View Full Version : Pathfinder [Starfinder] A couple of questions regarding feats and abilities

2018-02-12, 04:24 PM
Question #1

Feat: Dive for cover (http://www.starjammersrd.com/feats/combat-feats/dive-for-cover-combat/)

The feat states that there should be a space where you can move to (5 ft) and that you will provoke AoO for moving, however, do you need to be standing or can you use dive for cover from a prone position?

Question #2

I know this is probably somewhere, but I have not been able to find it so far, I even have a small reminiscence of having read something about it, so the question is, if I have an armor mod that is of higher level of my armor, can the mod be place on the armor or is there a restriction on this? I know in fusion seals there is a restriction but I can't find anything regarding armors

Question #3

Its not completely clear at least to me, but in the fly by stunt description it kinds of hints that you can make a free attack while passing by the enemy ship and that also you can make a second attack on the gunnery phase, this makes me wonder 2 things

A) Is there any penalty for this attacks as in the full volley action?

B) who makes this extra attack (in case it does grant you said attack)?


2018-02-12, 06:00 PM
1) It says you can FALL prone in that square, which implies you needed to be standing beforehand, but this one is probably a GM call.

2) There is no restriction about this, so the default rule (characters can use items of any item level) applies.

Can't help with the vehicle/ship rules as I haven't actually gone through those yet.

2018-02-13, 12:24 PM
I think what's going on in #3 is that when the gunner shoots, if they shoot at the ship they did the flyby against, they may shoot any side of the ship as though they were at range 1. That allows a ship that loses initative to do a stunt (if they are at really close range) that allows the gunner to ignore range and facing for that round.

Speaking of ship combat I've noticed something for my group. We're playing through th APs and it seems like that in a 1 on 1 fight a two tier difference in ships is an automatic win for the higher tier ship unless there is significant shipbuilding skills/flaws or massive dice favoritisim going on. I'm wondering if anyone else is seeing this.

For example we had a two part fight with the stock T3 reward ship from the first AP module. In the first part we stomped two T1 fighters easily, but in the second part the DM had to deus ex to avoid a TPK from a T4 ship. Based on that experience the party sacrificed a bunch of stuff to quintuple the shields and install a heavy long range gun in the turret, it was a T5 ship after that. The next fight was against a T3 ship, essentially the same ship we'd done the first fight in, but the DM decided to add +5 to the ship. That's +5 to everything, which is completely against how the rules are supposed to balance because it doesn't do as much as you'd think. It ended up being about a T4 ship with a T8 crew. But the heavy weapon took it down in four hits anyways and even with +5 damage the light weapons barely hurt our shields.

So does anyone else see this in the combats? Where the per tier point boosts make such a big difference that mismatched tier combats are really one sided?

2018-02-13, 06:13 PM
I think what's going on in #3 is that when the gunner shoots, if they shoot at the ship they did the flyby against, they may shoot any side of the ship as though they were at range 1. That allows a ship that loses initative to do a stunt (if they are at really close range) that allows the gunner to ignore range and facing for that round.

Speaking of ship combat I've noticed something for my group. We're playing through th APs and it seems like that in a 1 on 1 fight a two tier difference in ships is an automatic win for the higher tier ship unless there is significant shipbuilding skills/flaws or massive dice favoritisim going on. I'm wondering if anyone else is seeing this.

For example we had a two part fight with the stock T3 reward ship from the first AP module. In the first part we stomped two T1 fighters easily, but in the second part the DM had to deus ex to avoid a TPK from a T4 ship. Based on that experience the party sacrificed a bunch of stuff to quintuple the shields and install a heavy long range gun in the turret, it was a T5 ship after that. The next fight was against a T3 ship, essentially the same ship we'd done the first fight in, but the DM decided to add +5 to the ship. That's +5 to everything, which is completely against how the rules are supposed to balance because it doesn't do as much as you'd think. It ended up being about a T4 ship with a T8 crew. But the heavy weapon took it down in four hits anyways and even with +5 damage the light weapons barely hurt our shields.

So does anyone else see this in the combats? Where the per tier point boosts make such a big difference that mismatched tier combats are really one sided?

We did have something like that in our first session, but it was mostly because they had missiles and we didn't, after we got ourselves a nuke launcher most fight have been equal, although its unlikely we have faced anything 2 Tiers above us.

And I have another question if anybody can help I'll appreciate:

The following is an operative Exploit

You can sense your surroundings without needing to see them.

You gain blindsense with a range of 60 feet. You must have darkvision and low-light vision, or the nightvision exploit, to learn this exploit.

So, lets say I have the Infrared sensors (Darkvision) mod in my armor and also get the retinal reflectos (Low light vision) aumentation, do I fulfill the requisites of the exploit?

2018-02-13, 07:50 PM
Yes, you can qualify via other means than those exploits. It's unclear what happens if you lose those items / stop qualifying though; losing access to that exploit until you regain the abilities seems reasonable.