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View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next Druid: Circle of the Avenger

2018-02-12, 04:27 PM
I want to play a melee druid gish. The release of the Spore Druid has gotten me off my tail to finish this, based vaguely on the "Drudic Avenger" ACF from 3.5.

Circle of the Avenger
The druidic avenger channels her inner fury to wreak vengeance upon those who injure the natural world.

Way of the Hunt: When you choose this circle at second level, you gain increased prowess with Druid equipment. When wearing leather or hide armor, you gain a +2 bonus to AC. When wielding one of the weapons which the Druid class normally grants proficiency in, you may use your Wisdom instead instead of Strength or Dexterity for the attack and damage rolls

The armor clause upgrades the requisite “non-metal armors” to be on par with the otherwise-superior metal versions, eliminating that weakness without losing the flavor. (Now with sharp limits to keep that free of abuse). The latter… well, any Druid build can get an excellent Wisdom-based melee attack if they want, so all it’s really doing is saving you a bonus action and expanding your list of options. Shillelagh still has some value, too, since it's the only way to get a 1d8 one-handed weapon. Plus magic.

Primeval Rage: Beginning at 2nd level, you learn how to augment your physical skill with the raw power of the elements. As a bonus action, you may expend one use of your Wild Shape ability to gain one of the following benefits for one minute:

Burning Rage: Your weapon erupts with fire, allowing you to deal an extra 1d4 points of fire damage with melee weapons and melee spell attacks.
Earthen Rage: You call the upon the strength of the earth to enfold you. Once per turn after being damaged by an attack, you may use your reaction to halve the incoming damage (rounding down).
Frigid Rage: You wrap your weapon in deepest winter. Creatures you strike with a melee weapon or melee spell attack have their speed halved and cannot take reactions until the end of their next turn.
Roaring Rage: Once per turn, you may push a target ten feet in a straight line after hitting them with a melee weapon or melee spell attack. They do not provoke an opportunity attack for leaving your reach.

While raging, you may add your Proficiency bonus to Constitution saving throws that you make to maintain your concentration on a spell, and you gain temporary hit points equal to your Druid level.

Sort of taking a hint from the Bladesinger ability, another full-caster-gish-twice-per-short-rest-augment. Because Druids are all about options and control, I tried to fit that into the core rage mechanic-- you can pick between a nice range of offensive and defensive options, depending on the circumstance.You get your bonus to concentration, a defensive bonus, and a bit more—I’ve weakened the first two in order to slip in a bit of bonus damage. I thought applying it to melee and spell attacks would be nicely gishy.

Extra Attack: Beginning at 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. In addition, you may add your Wisdom modifier to the damage you inflict with melee spell attacks.
Standard gish feature. I added the Wis-to-damage with... well, I guess Thorn Whip and Primal Savagery, if you prefer those. I want them to still be options.

Primordial Transformation: Beginning at 10th level, you have internalized many of the Druids’ trademark transformation magics. As an action, you may change your body in one of the following ways:

Claws: You grow a set of vicious claws and/or fangs. Your unarmed strikes now deal 1d8 damage and count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage, and as Druid weapons for the purposes of your Way of the Hunt ability. After taking the Attack action, you may make one unarmed strike as a bonus action.
Ears: You grow a set of bat-like ears, gaining blindsight out to 60ft and advantage on any Wisdom (Perception) checks based on hearing.
Gills: You grow webbed feet and gills, gaining the ability to breathe underwater and a swim speed equal to your base land speed.
Scales: You grow a set of tough scales. When you aren't wearing armor, your AC is 18. You can use your scales to determine your AC if the armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC. A shield's benefits apply as normal.
Wings: You grow a set of powerful wings, gaining a fly speed equal to your base land speed.

You may only ever have one transformation in effect at a time. If you begin a second transformation, your first one ends. Transformations remain in effect until you are either incapacitated or return to normal as a bonus action.
A Moon Druid can adapt their combat form to any environment; now Avengers can do the same, as well as giving back a bit of the utility you lost by using up Wild Shape to rage.

Primordial Rage: Beginning at 14th level, your rage grows ever fiercer. When using your Primeval Rage ability and casting a spell with a matching damage type, you may make a melee attack as a bonus action. In addition, you do not suffer Disadvantage on ranged spell attacks from being in melee combat.

Burning Rage: Any spell which deals fire damage, or which has a term like "Fire" or "Heat" in its name.
Earthen Rage: Any spell which targets only plants or beasts, or which has a term like "Earth" or"Stone" in its name.
Frigid Rage: Any spell which deals cold damage, or which has a term like "Water" or "Ice" in its name.
Roaring Rage: Any spell which deals lightning or thunder damage, or which has a term like "Wind" or "Sky" in its name.

As per most of the 9th-level-gish subclasses, I realize now the offensive boost should come at around 14th level. I thought this was a more interesting version of War Magic. As a side note, I really wish 5e had kept descriptors around, because this would be so much simpler if I could just say [Water] spell. Sigh.

2018-02-13, 09:00 AM
Hey Grod. I really like this class, and I really think it fits well into a hole that is missing in the class.

Way of the Hunt
Granting a straight +2 to AC could be an issue in the long run. At level 2 with a good roll for money you could pretty easily afford to buy Spiked Armor from SCAG. By the wording of the armor you can wear that since it's covered in spikes "usually made of metal".

So level two you have an AC of 10+dex(2) + armor (4) + shield(2) + bonus(2) = 20 AC at level 2 which compares to someone getting a 1500 GP full plate at level 2. I would instead give the player a new AC calculation. Maybe you now get a new calculation of 13+Wis at level 2 and 14+Wisdom at level 7, or maybe you get the Monk AC of 10+Wis+Dex. You can fluff it as
"You encircle yourself in a living armor coming from nature itself and deriving it's power from your Wisdom. As a bonus action, you can summon living vines from the ground that wrap around your body and actively defend you. This ability gives you an AC of 13+Wisdom"

Primeval Rage
I'm not sure why, but I would almost prefer that you choose one of the elements when you choose to natural rage.

You draw the power of the elements into your body. Choose an element to summon into your body

Fire - Gain 1d6 Fire damage to one melee or melee spell attack per round
Air - On a successful hit of a melee attack or melee spell attack, the hit creature must make a strength save vs your wisdom spell DC or be knocked back 10 feet
Water - Gain 1d6 Cold damage to one melee or melee spell attack per round
Earth - Gain 1d6 Bludgeoning damage to one melee or melee spell attack per round

You also get the concentration bonus and you get temporary HP of 1x your level that last until the end of the rage.

I think getting 5 temp HP every round seems like to much with everything else added in.

Primordial Rage
Your control over the elements has increased, choose an element to draw into your body.

Fire - Gain 2d6 Fire damage to one melee or melee spell attack per round and resistance to fire damage
Air - On a successful hit of a melee attack or melee spell attack, the hit creature must make a strength save vs your wisdom spell DC or prone and knocked back 10 feet. Additionally the forces of air make you more fleet of foot, increasing your movement by 10ft per round.
Water - Gain 2d6 Cold damage to one melee or melee spell attack per round and resistance to cold damage
Earth - Gain 2d6 Bludgeoning damage to one melee or melee spell attack per round and resistance to Bludgeoning damage
Shadow - Gain advantage on all stealth checks and the ability to shadow walk as a bonus action (teleport 30 feet from shadow to shadow as a bonus action) and resistance to necrotic damage
Celestial - You body glows with a radiant light, providing bright light 20 feet and dim an extra 20 feet. When you rage all allies that can see you are bathed in your celestial light, healing your level in HP. You also are resistant to radiant damage for the duration of your rage.

You also get the concentration bonus and you get temporary HP of 2x your level that lasts until the end of the rage. This feature replaces your Primeval Rage ability

Primordial Transformation
The armor bonus really makes the scales unnecessary (whether it it mine or yours). If you want to do it, maybe the scales give resistance to piercing damage?

Just my thoughts on how I would do things. Feel free to take it all with a grain of salt since I may be taking away the feel you were going for.

2018-02-13, 11:59 AM
Hey Grod. I really like this class, and I really think it fits well into a hole that is missing in the class.
Thanks! I was looking at some character ideas a while back and got really grumpy that there weren't any good Druid-gish builds that weren't Wild Shaping.

Way of the Hunt
Granting a straight +2 to AC could be an issue in the long run. At level 2 with a good roll for money you could pretty easily afford to buy Spiked Armor from SCAG. By the wording of the armor you can wear that since it's covered in spikes "usually made of metal".
The wording of the ability prevents that-- "Druid Equipment" is a discreet list that only covers two kinds of armor (leather and hide).

Primeval Rage
I'm not sure why, but I would almost prefer that you choose one of the elements when you choose to natural rage.
Ooh, actually, you're right. That's much cooler. Lemme take a look at that.

EDIT: Updated. What do you think?

2018-02-13, 01:37 PM
The wording of the ability prevents that-- "Druid Equipment" is a discreet list that only covers two kinds of armor (leather and hide).

Missed that completely. Why don't you make it specific then?
"When you are wearing Leather or Padded armor you gain +2 to your armor class." Guaranteed no confusion there :)

Primordial Rage: Beginning at 14th level, when casting a spell with a matching damage type, you may add your Wisdom modifier to the damage it deals, and make a melee attack as a bonus action. You do not suffer Disadvantage on ranged spell attacks from being in melee combat.

You will want to mention in here that it is an upgrade.

"Primordial Rage: You are more attuned to the elements, Beginning at 14th level, when you use a Primeval Rage ability you may also add your Wisdom modifier to the appropriate elemental spell and make an attack as a bonus action after casting a spell."

Also some adjustments to
Primordial Transformation
I think you also need to mention that you gain proficiency with unarmed strikes.

Can you use this with a shield? Many times if you can, it is specificially mentioned

Flooding Rage: Once per turn, you may recover hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier after striking an opponent with a melee weapon or spell attack.
This fails the bag of rats test.

Roaring Rage: Once per turn, you push a target ten feet after hitting them with a melee weapon or melee spell attack. They do not provoke an opportunity attack for leaving your reach.
"If you take the Attack action on your turn and hit, you may use a bonus action to try to shove that creature up to 10 feet."

Although using a shove action would be rough for a melee gish. In this class you will be focusing on Wisdom and Dex, so you athletics check to shove is likely going to suck

2018-02-13, 02:29 PM
Missed that completely. Why don't you make it specific then?
"When you are wearing Leather or Padded armor you gain +2 to your armor class." Guaranteed no confusion there :)
Hmm, yeah, not a bad idea.

You will want to mention in here that it is an upgrade.

"Primordial Rage: You are more attuned to the elements, Beginning at 14th level, when you use a Primeval Rage ability you may also add your Wisdom modifier to the appropriate elemental spell and make an attack as a bonus action after casting a spell."
Good catch.

Also some adjustments to
Primordial Transformation
I think you also need to mention that you gain proficiency with unarmed strikes.

...Druids don't get simple weapons. You're right, I will do this.

Can you use this with a shield? Many times if you can, it is specificially mentioned
I will add. To slightly address your previous point about the ability as well, it sort of exists for two reasons: partially to keep the "can adapt to any circumstance" aspect of the class, and partially to help out anyone who's not pumping Dex. (It's on par with maxed-out druid-leather, but offers a nice upgrade to the 16 you'd be getting from maxed-out druid-hide).

Flooding Rage: Once per turn, you may recover hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier after striking an opponent with a melee weapon or spell attack.
This fails the bag of rats test.
To be fair, a Wild Shape use and a minute to heal to full isn't a wildly unreasonable trade-off, but fair enough. I wanted at least one tanky ability... hmm. I could shift the debuff-type effect to water, and make earth an Uncanny Dodge type mechanic, perhaps?

Roaring Rage: Once per turn, you push a target ten feet after hitting them with a melee weapon or melee spell attack. They do not provoke an opportunity attack for leaving your reach.
"If you take the Attack action on your turn and hit, you may use a bonus action to try to shove that creature up to 10 feet."

Although using a shove action would be rough for a melee gish. In this class you will be focusing on Wisdom and Dex, so you athletics check to shove is likely going to suck
The shove action would likely be difficult, which is why I specifically avoided using that wording. It's also not a bad idea to avoid gumming up the works with excess checks.

2018-02-13, 03:11 PM
Primeval Rage: Beginning at 2nd level, you learn how to augment your physical skill with the raw power of the elements. As a bonus action, you may expend one use of your Wild Shape ability to gain one of the following benefits for one minute:
Burning Rage: Your weapon erupts with fire, allowing you to deal an extra 1d4 points of fire damage with melee weapons and melee spell attacks.
Earthen Rage: You call the upon the strength of the earth to enfold you. Once per turn, you may gain Resistance against a damage roll. You may do so after seeing the resu
Frigid Rage: You wrap your weapon in deepest winter. Creatures you strike with a melee weapon or melee spell attack have their speed halved and cannot take reactions until the end of their next turn.
Roaring Rage: Once per turn, you may push a target ten feet in a straight line after hitting them with a melee weapon or melee spell attack. They do not provoke an opportunity attack for leaving your reach.

Okay, I really like this now. You can get more damage with fire, more protection with earth, battlefield control with frigid and roaring.

One last minor change to this
Earthen Rage: You call the upon the strength of the earth to enfold you. Once per turn, as a reaction, you may gain Resistance against a damage roll. You may do so after seeing the result

2018-02-13, 03:27 PM
Okay, I really like this now. You can get more damage with fire, more protection with earth, battlefield control with frigid and roaring.

One last minor change to this
Earthen Rage: You call the upon the strength of the earth to enfold you. Once per turn, as a reaction, you may gain Resistance against a damage roll. You may do so after seeing the result
Thanks! I actually specifically avoided using Reaction, though. The Barbarian's Rage (always-on Resistance) was definitely going to be more powerful, but the "half as a reaction" seemed a bit too limited for being the only defensive option from a limited-use feature. This felt like a middle ground. Lemme see if I can word it a bit better.

How's the overall power level look to you?

2018-02-13, 03:41 PM
Thanks! I actually specifically avoided using Reaction, though. The Barbarian's Rage (always-on Resistance) was definitely going to be more powerful, but the "half as a reaction" seemed a bit too limited for being the only defensive option from a limited-use feature. This felt like a middle ground. Lemme see if I can word it a bit better.

How's the overall power level look to you?

I disagree with the half as a reaction featuring being to limiting. Rage is the barbarians main feature, pretty much everything else drives off this. Remember that your Gish here is still a full caster, he shouldn't compare to a barbarian.

I think the overall power it pretty good compared to the Wild Shaping ability. It seems fair to me, but I'm also kind of invested due to the back and forth. I will let others give their opinions on the overall power.

2018-02-15, 02:02 PM
I disagree with the half as a reaction featuring being to limiting. Rage is the barbarians main feature, pretty much everything else drives off this. Remember that your Gish here is still a full caster, he shouldn't compare to a barbarian.

I think the overall power it pretty good compared to the Wild Shaping ability. It seems fair to me, but I'm also kind of invested due to the back and forth. I will let others give their opinions on the overall power.
Yeah, that's fair. Reaction back in. Thanks for all your help; this is definitely a lot better and more interesting than when I first wrote it.

2018-02-15, 03:32 PM
I like this subclass, but, for the record, everyone has proficiency in their unarmed strikes. Things stating that something now has proficiency in them (such as the Aarakocra) is actually a wording error.

Proof, if needed. (https://rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/45717/are-monks-proficient-with-unarmed-strikes-by-default/55440)

2018-02-17, 08:45 PM
Primordial Rage: Beginning at 14th level, your rage grows ever fiercer. When using your Primeval Rage ability and casting a spell with a matching damage type, you may add your Wisdom modifier to the damage it deals and make a melee attack as a bonus action. In addition, you do not suffer Disadvantage on ranged spell attacks from being in melee combat.

Burning Rage: Any spell which deals fire damage, or which has a term like "Fire" or "Heat" in its name.
Earthen Rage: Any spell which targets only plants or beasts, or which has a term like "Earth" or"Stone" in its name.
Frigid Rage: Any spell which deals cold damage, or which has a term like "Water" or "Ice" in its name.
Roaring Rage: Any spell which deals lightning or thunder damage, or which has a term like "Wind" or "Sky" in its name.

As per most of the 9th-level-gish subclasses, I realize now the offensive boost should come at around 14th level. I thought this was a more interesting version of War Magic. As a side note, I really wish 5e had kept descriptors around, because this would be so much simpler if I could just say [Water] spell. Sigh.

Not to add to your design troubles on this one, but how do you want this feature to interact with spells that grant you actions on future turns? Do you want characters using Call Lightning, Investiture of [Flame/Ice/Stone/Wind], Melf's Minute Meteors, etc. to be able to make a bonus action attack after using the action on future turns or only when taking the initial action to cast the spell?

It also seems like it's intended that you add your Wisdom modifier to the repeated damage but it's something I thought I'd ask about.

And as other people have said this is really just a wonderful gishy druid archetype.

2018-02-17, 10:31 PM
Not to add to your design troubles on this one, but how do you want this feature to interact with spells that grant you actions on future turns? Do you want characters using Call Lightning, Investiture of [Flame/Ice/Stone/Wind], Melf's Minute Meteors, etc. to be able to make a bonus action attack after using the action on future turns or only when taking the initial action to cast the spell?

It also seems like it's intended that you add your Wisdom modifier to the repeated damage but it's something I thought I'd ask about.

And as other people have said this is really just a wonderful gishy druid archetype.
It triggers when you cast the spell, not when you continue to concentrate/activate it. I think that's the usual wording of such abilities. Wisdom on repeated hits works, though... I might strike that bit, actually. Seems a bit much.