View Full Version : Trying to remember a feat name

2018-02-18, 03:01 PM
So I used to play 3.5 often for many years but in the last 3-4 i’ve only been playing pathfinder and now that i’m In a new 3.5 campaign i’m finding i’m rusty.

The feat Practiced Spellcaster gives +4 CL up to HD cap. Is there a similar feat that gives only +2 but also has some sort of other benefit? I was sure such a feat existed but I cN’t Find it anywhere so I’m starting to doubt myself.

2018-02-18, 06:48 PM
Are you perhaps thinking Pathfinder? There's a Pathfinder trait called Magical Knack that gives +2 to CL for a specific class, called at HD.

2018-02-18, 07:13 PM
It’s possible. Damn. Figured I was wrong when I couldn’t find it anywhere but figured it didn’t hurt to ask. The character i’m playing will be down 2 CL so I was hoping there was something other than Practiced Spellcaster out there.

2018-02-18, 07:48 PM
Illumian in Races of Destiny can get the Krau sigil, which gives up to +2 caster level (no higher than your HD, +3 with a feat) to all of your spellcasting classes.

2018-02-19, 12:26 PM
A full class bard (may/may not including a 2 level dip in X) using the inspire that ups HD Inspire Greatness and practiced spellcaster (bard) technically gets +2 CL to bard spells while he has the song going. (Alternatively, do the same thing but practiced spellcaster another class). For example:

Bard 9 uses inspire greatness on himself and his HD raises to 11, causing practiced spellcaster to kick in and increase his caster level as well.

Bard 9/Cleric 2 with practiced spellcaster (bard) can do the same thing, but any more levels in cleric and practiced spellcaster doesn't cover the extra HD.