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2018-02-16, 10:48 PM
I'm running a campaign for a party of three lv6 characters . The gist of their adventure I have planned out is that a Red Cap set up shop in an old abandoned border fort and is manipulating local goblin tribes into kidnapping Elven villagers that he can sacrifice to make himself stronger.

However I have a problem, Besides the Red Cap himself I'm completely blanking on what to populate the fort with.

Could Any of y'all give me some ideas ?

2018-02-16, 11:04 PM
The redcaps in MM3 are described as living on other creatures' pain, and even massacre each other unless there is an elder to keep them in some order. So it seems unlikely any other living creatures would last long sharing the same abode as a redcap. Which leaves room for some sort of undead - especially perhaps something that springs from the redcaps prior victims.

2018-02-16, 11:08 PM
The redcaps in MM3 are described as living on other creatures' pain, and even massacre each other unless there is an elder to keep them in some order. So it seems unlikely any other living creatures would last long sharing the same abode as a redcap. Which leaves room for some sort of undead - especially perhaps something that springs from the redcaps prior victims.

I had it my mind that the Red Cap itself was being used by the BBEG and I figured that could explain the presence of living "allies". But undead could work .

2018-02-16, 11:40 PM
Depending on the level of encounter desired, there are a number of thematically appropriate undead that could be used.

Ghosts (MM1) and ghost brutes (LM) would certainly make sense, and since they are templates give decent flexibility. Spectres (MM1) and Bane Wraiths (HoH) are thematically similar but without going the template route. A deathshrieker (MM3) would be thematically appropriate, but have a higher CR.

A pack of carcass eaters (LM 91) are a type of animal that might be drawn to this location, hiding from the redcap when he is around but coming out to feast when he is done killing.

2018-02-16, 11:47 PM
Depending on the level of encounter desired, there are a number of thematically appropriate undead that could be used.

Ghosts (MM1) and ghost brutes (LM) would certainly make sense, and since they are templates give decent flexibility. Spectres (MM1) and Bane Wraiths (HoH) are thematically similar but without going the template route. A deathshrieker (MM3) would be thematically appropriate, but have a higher CR.

A pack of carcass eaters (LM 91) are a type of animal that might be drawn to this location, hiding from the redcap when he is around but coming out to feast when he is done killing.

The carcass eaters sound interesting . I'm a bit worried about using ghosts cause I don't think my pcs gave many ways of hurting incomporeal does rn. But I'll check the other stuff out ,thanks .

2018-02-17, 02:28 PM
In a campaign I am actually in a necromancer level drained a Redcap and when the redcap rose as a wight the DM allowed it to rise a Wight Redcap (rather than a CR 5 wight)
You could apply the Wight Template to a Redcap, and have a necromancer directly in charge of the Wight. This would make the redcap a bit more dangerous, but would prove a good way to keep the redcap in check.

2018-02-17, 05:19 PM
Wouldn't it make more sense for him to use the numerous, fast-breeding goblins?

2018-02-18, 09:42 AM
Old fort says old weapons and fortifications to me. Perhaps there is an old Golem or two still functional.

The lower levels could have burrowing creatures living just beneath the floors. Maybe your baddie has a softer step than the PCs or just never goes fown there, but once the PCs do all hell breaks loose.

The battlements/rooftops could be watched like a hawk by some aerial creature with hawklike vision. Tgd PCs go up only to be swooped down upon by giant vultures or whathaveyou.

Swarms could work too. Maybe they reform after a few days unless the nest is dealt with. The baddie could kill them for fun but as mindless vermin maybe he doesnt enjoy it likd he could and lets them run amok.