..."

2018-03-01, 05:36 AM
Alyssa's cheeks heat up at Leah's answer. Noticing Leah's feelings change too, she puts her other hand on top of their clasped hands to show her support. When Leah turns up to look at her, she smiles, slowly turning read at Leah's words. "You're a really good friend and, uh, you're more than that, too. And, um, I feel lucky that we met, too. I didn't really, um, get along with other girls my age and, uh, I didn't know if we'd be friends but I, um, I'm really glad we are and I want to, uh, I mean, I'd like to stay just like this, as long as we can." She's not sure how much more she can say, so she just pulls Leah in close and hugs her, squeezing her a bit. She whispers in her ear, "You're really special to me."

2018-03-01, 08:32 AM
Leah watches Alyssa as she speaks, a soft smile playing on her lips as she joins her in blushing. She gratefully accepts the hug, returning the squeeze Alyssa gives her. At her whispered words, she finds her whole face heats as she breaks into a grin. Not certain she could trust her voice, Leah gave another squeeze as thanks for the kind words. After a moments quiet, she attempts to respond, "A-a-and... A-and y-you are... T-t-to me, t-too."

2018-03-01, 04:36 PM
As she pulls away, Alyssa looks Leah in the eyes with some concern but a really wide smile and warm cheeks. "Are you okay? I, um, I'm not always sure and, um, I want to be sure you're happy." She wipes a bit of moisture from her eyes before she takes Leah's hand again.

2018-03-01, 05:19 PM
Leah swallows and nods as she pulls away, smiling, "I-I am, y-yeah." She gives a small laugh, glancing down, then back up with another smile, "I am, really. I... I don't remember being this happy with, uh, with anyone else." She brushes a strand of her hair away from her face with her free hand, giving Alyssa's hand a squeeze at the same time, "I know I, uh, I struggle sometimes with, uh, with my, uh, my words. But, umm..." She squeezes Alyssa's hand again, "But I wouldn't want to, uh, to be anywhere else."

She leans in, then hesitates, pulling back a little. "Umm, are you ok..?"

2018-03-01, 06:14 PM
Alyssa feels a bit of tension leave her and relaxes as Leah talks. She seems a bit surprised by that feeling, but she keeps her composure and listens to Leah with a smile. As she's listening, she starts to hear her own heartbeat and she smiles. At first she leans in a bit when Leah leans in, but she feels a pull in her stomach when Leah stops. When she asks her question, Alyssa nods emphatically. "Yeah! I'm good. I'm really happy." She pulls back a bit to sit up straight, her eyes gazing over. She runs her free hand over her scar. "I just, um, want to be sure you're okay. I'm really happy, um, being here. With you. And, uh, I like being here with you." Looking back to Leah, she smiles again, realizing it faded a bit while she was thinking. "I would tell you if I was feeling something bad."

2018-03-01, 06:37 PM
Leah watches Alyssa carefully, smiling again at her answer as she nodded. "Ok." She raised her free hand toward Alyssa, hesitantly reaching out to cup it around her cheek. She leans forward again, the tugging in her chest strengthening as she did. "I'll, umm... I'll hold you to that..."

She closes the rest of the distance, going for a kiss. She lingers on it longer than Alyssa had for their last, but still pulls back sooner than she wanted to, unwilling to push too much. She only pulls back a short distance, cheeks flush as her eyes flicked between Alyssa's.

2018-03-01, 08:52 PM
Alyssa seems surprised when Leah cups her cheek, but when she pulls in Alyssa moves in too, kissing Leah in return. Her free hand moves to support Leah as they're close. She leans in a bit more as Leah moves away, but stops and moves back a bit once she realizes that Leah is pulling away. Still close, she tries to keep her breathing steady. With such little distance between them, Alyssa feels the warmth from both her cheeks and from Leah. She smiles, not wanting to move away. Looking down, she moves Leah's hand up to where her heart is so she can feel how quickly it's beating, but she doesn't say anything.

2018-03-02, 02:46 AM
Leah follows Alyssa's gaze as her hand is moved, breaking into a grin as she felt the rapid beating of her heart, her own pulse seeming to quicken to mimic it. She looks back up into Alyssa's eyes, grinning as she realises they were just as red as each other. Glancing back down again, Leah twisted her hand on Alyssa's chest, gently moving Alyssa's hand so that it was resting over her own heart instead. The simple gesture coaxed a giggle out of her, and she looked back up again with a smile.

2018-03-02, 06:04 AM
Alyssa gives a small gasp when she feels Leah's heart beating. "It's, um, different than, um, feeling for a, uh, a..." She looks up into Leah's eyes, the lack of distance between them so short she could feel Leah's warmth from her cheeks. A tugging feeling in her stomach pulls on her and she doesn't hold it back. Closing her eyes, she leans in quickly to kiss her. This time she only pulls away when she's satisfied, when she feels Leah trying to move away, or when it seems like someone else has come into the room.

2018-03-02, 07:39 AM
It turns out the kissing isn't quite done, as there is the rapid padding of tiny feet, following by Knotte suddenly filling up their peripheral vision, then a kiss on each of their cheeks as sleep starts to take hold of them.

2018-03-02, 07:43 AM
Leah lets her hand drop from the side of Alyssa's face as she leans in, wrapping her arm around her back instead. She squeezes Alyssa's hand as they share the kiss, closing her eyes so that she could just enjoy the sensation. Her heart flutters beneath Alyssa's hand, and she finds her worries of staying too long melting away. Lost as she was in the moment, she failed to notice Knotte's approach until it was too late. She opened her eyes at the unexpected feeling of a kiss on her cheek, pulling back just a short distance from Alyssa with a "Wh-..?" before a wave of drowsiness overcame her. Limbs suddenly feeling like lead, she was briefly aware of Knotte doing the same to Alyssa before she began to slump forward into her, eyelids drooping as sleep claimed her.

2018-03-02, 11:32 AM
Alyssa starts to pull away as Knotte kisses her cheek, not giving her enough time to do anything but groan "Knotte..." as she sluggishly starts to pull away from Leah. She notices Leah falling just as she is, and manages enough consciousness to fall more backwards instead of forwards, into a strange position on the floor likely with Leah mostly leaned on top of her. She is completely out before she notices either of their landings.

2018-03-02, 11:46 AM
When the pair wake up, they find that they're in Alyssa's room, laying on the floor with a few more bruises on their backs and limbs than they remember. But, their heads are at least on pillows, as their eyes adjust to the light and they see Knotte in front of them, and, beside her, a collection of drawings made using Alyssa's supplies. This is made obvious by the supplies scattered over the floor right beside the pictures, which have been stuck to the wall somehow.

The drawings are crude, but just about seeable. The first features a long-legged Pokemon with hair that reaches its feet, and a puffy midsection. The second features Knotte, with a heart. The third is a big cross. The fourth is Alyssa and Leah kissing, with Knotte watching. The fifth is Knotte making a concentrated thinking face. The sixth is Knotte and the Pokemon from the first picture hugging, while Leah and Alyssa cheer.

Knotte, noticing the pair are awake, begins to point at the drawings in order with a series of cries.

2018-03-02, 12:38 PM
Leah woke slowly, stirring with a murmured "Mrrmghh..."

She frowned as she regained consciousness, feeling the protesting of her brand new bruises. Blinking to clear her eyes, she propped herself up on her elbows, looking about the room with a sense of displacement. She took in the scattered art supplies and the crude drawings, gaze shifting to Knotte, then finally to the recumbent Alyssa, just starting to wake beside her. Pushing herself into a more upright position, wincing at the ache in her back as she did, Leah gave Alyssa a concerned look. "You ok..? Umm, I think, uh, I think I fell on you..." She gave her an apologetic look, "Umm, sorry..."

Knotte's cries pulled her attention forward, as she took in the crude drawings, she glanced at Knotte and said, "We, uh... We would've come to help if you'd asked, Knotte... You didn't have to, uh, to put us to sleep..."

As she makes the comment, she takes in the drawing of her and Alyssa kissing with Knotte in the background, the realisation that they'd been watched bringing a bright blush to her face.

2018-03-02, 12:54 PM
Knotte vigorously shakes her head at Leah's claim, then picks up a piece of paper from the floor and shows it. It features Alyssa chasing after a Knotte with an armful of art supplies.

2018-03-02, 01:15 PM
Groggy and aching, Alyssa comes back to the world. She rubs her neck and groans. After a moment of taking inventory of her aches, she shakes her head to Leah. "Don't worry about it. It wasn't your fault." With another groan, she shifts her head toward the mess and the Lilligant. Sighing, she looks over the mess."Knotte, what did you do?" She keeps her immediate anger in check, instead trying to keep to more annoyance in her tone than anything.

Noticing the pictures, starting with the one Knotte is holding, Alyssa sighs. "Knotte, I'm not going to help you until you agree to replace this stuff. I need it to work, and I'm trying to do work in a certain time. That's why I was chasing you, you were making my work take a long time and I need it to take a short time."

She doesn't really take in the fact that Knotte was watching them kiss until she actually takes the time to examine all the drawings. Her face turns red and she glances over at Leah, her eyes shifting down out of embarrassment.

2018-03-02, 01:23 PM
Knotte scowls at Alyssa, then grabs another pencil and a blank piece of paper. She rapidly scribbles on it, then holds it up to Alyssa. It shows a hook-handed woman holding art supplies. Knotte rapidly points between herself and the woman, then at Alyssa, then lets out a brief, argument-ending cry and lets the paper drop to the floor.

2018-03-02, 01:34 PM
Picking up on Alyssa's irritated tone, Leah fights back the urge to grin at Knotte's drawing of being chased. She does, however, catch the embarrassed look she's given as Alyssa also comes to the realisation they'd been watched. It was funny how, even though they'd done nothing wrong, they'd both ended up feeling like they'd been caught. She rubbed behind her neck as Knotte makes a point of reminding them who her trainer was, then glanced over at Alyssa, "Umm... She does have a point... We could just go and ask Vaster about getting more supplies."

2018-03-02, 01:37 PM
Alyssa sigh, turning back to Knotte. "Yes, I know, but I still want you to explain to Vaster why I'm going to need more supplies. If you'd asked nicely and not already done this to me before I think I'd feel better about you taking these things." She looks at Knotte sternly as she speaks.

She looks at Leah for a moment of confirmation before she continues. "We can probably help, but could you tell us more about this Pokemon?" She points to the other, not-Knotte Pokemon in the picture. "How do you know them?"

2018-03-02, 01:55 PM
Knotte seems utterly unperturbed by Alyssa's stern-ness, but nods nevertheless. At the girl's second question, she points at one of her eyes and cries softly.

2018-03-02, 02:18 PM
Leah glanced at Alyssa, then back to Knotte. "Have you, uh, have you spoken to the other pokémon before..?"

2018-03-02, 02:21 PM
Knotte shakes her head, then turns to the side and covers her face with her limb and looks back at them with her eyes cast in shadow.

Nay, fair maid, for I am the mysterious stranger that doth ignite fantasy.

2018-03-02, 02:58 PM
Alyssa nods. "Where do you usually see them?"

2018-03-02, 03:02 PM
Knotte imitates using a fishing rod.

At them thar docks, ya landlubber.

2018-03-02, 03:06 PM
Leah wraps her arms around her knee, pulling it up to her chest. "... I guess we could pay a visit to the docks. Maybe visit Vaster on the way back and, umm," She glances at Alyssa, giving her a smile, "We could, uh, we could see about booking the table while we're out, too..?"

2018-03-02, 03:13 PM
Alyssa shrugs, smiling at Leah's last suggestion. "I was supposed to paint today, so I'll have to tell Parkin where I'm off to. But I think we can probably make it." Looking to Knotte, she says, "Do you know what the Pokemon's trainer looks like? Or if they have one? Might help us explain why we're there."

2018-03-02, 03:24 PM
Knotte puts a limb to her chin, then dashes over to Alyssa's drawers and retrieves a hat and a shirt, the former of which she puts on, the latter she drapes over her shoulders like a jacket, then strikes a dynamic pose.

2018-03-02, 03:39 PM
"... They wear a... Hat and jacket..?" Leah gives Knotte a questioning look, "Are they at the docks regularly..?"

2018-03-02, 03:54 PM
Knotte nods, then mimics taking a Pokeball and throwing it.

2018-03-02, 04:07 PM
Alyssa nods. "Okay, I think I got it. You should probably come with us, Knotte, just in case we got anything wrong." Turning to Leah, she says, "Any other things we should ask?"

2018-03-02, 04:17 PM
Leah shakes her head, "I, uh, I think we've covered it." She looks at the rough drawing of Knotte's target of affection, "I mean, umm, it's going to be tricky to try and guess what the pokémon is just from this. But, umm, with Knotte with us, it should be easy enough."

I guess I'll roll pokémon education just in case she can recognise it from the drawing.


2018-03-02, 04:19 PM
Knotte puts Alyssa's shirt away, but keeps on the hat as she watches the two talk.


2018-03-02, 04:30 PM
Leah hesitates, then blinks in recognition as she manages to figure out the drawing. "Oh. We're looking for a Tsareena."

2018-03-03, 01:02 AM
Alyssa nods. "I don't know what that is but I figure it'll be easier to find if you know?" She pulls herself up, groaning a bit, and offers Leah a hand to help her to her feet. "We should find Parkin before we go."

2018-03-03, 02:07 AM
Leah gratefully accepts Alyssa's hand up, wincing slightly as her limbs protested. She nods at Alyssa's comment, "That sounds like a good idea. Think she'll be in, uh, in her room?"

2018-03-03, 03:38 AM
Alyssa shrugs. "We can check the dining room first?"

2018-03-03, 09:12 AM
Leah nods, "Sounds good."

Glancing at Knotte to make sure the Lilligant was coming as well, she made her way out of Alyssa's room and down toward the dining room.

2018-03-03, 11:41 AM
Knotte takes the lead of the two girls by walking in front of them. On the way to Parkin, they pass by Saura and Luna, who are peacefully sleeping. When they find Parkin, they see that Maddy has been laid backwards, his hair in a stone basin while Parkin sits beside and uses a small, soft brush to apply some kind of gloss to his lips. With the door open, she doesn't turn to look over at the pair.

"What is it, children?"

2018-03-03, 03:18 PM
Leah hesitates, "Ah, umm, sorry to, uh, to interrupt. Umm, we just wanted to let you know we were, uh, heading out." She glances to Alyssa, then back at Parkin, "Alyssa needs to, uh, to pick up some supplies."

2018-03-04, 03:42 AM
Alyssa smiles, even though Parkin isn't looking. "Yeah. Knotte here needed to borrow some of it. I'll try to get back as quick as I can to do the painting today but I might be a bit late."

2018-03-04, 07:03 AM
"Off you go, then." Parkin says.

2018-03-04, 11:54 AM
Alyssa shrugs to Leah and says, "It was nice to meet you, Maddy!" then grabs Leah's hand and heads out of the room, off to the docks to help a mischievous Lilligant.

2018-03-04, 12:46 PM
Leah nods her agreement then, realising Maddy had his eyes closed, added "Hope to see you again soon."

She smiles as Alyssa takes her hand, following after her. She pauses by Saura and Luna, ready to wake them, then hesitates. She glances to Alyssa, "Think we'll be long? Maybe we should let them rest..?"

2018-03-04, 12:48 PM
Alyssa stops as Leah pauses. Turning to Knotte, she points and asks, "Did you put them to sleep, or were they napping before?"

2018-03-04, 12:51 PM
Knotte blows a kiss to Alyssa.

2018-03-04, 02:43 PM
Alyssa sighs. "Well, Knotte probably put them to sleep so we should probably bring them." Going through her things, she pulls out a Pokeball and puts Luna inside it. "Don't have to wake her now, though."

2018-03-04, 04:15 PM
Leah nods, "Good plan." Retrieving her own pokéball, she recalls Saura into it, the beam of red light engulfing her resting form. Stowing the pokéball safely on her belt, she glanced back to the door, "Ok, ready when you are."

2018-03-05, 10:03 PM
The trio of Knotte and her trusty sidekicks head out into Thundercrag and are greeted by the warm rays of the sun, casting clear shadows over the stony streets and lighting up the waterfall that dominates the cliffs to the West. The streets seem just a little bit busier than normal, with plenty of gossiping folk and trade at the market. It's almost a relief when they arrive at the more sparsely-populated docks, where wooden boats sit still in the water and handfuls of muscular sailors shift their wares.

2018-03-06, 12:32 AM
Alyssa enjoys the sun and the short walk, at some point taking Leah's hand as they walk with a smile. The crowds are a bit much for her, and she holds on to Leah's hand a bit more tightly as they go through the crowd. Once they're through, Alyssa takes a moment to breathe before she turns to Knotte. "Where do you usually find your friend?"

2018-03-06, 06:43 AM
Leah smiles to herself as they walk. The day was pleasant, and she had someone she cared for to share it with. She walks close to Alyssa as they make their way through the crowded market, rubbing her thumb against Alyssa's hand as reassurance when she feels her grip tighten. Her attention starts to drift as she looks out toward the water closer to the docks, enjoying the serenity of the waves on a calm day. Alyssa's comment brings her attention back to her task, and she starts scanning the docks to try and spot the Tsareena amongst the gathered people and pokémon while she waits for Knotte to give more specific directions.

Perception to spot any Tsareena's that might be lurking around! [roll0]

2018-03-06, 01:28 PM
Knotte happens to point just as Leah spots the Tsareena, who seems to be walking regally along the wooden boards of the docks with her head held high and her eyes drifting over the nearby waters.

2018-03-06, 03:10 PM
Noticing the Tsareena, Leah glances down to see Knotte pointing toward her. "So, uh, how do you want us to do this..? Umm, Are we talking to her for you..? Or, umm," She glances briefly to Alyssa, then back to Knotte, "Do you, uh, do you want us for moral support..?"

2018-03-06, 09:44 PM
Alyssa shrugs when Leah looks at her, and looks to Knotte. "Every relationship is different, so we, uh, don't want to do something you don't want."

2018-03-07, 12:54 PM
Knotte looks up at the two girls, then shrugs, taps her head, and points at the girls.

Yo, girls, I was hopin' y'all could figure this **** out.

2018-03-07, 01:41 PM
Leah nods slowly, glancing back over to the Tsareena. "Umm... I guess... I guess we should, uh, go speak to her first..?" She glances to Alyssa, seeking confirmation.

2018-03-08, 02:13 AM
Alyssa shrugs. "Couldn't hurt." She has taken the time to sketch the Tsareena, making some small touches on it so she'll remember where she was going but it won't be finished.

2018-03-08, 02:33 AM
Leah nods, "Ok, umm..." She glances down at Knotte, then over to the Tsareena, "Right, umm... I guess... I guess just wait here for, uh, for the moment..."

Still trying to work out what she was going to say, Leah made her way through the docks toward the Tsareena. Once she was close enough, she cleared her throat and gave a quiet, "Umm, hi!"

2018-03-08, 12:00 PM
The Tsareena spins around on the spot and looks up at Leah like she's somehow smaller than her.

2018-03-08, 04:54 PM
Leah fights the urge to take a step back as the Tsareena shifts its attention to her, feeling a little intimidated by its dismissive attitude toward her. "U-umm, we... I was, umm..." She glances over her shoulder back toward Knotte, then back to the Tsareena again, "Umm..."

2018-03-08, 08:51 PM
Alyssa smiles at the Tsareena, putting a hand on Leah's back to give her some support. She gasps as she looks over Tsareena. "Hi! You look stunning if I may say so. How do you take such good care of yourself?"

2018-03-08, 09:33 PM
The Tsareena glances at Alyssa and makes a gesture as though she's dusting something off of herself.

2018-03-10, 03:00 AM
Leah hesitates as she listens to Alyssa gush over the Tsareena. Attempting to follow her lead, she gives an uncertain smile and adds "And, umm, your, uh, your leaves look really, umm... Vibrant. Is your, uh, is your trainer around? I'd love to, uh, to know what, uh, what methods you use..?"

Let's try the charm offensive from Leah :smalltongue:

Rolling Charm - [roll0]

2018-03-10, 07:22 AM
The Tsareena, her leaves blowing gently in the wind, adjust her stances and points her hand at Leah's head, then lowers it to hip height. She repeats the motion if Leah doesn't do as she asks.

She seems to be asking Leah to kneel and bow before her.

2018-03-10, 07:44 AM
Leah's smile falters a bit at the Tsareena's motion. She glances to Alyssa, over to Knotte, then finally back to the pokémon. As the Tsareena repeated the motion, she felt a twist of anxiety in her gut. Hesitantly, she lowered herself so that she was kneeling on the ground, hands resting on her thighs as she did. She felt her ears begin to burn from embarrassment at the situation, but even when at eye level with the pokémon it still seemed impassive, like it was waiting for her to continue. Glancing down at the ground, Leah bowed her head forward, desperately hoping there weren't many people watching.

2018-03-10, 07:54 AM
The Tsareena watches Leah's descent without much of an expression on her face, until she bows her head, then she smirks. She uses Leah's head as a stepping stone to stand on her back, leaving her now standing a little taller than Alyssa. She opens her mouth, as though about to cry, when another loud voice emerges from further down the docks.

"Oh wow! Aren't you adorable?" A young female voice says. Alyssa (But not Leah, because she's bowing and being stood on) can see a black girl about her age has approached Knotte. Her bleached-blonde hair has been braided backwards, and she wears a pink newsboy cap, with a pink longcoat that goes down to her thighs, as well as a white t-shirt, black jeans, and white and pink hiking boots. To top it off, she wears an almost oversized pair of white sunglasses with pink lenses. Suffice to say, she's not from Londo. "Are you a regional variant or something? I know I'd have seen you before!"

Knotte waves at the girl who's leaned over to talk to her and lets out a soft cry, with a brief glance over at Alyssa.

2018-03-10, 08:09 PM
Alyssa, not really sure how to respond exactly to the fact that this Tsareena happens to be using her friend as a footstool, takes a moment to be in shock. Her train of thought trying to come up with a good solution is derailed by this new girl. Reacting to the voice, she turns her head towards them and without really thinking waves slightly. She gives Leah a small look of apology before she commits and waves a bit more. "Hi! Um, are you the trainer for this Pokemon?"

2018-03-11, 02:06 AM
Leah flinched as the Tsareena stepped on the back of her head, surprise warring with embarrassment as the pokémon's weight forced her head further down. She only partially returned to where she was as the Tsareena moved up and onto her back. She felt her heart stop as she heard someone else speaking and coming toward them. Her hopes that she could just go unnoticed are dashed when Alyssa greets them, asking about their ownership of the Tsareena poised on top of her. Feeling like her face was on fire, she tightened her grip on her thighs, unable to bring herself to look up at the newcomer.

2018-03-11, 12:20 PM
The other girl seems to not notice Alyssa until she speaks up, then stands up to her full height and turns her head. "Oh wow!" She laughs, sprinting over to the trio while Knotte hurries over in her wake. "Come on, get off of her, Etoile." She says, and the Tsareena flicks her hair to the side as she steps off of Leah, using her head as a stepping stone to ensure a graceful dismount. "You must be really polite to have agreed to that!" She says, as she leans down and offers Leah a hand up.

2018-03-11, 12:49 PM
Leah flinches once more as her head is once again used as a stepping stone. She lifts her head a few moments after Etoile has dismounted, taking in the feet of the newcomer, as well as her offered hand. She accepts the offer, though her face remains crimson and her gaze stays downcast. She hugs her waist as she gives a slight shake of her head. "... I... I-I didn't..." She swallowed, closing her eyes to try and dispel some of her anxieties, "... I didn't r-r-realise that was... That was w-what she meant..."

2018-03-12, 01:16 AM
Alyssa, glad that the Tsareena has moved away, gives Leah a hug from behind. Over her shoulder, she smiles to the girl. "Yeah, um, we wanted to know more about her and, uh, we wanted to be nice if we could. She looks really amazing."

2018-03-12, 02:42 AM
Leah feels her nerves start to settle somewhat as Alyssa wraps her arms around her waist. She shifts her arms so that she can lay her hands on top of Alyssa's, giving her hand a grateful squeeze as she did.

2018-03-12, 06:04 AM
"That's something I can tell you. Her name's Etoile, and she's from Alola, like me." The girl explains. "She's the first Pokemon I trained - and she hasn't been a Tsareena for long. She only evolved while I was visiting Kalos."

2018-03-12, 01:48 PM
Alyssa smiles, giving Leah a small squeeze. "You're from Alola? And you've been to Kalos? That's cool! Sounds like you've been traveling a lot!"

2018-03-12, 06:15 PM
Leah squeezes Alyssa's hand again in gratitude for the support she was being given. Hesitantly, she looked over at the newcomer, "S-so, umm, what, uh, what brought y-you to, uh, to Londo..?"

2018-03-12, 07:29 PM
"Heh, yeah. Traveling's been my dream since I was a little girl." The girl says. "I chose Londo, because...it's new. That's about all there is to it." She laughs. "I'm hoping to pick up a Pokemon for every region I visit, just like I started out with Etoile here."

2018-03-13, 12:09 AM
Alyssa nods, careful not to hit Leah's shoulder. "That's really cool. How long have you been in Londo so far? Have you found any new Pokemon friends here yet?"

2018-03-13, 12:24 PM
Leah briefly glances down to Etoile as the newcomer mentions her. Reddening a bit, she looked back up again, feeling Alyssa nod beside her. "U-umm, how, uh, how long are you staying in, uh, in Londo for..?"

2018-03-14, 07:02 AM
"Not for very long, just a couple of weeks. I haven't left Thundercrag yet - it turns out they're doing a giveaway for the League, and I didn't want to challenge this Arm's Lord when there are younger kids around." The girl explains. "So, I'm waiting until there are less of them here, then I'll challenge Lady Thundercrag."

2018-03-14, 07:24 AM
Leah looks surprised at the other girls comment, "Oh! So, uh, you're going to try the, uh, the league challenge here..? Did you do the same in, uh, in Kalos?"

2018-03-14, 07:42 AM
The girl bobs her head. "The real brick wall is the Champions. Same in the new one in Alola. It's like a gym leader is ten times better than your average trainer. Then the elite four are ten times better than your average gym leader. Then the champion is ten times better than those." She laughs. "So I've not beaten one yet."

2018-03-14, 07:52 AM
Leah blinks, her surprise mingling with awe, both audible in her voice, "... You've managed to, uh, to beat the Elite Four in two regions?"

2018-03-14, 08:12 AM
"Oh." The girl laughs and scratches the back of her head. "Yeah. Didn't mean to humblebrag."

2018-03-14, 08:50 PM
Alyssa oohs and ahs along the girl's description of her exploits. "Wow, that's really cool! I'm, um, not really much of a battler, but I love seeing Pokemon do their moves." After a second, she gasps. "Oh my, I'm sorry for being so rude! I'm Alyssa and this is Leah." She makes a small gesture with her head towards Leah.

2018-03-15, 04:42 AM
Leah nods her agreement with Alyssa as she congratulates the girl on her exploits. She lifts one of her hands off of Alyssa's to give a small wave when she's introduced.

2018-03-15, 07:06 AM
"Oh, me too. Alola!" The girl does the Alolan greeting gesture. "I'm Sabah. Is this Lilligant your friend?" She asks, as Knotte has steadily started shuffling over towards the girls. Etoile seems to be posing and staring off into the distance.

2018-03-15, 07:20 AM
Leah nods, "Yeah, uh, she is. She belongs to, umm, to one of the women we're staying with at the moment." She glances down at Knotte as she continues, trying to work out how best to broach the subject of her infatuation, "It was, uh, it was her idea to come down to the docks, actually."

2018-03-15, 08:20 PM
Alyssa lets go of Leah with one arm and moves around to her side right side so she's holding her with her left arm, putting her second hand to her mouth as if to be secretive. "She really wanted us to meet Etoile. Almost dragged us down here." She smiles after, winking at Sabah.

2018-03-16, 08:03 AM
"Oh wow." Sabah says, her expression largely hidden behind her oversized sunglasses. "How does that work? I've never looked into Pokemon breeding before. Can they do that? They can both produce pollen...wow." She glances up at the sky. "Do Pokemon feel love?"

2018-03-16, 08:12 AM
Leah glances at Alyssa as she moves around her, trying to work out what to do with her own hands now that they were no longer resting on top of Alyssa's. For a moment, she clasped them in front of herself then, with a touch of uncertainty, wrapped her right arm around behind Alyssa's back instead, mirroring the hold she was already in herself.

With her free hand, she reached up to tuck a strand of hair away from her eyes, glancing at Alyssa, then back to Sabah. "U-umm, I don't, uh, don't see why they wouldn't..? Umm, Knotte, uh..." She hesitated, glancing down at the Lilligant, then back up at Sabah as she continued a little quieter so that Knotte wouldn't overhear, "Knotte wanted us to, uh, to try and work out how she could, uh, could get together with, uh, with Etoile..."

2018-03-16, 08:56 PM
Alyssa shrugs, which is surprisingly awkward to do when being held. She's careful not to jostle Leah too much, and smiles at her. "I feel like they would! I mean, my Luna loves me, or she wouldn't take such good care of me. But I dunno how, uh, that part of it works. I don't even know if the breeders are totally sure."

2018-03-16, 09:21 PM
Sabah bobs her head in understanding, looks down at Knotte, then turns on her heel and taps Etoile on the shoulder. "Hey. This Lilligant thinks you're amazing. Think you can spare some time to show her some of your tricks?"

The Tsareena doesn't even turn around, but does let out a brief cry.

"You can negotiate the amount of groveling with her." Sabah assures the Pokemon. "But I'll let you off your training for the day if you give her a chance. Deal?" She asks, holding out a hand to her.

Etoile turns around and briefly locks fists with Sabah, then they raise their fists high and split them apart. She strides over to Knotte, who stares at her, then gestures for the Lilligant to follow before walking with just as much swagger down the docks. Knotte scurries after her without a second glance.

2018-03-17, 12:53 AM
Alyssa smiles as Knotte and Etoile walk away, leaning her head on Leah's shoulder. "Hope that works out." Bringing her head up, she looks to Sabah. "Thanks for helping our friend."

2018-03-17, 03:33 AM
Leah isn't totally sure how to feel as Knotte heads away with Etoile, though her own brief experience with the Tsareena was decidedly unpleasant, she hoped that Knotte at least could find some happiness with her. Her attention shifts to Alyssa as she feels her head on her shoulder. She gives a small squeeze in response to the movement, finding she was breaking into a smile. She nods her agreement with Alyssa as she turns her attention to Sabah, "Yeah, umm, thanks. She was, uh, she was pretty insistent."

2018-03-17, 06:35 AM
"No problem." Sabah smiles. "I know how hard it is to see something you want and not know how to get it."

2018-03-17, 08:54 PM
Alyssa smiles at Sabah, and then pulls a bit away from Leah to look at her. To her she says,"Did you, um, have any plans for the next few minutes? I don't need to be back for a little bit and, um, we could do some walking around."

2018-03-18, 05:34 PM
Leah loosens her hold a little to allow Alyssa to pull away, nodding her agreement with Sabah's statement as she did so. At Alyssa's question, she reached up to tuck some hair away from her face, nodding again to show her agreement with her offer.

2018-03-19, 01:33 AM
Alyssa smiles and looks to Sabah. "It was, um, nice to meet you, Sabah! Thanks for helping out our friend. If you, um, don't have any plans it might be cool to meet up sometime. Also, um, if you don't mind, it'd be really cool to watch if you battle Lady Thundercrag before we leave."

2018-03-19, 07:57 AM
"You're leaving already?" Sabah smiles. "Aren't you two just a couple of heartbreakers? Kidding. Let me know where you're staying and I'll come by to let you know if anything interesting happens."

2018-03-19, 08:24 AM
Leah hesitates, then breaks into a smile as Sabah reassures them that she was joking. She nods, "Sure, umm, we're staying with, uh, with Parkin. She, uh, she lives out in the Eastern Bulwark." She glances to Alyssa, then back to Sabah, "And, uh, yeah, I'd love to see you, uh, see you battle Lady Thundercrag. If, umm, if you decide to while we're still here."

2018-03-19, 11:24 AM
Alyssa looks a bit embarrassed, but switches to a smile once Sabah says she's joking. "Sorry, we, um, don't get to spend as much time together as we'd like."

2018-03-19, 11:31 AM
"Say no more." Sabah says. "Enjoy your rendezvous." She does the alolan farewell, then spins on her heel and strides off with her coat dramatically billowing behind her.

2018-03-19, 11:56 AM
Leah gives Sabah a farewell wave, watching her go for a few moments before looking over to Alyssa. "So, umm, want to go anywhere in, uh, in particular..? Or just wander..?"

2018-03-19, 12:53 PM
Alyssa ponders for a moment. "Maybe just wander around town? Unless you had anywhere you wanted to go?" She takes Leah's hand in hers and swings it a little bit.

2018-03-19, 05:09 PM
Leah smiles as her hand is taken, shaking her head at Alyssa's question. "Nowhere in particular. Umm, maybe book the table at, uh, at the restaurant, but other than that I'm happy to wander."

2018-03-19, 11:27 PM
Alyssa nods and smiles at Leah. "Yeah, we should probably book the table. Do you, um, remember where it is?"

2018-03-20, 01:55 AM
Leah frowns faintly as she tries to remember Clayr's directions, turning her head to look up and away from the docks as she did. After a moment's quiet, she looks back to Alyssa and says "I... Think she said it was by the walls..?" Her expression turns to one of concern, "Do you think you've got time to, uh, to go there and back before Parkin needs you again..?"

2018-03-20, 08:06 PM
Alyssa shrugs. "Probably? We didn't take that long to get here with Knotte, and Parkin seemed pretty busy with Maddy when we stopped by."

2018-03-21, 02:42 AM
Leah nodded with a smile, "Ok." She rubbed the back of Alyssa's hand with her thumb as she set off at a slow walk, enjoying both her presence and the ambience of the docks as she did. "It's nice along here, too. It's, uh, it's a lot less busy than the market..."

2018-03-22, 01:11 AM
Alyssa nods, smiling at Leah. "Yeah. I, um, like the quiet a bit. I don't like crowds so much." She pulls a little bit closer to Leah as they walk. "I like the sound of the water. Reminds me of the beach."

2018-03-22, 02:39 AM
Leah feels her cheeks warm at both Alyssa's comment and her proximity. She gives Alyssa's hand a small squeeze as she replies, "We'll, uh, we'll have to come back here when you have more time. Maybe have a wander outside town as well... Although..." She frowned to herself, "I guess we'd have to be careful of whatever is, uh, is leaving those ash piles if we did that..."

2018-03-22, 08:56 PM
Alyssa nods at Leah's comments, but turns a bit somber when she mentions the ash. "Yeah. That sounded, um, really scary. D'you know anything that might be causing it?"

2018-03-23, 02:02 AM
Leah hesitates, trying to think, but merely coming up with a long list of fire pokémon. "I'm, uh, I'm not really sure. I'd need to see it to get a proper idea..." She gives Alyssa's hand a gentle squeeze as she continues, "Umm, I was thinking of asking Bibi next time we ran into her. She was, uh, she was working on it with Ser Ramisu, right..?"

I'm assuming that without having seen the ash piles, Leah doesn't have enough information to go on to make an education roll.

2018-03-24, 02:48 AM
Alyssa shrugs, returning Leah's squeeze. "I dunno if I want to get close enough to see it." She turns to face Leah and smiles. "But, um, I guess if we might be able to help with it it might be good? I dunno if I wanna worry about it right now." After a second she looks off towards the town. "Should we go get a table?"

2018-03-24, 03:03 AM
Leah returns Alyssa's smile and nods, "Yeah, we, uh, we don't have to think about it right now. And, umm, and getting the table sounds good."

She picks up her walking pace slightly, keeping an eye out for the place Clayr described.

2018-03-24, 06:24 AM
It doesn't take too long to find Pecha Hut, thanks to the unusual architecture of the location. Set just inside the wall, are a series of identically built, squarish buildings that sit just a little more above the ground than those around them, and seem to be not much larger than the size of a two-person tbale. At the center of the scattered stone huts is a much larger one, with a series of doors all around it, most of them with a colored arrow that matches a colored stripe on each hut. The largest door on the largest building is marked with the word "Entrance".

2018-03-24, 08:10 AM
Leah looks between the multiple small buildings with interest as they draw closer. "I guess this is, uh, this is the place?"

She made her way toward the entrance of the main hut, glancing briefly at Alyssa, before pushing the door open with her free hand. Once inside, she tried to get her bearings to work out who she might need to speak to about bookings.

2018-03-24, 07:57 PM
Alyssa, still holding on to Leah's hand, gives her a smile when she glances at her. She follows behind and scopes out the lobby herself, trying to see if she can find someone who can help them.

2018-03-25, 06:15 AM
The girls walk through the entrance and find a room that takes up perhaps a quarter of the building, its walls covered in murals depicting food, with not a single inch left blank. There's a semicircular stone desk against one of the walls, and behind it sits a woman with wild white hair, who seems to be playing catch with a particularly large Emolga.

2018-03-25, 06:28 AM
Leah approaches the stone desk, a nervous smile on her face. "U-umm... Hi..?" She brushed a strand of hair away from her face, briefly glancing at Alyssa, then back to the woman, "U-umm, we, uh, we were, uh, hoping to make a, uh, a booking..?"

2018-03-25, 06:39 AM
The woman catches the ball tossed back by her emolga, which lands on the desk, and looks between the two with a smile. "I can manage that. Dinner for two...?"

2018-03-25, 06:53 AM
Leah nods, glancing at Alyssa again with a smile, then back to the woman. "Yeah, umm, for, uh, for tomorrow, if we can..?"

2018-03-25, 06:55 AM
"Certainly." The woman says, as she takes out a quill. "Will you want the romantic lighting?" She asks, as she opens a ledger.

2018-03-25, 07:34 AM
Leah hesitates, her cheeks warming at the unexpected question. She looks to Alyssa again, a questioning note in her voice, "I, umm, I hadn't thought about, uh, about that... Umm, it, uh, it might be nice..?"

2018-03-25, 11:28 AM
Alyssa nods emphatically and says "Yeah, thank you! That sounds neat. Unless, um, it's a lot of money."

2018-03-25, 03:05 PM
"No, nothing extra." The woman says. "Who shall I write it in the name of...?"

2018-03-25, 03:57 PM
Leah rubs behind her neck with her free hand, "Umm, I guess, uh, I guess it doesn't really matter whose name. So, umm, mine..?" She gave the woman at the counter a smile, "Umm, my name's, uh, Leah."

2018-03-25, 09:47 PM
Alyssa smiles at Leah and nods, turning back to the woman at the desk as Leah does. "That should work!"

2018-03-26, 05:52 AM
"All done." The woman says, as she puts the quill back in its ink pot. "Will that be all? You're welcome to join my thrilling game of catch - but I warn you, I'm an expert."

2018-03-26, 06:51 AM
Leah grins, shaking her head at the woman's offer, "No, umm, I think, uh, I think that's it, thanks. Umm, I guess, uh, I guess we'll see you tomorrow!"

She glances at Alyssa, looking to confirm that there were no other questions to ask. On receiving a confirmation, she starts to make her way back outside, swinging Alyssa's hand slightly as she did. "So, uh... Where to next..?"

2018-03-26, 12:27 PM
Alyssa nods to Leah, and gives the woman a bow. "Thank you!"

Walking out with Leah after giving the woman a chance to reply, Alyssa takes a moment to think. "Hmm, I don't know of anything I'd really like to do now. Maybe let's just walk around town a bit before we head back?"

2018-03-26, 04:42 PM
Leah nods, "That sounds good. Umm, if you're up for it, it might be worth looking around the market..?" Her voice carried a note of uncertainty, remembering how crowded it had been on their way down, "Although, umm, did you want to go to Vaster first..?"

Is Vaster on the way to the market? I forget where exactly she was based in town.

2018-03-26, 06:54 PM
Alyssa seems a bit apprehensive at first, but when Leah brings up Vaster she nods. "Oh, yeah, I do have to stop by and get more paints. Maybe it won't be too crowded on the way?"

2018-03-27, 02:54 AM
Leah squeezes Alyssa's hand, giving her what she hoped was a reassuring smile, "We, uh, we don't have to stop in the market if, uh, if it's too crowded."

2018-03-27, 03:11 AM
Alyssa shakes her head, but smiles back to Leah. "I need to go get the paints anyways."

2018-03-27, 12:09 PM
The girls soon find their way back to Vaster and, though the market is initially crowded, those around Vaster disperse after the end of a story and a series of sales, leaving her basically free.

2018-03-27, 12:21 PM
Leah hangs back while Vaster deals with her customers, not wanting to interrupt a sale if she could help it. Once the crowd had dispersed enough, she raises a hand in greeting and approaches, "Umm, hi Vaster! Having a good morning..?"

2018-03-27, 01:22 PM
"Hello, girls." Vaster smiles, placing a hand on her stall and leaning forward. "I've made good sales, so it's a good morning.And how are the two of you?"

2018-03-27, 08:04 PM
Alyssa smiles. "Good! It's been a nice day!" Putting a hand behind her head, Alyssa turns a bit red and laughs. "Knotte, um, used up a bunch of paint, so I came by to pick up some more to finish the painting I'm working on."

2018-03-27, 08:20 PM
"Oh, I know the one. I believe it's called A Tribute To Vanity?" Vaster laughs, as she picks up the collection of paints Alyssa had previously taken and holds it out to her.

2018-03-27, 09:10 PM
Alyssa shrugs before taking the paints. "I just hope she likes it."

2018-03-27, 09:30 PM
"Well...you'll know she's being honest about it when she does." Vaster says.

2018-03-28, 02:17 AM
Alyssa nods. "Yeah, that's true. Which is why I can at least hope she says something nice. Though she did see my work before she asked me so she probably won't hate it?" Shrugging, she smiles at Vaster. "I hope you'll come see it when I show it to her!"

2018-03-28, 05:27 AM
Leah is content to listen quietly as the other two talk about painting. When Alyssa expresses her hopes about Parkin liking the painting, she gives her a smile, "She's, uh, she's going to love it, your paintings are, uh, are really good."

2018-03-29, 10:20 AM
"As long as I'm not at the market, you can count on me." Vaster says.

2018-03-29, 07:53 PM
Alyssa smiles. "Thanks." She smiles at Leah, too. "I guess we should head back. Don't want to be gone too long."

2018-03-30, 12:19 AM
Leah hesitates at Alyssa's comment, a faint look of disappointment on her face. "So, uh... No stall browsing..?"

2018-03-31, 07:18 PM
Alyssa smiles at Leah. "We can look on our way back."

2018-04-01, 12:10 AM
Leah grins and nods, "Sounds good." She turns to give Vaster a smile too, tucking her hair away from her face as she did, "See you later Vaster, I hope the, uh, the rest of your day goes well."

2018-04-01, 02:19 PM
Leah finds a few stalls that are relevant to her interests. The first seems to contain mostly traditional wear from Londo and Thundercrag in particular, with bold blue colors mixed among yukata, tunics, and hakama. It's run by a pair of young women, one dressed formally, the other casually, with both outfits incorporating the symbol of Thundercrag.

The second seems to be run by somebody not native to Londo, and likely not Kanto or Johto either. He's tall and long-limbed, with elegantly tied-back hair and a trim beard. His stall has mostly modern clothes, placed in neat, clearly marked piles and quite obviously mass-produced, but more similar to what she'd be used to wearing.

The third stall has a thirty-something Londoan woman who's dressed in a flowing green gown that rather resembles a Gardevoir, and most all of her stall matches that theme. From a feather coat resembling a Decideuye's wings, to a headband with Pikachu ears, to facepaints, there's all kind of Pokemon cosplay gear available.

2018-04-01, 04:24 PM
As they make their way back through the market, Leah finds a bright splash of blue catching her eye on one of the stalls. Slowing to a stop, she takes in the mix of traditional clothing on display, then finds her eye drawn to a stall just opposite with a wide variety of clothing available.

Leah finds herself torn between two of the stalls. On the one hand, the man's stall clearly held a lot of clothing that she was familiar with. And given that was what she tended to wear anyway, she could probably get a decent amount of use out of it. She hesitated, glancing back to the first stall to catch her eye. On the other hand, the more traditional looking clothes, especially the yukata, were stunning. Or at least, she felt they were. But she'd never worn anything like that before, and found herself worrying about how she'd look trying them on. She gave Alyssa a questioning look, glancing back toward the two stalls as she asked "Which, uh, which do you think looks nicest..?"

2018-04-03, 02:39 AM
Alyssa slows as Leah does, letting her spend some time looking over the stalls. She stands back at first, watching Leah look between the two with a smile for a moment. As Leah tries to decide, Alyssa's eye catches a few of the yukata and she moves up to the stall to get a closer look.

When Leah poses her the question, Alyssa takes a moment to think before she responds. "I, um, I think you'd look good in either. But, um, I'd like to see you in a yukata!" She turns a bit red as she smiles, and awkwardly turns toward the stall. "U-um, h-how about this one?" She points towards one of the ones she was looking at which seems to be inspired by the lightning of Thundercrag.

2018-04-03, 02:51 AM
Leah finds herself reddening as Alyssa comments on wanting to see her in a yukata. She moves up beside Alyssa, taking the few short steps to be in front of the stall with her. She follows her gesture, reaching out to pick up the garment Alyssa pointed out. She ran her thumbs over the surface of it, absently enjoying the feel of the soft cotton as she took in the pattern. She glanced at Alyssa for confirmation, breaking into a grin as she did. She let go of the yukata with one hand, tucking some hair away from her eyes, giving Alyssa a brief nod, "I like it."

She then glanced at the two vendors, hesitating as she looked between them before settling her gaze on the more casual looking of the pair.

"Umm, how, uh, how much does, uh, does this cost..?"

2018-04-03, 07:00 AM
"Hello, customer." The softly-voiced woman says, with a gaze like a solar beam. "That yukata is worth ten thousand of your Pokédollars. Or ten gold pieces, or one hundred silver, or one thousand copper."

2018-04-03, 09:15 AM
Leah found her grin faltering a little as she was given the price. Realising it'd have to come from their travel fund if she did buy it, she gave Alyssa a hesitant look. "... Umm... Do, uh, do you think that's too much..?" She found herself glancing at the yukata in her hand, giving the fabric another stroke with her thumb, then reluctantly set it down, "... Maybe... Maybe another time... I, uh..." She looked back up at Alyssa, a resigned smile on her face, "I don't want, uh, I don't want, umm, Lord Bastille to, uh, to think we're taking advantage of him..."

2018-04-03, 06:05 PM
Alyssa shrugs. "Seems about normal. It's a nice one, so maybe a really good deal."" She notices Leah's apprehension and puts a hand on her back with a smile. "Do you have anything like this? I have something but, um, if you don't have anything maybe you should get one. It'd be nice, right? And, um, I think we have enough, if we put that together with what I'm likely to make from Parkin's painting, to get that and still have plenty to travel on." Looking at the yukata for a second, she turns back to Leah. "We can always repay him along the way. And he did say he wanted us to experience things, so it might be good for you to have something nice to wear in case it comes up!" Looking over, she lowers her voice a bit and says, "If you feel more comfortable we can look at the other stall and see if there's anything there that you think is more reasonable."

2018-04-03, 06:40 PM
Leah shook her head as Alyssa asked if she had anything similar, turning her attention back to the clothing as she talked. She finds herself slowly nodding her head, finding herself being talked into the purchase. She glances at Alyssa as she lowers her voice, giving her a shake of her head and a smile, "No, umm, I think, uh, I think you're right. It'll be something new..."

Leah picked the yukata up with both hands again, feeling the soft fabric in her fingers. Giving a final nod to herself, she looked back up at the vendor. "Ok, umm, I'll, uh, I'll take it."

2018-04-03, 09:45 PM
Alyssa digs around on her person for the requisite gold pieces. She hands them over to Leah so she can pay, counting them out to make sure they had all 10. "That should do it, right?"

2018-04-04, 06:35 AM
"That will suffice." The woman says, her eyes drifting between the pair.

2018-04-04, 06:45 AM
Leah accepts the coins off of Alyssa then, when the vendor confirms that they had the right amount, hands them over with a smile and quick bob of her head. "Umm, thankyou. Have, uh, have a good day."

Picking up the Yukata, she folded it so that it was hanging over her arm, before looking over to Alyssa with a grateful smile. "Umm, check any other stalls..? Or back to Parkin's..?"

2018-04-06, 01:38 AM
Alyssa gives the shopkeeper a smile and a small bow of thanks. When Leah asks her the plan she shrugs, a few of her supplies clinking against one another. "We might want to head back. I wouldn't want anything to happen to your new yukata, and also these are kind of heavy to carry everywhere." She smiles at Leah. "I wouldn't mind going slow, though, if you wanna look."

2018-04-06, 01:56 AM
Leah grins and nods, "Umm, sounds good. Just, uh, just say if you want to go a bit, uh, a bit faster, though."

2018-04-06, 06:49 PM
Alyssa smiles and winks at Leah. "I'll let you know."

2018-04-08, 07:32 AM
The girls soon arrives at Parkin's home, where they find Maddy, looking all pretty and nice, just exiting the front door while Parkin waves him away.

2018-04-08, 01:36 PM
Leah raises a hand in greeting once she notices Maddy leaving Parkin's house. She gives him a smile as they draw closer, "Umm, hey Maddy."

Noticing his make-up, she hesitated. It looked really good on him, Parkin clearly knew what she was doing, but she found she didn't really know how to complement him. Realising she simply wasn't saying anything, she just said the first thing that came to mind, "You, uh, you look really, uh, really pretty."

2018-04-08, 01:53 PM
"Hello! Thank you, Leah." Maddy smiles widely at the compliment. "I'm sure Parkin was inspired by her beautiful guests."

2018-04-08, 07:52 PM
Alyssa laughs, embarrassed by the compliment. "Oh, no, I don't think so!" She looks at Leah and then turns red, realizing she may have just made fun of Leah. "Uh, um, I mean, maybe Leah, but, um, not me."

2018-04-09, 01:32 AM
Leah blushes at Maddy's comment, starts to nod in agreement with Alyssa, then reddens further as she catches her glance and is paid the same compliment again. She gives an embarrassed smile, glancing down for a moment, then back up between the two. Fidgeting a bit with the yukata in her arms, she responds "U-umm, I'm, uh, I'm not so, uh, not so sure." She hesitates, searching for a change in topic, "S-so, umm, w-what are you planning to, uh, to do for the, uh, the rest of the day..?"

2018-04-09, 06:39 AM
"I'm going to talk with some more foreigners." Maddy says, a blush on his own cheeks, though that could be the make-up. "They're a...Orren? Person who wanted to know more about Londo culture. Lady Thundercrag, or somebody working for Lady Thundercrag, recommended me."