View Full Version : Looking for help with a character build

2018-02-17, 07:39 AM
So I'm looking for help with where to take my character. He's currently a; Ranger (Monster Slayer) 8 / Rogue 1. I've set him as liking to pick pockets, collect "trophies" off opponents, and be a worshipper of Tymora. I prefer using two-weapon fighting and having a selection of utility spells to back up his martial ability or to help in specific situations. Ideally I'm looking for suggestions towards gear I should look for, spells I should take, any other classes to look etc. that would keep this an enjoyable character and fit with his current personality. All actual books and UA are useable and the campaign we're playing is Out of the Abyss.

2018-02-17, 08:30 AM
In terms of spells, I'd look at two from Xanathar's, "Healing Spirit" and "Zephyr Strike". As a melee combatant, Zephyr Strike will help with your battlefield mobility by avoiding opportunity attacks. Healing Spirit outside of combat is just a ridiculous amount of healing for a 2nd-level spell(it's like a bunch of kids dancing through a water fountain). In combat, it can still be very useful, since you don't have to expend any actions, bonus actions or reactions to trigger the healing effect when someone walks through, you can move it around with your bonus action to keep the enemies from camping on the spot(at the cost of your TWF bonus attack), and you decide when the healing triggers so the enemies can't heal from it.

As for other classes, I probably wouldn't go beyond the two you have. Rogue 2 for Cunning Action is useful, though if you're playing the Revised Ranger then you've already got Dash as a Bonus Action. Rogue 3 could give you some neat abilities, my choice would probably be Scout, for Nature & Survival Expertise and the extra movement in battle(plus it fits thematically with a Ranger).

2018-02-17, 09:28 AM
Dual wielding means you’re going to be split on how to use your bonus action: attacking? Hunter‘s mark? The monster hunter feature (the name of which i forgot)?
Taking another level of rogue for cunning action might be wasted as it only gives you more options for your precious bonus action, but a third level with the swashbuckler archetype gives you the chance to basically disengage for free from any opponent you attacked (hit or miss doesn’t even matter), which gives you mobility without sacrificing attacks for it.
If you’re looking for mobility, you can also try to get your hands on booming blade to lock opponents in their place, else they take additional damage. The downsides: rangers don’t get it, so either multiclassing or the „magic initiate“ feat is needed, and it doesn’t work with either of multiattack and dual wielding...