View Full Version : [EMPIRE! 4] The Linnadi Summit and Conclave

2018-02-12, 08:25 PM
This is an event for the on-going - always recruiting - world-building game, Empire 4 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?537234-EMPIRE4!-IC-Thread). If interested, please check out our OOC here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?535516-EMPIRE4!-I-A-Community-World-Building-Game). (This header shamelessly stolen from Gengy because I think it's smart.)

The Summit And Conclave of Ti Linnad
127 Imperial Reckoning
Music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmDlnlIuZOo)


The Highlands of Ti Linnad are best described as “tall”. For those who had travelled across the Uhraiya, their first impression would be the colossal cliffs that loomed before them. Pegasus riders guided their ships to safe harbor, and they ascended one of several great stairways to the top of the cliffs. Those who entered the Highlands by land found that the hills of Arfordir or Obroslo became first steep and then almost vertical, before leveling off into a rocky plateau.

Linnadi guides are constantly on the lookout for inbound delegations, and ready to escort them through the sometimes interminable terrain to their destination. They bear extra provisions and cold-weather supplies that they gladly share with those unprepared for the harsh Linnadi weather. The journey takes three or four days, across the rocky ground to the deep Jorgi Gorge. Nestled beneath its walls, the capital city of Cytolla shines in the daylight, a web of buildings expanding to fill its surroundings. In the center of the city, the wide Council building rises a story above its neighbors.

Descending to the city is another stair, chiseled into the cliff face. A sharp-eyed viewer could just make out the entrance to the Statue Gardens from this point, but anyone can see the colorful decorations spread across the city and the path to the Gardens. A third stairway, about half a mile north of the city, leads up into the sheer ravine wall, up to the great carved archway that marks the entrance to the newly-finished Statue Gardens. Inscriptions run all around it, interweaving and linking until they became an uninterrupted chain of letters.

As each ambassador enters, they find themselves first greeted by a towering statue of a female Pylliar dressed in plain clothing, holding a decorated scepter. Engraved on the base is the name Cayi Soarsinnat. Behind this statue, the Gardens stretch to both sides, almost seeming to fade into the cavern’s depths, and two doorways are visible on the left and right walls, opening into further rooms. Lanterns are placed on short pedestals around the cavern, making the room almost as bright as the gray and cloudy day outside.

A lesson seems to have been drawn from the Gathering of Minds: in addition to the number of servants bearing refreshments make their rounds throughout the Gardens, Linnadi guards are visible in full force around the caverns. At the entrance, Jannellai Norraissa and Dagi Sironne stand to welcome guests as they arrive. Dagi wears a light blue robe decorated with a silver wing motif, and a thin silver circlet, while Jannellai is dressed in a formal silver gown, patterned with intertwined blue lines. Both wear a shield-shaped brooch, marked with three blue chevrons between two vertical blue bars, pinned over their right breast. The early arrivals may catch a glimpse of another Council member, or even the Premier herself, as they enter the back-left doorway, and four guards are posted around that door, blocking it off to those not invited.

Although the Statue Gardens are set up for a peaceful party, a foreboding air seems to hang over the whole affair. Perhaps it is only the subdued atmosphere of the caverns, or the subdued light of the lanterns; perhaps it is merely the gray and cloudy weather, which looks to be preparing for a storm. In any case, the Linnadi have high hopes for a peaceful world gathering, and the stage is set for all variety of discussions: magic, faith, trade, diplomacy, war, and maybe even peace.

When the delegates from those countries invited to the Conclave arrive, Dagi Sironne gives them a small gold token inscribed with the name of their country, and asked to present it to the guards around the Upper North Cavern when they are ready to enter.

The Main Cavern: Looming over this massive cavern is the statue of Cayi Soarsinnat, but placed on pedestals all around the chamber are many other statues, mostly heroes of Linnadi history.

The Southern Cavern: Reached through the two entrances on the right-hand wall of the Main Cavern, this room holds statues to heroes of Arfordir and Gelupar. Shamans, spirits, priests, and wanderers alike share the majesty of this space.

The Lower North Cavern: The left-hand doorway closer to the Great Archway leads into a smaller cavern, filled with detailed records of the deeds of each hero commemorated in the Statue Gardens.

The Upper North Cavern: The doorway to this chamber is the only one to have a proper door inserted into it. While it is currently open and unbarred, the four guards flanking it mark it as the place where the Conclave will meet.

Premier Lira Jinna: The head of the Council, and the political leader of Ti Linnad. Though she is nearing the end of her life, she presides over the Conclave in the Upper North Cavern.

Jannellai Norraissa: The Premier's young student and likely successor. She is the main Linnadi Diplomat present, and greets each guest.

Dagi Sironne: A Council member and more well-known diplomat, she will greet and guide each Conclave delegate to the Upper North Cavern.

Other Linnadi people of interest include the remaining Council members, and generals such as Julliu Darianni and Gillaber Rissahmi.

2018-02-12, 09:17 PM
The arrival of the lazarites was a melancholy affair that fit the atmosphere of the tall and winding land they now found themselves in. The lazarites were far more at home upon the coasts, ever a glimpse of the ocean in sight. Here in these twisting highlands where rock rose to interminable heights like oppressive walls in some great prison they were wholly outside their natural habitat. There were three who came to represent the isles and the Kiin Sareteh and a fourth representing the Black Company. All were bundled tightly with hoods pulled firmly over their heads in this miserable climate, though they spared the hoods and basked their scaled faces in the sun when it did deign to shine through the dismal weather. The three who came from the Kiin Sareteh wore simple red robes to signify their belonging to the "family" that encompassed the political and now religious machinations of the islands and when their hoods were back one could see they counted two green scaled lazarites and a grey. The one who came to represent the Company wore simple black robes over a light set of armor, an obvious but pragmatic choice, but it seemed the name did not signify scale color for the representative was of a dark blue hue in complexion.

Of the two green scaled lazarites one was significantly taller and it seemed perhaps the shorter was a female. Though it was difficult to tell for mammalian races she, if she were a she, appeared to be taking a different role than her fellows, recording occasional notes or appearing to copy the hissing highly alien tongue of one of her companions into her sheaf of parchments. These notes she guarded closely eyeing anyone who took notice and stared as she wrote. No doubt it was in part merely due to the value of the parchment itself than any actual fear of her recordings being deciphered. The black robed lazarite seemed to find her antics regarding this matter amusing, or maybe annoying, it was difficult to tell on their reptilian features.

The greyscaled red robed lazarite took the lead, followed closely by his black robed companion, in greeting the two Linnadi designated to meet them.

"Humble greetingsss sirs of Ti Linnad, brothers in faith," all four lazarites raised their scaly webbed hands to cover their chest and bowed in unison, "We come from the Isles of Lazar. We represent prominent voices from our homeland and all wish to extend their great thanksss to you for hosting our party. Though we do not have great bounty with which to gift in the traditional sense it was ours and the Company desssire to present, well perhaps I shall let my associate explain."

The blue scaled lazarite stepped forward as the greyscale stepped back.

"Humble greetings brothers in faith. This one is Larsin and represents the interests of the Kiin Paleseh Bor, the Black Company. We wish to offer our services to Ti Linnad. We have heard much of the great conquests in Xincoatl's name and desire to aid all our brothers in faith best we are able. We would ask nothing for this that you have not already given, your loyalty to Xincoatl's call and the fellowship of fire that unites the followers of Xincoatl."

"Pleassse, we only ask you to consider this gift. It's refusal shall be taken as no offense but as of no need for it. In the Isles we believe only in paying what is due and taking no more than you need to survive. To refuse a lazarite gift is not shame. To accept is not shame. Think on this as you will and inform usss. For now we are certain many guest will yet arrive. Let us allow you attend them, yesss?"

Though waiting briefly for a response the lazarites seem prepared to move into the Gardens themselves and begin to mingle amongst the international stage for the first time in decades.

OOC: Definitely interested in talking to Gwitna, Coatl. Interested in talking to?: Azenhal? Whitefeather? Dvatla?

2018-02-12, 10:35 PM
Regno's Arrival

Tutum Sortis, Heir to the Sortis family, and presumed next Grand Magus was... bothered. He was quite used to making long diplomatic trips, but usually, this was to the south, just a ship ride over the Ortassa Sea. This time, he'd had to ride a lot longer route, through the Ortassa-Uhraiya pass, and quite frankly, he'd found the longer journey uncomfortable. Even worse, he was sitting on the knowledge that Grand Magus Viclean had been planning on making the trip himself, but his father-in-law had barely been gone a few days - couldn't have gotten much further then Izbefe - when he'd felt compelled to come home.

Apparently, the Grand Magus was violently ill when too far from a large source of Bani. A side-effect, it would seem, of the Rune of Everything Soul. It provided the leader of Initia power, for sure, but required a large amount of magic to be nearby. Yet, rather than be upset at this news, Viclean had strode into Tutum's room proudly, and mentally announced the new 'discovery' about the Rune, and then casually ordered Tutum to make the trip in his stead.

There was nothing for Tutum to do but to sigh and accept it. This was, after all, an incredibly important meeting. The Grand Magus should have been the one to be here, but now his new discovery - classified in the Three Towers as a matter of highest inquiry - prevented him. So, Tutum was the next best thing. Quite literally. He missed his boys, though. Viclean "Junior", and Umbo Sortis were growing up so much now, and they sometimes literally hung on their father's arms.

<<Sir, everything all right?>> Captain Vaz asked. He was a rare thing in the Legionnaires; a Speaker and a Captain. Even more rare, he was Tutum's friend. So even if Tutum wasn't projecting any emotions, Vaz could tell by the subtle movements that the Heir was not feeling his usual confident self.

Tutum decided to be mostly honest and sent back mentally, <<Just missing my family, Vaz.>>

<<I'm sure they are fine, Sir. Spera's there, after all.>> The other legionnaires watched as both their captain and their charge suddenly chuckled. Tutum's daughter had grown into a terrifying teenage, mostly because her sheer presence seemed to have been inherited from both of her grandfathers. She walked into a room, and commanded attention. Tutum had had a private conversation with her guards, handing each of them reinforced sticks. When they asked why, he very seriously told them they were to use them on any boys that got too close to his daughter. Partly because he wanted to protect his daughter, but mostly because he wanted to protect the boys from her. And her sandboar, Porcus.

Tutum smirked, and felt better. "Thank you, Captain. I needed a laugh."

Captain Vaz nodded, but said nothing, as it was finally Tutum's turn to approach Dagi Sironne. With a smile on his face, the Heir of Regno stepped forward, and wrapped his host in a formal greeting hug. "Friend Linnadi, blessed are the Elements ypon your home! Mighty are the families in your realm!"

"Standing before you is Tutum Sortis, Heir of the Sortis Family, and we bring representatives from Regno, Iadesh, and Jherki." It was true. There were some interesting people here, standing beside the small contingent of five Legionnaires and their Captain. All three other faces were curiously looking around, taking everything in. They all wore copper bands upon their wrists, and dressed in similar manners; simple white robes, with rope belts. Other than peace-tied bronze daggers, they had little in the ways of ornamentation.

The one in the lead was an Oamenii with shocking auburn hair. She stepped forward, and handed Dagi Sironne a bag filled with Sapphires, before stepping back to join the overly cautious looking human and the strange lizard-man who seemed upset at his clothing. They each did have the Rune of Essence upon their brows, though, and while outwardly silent, Tutum could hear the mental whispers of a conversation. He chose to ignore it for now, and kept his attention upon their host. Stepping back from the formal hug, the Heir said, "We gladly present a gift of Sapphires, fresh from the mines of Little Litore, found deep in the hot desert of Jherki. We hope Ti Linnad can find a use for them. Please, can you tell me if representatives from Izbefe or D̨vatla have arrived? I know we have much to discuss in the Conclave, but I was hoping to meet privately with these two first."

Tutum Sortis (Delegation Leader, Male Oamenii, Married [x3])
Captain Vaz (Speaker and Legionnaire, Male Oamenii, Unmarried)
Flacara of Family Nisip (Speaker, Female Oamenii, Unmarried)
Hortense Flax (Aspectus, Male Human, Unmarried)
Tundo of the Dry (Aspectus, Male Harentse, Unmarried)

OOC: Regno wants to talk to Izbefe and D̨vatla. If that wasn't clear. And also the Kadangan Wetlands!

2018-02-13, 06:53 AM
Amham Federation

Seok found the mountains of Ti Linnad curious. He was no stranger to mountains, having crossed the central spires of Regner on several occasions to visit Regno, but these were different. Mountains covered by grass rather than trees or moss. Sharp jagged cliffs contrasted with strange flat plateaus, these features were confusing even as they were awe inspiring. He had tried to get a glimpse of how one would fight in this terrain during the climb, but there was little time for it. Having traveled by ship - the intervening lands of the north were in too much chaos to risk an overland march - there had been little time to observe. He had been granted the chance to see the pegasi riders. That was certainly worrisome. Flying cavalry were no completely unknown to him, but Amham's exposure was limited to the handful of Omanush Skyswimmers who occasionally visited. It seemed new drills would need to be determined and perhaps new arrows devised in case the day came they would need to face such forces.

The people of this land were in some ways less unusual than the environment. Certainly they were short and furry, but Seok forced himself to avoid considering that of any importance at all. He did not need Yu Yijin to comment on his attitude. Besides, these people were farmers and fighters. It felt close to home in that way. Such observations made him hopeful. He could relate to warriors and be straightforward. That was good.

That the meeting place was a cavern was initially surprising, but once it became clear that this was a sacred location it made perfect sense. Sacred caverns were nothing strange to the Duke. They could, however, quickly become cramped in his experience so he much of his entourage outside. The barons had not been willing to allow the Duke to travel onward entirely alone, and he was saddled with an honor guard of sons and daughters from over a dozen of the most prominent nobles in Amham and Yemur. Having an excuse to prevent them from milling about and making trouble with other leaders was helpful. He had no fear of attack, the local guards were numerous and obvious.

Seok advanced into the caverns with only Yu Yijin beside him. The jalsi was twice his age at least, with hair of shimmering silver. Despite this she moved with perfect elegance, as if the ground held her up without effort. Her face was yet smooth and her green eyes sparkled with deep fires. once a beauty, she could still draw the eye. Where the jalsi wore a shaman's traditional robes, the duke had chosen armor. Bronze polished till it gleamed, he carried the heavy lamellar without difficulty. It was his everyday garb after all. He had left behind his shield - for this was a peaceful meeting - but carried the spear marking his office. The blade had been thickly wrapped with white silk as a concession to diplomacy.

When presented to the Linnadi leadership Seok bowed deeply, bending at the waist as far as he dared, trying in vain to get his head below the scalps of the Pylliar. The jalsi beside him had it easier in some ways, for she kowtowed as she ought, and could lower her head to the ground as a result. Seok held the awkward pose as long as he could before unbending. "Honored Councillors." He began. "I am Seok Gyeon, Duke of the Amham Federation. I must express my sincere gratitude to you in return for conducting this summit." He gestured to the shaman beside him, who rose to her feet as she was acknowledged. "Yu-Jalsi has come with me as an emissary of our shamans. We have brought with us a gift of steelshrooms from the forests of Yemur." The shaman held forth a basket. "Known as a delicacy they also have medicinal properties and the jalsi assures me they are greatly beneficial to those who sicken on the high peaks."

Following the exchange of formalities Seok separated from the shaman, for though their goals were aligned their purposes in this place were different.

OOC: Amham wishes to speak to Glen Gwitna (urgently), Avakonia (secular), and Coatl (sacred). Also Jianta if they attend and potentially Izbefe.

2018-02-13, 05:11 PM
A pair of white and blue sails propelled the single Izbefe ship from the banks of the river Chilla to the Linnadi coast. The trip had been a smooth one and the sailors were relaxed as a result. The ship had sixty marines as oarsmen and warriors and another ten men assigned with various tasks from navigating to repairing damages. In addition to this host there were only four passengers. Balder and Freya Gammet, the King and his sister, wore baggy white clothes and smooth silver circlets. He was an inch or so shorter than she and the same was true for their hair. The gathering of minds had been very close to Izbefe and was still burned in it's peoples memories so even the King and his second each wore long-knives at their hips and had been practicing technique on the journey. In addition to them Magi Lokir Rainstep, the only Magi in all of the kingdom of Izbefe and thus the kingdom's leading authority on Initia was also present. He spent most of the journey reading about the foreign lands and tending to the pigeons kept on board the ship as messengers. He wore a dark blue robe and was the only person on the ship to not carry a weapon. Instead he had a bladder filled with salt water and a small pouch filled with the precious magic dust of Regno, two things that could definitely help a skilled Initiate such as himself if a fight were to break out. The final traveler was an elephant man from Binpultry called Tightgrip. Binpultry had no singular leader but he served as defender of the region and as a result came to represent it's interests.

As the destination came into sight the oarsmen took up positions and began to row, the entire ship fell silent as they worked for they were held in sync by telepathic pulses from Magi Lokir who now stood at the front of the ship with the other leaders. They docked the ship and King Balder was the first to press his sandals into the sand of the beach. In addition to the four delegates twelve marines disembarked. They had traded their oars for spears and shields and donned their matching helmets before taking up formation in rows of six on either side of the four and the group marched inland to meet with a guide and head for the gathering.

Within the statue gardens the guards spread out and took up positions in pairs where they can easily survey the area. The king, seeing a few familiar Oamenii were already there, approached his host and bowed deeply at the waist before saying, "Greetings from Izbefe and its holdings to both of you. I bear no gifts of wealth but I can give a gracious host some fortune." and he offered a small wooden carving made by a village grandmother to ward against sickness. "This was made by a grandmother from my village to ward against sickness." said the king, hoping that it would be liked. He then turned to Tutum Sortis and bowed again, "It is good to see a neighbor here" then, after rising, "I do hope we can get some justice out of this." As he said this he pinched the gold coin knowing that that would make his message quite clear to such an intelligent man.

2018-02-13, 05:59 PM
The arrival of the lazarites was a melancholy affair that fit the atmosphere of the tall and winding land they now found themselves in. The lazarites were far more at home upon the coasts, ever a glimpse of the ocean in sight. Here in these twisting highlands where rock rose to interminable heights like oppressive walls in some great prison they were wholly outside their natural habitat. There were three who came to represent the isles and the Kiin Sareteh and a fourth representing the Black Company. All were bundled tightly with hoods pulled firmly over their heads in this miserable climate, though they spared the hoods and basked their scaled faces in the sun when it did deign to shine through the dismal weather. The three who came from the Kiin Sareteh wore simple red robes to signify their belonging to the "family" that encompassed the political and now religious machinations of the islands and when their hoods were back one could see they counted two green scaled lazarites and a grey. The one who came to represent the Company wore simple black robes over a light set of armor, an obvious but pragmatic choice, but it seemed the name did not signify scale color for the representative was of a dark blue hue in complexion.

Of the two green scaled lazarites one was significantly taller and it seemed perhaps the shorter was a female. Though it was difficult to tell for mammalian races she, if she were a she, appeared to be taking a different role than her fellows, recording occasional notes or appearing to copy the hissing highly alien tongue of one of her companions into her sheaf of parchments. These notes she guarded closely eyeing anyone who took notice and stared as she wrote. No doubt it was in part merely due to the value of the parchment itself than any actual fear of her recordings being deciphered. The black robed lazarite seemed to find her antics regarding this matter amusing, or maybe annoying, it was difficult to tell on their reptilian features.

The greyscaled red robed lazarite took the lead, followed closely by his black robed companion, in greeting the two Linnadi designated to meet them.

"Humble greetingsss sirs of Ti Linnad, brothers in faith," all four lazarites raised their scaly webbed hands to cover their chest and bowed in unison, "We come from the Isles of Lazar. We represent prominent voices from our homeland and all wish to extend their great thanksss to you for hosting our party. Though we do not have great bounty with which to gift in the traditional sense it was ours and the Company desssire to present, well perhaps I shall let my associate explain."

The blue scaled lazarite stepped forward as the greyscale stepped back.

"Humble greetings brothers in faith. This one is Larsin and represents the interests of the Kiin Paleseh Bor, the Black Company. We wish to offer our services to Ti Linnad. We have heard much of the great conquests in Xincoatl's name and desire to aid all our brothers in faith best we are able. We would ask nothing for this that you have not already given, your loyalty to Xincoatl's call and the fellowship of fire that unites the followers of Xincoatl."

"Pleassse, we only ask you to consider this gift. It's refusal shall be taken as no offense but as of no need for it. In the Isles we believe only in paying what is due and taking no more than you need to survive. To refuse a lazarite gift is not shame. To accept is not shame. Think on this as you will and inform usss. For now we are certain many guest will yet arrive. Let us allow you attend them, yesss?"

Though waiting briefly for a response the lazarites seem prepared to move into the Gardens themselves and begin to mingle amongst the international stage for the first time in decades.

OOC: Definitely interested in talking to Gwitna, Coatl. Interested in talking to?: Azenhal? Whitefeather? Dvatla?
"And greetings to you. It is good to see fellow followers of Xincoatl here," Jannellai responded, saluting the delegation's spokesperson. Both she and Dagi stood listening intently to the Lazarites' mercenary offer, the older Pylliar recalling the day, only a few short decades ago, when she had stood in a garden in Whitefeather and made much the same pronouncement. Dagi smiled slightly, a sort of thin, reminiscent smile.

"I cannot give you a definite answer as of yet, but I find it likely that we shall accept your most generous offer. The full Council must be consulted, but I believe they will be glad to have the aid of the renowned Lazarite fighters. You shall have your answer within a few hours. For now, enjoy yourselves." As the lazarites entered the full Gardens, Jannellai held a whispered conversation with a nearby Linnadi guard, who saluted and entered the Conclave chamber.

Regno's Arrival

Tutum Sortis, Heir to the Sortis family, and presumed next Grand Magus was... bothered. He was quite used to making long diplomatic trips, but usually, this was to the south, just a ship ride over the Ortassa Sea. This time, he'd had to ride a lot longer route, through the Ortassa-Uhraiya pass, and quite frankly, he'd found the longer journey uncomfortable. Even worse, he was sitting on the knowledge that Grand Magus Viclean had been planning on making the trip himself, but his father-in-law had barely been gone a few days - couldn't have gotten much further then Izbefe - when he'd felt compelled to come home.

Apparently, the Grand Magus was violently ill when too far from a large source of Bani. A side-effect, it would seem, of the Rune of Everything Soul. It provided the leader of Initia power, for sure, but required a large amount of magic to be nearby. Yet, rather than be upset at this news, Viclean had strode into Tutum's room proudly, and mentally announced the new 'discovery' about the Rune, and then casually ordered Tutum to make the trip in his stead.

There was nothing for Tutum to do but to sigh and accept it. This was, after all, an incredibly important meeting. The Grand Magus should have been the one to be here, but now his new discovery - classified in the Three Towers as a matter of highest inquiry - prevented him. So, Tutum was the next best thing. Quite literally. He missed his boys, though. Viclean "Junior", and Umbo Sortis were growing up so much now, and they sometimes literally hung on their father's arms.

<<Sir, everything all right?>> Captain Vaz asked. He was a rare thing in the Legionnaires; a Speaker and a Captain. Even more rare, he was Tutum's friend. So even if Tutum wasn't projecting any emotions, Vaz could tell by the subtle movements that the Heir was not feeling his usual confident self.

Tutum decided to be mostly honest and sent back mentally, <<Just missing my family, Vaz.>>

<<I'm sure they are fine, Sir. Spera's there, after all.>> The other legionnaires watched as both their captain and their charge suddenly chuckled. Tutum's daughter had grown into a terrifying teenage, mostly because her sheer presence seemed to have been inherited from both of her grandfathers. She walked into a room, and commanded attention. Tutum had had a private conversation with her guards, handing each of them reinforced sticks. When they asked why, he very seriously told them they were to use them on any boys that got too close to his daughter. Partly because he wanted to protect his daughter, but mostly because he wanted to protect the boys from her. And her sandboar, Porcus.

Tutum smirked, and felt better. "Thank you, Captain. I needed a laugh."

Captain Vaz nodded, but said nothing, as it was finally Tutum's turn to approach Dagi Sironne. With a smile on his face, the Heir of Regno stepped forward, and wrapped his host in a formal greeting hug. "Friend Linnadi, blessed are the Elements ypon your home! Mighty are the families in your realm!"

"Standing before you is Tutum Sortis, Heir of the Sortis Family, and we bring representatives from Regno, Iadesh, and Jherki." It was true. There were some interesting people here, standing beside the small contingent of five Legionnaires and their Captain. All three other faces were curiously looking around, taking everything in. They all wore copper bands upon their wrists, and dressed in similar manners; simple white robes, with rope belts. Other than peace-tied bronze daggers, they had little in the ways of ornamentation.

The one in the lead was an Oamenii with shocking auburn hair. She stepped forward, and handed Dagi Sironne a bag filled with Sapphires, before stepping back to join the overly cautious looking human and the strange lizard-man who seemed upset at his clothing. They each did have the Rune of Essence upon their brows, though, and while outwardly silent, Tutum could hear the mental whispers of a conversation. He chose to ignore it for now, and kept his attention upon their host. Stepping back from the formal hug, the Heir said, "We gladly present a gift of Sapphires, fresh from the mines of Little Litore, found deep in the hot desert of Jherki. We hope Ti Linnad can find a use for them. Please, can you tell me if representatives from Izbefe or D̨vatla have arrived? I know we have much to discuss in the Conclave, but I was hoping to meet privately with these two first."

Tutum Sortis (Delegation Leader, Male Oamenii, Married [x3])
Captain Vaz (Speaker and Legionnaire, Male Oamenii, Unmarried)
Flacara of Family Nisip (Speaker, Female Oamenii, Unmarried)
Hortense Flax (Aspectus, Male Human, Unmarried)
Tundo of the Dry (Aspectus, Male Harentse, Unmarried)

OOC: Regno wants to talk to Izbefe and D̨vatla. If that wasn't clear. And also the Kadangan Wetlands!
"Welcome, Heir Tutum! It is good to see you and your delegation here. How has the trip treated you?" Dagi gently extricated herself from the greeting hug and returned a formal salute.

"We thank you for this gracious gift; I am sure these stones will be much appreciated. As for your inquiry, I have not heard of any from D̨vatla arriving yet, but the delegates from Izbefe were sighted a few minutes ago, and I expect they should be here soon." As she spoke, she extended her hand and dropped the small token, marked with a three-petaled flower and labelled Regno, into Tutum's hand. "Show it to the guards around that - " she pointed to the doorway " - door when you are ready to enter the Conclave. They will allow two to enter with you."

Amham Federation

Seok found the mountains of Ti Linnad curious. He was no stranger to mountains, having crossed the central spires of Regner on several occasions to visit Regno, but these were different. Mountains covered by grass rather than trees or moss. Sharp jagged cliffs contrasted with strange flat plateaus, these features were confusing even as they were awe inspiring. He had tried to get a glimpse of how one would fight in this terrain during the climb, but there was little time for it. Having traveled by ship - the intervening lands of the north were in too much chaos to risk an overland march - there had been little time to observe. He had been granted the chance to see the pegasi riders. That was certainly worrisome. Flying cavalry were no completely unknown to him, but Amham's exposure was limited to the handful of Omanush Skyswimmers who occasionally visited. It seemed new drills would need to be determined and perhaps new arrows devised in case the day came they would need to face such forces.

The people of this land were in some ways less unusual than the environment. Certainly they were short and furry, but Seok forced himself to avoid considering that of any importance at all. He did not need Yu Yijin to comment on his attitude. Besides, these people were farmers and fighters. It felt close to home in that way. Such observations made him hopeful. He could relate to warriors and be straightforward. That was good.

That the meeting place was a cavern was initially surprising, but once it became clear that this was a sacred location it made perfect sense. Sacred caverns were nothing strange to the Duke. They could, however, quickly become cramped in his experience so he much of his entourage outside. The barons had not been willing to allow the Duke to travel onward entirely alone, and he was saddled with an honor guard of sons and daughters from over a dozen of the most prominent nobles in Amham and Yemur. Having an excuse to prevent them from milling about and making trouble with other leaders was helpful. He had no fear of attack, the local guards were numerous and obvious.

Seok advanced into the caverns with only Yu Yijin beside him. The jalsi was twice his age at least, with hair of shimmering silver. Despite this she moved with perfect elegance, as if the ground held her up without effort. Her face was yet smooth and her green eyes sparkled with deep fires. once a beauty, she could still draw the eye. Where the jalsi wore a shaman's traditional robes, the duke had chosen armor. Bronze polished till it gleamed, he carried the heavy lamellar without difficulty. It was his everyday garb after all. He had left behind his shield - for this was a peaceful meeting - but carried the spear marking his office. The blade had been thickly wrapped with white silk as a concession to diplomacy.

When presented to the Linnadi leadership Seok bowed deeply, bending at the waist as far as he dared, trying in vain to get his head below the scalps of the Pylliar. The jalsi beside him had it easier in some ways, for she kowtowed as she ought, and could lower her head to the ground as a result. Seok held the awkward pose as long as he could before unbending. "Honored Councillors." He began. "I am Seok Gyeon, Duke of the Amham Federation. I must express my sincere gratitude to you in return for conducting this summit." He gestured to the shaman beside him, who rose to her feet as she was acknowledged. "Yu-Jalsi has come with me as an emissary of our shamans. We have brought with us a gift of steelshrooms from the forests of Yemur." The shaman held forth a basket. "Known as a delicacy they also have medicinal properties and the jalsi assures me they are greatly beneficial to those who sicken on the high peaks."

Following the exchange of formalities Seok separated from the shaman, for though their goals were aligned their purposes in this place were different.

OOC: Amham wishes to speak to Glen Gwitna (urgently), Avakonia (secular), and Coatl (sacred). Also Jianta if they attend and potentially Izbefe.
"Greetings, Duke Gyeon. I am glad that you are here." Jannellai replied. She saluted the Duke, betraying no reaction to his bow. "Though you do me more honor than I deserve: I am a mere diplomat, and not on the Council."

When presented with the basket of steeleshrooms, Jannellai's ears perked up, and she seemed calmed by their presence. "You have our great gratitude for this gift, friends. I am sure they will be greatly appreciated. Please, enjoy yourselves here."

A pair of white and blue sails propelled the single Izbefe ship from the banks of the river Chilla to the Linnadi coast. The trip had been a smooth one and the sailors were relaxed as a result. The ship had sixty marines as oarsmen and warriors and another ten men assigned with various tasks from navigating to repairing damages. In addition to this host there were only four passengers. Balder and Freya Gammet, the King and his sister, wore baggy white clothes and smooth silver circlets. He was an inch or so shorter than she and the same was true for their hair. The gathering of minds had been very close to Izbefe and was still burned in it's peoples memories so even the King and his second each wore long-knives at their hips and had been practicing technique on the journey. In addition to them Magi Lokir Rainstep, the only Magi in all of the kingdom of Izbefe and thus the kingdom's leading authority on Initia was also present. He spent most of the journey reading about the foreign lands and tending to the pigeons kept on board the ship as messengers. He wore a dark blue robe and was the only person on the ship to not carry a weapon. Instead he had a bladder filled with salt water and a small pouch filled with the precious magic dust of Regno, two things that could definitely help a skilled Initiate such as himself if a fight were to break out. The final traveler was an elephant man from Binpultry called Tightgrip. Binpultry had no singular leader but he served as defender of the region and as a result came to represent it's interests.

As the destination came into sight the oarsmen took up positions and began to row, the entire ship fell silent as they worked for they were held in sync by telepathic pulses from Magi Lokir who now stood at the front of the ship with the other leaders. They docked the ship and King Balder was the first to press his sandals into the sand of the beach. In addition to the four delegates twelve marines disembarked. They had traded their oars for spears and shields and donned their matching helmets before taking up formation in rows of six on either side of the four and the group marched inland to meet with a guide and head for the gathering.

Within the statue gardens the guards spread out and took up positions in pairs where they can easily survey the area. The king, seeing a few familiar Oamenii were already there, approached his host and bowed deeply at the waist before saying, "Greetings from Izbefe and its holdings to both of you. I bear no gifts of wealth but I can give a gracious host some fortune." and he offered a small wooden carving made by a village grandmother to ward against sickness. "This was made by a grandmother from my village to ward against sickness." said the king, hoping that it would be liked. He then turned to Tutum Sortis and bowed again, "It is good to see a neighbor here" then, after rising, "I do hope we can get some justice out of this." As he said this he pinched the gold coin knowing that that would make his message quite clear to such an intelligent man.
"Welcome, friends from Izbefe. I am delighted that you arrived safely. I trust your journey was as safe as your arrival?" Dagi answered.

She accepted the carving carefully, turning it over to examine it. "Your wonderful gift is much appreciated. One knows we need as much fortune as we can get in these dark days." She handed King Balder his token, inscribed with a fleet of ships and marked Izbefe. "Present it to the guards around that far door when you are ready. Two may enter with you."

2018-02-13, 06:59 PM
Prince Fäzlid was extremely glad to have finally arrived. Given recent...circumstances...it was felt that the sea route through the imperial-controlled straits would have been highly ill-advised for a member of the royal family. Of course the land route meant a long, arduous journey through rough terrain. Thankfully a few bribes in the right pockets made the trip through Perivan easy; some of the rebels were very enthusiastic about helping enemies of the empire. The length of the journey inevitably made the king's presence impossible, but a trusted (yet largely unimportant) cousin was just the man for the job. The "unimportant" bit was not lost on Fäzlid, of course. He couldn't complain though, this was certainly important work and a chance to make a name for himself.

The prince left his large party of travelling companions, and guards, in the city, and proceeded to the summit accompanied only by the handful of courtiers (dressed in the finest silk robes and ostentatious jewelry) the ubiquitous Abhidic monks assigned to all the various princes, and a couple priests. He offers the traditional, respectful greetings to Jannellai Norraissa and Dagi Sironne before moving into the main cavern, intending to linger there a short time before continuing on to the conclave.

[[OOC: I'll have more time this evening, but I wanted to get something posted so people can start talking to me if they want to.]]

2018-02-13, 08:20 PM
The delegation of Khirus sailed the most expensive ship they could purchase from the Avakonian empire A single trireme of impressive beauty. The journey had been long and the kindred aboard had grown lethargic as they had to be careful of feeding with so few humans and all of them crucial to them getting them to land. When earth was finally viewed however none could let their eyes abandon the awe inspiring cliffs of this kingdom Ti Linnad. The south Knew very little of these strange peoples and much like with their trip to Regno they were going in blind, however unlike last time they were here for business not simple pleasure and observation. The eyes of the Republic were on this event and it could shape politics for the continent for years to come.

What marched off the boat with a perfect military procession was two dozen Republican guard in the armor of Khirus their flag flashed on their shoulders and chest and everything was dyed a midnight black but for the white of their emblem. Those who stepped off the boat were in two separate colors one was in a stunning black dress with a black veil. Representative Kathine of the senate was stunning in her full apparel just like last time she flowed effortlessly and there was a dangerous aura which surrounded her.

Following her were two diplomats wearing blue with very different designs, one man wore a quarter mask (https://img0.etsystatic.com/025/0/6944683/il_340x270.533782104_ic6s.jpg) revealing almost all of his features, it was clearly for station and not to conceal his identity. A smile played on his lips and he stood tall at a reasonable (and dashing 6’1) he did not have the porcelain (almost doll like) skin of the Khirese but instead bore the dark tan of a man from Razzak. The other appeared almost elf like and impish in her appearance. She was 5’3 and wore a half mask (https://i.pinimg.com/474x/51/1c/94/511c94b86952514a7e02b586cf45116f--venetian-masquerade-masquerade-masks.jpg) with a matching outfit of blue dyed from plant life in the basins.

Xavier introduced himself first to the greeting party of the Ti Linnad, “I am Tassadin, it is a pleasure to meet you.” He bowed low and presented the first gift this one being from his home region of Razzak as he presented a stunning array of spices.

Next the pixie like female stepped forward and presented a hand carved wooden chest within a variety of staffs and classic weapons of iron wood. Weapons that had, until recently been wielded against the Khirese but now were dormant. “I am Selenity we are grateful to be welcomed by your kingdom, the republic offers its hand to you, and yours. We hope this can lead to future friendship.”

As these words were spoken A final individual stepped off the ship. An elderly gentleman who wore a mask of gold (http://www.biggsltd.com/Assets/images/products/Si-Lucia-Masks/M-763_L.jpg) representing an exceeding wealth of the Republic slowly disembarked. He was a small man even Selenity dwarfed him as he was just about 4’5 and the hunch made him even smaller. He wore a thick fur inlaid cloak and dripped with jewelry of various types. His walking stick was a serpent whose eyes and fangs appeared to be made from Obsidian glass. Despite this rather ancient appearance when he looked up his eyes appeared to crackle with power and while Kathine gave off a rather unpleasant air for those touched by magic, this man could easily evoke raw flesh flaying terror.

Stepping forward he looked to the officials and said nothing instead representative Kathine stepped forward and bowed her head in his stead. “This is the most esteemed consul member Yuval Harari I am his… Daughter Kathine and official mouthpiece of the Republic for this auspicious summit. All diplomats will also carry the weight of that voice should I not be present.”

2018-02-13, 08:25 PM
The delegation from Azenhal was, as they were in their visit to Regno, small and compact. Magus Bram himself was committed to the field at home but three of his most trusted advisors and those upon who's words turned the fate of the former Concordance came to this auspicious event being hosted by Ti Linnad. The journey was a long boat ride but not an entirely unpleasant one and the great valleys and ravines of Ti Linnad did much to impress the ambassadors. The northern lands were something of an enigma to most in Palmor, so focused were they on their immediate neighbors and with an Empire between them these lands seemed so far from home. Yet the people were kind and helpful just the same. Though somewhat on edge it appeared the north had no infestation of necromancers or propensity to generate barbarous beastmen, at least not in Ti Linnad. For that the Azenhal delegation was grateful if an air of guilt hung over them for being here rather than at home.

First among them was the Oamenii Magi Vecto, the first Magi to journey to Azenhal 20 years ago before the seemingly eternal war with the forces of darkness began. The desert elf was dressed in a cross between Regnan and Azen dress, a purple and red outfit that allowed his Rune of Rain to be exposed upon his brown shoulders. Though his Rune would suggest a tender healer the Magi was a battle tested commander of men himself, having helped lead a guerrilla campaign during the Pician occupation and emerging a hard eyed man. It had been his desire to serve as the commander of the forces engaging to the east or take second in command to the Sattyathanya general but Bram had refused him. The two had grown close since Vecto had returned from the dead after Bram had been Initiated and so he knew when his mostly gentle friend was determined to hold firm. Unfortunately this was one of those times and so it meant he was heading a diplomatic delegation of a country and cause he had adopted rather than been born in. Luckily he was not alone.

Standing three heads shorter to the Oamenii's side was the dwarven couple Guild Mistress Agnet Moonhammer and her husband Ragno Stonbrook, champion of the Trodje games. Though the Guilds had not expanded much in power as their potential funds went into war and the careful courting of the Abhidist sects they had maintained a surprising degree of stability despite threats on other fronts and their loyalty to Bram's cause had earned them a trusted spot on his council. In a change since her last major appearance at the failed first peace conference of Palmor she now bore the Rune of Essence upon her brow, same as Vecto and the absent Bram. She was yet an Initiate neither Aspectus nor Magi but a Speaker all the same. Ragno too was different for pinned upon his chest was a shined to sheen iron image of the same enchanted hammer he wore slung across his back. The champion, a veteran of the Dwarven Legions, had been named to speak for the Legionaries among the council. The armies were composed of a mix of Vecto's First Circle and the traditional Legions of Azenhal and so both held a place near Bram's ear for he knew he needed the loyalty of his men if he hoped to win peace for the land.

The three delegates greeted the Linnadi delegation in turn and presented a golden necklace, resplendent with Moon Opals set into the fixture (https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1G6z5LFXXXXcCXpXXq6xXFXXXJ/Luxury-925-Sterling-Silver-Natural-Opal-Necklace-Luxury-Big-Wedding-Necklace-Pendant-with-AAA-Cubic.jpg) to the greeters as a gift for the Premier. They are informed it was crafted by Azen smiths of the greatest caliber and they believe it is of such quality as to take well to the use in magic. Of course, it's beauty is of it's own value alone and the delegates humbly apologize that more could not be spared. Once the pleasantries of grace were exchanged the three delegates moved into the room and dispersed. Agnet and Ragno, the far more easily identifiable as Azen with their short stature and red (or purple in Agnet's case) hair, split off to draw the attention of those seeking Azenhal representatives while Vecto, appearing more Regnan to most no doubt, wandered to seek out the Whitefeathers.

OOC: Pooped on writing but anyone feel free to approach and strike up a convo!

2018-02-13, 08:57 PM
Suicide Sandor didn't stay long in the gardens. He stayed just long enough to collect his gold token and flash everyone a winning smile before heading off to the conclave.

He did however leave a small delegation behind to meet with the foreign councillors. Garydur Omohalen was now the head shaman of the recently renovated Sanctified Caverns. He was a large man with an impressive, greying beard and a reputation for irritability. He had not given up the old ways when the Ildian wise men had taken over the caverns, but had gone to go live in a small cabin in the woods, communing with the spirits as his ancestors had done. When he had learned that missionaries from Amham had led a group of fresh converts to take over, he had gone to join them, and his authentic experience with the customs of Old Glen Gwitna had made him a natural choice for leadership.

The other delegate of interest that Suicide Sandor left behind to greet the masses was the Pician Blarfargle. Sandor regarded the fish-person as not much more than a curiosity, but the picians had won themselves far-flung fame, and claiming to know one was a good ice-breaker at parties. Blarfargle was accompanied by a young and scrawny house magpie translator to let him talk to the assembled delegates.
Blarfargle and translator-boy are now under your eventing control. Go right ahead.

Recognizing the amham shaman's robes, Garydur approached the delegation from Amham, his arms spread wide to offer a bear hug to any who would take it. "I am glad to see you here. Your shamans have done much to help restore at least a spark of the old ways among the Gwitna, and your work teaching the Aniachak of the spirits is most admirable. I am Garydur Omohalen, head shaman of the sanctified caverns, and I am in your countrymen's debt."

Suicide Sandor did everything with a flourish. Thus it was that he stepped into the cavern with a twirl before spreading his arms and... noticed that a couple Linnadi without the trappings of royalty were the only other ones there already. He gave a low bow before he pulled out a chair and sat down, putting his feet up on the table in a relaxed posture.

"So, when are the big boys supposed to show up?" he asked the Linnadi in attendance.

2018-02-14, 06:20 AM
A king does well to remain at home whenever possible. By doing so, they can keep themself safe domestically from both within and without. If a king does not spend time in their kingdom, by what right do they rule it?

Keat Whitefeather was a great king, and knew the corralery to this. Some things only a king could do, and for that reason, he had come to the Summit. He had brought his young child, Crexa with him, so that she could learn some of the art of diplomacy, as well as the two veteren diplomats Rioj and Mikol, both of whom had worked small miracles in their own right. His wife and the majority of his house were to remain at home, to help ensure that for the weeks he was gone, he had reliable, and more importantly, utterly loyal rulers in his absense.

Nevertheless, the journey had been harsh. The Inoni had never liked cold winds, and the waters had been rough throughout the entire way. Upon reaching land, almost every hand had volunteered to 'provide aerial coverage' just to get as far away from the water as possible. Crexa on the other hand had wrapped herself in her cloak and stepped across calmly, as if the waters had been nothing.

Now that they had reached the Statue Garden, unease set in amongst the Inyoni again, as enclosed areas often did. Those from Tafer and Bovalia all but laughed at ther worry, though no more, as the general unease permeated all. Those who did examine the statues were certainly impressed by them as the workmanship was incredible, and amoung these, Crexa was the excited, whispering questions to poor Rioj, who was attempting to answer questions that not even the masons themselves had an idea of. At the back of the group, a man in robes covering his face helped carry a small chest.
Through all this, Keat examined those who had come so far. Regno and Amham were not huge surprises, though the presense of Tutum suggested it was a learning experiece of sorts for him. Azenhal was expected, and indeed Keat would have been surprised not to see them. The lazarites were certainly unexpected however. Keat could barely remember meeting an Arndok years ago at Whitecrest, and had heard barely any news since then. It would certainly be interesting to find out how their affairs were.

Without too much delay however, Keat approached the pair and introduced his delegation:
"It is good to meet again my noble friends. I am King Keat Whitefeather and I hope we have much to discuss these next few days. I have brought something small as a gift for your magnanimity in hosting." Keat brought out the small chest, which although made of wood sparkled in the half-light. "This is a chest made of Golden Yew, patiently grown and shaped into a chest over many months which I now give to you. Inside are also some things you may find interesting, although I suggest we look at them a little later, as they have little to do with the Summit."

Keat gently held out a hand to the side. "And may I introduce Crexa, my heir to you." At this Crexa came foward, and gave a slight, but childishly graceful bow.
"It is an honour to meet you both" she began, "Da..my Father has said many fine things about this place, and your pegasi are certainly amazing beasts. They even let me ride them from time to time."

Isles of Lazar

When an opportunity arrived, Rioj, now free of answering innane questions, moved next to the nearest lazarite, not the Black company one however, and made himself known.
"Greetings good sirs," he began, hoping that they were in fact sirs, and not something else entirely, "I am Rioj Redtail, of the Whitefeather Kingdom. It has been a long time since our kingdom has had contact with the lazarites, not since the Gathering of Whitecest I believe, and we have heard little of you since then. Would you wish to come and meet with King Keat so we may find where we could aid one another?"

ooc) anyone who wants to step up. Rioj and Mikol are available, Crexa is with the man in robes.

Keat walked in, with the man in robes right behind him. "My friends, he began, I am not sure you have met him, but this is Kiolo Pinkfeather." The man in question shook off the hood, revealing bright locks of hair as well as slightly red tinged eyes.
"Glad t' get tha' off," he began, "hopefully we get enough here to make this worth it. And not, well suicide."

2018-02-14, 12:33 PM
Suicide Sandor didn't stay long in the gardens. He stayed just long enough to collect his gold token and flash everyone a winning smile before heading off to the conclave.

He did however leave a small delegation behind to meet with the foreign councillors. Garydur Omohalen was now the head shaman of the recently renovated Sanctified Caverns. He was a large man with an impressive, greying beard and a reputation for irritability. He had not given up the old ways when the Ildian wise men had taken over the caverns, but had gone to go live in a small cabin in the woods, communing with the spirits as his ancestors had done. When he had learned that missionaries from Amham had led a group of fresh converts to take over, he had gone to join them, and his authentic experience with the customs of Old Glen Gwitna had made him a natural choice for leadership.

The other delegate of interest that Suicide Sandor left behind to greet the masses was the Pician Blarfargle. Sandor regarded the fish-person as not much more than a curiosity, but the picians had won themselves far-flung fame, and claiming to know one was a good ice-breaker at parties. Blarfargle was accompanied by a young and scrawny house magpie translator to let him talk to the assembled delegates.
Blarfargle and translator-boy are now under your eventing control. Go right ahead.


The Pician brought along by Sandor was definitely an oddity among the other guests, standing out from the crowd like the moon from the stars. Repulsive as he was, Blarfargle seemed to pick up on this and was therefore nervous among the other guests. Had there been others of his kind there things may have been different, but it was very likely that the only others of his kind were quite far away, probably having a far better time than he was.

It was of little consequence however; if the buffoon Sandor wanted to show off the fact that some of his best friends were Pician then why not. Looking around for the Linnadi with the best hat (according to the Gwitna that's how you can tell who is important) until finally settling upon Dagi Sironne, who wore a hat that was more shiny than the others (that was another important thing, shininess of the hat).

Looking quite ridiculous Blarfargle walked up to the Linnadi and began to speak in his oh-so-bizarre language of discordant noises. "<Hello! I'm Blarfargle, here with Sandor and... uh...>" the Pician quickly trailed off, realizing that he really had nothing major to talk about. His translator looked confused, but nonetheless attempted to start relaying Blarfargle's incomplete statement. Grasping at anything he could, he settled upon something that was considered by the Gwitnans to be an appropriate conversation topic. "<The weather's quite nice, isn't it?>" The translator's confused look cleared as he nodded and relayed the simple introduction, though once he was done he looked up at the grey sky with an eyebrow raised.

OOC: Since others are doing this, I'm interested in talking to Randoman and Kaio though anyone who wants to can feel free to approach Blarfargle. Also I promise I won't eat anyone.

2018-02-14, 02:33 PM
It was the greyscaled lazarite that Rioj introduced himself to, the nominal leader of the delegation though, outside the Arndok, hierarchy amongst the lazarites was an ever-shifting balance. The reptilian lazarite eyes, a silvery-grey flecked with black spots and a slit iris, studied Rioj for a moment before responding, assessing him to be of the Whitfeather Kingdom. The lazarites had certainly heard of the Whitefeathers. One of the few southern kingdoms to emerge with strength rather than become trapped in constant war. What interested the Kiin Sareteh however was Whitefeather's role as inheritor of the Ildian legacy with the recent decline of Lacia. Keat had proven his personal conviction to the foreign faith, it would do no good to court the current king but without a religious aid to oversee Ildian matters the stalwart Whitefeather Kingdom might make an excellent grounds for conversion.

"Pleassse, this one does not desire to disturb your king. We believe any from a land may speak with great authority to their home state regardless of statussss. Moreso perhaps might one receive a true report from a soldier or farmer than a member of the royal court. So tell me Redtail, how do you look upon your kingdom's alliesss and vassalsss? Do you fear the turmoil that rages yet so close to home?"

Amham and Glen Gwitna
The greenscaled pair of lazarites busied themselves with quiet but intensely punctuated conversation in their native tongue when they spotted the Jalyeong-bo shamans of the Federation and Glen Gwitna. If Sandor had brought Jalyeong-bo Shamans to demonstrate his country's piety it had the opposite effect on the lazarites, inciting a great anger and mutterings of heresy. Were they in more comfortable surroundings they might perhaps demand Sandor's arrest or execution for his coup against Lord Ferreth but while the Linnadi were of the faith they were not strong in it and it was unlikely they would sacrifice their reputation as a good host for reputation as devout Coatl Perijanists. Still, having the usurper present to represent the Coalition put a sour taste in the islander's mouths and plans to advance agendas were halted in favor of withering stares whenever a Gwitnan or Amham representative looked upon the shrouded figures.

Realm of the Tides
When the Pician appeared in the Gardens he immediately became an exception to the general rule of silent treating the Gwitnan usurpers. The shorter greenscaled lazarite began to sketch and study the creature with great passion as her taller partner seemed to study the strange being a moment before stepping forward to greet the Pician and its translator.

"Humble greetings traveler," the lazarite's eyes the Pician's own with a measured temperament, "Rumors of your kind have reached even we of the Isles. You have come here with Sandor of Gwitna, yes? Who are you of your kind that lives so far away, so removed from your Tribe?"

2018-02-14, 02:52 PM
Kodora understood better than ever why his kind tended not to venture far from their homeland. The weather in Ti Linnad was nearly unbearable, chilling him to the bone. He almost wished that he had sent someone in his stead, but it was imperative that he himself be present at an event this important. Indeed, it was crucial that the Confederacy would establish a presence in the politics of Emjata, or that’s at least what Kodora expected Odenege would have said. After entering the main cavern they finally had good enough cover from the wind, and he could remove the hood of his cloak.

”Greetings, our honorable hosts. I am Kodora, head of the Setjuran council”, the red lizard stated, while lowering himself on one knee. He gave a quick nod to his two companions, signaling that they could now introduce themselves.

”Taigon, a monk from the Filihoi monastery and a Setjuran councilor.” The Roagan man was tall, dwarfing his bodyguards even while slightly bowing with his left fist clenched on his chest. He wore simple blue robes, and a knife could be seen strapped to his waist. Those who further inspected it could notice that it was tied to it’s sheath in such a way that it could not be drawn.

An excitable goblin beside the two hit his left fist into his open right palm in front of his face, then lowered them and said with a wily grin: ”Jonkt, a merchant from Njinkat. Pleased to make your acquaintance.”

Kodora then presented the diplomats with a gorgeously ornamented wooden pan flute. ”This gift symbolizes our wish that the various peoples present here can cooperate, as the different pipes of the flute work together to produce a beautiful harmony.” After this all three of them went their separate ways, each followed by two guards.
While scurrying around, eagerly using his eyes to absorb everything happening around him, Jonkt noticed Tundo of the Dry. ”What’s this? What’s this?” he inquired while circling around the lizard before bursting into a bout of curious laughter. "Zehaha! How’s a Seretse end up with the Regnans? How much they paying you? Hm?"
Taigon searched for an Azenhal delegate for a while in vain, but eventually laid eyes on Ragno Stonbrook. "You are a representative from Azenhal, correct?" he called out while approaching, and after a quick bow continued: ”I wish to thank your nation for providing assistance and shelter to my brothers in faith. While I think their uprising foolish and against Abhidi’s will, I am truly grateful that they have someone they can turn to for assistance in these trying times.”

OOC: In addition to Regno and Azenhal, the Setjurans would most like to talk with Jianta and Firethorn if they show up. Anyone is free to approach one or more of the three, though.

2018-02-14, 03:27 PM
"Welcome, Heir Tutum! It is good to see you and your delegation here. How has the trip treated you?" Dagi gently extricated herself from the greeting hug and returned a formal salute.

"We thank you for this gracious gift; I am sure these stones will be much appreciated. As for your inquiry, I have not heard of any from D̨vatla arriving yet, but the delegates from Izbefe were sighted a few minutes ago, and I expect they should be here soon." As she spoke, she extended her hand and dropped the small token, marked with a three-petaled flower and labelled Regno, into Tutum's hand. "Show it to the guards around that - " she pointed to the doorway " - door when you are ready to enter the Conclave. They will allow two to enter with you."

Tutum accepts the token with a nod, saying, "Thank you. I will be there shortly, but I must attend to a few small matters first."

With this, he steps away, and allows others to approach. The delegation from the Regner desert follows behind him, though the red headed Oamenii women splits up when she spots the strange fish person. The Harentse follows her, along with three guards.

A pair of white and blue sails propelled the single Izbefe ship from the banks of the river Chilla to the Linnadi coast. The trip had been a smooth one and the sailors were relaxed as a result. The ship had sixty marines as oarsmen and warriors and another ten men assigned with various tasks from navigating to repairing damages. In addition to this host there were only four passengers. Balder and Freya Gammet, the King and his sister, wore baggy white clothes and smooth silver circlets. He was an inch or so shorter than she and the same was true for their hair. The gathering of minds had been very close to Izbefe and was still burned in it's peoples memories so even the King and his second each wore long-knives at their hips and had been practicing technique on the journey. In addition to them Magi Lokir Rainstep, the only Magi in all of the kingdom of Izbefe and thus the kingdom's leading authority on Initia was also present. He spent most of the journey reading about the foreign lands and tending to the pigeons kept on board the ship as messengers. He wore a dark blue robe and was the only person on the ship to not carry a weapon. Instead he had a bladder filled with salt water and a small pouch filled with the precious magic dust of Regno, two things that could definitely help a skilled Initiate such as himself if a fight were to break out. The final traveler was an elephant man from Binpultry called Tightgrip. Binpultry had no singular leader but he served as defender of the region and as a result came to represent it's interests.

As the destination came into sight the oarsmen took up positions and began to row, the entire ship fell silent as they worked for they were held in sync by telepathic pulses from Magi Lokir who now stood at the front of the ship with the other leaders. They docked the ship and King Balder was the first to press his sandals into the sand of the beach. In addition to the four delegates twelve marines disembarked. They had traded their oars for spears and shields and donned their matching helmets before taking up formation in rows of six on either side of the four and the group marched inland to meet with a guide and head for the gathering.

Within the statue gardens the guards spread out and took up positions in pairs where they can easily survey the area. The king, seeing a few familiar Oamenii were already there, approached his host and bowed deeply at the waist before saying, "Greetings from Izbefe and its holdings to both of you. I bear no gifts of wealth but I can give a gracious host some fortune." and he offered a small wooden carving made by a village grandmother to ward against sickness. "This was made by a grandmother from my village to ward against sickness." said the king, hoping that it would be liked. He then turned to Tutum Sortis and bowed again, "It is good to see a neighbor here" then, after rising, "I do hope we can get some justice out of this." As he said this he pinched the gold coin knowing that that would make his message quite clear to such an intelligent man.

Prince Fäzlid was extremely glad to have finally arrived. Given recent...circumstances...it was felt that the sea route through the imperial-controlled straits would have been highly ill-advised for a member of the royal family. Of course the land route meant a long, arduous journey through rough terrain. Thankfully a few bribes in the right pockets made the trip through Perivan easy; some of the rebels were very enthusiastic about helping enemies of the empire. The length of the journey inevitably made the king's presence impossible, but a trusted (yet largely unimportant) cousin was just the man for the job. The "unimportant" bit was not lost on Fäzlid, of course. He couldn't complain though, this was certainly important work and a chance to make a name for himself.

The prince left his large party of travelling companions, and guards, in the city, and proceeded to the summit accompanied only by the handful of courtiers (dressed in the finest silk robes and ostentatious jewelry) the ubiquitous Abhidic monks assigned to all the various princes, and a couple priests. He offers the traditional, respectful greetings to Jannellai Norraissa and Dagi Sironne before moving into the main cavern, intending to linger there a short time before continuing on to the conclave.

[[OOC: I'll have more time this evening, but I wanted to get something posted so people can start talking to me if they want to.]]

Tutum, however, sees Izbefe's king, and also the representative from Dvalta. After bowing to the king, and showing his own token, the Heir replies, "Yes. Rengo learns. Regno remembers. A mantra that, at first, I didn't understand. But now I agree with. There's something I wish to discuss, first, though..."

Signalling the errant diplomat from Dvalta to come near, Tutum makes small talk until Prince Fäzlid arrives. Then, Tutum says, "The Grand Magus wanted to be here to greet you both, but a matter of High Inquiry prevented that. Still, I understand that there was to be an exchange of information while here?"

Captain Vaz steps forward, pulling from the satchel at his waist two scrolls, sealed with a wax symbol of the Rune of Essence. The Heir of Sortis continues, "In here is the collective knowledge of all the tests we have done - as well as the procedures and processes for success - to establish proper exploitative groups that, with enough funding, should produce results. Or at least, come back mostly alive."

Fishing for Information

Shortly after Blarfargle finishes speaking with Ti Linnad...

"Excuse me," A polite voice belonging to a red-headed Oamenii women says near the Pician and his translator, "I am Speaker Flacara of Family Nisip. I am of the Dry, as is my companion here."

Flacara motions to the lizardman Harentse, whom she introduces as Aspectus Tundo. "Might we talk with you for a while?"

Tutum Sortis, along with Captain Vaz, and the Human Aspectus from Jherki, eventually move towards the conclave entrance. Tutum shows the guards his token,
and the three of them quietly enter while Suicide Sandor was asking about the 'big boys'.

"Some of us have just appeared. Though we are still debating if there's wisdom in this. Too many cultures, too many hands. My grandfather used to say, 'It only takes one skilled hand to milk a camel.' I think he was trying to say that one person, the right person, can do much more than many all together. Yet... if Regno has proved anything to the Iadesh family, it is just how wrong that is."

Tutum found a place to sit, and Captain Vaz stood to his right, while the as-yet-to-be introduced Hortense Flax takes up a guard position on the Heir's left. The human did not look comfortable being here.

2018-02-14, 04:19 PM
Realm of the Tides
When the Pician appeared in the Gardens he immediately became an exception to the general rule of silent treating the Gwitnan usurpers. The shorter greenscaled lazarite began to sketch and study the creature with great passion as her taller partner seemed to study the strange being a moment before stepping forward to greet the Pician and its translator.

"Humble greetings traveler," the lazarite's eyes the Pician's own with a measured temperament, "Rumors of your kind have reached even we of the Isles. You have come here with Sandor of Gwitna, yes? Who are you of your kind that lives so far away, so removed from your Tribe?"

Blarfargle was glad to have other scaled beings around. Though clearly closer to fleshlings in nature than the Picians, the Lazarites were definitely a welcome sight. "<Hello, fellow scaly people. I've been helping the Gwitnans learn the Pician language for some time now, so that's how I came into the company of Sandor.>" Blarfargle paused for a moment. He had just answered the scaly one's question without even knowing her. As the translator relayed his previous statement, he resumed his cacophony of noises. "<So what would your name be?>"

Fishing for Information

Shortly after Blarfargle finishes speaking with Ti Linnad...

"Excuse me," A polite voice belonging to a red-headed Oamenii women says near the Pician and his translator, "I am Speaker Flacara of Family Nisip. I am of the Dry, as is my companion here."

Flacara motions to the lizardman Harentse, whom she introduces as Aspectus Tundo. "Might we talk with you for a while?"

Blarfargle shrugged. "<Well, I don't see why not.>" The translator began to speak, but Blarfargle quickly interjected with a look of confusion on his strange fishy face. Due to the translator's resigned reaction, the Regnans could probably tell that Blarfargle did that a lot. "<What do you mean by "of The Dry?" is that the name of your realm?>"

Rather than beginning to relay the information, the translator leaned over and whispered "They're from a desert called Regno."

Looking more confused now, Blarfargle spoke now to the translator. "<Then that means that they're entire land is dry, why call themselves "of the dry?">" The translator merely shrugged, before relaying everything to the Regnans.

2018-02-14, 04:34 PM
The dwarf nodded solemnly at the Setjuran's words, "I wouldn't be too harsh on them, lad. The activities of the Khirese and the Picians have left many with a feeling of desperation. The things those creatures do are un-Godly and disrupt the natural order of things with their unrepentant violence."

"As to our assistance, we Azen learned a harsh lesson from Dejan. In unity one may stand but cracks and splits forebode collapse. When the Conqueror came we did not come to aid those we traded with and lived alongside thinking we would be safe within our mountain. It was too late then we realized our folly. Though I am not of great Godliness myself I know good Magus Bram would gladly lay down his life to preserve what the Abhidists seek to maintain and Azenhal stands ever firm with those who would seek to oppose conquerors and tyrants."

At this point Ragno's wife had taken notice of his conversation partner and the dwarven woman recused herself of her own conversation to come join them.

"The Kadangan Wetlands, isn't it? Or the Setjura Confederacy now, my apologies. I understand your people have come to a rather enlightening realization regarding glue manufacturing. It might surprise you to learn this invention of yours has come up on more than one occasion in my meetings with fellow Guilld Masters," she paused for a moment before holding her hand up in dramatized shock.

"Oh but where are my manners, Guild Mistress Agnet Moonhammer, at your service. I see you've already met my husband Ragno," the male dwarf gave an embarrassed nod as he realized he had not introduced himself at all. Politics was so complicated.

Magi Vecto soon spotted the banners of Whitefeather and the Oamenii made his way over to the throng announcing himself as a representative of Magus Bram and Azenhal and requesting a meeting with King Keat. Vecto held ready to turn over to the shapechanging king of Whitefeather an oath of vassalage signed and sealed by Bram himself and ratified by his advisors. The finer details would need to be worked out here but the broad strokes had been agreed to. Answering calls for war, making available some portion of trade for taxes, and generally deferring to the Whitefeather Kingdom on matters of diplomacy. "Generally" because it was well-known the Whitefeather Kingdom did not approve of Azenhal's friendly treatment of the Sattyathanya rebels. They did not openly condemn it of course, for to do so would put them more aligned with Picians or vampires than anyone other than those two wanted to be with one another, but it was an obvious point of contention between the two powers. Those of Azenhal argued the circumstances of the south such as they were demanded less scruples in picking allies and even more extreme voices went so far as to question Whitefeather value for they had done little beyond the failed defense of Azenhal.

Of course Bram remained convinced of Whitfeather, or at least Keat's, suitability as a liege and the value of legitimate state allies for Azenhal's long term hopes for stability. Vecto personally was mostly comfortable with the feather-skins but he remained wary of what way the southern situation would settle in the realm of faith. The Sattyathanya and the Abhidist sentiments they represented were going through the same battering that had nearly collapsed Azenhal and had destroyed the Concordace. Unlike Azenhal however there was no feasible possibility of another resurgence in the fight against Khirus and the Picians. At least, not one that wasn't orchestrated. When the zealots were stripped of arms it remained to be seen whether Abhidi would see its place restored or if all its bombast might be little more than a footnote in history. Vecto desired to see Initia find purchase in the south but already Bani shortages were threatening the religion's trajectory for growth. Coatl Perijanists meanwhile were burning across the northeast and seemed to stir some great passion which might see the seat of Coatl roused to action. With Lacia waning the centers secured by Ildia in Whitefeather would no doubt soon find themselves targeted by a great number of proselytizers representing many faiths. The future was a difficult thing to read and in Palmor it was trying to do so peering through a deep puddle of mud and blood.

2018-02-14, 08:47 PM
Realm of the Tides

Both pairs of eyes on the lazarites narrowed in study and concentration as the Pician warbled its alien language. It was like no other tongue they had heard and though not far traveled the many peoples upon the eastern coast made for a good variety in language. Nothing like the Picians. And this human child understood it. The Gwitnans held more knowledge than the Kiin Sareteh had realized.

"This one is called Pelas and that one," he looked over towards his shorter compatriot who glared at him and the Pician both fiercely over her notes as they looked on her, "is Lan. She is not comfortable with the Imperial tongue. Perhaps you might say I am her translator as the boy is yours? Or as you are Sandor's?"

The wide mouth of Pelas spread into a pointy-toothed grin and he laughed at his joke. Though perhaps his translation or merely the punch line itself left some to be desired he laughed heartily as if he had made a great jab indeed.

"But she is more interested in listening, yes? If we are to the sharing of names what is yours Translator of the Picians who has travelled so far from home? Yes, this is a mouthful to say!" the lazarite continued to grin.

It was becoming unclear whether Pelas was attempting to placate or pacify the intimidating Pician or, perhaps more worryingly, if he was in fact "one of those" people.


The greyscaled lazarite after breaking from Whitefeather moved to find the Dvatla delegation. The western kingdom was a neighbor nearly to Ti Linnad, which as the furthest west Coatl Perijanist state marked for the lazarites the effective regional border. It would do well to have good relations and come to understand the near-westerners. Amham may have offended egregiously and Regno's meager bribes did not satisfy many voices on the Isles but they did satisfy the Gwitnans leaving the Tribe powerless. Such was to say not all the west need be condemned and from what little was known Dvatla was a rather diverse kingdom in its expanse. Surely a current could be found and latched onto by the lazarites. Finally addressing the Dvatlan Prince the representative began.

"Humble greetingsss royal sir, from the Isles of Lazar. It is this one's great honor to act as first of the Kiin Sareteh to meet that nearessst of western kingdoms," the lazarite bowed his head and clasped his hand over his heart before raising his head again, "This one comesss to speak with your kingdom of what we of the Isles might offer now to reserve a claim with your kingdom on a portion of the output from the copper mines in the northern midlandsss of the continent?"

2018-02-14, 10:11 PM
Blarfargle shrugged. "<Well, I don't see why not.>" The translator began to speak, but Blarfargle quickly interjected with a look of confusion on his strange fishy face. Due to the translator's resigned reaction, the Regnans could probably tell that Blarfargle did that a lot. "<What do you mean by "of The Dry?" is that the name of your realm?>"

Rather than beginning to relay the information, the translator leaned over and whispered "They're from a desert called Regno."

Looking more confused now, Blarfargle spoke now to the translator. "<Then that means that they're entire land is dry, why call themselves "of the dry?">" The translator merely shrugged, before relaying everything to the Regnans.

After the translator finishes, Speaker Flacara nods in understanding and looks again at Blarfargle as she explains, "It is a tribal name, for those whom make Jherki their home. Once, we were all subject to the injustices of Dejan's Army. We were separate. We were weak. We wanted for food. For water. We were dry. Once we banded together, we did so under that shared pain. So, to this day, we still refer to ourselves as the Dry."

"Can you be so kind as to tell me why your homeland desperately buys from slavers?"

Sometime later...

While scurrying around, eagerly using his eyes to absorb everything happening around him, Jonkt noticed Tundo of the Dry. ”What’s this? What’s this?” he inquired while circling around the lizard before bursting into a bout of curious laughter. "Zehaha! How’s a Seretse end up with the Regnans? How much they paying you? Hm?"

Tundo was alone. This bothered Tundo. He did not like being alone. He also did not like being awake right now. The sun was not as hot here as in the homeland, but it was still bright. Tundo, like many of his people, preferred the night. The starlight, the moonlight, these things were manageable. The quiet that was not was familiar, where as the amount of people here rang out like a cacophony.

To make things worse, it was filled with outsiders. Though, Tundo supposed, he was the outsider here. If the Mesageri had not insisted that one of the Sand People come along - to protect the weaker tribe members, Tundo was told - then he would be back home, sleeping on a nice warm rock. Maybe next to a fine female, discussing eggs. And the process of their creation. Instead, he was here, separated even from the other two tribe-members who had come. Human Hortense had been asked to be a voice in some big council meeting. Oamenii Flacara was trying to find out more about the outside world, and perhaps, find a way to send some people home.

Thanks in part to the Rune on Tundo's head, he could still talk to them if he needed to, but... that would show weakness. Tundo would survive this strange environment on his own. The warrior that followed behind him, from Regno, would help be sure of that. And they --

That smell. Tundo sniffed the air, and before he could react, another Harentse was circling him, speaking in the Imperial tongue.

”What’s this? What’s this?” The other was saying, before laughing, and exclaiming, "Zehaha! How’s a Seretse end up with the Regnans? How much they paying you? Hm?"

Tundo did not know what a Seretse was, but if his old tongue was accurate, it meant Water People. Tundo was not damp. Tundo was Dry! Narrowing his eyes, lizardman looked at lizardman, and Tundo almost began to reach for his dagger, when he noticed that this other had no copper bracers. They were not of the Dry.

"This one is not Seretse. This one is Harentse. We are of the sand, and proud members of the Dry tribe. This one greets you, and wonders from what dunes you are from?" Tundo spoke Imperial well enough for Harentse, and with his ability to speak mind-to-mind with his tribe-mates, he was getting even better. Quickly.

2018-02-14, 10:44 PM
The highlands of Ti linnad were much different than the subtropical valley's of Coatl, the cool winds and high elevations made quite the impression on the party after a couple weeks at sea. At the lead Tepin The younger, rides a stout horse with his attendants in toe. To his right Chalchiuitl The Miser, a tall woman in her mid 30's with dusky skin and pitch black hair, rode her chariot gilded in an alloy of bronze and silver inscribed with Coatlean pictographs. Slightly behind due to a sudden bout of fever rode Atl the large fully armored in his own chariot. As Tenoch has grown less able in his old age, Tepin, in order to counter the machinations of other priest Magi formed a triumvirate with the Theocracies greatest merchant and its most influential general.

Many in the party cheered at the pegasi riding over the horizon, Chalchiuitl The Miser especially wagging her finger at Tepin "Are they not beautiful creatures boy, Imagine if we had followed your plan!"

Reluctantly appreciating the majesty of the highlands Teppin turned his head away from the woman "If we'd followed my plan we'd be there already fool!"

The Gardens
To Khirus
Seeing Tepin walk into the conclave, Chalchiuitl took the opportunity to get business done. Her curiosity peaked by a mysterious golden mask among the representatives of Khirus. She'd never seen true gold before, her skepticism of its authenticity being the only thing keeping her from running to the representatives. Approach them carefully she said " I didn't realize the republic made you wear such masks, greetings I'm Chalchiuitl of Coatl, would you like to do business."

To Anham

Pointing at the Amham with his bronze hand bared Atl The Large spoke at westerner....at least he hopped it was the right westerner "Duke Geyon is it, word of your exploits have reached far and wide....Perhaps too far. I'm Atl of The Theocracy Coat.l"

Tepin sat at the conclave with the others listening to this request for "big boys." The impudent fool was lucky he was protected by sacred hospitality,especially for imprisoning the honorable Lord Ferath. Never the lest he held his tongue replying to Pink-feather. " Relax the Empire is not nearly as strong as she appears. Once its aura of untouchability its shattered, her vassals, her bureaucrats, and her soldiers scatter like rats fleeing a ship."

2018-02-14, 10:46 PM

Tutum, however, sees Izbefe's king, and also the representative from Dvalta. After bowing to the king, and showing his own token, the Heir replies, "Yes. Rengo learns. Regno remembers. A mantra that, at first, I didn't understand. But now I agree with. There's something I wish to discuss, first, though..."

Signalling the errant diplomat from Dvalta to come near, Tutum makes small talk until Prince Fäzlid arrives. Then, Tutum says, "The Grand Magus wanted to be here to greet you both, but a matter of High Inquiry prevented that. Still, I understand that there was to be an exchange of information while here?"

Captain Vaz steps forward, pulling from the satchel at his waist two scrolls, sealed with a wax symbol of the Rune of Essence. The Heir of Sortis continues, "In here is the collective knowledge of all the tests we have done - as well as the procedures and processes for success - to establish proper exploitative groups that, with enough funding, should produce results. Or at least, come back mostly alive."

Fäzlid approaches, with his various companions following closely behind, too curious for it to occur to him to be annoyed at being summoned. He listens attentively, then reaches out to take one of the scrolls. "Excellent. Many back home have been eagerly awaiting word of your progress. This should keep them happy, and busy, for some time, I would think. As for an 'exchange,' no doubt much of what we have learned has already filtered back west with the Iadeshians (and quite a lot came from them to begin with anyway), but we would be pleased to send some of our experienced riders to share the finer points of what we have learned, and what we will continue to learn in the battles to come."


The greyscaled lazarite after breaking from Whitefeather moved to find the Dvatla delegation. The western kingdom was a neighbor nearly to Ti Linnad, which as the furthest west Coatl Perijanist state marked for the lazarites the effective regional border. It would do well to have good relations and come to understand the near-westerners. Amham may have offended egregiously and Regno's meager bribes did not satisfy many voices on the Isles but they did satisfy the Gwitnans leaving the Tribe powerless. Such was to say not all the west need be condemned and from what little was known Dvatla was a rather diverse kingdom in its expanse. Surely a current could be found and latched onto by the lazarites. Finally addressing the Dvatlan Prince the representative began.

"Humble greetingsss royal sir, from the Isles of Lazar. It is this one's great honor to act as first of the Kiin Sareteh to meet that nearessst of western kingdoms," the lazarite bowed his head and clasped his hand over his heart before raising his head again, "This one comesss to speak with your kingdom of what we of the Isles might offer now to reserve a claim with your kingdom on a portion of the output from the copper mines in the northern midlandsss of the continent?"

Fäzlid bows deeply at the Lazarite's greeting, but is suddenly taken aback at the question. After an uncertain glance at one of the courtiers accompanying him, he responds carefully. "Copper? We, ah...well it might be...imprudent of me to negotiate over copper mines. I do suspect our new friends and family may not be happy if they were to hear we were selling their copper already. We could, perhaps, speak in hypothetical terms about what it would take to convince us to sell any copper we might be fortunate enough to come into possession of, if you have an offer..."


Fäzlid entered the conclave chamber and took a position standing by the table. He didn't bother to introduce himself, thinking the characteristic silk robes and ornate jewelry would be unmistakable, and limited himself to a respectful nod of the head to each of those already present. Two of his companions, a courtier and a priest, took their positions on either side of him. What happened here would be critical, the annexation of the League cities made war with the empire seemingly inevitable, but he felt there would be little for him to actually do. To go so far as to host such a meeting suggested the Linnadi had made up their minds, and he suspected they would be more important in convincing most of the others as well.

2018-02-14, 11:19 PM
Realm of the Tides

Both pairs of eyes on the lazarites narrowed in study and concentration as the Pician warbled its alien language. It was like no other tongue they had heard and though not far traveled the many peoples upon the eastern coast made for a good variety in language. Nothing like the Picians. And this human child understood it. The Gwitnans held more knowledge than the Kiin Sareteh had realized.

"This one is called Pelas and that one," he looked over towards his shorter compatriot who glared at him and the Pician both fiercely over her notes as they looked on her, "is Lan. She is not comfortable with the Imperial tongue. Perhaps you might say I am her translator as the boy is yours? Or as you are Sandor's?"

The wide mouth of Pelas spread into a pointy-toothed grin and he laughed at his joke. Though perhaps his translation or merely the punch line itself left some to be desired he laughed heartily as if he had made a great jab indeed.

"But she is more interested in listening, yes? If we are to the sharing of names what is yours Translator of the Picians who has travelled so far from home? Yes, this is a mouthful to say!" the lazarite continued to grin.

It was becoming unclear whether Pelas was attempting to placate or pacify the intimidating Pician or, perhaps more worryingly, if he was in fact "one of those" people.

As the conversation developed, some would probably notice that the translator wasn't relaying anything to the Pician at all. As Pelas gave her introductions the fish-creature nodded along, as if paying close attention. Somehow it could understand the Imperial tongue but by some oddity was unable to speak it himself. As soon as Pelas had finished, Blarfargle began to reply. "<My name is Blarfargle, and you're right, I am very far from home...>" for a second his eyes betrayed a modicum of sorrow, but this passed as he continued. "<Nonetheless, the Gwitnans are reasonable hosts. For whatever reason they wished to bridge the language gap between Pician and fleshling, and since there wasn't much else to do I helped them.>"

After the translator finishes, Speaker Flacara nods in understanding and looks again at Blarfargle as she explains, "It is a tribal name, for those whom make Jherki their home. Once, we were all subject to the injustices of Dejan's Army. We were separate. We were weak. We wanted for food. For water. We were dry. Once we banded together, we did so under that shared pain. So, to this day, we still refer to ourselves as the Dry."

"Can you be so kind as to tell me why your homeland desperately buys from slavers?"

Blarfargle looked confused. "<What is a slaver?>" The translator leaned over and whispered something into his ear, after which the Pician let out a strange alien laugh. "<What are you even talking about? The rest of my countrymen in the south have no use for such trading. Asides from that, such matters are usually lost on them. They'd sooner adopt fleshling faiths than calm down long enough to barter and haggle for things they could take by force!>" Blarfargle's previously passive face was suddenly aflame with a maniacally amused glee, as he continued to laugh and laugh and laugh. The translator was clearly getting very uncomfortable, tapping him on his scaled shoulder a couple of times. Suddenly realizing where he was again, Barfargle composed himself once more and simply said "<Oh, uh... sorry, I don't think I can really help you with that.>"

The translator only relays the final statement.

2018-02-15, 12:04 AM
Recognizing the amham shaman's robes, Garydur approached the delegation from Amham, his arms spread wide to offer a bear hug to any who would take it. "I am glad to see you here. Your shamans have done much to help restore at least a spark of the old ways among the Gwitna, and your work teaching the Aniachak of the spirits is most admirable. I am Garydur Omohalen, head shaman of the sanctified caverns, and I am in your countrymen's debt."

Yu Yijin did her best to dodge aside from the physical enthusiasm the easterner displayed. Rather than meeting his hug she struck her forearm against the outstretched limb instead. Thereafter she bowed her head gently, as suited an equal. "Let us not speak of debts." She spoke levelly. "We turned our attention to your lands in a measure of self-interest mixed with greater goals. The changes rocking the Abhidics are immense and it falls to the responsible to blunt them. Efforts were exerted here due to the conflict between our peoples in the hopes of winning reprieve and perhaps an advantage in negotiations in this world and others. In doing so we seem to have unleashed a storm that was not wholly anticipated, one that I fear will lead to much suffering among your people. You have my pledge to do what I can to mitigate this, but the waters rise and the winds gather and there are those who have turned unearned anger upon us." She had felt the gaze of the Lazarites as she walked through the hall. The source of their fury was unknowable and unbalanced. She grieved for the loss afflicting them even as she wished for a bow in her hands to meet such open threats.

"Your new leader seems to have reacted to joining the spiritual fellowship with particular...vehemence." She let the carefully chosen word emerge flatly, to hang in silence for a lingering pause. "This is rather worrisome. It is not my place to tell you people what practices to observe, as all will come to the spirits in their own fashion. Yet I fear that there will be grave consequences to such choices. I must ask, what do you think of such developments?"

Pointing at the Amham with his bronze hand bared Atl The Large spoke at westerner....at least he hopped it was the right westerner "Duke Geyon is it, word of your exploits have reached far and wide....Perhaps too far. I'm Atl of The Theocracy Coat.l"

Seok looked at this formidable, but disheveled, specimen. Atl the Large had considerable height upon him, even though Seok was far from short by Amham standards. Otherwise this man with his massive beard, haunted eyes, and impractical bronze hand looked like a mad forest hermit. If not for his known status as a general his presence would make one inclined to summon the guards. This is the man Coatl sends to speak with me? He wondered silently. It was not a good sign.

"You cannot mean my exploits." He decided to be blunt, following the approach the general had taken. "I am but a young man and my greatest achievement to date has been appointing my aunt as viceroy of Yemur. As such, that means you are speaking of the various efforts undertaken by the shamans who reside within the land I hold in trust. They have gone too far have they?" He stood firm, unwilling to yield before such accusations. "How so? Was it our attempt to severe the bonds between a marauding scourge that knew such little restraint that they would consume the flesh of those who fell beneath their spears and the horror they bowed down before and claimed sanctioned such massacres? Clearly we did not go far enough, for even though we brought the spirits to Fresia and sought to restrain the excesses of the Picians they have neither turned aside from conquest nor ceased in efforts to restore their hideous Leviathan to a place of honor. Or do you speak of recent outreach in Gwitna? Yes the shamans went out and sought to bring the spirits among those who had set their blades upon merchants and sailors. Yet they were careful not to touch those places sacred to Coatl, an entity I am told is considered important and honorable among the shamans. I am not unaware that internal turmoil has taken place in Gwitna, but do not think I desired this or that it pleases me. I had hoped to negotiate on behalf of our merchants, and for peaceful trade in all regions at this summit. Events have made that very unlikely."

Taking a breath, Seok made his next declaration very carefully. "The Theocracy of Coatl is not the enemy of the Amham Federation, nor is Xincoatl the enemy of Jalyeong-Bo. I have received sworn statements from all leading shamans agreeing to this. You may ask Yu-Jalsi yourself if you wish confirmation."

2018-02-15, 12:44 AM
When the gifts had been granted and the polite hellos had passed the Khirese scattered like the winds, it appears they all had missions and like wolves among the sheep they took to targets offering smiles behind their masks with voice like silk and eyes of danger and promises of eternity.

Blarfargle and the Lazerites

Tassadin of Razzak Had been told whom he was to target for this event, find the Picians and make sure to show every kindness, in fact his role greatly diminished if the Picians did not arrive and so he hoped they would. When one of their number was caught in the crowds a sigh of relief entered him grateful he would not be the odd man out. Fate had brought these two nations together and they took priority and so the rather dashing dark skinned man with a mask of blue came over and brought his head down in a bow before the scaled one. He offered a greeting in the Pician tongue, taught to him by Diplomat Purbagle. All this time he had practiced and their alien tongue was still almost too foreign and even as he said them he presumed he messed it up a little. <The Republic of Khirus... greets their allies... in this foreign land... We offer the realm of Tides our arm...> He prayed that had come out right. He then looked to the translator. “I will require translations my understanding of their language is still primitive.” He then turns his attention to the Lazerite and nods though not as low. “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance we apologize if we interrupt. We had been hoping to offer our hand to you and your people as well. I could not resist saying hello.” All of this declared in imperial.


Selenity the diplomat of the Basins had her own targets, she had to find the Azenhal delegates and Regno had to be greeted. A rather important decision had been made by Khirus and voted on by the senate now it meant catching their attention. Their delegation was easy to spot as they wore a perfect white... Her own vibrant blue gown and blue mask stood out almost as much and so she approached bowing her head to the delegation and speaks up. “My name is Selenity I am one of the representatives of the voice of the republic I come with a message and look to speak with whoever leads your delegation.” She says all of this while keeping her head low. Her voice was soft and upbeat and her eyes were kind. If there were those magically inclined, there was no dark aura around this girl. She appeared very much human.


Khirus had not expected to be approached by many, their status as undead ghouls had gone over poorly, add to that the promotion of freedom of common men and most kingdoms appeared to see them with fear and hate. Azenhals smear campaign had been more influential then the Republic cared to admit. So when one did approach and from a nation Khirus had been unable to contact as of yet it was shocking. The delegation of warriors turned their attention on to her and as she approached the ancient consul in the golden mask Kathine stepped between them and bowed low. “This is the most esteemed consul member Yuval Harari I am his daughter Kathine and official mouthpiece of the Republic for this auspicious summit. We would be happy to do business with you and yours...”

Before she could continue the elder placed his hand on Kathines shoulder,“enough you have business at the Conclave.” He handed her the coin that represented their entry. “Go speak for the people I will handle this.” His voice cracked with power and his eyes seemed to be pools of oblivion from behind the mask, for any with magic he was a terrible creature to have to look upon however to any not touched he was just an old man in too much jewelry and fur. Concerning her first question he chuckled and nodded. “yes every position in government is represented by a mask, its the idea of stripping away ones personal identity and serving the people without doing anything to serving the self.” He explains.

With those words Kathine bowed her head and stepped away leaving the pair alone.

“Forgive Kathine, she is passionate and sometimes oversteps. I would be happy to talk business with you and your nation. Be warned though I am merely an observer here if you want something put to paper I will need to call the girl back.” He chuckled lightly and moved in, “so how many I be of service?”

Kathine showed her coin and entered the final cave, she nodded to all within before taking her place at one of the chairs. She was hidden by the veil of black which covered her face and so silence fit her perfectly. Her gaze however did rest on each in turn, the one known as Suicide Sondor however caught her attention... She recalled a wanted poster of a similar mug, she wondered if that was him. Still until all were present she saw no need to meet and greet... Yet.

2018-02-15, 01:28 AM
Yu Yijin did her best to dodge aside from the physical enthusiasm the easterner displayed. Rather than meeting his hug she struck her forearm against the outstretched limb instead. Thereafter she bowed her head gently, as suited an equal. "Let us not speak of debts." She spoke levelly. "We turned our attention to your lands in a measure of self-interest mixed with greater goals. The changes rocking the Abhidics are immense and it falls to the responsible to blunt them. Efforts were exerted here due to the conflict between our peoples in the hopes of winning reprieve and perhaps an advantage in negotiations in this world and others. In doing so we seem to have unleashed a storm that was not wholly anticipated, one that I fear will lead to much suffering among your people. You have my pledge to do what I can to mitigate this, but the waters rise and the winds gather and there are those who have turned unearned anger upon us." She had felt the gaze of the Lazarites as she walked through the hall. The source of their fury was unknowable and unbalanced. She grieved for the loss afflicting them even as she wished for a bow in her hands to meet such open threats.

"Your new leader seems to have reacted to joining the spiritual fellowship with particular...vehemence." She let the carefully chosen word emerge flatly, to hang in silence for a lingering pause. "This is rather worrisome. It is not my place to tell you people what practices to observe, as all will come to the spirits in their own fashion. Yet I fear that there will be grave consequences to such choices. I must ask, what do you think of such developments?"

"I must say that I am not personally overfond of young Sandor, for a multitude of reasons. I knew his father in his youth, and from what I have heard, young Ilrasu has never been a religious man. Although I fervently hope that my gut is not accurate, the instincts of the bear spirit I was blessed with are telling me that the young Sandor is primarily concerned with his own dominance and fame. In short, I suspect that his government takeover and his popularity with the more violent elements of my flock may be just another self-interested stunt."

Here Garydur turned to look over his shoulder, remembering that there might be others listening. Seeing nothing but the glares of the Lazarites, he continued.

"As for the... exceptional enthusiasm of many of the new faithful, I do not know what caused this. I am an old man, and although I would still gladly give my life to protect knowledge of the spirit traditions I no longer quite understand the kind of fire that can burn in a youthful heart. There are many who could have imparted such anger and passion into our youth. They may simply be imitating the Sattyathanyan revolts of the south, they could have been initially driven to frenzy by the rhetoric of the old Pirate Ferreth, just waiting for a higher and more inspiring cause than personal wealth, or it could be due to some other cause. My hope is that my flock can hold onto our position in the sanctified caverns for long enough that age and the guidance of the spirits shall temper their zeal with wisdom."

2018-02-15, 11:49 AM
Slightly surprised by the dwarf’s response, Taigon let his enclosed hand rest on his chin for a moment, musing on how to answer. When he felt that he had come to a satisfying conclusion he continued the conversation: ”No Roagan would ever condemn fighting for freedom. For that cause even I might draw this again” he stated, lightly tapping the knife on his waist. ”And perhaps fighting the Picians and Khirus is the lesser evil compared to inaction. But I cannot condone the way they are doing it, blinded by their wrath and even resorting to attack people that have no part in the conflict. While speaking of the one true way they themselves have lost the path, unwilling to see the multitude of Abhidi’s reflections in the world.”

It was at this point that another dwarf joined the conversation and asked about the glue manufacturing. The Seretse had invented it, but as a councilor Taigon had had to familiarize himself with it. ”That's unexpected, yes. It is a convenient thing to have on hand, but I didn’t think it would garner interest abroad. I believe that they found a way to increase the effectiveness of the boiling process, allowing production in much larger volumes. But this is not my specialty. I know little more of it.” That obnoxious goblin would’ve been more well-versed in this, but Taigon couldn’t see him anywhere. He was intrigued by the mention of masters, though. ”Forgive my ignorance, but what is this ‘Guild?’”

He became somewhat flustered by the introduction of the dwarves, as he had forgotten to do so as well. ”Taigon, a Roagan monk” he blurted while giving a very tense bow.
The goblin stopped in his tracks, seemingly confused. Not a Seretse. Lives in a desert. Here with Regno. Suddenly Jonkt’s eyes brightened in realization, and he started jumping around. ”A new kind of lizard! And talks even less than the old kind! Zehaha! Dunes? We don’t have dunes, just swamps. Very damp swamps. Makes for good swimming. Why do you want to be dry, anyway?

At this point Jonkt stopped bouncing, remembering that he should probably get something diplomatic done. Or something like that. Or at least Kodora would chew him out if he didn't. With that in mind, the goblin moved to his favorite topic. ”So, does Regno have something interesting to sell? Or does it need to buy something? Both can be arranged. Zehaha!”

2018-02-15, 05:38 PM
Prince Fäzlid was extremely glad to have finally arrived. Given recent...circumstances...it was felt that the sea route through the imperial-controlled straits would have been highly ill-advised for a member of the royal family. Of course the land route meant a long, arduous journey through rough terrain. Thankfully a few bribes in the right pockets made the trip through Perivan easy; some of the rebels were very enthusiastic about helping enemies of the empire. The length of the journey inevitably made the king's presence impossible, but a trusted (yet largely unimportant) cousin was just the man for the job. The "unimportant" bit was not lost on Fäzlid, of course. He couldn't complain though, this was certainly important work and a chance to make a name for himself.

The prince left his large party of travelling companions, and guards, in the city, and proceeded to the summit accompanied only by the handful of courtiers (dressed in the finest silk robes and ostentatious jewelry) the ubiquitous Abhidic monks assigned to all the various princes, and a couple priests. He offers the traditional, respectful greetings to Jannellai Norraissa and Dagi Sironne before moving into the main cavern, intending to linger there a short time before continuing on to the conclave.

[[OOC: I'll have more time this evening, but I wanted to get something posted so people can start talking to me if they want to.]]
“Welcome! It is unfortunate that the king could not come himself, but it is good to see one of his trusted representatives here,” Jannellai greeted Fäzlid warmly. As she saluted, Dagi handed the prince his token: a gold disk inscribed with an image of the rivers Gakhus and Tipëzvär, and labelled Dvatla.

“Please present this to the guards when you wish to enter. Two can enter in addition to you.”

The delegation of Khirus sailed the most expensive ship they could purchase from the Avakonian empire A single trireme of impressive beauty. The journey had been long and the kindred aboard had grown lethargic as they had to be careful of feeding with so few humans and all of them crucial to them getting them to land. When earth was finally viewed however none could let their eyes abandon the awe inspiring cliffs of this kingdom Ti Linnad. The south Knew very little of these strange peoples and much like with their trip to Regno they were going in blind, however unlike last time they were here for business not simple pleasure and observation. The eyes of the Republic were on this event and it could shape politics for the continent for years to come.

What marched off the boat with a perfect military procession was two dozen Republican guard in the armor of Khirus their flag flashed on their shoulders and chest and everything was dyed a midnight black but for the white of their emblem. Those who stepped off the boat were in two separate colors one was in a stunning black dress with a black veil. Representative Kathine of the senate was stunning in her full apparel just like last time she flowed effortlessly and there was a dangerous aura which surrounded her.

Following her were two diplomats wearing blue with very different designs, one man wore a quarter mask (https://img0.etsystatic.com/025/0/6944683/il_340x270.533782104_ic6s.jpg) revealing almost all of his features, it was clearly for station and not to conceal his identity. A smile played on his lips and he stood tall at a reasonable (and dashing 6’1) he did not have the porcelain (almost doll like) skin of the Khirese but instead bore the dark tan of a man from Razzak. The other appeared almost elf like and impish in her appearance. She was 5’3 and wore a half mask (https://i.pinimg.com/474x/51/1c/94/511c94b86952514a7e02b586cf45116f--venetian-masquerade-masquerade-masks.jpg) with a matching outfit of blue dyed from plant life in the basins.

Xavier introduced himself first to the greeting party of the Ti Linnad, “I am Tassadin, it is a pleasure to meet you.” He bowed low and presented the first gift this one being from his home region of Razzak as he presented a stunning array of spices.

Next the pixie like female stepped forward and presented a hand carved wooden chest within a variety of staffs and classic weapons of iron wood. Weapons that had, until recently been wielded against the Khirese but now were dormant. “I am Selenity we are grateful to be welcomed by your kingdom, the republic offers its hand to you, and yours. We hope this can lead to future friendship.”

As these words were spoken A final individual stepped off the ship. An elderly gentleman who wore a mask of gold (http://www.biggsltd.com/Assets/images/products/Si-Lucia-Masks/M-763_L.jpg) representing an exceeding wealth of the Republic slowly disembarked. He was a small man even Selenity dwarfed him as he was just about 4’5 and the hunch made him even smaller. He wore a thick fur inlaid cloak and dripped with jewelry of various types. His walking stick was a serpent whose eyes and fangs appeared to be made from Obsidian glass. Despite this rather ancient appearance when he looked up his eyes appeared to crackle with power and while Kathine gave off a rather unpleasant air for those touched by magic, this man could easily evoke raw flesh flaying terror.

Stepping forward he looked to the officials and said nothing instead representative Kathine stepped forward and bowed her head in his stead. “This is the most esteemed consul member Yuval Harari I am his… Daughter Kathine and official mouthpiece of the Republic for this auspicious summit. All diplomats will also carry the weight of that voice should I not be present.”
“Greetings, Tassadin, Selenity, Yuval and Kathine. I am pleased that you are here. We thank you for your generous gifts.” Dagi answered, keeping a careful eye on the Khirus delegation. Enough rumors had reached the Highlands to put her on edge, even if the Council had thought it best they be invited today. She extended her hand, then withdrew it immediately as one of the delegates took their token, a golden circle engraved with the crescent moon and the name Khirus.

“Up to three of you may enter the Conclave. Show this to the guards when you are ready.”

The delegation from Azenhal was, as they were in their visit to Regno, small and compact. Magus Bram himself was committed to the field at home but three of his most trusted advisors and those upon who's words turned the fate of the former Concordance came to this auspicious event being hosted by Ti Linnad. The journey was a long boat ride but not an entirely unpleasant one and the great valleys and ravines of Ti Linnad did much to impress the ambassadors. The northern lands were something of an enigma to most in Palmor, so focused were they on their immediate neighbors and with an Empire between them these lands seemed so far from home. Yet the people were kind and helpful just the same. Though somewhat on edge it appeared the north had no infestation of necromancers or propensity to generate barbarous beastmen, at least not in Ti Linnad. For that the Azenhal delegation was grateful if an air of guilt hung over them for being here rather than at home.

First among them was the Oamenii Magi Vecto, the first Magi to journey to Azenhal 20 years ago before the seemingly eternal war with the forces of darkness began. The desert elf was dressed in a cross between Regnan and Azen dress, a purple and red outfit that allowed his Rune of Rain to be exposed upon his brown shoulders. Though his Rune would suggest a tender healer the Magi was a battle tested commander of men himself, having helped lead a guerrilla campaign during the Pician occupation and emerging a hard eyed man. It had been his desire to serve as the commander of the forces engaging to the east or take second in command to the Sattyathanya general but Bram had refused him. The two had grown close since Vecto had returned from the dead after Bram had been Initiated and so he knew when his mostly gentle friend was determined to hold firm. Unfortunately this was one of those times and so it meant he was heading a diplomatic delegation of a country and cause he had adopted rather than been born in. Luckily he was not alone.

Standing three heads shorter to the Oamenii's side was the dwarven couple Guild Mistress Agnet Moonhammer and her husband Ragno Stonbrook, champion of the Trodje games. Though the Guilds had not expanded much in power as their potential funds went into war and the careful courting of the Abhidist sects they had maintained a surprising degree of stability despite threats on other fronts and their loyalty to Bram's cause had earned them a trusted spot on his council. In a change since her last major appearance at the failed first peace conference of Palmor she now bore the Rune of Essence upon her brow, same as Vecto and the absent Bram. She was yet an Initiate neither Aspectus nor Magi but a Speaker all the same. Ragno too was different for pinned upon his chest was a shined to sheen iron image of the same enchanted hammer he wore slung across his back. The champion, a veteran of the Dwarven Legions, had been named to speak for the Legionaries among the council. The armies were composed of a mix of Vecto's First Circle and the traditional Legions of Azenhal and so both held a place near Bram's ear for he knew he needed the loyalty of his men if he hoped to win peace for the land.

The three delegates greeted the Linnadi delegation in turn and presented a golden necklace, resplendent with Moon Opals set into the fixture (https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1G6z5LFXXXXcCXpXXq6xXFXXXJ/Luxury-925-Sterling-Silver-Natural-Opal-Necklace-Luxury-Big-Wedding-Necklace-Pendant-with-AAA-Cubic.jpg) to the greeters as a gift for the Premier. They are informed it was crafted by Azen smiths of the greatest caliber and they believe it is of such quality as to take well to the use in magic. Of course, it's beauty is of it's own value alone and the delegates humbly apologize that more could not be spared. Once the pleasantries of grace were exchanged the three delegates moved into the room and dispersed. Agnet and Ragno, the far more easily identifiable as Azen with their short stature and red (or purple in Agnet's case) hair, split off to draw the attention of those seeking Azenhal representatives while Vecto, appearing more Regnan to most no doubt, wandered to seek out the Whitefeathers.

OOC: Pooped on writing but anyone feel free to approach and strike up a convo!
Jannellai saluted the Azen delegation before accepting the necklace. She held it up to the light streaming in through the entrance, admiring it for a moment. “Thank you for this beautiful gift. We are glad that you were able to be here. I trust your trip was not too difficult?”

Suicide Sandor didn't stay long in the gardens. He stayed just long enough to collect his gold token and flash everyone a winning smile before heading off to the conclave.

He did however leave a small delegation behind to meet with the foreign councillors. Garydur Omohalen was now the head shaman of the recently renovated Sanctified Caverns. He was a large man with an impressive, greying beard and a reputation for irritability. He had not given up the old ways when the Ildian wise men had taken over the caverns, but had gone to go live in a small cabin in the woods, communing with the spirits as his ancestors had done. When he had learned that missionaries from Amham had led a group of fresh converts to take over, he had gone to join them, and his authentic experience with the customs of Old Glen Gwitna had made him a natural choice for leadership.

The other delegate of interest that Suicide Sandor left behind to greet the masses was the Pician Blarfargle. Sandor regarded the fish-person as not much more than a curiosity, but the picians had won themselves far-flung fame, and claiming to know one was a good ice-breaker at parties. Blarfargle was accompanied by a young and scrawny house magpie translator to let him talk to the assembled delegates.
Blarfargle and translator-boy are now under your eventing control. Go right ahead.

Recognizing the amham shaman's robes, Garydur approached the delegation from Amham, his arms spread wide to offer a bear hug to any who would take it. "I am glad to see you here. Your shamans have done much to help restore at least a spark of the old ways among the Gwitna, and your work teaching the Aniachak of the spirits is most admirable. I am Garydur Omohalen, head shaman of the sanctified caverns, and I am in your countrymen's debt."

Suicide Sandor did everything with a flourish. Thus it was that he stepped into the cavern with a twirl before spreading his arms and... noticed that a couple Linnadi without the trappings of royalty were the only other ones there already. He gave a low bow before he pulled out a chair and sat down, putting his feet up on the table in a relaxed posture.

"So, when are the big boys supposed to show up?" he asked the Linnadi in attendance.
With an experience born of many years as a diplomat, Dagi could see that Sandor was eager to enter the Conclave. Given his reputation, he probably had, or thought he had, a brilliant plan burning a hole in his mind. She acted accordingly.

“Welcome, friends. Please, do not allow me to delay you overlong, Sandor.” She handed him his token, etched with a Redcedar Tree labelled Gwitna, and surrounded by an orca, a bear, a magpie, and a beaver. “Present this to the guards around that door and they will allow you to enter.”

A king does well to remain at home whenever possible. By doing so, they can keep themself safe domestically from both within and without. If a king does not spend time in their kingdom, by what right do they rule it?

Keat Whitefeather was a great king, and knew the corralery to this. Some things only a king could do, and for that reason, he had come to the Summit. He had brought his young child, Crexa with him, so that she could learn some of the art of diplomacy, as well as the two veteren diplomats Rioj and Mikol, both of whom had worked small miracles in their own right. His wife and the majority of his house were to remain at home, to help ensure that for the weeks he was gone, he had reliable, and more importantly, utterly loyal rulers in his absense.

Nevertheless, the journey had been harsh. The Inoni had never liked cold winds, and the waters had been rough throughout the entire way. Upon reaching land, almost every hand had volunteered to 'provide aerial coverage' just to get as far away from the water as possible. Crexa on the other hand had wrapped herself in her cloak and stepped across calmly, as if the waters had been nothing.

Now that they had reached the Statue Garden, unease set in amongst the Inyoni again, as enclosed areas often did. Those from Tafer and Bovalia all but laughed at ther worry, though no more, as the general unease permeated all. Those who did examine the statues were certainly impressed by them as the workmanship was incredible, and amoung these, Crexa was the excited, whispering questions to poor Rioj, who was attempting to answer questions that not even the masons themselves had an idea of. At the back of the group, a man in robes covering his face helped carry a small chest.
Through all this, Keat examined those who had come so far. Regno and Amham were not huge surprises, though the presense of Tutum suggested it was a learning experiece of sorts for him. Azenhal was expected, and indeed Keat would have been surprised not to see them. The lazarites were certainly unexpected however. Keat could barely remember meeting an Arndok years ago at Whitecrest, and had heard barely any news since then. It would certainly be interesting to find out how their affairs were.

Without too much delay however, Keat approached the pair and introduced his delegation:
"It is good to meet again my noble friends. I am King Keat Whitefeather and I hope we have much to discuss these next few days. I have brought something small as a gift for your magnanimity in hosting." Keat brought out the small chest, which although made of wood sparkled in the half-light. "This is a chest made of Golden Yew, patiently grown and shaped into a chest over many months which I now give to you. Inside are also some things you may find interesting, although I suggest we look at them a little later, as they have little to do with the Summit."

Keat gently held out a hand to the side. "And may I introduce Crexa, my heir to you." At this Crexa came foward, and gave a slight, but childishly graceful bow.
"It is an honour to meet you both" she began, "Da..my Father has said many fine things about this place, and your pegasi are certainly amazing beasts. They even let me ride them from time to time."

Isles of Lazar

When an opportunity arrived, Rioj, now free of answering innane questions, moved next to the nearest lazarite, not the Black company one however, and made himself known.
"Greetings good sirs," he began, hoping that they were in fact sirs, and not something else entirely, "I am Rioj Redtail, of the Whitefeather Kingdom. It has been a long time since our kingdom has had contact with the lazarites, not since the Gathering of Whitecest I believe, and we have heard little of you since then. Would you wish to come and meet with King Keat so we may find where we could aid one another?"

ooc) anyone who wants to step up. Rioj and Mikol are available, Crexa is with the man in robes.

Keat walked in, with the man in robes right behind him. "My friends, he began, I am not sure you have met him, but this is Kiolo Pinkfeather." The man in question shook off the hood, revealing bright locks of hair as well as slightly red tinged eyes.
"Glad t' get tha' off," he began, "hopefully we get enough here to make this worth it. And not, well suicide."

“Greetings, your Highness. It is good to see you once again,” Dagi replied. “And thank you for your generous gift.” She saluted cordially and handed him his token, which showed the Whitefeather coat of arms and the kingdom’s name in flowing script below. “Present that to the guards when you are ready to enter. They will allow three of your delegation.”

Dagi’s ears perked up when Crexa stepped forward. Smiling broadly, she saluted the young girl. “And it is an honor to meet you, heir Crexa. I am glad you enjoy our land and creatures. If you are interested in our history, I would suggest you spend some time in the Lower North Cavern, through that door - it holds records of the deeds of all of our heroes.”

Kodora understood better than ever why his kind tended not to venture far from their homeland. The weather in Ti Linnad was nearly unbearable, chilling him to the bone. He almost wished that he had sent someone in his stead, but it was imperative that he himself be present at an event this important. Indeed, it was crucial that the Confederacy would establish a presence in the politics of Emjata, or that’s at least what Kodora expected Odenege would have said. After entering the main cavern they finally had good enough cover from the wind, and he could remove the hood of his cloak.

”Greetings, our honorable hosts. I am Kodora, head of the Setjuran council”, the red lizard stated, while lowering himself on one knee. He gave a quick nod to his two companions, signaling that they could now introduce themselves.

”Taigon, a monk from the Filihoi monastery and a Setjuran councilor.” The Roagan man was tall, dwarfing his bodyguards even while slightly bowing with his left fist clenched on his chest. He wore simple blue robes, and a knife could be seen strapped to his waist. Those who further inspected it could notice that it was tied to it’s sheath in such a way that it could not be drawn.

An excitable goblin beside the two hit his left fist into his open right palm in front of his face, then lowered them and said with a wily grin: ”Jonkt, a merchant from Njinkat. Pleased to make your acquaintance.”

Kodora then presented the diplomats with a gorgeously ornamented wooden pan flute. ”This gift symbolizes our wish that the various peoples present here can cooperate, as the different pipes of the flute work together to produce a beautiful harmony.” After this all three of them went their separate ways, each followed by two guards.
While scurrying around, eagerly using his eyes to absorb everything happening around him, Jonkt noticed Tundo of the Dry. ”What’s this? What’s this?” he inquired while circling around the lizard before bursting into a bout of curious laughter. "Zehaha! How’s a Seretse end up with the Regnans? How much they paying you? Hm?"
Taigon searched for an Azenhal delegate for a while in vain, but eventually laid eyes on Ragno Stonbrook. "You are a representative from Azenhal, correct?" he called out while approaching, and after a quick bow continued: ”I wish to thank your nation for providing assistance and shelter to my brothers in faith. While I think their uprising foolish and against Abhidi’s will, I am truly grateful that they have someone they can turn to for assistance in these trying times.”

OOC: In addition to Regno and Azenhal, the Setjurans would most like to talk with Jianta and Firethorn if they show up. Anyone is free to approach one or more of the three, though.
Jannellai saluted each of the Setjuran delegates as they introduced themselves. “Welcome, Kodora, Taigon, Jonkt. I thank you for your kind gift and your compassionate wish. What news from the south-west?”

The highlands of Ti linnad were much different than the subtropical valley's of Coatl, the cool winds and high elevations made quite the impression on the party after a couple weeks at sea. At the lead Tepin The younger, rides a stout horse with his attendants in toe. To his right Chalchiuitl The Miser, a tall woman in her mid 30's with dusky skin and pitch black hair, rode her chariot gilded in an alloy of bronze and silver inscribed with Coatlean pictographs. Slightly behind due to a sudden bout of fever rode Atl the large fully armored in his own chariot. As Tenoch has grown less able in his old age, Tepin, in order to counter the machinations of other priest Magi formed a triumvirate with the Theocracies greatest merchant and its most influential general.

Many in the party cheered at the pegasi riding over the horizon, Chalchiuitl The Miser especially wagging her finger at Tepin "Are they not beautiful creatures boy, Imagine if we had followed your plan!"

Reluctantly appreciating the majesty of the highlands Teppin turned his head away from the woman "If we'd followed my plan we'd be there already fool!"

The Gardens
To Khirus
Seeing Tepin walk into the conclave, Chalchiuitl took the opportunity to get business done. Her curiosity peaked by a mysterious golden mask among the representatives of Khirus. She'd never seen true gold before, her skepticism of its authenticity being the only thing keeping her from running to the representatives. Approach them carefully she said " I didn't realize the republic made you wear such masks, greetings I'm Chalchiuitl of Coatl, would you like to do business."

To Anham

Pointing at the Amham with his bronze hand bared Atl The Large spoke at westerner....at least he hopped it was the right westerner "Duke Geyon is it, word of your exploits have reached far and wide....Perhaps too far. I'm Atl of The Theocracy Coat.l"

Tepin sat at the conclave with the others listening to this request for "big boys." The impudent fool was lucky he was protected by sacred hospitality,especially for imprisoning the honorable Lord Ferath. Never the lest he held his tongue replying to Pink-feather. " Relax the Empire is not nearly as strong as she appears. Once its aura of untouchability its shattered, her vassals, her bureaucrats, and her soldiers scatter like rats fleeing a ship."
As the Theocracy triumvirate entered, Dagi nodded for the final time. She saluted and greeted the Coatlean diplomats, handing Tepin the last of the tokens, which was engraved with depictions of Xincoatl but did not bear a label, as though the Serpent was itself enough to identify it. “Present this to the guards at that door when you are ready to enter. The Conclave will begin soon.”


As the Coatlean delegation continued past Dagi, the Linnadi soldier returned from the Upper North Cavern. He tapped Dagi on the shoulder and whispered something into her ear. She nodded after a moment, letting him place something into her hand, then she turned and entered the main event. The soldier seemed to repeat his message to Jannellai, who saluted. He returned the salute and stepped back to his post.

Dagi found the lazarite representative of the Black Company and drew him aside.

The Conclave

"The Council has decided sooner than I expected. Ti Linnad accepts your offer. Furthermore, Lazar has been extended an invitation to the Conclave, as what will come to pass there will thusly have a great bearing on the Black Company." She handed him a plain gold disk, a local Linnadi coin, which had been hastily inscribed with the word Lazar beneath a rough map of the Isles. "Three of your delegation may enter. When you are ready, find me and I shall accompany you in; the Conclave waits only upon us."

When Larsin and his companions were ready, Dagi led them to the Upper North Cavern's door. The guards parted, and she stood aside to allow the lazarites to enter.

Dagi followed the Lazarites into the chamber. She joined the other Councilors standing along the far wall, behind the Premier, who sat at the head of the table. Sennu Moku stood beside her, leaning on a plain walking stick that seemed to be a spear with its point removed. Four soldiers - two humans and two Pylliar - stood in the corners of the room, but no other Linnadi bore a weapon.

From the doorway came a thud followed by a scratching sound as the door was closed and barred.

Lira Jinna coughed quietly and stood. When the talking had died down, she spoke.

"Welcome, all of you."

"For many of us, today is a mere formality, a signature affixed to that which has always been true of us. For some of us, this may represent a new direction, though perhaps not wholly unexpected. But all of us can agree: whether through slights, hypocrisy, debauchery, raids, slaving, oppression, their underhanded assassination of the Sartek of Perivan and his embassy, or their unprovoked invasions, the Empire has made enemies of us. This is well known to us. I merely review where we stand."

She slowly glanced around the room, her eyes taking in the gathered diplomats.

"Heir Tutum said something a moment ago: that Regno's example, of unification, has proved exactly how wrong is the idea that the one right person can do more than many. And I would suggest that Ti Linnad proves the same. We are many cultures, many religions, many peoples, many creatures. The Empire is just that, one might say. Perijanists, Abhidi, humans, Omanush, all together. But they are a corrupted ideal. They do not aid one another; they tear down each other's house so that each may build his higher. They do not know unity; the alleged "Inquisition" proves that much. It is merely a way for the Empress to regulate what corruption she finds acceptable, and perhaps to get in on the deals herself. They have fallen from the ideals that Dejan once brought, and their idea of innovation is to reinstate an ancient tactic which never should have been abolished."

Lira Jinna's voice had been slowly building as she spoke, and now it seemed to grow, to become something more than itself. Although she did not shout, she spoke forcefully, with the conviction of a speaker who is in the right.

"Now, Dvatla has moved against the depraved Empire. They have taken a province which Avakonia had little enough right to hold, and now attempt to repair the chaos that Avakonia scarcely could. But even for all Avakonia's failings, and for all the wrongs they have done to us, they remain powerful. While Tepin may be right, they still have force of sheer numbers on their side, if nothing else. To my knowledge, Dvatla cannot stand against the coming retaliation.

But this provides a chance to make things right. Together, we can lift the fallen Imperial lands to their old heights and beyond. Together, we can truly unify Emjata, and fulfill that age-old dream. And together, we can stand against enemies near and far, great and small, those insidious and overwhelming foes which no people could face alone."

Sennu Moku shifted, producing a scroll from a case at his side. He unrolled it as the Premier spoke and placed it on the table. It was a map of known Emjata, unlabelled except for an arrow pointing north.

"Who shall fight alongside us?"

It was clearly a rhetorical question. Every Linnadi Councilor stepped forward at her words.

2018-02-16, 04:11 PM
[SPOILER=Regno's Arrival]
Tutum, however, sees Izbefe's king, and also the representative from Dvalta. After bowing to the king, and showing his own token, the Heir replies, "Yes. Rengo learns. Regno remembers. A mantra that, at first, I didn't understand. But now I agree with. There's something I wish to discuss, first, though..."

Signalling the errant diplomat from Dvalta to come near, Tutum makes small talk until Prince Fäzlid arrives. Then, Tutum says, "The Grand Magus wanted to be here to greet you both, but a matter of High Inquiry prevented that. Still, I understand that there was to be an exchange of information while here?"

Captain Vaz steps forward, pulling from the satchel at his waist two scrolls, sealed with a wax symbol of the Rune of Essence. The Heir of Sortis continues, "In here is the collective knowledge of all the tests we have done - as well as the procedures and processes for success - to establish proper exploitative groups that, with enough funding, should produce results. Or at least, come back mostly alive."

Magi Rainstep's eyes lit up at the offer of new lands and new ways to get to them. He stepped forward, eagerly reaching into his bag to retrieve a scroll of his own, "Then I daresay we ought to make an exchange! I have written this scroll on the subject of healing magic, particularly a new sort of salve that I've been working on. It is very easy to administer and even the simplest of soldiers could create and administer it as long as they had access to the necessary ingredients. Tightgrip over here can attest to that." He said looking at the elephant man out of the corner of his eye. Tightgrip blushed a little and made a dismissive gesture with his hand as if he had just received a compliment. "With my lieges approval I'll have a scribe... no I'll personally make copies of it and have them delivered to Regno."

The king of Izbefe nodded his head and stroked his beard, "Yes, yes I'd love to do a wee bit of adventuring and I think that this is an excellent opportunity to strengthen our nations bonds through trade. If it pleases you I'll happily go ahead with it."

2018-02-17, 11:45 AM
Theocracy of Coatl

The greyscaled lazarite was quick to spot the arrival of the Theocracy of Coatl. Though the Isles accepted many more radical strains of Xincoatl worship that had been pushed out of the sun-touched lands there was still a great respect for the Theocracy as it had given rebirth to the ancient truths and teachings of Xincoatl. The endless serpent had united the Isles in times of trouble and now oversaw a great growth. The redrobed lazarite approached the Coatl delegation with humble bows.

"Humble greetingsss, this one is of the Isles of Lazar and comes to express piety to the wissse and powerful ruler of the Theocracy on behalf of the whole Kiin Sareteh and our wise Arndok personally."


The grey scales around the lazarite's lips peeled back momentarily in an involuntary sneer. So these Dvatlans would take provinces from Avakonia and yet balked to speak of what was practically theirs and belonged as of yet to no other true kingdom?

"Yes, hypothetical termsss, of course. You see we of Lazar are known for our mercenariessss, they are hired as bodygaurdsss often privately but we find their companiesss organize best around protecting a sssite. The Kiin Sareteh would be willing to foot expenses for two companiesss to protect the Copper Mines we might come to acquire. They would remain replenished and armed so long as the minesss remained lazarite controlled. Thisss is the 'hypothetical' offer.*"

Deal on the table is 2 Military Units of Black Company mercenaries to you upon you coming into control of 13 in exchange for recognizing Lazarite rights to one of the trade posts. Since I'm keen on keeping the trade post indefinitely I'm also totally hoping to establish a relationship where I'll need to replenish IE send you 2 more Units every now and then to keep in good graces/control of the TP. I'm not sure about putting an exact "Every X rounds" or whatever on it but more going with what makes sense narratively.

Interested? :smallsmile:

Realm of the Tides and Republic of Khirus

Pelas' eyes narrowed again but this time it seemed less in intense study but rather contemplation. After a moment of silence he smiled his toothy smile once more and leaned in towards Blarfargle.

"What of now Blar Fargle? Not much to do now it seems if you are traveling as a sideshow attraction for the idiot Sandor, no? Perhaps you will consider this; come to the Isles of Lazar with us. We are perhaps colder oceans than you know but we are of the sea in many ways like you. We wish to learn all we can and it would be an accomplishment indeed to match the Gwitnans in linguistic capability."

Before Pelas could continue his sales pitch further a stranger in a blue mask arrived, managing to warble out a somewhat impressive replication of Blarfargle's speech though sounding entirely of a different pitch than the Pician to Pelas' ear. When he turned to address Pelas and Lan the shorter lazarite whispered something rather crass in Lazarite.

"Humble greetings, this one thanks the offer of the hand but wonders to whom it belongs?" Pelas cocked his head curiously having not understood the representative's announcement of origin spoken in Pician.

Ti Linnad

Larsin was pleased the Linnadi Council had accepted so quickly and now with this invitation to the secret meeting. The blue scaled lazarite had to suppress a grin crawling across his face. He knew he had been right to offer up the auxiliary Black Company mercenaries.

"I will come alone, let us go now."

Larsin appreciated what the Kiin Sareteh were doing for the Isles and he generally found working with them to be a pleasant arrangement but he was the head of the Kiin Palesh Bor and it was their interests he bore. The captain of the Black Company followed the Linnadi to the North Cavern his mind still chewing on the implications of this invitation. His curiosity if it hadn't peaked before at rumors of a secret Conclave was certainly on high alert now. He entered the chamber and moved to stand somewhere unobtrusive, a single figure in dark robes clearly not seeking to be the focus.

He listened intently to the Linnadi Councilor's speech occasionally casting a glance around the room to try and gauge the reactions of the others gathered here. So this was some great Conclave of rebels against Avakonia? Certainly a profitable avenue for the Black Company and Larsin was glad he had been invited to it. He was yet curious the extent of this rebel alliance against the empire for while Ti Linnad was a strong realm and with Dvatla might drive the Empire out of Inyaka there were many faces and flags here. It seems the intent was far more than that...if the others came forward.

2018-02-17, 07:06 PM
Theocracy of Coatl

The greyscaled lazarite was quick to spot the arrival of the Theocracy of Coatl. Though the Isles accepted many more radical strains of Xincoatl worship that had been pushed out of the sun-touched lands there was still a great respect for the Theocracy as it had given rebirth to the ancient truths and teachings of Xincoatl. The endless serpent had united the Isles in times of trouble and now oversaw a great growth. The redrobed lazarite approached the Coatl delegation with humble bows.

"Humble greetingsss, this one is of the Isles of Lazar and comes to express piety to the wissse and powerful ruler of the Theocracy on behalf of the whole Kiin Sareteh and our wise Arndok personally."

Tepin was flattered by the display, it was awhile since he was shown any type of reverence, especially by his partners, attempting to use he most imperious voice h "Rise Lazarite, we are most grateful you have seen the way. Do you request a boon!"


Khirus had not expected to be approached by many, their status as undead ghouls had gone over poorly, add to that the promotion of freedom of common men and most kingdoms appeared to see them with fear and hate. Azenhals smear campaign had been more influential then the Republic cared to admit. So when one did approach and from a nation Khirus had been unable to contact as of yet it was shocking. The delegation of warriors turned their attention on to her and as she approached the ancient consul in the golden mask Kathine stepped between them and bowed low. “This is the most esteemed consul member Yuval Harari I am his daughter Kathine and official mouthpiece of the Republic for this auspicious summit. We would be happy to do business with you and yours...”

Before she could continue the elder placed his hand on Kathines shoulder,“enough you have business at the Conclave.” He handed her the coin that represented their entry. “Go speak for the people I will handle this.” His voice cracked with power and his eyes seemed to be pools of oblivion from behind the mask, for any with magic he was a terrible creature to have to look upon however to any not touched he was just an old man in too much jewelry and fur. Concerning her first question he chuckled and nodded. “yes every position in government is represented by a mask, its the idea of stripping away ones personal identity and serving the people without doing anything to serving the self.” He explains.

With those words Kathine bowed her head and stepped away leaving the pair alone.

“Forgive Kathine, she is passionate and sometimes oversteps. I would be happy to talk business with you and your nation. Be warned though I am merely an observer here if you want something put to paper I will need to call the girl back.” He chuckled lightly and moved in, “so how many I be of service?”

Chalchiuitl brushed off the apology, "Don't worry I am not offended. I'm curious though, where did you get the gold for that mask, I was pretty sure there weren't any deposits on mainland Palmor."

Chalchiuitl sighed with regret "If those damned zealots weren't causing such havoc, I could find out myself. Alas so many southern merchants have had there stores ransacked or gone into hiding."

Yu Yijin did her best to dodge aside from the physical enthusiasm the easterner displayed. Rather than meeting his hug she struck her forearm against the outstretched limb instead. Thereafter she bowed her head gently, as suited an equal. "Let us not speak of debts." She spoke levelly. "We turned our attention to your lands in a measure of self-interest mixed with greater goals. The changes rocking the Abhidics are immense and it falls to the responsible to blunt them. Efforts were exerted here due to the conflict between our peoples in the hopes of winning reprieve and perhaps an advantage in negotiations in this world and others. In doing so we seem to have unleashed a storm that was not wholly anticipated, one that I fear will lead to much suffering among your people. You have my pledge to do what I can to mitigate this, but the waters rise and the winds gather and there are those who have turned unearned anger upon us." She had felt the gaze of the Lazarites as she walked through the hall. The source of their fury was unknowable and unbalanced. She grieved for the loss afflicting them even as she wished for a bow in her hands to meet such open threats.

"Your new leader seems to have reacted to joining the spiritual fellowship with particular...vehemence." She let the carefully chosen word emerge flatly, to hang in silence for a lingering pause. "This is rather worrisome. It is not my place to tell you people what practices to observe, as all will come to the spirits in their own fashion. Yet I fear that there will be grave consequences to such choices. I must ask, what do you think of such developments?"

Pointing at the Amham with his bronze hand bared Atl The Large spoke at westerner....at least he hopped it was the right westerner "Duke Geyon is it, word of your exploits have reached far and wide....Perhaps too far. I'm Atl of The Theocracy Coat.l"

Seok looked at this formidable, but disheveled, specimen. Atl the Large had considerable height upon him, even though Seok was far from short by Amham standards. Otherwise this man with his massive beard, haunted eyes, and impractical bronze hand looked like a mad forest hermit. If not for his known status as a general his presence would make one inclined to summon the guards. This is the man Coatl sends to speak with me? He wondered silently. It was not a good sign.

"You cannot mean my exploits." He decided to be blunt, following the approach the general had taken. "I am but a young man and my greatest achievement to date has been appointing my aunt as viceroy of Yemur. As such, that means you are speaking of the various efforts undertaken by the shamans who reside within the land I hold in trust. They have gone too far have they?" He stood firm, unwilling to yield before such accusations. "How so? Was it our attempt to severe the bonds between a marauding scourge that knew such little restraint that they would consume the flesh of those who fell beneath their spears and the horror they bowed down before and claimed sanctioned such massacres? Clearly we did not go far enough, for even though we brought the spirits to Fresia and sought to restrain the excesses of the Picians they have neither turned aside from conquest nor ceased in efforts to restore their hideous Leviathan to a place of honor. Or do you speak of recent outreach in Gwitna? Yes the shamans went out and sought to bring the spirits among those who had set their blades upon merchants and sailors. Yet they were careful not to touch those places sacred to Coatl, an entity I am told is considered important and honorable among the shamans. I am not unaware that internal turmoil has taken place in Gwitna, but do not think I desired this or that it pleases me. I had hoped to negotiate on behalf of our merchants, and for peaceful trade in all regions at this summit. Events have made that very unlikely."

Taking a breath, Seok made his next declaration very carefully. "The Theocracy of Coatl is not the enemy of the Amham Federation, nor is Xincoatl the enemy of Jalyeong-Bo. I have received sworn statements from all leading shamans agreeing to this. You may ask Yu-Jalsi yourself if you wish confirmation."

Atl adjusted his posture to a more relaxed position " Relax duke I'm sure you can peacefully negotiate a settlement. So long as you don't interfere with the rightful restoration of Lord Ferath, I'm sure everything will be fine. While many have been caught off guard by the Abhidi uprisings I can assure you than I am an honorable man." Atl winked at the Duke, in an awkward attempt to reassure him.

As the Linnadi councilors stepped forward Teppin began clapping "Congratulations Lira Jinna, I find your eloquence galvanizing. And while I would be honored to pledge our support, I must know what everyone, especially my neighbors want out of this. Not platitudes, not ideals, what do we physically plan on taking." Teppin slowly rotated head to the Whitfeather representatives. After briefly lingering on them he shifted his head to the remainder of the conclave "We of Coatl don't border Avakonia, therefore I shan't request regions from the Empire, I want preferential access to any captured markets."

2018-02-18, 01:21 AM

The grey scales around the lazarite's lips peeled back momentarily in an involuntary sneer. So these Dvatlans would take provinces from Avakonia and yet balked to speak of what was practically theirs and belonged as of yet to no other true kingdom?

"Yes, hypothetical termsss, of course. You see we of Lazar are known for our mercenariessss, they are hired as bodygaurdsss often privately but we find their companiesss organize best around protecting a sssite. The Kiin Sareteh would be willing to foot expenses for two companiesss to protect the Copper Mines we might come to acquire. They would remain replenished and armed so long as the minesss remained lazarite controlled. Thisss is the 'hypothetical' offer.*"

Deal on the table is 2 Military Units of Black Company mercenaries to you upon you coming into control of 13 in exchange for recognizing Lazarite rights to one of the trade posts. Since I'm keen on keeping the trade post indefinitely I'm also totally hoping to establish a relationship where I'll need to replenish IE send you 2 more Units every now and then to keep in good graces/control of the TP. I'm not sure about putting an exact "Every X rounds" or whatever on it but more going with what makes sense narratively.

Interested? :smallsmile:

Fäzlid grimaces and shakes his head. "Hiring foreign mercenaries merely to protect our mines is unlikely to appeal to any back home, much less selling the mines themselves. It seems your offer is that we sell you copper mines, and the price we receive in payment is that you protect the mines you have purchased. I would have to be beyond a fool to accept such terms. But war is coming, and war always brings more war as the vultures gather. If your offer is mercenaries, then a place could be found for them. Somewhere where they can be put to better use than sitting around scaring away petty bandits. If you desire copper, then payments in copper could be arranged."

OOC deal is acceptable


Dagi followed the Lazarites into the chamber. She joined the other Councilors standing along the far wall, behind the Premier, who sat at the head of the table. Sennu Moku stood beside her, leaning on a plain walking stick that seemed to be a spear with its point removed. Four soldiers - two humans and two Pylliar - stood in the corners of the room, but no other Linnadi bore a weapon.

From the doorway came a thud followed by a scratching sound as the door was closed and barred.

Lira Jinna coughed quietly and stood. When the talking had died down, she spoke.

"Welcome, all of you."

"For many of us, today is a mere formality, a signature affixed to that which has always been true of us. For some of us, this may represent a new direction, though perhaps not wholly unexpected. But all of us can agree: whether through slights, hypocrisy, debauchery, raids, slaving, oppression, their underhanded assassination of the Sartek of Perivan and his embassy, or their unprovoked invasions, the Empire has made enemies of us. This is well known to us. I merely review where we stand."

She slowly glanced around the room, her eyes taking in the gathered diplomats.

"Heir Tutum said something a moment ago: that Regno's example, of unification, has proved exactly how wrong is the idea that the one right person can do more than many. And I would suggest that Ti Linnad proves the same. We are many cultures, many religions, many peoples, many creatures. The Empire is just that, one might say. Perijanists, Abhidi, humans, Omanush, all together. But they are a corrupted ideal. They do not aid one another; they tear down each other's house so that each may build his higher. They do not know unity; the alleged "Inquisition" proves that much. It is merely a way for the Empress to regulate what corruption she finds acceptable, and perhaps to get in on the deals herself. They have fallen from the ideals that Dejan once brought, and their idea of innovation is to reinstate an ancient tactic which never should have been abolished."

Lira Jinna's voice had been slowly building as she spoke, and now it seemed to grow, to become something more than itself. Although she did not shout, she spoke forcefully, with the conviction of a speaker who is in the right.

"Now, Dvatla has moved against the depraved Empire. They have taken a province which Avakonia had little enough right to hold, and now attempt to repair the chaos that Avakonia scarcely could. But even for all Avakonia's failings, and for all the wrongs they have done to us, they remain powerful. While Tepin may be right, they still have force of sheer numbers on their side, if nothing else. To my knowledge, Dvatla cannot stand against the coming retaliation.

But this provides a chance to make things right. Together, we can lift the fallen Imperial lands to their old heights and beyond. Together, we can truly unify Emjata, and fulfill that age-old dream. And together, we can stand against enemies near and far, great and small, those insidious and overwhelming foes which no people could face alone."

Sennu Moku shifted, producing a scroll from a case at his side. He unrolled it as the Premier spoke and placed it on the table. It was a map of known Emjata, unlabelled except for an arrow pointing north.

"Who shall fight alongside us?"

It was clearly a rhetorical question. Every Linnadi Councilor stepped forward at her words.

As the Linnadi councilors stepped forward Teppin began clapping "Congratulations Lira Jinna, I find your eloquence galvanizing. And while I would be honored to pledge our support, I must know what everyone, especially my neighbors want out of this. Not platitudes, not ideals, what do we physically plan on taking." Teppin slowly rotated head to the Whitfeather representatives. After briefly lingering on them he shifted his head to the remainder of the conclave "We of Coatl don't border Avakonia, therefore I shan't request regions from the Empire, I want preferential access to any captured markets."

Fäzlid listens politely to the Premier. Her speech was rather more idealistic than D̨vatla's intentions; the empire was merely an enemy to be broken. But if this is what was required, he would not complain. After Teppin's words he spoke up, "D̨vatla, for one, will remember who our friends are once this is done with, and repay them generously. As for what we want. The League cities and their hinterlands are ours, and we do not even consider them to have been 'taken' from from an enemy which could not even pretend to be able to hold them. We intend to push further, crossing to and seizing the peninsula at the least. We expect the Linnadi will push west to meet us, and some border ought to be negotiated. We will likely annex Perivan in time, or support our new friends in the Kingdom of [Region 13] in doing so."

I'm taking 16 and 17. I'll take Perivan if the opportunity arises (and might fluff it being taken by 13). I'd be open, in theory, to leaving it independent as a buffer state, but Fäzlid's not going to say that, instead considering it something he is willing to be negotiated down to. South of the straits I'm making no OOC claim to, and will see what happens.

2018-02-18, 03:22 PM
Setjura Confederacy

"Guilds are clans without blood, founded instead on shared abilities. We Azen, we have our families and our wider clans we're born with but what we learn to excel in over the decades fits us in our Guilds.
Some are smiths beyond compare these Master Smiths have a Guild among them. Some are like myself, experts in negotiating between our people and the rest of the world of which there are a few Merchant Guilds representing various productions created by the mountain and Azen skill. I represent the Arms Smithing Merchant Guild, for this is how it would be translated in Imperial."

"Ever since the breakthrough developed in the wake of the Occupation and the renewed fighting spirit of the region encouraged by the initial Sattyathanya declarations the Smithing Guild I do the majority of my mountain-side business with has been of great importance to the war effort. I have stood by Bram and Bram has stood by the Sattyathanya so then have the Guilds."

The short woman sighed heavily and looked into the monk's eyes intently for a moment.

"Speaking candidly and confidentially to you as a Shaman, I know the war and the destructive antics of the Sattyathanya grow wearying on Bram and there are many dissident voices from among the Guilds calling for an end of our compact. Securing a trade for your Confederacy's recent development was an avenue I hoped might help quell some of these voices and provide a new direction for our people."

The woman looked truly worn down and desperate and beside her Ragno stoically studied the shaman's face waiting for his response.

2018-02-20, 12:27 PM
Blarfargle and the Lazerites

Tassadin of Razzak Had been told whom he was to target for this event, find the Picians and make sure to show every kindness, in fact his role greatly diminished if the Picians did not arrive and so he hoped they would. When one of their number was caught in the crowds a sigh of relief entered him grateful he would not be the odd man out. Fate had brought these two nations together and they took priority and so the rather dashing dark skinned man with a mask of blue came over and brought his head down in a bow before the scaled one. He offered a greeting in the Pician tongue, taught to him by Diplomat Purbagle. All this time he had practiced and their alien tongue was still almost too foreign and even as he said them he presumed he messed it up a little. <The Republic of Khirus... greets their allies... in this foreign land... We offer the realm of Tides our arm...> He prayed that had come out right. He then looked to the translator. “I will require translations my understanding of their language is still primitive.” He then turns his attention to the Lazerite and nods though not as low. “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance we apologize if we interrupt. We had been hoping to offer our hand to you and your people as well. I could not resist saying hello.” All of this declared in imperial.

Realm of the Tides and Republic of Khirus

Pelas' eyes narrowed again but this time it seemed less in intense study but rather contemplation. After a moment of silence he smiled his toothy smile once more and leaned in towards Blarfargle.

"What of now Blar Fargle? Not much to do now it seems if you are traveling as a sideshow attraction for the idiot Sandor, no? Perhaps you will consider this; come to the Isles of Lazar with us. We are perhaps colder oceans than you know but we are of the sea in many ways like you. We wish to learn all we can and it would be an accomplishment indeed to match the Gwitnans in linguistic capability."

Before Pelas could continue his sales pitch further a stranger in a blue mask arrived, managing to warble out a somewhat impressive replication of Blarfargle's speech though sounding entirely of a different pitch than the Pician to Pelas' ear. When he turned to address Pelas and Lan the shorter lazarite whispered something rather crass in Lazarite.

"Humble greetings, this one thanks the offer of the hand but wonders to whom it belongs?" Pelas cocked his head curiously having not understood the representative's announcement of origin spoken in Pician.

Blarfargle was momentarily confused. These newcomers called his brethren their allies, even though the Picians were decisively anti-surface in all things. A lot must have happened while Blarfargle was gone. Such odd customs too, to be offering up their arm for consumption of their own free will. Unfortunately in the midst of such a large crowd of foreigners his acceptance of the gift would probably result in quite a lot of unrest so he decided to gloss over that part of his greeting. This in mind, he responded with a simple "<Hello to you too.>"

However, Pelas' offer invokes a notably cooler response. "<Sorry, but I don't necessarily wish to trade one place far from home for another which is even further. If I could travel somewhere I'd be happy to go back to Fresia...>"

Once again the translator weighs in of his own accord before translating, this time more audibly. "You're free to go whenever you know, you've already helped us in our translation efforts."*

Blarfargle was silent for a moment before responding rather agitatedly "<Then why did nobody tell me before?!>" Regaining his composure he continued. "<Sorry, no offense to you or your isles but I'd definitely rather go back to my home.>" As usual the translator relays his sentiments.

*Potato said that it's fine

2018-02-20, 03:59 PM
Fäzlid listens politely to the Premier. Her speech was rather more idealistic than D̨vatla's intentions; the empire was merely an enemy to be broken. But if this is what was required, he would not complain. After Teppin's words he spoke up, "D̨vatla, for one, will remember who our friends are once this is done with, and repay them generously. As for what we want. The League cities and their hinterlands are ours, and we do not even consider them to have been 'taken' from from an enemy which could not even pretend to be able to hold them. We intend to push further, crossing to and seizing the peninsula at the least. We expect the Linnadi will push west to meet us, and some border ought to be negotiated. We will likely annex Perivan in time, or support our new friends in the Kingdom of [Region 13] in doing so."

I'm taking 16 and 17. I'll take Perivan if the opportunity arises (and might fluff it being taken by 13). I'd be open, in theory, to leaving it independent as a buffer state, but Fäzlid's not going to say that, instead considering it something he is willing to be negotiated down to. South of the straits I'm making no OOC claim to, and will see what happens.

King Gammet, Magi Lokir and the elephant man Tightgrip were the ones who entered the conclave.
King Gammet spoke, "We in Izbefe will not sail across the sea in war, at least not yet. The empire's dog sits on our shores and must be driven off first. Fortunately they are in civil war and rebellion so their defenses will be meager. Should this reclamation of Regner succeed, Izbefe will pledge to raid and plunder the Avakonian coast to aid you who fight for its territories but we desire no land of theirs for our own. We lost enough blood when Dejan finally made it to shore so many years ago and our people is not eager to do so again. We are strongest when we are at sea and there is no reason for the Avakonians to sail out to meet us when they can simply wait in their cities and fortify themselves. Izbefe will offer it's support in what ways it can."

2018-02-20, 09:36 PM

“For a short time dwarven traders were selling gold… The price was exorbitant and I believe most of it was swallowed up in Azenhal guilds but we managed to purchase enough to forge masks for each of the consul members. As for where gold exists, its currently in the hands of the Picians… Obvious veins are rumored to exist in the realm of the tides, though we have not sent anyone to verify. We would not act against our allies in that way.” He smiles lightly and a hypnotic gaze formed on his face as their eyes met. “We are hoping for more allies in the future, people we can count on in mutual defense. The Pician people have been more understanding then we could have ever imagined.”

When mentioning the trader issue he would nod. “The south is a violent place, we have attempted peace many times but our enemies in Whitefeather and Azenhal have done all they can to Stymie the republic. Freedom for the common man frightens them so much they join forces with zealots to hold onto power… It is disheartening. Be careful or they may swallow you and yours to the east.” The elder seemed genuine in his words or at least as much as was possible from behind a mask. “Tell your people they need to expand and grow strong or they risk being devoured as well.” The mask hid his facial features but his voice sounded pained and he moved alongside the Coatl representative.

"We would be willing to offer much to your people so long as you and yours could do the same. Trade, mutual defense, technological exchange. If you provide mercenaries we are also happy to employ them, I hear that’s popular in the east.”

Blarfargle and the Lazarites

He smiles some and nods his head to Pelas, “It belongs to Tassadin of Razzak I am one of the voices of the Republic of Khirus, a diplomat who has the ability to speak on behalf of my government.” When she mentions wanting to speak the language of the Picians his mind ran through a dozen scenarios and he turned to Blarfagle, “I might have a solution, especially since my government and yours are allies and we wish to reach our hand out to the east in similar relations. I would need to corroborate with the leader of our expedition here but if it pleases you both I could go with you into Lazar and once you have been given the ability to translate. I can then use the resources of Khirus to return you to your home…” looking between the two he explained an oppurtunity for them both. “if you are trying to help your people I in turn would be honored to help you. We could both hopefully aid you and you in turn aid us. We have heard the east is specializing in mercenary work. We would be happy to purchase multiple units. I know that is one of our primary goals on this trip.” He explains.

He turns back to Blarfargle, “it will be difficult to get back to your nation safely the waters will be dangerous with war brewing and piracy increasing. What is one more year learning a new culture if you can guarantee your safety back home and bring more back to both our peoples?”

The Khirese representative rose her face covered by the black veil representing her station. “Sadly the zealots of the Sattanyaha have pushed back any plans to aid in this assault on the old doddering empire but it appears you have more than enough armies to silence the child empress or at least shrink their territories and forever keep them from threatening a revival of their ambitions. Should you need aid however the Republic is happy to offer trade in technologies with others and when we do have the ability to defend our borders from the horrors Whitefeather and Azenhal unleashed on us we will be there.”

2018-02-21, 10:32 PM
Fishing for Information

"I see." Whether Speaker Flacara believes the creature or not does not matter. The Picians are - currently - far away and not a problem for the Desert of Regner or it's inhabitants. Still, she had been hoping...

<He does not smell of lies.> Tundo sent to her mentally. <He smells confused. Though Tundo doesn't understand fish-thing, probably spoke true words. Fish-things not use slaves then?>

<Tough to say, Tundo. It could be that just this one doesn't know. Rumors say he's been away for a long time.> Realizing they have been looking at each other for a while now, Flacara apologizes for being rude by continuing to ask Blarfargle and his translator questions, "We have heard that your people's hordes are mighty warriors, yet also jealously guard that which they see as their own. Can you tell us if there are ever to be circumstances in which the Picians might understand trading some of what they have for some of what another has?"

"Or perhaps... aid in supplanting the religion that has - so rumors say - begun to cause your people to disagree with each other?"

Meeting a Goblin

This strange creature was not a lizard at all. Tundo took a moment to answer it's questions. After all, he was Aspectus, which meant - to Tundo - he was an apprentice wise lizard. He needed to do wise lizard things. Like answer questions. And think. Thinking was... actually fun for Tundo. That's why he was an Aspectus after all.

"The Dry are tribe from sands of Regner. Far to west. Big tribe. Many Harentse. Humans. Oamenii. We used to fight. Now we fight together. Regno is... new chief? New ally tribe? Tundo still not sure. Regno is friend. THAT Tundo is sure. They like big thoughts. Tundo learn. Tundo remember. And yes. Regno have many things to sell, but they always want to buy big thoughts. Does laughing creature have big thoughts?"

If I stop responding due to IRL, then I am assuming this is where we discuss and trade techs.


Fäzlid approaches, with his various companions following closely behind, too curious for it to occur to him to be annoyed at being summoned. He listens attentively, then reaches out to take one of the scrolls. "Excellent. Many back home have been eagerly awaiting word of your progress. This should keep them happy, and busy, for some time, I would think. As for an 'exchange,' no doubt much of what we have learned has already filtered back west with the Iadeshians (and quite a lot came from them to begin with anyway), but we would be pleased to send some of our experienced riders to share the finer points of what we have learned, and what we will continue to learn in the battles to come."

"Excellent. I have but one more thing, then, before we enter the Conclave..." Heir Tutum nods towards the King of Izbefe, before looking at Fäzlid again. "Regno and Izbefe have an alliance already. It's a formal agreement to remain friends, and make every effort to maintain peace in Regner; at least among our peoples. King Balder Gammet and Grand Magus Viclean worked this out decades ago. With his majesty's permission, and with the full support of the Grand Magus already, I'd like to offer a similar agreement to D̨vatla. Regardless of the outcome of the Conclave, if we three ally ourselves together, we can at least hope to maintain order in Regner. This would, at most, be a defensive pact. But one that is seperate - and hopefully more lasting - than anything that happens in there."

Tutum eyed the door to the Conclave with trepidation, knowing what it meant for Regno. For Iadesh. For newly accepted Jherki. For all of Emjata. With that in mind, he pulled out another scroll, and unraveled it for both King Balder Gammet and Prince Fäzlid to read. "You are both, of course, free to suggest alterations or addendums."

- All facets of the previous Agreement between Regno and Izbefe still stand.
- This defensive pact stipulates the addition of D̨vatla as a recognized nation in good standing, and together, the three signing nations will work together towards peace amongst themselves. None will act aggressively towards the other without sufficient cause and attempting diplomatic avenues first.
- When attacked, one of the three signatory nations may ask for defensive aid, and the other two will make efforts to assist however possible.
- Where possible, trade between the three nations will be given preference and support from any other signatory.


Selenity the diplomat of the Basins had her own targets, she had to find the Azenhal delegates and Regno had to be greeted. A rather important decision had been made by Khirus and voted on by the senate now it meant catching their attention. Their delegation was easy to spot as they wore a perfect white... Her own vibrant blue gown and blue mask stood out almost as much and so she approached bowing her head to the delegation and speaks up. “My name is Selenity I am one of the representatives of the voice of the republic I come with a message and look to speak with whoever leads your delegation.” She says all of this while keeping her head low. Her voice was soft and upbeat and her eyes were kind. If there were those magically inclined, there was no dark aura around this girl. She appeared very much human.

"With regret, Lady Selenity," A red-headed Oamenii woman in fine white silk stated, "Heir Tutum is otherwise occupied. I am Speaker Flacara of Family Nisip, from Jherki. Might I assist you in his stead? You are from... Khirus, correct?"

Heir Tutum listened to the others, and also to the two other voices in his head; specifically, Hortense Flax and Captain Vaz. The captain was an experienced fighter, dealing with many issues both in Regno and Iadesh. Hortense Flax, on the other hand, was one of the most cautious humans that Tutum Sortis had ever met. Likely due to his time spent as a Defender of the Dry. The Defenders had not yet been formally merged with the Legionnaires, so Flax was technically outranked by the Captain. However, Tutum still valued his views, and after a moment of listening to the two of them bicker in their minds, made a decision.

<Enough. We'll do what the Grand Magus said we should. It's still the best solution.> Tutum rose and coughed politely to get the attention of the other delegates, before speaking aloud.

"Regno, Iadesh, and Jherki - collectively calling ourselves the Desert of Regner at the moment - will not make any strong attacks on Avakonian soil. We refuse to commit troops and manpower to foreign shores... but that does not mean that we are not in support of what this Conclave was called together for. Instead, the Desert regions offer the following: defense of our neighboring nations, Izbefe and D̨vatla, so that their more powerful militaries can act more freely, should they wish. Additionally, our merchants have found many... interesting items in Empire lands. We look forward to using the chaos created to make legitimate purchases. It will be a shame that those purchases are likely to deprive the Empire of food and materials for their own armies." Tutum smirked, so that all could see that he really didn't think it was that much of a shame. "We will also begin to encroach upon the illogical nature of the so called faith of Dejanism. With help - and assurances - from our friends from Coatl, we can perhaps spread a more right-minded way of thinking that does not revere a long dead conqueror."

"This, however, will mean sending Magi into a region of Emjata that is not only uncomfortable for them, but actively hostile. As such, while the Desert of Regner will forgo any claims on Avakonian territories, our aid comes with the following price: the destruction of anything anti-magical. This is the advantage that Dejan the Conqueror had over many of us, and it will remain the Empire's advantage if we don't remove it from their grasp. Initia wants the freedom to practice our magic unabated and without fear of a tyrannical suppressor of knowledge and arcane might."

"If that is suitable, I am empowered by the Three Towers to - formally - make agreements with any members of this conclave to only send Speakers and Magi to your lands should there be a request for them; and not before." Tutum took a careful moment to view Coatl's delegates, knowing that their support in this would be key. Glen Gwitna had recently suffered at the hands of the Amham Federation's more... aggressive faithful, so securing such an agreement was a priority for Tutum. "So long, of course, as practitioners of other faiths are amenable and willing to make similar agreements in regards to those of us here."

Regno wants anti-magic gone. As much anti-magic gone as possible. I'll spend E5(s) to make resources change, if the region owners will let me.

Additionally, I want a formal agreement between Initia and Coatl Perijanism that there won't be any encroachment of faiths on PC territories without an invitation first. And any other faith-leaders that are here at the Conclave. NPC territories are fine. This agreement would also be a way to fluff a targeted 'cultural' assault on the Empire.

2018-02-21, 10:49 PM

“For a short time dwarven traders were selling gold… The price was exorbitant and I believe most of it was swallowed up in Azenhal guilds but we managed to purchase enough to forge masks for each of the consul members. As for where gold exists, its currently in the hands of the Picians… Obvious veins are rumored to exist in the realm of the tides, though we have not sent anyone to verify. We would not act against our allies in that way.” He smiles lightly and a hypnotic gaze formed on his face as their eyes met. “We are hoping for more allies in the future, people we can count on in mutual defense. The Pician people have been more understanding then we could have ever imagined.”

When mentioning the trader issue he would nod. “The south is a violent place, we have attempted peace many times but our enemies in Whitefeather and Azenhal have done all they can to Stymie the republic. Freedom for the common man frightens them so much they join forces with zealots to hold onto power… It is disheartening. Be careful or they may swallow you and yours to the east.” The elder seemed genuine in his words or at least as much as was possible from behind a mask. “Tell your people they need to expand and grow strong or they risk being devoured as well.” The mask hid his facial features but his voice sounded pained and he moved alongside the Coatl representative.

"We would be willing to offer much to your people so long as you and yours could do the same. Trade, mutual defense, technological exchange. If you provide mercenaries we are also happy to employ them, I hear that’s popular in the east.”

Chalchiuitl frowned "Its a shame, I've heard of the legendary gold mines of the sunken city, but with the Picians there I guess its simply not meant to be." She narrowed in on the mans eyes, cultural custom or not she had trouble trusting a man whose face was un-readable.

At the mention of the Whitefeather and Azenhal her face glowed with excitement. "Those dwarfs are a tricky lot, I'll admit that much, I even admire their ferocity in the marketplace. But, joining the ever growing Whitefeather was a mistake. I understand why they did it, hell I'd have done the same under those circumstances, but its a mistake none the lest. Worse still the Lacians have all but cut us off the rest of Palmor. We don't wish the Empire to be replaced by another...much closer one."

She leaned in attempting to get a better look at his face "Perhaps we could provide some support on that front, a fair few Magi can strech an armies food supplies for months."


2018-02-22, 05:06 PM
"Excellent. I have but one more thing, then, before we enter the Conclave..." Heir Tutum nods towards the King of Izbefe, before looking at Fäzlid again. "Regno and Izbefe have an alliance already. It's a formal agreement to remain friends, and make every effort to maintain peace in Regner; at least among our peoples. King Balder Gammet and Grand Magus Viclean worked this out decades ago. With his majesty's permission, and with the full support of the Grand Magus already, I'd like to offer a similar agreement to D̨vatla. Regardless of the outcome of the Conclave, if we three ally ourselves together, we can at least hope to maintain order in Regner. This would, at most, be a defensive pact. But one that is seperate - and hopefully more lasting - than anything that happens in there."

Tutum eyed the door to the Conclave with trepidation, knowing what it meant for Regno. For Iadesh. For newly accepted Jherki. For all of Emjata. With that in mind, he pulled out another scroll, and unraveled it for both King Balder Gammet and Prince Fäzlid to read. "You are both, of course, free to suggest alterations or addendums."

- All facets of the previous Agreement between Regno and Izbefe still stand.
- This defensive pact stipulates the addition of D̨vatla as a recognized nation in good standing, and together, the three signing nations will work together towards peace amongst themselves. None will act aggressively towards the other without sufficient cause and attempting diplomatic avenues first.
- When attacked, one of the three signatory nations may ask for defensive aid, and the other two will make efforts to assist however possible.
- Where possible, trade between the three nations will be given preference and support from any other signatory.

"Sadly, this would go beyond my authority to accept here. I can say, though, that were I able to do so I would agree to such a treaty, and I would be entirely confident that my actions would be met with approval back home. If you wished to stop in D̨vatla on your way home, you would be more than welcome and could propose your pact to the king in person. And if you are eager to return home and cannot meet the king yourself, I will, of course, see to it that he hears of your proposal."

[[OOC I agree]]

2018-02-22, 06:04 PM

“Yes… Well specifically I am from the Basins but we are all part of the Republic unified under the ideals of the Republic for all under their banner and the spreading of such ideals as best we can.” Selenity explained.

The young woman in her blue mask pulled a large scroll off her back wrapped in what appeared to be some sort of light leather and from there she brought the large treatise to bare before the Regno officials. Beautifully hand written, two almost perfect copies exist the only difference being that they were hand written and so indicative of the imperfections there in. Looking to them she would nod. “This is a treaty we are hoping our nations can share together. It would ensure mutual friendship regardless of alliances we make outside our own so a Khirese and Regnan must never bare weapons on one another.”

The Obsidian Sands Treaty
This treaty would represent a binding friendship between our two nations, moving forward into the future together.

Article I
Violence between the Republic of Khirus and those whom fly Regnan Banners will be unilaterally banned. In the event that combat cannot be avoided, all forms of diplomatic resolution must be made first, even going so far as to attempt to mediate between conflicting allies.

Article II
Citizens will be granted full migration rights, allowed to move between Khirus and Regno freely. This will allow for greater diversity and deeper understanding of the nations cultures to form between our nations.

Article III
Khirus will open their doors to the conversion of Abhidi temples ensuring the protection of [Initia] institutions. Protection for all [Initiates] will be assured by the military of the Republic. The Three Towers of Regno will not support any Learning Centers created in the Republic without first receiving Khirus approval

Article IV
Technology will be traded, exchanged and granted as the two nations deem acceptable, allowing for further prosperity of both nations.

Article V
Trade between nations will be actively supported when mutually agreed to; both nations will aid one another’s acquisitions where possible.

Article VI
An embassy will be established in the capital of Regno for the Republic of Khirus Selenity of the Basins along with an appropriate guard and household for herself will be kept in Regnos protection.

Article VII
All current and future holdings that willingly fly the flag of these two nations will be seen as members of good standing of both Regno and Khirus, respective of the flags they fly. These regions will be expected to adhere to this treaty.

(Below the signature of the chancellor would look very similar to the rest of the treaties writings Next to him is an empty line for the ruler of Regno. Below his name waits two more lines one for the diplomats. )


"We would be happy to accept such a gift. We will keep the Whitefeather and Azenhal in check in the south... I am more concerned about the East you have too much open lands available. You will inevitably have to work to keep them contain yourself."

He offered his hand. "We would be more then willing to begin forging binds of friendship."

2018-02-22, 07:34 PM
Ti Linnad
Kodora stayed behind to discuss with Jannellai as the other two went ahead. "Our Confederacy was able to quell the civil war in Wasipacha and is now beginning the reconstruction of the region", he said with pride. The victory had won him recognition back home, perhaps it could do so for the confederacy abroad. "Unfortunately other conflicts still rage around us. What are the latest news in Inyaka?"
"What a novel idea. Far different from anything we have, if I understood corrrectly", Taigon stated enthusiastically. He was very interested in the concept of these guilds, but the second part of the dwarf woman's speech demanded his attention more. He had heard a lot about Azenhal's plight and wanted to help in alleviating it, if it was in his power to do so. "I can't decide such a thing alone, but if you can offer something that would interest the Confederacy in return arranging such an exchange should be a trivial matter." He then sent one of his bodyguards to Kodora to inform the lizard of this development.
For a moment, the goblin looked once again like it was deep in thought, although it was doubtful how hard he actually concentrated on what he'd just heard. A clap of his hands marked the end of the relative silence. "So you some kind of sand people? And really love fighting? Zehaha! Big thoughts? I can think of a big swamp, a big house, a big tree, big teeth, a big stick... ... did you mean ideas? We have those too! Good ideas, for making glue! Lots and good, good and lots glue! Glue something Regno would want?"

2018-02-23, 01:50 AM
"I must say that I am not personally overfond of young Sandor, for a multitude of reasons. I knew his father in his youth, and from what I have heard, young Ilrasu has never been a religious man. Although I fervently hope that my gut is not accurate, the instincts of the bear spirit I was blessed with are telling me that the young Sandor is primarily concerned with his own dominance and fame. In short, I suspect that his government takeover and his popularity with the more violent elements of my flock may be just another self-interested stunt."

Here Garydur turned to look over his shoulder, remembering that there might be others listening. Seeing nothing but the glares of the Lazarites, he continued.

"As for the... exceptional enthusiasm of many of the new faithful, I do not know what caused this. I am an old man, and although I would still gladly give my life to protect knowledge of the spirit traditions I no longer quite understand the kind of fire that can burn in a youthful heart. There are many who could have imparted such anger and passion into our youth. They may simply be imitating the Sattyathanyan revolts of the south, they could have been initially driven to frenzy by the rhetoric of the old Pirate Ferreth, just waiting for a higher and more inspiring cause than personal wealth, or it could be due to some other cause. My hope is that my flock can hold onto our position in the sanctified caverns for long enough that age and the guidance of the spirits shall temper their zeal with wisdom."

"I hope you are correct." Yu Yijin answered. It was at least an offering. "We shall do our best to assist this effort."

Atl adjusted his posture to a more relaxed position " Relax duke I'm sure you can peacefully negotiate a settlement. So long as you don't interfere with the rightful restoration of Lord Ferath, I'm sure everything will be fine. While many have been caught off guard by the Abhidi uprisings I can assure you than I am an honorable man." Atl winked at the Duke, in an awkward attempt to reassure him.

Seok seethed silently at this patronizing answer. He had been calm. Forthright, certainly, but he was absolutely in control of his voice and motion. Far more so than this man was able to maintain. He gripped hard on the regulation of the self now. "I have no interest in the internal politics of Gwitna, only in their treatment of others. Especially those who are not raised into the martial world. My people are my responsibility, and now some among them labor in bondage to masters in a foreign land, seized while engaged in peaceful trade. To us, a life may be placed in servitude only in recompense for a severe crime, so this treatment is particularly abhorrent. I must ask, is the Theocracy willing to condemn piracy in all forms and by all sponsors? You have influence in the east. With such support I believe an agreement could be made between many of the parties in attendance."

2018-02-23, 05:43 PM
Ti Linnad
Kodora stayed behind to discuss with Jannellai as the other two went ahead. "Our Confederacy was able to quell the civil war in Wasipacha and is now beginning the reconstruction of the region", he said with pride. The victory had won him recognition back home, perhaps it could do so for the confederacy abroad. "Unfortunately other conflicts still rage around us. What are the latest news in Inyaka?"

"Ah, I congratulate you. To bring unity to a land so far fallen to chaos, that is admirable indeed," Jannellai replied. "As for us, the news of note has been ominous: civil war in Glen Gwitna, Dvatla's seizure of the League... but there has been good news as well. The marvelous Statue Gardens, for example," she chuckled.

"Although that reminds me: several decades ago, rumors were heard that great statues labelled 'Destroyer' had been found within the jungles of Wasipacha. Do you happen to know anything of these? Some of our priests believe them significant, and I myself find them intriguing."

Referring to the Tales of Waglichinaku, the Destroyer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22418144&postcount=15) which Catticus wrote up.

The Conclave - to everyone present (Specific portion for Reggie)

"A logical demand, Teppin. The current Council plans to annex [Region 18], then push southwards along the peninsula. Together with Dvatla, we should be easily able to reach Avakon. It will be there that we shall face our hardest challenge."

"Now, we are all agreed that, in our own ways, with the resources and goals which we are granted, we shall ally against the Avakonian Empire. Let the alliance forged in secret be recorded for eternity, and revealed for all who care to see. General, if you please...."

Sennu Moku took another, much larger scroll from the Councilors. Unrolling it, he placed it upon the table, stretching it from the Premier's seat at the head three-quarters of the way to the end. Across the top was written

The Treaty of the Statue Gardens

in Linnadi and Old Imperial; below this heading, three terms followed.

In Summary:
The undersigned, on behalf of their represented states, agree:
To oppose the Avakonian Empire, to each state's maximum;
To protect the fellow signatories, whether from Avakonia or its vassals, to each state's maximum;
And to honor and respect the desires of the fellow signatories, in respect to the compensation and shares of gains requested, as described below.

Below this was the detailed text of the treaty, with a large blank area at the bottom.

"Here is our first draft of the Treaty of the Gardens. Before this meeting ends, we will have put our signatures and seals to the paper," he said. "The treaty will also contain our stipulated rewards."

The Premier turned to Larsin.

"As the representative of the Black Company, you are here to hear our goals and strategy. Your soldiers' support will be vital for the coming battles. Do you still extend your offer?" Her tone made it clear that this was a rhetorical question. "If so, Ti Linnad will be glad to fight alongside you."

2018-02-23, 08:06 PM
Tepin was flattered by the display, it was awhile since he was shown any type of reverence, especially by his partners, attempting to use he most imperious voice h "Rise Lazarite, we are most grateful you have seen the way. Do you request a boon!"

"If you offer it Elder of Flame, yesss! Please, come join usss upon the continent our isles look on. The shamans of Jalyeong-bo are wicked and deeply tie themselves to these lands to protect their foreign brothersss from Amham as they take what they have no right to. The great wisssdom of the Theocracy would doubtless turn many to the way!"

Plz hlp convert Region 27


Fäzlid grimaces and shakes his head. "Hiring foreign mercenaries merely to protect our mines is unlikely to appeal to any back home, much less selling the mines themselves. It seems your offer is that we sell you copper mines, and the price we receive in payment is that you protect the mines you have purchased. I would have to be beyond a fool to accept such terms. But war is coming, and war always brings more war as the vultures gather. If your offer is mercenaries, then a place could be found for them. Somewhere where they can be put to better use than sitting around scaring away petty bandits. If you desire copper, then payments in copper could be arranged."

OOC deal is acceptable

"Ah of courssse, our mercenaries pay their duesss. Their role as protectorsss of our mines would naturally be as your kingdom saw fit. This will occur only onssse we cease to speak hypothetical, we are agreed yesss?"

Blarfargle and the Lazarites

He smiles some and nods his head to Pelas, “It belongs to Tassadin of Razzak I am one of the voices of the Republic of Khirus, a diplomat who has the ability to speak on behalf of my government.” When she mentions wanting to speak the language of the Picians his mind ran through a dozen scenarios and he turned to Blarfagle, “I might have a solution, especially since my government and yours are allies and we wish to reach our hand out to the east in similar relations. I would need to corroborate with the leader of our expedition here but if it pleases you both I could go with you into Lazar and once you have been given the ability to translate. I can then use the resources of Khirus to return you to your home…” looking between the two he explained an oppurtunity for them both. “if you are trying to help your people I in turn would be honored to help you. We could both hopefully aid you and you in turn aid us. We have heard the east is specializing in mercenary work. We would be happy to purchase multiple units. I know that is one of our primary goals on this trip.” He explains.

He turns back to Blarfargle, “it will be difficult to get back to your nation safely the waters will be dangerous with war brewing and piracy increasing. What is one more year learning a new culture if you can guarantee your safety back home and bring more back to both our peoples?”

The Khirese representative rose her face covered by the black veil representing her station. “Sadly the zealots of the Sattanyaha have pushed back any plans to aid in this assault on the old doddering empire but it appears you have more than enough armies to silence the child empress or at least shrink their territories and forever keep them from threatening a revival of their ambitions. Should you need aid however the Republic is happy to offer trade in technologies with others and when we do have the ability to defend our borders from the horrors Whitefeather and Azenhal unleashed on us we will be there.”

"Perhaps we may learn from the Gwitnans. If Blar Fargle wishes to return to his homeland and you have the means and inclination I should be pleased to give such a journey my blessing rather than drag it down with unfulfilled obligation. Home is where the heart is," the lazarite touched his chest while his smaller companion looked up and her noseless face seemed to wrinkle ever so slightly and her eyes turned upwards with what might have been disgust.

"Tassadin of Razzak, from the Republic of Khirus," he turned to address the masked man, "We have heard only rumors but they speak of much war made on many but in the name of what this one wonders? This one cannot speak for the Kiin Palesh Bor, so mercenaries I cannot speak to though I do not think I have heard much talk of your realm among those I know. The Commander of the Black Company, he is a shrewd mind, yes? He seeks a great profit from his contracts, more than merely material price, yes?"

"We do not know Khirus well, for what does it make so much war? Then we may know if the Kiin Palesh Bor may help you."

The Conclave - to everyone present (Specific portion for Reggie)

"A logical demand, Teppin. The current Council plans to annex [Region 18], then push southwards along the peninsula. Together with Dvatla, we should be easily able to reach Avakon. It will be there that we shall face our hardest challenge."

"Now, we are all agreed that, in our own ways, with the resources and goals which we are granted, we shall ally against the Avakonian Empire. Let the alliance forged in secret be recorded for eternity, and revealed for all who care to see. General, if you please...."

Sennu Moku took another, much larger scroll from the Councilors. Unrolling it, he placed it upon the table, stretching it from the Premier's seat at the head three-quarters of the way to the end. Across the top was written

The Treaty of the Statue Gardens

in Linnadi and Old Imperial; below this heading, three terms followed.

In Summary:
The undersigned, on behalf of their represented states, agree:
To oppose the Avakonian Empire, to each state's maximum;
To protect the fellow signatories, whether from Avakonia or its vassals, to each state's maximum;
And to honor and respect the desires of the fellow signatories, in respect to the compensation and shares of gains requested, as described below.

Below this was the detailed text of the treaty, with a large blank area at the bottom.

"Here is our first draft of the Treaty of the Gardens. Before this meeting ends, we will have put our signatures and seals to the paper," he said. "The treaty will also contain our stipulated rewards."

The Premier turned to Larsin.

"As the representative of the Black Company, you are here to hear our goals and strategy. Your soldiers' support will be vital for the coming battles. Do you still extend your offer?" Her tone made it clear that this was a rhetorical question. "If so, Ti Linnad will be glad to fight alongside you."

Larsin nodded slowly as he glanced again around the room. He stepped towards the Premier and raised his hand over his heart.

"A portion of our company shall be reserved to serve Ti Linnad. Further, the Firethorn lapdogs of the Empire have intruded upon the Isles seeking contracts with our rivals. We know they cannot pay their debts. They will soon be evicted, crippling Avakonia's greatest vassal who so relies on foreign labor."

To be clear, I'm not offering actual units at the moment because getting 2 ready and sending them to Dvatla when they take 13 is already my next few military actions but I am offering to endorse Ti Linnad buyout of TP 2 in the Isles of Lazar. I'm also going to Buyout the Firethorn Regiment next round and that's going to take away their Required Resource.

2018-02-23, 08:52 PM
Suicide Sandor listened with what appeared to be boredom as the Linnadi presented their treaty. When they were done presenting, he cleared his throat, slowly plonked his feet down from the table onto the floor, stood up, and spoke to the assembled delegates.

"Now, don't get me wrong, you guys are a great crowd, but I'm not about to sign something that binds me to defend any one of the fine fellas in this room. I'm a free spirit, I am going to go where I like and fight who I want to fight. Frankly, I have my doubts that even my old boy Ferreth would agree to something like this unless he was intending to exploit one of the many holes in the agreement."

He then turned and looked specifically at Sennu Moko, and said "You're going to have to do better than that, kiddo."

2018-02-23, 11:40 PM

The stunning male creature behind the mask of blue heard the words of the Lazarite and considered them in silence. Why were they at war? There was really no need to disguise it, despite the dark and unsettling nature bestowed on the masters of the Republic they had not done much deemed indefensible when it came to war. "Our first wars were defending against Azenhal... The Republic is not a kingdom and does not have traditional "De Jure" rights on nations and so only the desire for democratic freedoms and removing kings by force allowed the expansion of the Republic. However when we were on the verge of peace the Sattanyaha rebels rose up... We have fought endless wars against those dogs and their masters the dwarves of Azenhal. So it is to remove religious zealots and secure our kingdom from their defiling force."

When she shifted to payment he thought only a short time. "We would allow Coatl temples to cut into Abhidi places of faith and would offer your holy locations military protection. We would also be willing to aid your nation in gaining prime trade routes if you can send us troops. We currently face enemies on all sides."

Khirus would be willing to let the Lazarites convert a temple in the name of Coatl religion or help them in taking a trading post. I would also be willing to exchange technologies. If you have anything you wish to trade in.

2018-02-24, 01:57 PM

The stunning male creature behind the mask of blue heard the words of the Lazarite and considered them in silence. Why were they at war? There was really no need to disguise it, despite the dark and unsettling nature bestowed on the masters of the Republic they had not done much deemed indefensible when it came to war. "Our first wars were defending against Azenhal... The Republic is not a kingdom and does not have traditional "De Jure" rights on nations and so only the desire for democratic freedoms and removing kings by force allowed the expansion of the Republic. However when we were on the verge of peace the Sattanyaha rebels rose up... We have fought endless wars against those dogs and their masters the dwarves of Azenhal. So it is to remove religious zealots and secure our kingdom from their defiling force."

When she shifted to payment he thought only a short time. "We would allow Coatl temples to cut into Abhidi places of faith and would offer your holy locations military protection. We would also be willing to aid your nation in gaining prime trade routes if you can send us troops. We currently face enemies on all sides."

Khirus would be willing to let the Lazarites convert a temple in the name of Coatl religion or help them in taking a trading post. I would also be willing to exchange technologies. If you have anything you wish to trade in.

The green scaled lazarite looked the man up and down before shaking his head side to side, "No, there are many that call the lazarites zealous, yes? You speak of your land's great holy sites as if they are trifles tradable and exchanged whenever inconveniently occupied. These promises to Coatl Perijanism, would they not be so soon revoked if those who lead your Republic found Xincoatl troublesome?"

"The Kiin Sareteh eagerly deal with those who share our brotherhood in faith: Lord Ferreth of Glen Gwitna, the Premier of Ti Linnad, and of course holy Tenoch of Coatl itself. Perhaps we might find true allies of Xincoatl in Khirus worthy of our blood or perhaps your offer is grander than it seems but to pay twice into your Republic while receiving nothing seems to offer little gain to this one's mind, no?"

2018-02-24, 05:23 PM
Suicide Sandor listened with what appeared to be boredom as the Linnadi presented their treaty. When they were done presenting, he cleared his throat, slowly plonked his feet down from the table onto the floor, stood up, and spoke to the assembled delegates.

"Now, don't get me wrong, you guys are a great crowd, but I'm not about to sign something that binds me to defend any one of the fine fellas in this room. I'm a free spirit, I am going to go where I like and fight who I want to fight. Frankly, I have my doubts that even my old boy Ferreth would agree to something like this unless he was intending to exploit one of the many holes in the agreement."

He then turned and looked specifically at Sennu Moko, and said "You're going to have to do better than that, kiddo."

"A free spirit, indeed." Sennu Moku turned to meet Sandor's gaze and unclasped his hands.

"I thought you might have some tactical genius at your disposal, or perhaps I was merely led to believe that by what I heard of your coup," he began, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "In either case, for the sake of everyone in this room and all of our plans, I hope you have realized that, against the might of the Empire, the best way to aid in defense is to force them to deploy some of their soldiers elsewhere, reducing their attack. Perhaps - just an idea - that might be accomplished by multiple attacks against them at once? The very thing that we are here in this room to do, whether as an invasion, a seizure of trade, or the taking of holy sites?"

The thud of his fist pounding into the table reverberated throughout the room. The guards in the corners straightened up, more alert than they had been before. The Premier coughed quietly, and Moku relaxed some of his aggressive stance, but continued forcefully.

"If you have not seen that, then either your absurd headgear has made you blind, or else you have no intention of aiding us. I notice you have not disclosed Gwitna's plans, nor what you hope to gain. Enlighten us, 'kiddo.'"

It was not a question.

Larsin nodded slowly as he glanced again around the room. He stepped towards the Premier and raised his hand over his heart.

"A portion of our company shall be reserved to serve Ti Linnad. Further, the Firethorn lapdogs of the Empire have intruded upon the Isles seeking contracts with our rivals. We know they cannot pay their debts. They will soon be evicted, crippling Avakonia's greatest vassal who so relies on foreign labor."

To be clear, I'm not offering actual units at the moment because getting 2 ready and sending them to Dvatla when they take 13 is already my next few military actions but I am offering to endorse Ti Linnad buyout of TP 2 in the Isles of Lazar. I'm also going to Buyout the Firethorn Regiment next round and that's going to take away their Required Resource.

"Good," the Premier answered. She saluted and recited an old couplet meant to seal a pact.

"Let us prosper in unity and embrace our destiny,
heedless of the chaos of the world."

Sounds good. Hopefully I'll have an action open to do that buyout next round.

2018-02-24, 08:03 PM
"Ah of courssse, our mercenaries pay their duesss. Their role as protectorsss of our mines would naturally be as your kingdom saw fit. This will occur only onssse we cease to speak hypothetical, we are agreed yesss?"

Fäzlid sighs, "'Protectors of our mines,' is not something we agree to. We are willing agree to a contract to hire mercenaries with payments made in copper, though naturally precise terms will still need to be negotiated. It will, however, be our responsibility to acquire and supply the copper; we are not in the business of selling copper mines themselves. Our offer is simply copper for mercenaries. Ownership of the mines themselves is not on the table."

2018-02-25, 04:03 AM
So, he wants to challenge my moxie, does he? Ilrasu thought to himself, I'd better put on a good show.

Sandor's expression was made difficult to read by the dark lenses of obsidian glass obscuring his eyes, but his mouth formed a smile. Whether his eyes were in it or not was anyone's guess. "If your plan involves a war of distraction, then you may prepare to be amazed and astounded by what I've got cooked up." Here he paused for effect. "I will fight the empress on her homiest of home soils: Avakonia itself." Still smiling, he peeled the visor off his face with a flourish and looked the Pyliar general in the eyes. "Will that be enough of a diversion, do you think?"