View Full Version : Iron Chef Optimization Challenge: E6 Appetizer Edition (Round VI)

2018-02-15, 09:24 PM
Weird is fine with me, as long as it's at least somewhat flexible.

The last couple of rounds have been classes with a defined role but issues fulfilling it kind of like what you describe, so I’d say now is a good time for an oddball class. Count me as a Weird vote.

I like being weird

weird is fun.

I am 100% on board with weird!

Let's get weird.

Ask and ye shall receive, my friends.

Welcome back to the reborn Iron Chef Optimization Challenge E6 Appetizer Edition! I'm feeling the momentum, so let's keep it going with a weird round!

The form of this challenge is to take a particular D&D 3.5 class (our "secret ingredient," or SI) and turn it into a functional E6 (https://esix.pbworks.com/f/E6v041.pdf) build, which must feature the SI as heavily as possible. (The only hard rule about this is that you must take at least one level in the SI, though judges are encouraged to look favorably on builds that take all or almost all of their levels in said SI.) Your final build submission should consist of your 6 regular levels and your first 10 epic bonus feats, though providing a snapshot at earlier points through the progression is heartily encouraged. Entries are to be PM'd to the Chair (that would be me!), and they will be posted anonymously; our volunteer judges will then grade each build on a 1-5 point scale in four categories: Originality, Power, Elegance, and Use of the Secret Ingredient. The builds with the highest three scores will be awarded medals, with the Honorable Mention award going to the non-medaling build that the Chair likes best (and/or that receives the most votes for HM in this thread). And then we all have cake!*

*Note: You must provide your own cake.

This is basically like the regular Iron Chef, and let's be brutally honest with ourselves here: this isn't a gargantuan community, and we basically all know what we're talking about at this point. Make the builds, send 'em in, post some scores, and have fun. If you've got questions, lemme know. Still, let's lay out a few rules!

Cooking Time: Builds must be submitted via PM to the Chair by 11:59 PM GMT - 7 on Thursday, March 01, 2018 (6:59 AM GMT on Friday, March 02). The reveal shall be on the first evening the Chair has free following the cooking deadline, which is hoped to be the immediately subsequent evening. Judging is then expected (*cough*) to take no more than two weeks, so we'll put the judging deadline at two weeks after that. (You can do the math yourselves; I don't want to put two dates here and confuse people.)

Kitchen: Almost all first-party 3.5 sources are legal. Dragon Magazine is disallowed except as noted below, but Dragon Compendium (and its errata) is allowed. Online material from the WotC website is legal except for unupdated 3.0 psionics, which are banned. (If you use online material, please provide a link to the source.) Unearthed Arcana is legal for paragon classes, alternate races, and alternate class features, but not for fractional BAB/saves, item familiars, generic classes, prestigious character classes, gestalt, bloodlines, LA buyoff, or similar rule variants. We will borrow the existing standard for traits and flaws; they are legal, but traits warrant a –0.5 point penalty in Elegance, and flaws warrant a –1 point penalty in Elegance. Leadership is banned, as is any other feat or class feature that gives you something equivalent. (Familiars and improved familiars are fine, Wild Cohort is fine, psicrystals and elemental envoys are fine, animal companions are fine, but Thrallherd is not fine, for example.) Official errata is considered to be in play, including the Dragon 318 update to Oriental Adventures (but nothing else in Dragon 318 unless it is found in an otherwise legal source). Judges are not to penalize for the use of a large or small number of sources, nor are they to penalize for using an "obscure" source in one's build. Judges may, however, penalize for using a source without listing it, so please provide a list of sources! It is up to the discretion of each judge whether it is inelegant to "cross setting lines" (by using, for example, Forgotten Realms and Eberron material in the same build). Pathfinder is not allowed. Unupdated 3.0 material is allowed, and the general-purpose 3.0-to-3.5 skill updates (Wilderness Lore and Intuit Direction become Survival, Read Lips becomes Sense Motive, etc.) should be used when appropriate. If 3.0 material has been updated to 3.5, use the 3.5 version instead. If you have questions about anything in this paragraph (or hell, in this ruleset), feel free to ask the Chair.

Character Creation: 32 point buy is assumed. For the purposes of this contest, Level Adjustment greater than +0 is banned other than the Round VI-specific exceptions described below. (This may be revised at a later point, but I don't feel that the E6 LA rules are conducive to fun in the context of this contest.) No more than two entries per chef per contest, please; if you submit two builds and somehow are so overcome with inspiration for a third that you can't help yourself, PM me and tell me which two you care about the most.

Speculation: Please do not post any form of speculation before the reveal. Just don't do it, guys. It's not cool.

E6: Here's how E6 works for the purposes of this contest. Build your character normally for the first six levels. After you reach level 6, you stop gaining levels and start gaining bonus feats every time you would gain 5,000 XP. Since we aren't actually tracking XP, you'll basically list your first ten epic bonus feats in the order that you take them, and we think of them as being kind of like levels. We will not use the LA-equals-reduced-point-buy rules, instead preferring to just ban races with LA, at least for now. However, see below for a special rule that only applies to Round VI. We will not use the "capstone feats"; all feats that you take must be normal legal 3.5 feats, not homebrew E6 ones. You may not use the Epic feats from the Epic Level Handbook, though if for some reason there are non-Epic feats from the ELH that you qualify for, you may take those. (I don't think there are any, but I'm sure someone will prove me wrong.) It is up to the discretion of each judge whether this is a "hard E6" (magic above 3rd level spells is simply beyond mortal reach, items that have a listed CL above 6th are just plain not available, etc.) or a "soft E6" (if you can somehow get the magic on your character, it's yours, regardless of level), though I honestly don't expect it to come up. Don't go crazy with making assumptions about items and we probably won't have to find out.

Presentation: Here's a table for you to use. List your epic bonus feats (in clear order) after the table. If you find a clever way of formatting that that isn't annoying and that doesn't break anything, have fun; if it's portable, I may steal it for the next round. When sending your build or any disputes to the Chair, clearly include your build's name in the subject of the PM, and please present your build exactly as you want the Chair to copy and paste it into the thread. If you're using a picture, cite the source and follow any relevant citation rules.

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

Code for the table:

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

Contest houserules: Nearly the same as the main contest's rules here: all creatures are proficient with natural weapons they have or may acquire, bonus feats that are explicitly granted without meeting prereqs are usable even without those prereqs, and feats that affect which skills are class skills for you and/or how you spend your skill points (Able Learner, Martial Study, Truename Training, Apprentice, etc.) apply immediately at the level at which you take them (even though you normally spend skill points before taking a feat).

Judging guidelines: The minimum score in a category is 1. Judges are expected to be fair, consistent, and open-minded, and they are expected to make a good-faith effort to engage with any reasonable disputes that arise, especially when RAW is in question. As with the main contest, we will follow the "One Mistake, One Penalty" guideline. I'm going to directly copy and paste this from the main thread, and hopefully the original author won't mind too much:
Judges are only allowed to penalise once for a given mistake. If someone messes up their skills and doesn't qualify for a PrC, ding them as hard as you like. Once. In one category. You don't then get to declare that because they didn't qualify for that PrC, they don't get those levels, and thus don't qualify for anything else. If Ranger is a common ingredient, ding them for Originality. Once. Don't also take off points for Two-Weapon-Fighting being a common ingredient.

Non-exhaustive list of examples:


Giving a penalty for miscalculating the number of skill points gained
Giving a penalty for not having enough ranks to meet a prerequisite
Increasing the harshness of a skill miscalculation penalty if it affects critical skills including prereqs

Not allowed:

Giving separate penalties for miscalculating skill points and for non-qualification where the non-qualification is solely caused by the miscalculation


Giving a penalty for not meeting prereqs
Scaling the penalty depending on how important the item that the build failed to qualify for is
Giving minimum score in UotSI for not qualifying for the SI
(Trial, may be disallowed later)Not giving credit for (note: not the same as penalising for) tactics using feats or classes other than the SI that were not qualified for (but see below)

Not Allowed:

"Cascading" failures to qualify - declaring that because a build doesn't qualify for a feat, for example, it also doesn't qualify for anything using that feat as a prereq
Treating a build as having fewer levels than it does because of FtQ for classes

Other general things that are no longer allowed:

Penalising because someone has chosen to build a tribute to an existing creative work
Deciding that a backstory has not met a fluff prerequisite well enough, or because its method of meeting it is "unrealistic". You may penalise if a fluff prereq is not addressed at all, but not for how well it is addressed.

Note that these are protections, not licenses. Deliberately taking a feat that you know you don't qualify for hoping to just suck up the judging penalty for a feat that you couldn't normally take is not okay, and may lead to your build being disqualified.

Other bits and bobs: If there's something major and relevant I haven't mentioned, assume that the way I handle it will probably be the same as the main contest unless stated otherwise or unless doing so would be an obviously absurd result. If you've got questions, I'll give you answers.

This round's secret ingredient: RACIAL PARAGON CLASSES, from Unearthed Arcana (and the SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/racialParagonClasses.htm))! Allez Optimizer!

". . .Wait, racial paragon classes? The hell, Zaq?": Yeah. This round's SI is racial paragon classes. Your build must take one or more levels in a racial paragon class, and that is to be treated as the secret ingredient, so make sure you show off what your paragon class has to offer! (They aren't technically base classes, so you'll notice that I sneakily removed the word "base" from a sentence way up at the top there, but that's what we're going with.) I won't tell you which racial paragon class to take. You can take any of them (that you qualify for, of course). And since three of them (Drow Paragon, Half-Dragon Paragon, and Tiefling Paragon) map to races that have LA, which is normally banned, we'll be slightly modifying the LA rules: for Round VI ONLY, you may take drow, half-dragon, or tiefling as your race. Drow has 18 PB instead of 32. Half-dragon has 10 PB instead of 32. Tiefling has 25 PB instead of 32. Half-dragon must be taken on a race that is otherwise LA 0. No other source of LA (templates, races, or otherwise) is legal.


Class stub

"Thews" Ironhand (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22886245&postcount=49)

CN Amphibious Frostblood Half-Orc
Half-Orc Paragon 3 / Orc Paragon 3

Sythaeryn the Silvan Singer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22886248&postcount=50)

NG Half-Elf
Half-Elf Paragon 3 / Human Paragon 3

Sharom (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22886251&postcount=51)

CE Desert Half-Orc
Dread Necromancer 2 / Half-Orc Paragon 3 / Rage Mage 1

Sahran, Will of the Desert (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22886254&postcount=52)

? Aligned (nonlawful?) Desert Half-Orc
Half-Orc Paragon 3 / Barbarian 2 / Fighter 1

Rokar the Rager (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22886259&postcount=53)

CG Half-Orc
Half-Orc Paragon 3 / Orc Paragon 3

John Drake (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22886263&postcount=54)

CG Human
Human Paragon 3 / Dragonfire Adept 2 / Chameleon 1

Heru Sunblood (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22886267&postcount=55)

LG Desert Half-Orc
Half-Orc Paragon 2 / Paladin 4

Helga (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22886269&postcount=56)

? Aligned (nonlawful?) Jungle Halfling
Ranger 2 / Barbarian 1 / Halfling Paragon 3

Garek Grutshank (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22886273&postcount=57)

LG Desert Half-Orc
Half-Orc Paragon 2 / Paladin 4

Dorcas Thistlethwaite (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22886274&postcount=58)

CG Stonehunter Gnome
Savage Bard 2 / Marshal 1 / Gnome Paragon 3

Bann Ru'Falo / Jedeck Hyll (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22886275&postcount=59)

CG Changeling
Martial Rogue 2 / Half-Elf Paragon 2 / Half-Orc Paragon 2


Round 4: Knight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?542333-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(IV))
Round 5: Ninja (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?548763-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-V))

Round 1: Divine Mind (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?197000-Iron-Chef-Appetizer-Edition!-(e6))
Round 2: Monk (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?201548-Iron-Chef-Appetizer-Edition!-(e6)-II)
Round 3: Marshal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?235221-Iron-Chef-Appetizer-Edition-(E6)-III)

2018-02-15, 10:23 PM
...oh dear. I have a couple ideas for this... >.>

2018-02-15, 10:27 PM
ohhhh yes, this will be fun!

2018-02-15, 10:59 PM
I'm definitely in time allowing!

2018-02-15, 11:03 PM
Not to speculate (I can scrub this post if need be), but aside from UA and the SRD, there's also a Kobold Paragon class in a RotD Web Enhancement (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060127a). I assume it would also be fair game?

2018-02-15, 11:13 PM

*hides in-progress build* >.>

I consider it a bit speculative and relevant to my interests.

2018-02-15, 11:19 PM
I have one (extremely obvious) idea. I'm sure someone else will submit it, but I might give it a go anyway.

2018-02-15, 11:26 PM
Not to speculate (I can scrub this post if need be), but aside from UA and the SRD, there's also a Kobold Paragon class in a RotD Web Enhancement (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060127a). I assume it would also be fair game?

Huh. I had forgotten about that one. Sure, why not?

Are there any others that I've forgotten about?

I'd really like to see how many unique racial paragon classes we'll have among the entries. Think we can catch 'em all, folks?

2018-02-15, 11:36 PM
Huh. I had forgotten about that one. Sure, why not?

Are there any others that I've forgotten about?

I'd really like to see how many unique racial paragon classes we'll have among the entries. Think we can catch 'em all, folks?

Catching 'em all... that would be a nightmare for the judges. 10 ingredients instead of one... that's evil Zaq. I like it.

2018-02-15, 11:43 PM
Huh. I had forgotten about that one. Sure, why not?

Are there any others that I've forgotten about?

I'd really like to see how many unique racial paragon classes we'll have among the entries. Think we can catch 'em all, folks?

The only other Racial Paragon class I'm aware of is the Aberrant one from DM 332, and since Dragon Magazine is off the table anyway, I think that's it.

2018-02-16, 02:35 AM
Dang I had an idea for this before I realized that I was using a Deagon Magazine variant for a lot of it.
I can still do it I guess... but this'll be way less fun :smallyuk:

2018-02-16, 05:03 AM
As far as I can tell, Racial paragon classes aren't listed to get x4 skill points at first level. Can we assume that they do get those if you take your first level in one?

2018-02-16, 08:39 AM
As far as I can tell, Racial paragon classes aren't listed to get x4 skill points at first level. Can we assume that they do get those if you take your first level in one?

Sure they do. UA pg. 32: "Paragon class levels can be taken any time a character gains a new level, even at 1st level (in which case they receive four times the normal number of skill points gained at each succeeding level)."

2018-02-16, 08:57 AM
Sure they do. UA pg. 32: "Paragon class levels can be taken any time a character gains a new level, even at 1st level (in which case they receive four times the normal number of skill points gained at each succeeding level)."

Woops, I missed that one. Thanks for pointing it out!

2018-02-16, 11:54 AM

Count me in; I have an idea (perhaps not an original idea, but an idea nonetheless).

2018-02-16, 01:25 PM
Hmm! The last thread was my first foray, but this is potentially addictive as a hobby.

On the other hand, I have never used racial Paragon levels so I will have to poke at it and see if an idea surfaces.

2018-02-16, 01:34 PM
Huh. E6. I think I'm in, with some clarifications...

I'll PM our host.

2018-02-16, 09:57 PM
So I have a sub-game to offer. It is very simple, and I have no interesting prizes or anything to go along with it, but I think it will be slightly amusing. It's basically a guessing game.

Place your bets NOW, the sooner the better: how many unique racial paragon classes will be featured in this round's dishes?

2018-02-16, 09:59 PM
I think most of them will be

2018-02-16, 10:44 PM
Place your bets NOW, the sooner the better: how many unique racial paragon classes will be featured in this round's dishes?

I'm pretty sure that this game will directly effect people's choices on their builds. But, hey! As long as people are coo with it.

2018-02-17, 04:05 AM
Place your bets NOW, the sooner the better: how many unique racial paragon classes will be featured in this round's dishes?

Going to bet on eight unique classes.

2018-02-17, 07:09 PM
I... don't know what to do with those. I've always used the paragon classes to fill up dead levels before a PrC and not as a focus of a build. Their abilities are good, but I can't conceptualize a build that really showcases them. Unless inspiration strikes, I'll probably sit that one.

Also, I think only two classes will not be used by our chefs.

Edit: That means 10 classes, if my math is exact.

2018-02-17, 07:22 PM
I'm going to put in my vote for all the things!

2018-02-17, 07:43 PM
My guess is 7. Which basically means, there will be more than 7.

2018-02-18, 01:27 AM
Are we limited to one entry?

2018-02-18, 03:14 AM
Are we limited to one entry?

Maximum number of entries per person is two, it says in the first post.

2018-02-18, 11:11 AM
Maximum number of entries per person is two, it says in the first post.
Thanks; missed that when I read through it on my tablet.

2018-02-19, 07:09 AM
I am not inspired to build, I'll judge again

2018-02-20, 12:34 AM
Just submitted my first ever build. I don't expect it to do very well, but I've been wanting to participate in one of these for a while now.

2018-02-20, 01:59 AM
the very first build i ever did was 70% illegal and still won Honorable Mention

don't count yourself out ever!

2018-02-22, 01:01 PM
It has been brought to my attention that there are multiple versions of the tiefling. I'm aware of a version in MM1, a version in the Planar Handbook, and a version in Races of Destiny. Of those three, the Races of Destiny version seems to have the latest printing date.

There are some minor wording changes between the three of them, but biggest difference is that the Races of Destiny version seem to have completely removed the tiefling's racial energy resistances for some reason. Since the Tiefling Paragon class increases a racial resistance, this seems like a problem. Accordingly, I'm going to say that the version of the tiefling in MM1 (and the SRD) is canonical for the purposes of Round VI. My logic is basically that the Tiefling Paragon secret ingredient was written with the MM1 tiefling in mind, so a later nerf (that is minor and yet far from necessary for balance) that interferes with the SI shouldn't be the reason why the SI is difficult to use. At least not in this specific context. Other SIs might be made trickier by nerfs. We'll see.

Anyway, if you've already made most or all of a build that is drastically changed by this ruling, feel free to PM me and let me know, and we'll talk about a workaround. But since the MM1 version is almost entirely strictly superior to the RoD version (and it takes weird and likely intentional shenanigans for the difference between the MM1 version and the PlH version to be relevant), I doubt that this is going to cramp anyone's style too terribly much.

2018-02-25, 09:53 PM
How’s everyone doing? We’ve got fourish days to go, and I’m expecting the traditional flurry of last-minute entries, but we’re also out of weekend days left between now and the deadline, and I have one entry.

Did we go too weird with this one? I know it’s hard to really showcase these ingredients, which is the point, but . . .

2018-02-25, 10:25 PM
Still planning to get a build in by the deadline - just formatting to go!

2018-02-27, 10:21 AM
I was actually try my hand this time, but RL took a big bite. Oh well, maybe next time. I will not get finished in time.

2018-02-27, 01:42 PM
I have two that will be submitted on 28 Feb.

2018-02-28, 07:11 AM
I managed to get my build in, so I won't be judging this one.

2018-02-28, 08:25 AM
I was planning out a build in my head but real life kept me from ever sitting it down and statting it out.

If next week proves any slower I could try my hand at judging, but we’ll have to wait and see.

2018-02-28, 03:14 PM
I woke up, typed both of mine in table format, submitted to Zaq and am heading to work, they might blow, but I did it anyway.

2018-03-01, 12:16 AM
Build IN!! Looking forward to seeing what folks came up with. There were so many fun ideas I saw, and I had to stop looking relatively quickly otherwise I never would have built anything. I expect people came up with some amazing things! Can't wait!!

2018-03-01, 02:00 PM
I wish I'd had more time. I was excited about this one.
But I'm also excited to see what people came up with!

2018-03-01, 03:12 PM
I’ve got a good number of entries. Anyone still actively working on it? I’m contemplating posting them when I get home from work in about 5 hours (which is technicallly about 6 hours before the deadline) rather than waiting until tomorrow. But I don’t want to cut anyone off if they’re still trying to hit the deadline.

2018-03-01, 03:19 PM
I’ve got a good number of entries. Anyone still actively working on it? I’m contemplating posting them when I get home from work in about 5 hours (which is technicallly about 6 hours before the deadline) rather than waiting until tomorrow. But I don’t want to cut anyone off if they’re still trying to hit the deadline.

Just finishing my entry off, you should have it in about an hour though.

Edit: Submitted now

2018-03-01, 05:47 PM
I’ve got a good number of entries. Anyone still actively working on it? I’m contemplating posting them when I get home from work in about 5 hours (which is technicallly about 6 hours before the deadline) rather than waiting until tomorrow. But I don’t want to cut anyone off if they’re still trying to hit the deadline.
Still working on mine. They'll be in by the deadline.

2018-03-01, 05:57 PM
Okay. I won’t shorten the deadline, then.

Incidentally, the patterns I'm seeing this round are truly surprising. You folks are in for a treat. I did not expect [REDACTED] to feature nearly so heavily. This is going to be fun.

2018-03-01, 09:23 PM
I'm at "Everything But Backstory", and trying to decide if fluffing out a backstory is worth it or if I should send it in as it is.

2018-03-01, 09:59 PM
I'm at "Everything But Backstory", and trying to decide if fluffing out a backstory is worth it or if I should send it in as it is.

I mean, it’s good to do the best you can, but an imperfect dish that gets submitted beats a better build that misses the deadline. Maybe just keep it short and sweet?

2018-03-01, 11:33 PM
Got one in. Gonna be the only one, and the lesser of my two hoped for offerings. I just can't get the second one to gel and format. This was fun, though!

2018-03-02, 08:02 AM
Hey, check it out, I woke up early enough to do the reveal this morning!

Don't get too used to this. Either way, here it comes!

2018-03-02, 08:04 AM
You certain this one isn't a Drow Paragon?

When your mother is a dragonblooded witch and your father is a bloodthirsty barbarian, it's pretty certain you're going to be a rage machine with spooky issues.

Thews is the result of such a pairing. He champions his tribe in battle and parley.

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Half-orc Paragon 1
Climb+3, Intimidate+8, Jump+3, Survival+4, Swim+6
Flaw: Murky-Eyed, Feats: Endurance, Power Attack, Nighthaunt
Divided ancestry, monstrous mien

Half-orc Paragon 2
Climb+4, Intimidate+9, Jump+3, Survival+5, Swim+7
Flaw: Murky-Eyed, Feats: Endurance, Power Attack, Nighthaunt
Rage 1/day

Half-orc Paragon 2/Orc Paragon 1
Climb+4, Intimidate+10, Jump+4, Survival+5, Swim+7
Flaw: Murky-Eyed, Feats: Endurance, Power Attack, Nighthaunt, Fascinating Illumination
Improved darkvision (+30 ft.), no light sensitivity

Half-orc Paragon 2/Orc Paragon 2
Climb+4, Intimidate+11, Jump+4, Survival+5, Swim+7
Flaw: Murky-Eyed, Feats: Endurance, Power Attack, Nighthaunt, Fascinating Illumination
Elf slayer

Half-orc Paragon 3/Orc Paragon 2
Climb+5, Intimidate+12, Jump+5, Survival+5, Swim+8
Flaw: Murky-Eyed, Feats: Endurance, Power Attack, Nighthaunt, Fascinating Illumination
Ability boost (Str +2)

Half-orc Paragon 3/Orc Paragon 3
Climb+5, Intimidate+13, Jump+7, Survival+5, Swim+8
Flaw: Murky-Eyed, Feats: Endurance, Power Attack, Nighthaunt, Fascinating Illumination, Extra Rage
Ability boost (Str +2), Rage 3/day

"Thews" Ironhand, Male Amphibious Frostblood Half-Orc H-OPar3/OrcPar3: CR 6; Medium Humanoid (Orc, Dragonblooded, Aquatic); HD 3d8+3d10+24 (Con & Imp. Toughness); Init+0;Spd 30, Swim Spd 15; AC: 10 (Flatfooted: 10 Touch: 10); Atk +11 base melee, +6 base ranged; SQ: Rage 5/day, Darkvision (Ex): 90 ft., Amphibious, An amphibious creature has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can move through water at its swim speed without making Swim checks. The creature can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. The creature can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line, Resistance to Cold 10, Vulnerability to Fire, Elf Slayer; RF: Orc Blood, Dragonblood subtype, Auquatic subtype; AL CN; SV Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +4; STR 20, DEX 10, CON 17, INT 10, WIS 10, CHA 10.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Half-orc paragons are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and with light armor and medium armor.

Flaw: Murkey-Eyed (UA, p92)

Skills include ability, racial, and synergy bonuses: Climb+5, Intimidate+13, Jump+7, Survival+5, Swim+8

Feats: Endurance (bonus, frostblood half-orc), Power Attack, Nighthaunt (CompArc, p81, for flaw), Fascinating Illumination (3rd, DotU, p50), Extra Rage (6th, CompWar, p98)

Possessions: Pick a two-handed weapon, medium armor, and miscellaneous magical equipment to taste and suit the campaign.

SLAs: prestidigitation, unseen servant, each 1/day, save DC 10, CL 1; dancing lights, 3/day, save DC 12, CL 6 (can be used for silent image, save DC 13, CL 6, or hypnotic pattern, save DC 15, CL 6)

Epic Feats:
1. Improved Toughness (CompWar, p101)
2. Deceptive Illumination (DotU, p50)
3. Improved Sunder
4. Iron Will
5. Ability Focus (dancing lights)
6. Extend Rage (CompWar, p97)
7. Cleave
8. Great Cleave
9. Extra Rage (CompWar, p98)
10. Destructive Rage (CompWar, p97)

Frostblood Half-orc (Dragon Magic, p10)
Otherwise, except as noted below, frostblood half-orcs are identical to the half-orcs described in Player's Handbook.
Dragonblood Subtype: Frostblood half-orcs are of the dragonblood subtype.unchanged.
Resistance to Cold 10: Because their ancestors ingested the blood of great white dragons, all frostblood half-orcs are naturally resistant to cold-based attacks.
Endurance: Frostblood half-orcs have Endurance as a bonus feat. If a frostblood half-orc would later gain Endurance as a bonus feat, he can select any other feat for which he qualifies.
Vulnerability to Fire: Frostblood half-orcs shave the white dragon's vulnerability to fire-based attacks.

“Amphibious” is an inherited template that can be added to any humanoid or monstrous humanoid (referred to hereafter as the base creature).
An amphibious creature uses all the base creature’s statistics and abilities except as noted here.
Size and Type: The creature gains the aquatic subtype, but its creature type and other subtypes are unchanged. Size is unchanged.
Speed: An amphibious creature gains a swim speed equal to half the normal land speed of the base creature (not including any adjustments for feats, class features, or other effects).
Special Qualities: An amphibious creature retains all the special qualities of the base creature and also gains the following special quality.
Amphibious: An amphibious creature can breathe air and water equally well.
Abilities: Adjust from the base creature as follows: Dex –2. Amphibious creatures are less agile and flexible than their surface kin.
Skills: An amphibious creature has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can move through water at its swim speed without making Swim checks. The creature can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. The creature can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.
Environment: Any (usually aquatic).
Level Adjustment: +0.

2018-03-02, 08:05 AM
Well, I guess we know what kind of people get sorted into House Sythaeryn.

Sythaeryn the Silvan Singer (the Bard that wasn’t) NG Female Half-Elf
Sythaeryn was raised in an orphanage in a mid sized town, always in trouble and never fitting in, she ran away and hit the trail, seeking to find a place where she fits in and to make a living. She plays the lute and sings, casts a few spells, and works as a Cook and Innkeeper when she can to pay living expenses for her and her bodyguard, strong right arm, and lover Rokar. Of the duo, she is the one to always be looking for ways to earn a living and trying to keep Rokar out of trouble. Her true desire is to own an Inn of her own and to stay with Rokar.
Favorite saying (usually to the town guard): “Hey, a girls gotta eat ya know!”
Basically, I have tried to build a Bard without being a Bard, Using her skills and her small amount of innate spellcasting to emulate being a Bard.


32 pt buy

1/2 Elf Mods

1/2 Elf Para Bonus

Level 4

Human Para Bonus


Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Half Elf Paragon 1
Bluff 4, Diplomacy 4, Hide 4, Move Silently 4, Perform (lute) 4, Perform (Melody) 1, Profession (cook) 4
Night Haunt (CArc)
Divided Ancestry, Elven Vision, Bonus Feat = Nymph’s Kiss (BoED)

Half Elf Paragon 2
Bluff 5, Diplomacy 5, Hide 5, Move Silently 5, Perform (lute) 5, Perform (Melody) 1, Profession (cook) 5, Profession (Innkeeper) 1


Half Elf Paragon 3
Bluff 6, Diplomacy 6, Hide 6, Move Silently 6, Perform (lute) 6, Perform (Melody) 1, Profession (cook) 6, Profession (Innkeeper) 2
Versatile Performer (CAdv)
Ability Bonus (CHA+2)

Human Paragon 1
Bluff 7, Diplomacy 7, Hide 7, Move Silently 7, Perform (lute) 7, Perform (Melody) 1, Profession (cook) 7, Profession (Innkeeper) 3
CHA+1 from 4th lvl
Adaptive Learning

Human Paragon 2
Bluff 8, Diplomacy 8, Hide 8, Move Silently 8, Perform (lute) 8, Perform (Melody) 1, Profession (cook) 8, Profession (Innkeeper) 4

Bonus Feat: Soul of the North (CArc)

Human Paragon 3
Bluff 9, Diplomacy 9, Hide 9, Move Silently 9, Perform (lute) 9, Perform (Melody) 1, Profession (cook) 9, Profession (Innkeeper) 5
Necropolis Born (CArc)
Ability Bonus (CHA+2)

1 Skill Focus (Profession = Cook) (PHB)
2 Insightful (CArc)
3 Comunicator (CArc)
4 Spell Hand (CArc)
5 Negotiator (PHB)
6 Master Manipulator (PH2)
7 Skill Focus (Profession = Innkeeper) (PHB)
8 Skill Focus (Perform) (PHB)
9 Skill Focus (Diplomacy) (PHB)
10 Skill Focus (Bluff) (PHB)

Unearthed Arcana/SRD (Races/Classes)
PHB (Feats)
PH2 (Feats)
BoED (Feats)
CArc (Feats)
Cadv (Feats)

Sorry, I know I don’t really even have the feats in a good order but I was Hospitalized for a few days and It looks like I will be working double time until I get caught up (I can’t believe no one else can handle a simple darned Customer Service Complaint).I still really wanted to get them in. And, if someone would be so kind, after the judging is over show me where I went wrong.

2018-03-02, 08:06 AM
You know, the main contest has been shying away from this particular class forever . . .


Desert Half Orc
Str 16
Dex 10
Con 16
Int 10
Wis 8
Cha 16
Level up into Str



Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features


Dread Necromancer





Concentration +4, Spellcraft +4

Precocious Apprentice

Rebuke Undead, Charnel Touch


Dread Necromancer





Concentration +5, Spellcraft +5

Lich Body 2


Half Orc Paragon





+4 Intimidate

Combat Casting

Divided Ancestry, Monstrous Mien


Half Orc Paragon





Intimidate +7, Concentration +5.5

Rage 1/day


Half Orc Paragon





Intimidate +8, Concentration +7

Str +2


Rage Mage





Never Outnumbered

Improved Unarmed Strike

Spell Rage

Epic 1

Superior Unarmed Strike

Epic 2

Tomb Tainted Soul

Epic 3

Practiced Spellcaster: Dread Necromancer

Epic 4

Weapon Focus Touch Spell

Epic 5

Touch Spell Specialization

Epic 6

Hammer Fist

Epic 7

Extra Rage

Epic 8

Improved Natural Attack: Unarmed Strike

Epic 9

Willing Deformity

Epic 10

Willing Deformity Obese

The way Sharom fights is an interesting method to say the least. She enters into her half orc rage and her spell rage at the beginning of the fight. Then she casts Chill Touch, which lasts 6 touches that can be touched once per round and begins advancing on her opponent(s). She then bashes them repeatedly with her fists dealing Unarmed Damage and Chill Touch. She has damage reduction and self healing via her dread necromancer levels, and can easily debuff everyone within 5 ft with a quick intimidation. When she doesn't want to smash people to bits she can always use her Charnel Touch. Her statblock below is assuming max HP at level 1 and average HP (rounded up) on all other levels. She only has a single nonmagical item listed in her gear and it is not required for her to function, but it is there to point out that she can wear Medium Armor.

In my home games we have a homebrew on Practiced Spellcaster to add the CL as if they were full spellcasting, progressing their spell progression as well, and if this is allowed then she would cast Vampiric Touch instead of Chill Touch, but otherwise has no bearing on this competition.
Medium Humanoid (Half Orc)
2d6+4d8 + 24 (54)
Initiative: -1
Speed: 20 ft. in Mithril Full Plate (4 squares); base speed 30 ft.
Armor Class: 17 (10 base, -1 Dex, +8 Mithril Full Plate), touch 9, flat-footed 17
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+8
Attack: Unarmed Strike (2d6+6)
Full Attack: Unarmed Strike (2d6+6)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Charnel Touch
Special Qualities: DR 2/ Magic+Bludgeoning,
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +0, Will +3
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 8, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 16
Skills: Concentration +11, Intimidate +20, Spellcraft +7, Never Outnumbered
Feats: Precocious Apprentice, Combat Casting, Improved Unarmed Strike, Superior Unarmed Strike, Tomb Tainted Soul, Practiced Spellcaster: Dread Necromancer, Weapon Focus: Touch, Touch Spell Specialization, Hammer Fist, Extra Rage, Improved Natural Attack: Unarmed Strike, Willing Deformity, Willing Deformity Obese
Environment: Material Plane
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 6
Treasure: 6th level adventurer
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Advancement: By Character Class
Level Adjustment: —

Sharom was a prodigy in her home tribe. Showing off some of the best spellcasting that the tribe had to offer from an extremely young age. The tribe sent her to one of the colleges to the far south, hoping that she could gain knowledge and power and be able to return to her tribe. While Sharom was there as a teenage half orc she learned that she was not the most powerful spellcaster in the world. And that prejudices against her race and often her gender were in full swing. She very quickly learned that the rules were that she couldn't use hostile magic or lethal means against her colleagues. So she used her strength and a good punch to put people into their place. Eventually the college expelled her regardless of the rules. This made her mad. When she returned to her tribe she returned as a true half orc. Raising her head and taking leadership. Sharom would eventually lead an attack on the college where she showed the headmaster that arcane might is not everything, and that a good groin kick and hammer fist to the back of the head would make any spellcaster rue the day that they kicked her out.

Heroes of Horror: Dread Necromancer, Willing Deformity
Complete Arcane: Precocious Apprentice, Rage Mage, Weapon Focus Touch Spell, Touch Spell Specialization
Unearthed Arcana: Half Orc Paragon
Player's Handbook: Combat Casting, Improved Unarmed Strike
Tome of Battle: Superior Unarmed Strike
Libris Mortis: Tomb Tainted Soul
Dragon Compendium: Hammer Fist
Complete Warrior: Extra Rage
DMG (or eberron campaign setting?): Improved Natural Attack
Book of Vile Darkness: Willing Deformity: Obese

2018-03-02, 08:07 AM
I guess he ran across the Sahara? Geddit? Geddit? Because desert half-orcs have Run? Oh, just look at the build already.

Sahran, Will of the Desert
Desert Half-Orc Half-Orc Paragon 3/Barbarian 2/Fighter 1

Khalif was dying. Dying alone under the fierce desert sun, exhausted, starving and above all, thirsty. He'd run from orc raiders, but in his haste to flee, he left the trail and lost himself in the vast wasteland. His camel had stopped moving days ago, but he'd kept walking, refusing to lie down and wait for death. Now he dragged himself over the sand, knowing his death would come soon, yet not accepting it. Vultures circled above him, waiting for the moment when he stopped moving and they could claim what was rightfully theirs.

Suddenly, a shadow fell over him. He could barely lift his head, but he saw black robes. He vaguely wondered if this was the Reaper, come to claim him at last, but then there was a soft thud as a full waterskin landed in front of him. Khalif seized it and drank greedily, draining the waterskin in moments. Then, exhausted, he slumped to the ground, and everything went black.

To be a half-orc is to be alone. No-one knows that better than Sahran. As far back as he could remember, he lived on the outskirts of a human desert village, a scavenger who lived off whatever meagre scraps he could find. One day, an orc tribe descended on the village and destroyed everything. They spared Sahran, but they would not accept him. Outcast of two peoples, his outlook was grim indeed. The desert is a harsh place, where to be alone is to live on a knife-edge. Yet he survived, and learned to survive. And slowly he discovered that, as solitude is the essence of the half-orc, so too is it the essence of the desert. Now he wanders the desert, enacting its will. To those the desert finds worthy, he brings its gifts - water, food, shelter, salvation. To the unworthy, he brings fear. And to any who try to flee him, he grants the greatest gift of all: a swift and merciful death, devoid of all the suffering the desert has to offer.

Final Score

+2 (Half-Orc Paragon 3)
18 (+4)

14 (+2)

+2 (Desert Half-Orc)
16 (+3)

-2 (Desert Half-Orc)
8 (-1)

8 (-1)

+1 (Level 4 Bonus)
16 (+3)

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Half-Orc Paragon 1
Intimidate +4, Jump +4, Survival +4
Power Attack, Run (Desert Half-Orc)
Divided ancestry, monstrous mien

Half-Orc Paragon 2
Intimidate +1, Jump +1, Survival +1
Rage 1/day

Half-Orc Paragon 3
Intimidate +1, Jump +1, Survival +1
Intimidating Rage
Ability boost (Str +2)

Wolf Totem Barbarian (Spiritual Totem: Lion) 1
Intimidate +1, Jump +1, Survival +1
Pounce, Rage 2/day

Wolf Totem Barbarian 2
Intimidate +1, Never Outnumbered
Improved Trip (Wolf Totem Barbarian)

Fighter 1
Intimidate +1, Extreme Leap
Imperious Command, Improved Bull Rush (Fighter 1)

E6 Feats:

Menacing Demeanour
Combat Reflexes
Shock Trooper
Leap Attack
Extra Rage
Extra Rage
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Spiked Chain)
Steadfast Determination

Sahran is a standard low-level Barbarian at this point, charging and raging like everyone else. From level 3, the most dangerous enemy in an encounter will be shaken by his free +12 demoralize, but otherwise very normal.

Sahran now makes everyone within 10 feet shaken with Intimidating Rage. At this point, he picks up a trip weapon and starts tripping people with Improved Trip. His trip modifier isn't amazing, so he should be careful who he targets with it, but the shaken condition helps him make it stick.

People now start cowering when Sahran rages, thanks to Imperious Command. He also gets his second attack from BAB, which helps him make the most of the 1 round of cowering. From this point forward, his demoralize check reaches its final +20 modifier with Menacing Demeanour doubling up on monstrous mien. Combat Reflexes, Knock-Down, and Exotic Weapon Proficiency with Spiked Chain combine to let him trip people with damage from attacks, get a free attack if the trip is successful,and trip them again if they try to stand up, anywhere within 10 feet. Shock Trooper and Leap Attack need no introduction, but special mention should be made that cowering prevents enemies from capitalizing on Sahran's AC penalties. Extra Rage(s) ensure that he stays functional throughout the adventuring day, keeping him raging through 6 encounters. Finally, Endurance combined with Heat Endurance (from Desert Half-Orc) and Sahran's massive Fortitude score make him basically immune to the desert's heat. Steadfast Determination turns his pitiable +0 Will modifier into a slightly less pitiable +4, and a somewhat respectable +8 while raging.

Desert Half-Orc: SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/environmentalRacialVariants.htm#desertHalfOrcs)
Half-Orc Paragon: SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/racialParagonClasses.htm#halfOrcParagon)
Power Attack: SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/feats.htm#powerAttack)
Run: SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/feats.htm#run)
Intimidating Rage: Complete Warrior, p.102
Wolf Totem Barbarian: SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#wolfTotemClassFeatures )
Spiritual Totem (Lion): Complete Champion, p.46
Never Outnumbered: Complete Scoundrel, p.87
Extreme Leap: Complete Scoundrel, p.86
Imperious Command: Drow of the Underdark, p.50
Improved Bull Rush: SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/feats.htm#improvedBullRush)
Menacing Demeanour: Races of Destiny, p.153
Combat Reflexes: SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/feats.htm#combatReflexes)
Knock-Down: SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/divine/divineAbilitiesFeats.htm#knockDown)
Shock Trooper: Complete Warrior, p.112
Leap Attack: Complete Adventurer, p.110
Extra Rage: Complete Warrior, p.98
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Spiked Chain): SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/feats.htm#exoticWeaponProficiency)
Endurance: SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/feats.htm#endurance)
Steadfast Determination: Player's Handbook II, p.83

2018-03-02, 08:08 AM
So if he's half half-orc and half orc, is he, like, 3/4 Orc Paragon or something?

Rokar the Rager (The Barbarian that Wasn’t) CG Male Half Orc

Never fitting in anywhere, Rokar travelled around until he landed in jail in a human town, there he met Sythaeryn. Together, the two escaped jail and set off to travel and try to find a place to live peacefully. Of the duo, Rokar is the Muscle. He acts as Sythaeryn’s bodyguard, strong right arm, and lover. The two have been travelling together for a few years now, from one town to the next, either getting into trouble or being wise enough (sometimes) to realize they are not wanted and to move along. Rokar really has no skills to bring to the table, being all about the toughness. He is however, quite in love with Sythaeryn and fully ready to settle down and help Sythaern in her dream of owning/running an Inn.

Favorite saying (to Sythaeryn); “Smash?”

What I have attempted to do was being a Barbarian without taking a class level. Melee, Intimidation, and Rage being Rokar’s only Strengths.


32 pt buy

1/2 Orc Mods

1/2 Orc Para Bonus

Level 4

Orc Para Bonus


Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Half Orc Paragon 1
Climb 4, Intimidate 4, Jump 4, Survival 4
Power Attack (PHB)
Divided Ancestry, Monstrous Mein

Half Orc Paragon 2
Climb 5, Intimidate 5, Jump 5, Survival 5

Rage 1/day

Half Orc Paragon 3
Climb 6, Intimidate 6, Jump 6, Survival 6
Extra Rage(Cwar)
Ability Boost (STR +2)

Orc Paragon 1
Climb 6, Intimidate 7, Jump 7, Survival 6

Improved Darkvision (+30 ft), No Light Sensitivity (not used), STR +1 (4th lvl)

Orc Paragon 2
Climb 6, Intimidate 8, Jump 8, Survival 6

Elf Slayer

Orc Paragon 3
Climb 6, Intimidate 9, Jump 9, Survival 6
Righteous Wrath (BoED)
Ability Bonus (STR+2)

Epic Feats
1 Intimidating Rage (CWar)
2 Cleave (PHB)
3 Great Cleave (PHB)
4 Improved Bull Rush (PHB)
5 Improved Overrun (PHB)
6 Improved Sunder (PHB)
7 Combat Brute (CWar)
8 Leap Attack (CAdv)
9 Shock Trooper (CWar)
10 Powerful Charge (Mini)

Unearthed Arcana/SRD (Races/Classes)
PHB (Feats)
Mini handbook (Feats)
Cwar (Feats)
Cadv (Feats)

Sorry, I know I don’t really even have the feats in order but I was Hospitalized for a few days and It looks like I will be working double time until I get caught up (I can’t believe no one else can handle a simple darned Customer Service Complaint).I still really wanted to get them in. And, if someone would be so kind, after the judging is over show me where I went wrong.

2018-03-02, 08:10 AM
Since I'm a cyborg partially made out of titanium-cobalt, does that make me a metallic human?

John Drake

“Gather round, younglings.” The aging Treant called, and in a manner of minutes the open space before him was filled with all manner of creatures. Pixies, Sprites, a couple of young Eladrin, even a particularly intelligent squirrel or two.

“Today, I’ll be teaching you about humans.” The Treant opened the old book, and started to lecture. “Humans are a short-lived species, but also one of the most dynamic. They learn fast, but few have the patience to only stick to one topic. Humans can be scholars or warriors, mages or milkmaids, kings or thieves. Unlike many other species, they have no inborn inclination towards good or evil. If there is one unifying trait of humanity, it is their ambition.”

The Treant slowly turned a page in the old book, and continued his lecture. “Now, as they age, their skins harden into tough scales, and they gather huge hoards of wealth. They will also breathe fire on anyone that dares disturb their domain. They…yes?” One of the squirrels had raised its paw.

“Ehm, sir, didn’t you skip a couple of pages here?” She chittered. “This doesn’t like humans to me.”

The Treant shook his head. “I don’t make mistakes like that, youngling.”

“But the number at the bottom of the page is far higher than the one on the page before.” A Sprite that had taken its place on the Treants shoulder chimed in.

“Harumph, be silent. If you think you can give the lesson better, than go give it somewhere else. Now, everyone should pay special attention while I teach you the difference between metallic and chromatic humans…”

CG Human Human paragon 3/dragonfire adept 2/Chameleon 1
Ability scores
STR: 8
DEX: 14
CON: 16
INT: 14
WIS: 13+1(level 4)
CHA: 13+2(Human paragon 3 boost)

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Human Paragon 1
Bluff 4, Disguise 4, Sense motive 4, Spellcraft 4, sleight of hand 4, Search 3, Open lock 3, intimdate 2
Able learner, jack of all trades
Adaptive learning (Disguise)

Dragonfire Adept 1
Bluff 5, Disguise 5, Sense motive 4, Spellcraft 5, sleight of hand 5, Search 4, Open lock 4, Intimidate 3
Breath weapon 1d6, Dragontouched, least invocations

Human Paragon 2
Bluff 6, Disguise 6, Sense motive 4, Spellcraft 5, sleight of hand 6, Search 5, Open lock 5, intimidate 5
Draconic heritage (brass), Draconic senses
Bonus feat, +1 level of dragonfire adept casting

Human Paragon 3
Bluff 7, Disguise 7, Sense motive 4, Spellcraft 5, sleight of hand 7, Search 6, Open lock 6, intimidate 7
Ability boost (+2 CHA), +1 level of dragonfire adept casting

Dragonfire Adept 2
Bluff 8, Disguise 8, Sense motive 4, Spellcraft 5, sleight of hand 8, Search 7, Open lock 7, concentration 1, intimdate 8
Breath effect(Frost Breath), scales +2

Chameleon 1
Bluff 9, Disguise 8, Sense motive 4, Spellcraft 5, sleight of hand 9, Search 8, Open lock 8, concentration 1, intimidate 9 , skill trick: Conceal spellcasting
Practiced Spellcaster (Chameleon)
Aptitude focus 1/day (+2)

Epic Feats
Frightful presence
Draconic knowledge
entangling exhalation
Draconic resistance
Draconic toughness
Ability focus (Breath weapon)
Draconic skin
Exhaled Barrier
lightning reflexes
Skill focus(Bluff)

Beguiling influence, Magic insight

If the Chameleon picks divine spellcasting, he can get any divine spell of 1st or 2nd level, and gets them the same way a cleric does. Pick the spells you expect to need in the upcoming adventuring day. Examples could be endure elements when doing desert survival, Doom in case you have a plan relying on someone failing a save, zone fo truth in case you need to question someone, etc.

If the Chameleon has picked arcane spellcasting, he's dependent on spells he's been able to find, as he doesn't get any spells known. He can copy spells into his spellbook like a wizard would. That having been said, you should try and get your hands on scrolls made by a trapsmith, as they get all kinds of nice spells at lower spell level, such as haste(1st), dispel magic(1st) and dimension door(2nd). If that's not possible, taking many of the low level usual suspects (grease, glitterdust, invisibility, etc.) should help you as well.

HD: 5d8+8(first HD)+18(CON)+12(Draconic toughness)+1(Dragontouched), average: 61
AC: 15 or higher. John's unarmored AC is only 15, but Chameleon gives proficiency with all forms of armor, which is useful when he isn't suing the arcane focus aptitude.
Breath weapon: 2d6, Reflex for half: DC 17
Vision: Low-light, dark-vision 60 feet, blindsense 20 feet (Draconic senses)
Fire resistance 18 (draconic resistance)

Bluff +14 (+20 with beguiling influence)
Disguise +10
Sense motive +6
Spellcraft +7
sleight of hand +11
Search +16
Spot +8
listen +8
Open lock +10
concentration +4
intimidate +11 (+17 with beguiling influence)
Knowledge(all) +8

John Drake is good at a lot of things. He knows a decent bit about everything, he can find a needle in a haystack, and then use that needle to open a locked door, he can bluff himself past a lot of problems, and can cast a spell or two when he feels like it. His particular skill-set makes him perfect for courtly intrigue, or a heist, or just about any other job that doesn't involve a lot of single combat.

John can help the party out on the social front, and having decent bonuses for all knowledges make him an excellent resource. He won't do as well as someone who specialized in a knowledge skill, but since it's unlikely all knowledge's will be covered by the party he can pick up the slack where their knowledge fails. Between spells and skills, he can also help the party on the infiltration front. The lack of hide and move silently can be compensated for with a spell or two, or a really good disguise and a quick story, while his decent senses and skill with various tools will allow him to find what he's looking for, and get it out of whatever container is protecting it.

His damage in combat is abysmal, but if there's a party around him he has a number of useful crowd control abilities. He can entangle everyone within his breath weapon range, or put up a barrier of frost or flames. Frightful presence allows him to cause hordes of weaker enemies to become shaken. If he's picked divine or arcane focus for his chameleon aptitude he can also cast a couple of spells to help his party out.

John has [Draconic] feats, being Draconic Heritage, Draconic Senses, Draconic knowledge, Draconic resistance, Draconic toughness and Draconic skin. With the exception of Draconic skin, all of these scale with the number of Draconic feats you have. John has 6 of these, so the final effect for each of these feats will correspond to that number of draconic feats.

Dragonfire adept does benefit from the increased spellcaster level from human paragon. It increases the breath weapon damage, DC and invocations known as if the adept was 2 levels higher than he actually is, so by character level 5 he knows 2 invocations and can use his breath weapon as if he was a level 4 dragonfire adept.

Practiced spellcaster (Chameleon) could be considered an invalid pick, since a chameleon is only a spellcaster some of the time. I haven't been able to find an official definition of what is and isn't a spellcasting class, and the Chameleon does have spell slots listed in his class information, so I'm assuming he qualifies. I might have missed such an official definition, however.

Dragon magic: Dragonfire Adept, Draconic knowledge, draconic senses
Unearthed Arcana: Human Paragon
Races of destiny: Chameleon, Able learner
Races of the dragon: Draconic heritage, Draconic resistance, Draconic toughness, Draconic skin, entangling exhalation, exhaled barrier
Draconomicon: Frightful presence
complete scoundrel: conceal spellcasting
Monster manual: Ability focus
complete divine: practiced spellcaster
PHB: skill focus, lightning reflexes
complete adventurer: jack of all trades

2018-03-02, 08:11 AM
Time for a RAGEADIN!

Heru Sunblood
In the desert the sun always looks down with its vengeful glare. So too does Horus-Re, the mighty Lord of the Sun. I am simply a conduit for his divine wrath as I enforce his law.

The Sunbloods are a small Orcish tribe living in the Plains of Purple Dust on the borders of Mulhorand. They made their home in the Amethyst Canyons where they mined the canyons namesake for trade to human tribes on the borders of the desert. His mother was an orc who had a brief liaison with a human on one of these trade trips although she refused to speak of his father to Heru. His half breed status meant he was shunned growing up and he left to travel the world and try to find his place at an early age. He travelled in the human lands of the Mulhorand empire hoping to find more acceptance there but was sorely disappointed. His estrangement built into a mighty fury and he raged against the injustices of the world.

It was at this time that he encountered a cleric of Horus-Re. Heru took in his teachings and felt the call of the divine echoing in his soul. He dedicated his life to the Lord of the Sun and began fighting for his his faith. He had found a new outlet for his anger and by channeling it into holy fury he had a new sense of purpose in life. He spent many years waging war on behalf of his god and eventually reached the highest echelons of the church.

LG Male Desert Half Orc
Half Orc Paragon 2 / Paladin 4
Whirling Frenzy variant instead of rage
Half Orc Paladin substitution levels at 1 and 3
Hit die: 2d12+2d10+2d8

Strength: 16
Dexterity: 10
Constitution: 12 + 2 racial = 14
Intelligence: 12 - 2 racial = 10
Wisdom: 12
Charisma: 15 + 1 level up = 16

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Half Orc Paragon 1
Climb 4, Intimidate 4, Jump 4, Survival 4
Power Attack, Run (racial)
Divided Ancestry, Monstrous Mien

Half Orc Paragon 2
Climb +1 (5), Intimidate +1 (5), Jump +1 (5), Survival +1 (5)

Whirling Frenzy 1/day

Half Orc Paladin 1
Climb 5, Intimidate +1 (6), Jump 5, Knowledge (Religion) +1 (1), Survival 5
Extra Rage
Aura of Good, Detect Evil, Righteous Fury 1/day

Paladin 2
Climb 5, Intimidate 6, Jump 5, Knowledge (Religion) +2 (3), Survival 5

Divine Grace, Lay on Hands

Half Orc Paladin 3
Climb 5, Intimidate +2 (8), Jump 5, Knowledge (Religion) 3, Survival 5

Aura of Awe, Divine Health

Paladin 4
Climb 5, Intimidate 8, Jump 5, Knowledge (Religion) 3, Survival 5, Skill Trick (Never Outnumbered) +2
Imperious Command
Turn Undead

E1: Intimidating Rage
E2: Divine Might
E3: Righteous Wrath
E4: Law Devotion
E5: Extra Turning
E6: Menacing Demeanour
E7: Resounding Blow
E8: Initiate of Horus-Re
E9: Extra Rage
E10: Extra Turning

Spells per Day







0 (1 with wisdom)

Typically prepares Rhino’s Rush in his one spell slot

1st to 3rd level – Heru starts life as a fairly standard half orc brawler. He has power attack and a decent strength so using a two handed weapon means he functions as a decent damage dealer. He has the first level of the SI which makes him particularly intimidating, a modifier of+10 means he has a solid chance of demoralising most enemies. His other skill selection aid him in traversing the wilderness of his homeland. The second level of the SI grants Heru Whirling Frenzy once a day. This gives him one combat a day with considerably boosted abilities. At third level he picks up Extra Rage bringing his combats with Whirling Frenzy up to a more respectable 3/day. He also leaves behind the SI, accepting the blessings of Horus-Re and progressing into Paladin. Because of his half orc nature he gains Righteous Fury for another combat boost which can be used on a fourth combat in a day or combined with Whirling Frenzy for a boss fight.

4th to 6th level – Heru becomes more charismatic in service of his god. This ties in nicely with gaining Divine Grace and Lay on Hands, both of which run off Charisma. He picks up some religious teachings at this level as intimidate isn’t a class skill for the regular paladin levels, then catches up on intimidate at 5th level. This combines nicely with Aura of Awe which gives a penalty to enemy enemies saves against fear. This in turn shines in combination with Imperious Command and Never Outnumbered which he picks up at 6th level. He can now demoralise everyone within 10ft causing them to cower from his fury. Conveniently this is the same radius as his Aura of Awe so they take a -2 to their check and need to beat his at a +15 modifier. Sadly he doesn’t have enough skill points to fully max out intimidate but his other bonuses more than make up for it. He also picks up Turn Undead which we will come back to later.

E1 to E3 – At epic levels now Heru grabs Intimidating Rage which gives him an alternative method of demoralising whilst in a Whirling Frenzy. If he is facing one opponent the free action activation means this will be his preference, although Never Outnumbered will still be of use against groups of enemies. He then gains Divine Might which lets him put his Turn Undead attempts to good use boosting his damage as a free action for six rounds a day. Then his frenzy become empowered by divine energy, giving him another fear effect against evil creatures. This will leave enemies frightened when they recover from the cowering inflicted by Imperious Command. The DC for this effect will be fairly low but his enemies will be suffering from Aura of Awe to help this land.

E4 to E7 – Heru’s devotion to the laws of his deity manifest and can grant him solid in combat buffs to hit or AC that can be switched each round as needed. Extra Turning provides more fuel to power his divine feats. With it he will have 10 turn attempts a day to split between extra uses of Law Devotion and on Divine Might. Menacing Demeanour gives another large boost to the intimidate skill. His modifier will be +19 now and few enemies should be able to make that save. His blows become particularly fearsome with Resounding Blow and he can leave enemies cowering if they fail a save after he crits them. For the additional crit chance Heru should wield a Falchion and if at all possible it should be enchanted with Keen.

E8 to E10 – His faith in his deity takes another step forward with his 8th epic feat as he gains Initiate of Horus-Re. The ability to turn into a hawk once a day provides some utility options for Heru. This is useful for scouting, infiltration, travel, avoiding obstacles and as a last resort as a method of escape. The last two feats give additional uses of limited resources adding to his combat stamina. Extra Rage a second time gives 5 combats a day in a Whirling Frenzy. Extra Turning brings Heru up to 14 turn attempts which for example would provide 3 additional uses of Law Devotion (4 total) and 5 uses of Divine Might.

Final stats
AC: 10 + 8 (full plate) + 2 whirling frenzy = 20 (potentially 23 with law devotion)
Attacks: +9 / +4 (base) or +9 / +9 / +4 (+whirling frenzy) or +12 / +12 / +7 (+law devotion) or +15 /+15 / +10 (+righteous fury)
Damage: 2d4+4 (base) or 2d4+7 (+whirling frenzy) or 2d4+10 (+divine might) or 2d4+13 (+righteous fury)

Players Handbook / SRD: Paladin, Power Attack, Run, Extra Turning
Unearthed Arcana / SRD: Half Orc Paragon, Desert Half Orc, Whirling Frenzy
Races of Destiny: Menacing Demeanour, Half Orc Paladin
Book of Exalted Deeds: Righteous Wrath, Resounding Blow
Complete Scoundrel: Never Outnumbered
Spell Compendium: Rhino’s Rush
Complete Champion: Law Devotion
Drow of the Underdark: Imperious Command
Complete Warrior: Extra Rage, Intimidating Rage, Divine Might
Champions of Valor: Initiate of Horus-Re

2018-03-02, 08:12 AM
She has no ranks in Intimidate, but I'm still scared.

Helga the Jungle Halfling Dinosaur Riding Boomerang Throwing Barbarian
This halfling was very largely inspired by the Talenta Plains Halflings from Eberron. If you have not read this then please read this first: Races of Eberron pages 95-98. The section on the Talenta Plains Halflings. You will wonder I chose this as a racial paragon character if you don't!
Jungle Halfling
16 str
16 dex
14 con
12 int
8 wis
10 cha
Level up into STR



Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features

Handle Animal +4, Hide +4, Move Silently +4, Ride +4, Survival +4, Climb +4, Craft Poison +4
Talenta Warrior
Favored Enemy Animal, Track, Wild Empathy

Handle Animal +5, Ride +5, Craft Poison +5, Survival +5, Climb +5

Fast Movement, Whirling Frenzy

Handle Animal +6, Hide +5, Move Silently +5, Ride +6, Survival +6, Climb +6, Craft Poison +6
Wild Cohort
Weapon Style: Two Weapon Fighting

Halfling Paragon
Climb +7, Hide +6, Move Silently +6, Survival +7, Craft Poison +7

Athletic Prowess, Save Bonus

Halfling Paragon
Climb +8, Hide +7, Move Silently +7, Survival +8, Craft Poison +8

Thrown Weapon Mastery

Halfling Paragon
Climb +9, Hide +8, Move Silently +8, Survival +9, Craft Poison +9
Mounted Combat
+2 Dex Boost

Epic 1
Boomerang Daze

Epic 2
Mounted Archery

Epic 3
Improved Mounted Archery

Epic 4
Quick Draw

Epic 5
Point Blank Shot

Epic 6
Rapid Shot

Epic 7
Boomerang Ricochet

Epic 8
Dinosaur Wrangler

Epic 9
Dinosaur Hunter

Epic 10
Extra Rage

Helga a Jungle Halfling from Talenta Plains. She raised as a hunter. She grew as hunter. She ride dino. She throw boomerang. She get mad. She got mad at chief. Chief got boomerang to face. Chief use dino. She use dino. Chief use spear. She use boomerang. Boomerang win. Chief dino lose. Chief lose. She chief. Me think she eat chief. Me could be wrong. Helga true Halfling hunter. Helga chief now. Helga boss. Helga please no hit me.
What, didn't you read Story Time? I think that halfling explained what she does pretty well, dont you think? I mean seriously, she rides a dinosaur, and throws boomerangs. She hunts very well. And she is from the Talenta Plains. I mean seriously, she can throw up to 4 boomerangs in a turn and hit up to 8 targets with her boomerangs. These boomerangs pack a punch what with all the bonuses halflings get to throwing, what halfling paragon gives to throwing, and she's freakishly strong for one of them damned little creatures. Oh and not to mention, she has a friggin dinosaur that she raised. I think she cares more about that dinosaur than she does about her family. Could be wrong, but she hardly ever leaves that dinosaur. And she makes poisons?!? I mean seriously what the crap. And she can use a Talenta Sharrash.

Player's Handbook: Ranger, Barbarian, Mounted Combat, Mounted Archery, Quick Draw, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot
Races of Eberron: Talenta Warrior, Boomerang Daze, Boomerang Ricochet, Dinosaur Wrangler, Dinosaur Hunter
Unearthed Arcana: Whirling Frenzy, Halfling Paragon
http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20031118a : Wild Cohort
Complete Warrior: Improved Mounted Archery, Extra Rage
Eberron Campaign Setting: Talenta Boomerang, Talenta Sharrash

2018-03-02, 08:14 AM
RAGEADIN II: Electric Boogaloo!

Garek Grutshank


Race: Desert Half-Orc
Build Stub: Paladin 1/Half-Orc Paragon 2/Paladin +3
Multiclass Penalty: No.
Languages: Common, Orc
Alignment: LG
Ability Scores:








Ability Score Increase (4th): Charisma 16

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Half-Orc Paladin 1
Intimidate 4, Jump 4
Intimidating Strike
Aura of Good, Detect Evil, Righteous Fury 1/day

Half-Orc Paragon 1
Intimidate 5(+1), Jump 5(+1), Tumble 2(+2)

Divided Ancestry, Monstrous Mien, Skilled City-Dweller ACF (Tumble)

Half-Orc Paragon 2
Intimidate 6(+1), Jump 5, Tumble 5(+3)[/B]
Intimidating Rage
Rage 1/day, Skilled City-Dweller ACF (Tumble)

Paladin 2
Intimidate 6, Jump 7(+2), Tumble 5

Divine Grace, Lay On Hands

Half-Orc Paladin 3
Intimidate 8(+2), Jump 7, Tumble 5

Aura of Awe, Divine Health

Paladin 4
Intimidate 8, Jump 7, Tumble 5, Skill Trick: Never Outnumbered (+2)
Imperious Command
Turn Undead

Additional Feats:
1. Extra Rage (Complete Warrior)
2. Righteous Wrath (Book of Exalted Deeds)
3. Frightful Presence (Draconomicon)
4. Menacing Demeanor (Races of Destiny)
5. MOAR Extra Rage (Complete Warrior)
6. Power Attack
7. Resounding Blow (Book of Exalted Deeds)
8. Mad Foam Rager (PHBII)
9. Divine Might (Complete Warrior)
10. EVEN MOAR Extra Rage (Complete Warrior)

Paladin Spell: Usually deafening clang or swift bless weapon (Spell Compendium).

Level 1: Garek starts off as a Half-Orc Paladin, which gives him d12 hit points, Intimidate as a class skill, and swaps Smite Evil for Righteous Fury. This last ability can be activated as a free action 1/day as a rage-like damage buff, stacks with other forms of rage, and lasts multiple rounds (1 + Cha bonus). Garek's first feat choice is Intimidating Strike, which allows him to combine a standard attack with an Intimidate check. In most 3.5 games, losing the ability to make a full attack would be considered a disadvantage, but in E6 standard attacks are much more common. If Garek later picks up some Fearsome armor (Drow of the Underdark), Intimidating Strike pairs up very well with the move-action demoralize. There is some disagreement over whether Intimidating Strike can be activated with a zero penalty, but even if the DM rules otherwise, a -1 penalty feels like a small price to pay for a debuff that lasts the entire encounter.

Level 2: At 2nd level, Garek enters Half-Orc Paragon, and the big pick-up here is Monstrous Mien, which gives him a +4 racial bonus on Intimidate checks. Half-Orc Paragon also gets more skill points, allowing Garek to pick up some ranks in Tumble via the Skilled City Dweller ACF.

Level 3: Who says Lawful Good can't get angry? Garek picks up not only Rage but Intimidating Rage, allowing him to demoralize an enemy as a free action while raging. This allows Garek to start a round with Intimidating Strike to shaken, and then follow up with a demoralize against the same enemy to make them frightened or shaken another enemy that he couldn't quite reach with a melee attack. With his extra skill points, Garek continues to max out Intimidate and puts the rest into Tumble.

Level 4: Garek returns to his career as a paladin, picking up Divine Grace and Lay On Hands. These abilities don't really involve being angry or intimidating, but they are signature abilities that everyone would expect a paladin (even an angry one) to have. This is not a substitution level, so Garek puts his 2 skill points into Jump.

Level 5: This is a substitution level, so Garek tops off Intimidate and picks up Aura of Awe, which gives any evil creature within 10' a -2 penalty against Intimidate checks and fear effects (or rather a +2 bonus from Garek's point of view). Garek's total Intimidate bonus against an evil opponent is up to +17 (8 ranks, +3 Cha, +4 Monstrous Mien, +2 Aura of Awe).

Level 6: Paladin 4 unlocks quite a few goodies. First, there's Turn Undead and 1st-level Paladin spells (such as deafening clang and swift bless weapon. With his two skill points, he picks up Never Outnumbered to demoralize multiple opponents. And for his 6th level feat, he picks up Imperious Command, causing his demoralized opponents to cower for a round. This means Garek can start off the round by closing into melee range with a move action, activate Righteous Fury as a free action, make an Intimidating Strike as a standard action, cast deafening clang as a swift action for +1d6 [sonic] damage and a save vs. deafness, make an Intimidate check if he hits, activate his Intimidating Rage to make a demoralize check as a free action against a target up to 30' away, and use Never Outnumbered to demoralize any other enemies within 10'.

To make sure he can do this more than once per day, Garek's first "epic" feat is Extra Rage. After that, Righteous Wrath adds an additional Will save vs. shaken against evil opponents. Frightful Presence adds an additional Will save vs. shaken to all opponents within 30' whenever Garek attacks or charges. Menacing Demeanor gives him another +4 untyped bonus on Intimidate checks, and then he can go back to stockpiling Extra Rage for additional rages per day. If 5/day is sufficient, then Garek can look at improving some other areas, such as Power Attack for more damage, Resounding Blow for an additional round of cowering, Mad Foam Rager for delaying attacks/spells/effects, and then maybe something that uses his Turn Undeads, such as a devotion feat or Divine Might.

Book of Exalted Deeds: Righteous Wrath, Resounding Blow
Cityscape Web Enhancement: Skilled City Dweller (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070228a)
Complete Scoundrel: Never Outnumbered
Complete Warrior: Intimidating Rage, Extra Rage, Divine Might
Draconomicon: Frightful Presence
Drow of the Underdark: Imperious Command
Player's Handbook II: Intimidating Strike, Mad Foam Rager
Races of Destiny: Half-Orc Paladin, Menacing Demeanor
Unearthed Arcana: Desert Half-Orc

2018-03-02, 08:15 AM
I won't directly make the joke, but yes, it is indeed stuck in my head right now.

Dorcas Thistlethwaite, Badger Lady

Chaotic Good Venerable Stonehunter Gnome
Savage Bard 2/Marshall 1/Gnome Paragon 3

32 Point Buy. Aged to Venerable in stages from Level 4 on.

Lvl 4 (Middle Age)
Lvl 5 (Old Age)
Lvl 6 (Venerable)






20 (Inherent)
24 (Class Bonus)

Level 4 Inherent Bonus added to CHA
Gnome Paragon Level 3 Ability Boost added to CHA

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Savage Gnome Bard
Balance 4, Bluff 4, Diplomacy 4, Handle Animal 2cc(4), Perform (Vocal) 3, Perform (Wind) 3, Sense Motive 4, Use Magic Device 2
Extra Music
Bardic Music, Bardic Knowledge, Gnome Cantrips, Counter Fear, Fascinate, Inspire Courage +1, Illiteracy, Spellcasting

Savage Bard
Balance 1(5), Bluff 1(5), Diplomacy 1(5), Handle Animal 2, Perform (Vocal) 3, Perform (Wind) 3, Sense Motive 1(5), Use Magic Device 3(5)

Balance 5, Bluff 5, Diplomacy 1(6), Handle Animal 4(6), Perform (Vocal) 3, Perform (Wind) 3, Sense Motive 5, Use Magic Device 5
Dragonfire Inspiration, Skill Focus (Diplomacy) (B)
Minor Aura (Motivate Charisma), Skill Focus (Diplomacy)

Gnome Paragon
Balance 5, Bluff 2(7), Diplomacy 1(7), Handle Animal 1cc(7), Perform (Vocal) 3, Perform (Wind) 3, Sense Motive 5, Use Magic Device 5
Illusion Aptitude, Keen Senses

Gnome Paragon
Balance 5, Bluff 1(8), Diplomacy 1(8), Handle Animal 1cc(8), Perform (Vocal) 3, Perform (Wind) 3, Sense Motive 1cc(6), Use Magic Device 5
Mirror Image

Gnome Paragon
Balance 5, Bluff 1(9), Diplomacy 1(9), Handle Animal 1cc(9), Perform (Vocal) 3, Perform (Wind) 3, Sense Motive 1cc(7), Use Magic Device 5
Words of Creation
Ability Boost (+2 CHA)

Epic Feats:

1: Burrow Friend

2-10: 9x Animal Friends

Spells Known/Spells per Day(Bonus)








Spells Known:
@lvl1: Cantrips: Prestidigitation, Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Message
@lvl2: Cantrips: Mage Hand Lvl1: Inspirational Boost, Summon Nature's Ally I
@lvl5: Cantrips: Lvl1: Silent Image
@lvl6: Lvl2: Summon Nature's Ally II, Elation

When Dorcas Thistelthwaite was a young Gnome lass, she ran wild through the countryside around the Stonehunter Gnome town of Deephollow. A precocious lass quick with a laugh and a song, her charming nature allowed for many an indulgence from her elders. As she grew, wanderlust rose in her veins so strong that when a passing group of adventurers stopped in the town for resupply Dorcas stole herself away and joined the group in search of adventure and glory. Years passed in happy abandon, following wherever the road took the group. Over time membership changed as adventurers died or moved on, till one day Dorcas found herself the most senior of the party remaining. Dubbed by her compatriots ‘Captain Thistle,’ Dorcas lead her adventures with a deft hand, motivating them to feats many would have thought impossible

Dorcas’ first two levels are as a Savage Gnome Bard, which is both a Racial Substitution and a Variant class. The Gnome Bard Substitution level (at 1) limits the number of Cantrips known to two, and gives Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, and Prestidigitation as known Cantrips in exchange. Since we are likely to take those three anyways, this is great. Additionally, Dorcas loses the Countersong ability and gains Counter Fear, which allows allies to use Dorca’s Perform checks in place of Will saves vs fear. The Savage Bard variant trades away Decipher Script and Speak Language for Survival, has good Fort and Will saves, makes Dorcas illiterate, and makes some changes to the spell list including adding Summon Nature’s Ally (I-IV). Normally a Savage Bard loses Prestidigitation among other things, but luckily Gnome Bard brings it back. Dorcas picks up Extra Music at level 1 because it’s nice to be able to use your class features occasionally. At Skill-wise, Dorcas is maxing out Diplomacy and Bluff (save for a small blip at level 3), picking up the bare minimum to perform Inspire Courage and Counter Fear with both her voice and wind instruments, and getting somewhat handy at using magic items. Her fondness for animals comes online in a major way at level 3 where she tops off Handle Animal, which will stay maxed for the rest of her career.
At level three Dorcas takes a level in Marshal. This give access to a Minor Aura, which is chosen to be motivate charisma, which allows Dorcas and all allies to add her CHA modifier to all Charisma based checks and skills. Since her CHA is massive and about to spike harder, this is a rather huge buff. At this point Dorcas gets in touch with her Draconic heritage and picks up Dragonfire Inspiration to turn her Inspire Courage bonus into d6s of fire damage.

In these levels Dorcas is a combat support character with Inspire Courage/Dragonfire Inspiration and a limited number of spells, of which in combat she might use Summon Nature’s Ally I and Inspirational Boost for better IC/DI. Out of combat, she is a very capable party face, with at level 3 CHA to charisma based skills twice, maxed Bluff/Diplomacy, and Skill Focus (Diplomacy) from her level of Marshal. With 5 ranks in UMD and a +8 ability modifier (2xCHA) she has a decent chance to activate wands.

After many years of adventure Dorcas Thistlethwaite decided to rest on her laurels and retire back to Deephollow. “After all,” she’d say, “I’m not as young as I used to be. It’s time for some younger folk to take over the adventuring game.” Dorcas would spend her days idly enjoying the weather, going on long walks and communing with the creatures, and generally enjoying life as it came. After a while however, idleness began to chafe, and Dorcas found herself beginning to meddle about town, simply for something to occupy her. It didn’t take long, but soon Dorcas found herself deeply involved in the local council, helping advocate for Gnomeish rights and freedoms. For years Dorcas was a fixture of the local establishment, until none could recall a time before the Venerable Gnome had been serving.

Dorcas enters the SI! Gnome Paragon levels couple nicely with Dorcas’ kit. Keen Senses improves on the Racial bonuses to Craft(Alchemy) and Listen, neither of which Dorcas has put any effort into, though free bonuses on listen are always nice. Illusion Aptitude allows Dorcas to add her Paragon Class level to the CL of any illusion spell she can cast as well as racial illusion SLAs, which helps with save DCs and will boost her CL to 7 eventually for such spells. The second level of Gnome Paragon advances Bard spellcasting, allowing knowledge of Silent Image, which takes advantage of Illusion Aptitude. This level also gives Mirror Image 1/day as an SLA with CL equal to Paragon level, which should also benefit from Illusion Aptitude. The third and final level of the SI advances spellcasting to CL4, which gives access to second level spells, and Dorcas picks up Summon Nature’s Ally II and Elation. The capstone +2CHA is also appreciated. The level 6 feat chosen is Words of Creation, which among other things improves on Inspire Courage/Dragonfire Inspiration values. Depending on the DM’s reading of the feat this is either just ok (doubling the base +1 from the class only) or fantastic (if it doubles all bonuses), giving up to a +8/+8d6 bonus if we assume +1 base, +1 Inspirational Boost, +1 Masterwork Horn, and +1 from a Badge of Valor.

It is worth noting that Words of Creation was qualified for (the WIS 15 requirement) due to the advancing age modifiers. Some storytelling liberties were taken here, as it is assumed that Dorcas’ community service spanned centuries, over which she slowly levels up in Gnome Paragon, achieving the Pinnacle of Gnomeishness as she reaches a Venerable Age.

On a skill usage side, at level 6 Dorcas has CHA 24 for a bonus of + 7, which is doubled for all charisma based skills. Therefore she has Bluff and Diplomacy checks of +23 and +28 respectively, as well as a +19UMD, allowing her to activate wands without fail. Her Handle Animal check is a decent +23 as well, which will become relevant as she heads into retirement (Epic Feats).

One day, ancient beyond reckoning, Councilor Thistlethwaite decided to retire once again. While she found the break from responsibilities and daily regimen refreshing, once again she found idleness and loneliness as hard to embrace as she once had years before. Contemplating this sorry state upon a walk one afternoon Dorcas stumbled upon a young badger kit, just striking out on its own. Enticing the young creature with various snacks secreted about her person, the old Gnome soon had a staunch companion, and she found that the rambunctious little creature brought her great joy; its very presence lifted the melancholy she had fallen into since her retreat from society. Shortly the Thistlethwaite residence was a place of startling energy and abandon, as Dorcas sought out and adopted what seemed to be every badger in the area. And there she lives to this day on the fringes of Deephollow proud mother to an ever-growing swarm of badgers

Dorcas has but two Epic feats: Burrow Friend, which allows her to use her racial ability to talk to burrowing animals a whopping 8 times a day, as well as giving an additional +2 to Handle Animal checks for a total modifier of +25, which will come in handy with training her army of badgers.

Said badgers are acquired through the rest of her Epic feats, all nine of which are Animal Friends, which allows Dorcas to attract 2HD of badgers for each instance of the feat. Dorcas will choose to attract 2HD badgers for a total of nine furry companions. Badger stats can be found on the SRD here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/badger.htm). She will then apply the Warbeast Template (trivial DC17 and DC 22 Handle Animal checks) to them all, which gives +10ft base speed, +3 STR/CON, +2 WIS, and +1HD. As 3HD creatures the badgers qualify for one additional feat, and will all pick up Swarmfighting, which allows all nine badgers to fit in the same 5’ square and get +1 morale bonus on attack roles per badger threatening the same creature, up to a max of their DEX bonus (+3). Each badger is now a raging, flaming, fighting machine, with a full attack routine of: 2 claws +8 (1d2+1+8d6fire) and bite +3 (1d3+1+8d6fire). At only 3d8+6 hp they are somewhat squishy, but there are quite a few of them. They can be further enhanced with a casting of Elation, which gives a further +2STR/DEX, +5’.

And there you have it folks, Dorcas Thistlethwaite, Badger Lady!

As you love sweet little old ladies and small woodland animals, pick up some STR and CON boosters before you take Dorcas out for a spin! Everything else is at your discretion (though the standard Inspire Courage boosters are recommended), but she is basically incapable of going for long walks without magic, much less taking a hit!

There are two distinct potential stumbling blocks with this build, both contingent upon the feat Animal Friends. The first is that this feat is based on a 3.0 spell (Animal Friendship) that was effectively replaced by the Animal Companion class feature, and Animal Friends may not be allowed at all anymore. Should that be the case, fairly substantial revision would need to be done for the Epic Feats. A start would be to take Obtain Familiar and Improved Familiar as well as Wild Cohort and Natural Bond to get two badgers of varying utility. The latter option was considered for the principle build, but rejected based on the fact that 9x Animal Friends is more entertaining, at least to this chef. That would still leave 5 feats to be replaced, at which point you would probably go the Zen Archery route, as your combat effectiveness can no longer depend entirely upon a horde of flaming badgers.

The second potential issue with the build as presented is that the text of the Animal Friends and the associated spell may make it impossible to advance your badgers beyond 2HD by any means without them scampering off into the sunset. If that’s the case, you can’t get 3HD badgers, and they then can’t all be given Swarmfighting. In fact, if this is the case then you can’t even advance 1HD badgers with Warbeast (the fallback option for this build = more badgers offsets less hp and chance of hitting), which is pretty sad. If this is an issue, then this build become rather less effective, as 2HD badgers aren’t that scary at ECL6 with 10 extra feats and gear, no matter how much they are on fire.

Another option is to not make use of the age category stat boosts which were mostly used for fluff reasons – old cat ladies are more stereotypical than young cat ladies after all. This makes Dorcas significantly less fragile at later levels, but also makes her party face abilities much less potent. To do this and qualify for Words of Creation, swap the initial Dex and Wisdom Scores, and place the 4th level stat bonus in Wisdom.

Some of the spell choices were made for thematic sense (Calm Animals, Summon Nature’s Ally) and could be swapped out for others (e.g. Instant of Power, Glitterdust)

Dragon Magic (DrM) – Stonehunter Gnome (p8), Dragonfire Inspiration (p17)
Unearthed Arcana (UA) – Savage Bard (p50), Gnome Paragon (p36)
Miniatures Handbook (MH) – Marshal (p11)
Complete Adventurer (CAd) – Extra Music (p109)
Book of Exalted Deeds (BoED) – Words of Creation (p48), Elation (p98)
Spell Compendium (SpC) – Inspirational Boost (p124)

2018-03-02, 08:17 AM
"Fanboy of the concept of half-elves" is definitely a new one for me . . .

Bann Ru’Falo/Jedeck Hyll
Chaotic Good Changeling
Martial Changeling Rogue 2/Half-Elf Paragon 2/Half-Orc Paragon 2

In a dimly lit corner of the bar sat a handsome half-elf, just slightly too well-dressed for the establishment. He was notable to other patrons not just for his attire, but also for the appearance of his dinner companion. Upon a glance one might say with certainty that he sat across from another half-elf – and quite a pretty one at that – though upon a second or third she seemed clearly human, or perhaps even one of the ethereal elves. While the young man evinced no consternation at his companion’s shifting form, there was an air of somewhat strained cordiality between the two; first dates, after all, are always somewhat awkward.
The evening had reached the point of sharing of amusing anecdotes, and the young half-elf was currently on the spot. “…my mother used to tell me that if I wasn’t careful my face would get stuck that way.” He smiled, features already brightening in anticipation of the coming punchline.
“She was more right than she knew,” he chuckled, indicating his countenance with a negligent wave of the hand. “I find that the face you see before you is the one I most readily recognize in the mirror. Anyways, as you might suspect my unwillingness to relinquish a half-elven face did not earn me any friends in the Quarter, indeed…”
The young man brought the story to a light-hearted conclusion, skirting by fights and loneliness that stemmed from the cruelty of children for one who appears and acts differently. From there the conversation evolved, both participants relaxing as they found much to be admired in each other. It seemed the lady had for many years played in orchestras of progressing prominence and would shortly perform at the Grand Symphony. The young Half-Elf had parlayed a passing acquaintance some years prior into social success of no small amount among the half-elven high society and hoped to be able to attend the performance….
The evening was progressing amiably, the two voices rising and twining with sincere appreciation. Dessert was underway when the rising notes of a growing altercation intruded upon the easy comradery the pair had found throughout the meal. Over at the bar a burly human had cornered a young woman, standing aggressively close and gesticulating with increasing vehemence and volume as his advances were rebuffed. The young gentleman excused himself from his lovely date and approached the pair, strong tenor voice cutting through the furious man’s tirade as he addressed himself to the woman pinned against the bar.
“Pardon me, ma’am, but are you quite alright?”
The aggresive human rounded on him with a snarl on his lips, fists tensed and spat “Mind your own business knife-ear.”
The half-elf ignored him, eyes trained on the woman still trapped, pleasant expression on his face. “Should you wish there is room at our table, where you will be asked for nothing save that which you choose to share.”
Incensed at being ignored, the enraged man grabbed a bottle off the countertop and swung at the half-elf. A gasp escaped the young woman left behind at the corner table as, impossibly quick, a hand shot out and caught the man’s arm mid-swing, stopping it cold. Finally, the half-elf turned his gaze to the man who had swung at him.
“Ah, my apologies; I never properly introduced myself. I am Bann Ru’Falo,” as he spoke the half-elf’s features shifted, skin becoming swarthy, limbs thickening, tusks pushing out past full lips, “but perhaps you may be more familiar with the name Jedek Hyll.”
A massively muscled half-orc stood where moments before the slender half-elf gentleman had been. Whispers spread through the suddenly quite room as every person there was caught by the tableau. …It’s the Champion of the Ring…. …the Fearsome War-Hulk... …never been defeated… …what’s he doing here… …incredible… The human’s face was a ghastly white, and the massive fist still clenched around his arm seemed the only thing keeping him standing. Muscle corded on the upraised forearm, and with a cry the human dropped the bottle to shatter on the floor.
A basso rumble issued from between prominent tusks. “I think you should go.”
The man nodded furiously, words tripping over each other as he hastened to assent. Released, he fled. The towering half-orc turned back to the woman at the bar.
“Will you be alright, ma’am?”
“I…yes, I think I will. Thank you.”
“Then I will bid you a good evening.”
The half-orc cast an eye to his companion still seated by the abandoned dessert, and at some unspoken understanding she rose and approached. A gestured spilled coins on the bar as he turned to his date with arm proffered, and together they walked out into the night. As they departed the deep voice could be softly heard; “My apologies, Lady, for the interruption. I hope it has not put me too far out of your good graces. If you would so allow…”

Lvl 4 Increase

15 (+1)






Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Martial Changeling Rogue
Balance 4, Bluff 4, Climb 4, Decipher Script 4, Diplomacy 4, Disguise 4, Gather Information 4, Intimidate 4, Jump 4, Sense Motive 4, Tumble 4, Use Magic Device 4
Racial Emulation, Improved Unarmed Strike (B)
Bonus Fighter Feat; Social Intuition

Balance 1(5), Bluff 1(5), Climb 1(5), Diplomacy 1(5), Disguise 1(5), Gather Information 1(5), Intimidate 1(5), Sense Motive 1(5), Tumble 1(5), Use Magic Device 1(5); Decipher Script 4, Jump 4
Combat Expertise (B)
Bonus Fighter Feat; Evasion

Half-Elf Paragon
Bluff 1(6), Diplomacy 1(6), Sense Motive 1cc(6), Use Magic Device 1cc(6); Balance 5, Climb 5, Decipher Script 4, Disguise 5, Gather Information 5, Intimidate 5, Jump 4, Tumble 5
Quick Change, Power Attack
Bonus Feat, Divided Ancestry, Elven Vision

Half-Elf Paragon
Bluff 1(7), Diplomacy 1(7), Sense Motive 1cc(7), Use Magic Device 1cc(7); Balance 5, Climb 5, Decipher Script 4, Disguise 5, Gather Information 5, Intimidate 5, Jump 4, Tumble 5

Half-Orc Paragon
Bluff 1cc(8), Diplomacy 1cc(8), Intimidate 2(7); Balance 5, Climb 5, Decipher Script 4, Disguise 5, Gather Information 5, Jump 4, Sense Motive 7, Tumble 5, Use Magic Device 7
Divided Ancestry, Monstrous Mien

Half-Orc Paragon
Diplomacy 1cc(9), Intimidate 2(9); Balance 5, Bluff 8, Climb 5, Decipher Script 4, Disguise 5, Gather Information 5, Jump 4, Sense Motive 7, Tumble 5, Use Magic Device 7
SKILL TRICK: Never Outnumbered
Extra Rage
Rage 1/day

Epic Feats:

1: Extra Rage

2: Channeled Rage

3: Intimidating Rage

4: Imperious Command

5: Frightful Presence

6: Menacing Demeanor

7: Improved Trip

8: Knock-Down

9: Flying Kick

10: Headlong Rush

I know, this looks bad: two Racial Paragon Classes, and they’re not ones that share a divided ancestry? AND the base race isn’t EITHER of the Paragon Class intended races? Bear with me a moment, and all shall be made clear.

The first and most obviously egregious issue here is the use of Changeling to qualify for both Half-Elf and Half-Orc Paragon classes here. The ability to do so is due entirely to the level one feat choice Racial Emulation. This feats is a nifty little thing that allows a Changeling, when using their Minor Shapeshift ability to appear as a race, to also be “considered to be a member of that race for all other purposes.” There’s a very strong argument for that to mean a Changeling can qualify for any racial class or feat, providing that they are emulating that race at the moment of acquisition. That last clause is important, because while it seems feasible that a Changeling emulating a Half-Elf could qualify for Half-Elf Paragon, it would require meta-gaming to ensure that your character is in fact doings so at the moment of leveling up. It is at this point I feel it behooves me to note that I fully expect and understand Elegance deductions, and perhaps even outright disqualification (though sadness will ensue in the case of the latter). I am aware this has a distinctly ripe odor about it, but I believe it to be RAW legal, so with that out of the way we move on to the second problematic portion of the build.

“Alright,” I hear you say, “I am willing to suspend disbelief for the Racial Emulation Shenanigans, but how do you explain having BOTH Half-Elf and Half-Orc Paragons?” I’m glad you asked. It’s true that the only way to have two Racial Paragon classes is when you start with either of the aforementioned Half-Creature classes and make use of Divided Ancestry to get into one of the Elf, Orc, or Human Paragon classes. HOWEVER!! There is a single crucial sentence on page 32 of Unearthed Arcana which reads thusly: “If a character has already taken racial paragon levels in his original race, he can never become a paragon of another race.” My emphasis on ‘original race.’ This is important because Bann never takes a level in a paragon class of his original race because there is no Changeling Paragon class! Therefore this rule prohibiting multiple Paragon Classes does not become triggered, and Bann can have both Half-Elf and Half-Orc Paragon class levels. It is at this point I should note an expectation of further Elegance point deductions, because this is really splitting hairs. I’m calling worth on it pre-emptively.

This brings up another potential point of friction with the build: when Bann is emulating a race other than one of the Racial Paragon classes he has, what happens? If we’re working with Complete Warrior rules, he no longer qualifies for the prestige class. This is actually less of an issue than might otherwise be the case when emulating either Half-Elf or Half-Orc races, as the two Racial Paragon Classes are intended to fulfill different roles; Half-Elf Paragon improves our social capabilities, whereas Half-Orc Paragon makes us a scary killing machine. The fact that you can shift as a move action makes this even less of an issue. HOWEVER, there’s a way out of this question written in the rules for racial paragon classes. The following clause from page 32 of Unearthed Arcana states that: “shapechanging and form-altering magics also cause no loss of a Paragon’s class abilities.” Therefore we don’t need to worry about losing abilities, though it is nice to note that the build doesn’t really suffer even if you do.

With all that out of the way, let’s move on to the meat of the build write-up!

Levels 1&2:
Bann starts off life as a changeling who really wants to be a Half-Elf. His level 1 feat Racial Emulation allows this to be more than just a passing fancy as his Minor Shapechange racial ability now allows him to mimic racial features for the purpose of prereqs, though it will be a little while before his dedication to the form pays off (wait until level 3). In the meantime, he takes two levels of Rogue, using the Martial Rogue ACF to swap out +1d6 Sneak Attack for two fighter feats, giving him Improved Unarmed Strike at level one with which to defend himself against changeling child bullies, and Combat Expertise at level 2 to further take a beating. The excellent Racial Substitution level for Changeling Rogues at level one gives him a truly absurd amount of skill points, which will be used to set him up for his primary role at these levels: party face. At level one we max all the social skills, as well as some ancillary utility skills such as Decipher Scrip, Disguise, and UMD. Physical skills Jump, Balance, and Climb are also maxed. Note that Bann is taking no ranks in any of the traditional skillmonkey skills such as Disable Device; this is due to the excellent Changeling Rogue feature Social Intuition, which swaps out trapfinding for a number of social benefits, the most notable of which is the ability to take 10 on Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Sense Motive. This is the single best level for a social character, and Bann takes it without a second thought. In combat Bann is relatively bad at this point however. With 3/4 BAB and no SA, he’s a squishy somewhat ineffectual combatant. Not to worry – at the moment Bann is a social animal at heart.

Levels 3&4:
At level 3 Bann’s nigh-obsession with Half-Elves has paid off: he gets a level of Half-Elf Paragon. This comes with a number of benefits. First, there’s a bonus feat (presumably due to the human half) with which Power Attack is picked up. To be perfectly frank this is a prereq acquisition, as with only +1 BAB at level 3 Bann can get effectively no usage from this. Elven Vision gives Bann +2 on racial spot and Search checks, but as he doesn’t have those it has no effect. Finally the first level of Half-Elf Paragon gives Bann the first of his Divided Ancestries, which will have no RAW effect, but gives him leave to emulate a Human without technically betraying his adopted race. The Quick Change feat allows Bann to use his Minor Shapechange ability as a move action, which is useful for slipping away into a crowd when he blunders socially. This will become more useful later on in the build.
The second level of Half-Elf Paragon is good to Bann – at this point he picks up Persuasion, which gives a boost to existing Racial bonuses to Diplomacy and Gather Information, as well as gains a +2 Racial Bonus on all other Charisma-based skills. As before, Bann has no racial bonus to Diplomacy or Gather Information and so doesn’t benefit from this portion of the class feature, HOWEVER, he will still gain the new racial bonus to all other Charisma skills, as that does not specify which race it is a racial bonus of (RAI is pretty clear, but hey, this is optimization). At this point that means Bann has social check modifiers of +14, +12, +12 to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate respectively without gear or items, which is none too shabby. Combat wise Bann’s still probably better off avoiding it.

Levels 5&6:
At some point Bann got bored with being a Half-Elf dilettante, and decided to learn how to fight good. That led him to the Half-Orcs, and in his typical obsessive fashion he spent enough time/effort emulating them that he eventually qualifies for the Half-Orc Paragon Class. Half-Orc Paragon comes with full BAB and good Fort saves, bolstering some of his weak spots. The first level of the class gives a second Divided Ancestry, which entertainingly enough makes Bann effectively four races whenever he uses Minor Shapechange to look Human. This has literally no RAW effect as far as I can figure, so…. The first level also gives Bann the Monstrous Mien feature, which gives a +4 racial bonus to intimidate at the very least when he appears as a half-orc, and possibly all the time (see earlier notes about build legality). Bann’s final level is also in Half-Orc Paragon, and here he picks up the Rage class feature 1/day. Taking Extra Rage as the level 6 feat means that when he’s looking like a Half-Orc Bann becomes a decent melee fighter 3/day. With +4 BAB, and STR 19 when raging he can actually hit things and do some damage. When hitting mooks he can use PA for some extra damage. Once Bann feels he’s got this combat thing down at least a little he takes on the stage name Jedek Hyll and enters the arena as a Half-Orc Gladiator.

Once we’ve entered the Half-Orc Paragon class the full playstyle is achieved. Bann now has two distinct identities/forms to use depending on whether he’s in a social situation or a combat one. Quick Change allows him to swap between them at a moment’s notice. We’ve been over the combat form, so a quick recap of the social skills: at this point Bann/Jedek has +15, +14, +19 for Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate respectively. Don’t forget Social Intuition allows him to take ten with these skills too.

Epic Feats:

E1 & E2:
More uses of Rage makes Bann/Jedek more able to fight all day long, and Channeled Rage helps cover for one of his glaring weaknesses: the abysmal (read non-existent) Will Save

E3 –> E6:
These feats capitalize on the social adeptness and flat out scariness of a Half-Orc rage-monster. Intimidating Rage gives a free action demoralize attempt to one foe when you start raging. Coupled with Imperious Command and the Never Outnumbered skill trick makes Bann/Jedek a fearsome battlefield controller. Add on Frightful Presence for an additional chance to make your foes too scared to fight. With Menacing Demeanor and Monstrous Mein as well as full skill ranks, a CHA score of 16, Persuasion, and Social Intuition Bann/Jedek gets to take 10 on a demoralize check for an un-augmented 32.

E7 & E8:
Battlefield control through being the scariest dude on the field is not enough forBann/Jedek. Picking up Improved Trip and Knock-Down means that Bann/Jedek can make anyone strong willed enough to still be standing fall down the hard way.

More Damage! Without some method of disengaging to charge in again, Bann/Jedek needs to make the first hit count. Flying Kick helps with this by adding a flat 1d12 damage on a charge, and Headlong Rush is the Pièce De Résistance, doubling the damage from a charge attack. Sure you provoke an Attack of Opportunity, but you do double damage and automatically trigger Knock-Down due to minimum damage numbers (though you should trigger it anyways before this assuming items). At this point Bann/Jedek is a charming fellow outside combat, and a terrifying monster on the battlefield with both fear escalation and physical control through Knock-Down and Improved Trip, as well as significant damage sources for anyone foolish enough to not simply flee in terror at the sight of him.

If you fully embrace Racial Emulation shenanigans this build can be improved by changes to two levels. At level 2, emulating a Goliath qualifies for a Goliath Rogue Substitution level, which would improve your HD to a d8 and swap Evasion for Mettle (Fort based Evasion). Of more import, the second level of Half-Orc Paragon could be skipped in favor of a level of Barbarian while emulating a Goliath to get Mountain Rage, which makes you Large when you rage, as well as opening up for various other Barbarian ACFs (Pounce is less useful with BAB +4, but Drago Totem could pick up Blind Fight, and there are other options). This is a straight upgrade over the second level of Half-Orc Barbarian, but was deemed to be too cheesy, as well as not taking advantage of the SI. Emulating Goliath would also qualify for Knockback, which is kinda silly.

If Flaws are allowed there are numerous options. Possibly the most absurd of which would be to get Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Spike Chain) and Combat Reflexes to go along with Knock-Down, though a source of DEX would be needed to fuel Combat Reflexes.

Improved Unarmed Strike was chosen for fluff reasons. If you want to use a two handed weapon (spiked chain anyone?) both Improved Unarmed Strike and Flying Kick could be swapped out of the build.

Eberron Campaign Setting (ECS) - Changeling (p12)
Unearthed Arcana (UA) – Martial Rogue (p58), Half-Elf Paragon (p39), Half-Orc Paragon (p40)
Races of Eberron (RoE) – Changeling Rogue (p122), Racial Emulation (p110), Quick Change (p110)
Complete Warrior (CW) – Extra Rage (p98), Intimidating Rage (p102), Flying Kick (p99)
Races of Destiny (RoD) – Channeled Rage (p150), Menacing Demeanor (p155)
Complete Scoundrel (CSc) – Never Outnumbered (p87)
Draconomicon (Dr) – Frightful Presence (p105)
Sword and Fist (SF) – Knock-Down (p7)
Races of Faerun (RoF) – Headlong Rush (p164)
Drow of the Underdark (DotU) – Imperious Command (p50)

All items not specifically called out are either described in a higher level item (such is the case for class features), in the PHB, or not part of the build as presented.

2018-03-02, 08:20 AM
Okay, that's the lot of them! Get judging!

Quick head count:

Halfling Paragon: 1
Gnome Paragon: 1
Half-Elf Paragon: 2
Human Paragon: 2
Orc Paragon: 2
Half-Orc Paragon: 3,872 7

(Not appearing: Elf Paragon, Dwarf Paragon, Kobold Paragon, Tiefling Paragon, Half-Dragon Paragon, Drow Paragon.)

I added the build table to the first post.

Did anyone call six unique paragon classes?

2018-03-02, 09:55 AM
Nooo way. I was going at more like 10 of them. 7 half-orc paragons, damn! :thog:

I didn't manage to come round to it, but I was onto something like a gish Sorcerer 1/Half-elf Paragon 2/Human Paragon 3 using Adaptive Learning and the Half-Elf Paragon bonus on all Cha-based skills to make a Iaijutsu Focus build. But it really was a one-trick pony.

2018-03-02, 10:06 AM
I was fiddling with the half-dragon paragon for a while, but I couldn't make anything out of it that wasn't basically a crappy dragonfire adept.

2018-03-02, 10:29 AM
Man, look at all those orcs. I fully expected to see a couple tieflings and half-dragons in there (they were the two I was trying to make something out of but wasn't able to... Maybe the other cooks ran into the same problems).

Also, how long is the deadline for judging? I might try my hand at it, but I would only be able to starting next week and since I've never done it, it'll probably take me a little longer than a seasoned judge.

2018-03-02, 10:38 AM
Woooo! Good stuff all!

I'm both surprised and unsurprised at the variety that showed up in terms of the Paragon classes (Half-Orc Paragon is quite good).

I was kind of hoping someone would figure out a.cool way to use Drow Paragon or Tiefling Paragon with the SLA feats from DotU. I'll just have to sit down and try it again!

2018-03-02, 10:43 AM
I had a tiefling paragon/rogue have written. He was a poor man's assassin, abusing darkness and other tiefling feats. I couldna get it to quite gel.

I toyed with the idea of a half-drow and abusing SLAs. But that's been done, and frankly it was probably done better than I could have.

2018-03-02, 10:46 AM
I had a tiefling paragon/rogue have written. ...... I couldna get it to quite gel.

I toyed with the idea of a half-drow and abusing SLAs. But that's been done, and frankly it was probably done better than I could have.

I had a similar experience with both classes :)

2018-03-02, 10:51 AM
Also, how long is the deadline for judging? I might try my hand at it, but I would only be able to starting next week and since I've never done it, it'll probably take me a little longer than a seasoned judge.

Usually 2 weeks. I will hopefully get to judging this round as well, but it all depends on my next week's schedule.

2018-03-02, 10:58 AM
@Zaq: Thank you very much for hosting the competition.

2018-03-02, 11:02 AM
@Zaq: Thank you very much for hosting the competition.

Verbosely Seconded with much gratitude to meet minimum post length!! :)

2018-03-02, 11:41 AM
I missed the deadline. ugggh.

Anyway, I did

Focused specialist immediate magic illusionist mastery gnome illusionist 1 (precocious apprentice)
Gnomish bard 1
gnome paragon 3 versatile spell caster
gnome incarnate 1 mastery of twisted shadow

1 Practiced Spellcaster (Complete Divine, p. 82)
2 Dazzling Illusion (Complete Mage, p. 41)
3 Bonus Essentia (Magic of Incarnum, p. 35)
4 Cormanthyran Moon Magic (Lost Empires of Faerun, p. 7)
5 Song of the Dead (Dragon Compendium)
6 Eldritch Corruption (Heroes of Horror, p. 122)
7 Trivial Knowledge (Races of Stone, p. 145)
8 Animal Friends (Races of Faerûn, p. 161)
9 Share Soulmeld (Magic of Incarnum, p. 41)
10 Pious Spellsurge (Complete Divine, p. 87)

Use illusion veil soulmeld to add 2 rounds to any illusion spell or SLA, including immediate magic uses.

Use spark familiar soulmeld to have a guy who can soak up constitution damage for eldritch corruption to heighten and extend and widen all your spells.

Every illusion spell grants concealment and dazzles the baddies.

In a pinch, you can share dissolving spittle with a buttload of hedgehogs, and all of the hedgehogs will have their own least soulspark familiar.

You have access to at least 3rd level illusion spells and you never need a spell book for illusion spells.

Cast silent image to make the moon be out. Enjoy +2 to your caster level for all spells.

You can affect undead with illusions.

2018-03-02, 12:48 PM
Not what I was expecting at all. I suppose I should have tried hammering out one of my ideas.

The first thing I thought of was Human Paragon 1/Sha'ir 1/Human Paragon +2/Casting Progression 2 slinging Whirling Blades with Iaijutsu Focus. Would have been simple, but stylish and powerful and would have stood out from the pack.

I also toyed with a Racial Emulation Changeling using Drow Paragon 1 for extra uses of a Draconic Rite SLA, and Host feat PLA (likely both blasting souped up with Mortalbane). Wasn't really sure what to do with the actual levels though. I thought about Dragonblood Sorcerer 3/Drow Paragon 1/Casting Progression 1/Dragonblood Sorcerer +1 with the Greater Draconic Rite to scrape a 3rd level SLA as well, but leaving the Drow Paragon casting unused felt like I wasn't using the SI enough, and I'm not sure if there's actually a PrC that I could squeeze in for the necessary level of casting at 5th level. Cloistered Cleric 1/Drow Paragon 1/Human Paragon 3/Casting Progression 1 or Half-Elf Paragon 1/Cloistered Cleric or Wizard 1/Drow Paragon 1/Half-Elf Paragon +1/Casting Progression 2 would have probably been fine, but felt like the SLAs were being overshadowed and there were little details bugging me.

2018-03-02, 02:14 PM
Since the time for submitting builds is now over, I'll go ahead and say that I was working on a Kobold Paragon that uses Dragonwrought and Venerable to start picking up actual epic feats with their "epic 6" bonus feats, and worked towards abusing Iaijutsu Focus to kill things super-good. The long and short of why I didn't end up submitting to this is that, while the build was certainly powerful, it was only really a Kobold Paragon by fluff (as Dragonwrought kobolds tend to be paragons of their kind). The only Kobold Paragon class feature I really built on with the epic feats was combining the "+30 ft of Darkvision" from the class with the "double darkvision range" feat from ELH, for 120 ft darkvision. That's not nothing, but when the vast majority of the build's power comes from having epic feats instead of normal feats and being absolutely massive by RAW, the rather mediocre racial paragon class.

TL;DR I made a paragon of the kobold people, but not necessarily a good Kobold Paragon. As a small aside, I've never ever before had a build where I legitimately thought "my best option is probably just taking Epic Toughness a dozen times". :smalltongue:

EDIT: Oh yeah, and the first build I had originally planned was a Half-Elf that abuses Diplomancy, so when I saw the first Half-Elf entry was a not-Bard by description, I thought "yep".

2018-03-02, 02:19 PM
TL;DR I made a paragon of the kobold people, but not necessarily a good Kobold Paragon. As a small aside, I've never ever before had a build where I legitimately thought "my best option is probably just taking Epic Toughness a dozen times". :smalltongue:

If you get the urban companion ACF for druids and their ilk, that means that your familiars HP is 3/4 of yours. So you could pimp out ride and have a killer albatross or something. What you would need is a way to use your or your companion's HP as a resource.

2018-03-02, 02:46 PM
Damn I really wish I'd had time. My build wasn't particularly powerful but it would have stood out from the pack for sure.

I was planning to make an Air Gnome Deadly Knowledge Gnome Bard 2/Spellthief 1/Gnome Paragon 3.

Feats would be
1- Wild Cohort (Swindlespitter)
3- Godsblood Spellthief (Illusion Domain)
6- Spell Focus (Illusion)

Skill Focus: Craft (Alchemy)
Master Spellthief
Mad Alchemist
Poison Expert (Inhaled)
Poison Master (Inhaled)
Earth Sense
Earth Spell
^and I couldn't think of any more useful feats.

Basically he was going to be a huge coward who would run from fights in a puff of toxic smoke and distracting illusions, plus thunderstones and alchemist's fire. I specifically chose Air Gnome because of their Breathless (ex) ability and I thought that would be a funny thing to pair with poison.
Also utilizing the Gnome bonus to Craft (Alchemy) checks to craft Poisons, even though you would just end up breaking even from the -4 penalty.
I wish I weren't in the middle of midterms when the deadline hit. Formatting and backstory were the only things holding me back.

2018-03-02, 02:49 PM
If you get the urban companion ACF for druids and their ilk, that means that your familiars HP is 3/4 of yours. So you could pimp out ride and have a killer albatross or something. What you would need is a way to use your or your companion's HP as a resource.

A neat idea for synergy with something that isn't Kobold Paragon. :smalltongue:

Off the top of my head, mitigation damage for epic spells would be the most powerful, but short of extreme cheese I wasn't gonna have Epic Spellcasting in an E6 game (I still have to mostly qualify for the feats, I can just ignore that they directly require me to be epic).

But yeah, a lvl 6 Kobold with 300+ HP and flight is pretty nasty; giving him a Fleshraker with 225+ HP just makes things even worse.:smallbiggrin:

I might be up for judging this, although I'm not exactly familiar enough with E6 to know how good the builds are by that standard. I guess as long as I rank them proportional to each other, it'll be fine.

2018-03-02, 10:02 PM
Man, look at all those orcs. I fully expected to see a couple tieflings and half-dragons in there (they were the two I was trying to make something out of but wasn't able to... Maybe the other cooks ran into the same problems).

Also, how long is the deadline for judging? I might try my hand at it, but I would only be able to starting next week and since I've never done it, it'll probably take me a little longer than a seasoned judge.

Usually 2 weeks. I will hopefully get to judging this round as well, but it all depends on my next week's schedule.

A neat idea for synergy with something that isn't Kobold Paragon. :smalltongue:

Off the top of my head, mitigation damage for epic spells would be the most powerful, but short of extreme cheese I wasn't gonna have Epic Spellcasting in an E6 game (I still have to mostly qualify for the feats, I can just ignore that they directly require me to be epic).

But yeah, a lvl 6 Kobold with 300+ HP and flight is pretty nasty; giving him a Fleshraker with 225+ HP just makes things even worse.:smallbiggrin:

I might be up for judging this, although I'm not exactly familiar enough with E6 to know how good the builds are by that standard. I guess as long as I rank them proportional to each other, it'll be fine.

We'd love to have any or all of you as judges! 2 weeks is the goal. We actually managed to hit it last time, but we've been flexible before when necessary. E6 is pretty easy to work with, and yeah, the important thing is being consistent.

I have to say I was (somewhat pleasantly) surprised that no one took the "screw it, I'm making an Elf Generalist Wizard / Elf Paragon and just diving straight into Power" route. And I'm really surprised that no one took me up on the "hey, check it out, you can use a very limited number of not-very-good races with LA this time!" offer.

I feel like this is about the most prevalent that Extra Rage is likely to ever be, shy of literally just making Barbarian the SI. You know, considering that literally every single one of our Half-Orc Paragons and one of the builds that didn't involve Half-Orc Paragon ended up taking it. Many of them multiple times. I mean, taking it is 100% normal and expected. I'd be shocked if they didn't take it. It's a legitimately good feat. But here we are.

2018-03-03, 02:18 AM
I had a Half-Dragon Kobold idea that used all three levels in both Paragon classes, but nothing really stood out. It was fantastically mediocre. :/

My other idea was a Half-Dragon Kobold Sorcerer, (with no Half-Dragon classes), that spammed Fireball and Lesser Fireball centered on himself. Pimped out with metamagic. The problem with that one was it wouldn't really highlight the Paragon class levels.... :smallannoyed:

2018-03-03, 06:06 AM
I had a Half-Dragon Kobold idea that used all three levels in both Paragon classes, but nothing really stood out. It was fantastically mediocre. :/

My other idea was a Half-Dragon Kobold Sorcerer, (with no Half-Dragon classes), that spammed Fireball and Lesser Fireball centered on himself. Pimped out with metamagic. The problem with that one was it wouldn't really highlight the Paragon class levels.... :smallannoyed:

Wait... what's lesser fireball?

2018-03-03, 06:21 AM
Wait... what's lesser fireball?

Who's the cutest widdle fireball inda world? You are! (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/wn/20020227a)

2018-03-03, 07:01 PM
Now I'm really wishing I had finished my build for the drow paragon... Well, at the very least, I did disprove the theory that not thinking about something doesn't make time stop for it.

2018-03-05, 06:33 AM
judging update:

i'm 7 builds done, should finish up tomorrow night (monday night sometime) and post. Any fast disputes will get answered by Thursday morning early, but i'll be MIA until Sunday after that, and may come back to work to a trainee, meaning disputes or rebuttals after that will slow down until i can get to them at home more than likely.

to help expedite this, i do need some help on one item for a build. I don't know what Rage Mage is, and the build listed it as coming from Comp Arcane, of which i'm just not seeing. Can someone clarify the source and page numbers so i can judge that build as something other then incomplete?


2018-03-05, 07:19 AM
to help expedite this, i do need some help on one item for a build. I don't know what Rage Mage is, and the build listed it as coming from Comp Arcane, of which i'm just not seeing. Can someone clarify the source and page numbers so i can judge that build as something other then incomplete?

It's in Complete Warrior, page 72.

2018-03-05, 11:39 PM
i ended up w/ a trainee tonight as well, so i won't get it done until the morning when i get home, I'll try to knock them out and get it up before bedtime

2018-03-06, 09:16 AM
I will not be able to judge; I've got less time than expected this week and I'm off for four days this weekend to the land of no Internet, so I'll recuse myself for this round.

2018-03-07, 10:51 AM

I've had the same trainee this entire week, so no free time at work to work on this. I work 12 hour shifts, so I've been whittling away at the final 4 builds when I get home, assuming I'm not passing out from exhaustion.

I have 2 left, and will try to finish them tomorrow morning when i get home.

I will endeavor to find some time to address disputes between then and sunday night when i go back to work and have a different trainee then...

stupid adulting!

2018-03-07, 11:31 AM
stupid adulting!

At least I know I ain't the only one ;)

2018-03-08, 11:07 PM
sorry for the delay.

as stated, i will try to find some time to address disputes, but my weekend which consists solely of friday/saturday is pretty packed already, and when i report back to work sunday i'll have yet another new trainee, so no free time there for nerdery.

I'll get to them asap.

E6- Paragon classes
Thoughts on Paragons as an SI

in a typical round, the SI is an actual class that you can build upon. Increasing its strengths, minimizing its weaknesses, or building upon a theme. This round features 6 semi-unique SI’s in that there are 6 unique paragon classes in play. I’ve decided to judge it based on how well each chef has managed to augment the “base” class or their racial paragon-ness (overall theme of being an uber half-orc for example). After all, a Paragon is supposed to be the epitome of what it is to be a gnome, or half-orc, or whatever. So I’ll be comparing the Paragon entry, to the base class entry, to the build and determining points from there.

Thews: 8 points

Originality 2.5

Let’s see how many different things we can pile together: Amphibious, Frost-blooded, Orc, ½ orc, rage, some SLA’s. It seems like a lot of options, but no real focus. I don’t see the point in taking Amphibious at all, it grants you water breathing, but penalizes your already rock bottom DEX even further.

Power 2

The build seems a hodge podge of focuses. First you are an amphibious half-orc from the frozen north who has some minor SLA’s. You then go into stacking your STR and focusing on melee combat, but you veer off into burning feats to make your dancing lights a distraction technique instead. Your DEX is abysmal, and even w/ a high STR bonus, you’re still quite easy to hit because of it. You appear to min/max your attribute points, but for the reasons stated in Elegance, it’s hard to say whether or not there is actual thought behind that approach.
You take Improved Toughness, but only gain 6 hp’s from that.
You take Frostblood, but do nothing w/ gaining Dragonblood. Endurance isn’t a pre-req for something else in your build, the bonus to Swim checks is the only synergy w/ Amphibious, but I’m not sure that warrants it.
Your low DEX means you go last in the initiative order most likely, your AC also suffers. Both of these are bad for a beatstick.
Hypnotic pattern is a standard action that only lasts you 2+ concentration rounds, meaning you generally aren’t attacking 1 round, in order to gain a small bonus to your attack the next round, assuming the save fails. (your SLA’s grant you a CL of 1, I don’t know where you’re getting higher CL’s from in your entry)
You do have full BAB, and that combined w/ your rage boosting is your only real saving grace.

Elegance 1

16 skill points at 1st level (assuming pt buy was correct at creation?), but you have 22 listed on the table, and should have no more than 4 points in any one skill, meaning swim and intimidate are illegal. Likewise, including racial bonuses to skill points on the build table make it very hard to follow as to what is legal and what isn’t. 13 RANKS in intimidate is impossible at 6th level, you should only list ranks, not modifiers and bonus’s.
Flaws are generally a big no no. Since you don’t provide any background or play breakdown, it’s hard to tell if you took it for a reason, or simply to gain another feat in the build. Even more confusing is you take a Feat for it that grants you some SLA’s that don’t seem to mesh quite well w/ the rest of the build, and again, you don’t explain the reasoning for any of this. You do pick a particularly nasty flaw for a melee/rage build however, giving you a 50% miss chance assuming your enemy has any concealment at all. However, having any flaws at all seems like you wouldn’t be a Paragon of your race, so it goes against the theme of this round doubly so.
You list ability scores, but not what the original point buy was, nor what happened when you apply the various template bonuses or penalties, nor where your point at 4th level goes into. I’ve tried briefly to figure it out on the pt buy calculator, but there are to many possible variables. Your total modifiers are:
Frosty Half Orc: +2 STR -2 INT -2 CHA
Amphib: -2 DEX
Half Orc P: +2 STR
Orc P: +2 STR
Which equals out to +6 to STR, -2 to DEX, INT, and CHA, with 1 point increase somewhere, presumably CON. You list a score of 10 for INT, is that before or after you subtract 2? This is important for even attempting to figure out your skill points.
The rest of your choices appear legal, despite not really working well together.

Use of SI 2.5

You do go whole hog, all 3 levels in both Orc and Half Orc. Both of those, as well as the Half Orc race in the PHB pretty much state they all prefer to follow the barbarian path and break things. You do a decent job of that, however your flaw has decent potential to stop your attacks in all their forms from even hitting in the first place, quite reducing your ability to do anything in combat at all. That combined w/ your odd choice of attribute point selections makes you vulnerable to quite a lot of things. Veering off into boosting your SLA’s instead of focusing on what Orc/Half Orc are and do also subtracts from the rest of the build.

Sythaeryn 14 pts

Originality 4

Bard’s are horrible in my lowly opinion. Building a Bard, w/o being a Bard is actually quite comical. Actually taking and using multiple professions that have no real place in an adventuring party, points for audacity.

Power 2.5

15 unique SLA’s usable 1/day is a pretty good pool to draw from options wise, however they’re all at CL 1.
2/3 BAB, but you aren’t focused on combat, but more on talking someone to death.

Elegance 4

You still get the base bonus’s to skills/misc from being a half elf as your base race. Your class levels are Paragon levels, but you still get your racial mod’s to things.
You have 1 point to many in skills at 1st level. And you continue that through 2nd and 3rd, spending 1 point extra each level. Nevermind, this is a benefit from Nymph’s Kiss. Exalted feats grant you an Aura of Good as well. I might argue that being neutral good doesn’t qualify you to take it due to this entry in the book:

… characters of good alignment, and the highest moral standards can acquire exalted feats.

A neutral aligned character might not qualify despite being good. Further, you take Necropolis Born, which gives you 2 of your SLA’s that are necromancy based, and channels negative energy, which is generally evil, even if it doesn’t specifically have that descriptor. As soon as you use them, you’d lose the benefit of the Nymph’s Kiss until you atoned. (chill touch also).
The rest appears legal

Use of SI 3.5

You embrace the wandering aspect of both humans and half-elves. You take the understanding of magic from your elf half to the extreme w/ a ton of SLA’s. The only clash is that half elf paragons typically don’t have strong ties to a community, and you’re trying to be an innkeeper.

Sharom – 13.25

Originality 3.5

Dread Necro can be a fun class, but I don’t think you needed a 2nd level in it, it only grants you an extra 1st lvl spell and DR 2, both of which seem minor compared to the vast array of options you could take instead.

Power 3.75

You have some spellcasting, but don’t have a spells table, nor mention which spells you’d like to use. Is it nothing but detect magic, or something more nefarious? What did you have in mind for Precocious Apprentice? You take a lot of pains to improve your touch spells, but you’re not telling me why.
Charnel touch is nice synergy w/ unarmed strikes, more damage is more damage.
Rage Mage is a good ending point, allowing casting while in a rage, but only 1/day, and only for 6 rounds. You do get full CL out of it, but there’s very little on the Dread Necro’s spell list that is worth casting in combat, other than chill touch if you are trying to stack unarmed damge.

Elegance 3.5

Your point buy is off, you have 34 pts spent according to your table. At what point are you applying the half-orc racial mods? You need to supply an initial point buy, and then a modified final list after feats/racials/etc, otherwise it’s pretty hard to judge based off of guess work…
Tomb Tainted soul makes no sense to me in this build.
Your build table lists concentration at +7, and Intimidate at +8, but in your synopsis you list them at +11 and +20 respectively…

Use of SI 2.5

About all you’re getting from the SI synergy is 2 extra uses of Rage, and that not until epic 7th. Beyond that you get pretty good at hitting things w/ your fist, but you also branch off into magic, albeit w/o an explanation as to why or what for. I get the feeling this build could’ve been done w/ ranks in monk or fighter or barbarian (hell, 1 of each) and accomplished much the same thing, if not done it better as well.

Sahran 15.25 pts

Originality 3

Pouncebarian, meh. Spiked chain, cheese. Trip everything in sight, awesome.

Power 3.5

Pouncebarian is a tried and true method, incorporating AoE fear effects and ‘I don’t like you, get tripped’ constantly does give it a bit more utility.
REF and WILL saves are abysmal, 1 of them eventually gets some help, but not until epic 10th.

Elegance 4.75

Spiked chain does introduce a minor equipment dependency.
Everything appears legal.

Use of SI 4

Strong foundation of intimidation and rage, and built upon both in your entry.

Rokar: Score 13.5

Originality 3

Another build mimicking a base class w/o ranks in that class. In this case, a barbarian, however less successful than the other build. Only 3 rage/day available to you.

Power 2.5

Righteous Wrath seems like a good idea, but the saving throw is only a DC 11-12 Will, not particularly difficult to make. Again, the alignment issue when its pertaining to an exalted feat could be an issue.
Pouncebarian-esque, but at a lower HP total, and devoid of any DEX benefit, and while it mimicks Pounce, pounce it aint. It would’ve made more sense to drop 1 of the 3rd level Paragon classes and just go straight lion totem to make the rest of this work better together, but that would defeat the “barb who wasn’t” concept.

Elegance 4.5

With the exception of CG possibly clashing w/ your exalted feat, everything appears legal.

Use of SI 3.5

You take both orcish Paragon classes, and attempt to create a barbarian w/o taking an actual level in it. You succeed partially.
As a bodyguard/bouncer you’ll do ok, but not in a prolonged fight, nor against any type of magic.

John D: Score 10.75

Originality 3.25

DFA’s, like Warlocks are generally underused in optimization. The key is to use them to augment, but not completely take over a build. Chameleon is an interesting choice, and really opens up a ton of options for you. Otherwise, this is draconic feats overload. Being a metallic human is amusing.

Power 2.5

You end up w/ a high saving throw against magic sleep and paralysis, and against spells w/ the fire descriptor, due to the 6 draconic feats you take.
You have Resistance 18 against fire effects.
All of your choices are to increase the benefits of being a DFA, but you aren’t getting the bonus’s you think to your damage or dc’s, and your breath weapon is only doing 1d6, and applying your entangling to it reduces that damage to 1d3.
You’re pretty horrible in combat due to a STR penalty, and a lower BAB. You do get some help w/ natural armor bonuses and the limited casting from chameleon, but you have to hope that your DM throws only things you’re prepared for that day at you, or that you pick enough generic options for your spells. Generic options are not optimization.
You are a decent skill monkey, which further seems to strengthen that you’re building a chameleon/DFA, and not necessarily an optimized human paragon.

Elegance 3

Able Learner seems a wasted feat, as a Human Paragon, you get to pick any 10 skills as class skills. You only come out w/ 9.
Draconic skin and toughness seem to be taken only to increase the number of draconic feats you have, and not because they’re especially helpful to your build otherwise.
You choose Brass Dragon for your Draconic Heritage, but do nothing w/ the Gather Info you gain as a class skill.
DFA’s have no arcane or divine magic, so they don’t progress spellcasting from the human paragon class. Page 24, Dragon Magic explicitly states that DFA’s only gain bonus’s to “spellcasting” (meaning their CL for the purpose of increased damage or saving throws of their invocations/breath weapon) from Prestige Classes. Paragon Levels are base classes, not prestige classes, so you gain no increased spellcasting from them. Human paragon does state you would gain them from a spellcasting class, however DFA’s are not a spellcasting class, so you gain no benefit from that either. This means you don’t gain extra invocations either.
I’d probably allow Practiced Spellcaster for chameleon, but it likewise seems a wasted feat when it only applies some of the time.

Use of SI 2

It feels like all your choices are to increase the effectiveness of DFA and chameleon, and have nothing at all to do w/ human paragon. The only tangible benefit you’re getting from Human paragon seems to be using disguise for adaptive learning, but that’s done so your chameleon functions better later on, not so your human paragon shines through.

Heru: Score 16.5

Originality 4

Half Orc/Paragon and Paladin and racial sub levels all mix together nicely.

Power 4

Righteous Wrath is a superior option to smite evil.
Your attack pattern and situational damage bonuses are quite good most of the time, and you have enough opportunities to use them throughout the day.
REF and WILL saves are pretty horrible, although Divine Grace helps.
You have a lot of synergy bonuses from auras and feats for intimidating and causing your opponents to become shaken or afraid.
Initiate of Horus-Re seems like an awesome feat, but I wonder why you don’t take it earlier in the build.
Go Go Gadget bird form is a nice get out of dodge option, or as stated for scouting.

Elegance 5

I would’ve liked some justification or explanation as to why that particular deity (Horus-Re) over all the others, but no penalty for that.
Everything appears legal, plus, everything works together!

Use of SI 3.5

You take Half Orc Paragon and build upon it solidly, but exit the SI before gaining the bonus to your STR, and would also have boosted your Ref/Will. You would’ve missed out on Turn Undead, and the burning of your turn attempts to fuel some of your other abilities, but it might’ve been worth it from a ‘featurigng the SI standpoint’.

Helga: Score 12.5

Originality 3.5

The only Hafling Paragon of the group, but an homage to something created already in canon. Questionable whether you could go into a rage/whirling freny while mounted and maintain control however.

Power 3

You don’t take Precise Shot, so all your attacks into melee suffer that -4 penalty, which is huge in e6.
You choose 2 weapon fighting as your ranger specialization, but invest 6 feats into ranged combat..
You split your focus all over the place, making each path weaker.

Elegance 2

Dinosaur Hunter Requires 1 rank in Knowledge Nature which you don’t have.
You’re very setting specific, w/o a dino mount, or access to your specific boomerang, many of your feats and abilities don’t function. However you do bolster basic archery giving you another option.
Wild Cohort does allow you a animal companion-like animal. However it’s at 3 levels lower then what a druid could take. I assume you’re using it to gain your dino mount. A druid doesn’t get the option of a dinosaur on it’s animal companion list until level 7, meaning you’d have to be level 10 in order to take it, which is impossible for your build to do.
You invest in ranged archery combat, boomerang combat, 2 weapon fighting, and extra rage, as well as mounted combat and mounted archery. You have 6 separate paths, of which really only 2 of them are optimized partially.
In this case, your alignment doesn’t affect any of your choices, take care however to list it in the future as it can be a very important part of any build’s mechanics.

Use of SI 4

Halfling paragon is a featured component of the build, that taken at the end of it, actually highlights the other options instead of being covered up by them.

Garek: Score 14.75

Originality 4

Even though this is largely a carbon copy of another entry in this round, what was said for Heru largely holds true for your build as well.

Power 3.75

You focus on the intimidation side of being a half orc paragon more so than the other build that is similar to yours.
Mad Foam Rager can easily become an “I win” button when used correctly.

Elegance 3.5

Your level breakdown is succinct, but you provide no character background. I’m leery of a urban ACF being used for a Desert Half Orc without any justification.

Use of SI 3.5

You likewise could skip the 4th level in paladin and choose something else instead. While you list an option to replace a feat use of Extra Rage to something else to fuel your turning attempts, a class rank in something else would probably be a better overall use for your final level.

Dorcas: Score 15.75

Originality 5

A “flaming” draconic gnome “old cat lady”.

Power 3.5

Dragonfire Inspiration is a particularly nasty feat, meaning every single one of your little pets does an additional 1d6 fire damage on successful hits.
A single rank of Marshall is pretty standard if overpowered Optimization faire.
I would probably say that the wording of the Animal Friend feat means you couldn’t at the moment of acquisition, gain anything w/ more then 2HD, but after that, what you’re doing is just fine.
All of your little buddies are scary together, but you are vulnerable to any kind of ranged attack. (well, due to such a low CON, any kind of attack.

Elegance 3.25

Venerable age category = cheese!
Further made worse as you wouldn’t be able to take Words of Creation without it.
You made me read about Bards, you are a special kind of bad person! (no penalty sadly)
It’s probably just me, but anyone that’s not fully Lawful Good taking Exalted Feats (you are the 3rd such build thus far to do so) just rubs me the wrong way.
Everything else appears legal

Use of SI 4

Your use, both fluffy and crunchy, of the SI works flawlessly within the parameters of the Gnome Paragon. The image of the old spinster lady crooning constantly to a sea of cats (badgers), who are probably more effective at combat than she is, is also quite comical.

Bann: Score 11.5

Originality 5

No justification needed.

Power 3.5ish.

I do think it’s odd that you gave up your sneak attack for a bonus fighter feat. I think it would work better at least from a theme/roleplay standpoint to retain sneak.
Flying kick helps make up a bit for that w/ 1d12 bonus dmg, but you only get that on a charge.
Elegance issues aside, and the conflicts that would mean for the eligibility of some of your feats, I like the synergy you accomplish w/ charging for your rages or normal attacks. It is the other thing that sets you apart from some other builds. Yes you’re doing the intimidate/trip attacks that a few others, but you’ve built in specific things for charging as well.

Elegance 1

I believe wholeheartedly in the power of creative interpretation and well written fiction, and I believe you’ve accomplished both in this build. I don’t agree that racial paragon classes can be applied to a changeling at all, and certainly not 2 completely different ones, but good try.

Use of SI 2

I’m giving you 2 points, 1 for each Paragon class, as I think you’re doing something w/ them in the overall design of the build. I can’t penalize you twice, but I don’t think a 1 or a 0 in this category would be fair, and neither would a 3, (and neither shalt thou count to 4 as that is right out! /monty python channeling)

2018-03-09, 01:12 AM
We've got judgments, and that means we've got disputes!

First off: jdizzlean - thank you for taking the time to judge the round!

I apologize for making you read about Bards - I hope it wasn't too soulcrushing :P

I have one small dispute to bring up, though on the whole I think your judging of Dorcas was fair and accurate. My one dispute is in the Elegance section, specifically the second line where you state that the Venerable Age cheese was made worse by the fact that I used it to qualify for Words of Creation. While this is undoubtedly true, I made a note in the Build Variations section which addresses that; it is entirely possible to qualify for Words of Creation and everything else with a swap of the initial Dex and Wis scores, and reallocating the lvl 4 stat boost to Wis.

Not sure if this is worth anything as it is a variation and not the build as presented, but thought it would be worth mentioning.

Other than that I am in accord with your judging. Thanks again!

It was worth a shot! :biggrin:

I'm glad you seemed to enjoy my presentation and intent. I had a lot of fun putting this one together!

To address your comment about the loss of SA, I struggled with that for a while because you are correct that it would fit my character theme and even playstyle pretty well. Unfortunately I needed those extra feats to be able to finish my epic feat chains as I didn't want to give up the demoralize, tripping, or charging damage, and the two feats from Martial Rogue were what allowed me to do so without taking Flaws (and catapulting my elegance score into the negatives)

As promised in the write-up I'm not going to dispute the elegance score at all; I know this was coming :)

Not a huge issue (and not actually asking for points), but I'm curious why the USoI scores were so low. I thought I made pretty good use of both classes, though I did not take the third level in either. Not asking for score change, just enlightment. Thanks!

Hey Zaq,

Once again thanks for running these. I've got one dispute, detailed below.

Hey Jdizllean,

I've got one minor dispute about the ruling regarding the ruling on spellcasting class advancement from paragon human. First, based on my reading of the introduction for the racial paragon classes, it seems they aren't base classes. Unfortunately, they don't seem to be prestige classes but something separate altogether, which doesn't exactly help my argument here. However, the description of the ability seems to be identical to that of any prestige class with that particular feature (I compared it with Wyrm wizard and Pactbound Adept in Dragon magic), which seems to suggest to me that it's supposed to be the same feature in all respects. I posit therefore that the DFA interaction with prestige classes was intended to also work with paragon classes.

However, it also seems that by the most strict RAW-ruling possible, you are probably right, and I won't dispute it further if you decide to stick with that. I just felt the need to lodge this protest as I don't think anyone would ever run it that way in a game(I wouldn't, at any rate).

Anyway, That's it from me. Thanks for judging!

2018-03-09, 01:10 PM
A few more quick-hit disputes on my break:

About all you’re getting from the SI synergy is 2 extra uses of Rage, and that not until epic 7th. Beyond that you get pretty good at hitting things w/ your fist, but you also branch off into magic, albeit w/o an explanation as to why or what for.
Going to start from the end. I use Monster Mien and the intimidate from Half Orc prominently, using it to build my intimidate to a scary +20 and I take Never Outnumbered. I use the rage to qualify for rage mage, and I use it enough to warrant taking Extra Rage on a build that casts spells. The STR increase helps handily with my unarmed attacks since I get Str and a half from Hammer Fist, and finally I take use of it's armor proficiency to bump up my armor from light to medium. I believe I take heavy use of everything that half orc paragon gives without going into human paragon or orc paragon.

Your point buy is off, you have 34 pts spent according to your table. At what point are you applying the half-orc racial mods? You need to supply an initial point buy, and then a modified final list after feats/racials/etc, otherwise it’s pretty hard to judge based off of guess work…
Desert Half Orc has +2 con, -2 int. So if we put that in reverse we get

Str 16
Dex 10
Con 16-2 =14
Int 10+2=12
Wis 8
Cha 16 Now if we plug it into a point buy site or do it manually
9 - 1
10- 2
11- 3
12- 4
13- 5
14- 6
15- 8
16- 10
17- 13
18- 16We will get 10 points from str, 2 points from dex, 6 points from con, 4 points from int, 0 points from wis, and 10 points from cha. Added up 10+10+6+4+2=32; After level ups (1 point) and classes (+2 str) we get to a grand total of 19 str. Which is shown in the statblock.

Tomb Tainted soul makes no sense to me in this build.
I do not see how unlimited healing makes no sense. Tomb Tainted Soul gives Sharom the ability to touch herself out of combat or in combat to heal by using Charnel Touch (an at will ability) or Inflict Light Wounds if she is heavily hurt.

Your build table lists concentration at +7, and Intimidate at +8, but in your synopsis you list them at +11 and +20 respectively… Concentration is a con skill. 7 ranks +4 stat mod = 11. Intimidate is a Cha Skill, 8+3=11+Willing deformity's +3=14+Willing Deformity Obese's +1=15+Monster Mien's +5=20.

You have some spellcasting, but don’t have a spells table, nor mention which spells you’d like to use. Is it nothing but detect magic, or something more nefarious? What did you have in mind for Precocious Apprentice? You take a lot of pains to improve your touch spells, but you’re not telling me why.
I apologize. I did not include in an easy format what spells she would be casting and why. However in the statblock I did include:
The way Sharom fights is an interesting method to say the least. She enters into her half orc rage and her spell rage at the beginning of the fight. Then she casts Chill Touch, which lasts 6 touches that can be touched once per round and begins advancing on her opponent(s). She then bashes them repeatedly with her fists dealing Unarmed Damage and Chill Touch. Her primary use of magic is Chill Touch. I did not state what spell she got from Precocious Apprentice as I thought it better left to the imagination between Inflict Moderate Wounds, Ghoul Touch, or perhaps Spectral Hand. In any case I don't believe it warranted too heavily on the build other than the fact that it gave me 2nd level spellcasting and showed off that she was talented.

Rage Mage is a good ending point, allowing casting while in a rage, but only 1/day, and only for 6 rounds. You do get full CL out of it, but there’s very little on the Dread Necro’s spell list that is worth casting in combat, other than chill touch if you are trying to stack unarmed damge. Ah the question, does a Spell Rage count as a rage? I would like to argue that it would count as a rage since it does have the word Rage in the name. And a Barbarian Rage also has Rage in the name. And it also works on Mountain Rage, Whirling Frenzy, and plain ol Frenzy. Why it wouldn't work on my Spell Rage makes no sense to me. So I in fact have 3 Half Orc Rages, and 3 Spell Rages. Meaning whenever I rage, I Spell Rage.
Adding to that the fact that my damage goes up while in a spell rage from chill touch and inflict light wounds it is well worth the class level.

Dread Necro can be a fun class, but I don’t think you needed a 2nd level in it, it only grants you an extra 1st lvl spell and DR 2, both of which seem minor compared to the vast array of options you could take instead.
Barbarians do not get their damage reduction yet. As this is E6 the many enemies I will be facing do not in fact have magic weapons yet. Those that do must have a bludgeoning weapon to deal full damage to me. And negating 2 damage off of every hit is 2 less hit points I have to heal myself with Charnel Touch after combat. And the fact that only creatures that have encountered a dread necromancer before would ever even understand where I am getting damage reduction for means that only people that are actively hunting me or have knowledge that they otherwise really should not means that nearly 100% of the time I will have 2 DR. It is definitely worth the second level.

The only Hafling Paragon of the group, but an homage to something created already in canon. Questionable whether you could go into a rage/whirling freny while mounted and maintain control however.
Helga may be unable to use Handle Animal while raging, but she very well can use the skill Ride. Meaning while mounted she can still control her mount as needed.

You don’t take Precise Shot, so all your attacks into melee suffer that -4 penalty, which is huge in e6. Helga switches to a melee weapon when in melee combat. Otherwise Helga beats the crap out of people with boomerangs from afar.

You choose 2 weapon fighting as your ranger specialization, but invest 6 feats into ranged combat.. You split your focus all over the place, making each path weaker. Boomerangs are a light one handed thrown weapon. Just like a dagger. I dual wield them. I throw them both in combat. So with my 2 weapon fighting I get TWF and ITWF for free while adding in my 6 ranged feats that all work with thrown attacks. I don't use a bow.

Dinosaur Hunter Requires 1 rank in Knowledge Nature which you don’t have. I will admit that I did forget that it required 1 rank in knowledge nature. Dinosaur Hunter isn't huge in the build, however it was very thematic.

You’re very setting specific, w/o a dino mount, or access to your specific boomerang, many of your feats and abilities don’t function. However you do bolster basic archery giving you another option. I am no more setting specific than someone with a dragonmark. Or a warforged. Or an Artificer. I really hope you didn't dock me for being setting specific without also docking anyone that has ever taken Magical Artisan and Extraordinary Artisan on the same build. Or Magical Artisan on an artficer.

Wild Cohort does allow you a animal companion-like animal. However it’s at 3 levels lower then what a druid could take. I assume you’re using it to gain your dino mount. A druid doesn’t get the option of a dinosaur on it’s animal companion list until level 7, meaning you’d have to be level 10 in order to take it, which is impossible for your build to do.

Talenta Plains: 1st—badger, eagle, fastieth (dinosaur)1 ,hawk, owl, snake (Small or Medium viper); 4th—clawfoot (dinosaur)1, dire badger, snake (Large viper); 7th—snake (Huge viper); 10th—snake (giant constrictor).
Medium Animal
Hit Dice: 2d8+2 (11 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares)
Armor Class: 14 (+1 Dex, +3 natural), touch 11, flat- footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+3
Attack: Bite -2 melee (1d3 + 1)
Full Attack: Bite -2 melee (1d3 + 1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: —
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 4
Skills: Jump +11, Listen +6, Spot +6
Feats: Run
Environment: Warm plains
Organization: Solitary, pair, or pack (3—6)
Challenge Rating: 1/2
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 3—6 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment: —
This human-sized, two-legged lizard has large eyes, brightly colored and patterned scales, and strong-looking legs.
Fastieths are the most common mounts of the halflings of the Talenta Plains, chosen and bred for speed. They are too small to carry a human, but can carry a halfling with light gear fairly easily and at a good pace.
Fastieths are not trained for battle and generally prefer to flee rather than fight, but they can deliver a bite attack if pressed. The bite attack is treated as a secondary attack (—5 penalty on the attack roll) and adds only 1/2 the fastieth's Strength bonus to damage.
Carrying Capacity: A light load for a fastieth is up to 66 pounds; a medium load, 67—133 pounds; and a heavy load, 134—200 pounds. A fastieth can drag 1,000 pounds.CLAWFOOT
Medium Animal
Hit Dice: 2d8+4(13hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 16 (+3 Dex, +3 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+4
Attack: Talons +4 melee (ld8 + 3)
Full Attack: Talons +4 melee (ld8 + 3) and 2 foreclaws —1
melee (1d3 + 1) and bite -1 melee (1d6 + 1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: —
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +1
Abilities: Str 17, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills: Hide +12, Jump +20, Listen +10, Spot +10,
Survival +10
Feats: Run
Environment: Warm forests
Organization: Solitary, pair, or pack (3—6)
Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 3—6 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment: —
This two-legged lizard boasts sharp teeth and a toe claw that looks like a small sickle. It is no larger than a tall human, but looks like it could easily take down much larger prey.
Used as a war mount by the halflings of the Talenta Plains, this flesh-eating dinosaur is a relative of the carver (deinonychus) and great carver (megaraptor).
Clawfoot dinosaurs are usually trained for war, and even without that training, they can hold their own in combat. In the wild, they are fierce pack hunters, and even when domesticated they retain most of their predatory instincts.
Skills: A clawfoot receives a +8 racial bonus on Hide, Jump, Listen, Spot, and Survival checks.
Carrying Capacity: A light load for a clawfoot is up to 86 pounds; a medium load, 87—173 pounds; and a heavy load, 174—260 pounds. A clawfoot can drag 1,300 pounds.
Oh look 2 dinosaurs that Helga can choose as an animal companion and can ride.

You invest in ranged archery combat, boomerang combat, 2 weapon fighting, and extra rage, as well as mounted combat and mounted archery. You have 6 separate paths, of which really only 2 of them are optimized partially. Mounted Combat + Mounted Archery + Improved Mounted Archery. I can use all ranged attacks from the back of a mount with ease. Boomerangs are thrown weapons. I can use ranged feats with a boomerang. I have two weapon fighting, and boomerangs can be used as a mainhand and an offhand weapon. So I have two boomerangs that I use at range from the back of my dinosaur. You can Whirling Frenzy, and use ranged weapons, and fight from the back of a dinosaur via the Ride Skill while two weapon fighting. And why would mounted combat and mounted archery be two separate paths to begin with. And if all else fails, I can always pull out my Talenta Sharash when they are close range, and fight from the back of my dinosaur. It wont be as effective, but it is definitely an option. You also forgot to mention that I can use poison! That's a seventh style, right?

In this case, your alignment doesn’t affect any of your choices, take care however to list it in the future as it can be a very important part of any build’s mechanics. The alignment is True Neutral. I didn't think it bared saying, I always err on the short side on these things because I've read some Iron Chefs before that were a 3 page summary for their Story. And while most are indeed interesting, I do not have confidence in my own ability to write a good story. It is why I tend to stick to the mechanics and try to come up with a paragraph or two of story that fits.

Thank you for judging Jdizzlean

2018-03-11, 04:38 AM

I did read that the first time. However I feel like the "options" tab is similar to the equipment tab, when either are provided. I have to judge based on what you presented, and not on what some other options may be.

no change in scoring.


I didn't deduct points for SA, I just figured it was probably a better fit.

UoSI scoring was so low because I basically think your build is illegal. However, I can't penalize you in both elegance and UoSI for essentially the same thing. Other then the racial issues, your ideas worked, which is why you got a 1 in elegance. Consider that 1 to be a boost to UoSI, as otherwise elegance might be 0, and UoSI would be 3, it's a wash. You did use 2 seperate SI classes, albeit illegally imo, but they did work together. Since imo you couldn't really have taken them in the first place, and since i didn't think a 1 or 0 score was appropriate, I gave you a 2. Any higher seems like it would be a disservice to the rest of the field.

no scoring change


I consider Paragon classes to be base classes as you can take them at level 1 w/o any pre-req's of any kind other then belonging to a specific race. I don't know of a single PrC that can be taken at level 1 in a similar fashion. They might be "augmented" base classes, but base classes they are.

In fact, of the two options you mentioned from Dragon Magic, both require 9 ranks in skills, which would be impossible at level 1.

no scoring change.

the rest of the disputes will have to wait, they involve way more thought and book diving than i have the time for right now, especially considering it looks like every single word from my judging is being questioned.

2018-03-11, 12:21 PM
@jdizzlean: I am certain that I am not alone in appreciation of your taking the time to judge.

2018-03-11, 02:18 PM
@jdizzlean: I am certain that I am not alone in appreciation of your taking the time to judge.

Very much agreed

2018-03-11, 03:18 PM
Very much agreed

Indeed, thanks so much!

2018-03-11, 04:38 PM
Here's another general-purpose dispute that isn't intended to raise the score of the disputer. I've excised a bit of identifying information.

Frequently Jdizzlean states that being non lawful good is causing problems with Exalted feats. The place that he quotes says they must have morals. No where does it state you must follow laws. CG is just as viable as LG if not more so due to the fact that you dont let laws get in the way of being a good person. However many people have been docked, and [REDACTED] personally is not being penalized here. It creates an uneven playing field as others are being docked where they should not.

This is true. NG and CG characters are equally capable of being Exalted-level Good as LG characters are. Considering that there are a few PrCs in the BoED that require Exalted feats and that also specifically require being CG or NG, there's plenty of evidence that LG isn't the only form of being Exalted Good.

I will also interject a Chair comment here, jdizz: this response you gave is fairly troubling and indicates an intention to flout the judging guidelines.

UoSI scoring was so low because I basically think your build is illegal. However, I can't penalize you in both elegance and UoSI for essentially the same thing. Other then the racial issues, your ideas worked, which is why you got a 1 in elegance. Consider that 1 to be a boost to UoSI, as otherwise elegance might be 0, and UoSI would be 3, it's a wash.

One Mistake, One Penalty is indeed the rule, and it's the rule for a reason. Also, the minimum score in a category is 1, not 0. (This is a slight change from the main contest, but it's been written in the original post since the beginning of this round.) You're basically saying that you want to penalize both Elegance and UoSI for the same thing (you said that you can't, but you also said that you did), and you can't do that. If you think the build is illegal (which may or may not actually be true here), penalize once, in one category. You can't give a low score in Elegance for something you think is illegal and then, by your own admission, give a low score in UoSI for the same perceived issue. That's literally the point of One Mistake, One Penalty. If you think the build deserves a minimum score in Elegance, give them the minimum score in Elegance (which is 1, not 0). You said that the build would "otherwise" have a 3 in UoSI, so the build should then have a 3 in UoSI rather than letting a penalty from Elegance "spill over" into UoSI for the same issue.

One of my guiding principles in running this contest is to attempt to give reasonable latitude to the judges. I know firsthand that judging is hard work (okay, maybe some of our judges don't expend quite as many words per entry as I tend to, but still), and it's not actually a bad thing in a vacuum to have different individuals with different preferences rating these entries. There's been quite a few rulings over the past two-and-a-half rounds that I've rather strongly disagreed with, and I'm doing my best to keep my thumbs far away from the scales. That said, there are judging guidelines in the rules for a reason, and the Chair respectfully requests that all judges adhere to the rules laid out in the opening post.

2018-03-13, 11:21 PM
assuming i'm not falling over exhausted in the morning when I get home from work, I will address the remaining disputes, and weigh in on the chairs thoughts as well.

2018-03-14, 08:57 AM
One of the things I like best about D&D is that there are no iron clad rules. X does not always equal Y, and sometimes it does. I've slowly come to the realization on this board that I probably have a very different gaming experience than the vast majority of everyone else. This of course has colored my views on certain elements of this game, and even more clearly on how I judge, or build for, these types of competitions here. All I can do is take my version of D&D as I have played it for the past 30 or so years with various groups and go from there.

I am very much against standardized scoring where each category has specific metrics that equal a specific score, so for example, full ranks in the SI don't equate to full points from the UoSI category. Likewise, what is penalized in one build might not be in another, for they are different builds.

As to Zaq's comments from his post:

As to exalted feats. per the above, I would never be allowed to take them if I wasn't Lawful Good. However, seeing as how this is apparently not the prevailing interpretation, from now on I'll consider any build's alignment w/ some form of "good" in it to qualify, unless they take things like necromantic spells which would violate it, as in the case of the Bard that isn't in this round.

on minimum scoring. I'll eat crow, I was operating under the premise that a 0 is a perfectly reasonable score. I do know and acknowledge that you can't penalize twice, however in that specific build in question, if you can't take those SI's in the first place, how exactly do you propose to score that category? I didn't know, and so erring on what is apparently the side of idiocy, I gave a score of 2. Perhaps my reasoning that I spelled out was flawed, but I don't know that there is a correct answer since you can't penalize twice for essentially the same thing in this instance.

If at the conclusion of this round the chair or contestants would prefer it that I step down and not judge anymore, so be it. I'm not perfect, and I can make just as many mistakes as anyone else, which is why there is a grievance process (or a private message). I fully recognize that the chef's feel strongly about their builds, and the judges feel strongly about their judgements. But there has to be common ground and acceptance from both sides. I'm a reasonable person, I can take criticism when it's warranted, but feedback has to go both ways in a conversation like that.

2018-03-14, 09:04 AM
on minimum scoring. I'll eat crow, I was operating under the premise that a 0 is a perfectly reasonable score. I do know and acknowledge that you can't penalize twice, however in that specific build in question, if you can't take those SI's in the first place, how exactly do you propose to score that category? I didn't know, and so erring on what is apparently the side of idiocy, I gave a score of 2. Perhaps my reasoning that I spelled out was flawed, but I don't know that there is a correct answer since you can't penalize twice for essentially the same thing in this instance.

First of all, I see no reason for you to step down. It's clear that you just missed that a particular rule, and are used to a different ruling for exalted good from home games, so I don't see any harm done.

As for avoiding penalizing twice, I believe I ran into that when I judged last round with the build that tried some RAWyery to qualify for a bunch of ambush feats that he didn't actually qualify for. I penalized him in the elegance category, and then scored everything else as if he could have taken those feats. I suppose you could do the same thing here, penalize it once in elegance, and then judge the rest as if the build is legal.

2018-03-14, 09:46 AM
First of all, I see no reason for you to step down. It's clear that you just missed that a particular rule, and are used to a different ruling for exalted good from home games, so I don't see any harm done.

As for avoiding penalizing twice, I believe I ran into that when I judged last round with the build that tried some RAWyery to qualify for a bunch of ambush feats that he didn't actually qualify for. I penalized him in the elegance category, and then scored everything else as if he could have taken those feats. I suppose you could do the same thing here, penalize it once in elegance, and then judge the rest as if the build is legal.

You say RAWyery like it's not a ton of fun.

2018-03-14, 09:51 AM
You say RAWyery like it's not a ton of fun.

It generally is a ton of fun(that four-armed sparrow had me laughing out loud when I figured out what he was doing), but also causes some head-aches for judging if you find faults in the applied RAW that makes a significant portion of a build illegal.

2018-03-14, 10:08 AM
It generally is a ton of fun(that four-armed sparrow had me laughing out loud when I figured out what he was doing), but also causes some head-aches for judging if you find faults in the applied RAW that makes a significant portion of a build illegal.

One man's "+1d6 sneak attack" is another man's "add 1d6 damage to sneak attack"


You did it right, though. If the build looks illegal by your judgly eye, dump their elegance and pretend that it might work like they thought it would work in other categories.

2018-03-14, 10:47 AM

I don't believe that Spell Rage is the same as Rage or Whirling Frenzy. Sure it's "rage", but it's a special circumstance in that it's operating completely different by allowing spell casting, which Rage specifically says you can't do. (at least not spells w/ verbal components). Whirling Frenzy is a variant of rage, so gets to use as many times as Rage would itself, but Spell Rage is a distinct stand alone, and so therefor doesn't get to benefit from other uses of "rage" granted by other classes or acf's.

Point buy is calculated BEFORE racial modifications. you then add or subtract racial and/or template modifications to come to a final tally. So the points you have listed come out to 34 points as I said. You then add or subtract racials to that.

Charnel Touch does work w/ tomb tainted, I missed that.

DR 2 would be great if you didn't have free unlimited healing, in that regard it becomes less awesome than it would otherwise be. You could probably argue that you can touch yourself as a free action, your fingers touching each other for example while you hold onto your weapon (or make a fist), and so 1/round you could simply apply Charnel Touch to healing instead of extra damage to the unarmed strike.

Originality +.25 Score 3.75
Elegance +.5 Score 4
Use of SI +.75 Score 3.25

Total Score: 14.75


The point of precise shot is so that you can attack w/ your ranged weapons into melee w/o a penalty. Obviously you attack from range or switch to melee, everyone does. But when you attack from range into melee you still get that nasty penalty to hit, meaning your BAB is essentially +1 to which you add STR only.

TWF combat style from Ranger only grants you a lesser penalty for using a second weapon. You could've taken the ranged style instead and gotten Rapid Shot free (which you actually take at epic 6th). Plus, where do you get ITWF from for free?

On Wild Cohort: I stand corrected, but this highlights the "cite your sources" in the original build. That would have alleviated this conflict in the first place.

Originality +.5 Score 4
Elegance +.5 Score 2.5

Total Score 13.5


Use of SI +1

Total Score 12.5

2018-03-14, 11:16 AM
I just want to highlight the fact that I am grateful that Jdizzlean is judging, and I really hope that you don't feel attacked as a judge. As the sole judge at the moment your judgements are truly choosing who wins or loses. So I'm sure some feel like they have to nitpick every single thing you said vs if multiple judges said the same thing then the contestant might think they were actually wrong instead of thinking the judge may have erred. Please do not be discouraged. We are grateful

2018-03-14, 12:14 PM
I just want to highlight the fact that I am grateful that Jdizzlean is judging, and I really hope that you don't feel attacked as a judge. As the sole judge at the moment your judgements are truly choosing who wins or loses. So I'm sure some feel like they have to nitpick every single thing you said vs if multiple judges said the same thing then the contestant might think they were actually wrong instead of thinking the judge may have erred. Please do not be discouraged. We are grateful

You can run this across the board for me as well. In particular, I REALLY understand how RL can interfere ;)

2018-03-14, 01:10 PM
I would also like to add my voice to the chorus of people grateful to you for sparing the time to judge this round jdizzlean!

2018-03-14, 01:54 PM
I would also like to make it explicit that I am grateful for you taking the time and effort to judge this round. It is really appreciated!

2018-03-16, 09:44 AM
Is it too early to give suggestions for the next round?

2018-03-16, 11:38 AM
Who else is judging? Long_shanks, DEMON, AvatarVecna—I know you all mentioned an interest in judging. Is that still on the table for any of you, or for anyone else? I feel like it’s best to have multiple judges when possible.

Is it too early to give suggestions for the next round?

You can certainly make suggestions if you want, but I will tell you that I have at least the next six ingredients picked out, and I mostly just want to nail down the order.

Let’s take a straw poll on this issue, though: do you folks want the next ingredient to have full BAB or not full BAB?

2018-03-16, 11:46 AM
Let’s take a straw poll on this issue, though: do you folks want the next ingredient to have full BAB or not full BAB?

We just had one with 3/4, and one that was mostly 3/4 with some outliers. I'd be up for another with full BaB.

2018-03-16, 12:16 PM
Full BAB Please!

2018-03-16, 02:31 PM
As much as I’d really love to have another judge, we have indeed passed the deadline, so unless someone pipes up and says they’re almost done judging before I get home from work in a few hours, I’m thinking we’ll move to the next round tonight.

Our non-binding straw poll has two votes for full BAB. I’m still accepting votes on that.

Anyone feel like making a table with scores? I can if no one else does, but my tables always kinda suck.

2018-03-16, 02:38 PM
LOL, I have barely figured out the build table or I would. Maybe next time ;)

2018-03-16, 06:18 PM
Who else is judging? Long_shanks, DEMON, AvatarVecna—I know you all mentioned an interest in judging. Is that still on the table for any of you, or for anyone else? I feel like it’s best to have multiple judges when possible.

You probably missed my message at the end of last week, but work has got in the way (which is a good thing, since it had been quite slow for a while). So, I'm currently stuck makin' money instead of judging internet competitions. Sorry for the false hopes ;)

2018-03-16, 11:09 PM
Alrighty then ladies and gentlemen, let's get moving. As always, if someone wants to prettify this table, it will be greatly appreciated. (I tried using the "head alt1 alt2" style but that made the colors unreadable, so bleh.)



Class stub

Score after 1 judge


"Thews" Ironhand

CN Amphibious Frostblood Half-Orc

Half-Orc Paragon 3 / Orc Paragon 3



Sythaeryn the Silvan Singer

NG Half-Elf

Half-Elf Paragon 3 / Human Paragon 3




CE Desert Half-Orc

Dread Necromancer 2 / Half-Orc Paragon 3 / Rage Mage 1



Sahran, Will of the Desert

? Aligned (nonlawful?) Desert Half-Orc

Half-Orc Paragon 3 / Barbarian 2 / Fighter 1

15.25 (Bronze)


Rokar the Rager

CG Half-Orc

Half-Orc Paragon 3 / Orc Paragon 3



John Drake

CG Human

Human Paragon 3 / Dragonfire Adept 2 / Chameleon 1

10.75 (HM)


Heru Sunblood

LG Desert Half-Orc

Half-Orc Paragon 2 / Paladin 4

16.5 (Gold)



? Aligned (nonlawful?) Halfling

Ranger 2 / Barbarian 1 / Halfling Paragon 3



Garek Grutshank

LG Desert Half-Orc

Half-Orc Paragon 2 / Paladin 4



Dorcas Thistlethwaite

CG Stonehunter Gnome

Savage Bard 2 / Marshal 1 / Gnome Paragon 3

15.75 (Silver)


Bann Ru'Falo / Jedeck Hyll

CG Changeling

Martial Rogue 2 / Half-Elf Paragon 2 / Half-Orc Paragon 2



This was an excellent round. I don't know what precisely I was expecting, but it sure as hell wasn't seven half-orc paragons. I'm glad you folks rose to the challenge of "um, this SI is actually just intended to be filler in a larger build, so how do we make it the spotlight?" I had to give Honorable Mention to John Drake just for making me laugh with the fluff (and for crafting a remarkably functional E6 Chameleon build), though there was some very stiff competition this time around—seriously, a Rage Mage? Two Rageadins? Wonderful stuff all around!

Congrats to everyone who entered and thanks to our lone judge—let's not let him be so lonely next time, 'kay?

New thread here! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?553767-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-VII))

2018-03-17, 01:20 AM
Thank you Zaq for hosting! And thanks to Jdizzlean for judging!

I had a lot of fun with this round, and was really impressed with the builds others came up with! Looking forward to the next!

2018-03-17, 03:18 AM
Wow, I never expected to go home with a medal. Thanks to jdizzlean for judging and Zaq for chairing. And although it's unimportant, as an avatar of the desert Sahran is True Neutral.

2018-03-17, 03:59 AM
Wow, I hadn't expected to walk out with a HM. Anyway, thanks to zaq for hosting, and jdizzlean for judging!

2018-03-17, 06:47 AM
I would also like to thank the host and judge. My first Competition, did better than I thought I would. Learned a bit too. On to the next one.

2018-03-17, 10:28 PM
Apologies to everyone.

I did intend to judge this round, but RL was strongly opposed to my intention.

2018-03-18, 05:03 AM
First of all many thanks to Zaq for hosting and jdizzlean for judging. I had lots of fun working on a few different ideas using various paragon classes before (like nearly everyone else :smalltongue:) settling on Half Orc Paragon. I've been lurking for the past couple of rounds and had builds worked out but chickened out of entering them, very glad I got over that and submitted my build this round :smallbiggrin: See you all next time.