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Trey Bright
2018-02-14, 12:10 PM
What is the craziest thing you've done with a warforged character? What's "allowed" to do with a warforged? Has anyone ever taken Troll Blooded as a warforged? Or other crazy things like that? How did you do it?

2018-02-14, 12:30 PM
Well, so far... I've done Rocket Punch! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22675127&postcount=40) But Gazebo Jones (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=9823824) (courtesy of Akal Saris) certainly deserves a mention.

2018-02-14, 01:57 PM
Warforged Pouncing Barbarian, I know it's fairly well known but it is STUPID good.

Red Fel
2018-02-14, 02:50 PM
Warforged Warlock.

You are a flying laser-shooting robot. More accurately: You are a Gundam.


Then add Dragonborn. You are now this Gundam.


Is it optimized? Not tremendously. I mean, not any moreso than Warforged is normally. Dragonborn Warforged is a great pair, because a Dragonborn Warforged still benefits from the Living Construct subtype, which is where Warforged gets a lot of its coolness.

But is it cool?


You tell me.

2018-02-14, 08:28 PM
I've built a troll blooded warforged barbarian juggernaut.. that was interesting. Only taking any damage for fire or acid. I built him as a charging smasher. It was years ago though so I can't really remember all the details.

2018-02-14, 10:48 PM
I can't take credit for it, but my sister once played a Warforged named Brad the Bard. For the cost of a feat, he was built as a one-man-band, effectively being his own instrument. He also unfurled a scroll and introduced himself to literally every new person he met, reading the entirety of the scroll once the "new meeting" protocol had been engaged, but that's something you could do with any character.

Uncle Pine
2018-02-15, 03:02 AM
I once built an Otherwordly divine minion of Nephthys (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mb/20050209a) warforged barbarian with the Mithral Body feat to fulfill a request of one of my players to play an Egyptian Transformer (constrictor snake, crocodile, hawk and human forms). The catch? It was a 2nd-level party.

2018-02-15, 07:46 AM
Half Red Dragon warforged Dragonfire Adept with the Maug Rollers graft and a high bonus to Autohypnosis. (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=420866)

From the waist down, he was a set of tank treads. From the waste up, he was a half dragon robot (half dragon simply requires a Living creature as a base, and warforged are Living constructs). He then had a completely eidetic memory thanks to autohypnosis, and absurdly high knowledge skills. He was a mobile library that doubled as an airborne flamethrower tank.

2018-02-15, 07:50 AM
Warforged Warlock.

You are a flying laser-shooting robot. More accurately: You are a Gundam.


Then add Dragonborn. You are now this Gundam.


Is it optimized? Not tremendously. I mean, not any moreso than Warforged is normally. Dragonborn Warforged is a great pair, because a Dragonborn Warforged still benefits from the Living Construct subtype, which is where Warforged gets a lot of its coolness.

But is it cool?


You tell me.

This. Just remember that to be a non-naked Gundam you need to spend a feat to get your Armor back ^^

But the most crazy one?

Half-celestial Dragonborn Warforged Paladin (not optimized, but really really cool^^).

2018-02-15, 09:18 AM
I played a warforged DFA who was fluffed as being a (competent) ripoff of Inspector Gadget. Zero draconic flavor. It was all gadgets.

His basic blast (with Entangling applied, as always) was “Go Go Gadget Hot Glue Cannon,” for example. The one that did sonic damage was a giant set of speakers that popped out of his chest. And so on. I treated my magic items the same way (made as many into components as possible, too, just because). I recall that I referred to my Third Eye Sense (I think that’s the name—it’s the one that lets you use the Clairvoyant Sense power) as “Go Go Gadget Google Maps Street View.” It was funny at the time, at least.

Mechanically, he was a reasonably typical mid/high-level DFA. Lots of good battlefield control. He was my first character who survived on miss chances and on unreasonably high HP rather than on AC (or on avoiding being targeted). Highlights I recall included the time he killed a wounded enemy by dispelling that enemy’s CON-augmenting spell and the time he got the GM to reconsider the CWar-style “you must continuously qualify for your PrC” rule by debuffing the DEX of an enemy Tempest until they no longer qualified for one of the prereq feats and the GM then had to recalculate what said enemy was capable of without those Tempest levels.

When I retired the character, I had the GM briefly introduce someone who was basically Carmen Sandiego just long enough for the good Inspector to chase her off into the sunset, trying to bring her to justice. Because late 80s / early 90s children’s TV, that’s why.

2018-02-15, 10:17 AM
What is the craziest thing you've done with a warforged character? What's "allowed" to do with a warforged? Has anyone ever taken Troll Blooded as a warforged? Or other crazy things like that? How did you do it?

Yup. HP-damage immunity at level 1.

2018-02-15, 10:29 AM
I made a Dragonborn of Behemoth
Warforged, Draconic, Half Dragon Crusader serving Behemoth. LV ~15.

He was the one his Dragon Creator consider as his son and made him more dragon as time pass.

(He started as my PC at the time I was on a break from DMing and now he is a NPC).

He is the Warforged Crops Commander and the General of the plan defence force(The Dragons rule the rulers in my world without nobody knowing about it).

He is The Adamantine Dragon.

2018-02-15, 10:42 AM
I made an Unarmored Warforged that leveled as a Magitech Templar (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?176276-3-5-Magitech-Templar-Iron-Man) once. The TL;DR of that class is that it gains a special suit of armor that improves and even becomes intelligent.

Fluffed it as a Warforged veteran of the last war that handled a Warforged Juggernaught. The Juggernaught was eventually destroyed in the war, the the warforged salvaged it and revived it as he could, and it became the intelligence in his armor. Thought it was neat.

2018-02-15, 10:55 AM
Yup. HP-damage immunity at level 1.
Warforged are not immune to nonlethal damage.

Fouredged Sword
2018-02-15, 11:02 AM
I once rolled a character for a western themed game. It was e6 and he was a sorcerer / monk / fighter who focused on mighty wallop punches with a battle fist. He got up to something like 32d6 damage with beaststrike. He was named Blue.

He came from the town of Rockem, worked the mines as a digger. One day the town was attacked by bandits. The town sherif died in his arms. With his last breath he passed on the tin star. That day he took up his fist for justice.

Yes, I played a wild west rockem sockem robot. So many problems can be solved with punching.

2018-02-15, 11:22 AM
Warforged Souleater from Book of Vile Darkness. Warforged just so easily qualify compared to many other PCs, and since he was immune to energy drain the wights that followed him could almost be considered pets. Almost.

2018-02-15, 11:51 AM
Tomb Tainted Soul works well for a Warforged to get around that pesky healing problem. With that feat, you'll receive full healing from inflict spells and take half damage from cure spells. It's win/win.

2018-02-15, 01:24 PM

2018-02-15, 01:33 PM
I have two warforged ideas I like:

One is a warforged fleshwarper who seeks to become more perfect by altering himself until he's an organic fleshbag. (Not very optimal, because the capstone turns you into an Aberration and may lose you all your lovely Living Construct immunities, but flavorful.)

Another is a warforged who uses alter self and/or polymorph to transform into Animated Objects (because Construct isn't normally something you can use those spells to become, but you can always become the same type as your normal form) and be a Transformer who becomes, like, a wagon or whatnot.

2018-02-15, 01:44 PM
There's a template from Shackled City that makes you related to one of the dragons in it. One of our players wanted to be a bit different of a Warforged, so I allowed him to apply it, with the idea that Dhorlot had collaborated with the lunatic gnome that had forged him. The player wasn't totally aware of the implications, just the mechanics. (I told him he was a "special edition"). Great scene when he realized he was related to Dhorlot.

2018-02-15, 04:26 PM
Then it's a trick that can be applied to anything and is not specifically warforged relevant.

2018-02-15, 05:18 PM

2018-02-15, 05:22 PM

[citation needed]

I didn't actually read the argument; I just hate seeing the phrase "you're wrong" without backing.

2018-02-15, 05:22 PM
Are you ever going to share this fabulous trick, or do you prefer to vaguely reference its existence and then make condescending remarks when questioned about it?

2018-02-15, 06:00 PM
Yeah cause the fastest I can find to be able to be immune to non lethal is level 7 through warforged juggernaut level 2, the construct perfection.

2018-02-15, 06:04 PM
Yeah cause the fastest I can find to be able to be immune to non lethal is level 7 through warforged juggernaut level 2, the construct perfection.

The obvious way is level 2 (troll-blooded and Gheden +1 LA template).

Two races can pull it, albeit within limits, at level 1, Warforged being one of them.

2018-02-15, 06:26 PM
Used the 'Constructs are Magic Items' rules interpretation to equip my warforged characters with Embedded Warforged Component Constructs.
Skitter the Spider Thief (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/cw/20061009a) and Spellsong Nightingales (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/cw/20070115a) being my favorites so far.

Another fun trick is using the Greater Humanoid Essence spell and spells or items that only affect non-Constructs. The Mother Cyst line of spells and GHE-ed Warforged Thrallherd minions can be fun.

2018-02-15, 06:27 PM
The obvious way is level 2 (troll-blooded and Gheden +1 LA template).

Two races can pull it, albeit within limits, at level 1, Warforged being one of them.
And yet you still don't say how.

2018-02-15, 06:43 PM
The obvious way is level 2 (troll-blooded and Gheden +1 LA template).

Two races can pull it, albeit within limits, at level 1, Warforged being one of them.

I'm still confused, are you saying add gheden to a warforged? Cause that doesn't work, or are you saying ghedon is a way to do it not warforged? I still don't see how warforged can do it at level 1.

2018-02-15, 07:16 PM
are you saying ghedon is a way to do it if not warforged?

Yes, but at level 2.

I still don't see how warforged can do it at level 1.

Is that surprising?

2018-02-15, 07:20 PM
Yes, but at level 2.

Is that surprising?

Well, everyone is asking how, and you just keep saying you can.

2018-02-15, 07:31 PM

2018-02-15, 07:47 PM
He actually never said that warforged get non-lethal immunity, he said with troll blooded they get more or less lethal damage immunity at level 1

2018-02-15, 07:59 PM

2018-02-15, 08:00 PM
He actually never said that warforged get non-lethal immunity, he said with troll blooded they get more or less lethal damage immunity at level 1

Actually he did imply it more than you say.

Yup. HP-damage immunity at level 1.

Not "more or less" he just says "HP-damage immunity at level 1".

2018-02-17, 10:35 AM
The Mod Wonder: Hey, look at all that red. Maybe we should get back to the topic at hand?

Doctor Awkward
2018-02-17, 11:05 AM
Is it optimized? Not tremendously. I mean, not any moreso than Warforged is normally. Dragonborn Warforged is a great pair, because a Dragonborn Warforged still benefits from the Living Construct subtype, which is where Warforged gets a lot of its coolness.

Can Dragonforged still make use of Warforged components?

I once did a Warforged Totemist 5/Lion Totem Barbarian 1 in an E6 game.

With a flaw I took Dragontouched and Dragon Tail at first level for a Tail Swipe, and then Jaws of Death at level 3, both in addition to the slam attack all warforged get.
Binding Girallon Arms to my Totem Chakra gave me four extra claw attacks for a total of seven natural attacks. With pounce I got them all at the end of a charge, along with other fun goodies like Cobalt Rage.