View Full Version : King Asgore's Court [Brad's IC]

2018-02-14, 12:24 PM
Your mind. It's a vast place, full of memories and emotions, thoughts and feelings. And right now...

Hello Brad. How you doing? the lanky, shadowy man calls to you, a short distance away.

2018-02-14, 03:24 PM
Where, where am I? Brad thinks. Who or what are you? The dragonborn tries to approach the slender man.

I think I see what you did there.

2018-02-15, 12:05 AM
Nope! Not even close.

My name is Doctor Facilier. But you, my dear fresh host, can call me your nightmare. You see, I'm taking your body for a little joyride right now-not exactly the host I would have wanted, but it'll do nicely. Why, the premier guard of a foreign king's personal retinue, who helped unveil the foolish mistakes of the kingdom of Indos' vizier? This will do nicely.

2018-02-15, 10:00 AM
What make you think you are in charge here? You underestimate my determination to protect my friends. Brad is struggling to move his body against the very will of the Shadow Man.

2018-02-15, 12:54 PM
Ah-ah-ah! Not so fast. You've a strong will, I'll give you that, Facilier says, but I've been doing this for centuries, boy! You're... Huh. You're actually quite a lot younger than I expected. Ah well, doesn't matter.

I do want to know, though-what makes you think your friends will be hurt? I won't lie to you and say I'm the benevolent sort, because I doubt you'd believe me, but my best interest is to play along and be you for now. That means that, yes, I'll fight tooth and nail to keep them safe.

2018-02-15, 02:25 PM
Easier when it isn't your hide you are risking. If you have one. You can live in my mind too if you do it by the rules. When Brad finishes his words, or thoughts, or something, his representation in this dialogue kind of - melts a bit, allowing for a few different monster features to differentiate themselves.

Play.....nice......with us....PlEaSe...

2018-02-16, 03:38 PM


What the hell? Facilier says. This... This isn't right! No matter, no matter... Things are under control.

So, Imma say you can stat up each amalgam (to a max of... Let's call it 5, that are strong enough to have "physical" presence here) as a level 3 character. 27 point buy, PHB standard HP, and basic equips only.

2018-02-16, 06:31 PM
Seems a bit over the top to stat everything out? Or do you have combat in mind? If you can use them, I'd like to have Brad have parts of a Snowdrake Bard, a Knight Knight Fighter and determination of a Dummy sorcerer.

If I'd have to put attributes on this, I would probably end up being a Glamour Bard, a Knight fighter and a Favoured Soul Sorcerer or Wild Magic Sorcerer.

They'll find out soon enough, Face-Liar. Do you really think I am afraid of you? I've chopped off the head of bigger things than you.

2018-02-18, 07:50 PM
If it comes up. Combat is certainly not out of the realms of possibility-this is D&D, after all.

The good doctor vanishes in a puff of smoke, though looking around reveals him in some distant (but seemingly not TOO distant) corner of Brad's mind.

2018-02-20, 07:56 AM
So we're doing that instead? Sitting in opposite corners staring at each other? Fine.

Brad sits and stares - for a full two minutes. He then becomes bored and summons his "parts". While the Knight seems to have a solid form, both Snowdrake and Dummy violently change shapes every time they move slightly.

If concentrating on the soul he is currently possessing Facilier can feel the inner turmoil. He has enough willpower to control all souls contained in this vessel, they are monster souls after all and much weaker. But he feels sorrow, happiness, regret, stupor, boredom, anger and solitude.

Apparently Snowdrake was a mother that died just before her son's big comedy show. She regrets never being able to see him on stage. Knight Knight was defeated by an invading human child wielding a pop gun. And Dummy possessed a weird skull-shaped machine that promptly extracted him from the world and put him into Brad.

Can't decide on a good race for Dummy. Though it is probably going to an Archfey Warlock. Along with the Life Cleric Snowdrake (Water Genasi?) and the Champion Fighter Knight Knight (Half-Orc refluffed)

It's just hard to replicate a monster that is invulnerable by normal weapons on such a low CR. Maybe just take the Shadow monster and change its strength drain and replace it with 60 ft. range force damage for 1d10+3, attack bonus +4 (+2 dex,+2 prof)?

Resistance to every damage type except force damage.

e: After some consideration I feel Half-Elf would fit best. The puckish fey ancestry, the focus on willpower (Charisma) feels just right.