View Full Version : Movies What are your favorite Horror movies?

2018-02-18, 01:39 AM
My favorite would have to be John Carpenters Halloween. Have ways loved since i was a kid :D

2018-02-18, 01:20 PM
I'll second Halloween. I also like the original Poltergeist, Silence of the Lambs, Jaw, Alien, and the original Nightmare on Elm Street.

And I saw ALL of these in the theater on initial release (I was SIX when I saw Jaws). It explains a lot about me....

An Enemy Spy
2018-02-18, 01:22 PM
Alien. I have spent many a long night looking at the shadows of my room and imagining that monster lurking in some dark corner. I got the game Alien Isolation a few weeks ago and it took a few playing sessions before I was confident enough to do anything but hide in a locker in fear of that thing.

2018-02-18, 05:36 PM
I'm claustrophobic so 'The Descent' always gets me right where it scares

'Event Horizon' I love for the horror and the whole look of the film

I love any Hammer Dracula movie but I'm not really sure they count as horror for modern viewers

2018-02-18, 06:45 PM
Anything old enough to not be scary anymore. Vincent Price films, old black and white monster movies, etc.

I watched The Ring as a kid and it messed me up, I still can't stand TV crackle noises. I don't watch real horror anymore as a result.

2018-02-18, 09:43 PM
The original Bela Lugosi Dracula holds up quite well (indeed, it is somewhat enhanced by antiquity, as the differences in filmmaking technique help give it an "off" feel). Gothika (starring Halle Berry) is a very solid film, although it is somewhat prone to Fridge Logic. Cabin In The Woods is a brilliant deconstruction as well as a really nice movie overall.

Can't think of too many others right now.

2018-02-18, 09:43 PM
The two that scared me the most were Day of the Triffids, and Day of the Dead (the 1985 version).

I watched "Triffids" when I was older, and found it nowhere near as frightening but "Dead", on the other hand, I have no desire to see it or its like again.

Of "horror" films that I would like to see again, the 1930's and '40's Universal Studios ones (Frankenstein, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, The Wolfman, etc.), and the Hammer films of the 1950's and '60's (Horror of Dracula, The Vampire Lovers, etc.) top my list.

2018-02-19, 05:00 PM
Bigger fan of horror/comedy so:
Shaun of the Dead, Zombieland, Evil Dead 1&2, Army of Darkness top my list of favorite.
But for straight Horror, I'll second Event Horizon, and add in anything by Clive Barker.

2018-02-19, 09:37 PM
If forced to choose one I would pick Carpenter's the Thing. I also really enjoy Psycho and Jacobs Ladder.

Honorable mentions would include Maniac, one of the few movies to get me to wince in sympathy pain, and Alien. Horns is one of my overall favorite movies and for some dumb reason it is classified as horror even though it really isn't a horror movie.

I'm sure more will come to mind later on.

2018-02-20, 01:19 PM
Oooh let's see!

I really love It Follows. I like horror movies that do a lot with very little. I'm also claustrophobic, so I second the Descent. It's basically the movie version of my worst nightmare.

Growing up, my favorite was Aliens. I know that's maybe more action/sci fi than horror, but it sure scared me!

2018-02-20, 02:00 PM
I'm not going to go with the ones I've perceived a lot, I'm just going to go with what scared me:

The Blair Witch Project

Lvl 2 Expert
2018-02-20, 05:09 PM
Cube would be my favorite.

I'm also seconding (/thirding, /...) the 80's The Thing, The Descent and Event Horizon. Alien is of course a classic as well, and if you like all of those I can recommend Leviathan. (I'm also seconding Cabin In The Woods, but not really for its value as a horror movie.)

Not really horror maybe but close enough, each in it's own way, are From Dusk Till Dawn and Pan's Labyrinth. That last one is just a must see movie. It's plain brilliant, even more than the rest of Guillermo del Toro's career. That first one is just fun in a pretty awesome way.

The Beast (1988) is also worth mentioning because the first half of the movie captures the feel of a horror movie really well, even if the payoff is almost an entirely different film.

Ju-on: The Grudge furthermore wins the award for scariest Asian style horror movie, (Kuntilanak is also pretty fun if you enjoy less polished films,) Hostel is a great splatter movie, [REC] is a decent found footage movie, Hellraiser is a respectable minor classic and Let The Right One In is brilliant if (and probably only if) you have any sort of experience with what a typical Scandinavian children's movie looks like. And as the final entries for this post I enjoy Species (starring that blonde from Species) and Anaconda for their nice mix of good and very bad features.

2018-02-20, 09:13 PM
Cube would be my favorite.
Let The Right One In is brilliant if (and probably only if) you have any sort of experience with what a typical Scandinavian children's movie looks like.

I love this movie, and have no idea what a typical Scandinavian children's movie is like.

2018-02-20, 11:44 PM
.....Let The Right One In is brilliant if (and probably only if) you have any sort of experience with what a typical Scandinavian children's movie looks like......

I love this movie, and have no idea what a typical Scandinavian children's movie is like.

Judging by the comedies of Ingmar Bergman, Let the Right One In may be a typical Scandinavian children's movie.

2018-04-02, 01:17 PM
Also a big fan of The Thing.

My favorite scene comes from Prince of Darkness:

You will not be saved by the holy ghost. You will not be saved by the god Plutonium. In fact, YOU WILL NOT BE SAVED!

2018-04-02, 01:31 PM
80s sci-fi action horror. Alien, Terminator, The Thing, Predator. Pretty much the only kind of horror movies I like.

BeerMug Paladin
2018-04-02, 02:49 PM
Pontypool for me.

Close behind are the comedy/horror movies Tucker & Dale Vs. Evil and Zombieland. But they're really primarily dark comedies.

2018-04-02, 02:56 PM
[•REC] 1, 2 and 4; 3 was really weak and can be completely skipped over, the series is way better than the shot-by-shot recreation Quarantine was, although Quarantine 2: Terminal was a lot better because it was an original film, rather than an adaptation. Jeepers Creepers was good too.

The one I would say that tried so hard to be scary it failed and instead became hilarious was Drag Me To Hell. I found It Follows boring, tbh.

2018-04-02, 03:54 PM
The one I would say that tried so hard to be scary it failed and instead became hilarious was Drag Me To Hell..

Well it is a Sam Raimi film, and he's know for the Evil Dead series and the Spiderman trilogy. An actual horror movie I was not expecting with Drag Me to Hell, but it did deliver on the delightfully cheesy and over the top side of things.

2018-04-02, 05:30 PM
I couldn't pick a favorite. I don't think I could pick a top 20. I love me some horror! So, some general categories:

Zombies: Romero's films are my favorite by a long stretch, with Shaun of the Dead tangentially slotted in.
Vampires: Lee was my favorite Dracula (though Oldman was solid), and the 80s gave us Fright Night, The Hunger and The Lost Boys, but I have to again side with Romero and go with Martin. Oh, and the absolute delight that is Vampire's Kiss. When Nicholas Cage knows the script is terrible, sometimes he runs with it and it is a beautiful thing.
Werewolves: Company of Wolves and The Howling. Man, I love my 80s horror.
Cosmic/Lovecraftian: Carpenter's Apocalypse Trilogy in full, but especially The Mouth of Madness. I love that movie so much. Does Cabin In The Woods go here, or horror-comedy? Either, really.
Ghosts/Hauntings: The Legend of Hell House. Nods to Haunter and House on Haunted Hill...both the original and the sequel, which is way more fun than it should be. All three original Poltergeist movies can go here...3 is a little terrible, but mirrors are a bit of a button for me. As such, Oculus is a favorite too.
Possession films: Exorcist 3. Even more than 1, which is a classic for a reason.
Cults: The Wicker Man, of course, and I think Susperia goes here (THAT SOUNDTRACK!!!). I think Lord of Illusions goes here too, and that's a favorite of mine.
Psychological Horror: Jacob's Ladder, hands down
Slashers: not a big fan, but I do enjoy Texas Chainsaw well enough. If we lump torture porn in here (might as well), the first few Saw films were pretty solid, though from about 5 on they become pretty terrible.
Demons: HELLRAISER!!! 1, 2, 5 and 7. none of the others unless you've been drinking and are up for some laughs. The Gate is a favorite of mine too, and I think IT goes here (loved the TV version, but it hasn't aged well other than Tim Curry, and was pleasantly surprised by the theatrical one)
Sci-Fi: Alien, of course! The first and fourth are my favorite depending on what day of the week it is, but the fourth isn't really much of a horror film (neither is the second, really).
Musical: Repo: The Genetic Opera in no small part to seeing Anthony Head sing a lot. I'm also a big Skinny Puppy fan, so seeing Ogre in a film, even if he was underutilized, made me very very happy. Generally I'm not a fan of musicals though.

There are so many others that I love, but I've yammered on long enough for now.