View Full Version : Initiative Fishing Build

2018-02-16, 01:39 AM
One thing led to another and last night I had a ridiculous idea about a character whose sole purpose would be to get as high initiative bonus as possible, and I came up with this:

Variant Human
Str 8, Dex 15+1, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 15+1

Fighter (Champion) 14
Rogue (Swashbuckler) 4
Wizard (War Magic) 2

A total of 6 ASI, which would be used to improve Dexterity by 4, Charisma by 4, and Intelligence by 4.

The end result would be as high as +22 for initiative checks! (Of course, if you were to roll your stats and had better scores to start with, the maximum potential would be +23).

As a bonus, the character itself would actually be pretty viable as an Archer as well! (With Con 10 I'd prefer to stay in the back and rain hell with arrows)

2018-02-16, 02:34 AM
How about 8 14+1 10 14 14 12+1
War Wiz 4
Swash 4
Gloom Stalker 4
Champion 8

You’d end up with 8 20 10 16 16 16
Alert +5
Dex +5
Champ +3
Wiz +3
GS +3
SB +3

Dang, still only +22!

His motto could be “Init. to Win It”


2018-02-16, 03:48 AM
I'm pretty sure that by the time you get over +10 to Initiative, the DM's gonna go "So, [X] goes first.. who's after them?"

Does sounds kinda fun, if a bit.. well, not useless. I just haven't an idea what you'd do for your standard opening move.

2018-02-16, 04:53 AM
I'm pretty sure that by the time you get over +10 to Initiative, the DM's gonna go "So, [X] goes first.. who's after them?"

Does sounds kinda fun, if a bit.. well, not useless. I just haven't an idea what you'd do for your standard opening move.

Yeah, the build does lack some 'character', but it's viable anyway.

2018-02-16, 07:14 AM
Throw in 2 levels of bard - jack of all trades applies to initiative rolls and keys off of the total character level.

2018-02-16, 07:25 AM
Throw in 2 levels of bard - jack of all trades applies to initiative rolls and keys off of the total character level.

Doesn't stack with Champion's Remarkable Athlete (which is another reason why I chose Champion, the other being fighter's amount of ASI).

2018-02-16, 10:09 AM
Barbarian 7 gets advantage !

2018-02-16, 10:18 AM
Barbarian 7 gets advantage !

That would cost two ASI. Not really worth it

2018-02-16, 10:27 AM
swap out champion-fighter (half proficiency), for athlete-feat (full proficiency)!

also, 1 level of ranger (the under dark revised ranger) gives advantage on init, and an extra attack + 10 ft movement of first round.

agree with the rest, swashbuckler definately,

and i may be wrong, but couldn't you inspire yourself for the initiative check??(bard) also guidance..

2018-02-16, 10:35 AM
swap out champion-fighter (half proficiency), for athlete-feat (full proficiency)!

also, 1 level of ranger (the under dark revised ranger) gives advantage on init, and an extra attack + 10 ft movement of first round.

agree with the rest, swashbuckler definately,

and i may be wrong, but couldn't you inspire yourself for the initiative check??(bard) also guidance..

Uhh... Athlete doesn't give full proficiency to all dexterity checks? That's the whole point of Remarkable Athlete. It applies even to Initiative checks (which is a Dexterity check)

2018-02-16, 10:43 AM
Uhh... Athlete doesn't give full proficiency to all dexterity checks? That's the whole point of Remarkable Athlete. It applies even to Initiative checks (which is a Dexterity check)

athlete grants proficiency in all strength, dexterity, and constitution ability checks. initiative is a dexterity ability check, so it does! :D

not sure what constitution ability checks there are other than holding your breath though..

2018-02-16, 10:53 AM
Get weapon of warning or sentinel shield for advantage on Initiative

2018-02-16, 10:56 AM
Guidance is worth 2.5 on average. Better than an ASI to pick up magic initiate:cleric.

2018-02-16, 10:57 AM
That would cost two ASI. Not really worth it

ASIs are just being used for +2 stats yeah so 2 ASIs is only +2 to the roll.

Advantage is worth more than that surely? Or am I missing something?

Edit -

athlete grants proficiency in all strength, dexterity, and constitution ability checks. initiative is a dexterity ability check, so it does! :D

not sure what constitution ability checks there are other than holding your breath though..

He's right, Athlete feat doesn't given you proficiency in anything as far as I can see? Makes you better at standing up, climbing and jumping but no proficiency.

2018-02-16, 12:33 PM
athlete grants proficiency in all strength, dexterity, and constitution ability checks.

No, it doesn't. You might want to double check your "facts", mate.

2018-02-16, 12:35 PM
I'd rather have advantage... swap the 14 levels of champion for 8 levels of barbarian and 4 levels of bard, could use the last 2 for another 2 of wizard.

Still get half prof to init from JOAT and an ASI, get advantage from barbarian and 2 ASI, init from War Magic and an ASI, and 4 levels of Swashbuckler for another ASI. 5 ASI, so only +21, but with advantage. Plus better spells, more HP, potential serial immortality from barbarian if you go Zealot, or tanking with Bear... advantage on dex saves... all around better than 14 levels of fighter, IMO. Though if you want a crit fishing 3 attacks per round always first kinda guy, your build would be better.

2018-02-16, 12:44 PM
It’s worth noting that the rogue’s reliable talent feature works with the champion’s half-proficiency, so you can get a more reliable initiative with a slightly lower bonus by putting more levels into swashbuckler and none in wizard.