View Full Version : My game yesterday.

2018-02-18, 10:59 AM
Beware thos story is a long one. Thanks.

In my yesterday game we were in a situation in the hoard of the dragon scenario elisode 3 fighting agains about 8 to 10 soldier in a room where I had cast flaming sphere at the side of the door inside the room to control the door and on another round I decided to use dodge action to give disadvantage on ennemies hit. My dm told ok you have one more AC. Then I tell him that's not how it works and he tells honestly je doesnt know how it works in 5th and that's how be managed it when he played it on his fighter(ehat eas his dm doing IDK). So him and his brother takes the phb to look to this very basic information and they saw I was right. Then, the brother that was barbarian and annoyed with the control I apply on the map noticed the wording focus exlusively on dodging and said I could keep my concentration(he really wanted my spell to be dismissed as he complained many times out of game about it). The DM agreed with him even If I told him conventration ruling is specific in it's description, at least, he could ve allowed a con save DC 10 as a DM can say some environmental and situation ask for one.

As a player I leave it there and say well then I ain't using the dodge action and just end my turn(won't be battling for an hour at a table). I have looked online and Crawford says it's fine the bonus action can be used with dodge.

Then, the brother barbarian decide to shut the door of the area we were controlling. The Dm says I don't see so I can't maintain concentration. I explain him the spell is already cast and I can still maintain it but I agree on not moving the spell with bonus action since I don't see it(there is an errata from Crawford that says I'm right on maintaining concentration even if we don't see). Then he disagreed on this so I said well then the spell fades.

So after the spell was dismissed the soldiers locked the door and barricaded it and the idea of opening it is out of the question because of obvious ready arrow attacks.

We then moved further down on the other path util the barbarian brother of the dm decided to jump down a pit to 1v3 battle trained drake(he is level 3 with12 wisdom and said I will tame them or die here). After failing animal handle with a 2 he then was in a huge trouble.

So first one to come help him is a rogue with his bow since he wasnt very far. Then alerted my the noise me and the bard(the supports) came from the meat room(bard) and me from the room next to it.

In the fight, the DM noticing the stupid action of his brother(which I was forced to dave 3 times from certain death as he was incapacitated 3 times) and he gave him twice the opportunity attack to hit 2 drakes at the same time(like seriously? 2 OA in kne reaction) and once to the rogue. He made a few times one of the battledrake try to climb 10 feat on top of the pit even if 2 guys were fighting inside the pit just to make it lose turn and give free opportunity attacks and make it fall prone. In this fight, I saved the rogue from death also, he was at 2 death failure and I saved my wolf twice from 2 death failure and had to put the bard back on his foot because he was really low hp and fled from the fight. My wold took care of 2 kobolds(tamed wold i need to consume an action to handle it) and he supported as damage and meat shield and distraction in the fight(11hp low ac is jot luch distraction).

Twice my wolf was a 2 death fail save because the drake attack twice. You could see the DM really hoped my wolf to die. He stated a few times 2d4 +2 with + 4 to hit was OP(like seriously?).

I was able ro make a few damage also providing some shillelagh hit, javelin hit, wolf hit, produce flame hit. By the way at first this DM wanted to treat my javelin like ammo and make ne lose halves each time. I told him to look at the PHB has they don't have ammo property. He then decided I would instead roll a D4 to decide if the weapon is broken or not. I surprised him as I have the mending cantrip and just repaired my weapon.

I have lost all my ressources on this fight, potions, left spells slot on this fight.But I managed to save everybody ass and made it with no hp loss. I still had natural recovery and my wild shapes in my pocket but with my spells slot expended and potions I won't be usefull a lot as a support.I regained 2 level 1 on natural recovery because we took a short ress but the long ress is impossible atm.

I can feel like he want to put me in a support back seat by nerfing my every move and calling everything I do OP. He also has a tendency to dislike the rocue sneak attack has he calls it OP and negates it many times.

I can see he is willing to reward creativity has when I saw the rogue with a torch against mushrooms mobs I threw my cheap strong alcohol on them hoping the rogue would catch on lighting the alcohol splash(which he got on). But then he made it completly op allowing two waves of aoe burn from a cheap 2 sp alcohol bottle I was carrying resulting in about overall 24 fire damage. I feel he is very inconsistent with what he consider OP and his rulings.

I try to discuss politly with him after I quit the games to let the flow of the game be but it is starting to annoy me so much.

When I refered him to crawford officials answers he typed lololololol and some pictures pointing out some environmental effects and what could end Concentration is up to the DM(which is right) but is it the way to deal with players?

What do tou guys think. It's the only group of friends I can play with to d&d and I am kinda attached to my druid even if he gets nerfed to the ground all the time.

2018-02-18, 12:17 PM
DM for them and show them how its done.

If that doesnt work, leave the group.

2018-02-18, 12:52 PM
leave the group.

Gotta agree. Unless the DM is 12 years old, in which case this sort of thing would be more understandable and there might be some chance for him to improve over time.

2018-02-18, 12:57 PM
Gotta agree. Unless the DM is 12 years old, in which case this sort of thing would be more understandable and there might be some chance for him to improve over time.

I've known plenty of bad players and DMs that got a lot better after playing in a campaign with a good DM.

In fact that probably describes most of us.

Id DM and try and show them how it's done.

Hopefully they learn a few things.

If that doesn't work, id bail for sure. Unless your town has like 100 people in it (and if that's the case you have bigger problems) there are always different groups.

2018-02-18, 01:30 PM
I've known plenty of bad players and DMs that got a lot better after playing in a campaign with a good DM.

In fact that probably describes most of us.

Yeah, of course. The OP should give it a go, by all means.

But reading between the lines of the OP's post, I feel like this particular guy isn't going to improve. He seems very immature, which is an extremely difficult condition to cure in adults. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's my gut feeling on this one.

2018-02-18, 01:36 PM
Thank you. i was thinking the same thing even If don't have much experience with the game, I have a very good memory but I use to miss opportunity and ideas on the flow of a game easily and haven't seen a lot of actions idea from many different situation of the game so I feared it would be a nuisance while I try to DM. I guess I still have to give it a try because I told the DM I'd read intensively from the books so that I can allow him to play from time to time. I had hope my way of thinking would make him view a few things differently. I'll try to finish phb and dm guide to be ready for next month and I'll propose him a game so that we can alternate. I thought about 3 months at first to observe more situations but you convinced me to do it quicker.

Armored Walrus
2018-02-18, 01:43 PM
Sounds like you just need to get DM's parents to adopt you so you're his brother and problem solved. :P

I agree with Ninja-Prawn on this one. This sounds like a "leave the group" scenario to me. You can try to DM for them, but I would expect to be challenged on every ruling that doesn't work in favor of the former DM or his brother.