View Full Version : What does the shape veil feat do for veilweavers?

2018-02-12, 02:02 PM
Does it give you just one extra veil known or does it still give you an extra shaped veil?

2018-02-12, 03:15 PM
Assuming I'm reading your question correctly - it gives you access to a new veil, but does not let you exceed the total number of veils you're allowed to shape. If you're not a veilweaver class, your total veils you can have shaped is always equal to 1, even if you take the feat multiple times; if you are a veilweaver, the number is determined by your class, and the feat does not let you exceed that number.

The feat is best used to learn a veil that you don't already have access to from your class.

2018-02-12, 03:44 PM
oh that is sad. and it doesn't seem like there is a feat that increases the maximum veils you can have shaped

2018-02-12, 05:16 PM
As Psyren notes, taking Shape Veil does not increase the number of veils a veilweaver can have shaped, it just adds a veil from another list to their own, allowing a vizier to grab a daevic-specific veil for example, or vice-versa.

In one of the new akashic products I've written for Lost Spheres, The Zodiac, we've actually added a feat for expanding the number of veils shaped on both veilweavers and non-veilweavers. Since this product is in queue for editing and layout behind a couple of other products and we don't have a firm release date yet, I got permission from Christen to include the feat here-

Expanded Veilweaving
You can shape more veils at once.
Prerequisite: Shape Veil and no levels in a veilweaving class, or veilweaver level 11.
Benefit: Increase your maximum veils shaped by 1.
Special: Characters who take this feat that do not have levels in a veilweaving class may take it multiple times, but no more than once per 5 Hit Dice they possess. If a character who has taken this feat multiple times later gains levels in a veilweaving class, they must immediately retrain all instances of this feat other than the first to another feat they qualify for.

2018-02-13, 08:51 AM
oh wow this is really cool. I like it a lot. Thank you.

2018-02-13, 09:07 PM
Expanded Veilweaving
You can shape more veils at once.
Prerequisite: Shape Veil and no levels in a veilweaving class, or veilweaver level 11.
Benefit: Increase your maximum veils shaped by 1.
Special: Characters who take this feat that do not have levels in a veilweaving class may take it multiple times, but no more than once per 5 Hit Dice they possess. If a character who has taken this feat multiple times later gains levels in a veilweaving class, they must immediately retrain all instances of this feat other than the first to another feat they qualify for.
Doesn't this leave you with a dead feat if you have it and then take a level in a veilweaving class before level 11, since you never trade away the first Expanded Veilweaving that has "veilweaver level 11" requirement?