View Full Version : Psionic Recharger

2018-02-15, 05:54 PM
I’ve not seen the mentioned yet...
Ability burn is a form of ability damage that “cannot be magically or psionically healed”. The Strongheart Vest Soulmeld prevents one point of ability damage (or drain), plus one per Essentia invested. Body Fuel “burns” one ability damage towards Str, Dex, and Con each. Bonus Essentia, if you can shape a Soulmeld, provides two Essentia.

Shape Soulmeld: Strongheart Vest
Bonus Essentia
Body Fuel
2 PP per round

Am I correct here?

2018-02-15, 06:35 PM
I’ve not seen the mentioned yet...
Ability burn is a form of ability damage that “cannot be magically or psionically healed”. The Strongheart Vest Soulmeld prevents one point of ability damage (or drain), plus one per Essentia invested. Body Fuel “burns” one ability damage towards Str, Dex, and Con each. Bonus Essentia, if you can shape a Soulmeld, provides two Essentia.

Shape Soulmeld: Strongheart Vest
Bonus Essentia
Body Fuel
2 PP per round

Am I correct here?
It's highly arguable, and would require a DM call. It boils down to whether you are transforming a point of Stat into 2 pp, or you are gaining 2 pp and losing one point of a stat.

The difference matters because, if it's the former, the Strongheart Vest prevents you from losing the stat point, thus disallowing you from converting it to 2pp, so you neither lose the stat point nor gain the pp. If it's the latter, then you don't lose the stat point, but you do gain the pp.

2018-02-16, 01:25 AM
Body Fuel specifically states:

"You can recover 2 power points by taking 1 point of ability burn damage to each of your three ability scores: Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution."

You recover the PP by taking the damage. If you prevent the damage, you never took it, and thus you gain nothing.

2018-02-16, 12:32 PM
Body Fuel specifically states:

"You can recover 2 power points by taking 1 point of ability burn damage to each of your three ability scores: Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution."

You recover the PP by taking the damage. If you prevent the damage, you never took it, and thus you gain nothing.

That does seem pretty straight-forward.

If you want to abuse something like this, you're better off binding Naebarius with a single level of Binder plus Improved Binding as a feat. He lets you heal Ability Damage (and I THINK Drain) at 1/round.

2018-02-16, 02:33 PM
That does seem pretty straight-forward.

If you want to abuse something like this, you're better off binding Naebarius with a single level of Binder plus Improved Binding as a feat. He lets you heal Ability Damage (and I THINK Drain) at 1/round.I imagine that falls under ‘magical healing’ and thus would not work on ability burn.

2018-02-16, 03:05 PM
I imagine that falls under ‘magical healing’ and thus would not work on ability burn.

Correct - all vestige powers are supernatural abilities.

If you want to recharge using Incarnum, your best bet is abusing Bestow Power + something that grants free PP (like Azure Talent) or that reduces costs (like Midnight Augmentation).

2018-02-16, 03:16 PM
Correct - all vestige powers are supernatural abilities.

If you want to recharge using Incarnum, your best bet is abusing Bestow Power + something that grants free PP (like Azure Talent) or that reduces costs (like Midnight Augmentation).

You can also use Affinity Field and a friendly psion, with both of you using bestow power. But yeah, all the PP restoration I can think of involve somehow cheesing around Bestow Power.

2018-02-16, 04:41 PM
I imagine that falls under ‘magical healing’ and thus would not work on ability burn.

Likely. I'd have to look up Naebarius again and see what the Hellfire Warlock does, because I know that trick works. It may not translate to Body Fuel.

2018-02-16, 05:08 PM
Likely. I'd have to look up Naebarius again and see what the Hellfire Warlock does, because I know that trick works. It may not translate to Body Fuel.

It's easy really - HFW is regular ability damage, not burn. You can heal the first one magically but not the second. (Ability burn was invented in psionics).