View Full Version : Orc Leader Help (3.5)

2018-02-18, 06:43 PM
Looking to build a fun but somewhat optimized Orc Warchief like character in a solo Eberron campaign. I'm currently level 6 so everything up until there are set in stone.


Orc (mage blooded template)

Savage Bard 5/Battlehowler of Gruumsh 1

STR 20
DEX 10
CON 16
INT 12
CHA 16

1Power attack
F cleave
F wild cohort (Wolf)
3 melodic casting (perform singing)
6 leadership

flaws: inattentive, shaky
traits: relentless, aggressive

Currently I'm using the wolf (now large size) as a mount and walloping things with the greataxe. The only pieces of my build that i have planned are:

savage bard5/battle howler5/orc warlord3
9 might makes right (prereq)

More Info: We don't use multiclass penalties and I'm really stumped on where to go from here. My follower is a skillmonkey. For skills I have handle animal, intimidate, knowledge (religion, nature, arcana), perform singing, ride, spellcraft and survival.

Some follow on classes/feats/PRC help is greatly appreciated! Please and thank you!

The Viscount
2018-02-19, 12:41 AM
Firstly if you're going to roll full orc, then I'd suggest you use water orc as your base race. It has +2 Con and swim speed in addition to normal orc abilities.

Orc warlord seems to be holding your build back. There's no real way that its inspire courage can stack on your preexisting bardic music. Do you see yourself making that much more use out of the extra followers?

War Chanter seems like it might be up your alley.

Is there a reason that you're not interested in using Warchief itself?

If you plan on doing some real fighting yourself, as battle howler of gruumsh suggests, I would suggest taking snowflake wardance. Dragonfire inspiration is also pretty popular, though you'll need the dragonblood subtype for that, as from dragontouched. Song of the Heart is a solid addition to almost every bard.

2018-02-19, 01:19 AM
Here is a Orc Bard build that may give you some ideas.
Bard 3/ Barbarian (Spirit Totem: Lion ACF -CC, Wolf Totem ACF - UA, Whirling Frenzy ACF - UA, City Brawler - Drag#349, Skilled City Dweller (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070228a) {Ride for Tumble}) 2/ Battle Howler of Gruumsh 5/ Sublime Chord 2/ Abjurant Champion 5/ Heartfire Fanner 3 - Raging Bard

You may also find this useful.
Inspire Courage Handbook (http://minmaxforum.com/index.php?topic=8936)

2018-02-19, 08:43 AM
1. Get Mad Foam Rager

2. There's probably a way to recreate a powerful Bard charger, built originally for Illumian, for an Orc...though it would probably be too much for your players.

2018-02-19, 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by emeraldstreak
...though it would probably be too much for your players.

The OP is the player. He's been playing the build he posted.

Originally Posted by The Viscount
Firstly if you're going to roll full orc, then I'd suggest you use water orc as your base race.

Originally Posted by The OP
I'm currently level 6 so everything up until there [is] set in stone.

Including, presumably, the character's race.