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View Full Version : 3rd Ed What are some of your favorite/ craziest Characters youve ever made in DnD?

2018-02-18, 01:13 AM
Would love to know about some of the fun, crazy, awesome characters people have made out there. Or just a character that youve always been really attatched to.

For me that character is Yuna from a campaign in 3.5. He was quite calm for most of the campaign though he did end up developing a blood lust. He also had a custom class, a were bear. Which the more he used, the more it consumed him. Which obviously didnt result in the best outcome lol

2018-02-18, 01:38 AM
Hm... Probably my character in an upcoming Fate campaign set in the JoJo's universe. Old west setting in a small town. She's the madame at the local brothel; does the "looking out for the girls" schtick. That being said...she's calculating, devious, and hellbent on acquiring power. Her stand is the ability to change reality, but only if she can convince someone that previously knew otherwise that reality is as she portrays it to be. Gaslighting: the power.

Edit: whoops. Forgot I was in the 3.5 sub. Uhm....probably Rita. She was an artificer that through -shenanigans- created her own mechsuit that was constantly being upgraded. Party beatstick and party utility rolled into one messed up ball of anger.

2018-02-18, 01:42 AM
Hm... Probably my character in an upcoming Fate campaign set in the JoJo's universe. Old west setting in a small town. She's the madame at the local brothel; does the "looking out for the girls" schtick. That being said...she's calculating, devious, and hellbent on acquiring power. Her stand is the ability to change reality, but only if she can convince someone that previously knew otherwise that reality is as she portrays it to be. Gaslighting: the power.

That is pretty freaking cool! Was it something you thought up on the spot or did it take some planning? Sounds like she is gonna be quite the little deviant!

2018-02-18, 01:46 AM
That is pretty freaking cool! Was it something you thought up on the spot or did it take some planning? Sounds like she is gonna be quite the little deviant!

It took maybe 20 minutes of thinking. Stands in JoJo's are generally based on a song or band, so I was going through my favorite bands for inspiration. Dream in Red (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiKceNSFU_g) by Murder by Death came up, and between enjoying the song and having unresolved issues with gaslighting, the character crystallized pretty quickly.

2018-02-18, 01:54 AM
It took maybe 20 minutes of thinking. Stands in JoJo's are generally based on a song or band, so I was going through my favorite bands for inspiration. Dream in Red (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiKceNSFU_g) by Murder by Death came up, and between enjoying the song and having unresolved issues with gaslighting, the character crystallized pretty quickly.

That is awesome! I recently made a character for a campaign im trying to recruit for which i actually have high hopes for. He is a custome Race..and essentially is a 6ft tall penguin. A warrior of the North (homebrew).
He comes from a long group of guardians of the North but broke off from them because he wanted to explore new areas whereas his people..not so much. Super Strong and Resourceful. But he also has a weakness to fish. Will literally almost drop anything if presented with a fish. I think he is gonna be pretty fun to play as :D

2018-02-18, 03:15 AM
I once played a campaign in which the DM started us out as 1st level commoners with base 11's in every score but gave us 1 free LA and something like 12k gold. So I went wild. Took the mercantile background feat to gain sellback value, 300 more starting gold, and 1/month 75% market value item purchase. Since we got regional equipment with the feat I chose to be from Sembia and got another 300 gp. Took the apprentice craftsman feat for lower material costs and a bonus to craft checks. Bought a +2 int ring at 75% value w/ my background feat and a +2 cha ring at full. Played a middle-aged Magic-blooded Athasian human with +2 int and cha, making my int 16 and my charisma 18, while everything else was 10. Maxed out ranks in craft alchemy, bought an alchemy lab with mw artisan's tools and a custom magic item that gave a bonus of +2. My craft alchemy bonus was +15 at first level. I then bought a collar of perpetual attendance for at-will unseen servant and a handy haversack. Filled my bag to the brim with alchemical goodies, including what I call "the nuke."

The nuke is Darrin's idea that I profited off of, found in Shax's Indispensable Haversack (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?148101-3-x-Shax-s-Indispensible-Haversack-(Equipment-Handbook)). TLDR, I crafted 39 firestones with as many cost reducers as possible, put them in a bag, and would have my unseen servant fly above and drop the bag on enemies I really didn't like. Firestones deal 1d6 fire damage to a 5 foot square, no save. 39 fire stones in a bag deal 39d6 fire damage to a square, no save. So at 1st level I had the capability to dish out, on average, 136 fire damage for about 370 gold pieces. I also had many other fun tricks, but that was the best.

Another time I played a werewolf gnome barbarian, who was 100% a murder hobo. The party referred to him as the "war puppy" and later one of the PCs (who owned a tavern and could brew) named a drink after him. It was more of an alcoholic potion that induced rage, as the spell.

For a gimmick campaign where we just decided to play the stupidest of things, one of my friends made "The Tank." We start at 8th level, gestalted. My friend played a dwarf fighter/warrior. Every Fighter bonus feat was improved toughness. Due to being a dwarf and 8th level, his natural con was at 22. This made him gain +11 hit points with every level, and due to some great rolls, he was almost at 200 hit points by level 8. Every Warrior bonus feat was Roll With It, giving him DR 10/-. It was glorious.

2018-02-18, 04:13 AM
For a gimmick campaign where we just decided to play the stupidest of things, one of my friends made "The Tank." We start at 8th level, gestalted. My friend played a dwarf fighter/warrior. Every Fighter bonus feat was improved toughness. Due to being a dwarf and 8th level, his natural con was at 22. This made him gain +11 hit points with every level, and due to some great rolls, he was almost at 200 hit points by level 8. Every Warrior bonus feat was Roll With It, giving him DR 10/-. It was glorious.

*eyes with distrust*


Targets saves.

2018-02-18, 11:14 AM
My favorite character is Soond Norodeir, the 5th edition Warlock. He wasn't particularly powerful, or that original as characters go, but he was the first time that I ever really tried to role play my character. Essentially, he had seen his parents killed by a vampire, but managed to escape a similar fate. His patron found him on the streets, and gave him powers to kill monsters, such as vampires, for her.
Soond had an interesting personality, due to the emotional trauma he suffered. He used enchantments to manipulate others and gather information, and could go from genial gentleman to raging sociopath in just a few heartbeats. I know for a fact that he was a favorite among the rest of the party as well, because during one session where we temporarily played as different characters, ever body complained that I should still play as Soond. Overall, a fun character to play as.

2018-02-18, 01:26 PM
Mine was my namesake "Lylsyly" Yes it means Little Silly. That's the way I played her, a bit of a dizzy.

3.5 Gestalt Pixie 5/ Sorcerer 15///Scout 3/ Ranger 3/ Arcane Archer 2/ Ranger +12

Had a ball, she was the party scout, would come back to the group and talk about every tree, animal, ect. she had seen. Then at the last, "oh, by the way, there is a warband of Ogres headed this way....." Right about the time said Ogres came over the hilltop. Was positively hilarious and provided a lot of RP opportunities with the group trying (usually unsuccessfully, the DM and I conspired to keep it that way) :P

The only character that I will truly never forget. She is an NPC now, still a ditz, shows up occasionally when the current crop of PCs are in trouble.

2018-02-18, 02:32 PM
I don't have one, but two favorites, both of whom I'm still playing today.

First is my Cleric of Pelor, Saint Phineas Dryden.
He is a human Cleric 6/Radiant Servant of Pelor 8 with the Saint Template, and as you might have guessed he is the party healbot, and it was the first time I ever played a non-chaotic character. Since the party is only two other people (A ranger and a Sorcerer/Cleric/Mystic Theurge) and one NPC (Paladin), we sorely needed a healer, and since my rogue died horribly, I decided to roll with it, to great succes so far.

The other one is called Fabiana Millaray, also a human.
She is a Sorcerer 6/Dragonheart Mage 8, and probably one of the most chaotic characters I have ever played by far. She will do absolutely anything, including injecting herself with silver dragon blood procured by not entirely legal means to gain its power. (hence the PrC). She is also the daughter of the first character I played in that campaign, who I decided to bench because of multiple reasons, and due to the set-up of the campaign (entire party is a part of the same family) I chose to play my daughter.

2018-02-18, 05:53 PM
Warforged Fighter 4/Rouge 10 named The Marshal. Used a mechanical heavy crossbow with every feat I could find to make him a perfect sniper. Had an 18 INT and I maxed out every Knowledge Skill I could. Based him off Cad Bane from the Star Wars clone wars cartoon. Even down to his obsession over his wide brim hat. Not the most powerful character I have ever made, but very fun.

2018-02-19, 04:28 PM
Level 5 chaotic evil bard necromancer.
Long story short, sometimes you need to do a little something to remind yourself that you're playing an evil character. Other times, you need to do a little something to remind your party that you're playing an evil character.

A naive young lady seeking to be accepted into a church as a cleric thought that maybe the clergy would take her more seriously if she was to find a relic that was supposedly lost in the depths of a nearby cave. Our lawful good monk insisted that she let us go instead as it could be more dangerous, and she thanked us and offered a reward when we return the relic to her. On the way out, someone who had overheard the conversation offered us a larger reward for bringing the relic to him instead - an offer which the monk shrugged off, though the true neutral warmage and myself were intrigued.
We reached the cave and, after the monk and warmage stepped on a pressure plate and were pumped full of darts coated with drow poison, were promptly ambushed by drow. Being the charismatic gentleman that I was, I struck up a conversation with their leader to find the whereabouts of the relic we were looking for. He told me that deep in the cave was a shrine where they were planning to open up a portal back to their home, and that the relic could be found there. They would take me and the warmage with them, but they needed the monk to offer as an unwilling sacrifice to open the portal. I made a deal with them to spare the monk's life: They would hold the monk as collateral while the warmage and I ran back into town to fetch a replacement sacrifice. They kept the monk subdued, but allowes the warmage to wake up and accompany me.
"You have a week to return with our sacrifice, or we'll kill the monk."
"A week? We won't need half of that!"
"Three days, then."
"We'll be back by this time tomorrow."
At this point, the monk's player was glaring at me and contemplating how to justify killing me when he wakes up. On the way into town, one of the two guards at the gate insisted that he had better not hear of us causing any trouble like we had during our last visit. I responded, "Don't worry, you won't hear a thing," and proceeded to cast Deafness on him. We proceeded to casually stroll through the gate while he and his friend were panicking and trying to work out what had just happened.
Once we got to town I sent the warmage off to fetch a scroll for me, and then I went to talk to the girl who had given us the quest in the first place. I informed her that the monk fell to a trap in the caves and that we had found the location of the relic. When she asked why we hadn't brought the relic back, I told her that it was because we couldn't reach it - my soul was tainted, and only someone innocent and pure of heart can open the path that leads to the relic. I'm fairly certain that I never lied during the whole conversation, though for some reason the DM insisted on rolling a bluff check anyway...
I met back up with the warmage, who had acquired a scroll of Modify Memory for me as a bit of insurance against the monk (which we ended up not needing). At this point he was fully aware of what I was doing and I wouldn't have blamed the DM if he had decided that the warmage's alignment should shift to evil for being complicit in my plan.
Anyway, we brought the girl back to the cave and had her lead the way through the hallway with the drow poison trap. After she was incapacitated, we met up with the drow, who proceeded to lead us through the cave to the shrine. The monk was waiting for us there, still bound an unconscious. They set the girl on the altar, slit her throat while chanting a bit, and proceeded to open up the portal. The drow went ahead and basically told us that we would be on our own if we went through the portal behind them.
And that's the story of how I led my group into the Underdark, and got a quest NPC murdered as a means to completing her own quest :D

2018-02-19, 05:46 PM
I miss my changeling chameleon, Art. Deliberately built him to mimic the most classes possible and ran him as obsessed with the changeling children's game "I'm you." Only grated on the other players a little when I decided to be their characters for a day here and there.

2018-02-19, 08:02 PM
I only got to play him in a couple games (the DM flaked out on us) but I had a lot of fun playing a redneck swamp druid. Had a lazy turtle animal companion and I played up just about every southern stereotype you can think of.

2018-02-20, 11:51 AM
Slavic Numenstra, an Asian elf Wu Jen, my DM made him Asian because Wu jen he considered foreign. So I was apparently turned Asian. He killed Hydras, Fire Giants, you name it with his favorite spell Snake Darts.

It shoots two darts that deal 3d6 damage and each causes poison (1d6 Con). Nothing ever saved versus it. My DM rolled saves out in open so we all saw it.

He crafted his own gear so he was pretty beefy in AC.

Harry Ventura

He was a Swordsage/Warlock, he wasn't the strongest but he was fun to play.
He uses a Spiked Chain, flew like Peter Pan, and stung like a bee.

2018-02-22, 04:45 PM
Hoo boy, so many fun characters. Ill try to keep it only to a few here.

First and foremost, one of the characters ive had the most fun with was a homebrew class but it was basically a mix between Warblade/Bloodstorm blade and Kensai. She was a Gnoll that had a double bladed Kusari-Gama as her weapon. A little dense at times and plans weren't her forte, but on the battlefield she was a whirling dervish of death alongside her Winter Wolf companion.

Second is a character im still currently playing. A Warforged Artificer/Warforged Juggernaut called Deadbolt. He comes prepared for most things as he was a spec ops for house Cannith in the Last War. But its been a few years and hes trying to find his old crew that were split up on the day of Mourning. Hes good at making specialty magic items and smashing things.

And third is one is a toss up between a character modeled after Richard from the Webcomic LFG and another Gnoll named Crackers. Richard was a 5e Warlock who had wayy too much fun with fire that i played in a Curse of Strahd campaign. Crackers was a Fighter, also 5e, who used two sharpened shields as his weapons of choice. The shields were diminished in how protective they were. Crackers was a little bloodthirsty and not too bright, mainly charging through doors into ambushes and liked shiny things.

Hunter Noventa
2018-02-22, 04:59 PM
Way back in the early days of Pathfinder we did a 3.PF Gestalt campaign. I did a PF Soulknife//Swordsage Catgirl named Katsumi. When I started to fall behind in power compared to the rest of the party, rather than die and reroll, the GM and I came up with a custom prestige class to combine those abilities better. This resulted in being able to expend maneuvers to empower my Soulknife in different ways.

I ended up facing the final boss alone to give the party time to escape on our airship. He was so powerful as to nearly be a demigod himself. Katsumi cut him in half with a gigantic sword (like, five times the size of the Buster Sword). It was suitably incredible.

2018-02-22, 05:20 PM
Not a character I've actually played (yet) but a concept I thought about just now that I'm wondering would actually work.

The story begins with a simple dwarven laborer who falls victim to an accident where his hands are drenched into a falling stream of molten lava. Except this lava was enchanted by a wizard for some sort of experiment, and instead of simply burning the poor dwarf's arms off, it coats his fists which harden into giant slabs of stone. With the help of a dwarven runewizard the slabs are shaped into "fists" covered in glowing runes.

Sadly having these giant rock fists would limit the dwarf's future job prospects, so he decides to do the one thing he probably can do; go out into the world and punch things. A lot.

Basically the character would be some sort of dwarf brawler-type with a permanent Stone Fist spell active. Not sure if that'd be possible. Because his fists are giant stone slabs, that would also make some things a challenge. Since he can't actually move his fingers, dexterity checks of the like would be pretty much non-existent. He'd also have to find other nonconventional ways to do simple things like eating and bathing. I foresee a lot of comic relief with this character.
