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View Full Version : Homebrew Race for Pathfinder: Brenin

2018-02-16, 12:09 PM
I'm very proud of this. Feel free to comment with suggestions!

Physical Description: Deceptively short and compact, Brenin are stronger than they look. These wiry people claim their lineage from a variety of sources – Dryads, Leshy, some brazen few even claim to be descended from an Erlking. Regardless, their bloodline is clearly fey-touched in some sense, which gives them natural abilities with magic of the forest. Their skin tones can vary widely, depending on how strongly their bloodline is pronounced: skin colors range from dark brown to tan to green. Some look no different from half-elves with their pointed ears and bright eye colors, while others who claim to have stronger ties to nature have bark-like skin and adorn themselves with vine jewelry to set themselves apart. All Brenin do, however, share one strange feature: their hair color shifts with the seasons. Though there is some variance in the shades, generally they have bright green hair in spring, dark green in summer, bright red or hay yellow in fall, and black in winter (except on the winter solstice, when it turns inexplicably white).
Society: Brenin do not typically have any exclusive, organized society, but tend to integrate themselves alongside other races. They have relatively the same life-span as half-elves, and so therefore they usually make friends with this race in particular, but they have no particular dislike for any race.
Relations: Brenin claim strong ties to the natural world, and while they have nothing against integrating in societies, quite a few Brenin choose to live life as hermits in the woods. They show extraordinary care for the natural world, and often will not tolerate those who simply use nature for their own gain.
Alignment and Religion: Though Brenin can be of any alignment, they tend towards more neutral stances, and are often good. Of course, every individual has their own personality, and the norm is not the absolute. Brenin typically revere deities whose focus is on the natural world.
Adventurers: Brenin often choose to become adventurers in order to explore more of the world around them. They are also known to undertake grand quests, especially in the name of protecting nature or those with strong ties to it. Many Brenin take up the mantle of Rangers or Druids, with their natural ties to the wild and to the magic of the trees.
Names: Brenin often choose to name their children in ways that reflect their ties to nature.
Male Names Aster, Eremurus, Narcissus, Quince, Cypress, Linden
Female Names Wisteria, Amaranth, Orchid, Statice, Laurel, Aspen
Age: A Brenin is considered an adult at the age of 20 years. (+1d6 for intuitive, +2d6 for Self-Taught, +3d6 for Trained)
Height and Weight: Male, Base Height 4 ft. 9 in. (+2d4) Base Weight 150 lbs. (+2d4x7)
Female, Base Height 4 ft. 7 in. (+2d4) Base Weight 120 lbs. (+2d4x7)
Brenin Racial Traits
+2 to Strength and Wisdom, -2 to Constitution: Brenin often strive to be as strong as trees, and hone their energy towards weathering any storm or onslaught. They also take great pride in cultural lore and their heritage, and are often wise in that regard. However, they are more affected by the variability of seasons and temperatures than other races, and cannot stand the cold, which is reflected in their poor constitution scores.
Fey: Descended from dryads, Brenin are of the fey subtype.
Low-Light Vision: Like all creatures of the fey type, Brenin have Low-Light vision.
Normal Speed: Brenin have a base movement speed of 30 feet.
Medium: Brenin are medium sized creatures.
Cold Lethargy: A Brenin that takes cold damage is slowed (as per the slow spell) for 1d4 rounds.
Natural Armor: With naturally thicker skin, often patterned like bark on their shoulders and backs, Brenin get a +1 racial bonus to natural armor.
Stability: Brenin are very good at rooting their position on the ground, and are very hard to knock off their feet once they are in a ready stance. They gain a +4 racial bonus to CMD for resisting Bull Rush and Trip attempts while standing on the ground.
Camouflage: Brenin are naturally adept and blending in to the forest, and gain a buff to their stealth when hiding in the trees. They gain a +4 racial bonus to Stealth while in Forest or Jungle terrain.
Forest Dwelling: Due to their high knowledge of the forest, Brenin are more naturally skilled than others when it comes to knowing how to make their way in the wilds. They gain a +1 racial bonus to Knowledge (Nature) and Survival, and Knowledge (Nature) is always a class skill.
Forest Magic: Brenin are able to tap into a reserve of natural magic, and like their ancestors, are able to turn into trees. They can also exert some natural influence over plants around them, and can call vines up to entangle their enemies. These Brenin may cast Tree Shape and Entangle once per day at a caster equal to their character level. A Brenin uses Wisdom as their caster stat for these abilities.
Treespeech: Brenin can converse easily with the natural world around them, and speaking with plants is one of their supernatural abilities. They may converse with plants as if affected by a continuous Speak with Plants spell. This effect cannot be dispelled.
Starting Languages: Brenin begin play speaking Common and Sylvan. Brenin with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following languages: Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Terran, Undercommon.

Latent Magic: Some Brenin’s powers do not present themselves in magical abilities, but are rather showcased as a reserve of their power in their blood. These Brenin gain DR 5/Cold Iron. This trait replaces Forest Magic.
Terrain Stride: Some Brenin focus less on sneaking through the forest and more on moving as quickly as possible. While in the Forest or Jungle, a Brenin’s movement is not affected by natural difficult terrain. This trait replaces Camouflage.
Distracting Hallucination: Some Brenin are descended from dryads of specialized tree types, that are normally harmful in some way to other creatures – however, they are not as durable as Brenin descended from hardier dryads. A number of times per day equal to his constitution modifier, (minimum 1) a Brenin can envenom his weapon with his blood. He must be injured to use this ability. The poison is a hallucinatory poison which causes the target to see fascinating and dazzling visions of light in the corners of their eyes, distracting them and functioning in the following way: Injury; save Fort DC 10 + 1/2 the user's Hit Dice + the user's Constitution modifier; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Wis, Fascinated; cure 2 consecutive saves. Other Brenin who are also toxic are immune to this poison, but Brenin who are not toxic are susceptible to it. The Lotus Tree and Lotus Leshy are also immune to this poison, hinting at its origin. This trait replaces Natural Armor Bonus and Stability.
Nature Magic: Naturally attuned to the magic of the earth and to plantlife, a Brenin gains the Basic Magic Training feat in the Nature Sphere as a bonus feat at first level, but must choose either the Earth or Plantlife Geomancing package. This trait replaces Forest Magic.
Binding Vines: This feat allows a Brenin one extra use of Entangle per day, and the spell now functions as Sickening Entanglement. Prerequisites: Forest Magic, Character Level 5th.
Firmly Rooted: This feat allows a Brenin to expend his use of Tree Shape as an immediate action once per day to negate any Combat Maneuver or attack effects of the following types against them: Bull Rush, Trip, Overrun, Reposition, Swallow Whole, or any other effect that tries to move them. They can be grappled, and if trying to free themselves from a grapple after using this ability, it takes a full found action which provokes attacks of opportunity. After using this ability, the Brenin must take a standard action to free themselves from the ground and move again. This feat only transforms their lower halves, so they can still make attacks as normal, and are just unable to move until ending the effect. Prerequisites: Forest Magic, Character Level 3rd.
Hardier than Most: Some Brenin spend extensive time getting used to the cold and learning how to deal with its negative effects. These Brenin are not susceptible to the slowing effect of cold as their other kin are. Brenin who take this feat no longer suffer from Cold Lethargy.
Potent Hallucination: Brenin who take this feat have gone through training to make their natural poisons more dangerous. With this feat, toxic Brenin poison functions as follows: Injury; save Fort DC 12 + 1/2 the user's Hit Dice + the user's Constitution modifier; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d4 Wis, Fascinated; cure 2 consecutive saves. Other Brenin, even those who are also toxic themselves, are susceptible to the effect. Prerequisites: Distracting Hallucination, Character Level 7th.
Deadly Hallucination: Brenin who take this feat have gone through even more intense training to make their natural poison deadly to their enemies, using the magic in their blood to create intense visions. With this feat, Brenin poison functions as follows: Injury; save Fort DC 12 + 1/2 the user's Hit Dice + the user's Constitution modifier; frequency 1/round for 8 rounds; effect 1d4 Wis, Frightened; cure 2 consecutive saves. Other Brenin, even those who are toxic themselves, are susceptible to the effect. Prerequisites: Potent Hallucination, Character Level 12th.
Leafspeaker (Druid)
Plant Bond (Ex): At 1st level, a leafspeaker forms a mystic bond with plant life. This bond can take one of two forms. The first grants the leafspeaker one of the following domains: Plant (Core Rulebook); Growth; Jungle, Swamp. When determining the powers and bonus spells granted by this domain, the leafspeaker's effective cleric level is equal to her druid level. A leafspeaker who selects this option also receives additional domain spell slots, just like a cleric. She must prepare the spell from her domain in this slot, and this spell cannot be used to cast a spell spontaneously.
The second option is to form a close bond with a plant companion. A leafspeaker may begin play with any of the plants listed in Plant Companions. This plant is a loyal companion that accompanies the leafspeaker on her adventures. Except for the companion being a creature of the plant type, drawn from the list of plant companions, this ability otherwise works like the standard druid's animal companion ability.
Plant bond replaces the druid's nature bond ability.
Hydrated Vitality: At 1st level, a leafspeaker knows how to use the natural world around them to heal their wounds, rejuvenating themselves as plants do. They gain fast healing 2 for 1 round anytime they submerge completely within a body of natural salt water, fresh water, or brackish water. Stagnant, poisoned, or trapped water (such as water within an artificial pit or a bag of holding) does not activate this ability. A leafspeaker can heal up to 2 hit points per level per day with this ability, after which it ceases to function.
Hydrated Vitality replaces Nature Sense and Wild Empathy.
Wild Shape (Su): At 4th level, a leafspeaker gains the ability to wild shape. This ability functions at her actual druid level. A leafspeaker cannot use wild shape to adopt an animal or elemental form. Instead, when she gains this ability at 4th level, she can assume the form of a Small or Medium plant. This functions as plant shape I, except the leafspeaker does not yet gain access to the constrict or poison abilities of the plant form assumed. At 8th level, the leafspeaker's wild shape gains the full range of abilities available from plant shape I. At 10th level, a leafspeaker can assume the form of a Large or Tiny plant. Her wild shape ability now functions like plant shape II. At 12th level, a leafspeaker can assume the form of a Huge plant. Her wild shape ability now functions like plant shape III. This ability replaces, and otherwise functions like, the normal druid wild shape ability.
Lifesense (Su): At 13th level, the leafspeaker becomes incredibly attuned to life forces, both of sentient and non-sentient creatures, and gains the lifesense ability. They can notice and locate living creatures within 30 feet, just as if they possessed the blindsight ability.
This ability replaces A Thousand Faces.

Each plant companion has different starting sizes, speed, attacks, ability scores, and special qualities. All plant attacks are made using the creature's full base attack bonus unless otherwise noted. Plant attacks add the plant's Strength modifier on the damage roll, unless it has only one attack, in which case it adds 1-1/2 times its Strength modifier. Some plant companions have special abilities, such as scent. Plant companions cannot gain armor or weapon proficiency feats, even as they advance in hit dice, and cannot use manufactured weapons at all unless their description says otherwise.
As you gain levels, your plant companion grows in power as well. It gains the same bonuses that are gained by animal companions. Each plant companion gains an additional bonus, usually at 4th or 7th level, as listed with each plant choice. Instead of taking the listed benefit at 4th level, you can instead choose to increase the companion's Strength and Constitution by 2.
Carnivorous Flower
Starting Statistics: Size Small; Speed 30 ft., climb 10 ft.; AC +2 natural armor; Attack bite (1d6); Ability Scores Str 10, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10; Special Qualities low-light vision, scent.
4th-Level Advancement: Size Medium; Attack bite (2d6); Ability Scores Str +4, Dex –2, Con +2; Special Attacks rage (1/day, as the barbarian class feature for 6 rounds).
Crawling Vine
Starting Statistics: Size Medium; Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.; AC +2 natural armor; Attack slam (1d4); Ability Scores Str 13, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2; Special Attacks grab; Special Qualities low-light vision, scent.
4th-Level Advancement: Size Large; AC +1 natural armor; Attack slam (1d6); Ability Scores Str +8, Dex –2, Con +4; Special Attacks constrict 1d6.
Puffball (Floating Fungus)
Starting Statistics: Size Small; Speed 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (average); AC +1 natural armor; Attack thorn (1d4 plus poison); Ability Scores Str 10, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6; Special Attacks poison (Frequency 1 round [6], Effect 1 Con damage, Cure 1 save, Con-based DC); Special Qualities low-light vision.
4th-Level Advancement: Ability Scores Str +2, Con +2.
Sapling Treant
Starting Statistics: Size Medium; Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.; AC +1 natural armor; Attack 2 slams (1d6); Ability Scores Str 15, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 7; Special Qualities double damage against objects, low-light vision.
4th-Level Advancement: Size Large; AC +2 natural armor; Attack 2 slams (1d8); Ability Scores Str +8, Dex –2, Con +4.
Wildman (Barbarian)
Woodland Stride: Thick undergrowth is no impediment to the wildman. At 1st level, he gains the Woodland Stride ability, negating any movement penalties for natural rough terrain. This ability replaces Fast Movement.
Thick Skin: At 3rd level, the wildman begins the practice of making his skin as tough as bark, working towards the goal that no arrow or blade shall pierce his flesh. He gains a Natural Armor Bonus of +1, and this bonus increases as he levels up, granting another +1 at every third level (6, 9, 12, 15, 18, to a maximum of +6 at level 18). This ability replaces Trap Sense, or Danger Sense for Unchained Barbarians.
Fury of the Forest: At 14th level, the Wildman masters his natural shape changing abilities to his benefit in combat. As a move action which provokes attacks of opportunity, the Wildman can expend one of his racial uses of Tree Shape to assume the form of a Large Tree. While in this form, he gains no AC Bonus from his armor or shield, but retains all Natural Armor bonuses. He also gains an additional +10 to his Natural Armor, but is treated as though he has a Dex modifier of 0 and a speed of 0 feet.
While in this form, he gains a Slam attack at his full melee attack bonus with a reach of 10 ft, which deals 1d6+Str mod in lethal damage. With each successful hit, there is a 25% chance for the target of the strike to become dazed for one round. This effect can stack with itself, extending the number of rounds the enemy is dazed.
While in this form, no enemy can succeed at any attempt to move the Wildman, unless with a spell or ability affecting the ground he is rooted in subject to DM approval. While this ability is active, the Wildman does not gain the benefits of Uncanny Dodge and Improved Uncanny Dodge.
This ability can be used in or out of rage, can be active while starting or ending rage, and can last for a number of rounds up to equal to the Wildman’s character level. Ending Fury of the Forest is a move action which provokes attacks of opportunity. This ability replaces Indomitable Will.
Barbarian: The Brenin adds +1 round of rage per day.
Ranger: The Brenin adds +1/4 to all of their favored terrain bonuses for Forest and Jungle, provided they have these terrains selected as favored.
Druid: The Brenin adds +1 foot to their movement speed while in Forest or Jungle terrain. This has no effect unless this bonus has been selected five times.

2018-02-16, 02:01 PM
I think always having Know (Nature) as a class skill is probably more useful than getting +2 to it. The race is martially focused, and few warriors would even put ranks in Know Nature to make use of the bonus (can't make Knowledge checks untrained so a +2 bonus might as well be a +0 bonus if you have no ranks in the skill).

I would suggest that Brenin barbarians get +1 round of rage per day as their alternate favored class ability. If you want them to be barbarians, you should help offset their racial penalty to Con (which determines their rounds of rage per day).

2018-02-16, 11:59 PM
Question - What ability score does the Brenin use to determine the DC of his entangle SLA?

2018-02-17, 09:39 AM
Unless specified SLA defaults to charisma iirc.

2018-02-17, 11:25 AM
Unless specified SLA defaults to charisma iirc.

I'll need to change this, then, because I'm intending it to run off of wisdom. :smallbiggrin:

2018-02-17, 11:28 AM
I think always having Know (Nature) as a class skill is probably more useful than getting +2 to it. The race is martially focused, and few warriors would even put ranks in Know Nature to make use of the bonus (can't make Knowledge checks untrained so a +2 bonus might as well be a +0 bonus if you have no ranks in the skill).

I would suggest that Brenin barbarians get +1 round of rage per day as their alternate favored class ability. If you want them to be barbarians, you should help offset their racial penalty to Con (which determines their rounds of rage per day).

Ooo, I agree. I'll make these changes, too, when I have time.

2018-10-26, 10:18 PM
New edits on this old friend! Added Age, Height, and Weight, an alternate racial trait supporting Spheres of Power, and changed some wording on the Wildman Archetype.