View Full Version : Titan's Fall: IC

2018-02-19, 04:19 AM
The day is Friday, February 16 2020, roughy twenty years and a month after the Gaia Incident happened. One and a half month past the new year happened, and there’s still no sign of any Titans. Olympus is on high alert, and all of the Deos and their pilots are on standby, ready to be called at any moment’s notice.

You, however, are having your hands full with something else.

Friday, February 16 2020; Seacress SC (Space Colony)

It’s the annual school gala for the students of Aegean Academy, one of the schools sponsored by Olympus for their pilots to attend, and (un)fortunately for you, you’re at of it now. Sure, the security at the venue was ramped up to almost ridiculous degrees just to make sure you’d be safe, and you’re still privy to getting called upon, but you’re all still going to the gala. All of you. Even if you don’t want to, because Olympus wanted to get the most out of their expenditure and bunching you up together in one place makes you easier to track.


Everyone around you is dressed in various formalwear; expensive suits, dresses ranging from modest to barely socially acceptable, and myriads more gender-neutral styles. (Which begs the question; how are you dressed?) Fortunately enough for you, the dancefloor is well-lit, so at the very least you can enjoy the fashions (or the people wearing those fashions) or pop out a book and read if you’re that bored. Music plays softly through the overhead speakers as the band gets situated.

The music slowly grinds into an halt, and the lights dim just a bit, so that the student council president, Emi Amano, could confidently walk up on the stage and take the microphone. She’s wearing a fairly skintight blue dress, one enough to catch others’ attention, but not one enough to make it look like she’s showing off.

“Ladies, gentlemen, and everyone else, I welcome you to the Annual Aegean Gala!” A short pause followed, just long enough so that people can follow it up with a short-lived wave of applause. “Listen, I have two options here; either I can do the whole speech about how we’re all the future that you’ve probably have heard a thousand times by now...” Another pause, but one that’s greeted with complete silence from the student body. “...or, I can just declare the party to be started now.” Cheers erupted from almost every corner of the ballroom at those words, and Emi wryly grinned at this display. “Well, it’s settled, then. Let’s get this party started!” And with that, she left the stage, leaving the band to start playing; the gala has now truly begun!

You’re approached by Benjamin Belloc, one of your classmates; a tanned, bespectacled boy with a suit that’s one or two sizes too big for him, clearly nervous about even approaching you.

“Uh, I was thinking... m-maybe we can dance?” he stammered out, clearly not expecting you to say yes. Do you say yes or do you try to let him down, gently or not?

“...I wasn’t checking her out! I just looked at her!”
“Are you kidding me?! I saw the look in your eyes; that was not the look of someone who’s just looking at someone!”

Muscle dystrophy sucks, especially when you’re forced to attend a school gala where you’re expected to dance. Something that isn’t very easy for you to do for obvious reasons.

Anyhow, you’re still off at the side right now, stuck between an arguing couple that’s fighting for no good reason, and the worst part is, they won’t shut up. Do you try and get away from them as soon as you can, or do you stay and hope the worst is over soon?

"Dude, why aren't you cheering? Are you still sore that you lost against her?"

You were seated somewhere at the periphery of the ballroom, and you’re probably one of the few people who didn’t cheer for Eimi’s little “speech”. Mostly because you lost to her when you were running for student council president, and it wasn’t even close. She basically crushed you in a landslide victory. That was some time ago, but the jubilant cheers Eimi received may or may not have brought back some bad memories. Do you let bygones be bygones or are you still fuming about your loss?


You didn’t show up with a dance partner at the gala; not that you could, considering everyone around you avoids you like the plague, just as usual in the school. People immediately try to excuse themselves from conversation when you approach them, and shy away from even coming close to you, leaving a small pocket of empty space around you. Do you prefer it to be this way, or are you a bit concerned that everybody fears you for what you were?

"...I mean, have you seen the dress she was wearing? God, I would so do her."

Like many of the other students, you didn’t come with a dance partner; all the time spent on sports kind of means little free time left for dating. Unlike the others, though, this isn’t as much as an issue, considering that you can at least hang around with the rest of the sports team you’re in. One of them, one Aiden Bach, is chatting with your other teammates about which girl is the hottest of them all. Do you eagerly join in the conversation or do you drift away from the group to check on the other pilots?

"Eee! It's Prince Calad!"
"Why is someone like you alone here?"
"Dance with me, Mr. Prince!"
"No, he's mine!"

As the son of a prominent royal family, your dance partner (another royal from a Terran country, albeit one with less of an hands-on role than you and your family) had already been selected for you. Unfortunately for you, she turned up to be a no-show after she fell ill to the flu. And what’s even worse is that, now that you turned up at the gala without a dance partner, every girl that doesn’t have a partner (and even some that did) immediately flocked around you, vying for your attention. In layman’s terms, you’re basically drowning in a sea of girls that want you. Do you try to get away from them as fast as you can, or do you try and make the best out of it?

“Oh, great, it’s that guy. Let’s go somewhere else.”

Like Helenka, you’re mostly left alone and ignored the gala; unlike her, however, it’s slightly more understandable why they do so. You’re kind of a condescending jerk that kind of revels in it, and people are well aware of that, hence why they give you a wide berth and insult you behind your back. At least the ballroom is well-lit enough to let you read up on your studies or research; do you do that or do you try to escape the gala early?

2018-02-19, 05:19 AM
Paulani showed up to the gala in a fairly bright, teal dress, covered in a classic Hawaiian flower pattern. It was a gift sent from her mother, though having mostly only seen Hawaii anywhere from four hundred kilometers to three hundred eighty-four thousand kilometers away, she didn’t really feel much of a connection to the culture.

The girl nearly claps for the president as she mentioned the speech, only to stop when she noticed that nobody else even was moving to clap. Right, most candidates didn’t live day and night at Olympus stations. Not that Pualani was particularly enamored with being a pilot. It was more of an instinctive response. It takes her a second to join in the cheering of the other teens as the party starts back up.

“Huh, me?” she says as she’s asked to dance, out of surprise rather than disgust or rejection. “Um... sure. Why not? One thing though.” She rolls up the boy’s sleeves a bit so that they don’t cover his hands as much. “There.”

Burden King
2018-02-19, 05:49 AM
Helenka hadn’t questioned why Olympus wanted her to go to this shool, even if every second just added to the pile of unpleasant times she seemed to be collecting. She just sucked it up and shipped out, fully expecting and then receiving the outcome that happened. These people, the other students who avoided her despite never meeting her, they all blended together in her eyes. Stupid vultures, all waiting to climb atop the other as soon as one tripped up. A bad hair day, a slip of the tongue, a bad descision, any little chip in the armor was fair game. So really, the fact that no one bothered to even ask her to the dance before or even now was fine, just mean she could keep her guard up against them.

She shot glare at a nearby girl who had grown too close, the gussied up vulture that she was scoffed as she put distance between her and the pilot. Whatever smile Helenka had quickly disappeared, the victory not being as satisfying as it should have been. It never was...standing up, the young teen began walking through a parting sea of fancy clothes and desperate advances towards the punch bowl. Adjusting the collar of her dress, and quickly flicking her formal jacket to appear proper, the teen stood behind a chatting couple quietly as she waited for her turn for a drink.

Looking around slowly with slack in her shoulders, she tried to her best to spot the pilots she recognized among the crowd. At least they might allow her to add some sort of notable distraction in the sea of annoying blobs of teenage angst and desperation. Of real note, she saw mister prince getting swamped by the empty headed girls, some betraying their partners just like she expected them to. After him, she saw another soul who was allowed an island of solitude by the masses. Callin or something that started with a ‘ka’ and ended with a ‘in’, in any case they were standing alone like her, though she doubted it was for the same reason.

In any case, she let out a sigh as she waited for the punch, not wanting to be rude to the couple next in line.

2018-02-19, 06:45 AM
Michael Thomas

Despite having very little experience with these types of events, Michael had done his best to look the part for the Gala. His superiors back at Camelot were surprised when he requested funds to purchase a custom suit, but upon hearing why he wanted it, they very quickly supported the idea. For if he was to show off to the world just what Avalon could craft, then he could hardly miss a chance to show off like this. At first he thought he could just relax and enjoy the evening but then he remembered that Eimi was going to give a little speech before it could really begin and internally he could literally feel his mood begin to sour.

With the results being as lopsided as they were, it was hard to really argue that she shouldn't have won. Having been groomed to lead from an early age, Michael had wrongly assumed that he would have been the natural pick for his fellow students. For Eimi did not give out the same type of scarily intense vibe that Michael did well truly driven and that proved to be his undoing. Still though, all the explanations in the world could not excuse the fact that he had still lost in what should have been his. He had done his best to be a gracious loser, but when he let his guard down his inner bitterness was able to shine through his facade.

Of course somebody had noticed his slip up so with an inner sigh he turned to greet the student talking to him."It's not the fact that she beat me. It's the fact that she beat me so badly." Letting out a short chuckle that felt hollow to his lips, Michael shrugged as his eyes turned to the stage one final time. "Still, there is always next time." And with that said he was off to try and enjoy the party as best he could.

2018-02-19, 09:40 AM
Kouta's clothes weren't anything special - the suit was pretty nice but nothing outstanding - and he was alright with this, really. He wasn't really a man who went for elaborate fashion, and these did the job and looked respectful enough.

While Kouta didn't really join in with Aiden's discussion, the guy wasn't wrong - of all the things that had changed from his transition from home to Olympus, the girls were definitely a change for the better. As he listened, engaging enough to be part of the conversation but not contributing much, he mostly looked around the hall, looking for other pilots. After all, they were his other team, and he still didn't really know them as well as he'd like, although he was sure they were good people.

Spotting Helenka alone, Kouta gets up and walks over. A lot of the others seemed to avoid her, and he still hadn't quite found out why. She seemed decent enough to him, anyway. When he get to her, he grins and starts talking. "Hey...Helenka, right? How are you finding the night?"

Burden King
2018-02-19, 10:01 AM
Spotting Helenka alone, Kouta gets up and walks over. A lot of the others seemed to avoid her, and he still hadn't quite found out why. She seemed decent enough to him, anyway. When he get to her, he grins and starts talking. "Hey...Helenka, right? How are you finding the night?"

Helenka didn’t respond at first, simply staring on ahead, before she raised an eyebrow and turned her head slowly to look at Kouta. She then looked around, trying to find the target to this fellow pilots conversation. When she didn’t find anyone, she looked back to Kouta and spoke “...You’re talking to me...” she said at first, sounding surprised as her face softened a bit. “The night...well, it’s a bit dull. Nothing but the normal stuff in school but with fancier wrappings...Makes me almost wish they’d call us in for surprise drills or something...” she said with a slight smile, grabbing some punch now that the couple had moved on, likely having noticed the girl that had been waiting behind them finally.

2018-02-19, 11:14 AM
Kouta chuckles and nods. "Of course I'm talking to you. Why wouldn't I? We're part of a team now. Gotta talk and get to know each other." He also gets some punch and has a drink before continuing. "Yeah, I get what you mean. School and fancy balls aren't really my thing, and piloting's been awesome. Still finding it kinda crazy we're gonna be fighting giant monsters sooner or later."

2018-02-20, 02:23 AM

Ben, having expected a sharp rejection from you, was a bit surprised and more than a bit happy by your answer. “Uh, right. Let’s do this, then!”

He leads you to the dancefloor, and you’re surprised to know that the kid can dance. Sure, he is playing it safe right naw, party due to his own lack of confidence and partly to find out how comfortable you are with dancing, but behind the awkward behavior, there’s someone who know their waltzes from their jigs. Do you let him continue taking the lead?


The student asking you the question shrugged at your response, and walked off to get some drinks “Alright. Well, have fun, then.”

2018-02-20, 02:44 AM
Pualani blushes slightly as the nervous boy proves surprisingly good at dancing.

With a clear smile as she has a good time, Pualani says to the boy, “What did you have to be nervous about? You’re better than most of the guys here!”

2018-02-20, 03:31 AM

Ben blushes even more at your compliment for him. "Well, it’s just that I thought you were, well, kind of out my league. I mean, you’re really really pretty, and if you compare you to me, there’s really no contest. I was really surprised when you showed up without a date today, so..." He drifted back into silence again, letting his dancing do the talking for him.

Burden King
2018-02-20, 03:40 AM
Kouta chuckles and nods. "Of course I'm talking to you. Why wouldn't I? We're part of a team now. Gotta talk and get to know each other." He also gets some punch and has a drink before continuing. "Yeah, I get what you mean. School and fancy balls aren't really my thing, and piloting's been awesome. Still finding it kinda crazy we're gonna be fighting giant monsters sooner or later."

Helenka nodded, quickly scanning around as she took a drink of her punch for any surprises. This boy was talking to her, and while the gesture wasn’t unwelcomed, something didn’t feel right. Sure they were on the same team, but was that just her cover so she would lower her guard. She tried to spot any kid around them that was trying to sneak up on her, wary that she had been targeted by some juvenile prank.

gonna roll notice since Helenka is currently in “spot possible threat” mode

As she looked, she placed her back to the punch bowl, trying to limit where anyone could approach her from, and then replied “Well, if what Olympus has been telling us is true, they should be big trouble. If we take em on as a team though, we should be able to handle it pretty easily.” She said, filling up her near empty cup. “So, which Deos is yours?”

2018-02-20, 03:47 AM

Ben blushes even more at your compliment for him. "Well, it’s just that I thought you were, well, kind of out my league. I mean, you’re really really pretty, and if you compare you to me, there’s really no contest. I was really surprised when you showed up without a date today, so..." He drifted back into silence again, letting his dancing do the talking for him.

“Looks aren’t everything. For any girl that’s worthwhile, you gotta have something to offer besides a pretty face,” she says as the boy takes the lead. “And don’t sell yourself short. The right clothes, standing up a bit straighter... You’d have more than a few girls giving you a second look,” Pualani adds with a grin.

2018-02-20, 07:55 AM

Revy was a nickname that some of the teenagers had given Rebecca as a tease, but she had embraced it.

She had always embraced showing others that she could do more. Even now, sitting in the wheelchair wearing the long red dress with a strapless top and a regal updo of her raven hair. Giving the top of the wheels a push, she rolled over the arguing girl’s exposed toe.

She feigned embarrassment and terror at her mistake. ”Oh God, I’m sooo sorry! Are you ok?”

2018-02-20, 08:12 AM

Calad himself excited, and with no voice in his head telling him to take things more seriously. This was a gala, a state function. It was his duty and mission to attend it and enjoy it, and as long as he did he would get to talk with all kinds of people. Not to mention the outfits. With all of the dresses around him, he couldn't help but look at the ladies who wore them with equal admiration.

He wanted to go talk to Kouta, but he seemed busy anyway. Calad had a job to do now, and it was one he took quite kindly to.

"Do not worry. Everybody will get their turn on the dance floor. Who was first? Ah, with the aqua dress and mother of pearl- yes you."

He was nothing better then a passable dancer, but he that would be enough. For every girl he danced with, he had half a dozen questions about them he wanted to ask. More about where they were from, but he imagined most would take it as genuine interest in them personally. Sometimes they were right. There were quite a few ladies mixed in who were not as shallow as one would expect from those crowding around a Prince.

2018-02-20, 09:43 AM
Kouta doesn't quite catch onto what Helenka is doing, or her general distrust of the situation, so he just answers normally as he also gets another drink.

“Yeah, I think we can take them, and as a team we'll be great. Just still kinda crazy to think about. Mine's Heracles - big, red, kinda smells, strong as hell. Been training with big weapons to match, should be pretty good for the job. What about you?”

Burden King
2018-02-20, 10:18 AM
Kouta doesn't quite catch onto what Helenka is doing, or her general distrust of the situation, so he just answers normally as he also gets another drink.

“Yeah, I think we can take them, and as a team we'll be great. Just still kinda crazy to think about. Mine's Heracles - big, red, kinda smells, strong as hell. Been training with big weapons to match, should be pretty good for the job. What about you?”

Not spotting any threats, Helenka was a bit more at ease with the situation, though she didn’t entirely trust her supposed teammate. Putting down her cup to take a break from punch for a bit, she let out a yawn and scratched her scalp as she spoke “Ah, yours sounds strong. Though i’m Pretty sure my Artemis could take you on. Mine’s the big yellow one with enough armor to make a battleship feel naked.” She said, smiling as she remembered her ‘Bear’. The fact she thought of his name in English now was odd to her, but it was likely just something unavoidable when raised by Olympus.

2018-02-20, 12:45 PM
Kouta chuckles. She was good fun, he couldn't see why everyone avoided her. "Well, I'd still bet on mine, but I guess I would say that. I guess if we have to find out, something's gone wrong, huh? So what's your style, anyway? Going in close with me or are you more a guns person?"

2018-02-20, 05:15 PM

Most of the girls that you dance with seem to have a good time, though your interaction with them remains limited due to your insistence on letting them all dance. You were just about to take on another partner, a blonde girl in a green dress, clearly from European descent, when suddenly, disaster strikes.

And by that, I meant some immature jerk decided to throw the contents of an entire bowl of lemonade at you. 'Fortunately,' your partner managed to soak up most of the lemonade, but the jerk still got his jollies out of it- for about five seconds, before Eimi shows up, drags him by the ear, and starts to scold him. Your erstwhile partner, meanwhile, left for the bathroom, trying to salvage as much as she could.

After giving the jerk a well-deserved earful and putting the lemonade bowl back on its place, Eimi walks up to you and starts apologizing. “I’m sorry for that. Some people here can be super im- oh, you’re Prince Calad! I don’t think I’ve ever introduced myself to you: my name is Eimi Amano, and I’m the student council president at this school.”

She then grasps one of your hands, flashing you a coy smile. “So, Mr. Prince, what do you say about a dance?”


The arguing girl, startled and agonized by you “accidentally” rolling over her toe, flails about and accidentally knocks over one of the punch bowls over before falling over, eliciting some strange stares from passerby. Her previously defensive lover is startled by it and tries to make sure she’s okay, kneeling down to check on her.

Well, at least now you’re free. The question is; what now?


Ben doesn’t say anything, but his expression is clearly brightened by your compliments. He finishes his dance with you, timed so that it coincides with the last few notes of the song.

There’s a short period of silence afterwards before Ben decides to break it. “So, are you thirsty? Maybe I could get you some drinks. Maybe some lemo-,” he started to say, before he sees that the lemonade bowl was empty for some reason. “-nevermind. Or maybe some punch over th-,” he tried again, before seeing that the punch bowl there fell on the ground and is in pieces. “...uh, maybe I can get some there?” he nervously suggested for the third time, pointing at the table where Kouta and Helenka are talking with each other, and, most importantly, has an intact bowl of drinks.

2018-02-20, 05:25 PM
”That would be lovely. Though maybe be quick about it, if the other bowls are anything to judge by,” Pualani says, raising a brow at the broken bowl. You would think Terrans would be more aware of gravity.

2018-02-20, 08:51 PM

Well with that defeat and other assorted memories now fresh in his mind, Micheal was tempted to just ditch the party. However, he was here to represent Camelot just as much as himself so all he could do was try and get as much as fun as possible from the event before burying himself in the simulator when he made it back to the base. So he began to make his way around the room to get a drink, being sure to say hello to those people he knew who weren't dancing at the moment.

Being on the side of the hall that thankfully had not seen all the punch being spilled Micheal was able to get a drink without too much of an issue. That break proved to be enough to allow him to cool down. Seeing one of the few girls he actually knew as anything more then a passing acquaintance he took a seat down next to her. "So how are you enjoying our first proper gala?"

2018-02-21, 01:51 AM
Kaldin stood by himself as other meandered around making pointless sounds at each other. As a person passes Kaldin he'd thinks to himself "idiot", another went the other way "idiot", another passes by "not as much as the others but still, idiot"

Kaldin would be a handsome young man if not for the perpetual air of condensation that he carried with him everywhere he goes.

Bored, Bored, Bored. Geez they still keep making these noises at each other. Pointless.

Kaldin decides that if he was going to spend his precious time here and if he was forced to be here he might as well use his time productively. He walks over to the lemonade bowl which had just been recently emptied and starts descibing to the people around it several facts and figures about resource overconsumption. As the node of people shuffle away with meek smiles all Kaldin think is "idiots, I'm giving you gold here". Kaldin then heads over and finds another bowl but this one broken on the ground. He proceeds to tell the nearest grouping of humans about the fractal nature and predictive statisics of broken glass. As he reachs down to the ground to pick up a shard as an example and when he looks up the group has vanished.

Kaldin then looks around yet again and sees a bowl full of juice with people standing around the table where Kouta and Helenka are talking with each other.

He strides over to the table to start letting them know all about juice facts, trivia, and all about how they don't know anything at all about the "juice" that they are putting into their bodies.



2018-02-21, 08:41 AM
Calad was using a hankerchief to wipe down the bits of juice that had gotten on him. His backup hankerchief, of course. He had given the poor lady who had taken the brunt of the citrus shower his first one. He was prepared to speak to the person who had thrown it, so focused on it that he was surprised with Eimi approached him.

"Well, it wasn't much of a problem for me. I hope the lady I was with will be able to enjoy the rest of the night."

When she recognized him, he offered a smile and a slight bow. His father may disagree with a Prince bowing to someone other then a world leader, but as far as Calad was concerned Eimi was in a higher position within the school and deserved respect.

"I'm glad to finally meet you, Ms. Amano. I was planning on getting something to drink, but..." His eyes trailed to mess on the floor

"...I am in the mood for another dance after all." He smiled brightly and led her to the dance floor. His green-gold suit was meant to make his eyes and hair pop more, but it would compliment Eimi's blue dress quite well. Despite his warm smile and colorful choice of outfit, both he and the suit gave off a slight military vibe. You could miss it if you didn't look twice.

2018-02-21, 10:14 AM

Eimi smiles as you lead her onto the dancefloor, following your lead. She remains mostly quiet for the dance, clearly having expected you to do your usual routine of plying your dance partner with questions, up until the midway point. "So, Prince Calad, you're the prince of Avola, right?" she asked you, her expression shifting into a more serious one than her usual playful demeanor. "That must weigh heavy on you, especially considering that you're a Deos pilot as well. Lots of people are relying on you, and I honestly wonder how you didn't snap already under all of the pressure."

She goes silent for a while; unlike the silence in her speech, however, it's obviously less planned as she mulls over what she's going to say next.

"Honestly, I admire you for that. Other people may have snapped, but you still managed to stay calm and even have some fun. That's proof of a great character, right there," she continued, before she shifted back into a smile. "Either that, or you're simply too carefree a prince to think about it for very long, but I never really took you to be that kind of person. Am I right to think so?"


As you're speaking with each other (or, in Kaldin's case, politely ignored", someone suddenly lays a hand on Helenka's shoulder whilst shouting "SURPRISE!" in her ear. Kouta and Kaldin can see that this person is Aiden, but due to Aiden being behind Helenka, she has no idea who just did that.

Burden King
2018-02-21, 11:44 AM

As you're speaking with each other (or, in Kaldin's case, politely ignored", someone suddenly lays a hand on Helenka's shoulder whilst shouting "SURPRISE!" in her ear. Kouta and Kaldin can see that this person is Aiden, but due to Aiden being behind Helenka, she has no idea who just did that.

Helenka was about to continue her talk with Kouta, going to explain she was planning to make sure everyone was hitting the angel as hard and often as possible. Then those teammate Kaldin arrived and began to speak to them about the dietary facts and figures of their juice. At first, Helenka was a bit shocked and froze in surprise, but after the initial shock left she paid the boy an ear and nodded as he spoke “Huh, that does sound rather interesting, and concerning. Though I don’t drink this very often, so I think I should be fine in indulging.” She said with a smile, opening her mouth to speak until she felt a hand on her shoulder.

In the span of a second, her eyes widened like saucers while her pupils shrunk as adrenaline courses through her body. There was a threat, a loud one judging from the noise in her ear. It came up from behind, this was an ambush, she had to attack and make sure to win in the first move.

In the second second, as the sound of Aiden’s shout was just fading Helenka’s arms flew around as her body turned, a look of anger and killing intent in her eyes, as she grabbed the man’s neck and outstretched arm with as hard a grip as she could get. She then twisted the arm and pushed the neck down, trying to send the victim face first into the glass rim of the punch bowl.

Her brain already planned to send a kick to the boys gut, and then refocus her aggression on Kaldin or Kouta, whichever one moved towards her first and thus confirming they were part of the ambush. Her ears were pumping loudly, and she had her vision darting around the room as much as possible in order to try and spot any other threats as she carried out her physical actions.

2018-02-21, 01:02 PM

A short pause ensued after you smashed Aiden’s head onto the punch bowl, with everyone around you fiercely whispering, undoubtedly more about Helenka than you other two. This silence, however, was broken by a certain bespectacled boy in an ill-fitting suit shouthing out "Seriously?!", in a tone that’s composed of equal parts bafflement and frustration.

Fortunately enough, you didn’t hit him hard enogh for the blow to resound through the entire ballroom, so he’s probably just knocked out; unfortunately, some of Kouta’s (and Aiden’s) other teammates are heading your way. What do you do now?


You approach Isabela Ostling, one of your few real friends at school, and your partner in your ill-fated campign to beat Eimi. Alas, not even her poster-making skills could save your campaign from being utterly steamrolled by Eimi. Currently, she’s wearing a relatively simple black shift dress; she clearly isn’t going all-out for this gala.

She smiled politely at your question. “Yeah, it’s going pretty okay so far, even though my date couldn’t come because she had family issues. How about you? Have you danced already?”

2018-02-21, 01:37 PM
Pualani watches her surprise date head off to the punch bowl... right toward where a fight was beginning. “You have got to be kidding me...” The girl wasn’t exactly in need of a drink, but the traditional gesture was appreciated. Should she get involved... no, let Ben handle this. It would probably be embarrassing if a girl came rushing in to support him.

2018-02-21, 02:11 PM

"I am sorry to hear that." He gave her as best of a reassuring smile as he could before setting down his now finished glass of punch. "There is nobody who I really know who didn't come here with a date. Add to that, the competition from prince charming was always going to make it hard to make going stag work." After a slight laugh Michael just gave a short shrug. "Anyway I am sure to have a lot more fun tonight keeping you company."

2018-02-21, 02:49 PM
Kaldin - The Nerd

Kaldin looks down at Aiden on the ground "Yeah, see now if you had asked me if that was a good idea I definitely would have told you that you were an idiot for thinking it. In some cultures, particularly the Undala Tribe of New Guini that would be a valid way to try and impress a lady but here..." Kaldin whistles "Not the move I would have made my main man". Finally notes that yeah Helenka had hit him just in the right spot and notes that away.

Kaldin looks up and adjusts his glasses pushing them up the bridge of his nose as he sees the other group of students making thier way over to the area.

would kaldin know who these other students are? He's not liked socially but I imagine that he has tabs on most people at the school so that he can know more about everyone that everyone else.

Edit: excellent

ps the effect with the glasses is that oh so classic anime glasses glare

As the other students come over Kaldin points casually at Aiden on the ground. "This guy belongs to you all right? Yeah you can take him away now I don't think he wants to dance anymore for the evening"

2018-02-21, 05:16 PM
Kouta really isn't sure how to react to what just happened. After a few seconds, he sees the rest of the team coming over and, figuring they can get Aiden out of there, looks at Helenka with a confused expression.

"What was that? Aiden was being an idiot like he always is but did you need to knock him out? He'll probably be okay, thick skull and all, but... wow." He finally seems to notice her aggression aimed at his direction, and looks even more confused. "Wait, you're not gonna try to do that to me, are you? What's with you?"

2018-02-21, 06:47 PM

”Excuse me, excuse me... handicapped coming through. You know, wheelchairs aren't so easy to get through the crowd to a punch bowl that hasn't been knocked over.” Revy rolled into the path of the group that was headed toward Helenka, maneuvering back and forth as if attempting to go around them, but seeming to guess their same direction each time.

She sighed in frustration and threw her hands up. ”Seriously guys, can one of you just be a gentleman and push me over there?” While her voice matched the frustration of her hands, her smile seemed good-natured about them blocking her way.

Burden King
2018-02-22, 02:55 AM
"What was that? Aiden was being an idiot like he always is but did you need to knock him out? He'll probably be okay, thick skull and all, but... wow." He finally seems to notice her aggression aimed at his direction, and looks even more confused. "Wait, you're not gonna try to do that to me, are you? What's with you?"

Helenka kept her eyes on Kouta as she noticed the approaching people in her prepheral vision, grabbing a piece of glass from the punch bowl as her senses returned a bit and she realized she was breathing a bit harder. Hearing Kouta’s words, she looked to the boys eyes with uncertainty “You distracted me so he could sneak up me didn’t you?” She asked, it sounding more like an actual question than accusing.

Looking down towards the unconscious form of Aiden, a look of realization took hold of her face. Had she over reacted? No one had ever done that to her since she came to this school, so of course she should have been cautious...but these students didn’t seem like the kind to attack her...it was his fault for sneaking up on her, he should have known better. “He just came out of nowhere and grabbed me...” the realization she may have misjudged things slowly began to enter her mind “Oh ****, is he dead?” She said, crouching down to check on Aiden.

2018-02-22, 04:49 AM
Calad smile didn't waver throughout the speech, and he kept his dance to the beat. It wasn't without strain. If he didn't know any better, he'd say Eimi was intentionally trying to bring the peaceful evening crashing down on his head more then whoever threw the juice at him.

"If you thought I was that carefree, I doubt you would have asked me to dance." He let that sit for a moment, hoping that she took his hand tightening on hers for something other then strain.

"It's really not so grand as you make it out to be. All those pressures and people relying on me just boil down to one simple truth. The only thing I can do is be worth it. Chances to enjoy myself and do that come rare enough, so thank you for the Gala." He genuinely was thankful for this night, and even if it ended in the next moment he would have no regrets.

2018-02-22, 07:24 AM

"Yeah, thanks you." Isabela responded. "Still, it’s kind of ridiculous that almost every girl here is flocking to him just because he’s a prince. You know him, right? What kind of person is he, really?"

As she says that, she suddenly noticed the commotion going on at one of the tables. "Huh, that’s weird. Why’s there so much people standing over there? Did something happen?


Eimi smiled at your words. "Well, obviously, I never quite expected you to be so stereotypical. I was more teasing you, if anything." She tightened her grip on you, but it's less a signal of strain and more one of affection. "In all honesty, I'm the one that should thank you. Galas like this are only enjoyable thanks to people like you, after all."

As the music winds down and you two stopped dancing, Eimi bows to you, much in the same way as you did to her. "Thank you for the dance, Mr. Prince. I've always-"

Eimi's confession(?) to you is halted, however, by a girl hastily approaching her, whispering something into her ear. "She did what?", Eimi said, looking both shocked and revulsed at what the girl's whispering in her ear. She then turned back to face you, "Sorry, but I'm afraid I've got to go. Some girl just smashed someone's head in over there, and I'll have to check up the damage. Until next time, then, Mr. Prince." And with that, she ran off.

Do you follow her?


Although most of the group that was zoning into Helenka's location just straight-up ignored you, there's one person that's kind enough to push you forward to one of the few intact punch bowls left over. Unfortunately, you didn't even to ask them their name before they went back into the group who's headed towards Helenka. Strange.


Kaldin, your response earned you nothing more than a glare from Aiden's teammates, who fortunately didn't try and fight Helenka, but instead decided to check on Aiden, along with the glasses-wearing boy. More and more people, not only Aiden's own teammates. approached Helenka and Aiden's body, and the frenzied whispers of the crowd only seemed to intensify every single moment.

"Well, I checked his pulse. He's still alive, at the very least," the boy says, as he pulled out his phone. "It might be a good idea to call an ambulance, though." He then shot a pointed glare at Helenka, or at least he tried to; he still doesn't quite look as intimidating as Aiden's teammates. "Oh, and Helenka? Never do that again. I mean, I get that you were startled by Aiden, but he didn't deserve to, well, get his head smashed in."

To make matters worse, you see Eimi hurriedly heading your way as well, most likely to check on the damage done. What do you do now?

2018-02-22, 09:31 AM
The confusion doesn't go away from Kouta's face. ”I…what? Why? No, I wasn't helping anyone to ambush you. The hell would I do that for? We're a team. I was having fun talking to you and then he decided to do that, then you did that. That was kinda overkill. And by kinda, I mean really.”

He then looks over at the boy. "Hey, thanks. Yeah, if you can handle getting the ambulance sorted that'd be awesome."

2018-02-22, 10:14 AM

"Out of all of the other pilots, he is the one I probably trust the most when it comes time to our duty. Outside of that he is courteous but extremely serious." He had never really thought much about it, but it really was true. Calad was the closest to a fellow Camelot trainee he had in the squad and it would be a waste to not take advantage of that. Of course any chance to really ponder what was going on was shattered as it seemed as though the entire room was growing silent due to a commotion. One that he feared he already knew who was at least partially responsible for.

"I have no idea what happened, but I have a hunch I know who is involved with this. I would love to continue to talk but if things get even more out of hand I will be getting more then an earful about this back home." With the faintest of sighs he stood up and stormed towards the center of the expanding ring of silence. It was not the easiest to make his way through the crowd but those who could see his expression were eager to get out of his way as Michael's facial expression made it quite clear that anyone unfortunate enough to not get out of his way would be literally walked over.

Burden King
2018-02-22, 01:33 PM
The confusion doesn't go away from Kouta's face. ”I…what? Why? No, I wasn't helping anyone to ambush you. The hell would I do that for? We're a team. I was having fun talking to you and then he decided to do that, then you did that. That was kinda overkill. And by kinda, I mean really.”

He then looks over at the boy. "Hey, thanks. Yeah, if you can handle getting the ambulance sorted that'd be awesome."

Helenka watched as more and more people began to gather, and her gut began to tighten as she more and more realized just what she had done. Looking down to Aiden, she felt like hiding away as she looked at the unconscious boy on the ground. Hearing Kouta speak, she turned to look at him “I-I i’m Sorry, I wasn’t thinking. I...I thought someone was trying to attack me or do somehing while i wasn’t looking, so I just acted.” She fumbled for her phone, mumbling worriedly in a heavily accented Russian language. She began to dial the number for the ambulance, and when someone answered spoke rapidly in the Russian dialect. After a couple times of her repeating herself, she took a deep breath “S-Sorry, We need an ambulance. A student at the academy is hurt and unconscious...yes thank you, in the Gala Hall.” She said, closing the phone and standing.

Looking to Aiden’s team, Helenka felt even more ashamed of her actions looking to them apologetically “I-i...” she tried to speak, but felt the weight of everyone’s eyes on her.

2018-02-22, 01:53 PM

”Mmm... thank you very much.” Revy poured herself a cup and took a sip before she even realized that the boy had left her to join the others.

She sighed in frustration again. ”So much for a gentleman...” From her vantage point, she watched as the crowd gathered. She was sympathetic toward Helenka's plight, but little could be done for her other than offer a reassuring nod and motion for her to take a deep breath.

2018-02-22, 05:37 PM
Pualani sighs as she joins the group. “Really? How long as the dance been going on, and someone has already started fighting?”

2018-02-23, 03:33 AM
Calad had gotten so focused on Eimi that when she left the entire Gala exploded back into focus. His eyes slowly followed her moving away, going towards his team and apparently some kind of incident. Eimi and the others were almost certainly capable of solving any problem like this without him. The odds that they would need him were so small, they weren't even worth thinking about. That didn't stop him from thinking about it though, and it sure didn't stop him from following after his dance partner.

He came in time for Helenka's explanation. Had she really, with only a few strikes, hospitalized a man? The shock came full circle to being impressed. Helenka and Calad had a lot more in common then one would expect from a pirate and a prince. A constant readiness, for instance.

"Hey Kouta. Enjoying the Gala?" He was happy to see his friend, regardless of the circumstances. 'Honorable' might be the wrong word to describe both of them, but Calad knew he and Kouta both had proper codes of conduct. His intelligence made it hard to respect him, but Calad did anyway.

Kaldin was nearby as well, just where Calad liked him. Kaldin was smart, indisputably so. If Kaldin said something was a bad idea, it almost always was. Though far from objective, Kaldin was a great person to have near by to make sure you didn't do anything stupid.

For Micheal, he gave a nod. Micheal was an excellently trained soldier, but his designation as a field leader left Calad with some reservations. Calad trusted Micheal as much as Calad trusted himself, which wasn't much. He would have felt the same way about being field leader as he felt about Micheal being field leader. Neither was tested in a proper battle.

(If I missed anybody I apologize. I couldn't tell if anybody else was actually present in the group.)

2018-02-23, 06:16 AM

"Hey, wait for me!" Isabel shouted as she trails behind you, merging with the crowd. Her expression quickly turns to shock, as she looks at what happened. "What happened here?"


The commotion around Aiden’s body reached such levels that the sudden thundrous rumble that shook throughout the building almost went by unnoticed. Almost. "W-what’s going on?" someone in the crowd says, before a second, more intense wave shook through the building, causing some of the students, as well as the few bowls of drinks left over, to fall over.

"Keep calm, everyone!" one of the many security guards on the other side of the ballroom shouts. "It’s more than likely no-

Then something leaped through the window and started mauling the guard to pieces- a faceless reptillian thing composed out of what seems like azure marble; that’s about the size of a large attack dog, with a toothy, glinstering maw.

You recognize this creature immediately as a Titanspawn, the same kind of creature Gaia spawned to terrorize humans even as it ripped through the colonies. The one in front of you isn’t nearly as large as the ones Gaia spawned, but it does raise a massive red flag; after all, the mere presence of a Titanspawn means that a Titan is nearby.

The confused murmurs from the crowd quickly turns into terrified screams, as more and more of those beings jumped into the ballroom and start ravaging the students left on the dancefloor; a bit more than two dozen in total. Most of the security at the gala, being outnumbered at this point, train their guns on them, with the ones at the back advancing forward in an attempt to encircle them. In the distance, you can hear an echoing howl that pierces through your bones, as well as the faint sounds of an evacuation notice; "Attention... Seacress Colony... evacuate... head to... escape pods... Attention..."

Fortunately for you, you’re all on the other side of the ballroom, with the exception of Revy, who’s smack in the middle, but still in a relatively safe position, so you aren’t in any immediate danger. Unfortunately, judging from the numbers disadvantage, this safety won’t last long. What do you do now?

2018-02-23, 08:02 AM
Calad thought it was almost hilarious, pondering how ready he was one moment and being attacked by a Titanspawn in the next. The joke died quickly, replaced by purpose. This was it. There were only two things scarier then the Titans themselves. One was failing to stop a Titan, and the other was the Titans never coming back at all.

"To the Deos! That's a spawn. Its mother has to be nearby." He was about to run off, when he noticed Rebecca in her wheelchair. He shot a meaningful look at Kouta, gesturing towards their crippled teammate. He'd need muscle to get out of here fast.

2018-02-23, 08:30 AM

Of course it had been Helenka who had been the cause of all this mess. It was hard to tell what exactly had happened but clearly someone had managed to set her off and she had flipped out about it. There was some temptation to yell at her for what she had done, but considering that he hadn't thought of keeping on eye on her meant that he would be getting chewed out about this back at base so anything he said know would just compound his own failures. Ho

To make matters worse it was Aiden, one of Kouta's teammates who had been hurt. There was no way he was going to take what had happened well and this was going to be yet another headache that he would have to deal with. Hopefully Calad would be able to keep Kouta distracted and the rest of the crowd would prevent Aiden's team from seeking revenge just yet, meaning that the only person he would have to deal with would be Eimi.

All such thoughts quickly vanished when the attack began. Turning around and seeing that Titanspawn were already trying to make a meal of his school wasn't something a normal person should be happy about. However after the very initial burst of terror within him failed, Michael could feel a grin growing on his face. It was time to finally put into practice the training that Camelot and Olympus had figuratively and literally beaten into his skull. Taking one last look at the chaos around him he closed his eyes and yelled out as loud as he could.

"Deos Pilots. It's time for us to move out." With that said he turned and gave Isabela a quick smile. "It looks like I will get a chance to dance tonight."

2018-02-23, 09:21 AM
"Holy Shi...!" Rebecca dropped her drink. The glass shattered on the floor and mixed with the debris from the window exploding. There was a moment of panic, her flight or fight instincts triggered by the screams and gunfire.

The alarm announcement snapped her out of the black and her head scanned back and forth, looking for a clear exit that her chair could get to. Seeing one of the side doors was rubble and monster free, she pushed off from her resting position so hard that she tore one of her manicured nails from her finger. The wheelchair moved with a practiced balance as it swiveled at the pressure against the wheels from her calloused palms.

Upon reaching the doorway, she chanced a glance over her shoulder to ensure that none of the monsters were right behind her.

2018-02-23, 12:14 PM
Kouta looks more sympathetically at Helenka, but before he can continue the Titanspawn attacks. While he might not know much, he knows what this means - that it has begun, and very soon they'll be fighting the actual Titans.

Calad’s look and gesture is responded to with a nod, but when Kouta looks for Revy he sees her successfully making her own way out. Instead, he focuses on the here and now, putting a hand on Helenka’s shoulder (from the front, naturally). ”Come on, help me get Aiden out of here!”

2018-02-23, 01:53 PM
Pualani watches in horror as the... thing, rips apart the security personnel. “Ben, come on!” she says, grabbing the boy’s arm and pulling him away from the approaching danger and in the direction of the escape pods. Unfortunately, they likely weren’t going to be heading in the same direction. More likely than not, Pualani was going to be heading into battle with her Deos against it and some of its kin. Crap, crap, crap! She had been trained for this, but would she actually be ready? What if she freezes up? What if she got hurt? What if I hurt someone else?

2018-02-24, 06:20 PM

Well it looks like any hope for an orderly response from the other pilots had gone straight to hell, especially with Kouta and Paulani prioritizing the safety of their friends over actually getting to their Deos's. With no other option available to him at the moment he just started to book it towards the storage point for if at least he could get there fast then he could provide cover for the rest of the squad.

Burden King
2018-02-25, 05:08 AM
Calad’s look and gesture is responded to with a nod, but when Kouta looks for Revy he sees her successfully making her own way out. Instead, he focuses on the here and now, putting a hand on Helenka’s shoulder (from the front, naturally). ”Come on, help me get Aiden out of here!”

Stuck under the gazes of the crowd, Helenka was feeling ready to just leave the party so she wouldn’t ruin it anymore than she already had. She had just been about to turn to leave, when the titanspawn crashed through the windows. Now, she hadn’t really paid attention during some of the classes, and was drawing a blank on what exactly they were. But she’d Been in enough cluster****s to know when to run.

Just as Kouta began to request her help, Helenka crouched down to pick up Aiden, a determined look on her face “We need to get to our Deos!” She said, looking around as she started to carrying Aiden away (with Kouta if he was helping).

2018-02-25, 05:32 AM

You managed to successfully reach one of the hallways out of the ballroom and into safety. Well, safety is maybe a bit too big of a word, considering you still can hear the cries of the "hounds," for lack of a better word, through the walls and some lower-pitched growls and stomping noises, meaning that it's probably not a good idea to just rush outside.


Ben's dragged along by you for a bit, but then breaks loose from your grip. "Wait... the others!" he said, before he headed towards the group. "E-everybody, we can't just stay here! We need get out of here and evacuate!"


Despite the initial shock and surprise caused by the appearance of the hounds, the security managed to handle themselves remarkably well, taking down about four or five of the hounds whilst only taking one further casualty from them due to the hounds prioritizing killing the other students left on the dancefloor rather than the armed guards.

"Okay, everybody, calm down! You've heard the vice-president; head to the escape pods!" Eimi shouted, and most of the students huddled around Aiden (possibly including you" are now going through the same side door that Revy escaped from in a somewhat orderly fashion, taking in special consideration the unconcious body Kouta and Helenka are now carrying.

A second cry echoes, causing the entire ballroom to shake again. Out of the corner of the eye, you can see another Titanspawn crashing into the ballroom; this time, it's one roughly the size of a small car, and it roars hard enough to make even some of the guards flinch. One of these guards are seemingly calling for reinforcement now; what do you do?

2018-02-25, 06:07 AM
"All of you, get to the escape pods!" Pualani says, trying to keep her distance from the beasts while still helping Ben in ushering people.

"How the hell are we going to get to our Deos with that beast out there!?" she shouts to the other pilots.

2018-02-26, 01:51 AM
Kaldin is swept along with several of the other pilots with the crowd however as the large hound crashes in he steadys himself and take in his surroundings He would never call himself a coward but the roar of the hound was unsettling to say the least.

Kaldins mind switches into observation mode and looks tries to see if there is anything about the large hounds physicality that would suggest a weakness. In addition Kaldin looks around the ballroom knowing that he and the other students are helpless against this hound and tries to see if there is anything in his in the environment that he could use to his advantage.

2018-02-26, 02:43 PM

As the Titanspawn continued to stream into the room, Michael felt completely helpless. He was supposed to be in his Deos butchering the enemies of Humanity. Instead all he could do was flee to the escape pods and hope he would even survive reaching his Deos. So once again he began forcing his way through the crowd so that at least he could stem the tide until the rest of the squad was ready.

2018-02-27, 10:20 AM

Hearing the growls from outside and seeing the even larger beast burst into the ballroom, Revy followed the hallway away from the fighting. She covered ground quickly on the smooth tile floors, having to palm brake to swing around the corners in an effort to get to the escape pods so she didn't crash going around the sharp corners of the hallways.

2018-02-28, 10:57 AM

You all managed to get to the hallway, and are safe. More or less, anyways: the massive Titanspawn proves itself to be a fat bigger threat than any of its siblings, killing around half of the remaining security. At this rate, they’re done with sooner than later.

Fortunately enough for you, however, you hear what sounds like a convoy break up the noise coming from outside, followed by a stream of gunshots (and even the sounds of a MBT’s gun firing), the screams of the Titanspawn outside, and then silence.

One of the doors is slammed open, and a squad of soldiers poured into the hallway, making sure the area is secure. One of them shouts at you: “Everybody, hurry up and get outside! There’s a convoy ready to escort you out of here, but we can’t hold them off for very long! Get moving!”

2018-02-28, 12:16 PM
Pualani doesn’t have to be told twice, and begins booking it.

2018-02-28, 02:37 PM
Kaldin pushes through the throng of people with his pilot badge out

Yes, yes me I'm a pilot me me excuse pilot coming through

2018-03-02, 06:22 AM

Seeing an actual organized detail coming to pick them up did a lot to calm down Michael. His superiors had a plan and as long as he followed through with everything, then it will all be okay. So seeing that everybody else was starting to make a move towards the Olypmus men he also began to cut his way through the crowd to get on out.

2018-03-02, 09:12 AM

The wheelchair skidded to a halt at the doors. Revy's chest heaved from the exertion and her skin glistened with sweat. Her hand trembled slightly, both from fatigue and the throbbing of blood oozing from the torn fingernail.

Despite all of that, she refused to be pushed out to the caravan. She muscled over the lip of the door frame and expertly hopped the curb to reach the vehicle.

2018-03-05, 08:12 AM

As you and the rest of the group go out of the hallway, you can see that the street has more-or-less been swept clean from Titanspawn, with a heavily armed platoon of soldiers and even several tanks keeping a perimeter. Most of the group are brought to the escape pods already; the ballroom was strategically chosen because of its vicinity to the pods as a security measure.

Gain 1d6 Stress from your traumatizing experience at the Gala.

However, you are instead escorted through the block to a small, unmarked building, where after a specific code has been inputted, it opens, revealing an elevator that goes straight into the colony's innards- the true locations of your Deos. Before any of you can comment on it, however, the elevator goes straight down with a dizzying speed -enough to trigger motion sickness even you were prepared for it.

After you stumble out of the elevator, you're quickly ushered to the "command center" of the colony by some other Olympus employees. Usually, the command center was where the colony's status and vitals were tracked; however, today it has been hijacked by Olympus, in order to plan the counterattack on the Titan.

As you walk into the command center’s impromptu “war room”, you're greeted with the sight of your branch's CO (and in the case of Michael, your boss for far longer than the other pilots): William Winchester, an older gentleman in around his fifties. Despite his age, it's obvious that he's in peak physical condition, and he possesses rugged facial features, complete with beard. Currently, he's wearing the navy blue officer's jacket and pants issued to every Branch CO.

A short silence breaks out before William greets you. "Welcome. I apologize for the tardiness of the retrieval team, but I am glad to see you all more or less unharmed." He then taps a button, and a hologram showing a monolithic Titan vaguely shaped as a serpent as well as its various Titanspawn appeared from the projector, stationed in the middle of the war room. “As you may have already deduced from the large amount of Titanspawn, a Titan has managed to spawn within Seacress; Thetis. Although spawned just a few hours ago, it and its spawn managed to evolve at unprecedented rates, causing mass havoc on the colony. If left unchecked, it and its spawn will grow to be even more powerful.”

“The UN military forces has been doing a good job of keeping the Spawn at bay, but they can only do so much before they’re overwhelmed and the Spawn can reach the colony’s life support, making it inhabitable. That’s where you come in.” The projection of Thetis and its spawn is replaced with a tactical battle map of the colony. “As you may have noticed, Seacress gains most of its revenue from tourism, as one of the few colonies that had managed to emulate Earth’s beachfronts. Whilst this does mean that you will most likely suffer from difficulties with the terrain, it also means that you do not have to worry about Thetis clambering out on land, as it has so far only proven to be able to move in water. Umblical range is no problem, as long as you don’t go too deep in the water.”

William turns off the projector entirely. “The inhabitants of Seacress are counting on you. Godspeed, Pilots.”

As the briefing concludes, you are then sent to change into your Plugsuits, and to deploy in your Deos.

Select your own weapons loadout. All Deos come with 1 Requisition; some of you bought a second, or just start with two if you play a Production Type. The first instance of each tech's Starting Equipment is free. You're limited by what you can carry in your hands.

The battlefield will be part City, part Undeveloped. Each Deos generates 3 resources. Sponsor works as normal.

You can deploy anywhere in Sectors 1-3. Umbilical range extends to Sector 7.
Thetis is starting in Sector 8, and barring exceptional circumstances, will stay there. Two of her spawn are currently in Sector 4, and three of her spawn are in Sector 5.

Sector 0 - Main Elevator Access. As a 3-stamina action, a Titanspawn can escape the battle and proceed to reach to the colony’s internals, destroying the Command Center and the colony’s life support systems.
Sector 1 - Inhabited Area: This sector contains a vulnerable evacuation center. Should this sector be subjected to an area attack, or if a Titanspawn should enter it, an additional Mild Collateral result is rolled at the end of the battle. Heavy Collateral if 2 Titanspawn have entered here. Umblical Ports are here.
Sector 2 - Dense Block. Any Move or Run action that enters this Sector stops you in it, though starting your turn here allows you to move out as normal. Moderate Collateral if 2 Titanspawn have entered here.
Sector 3 - City Outskirts. Mild Collateral if 2 Titanspawn have entered here
Sector 4-5- Sandy Beach – The soft ground here makes for poor footing. Reflexes and Finesse are at a -10 penalty
Sector 6-7 - Water Shallows – The Run action moves you one fewer Sector than it normally would.
Reflexes and Finesse are at a -10 penalty.
Sector 8 - Head Above Water – The Run action may not be used. Any weapon dropped here is considered lost for the rest of the fight.

2018-03-05, 04:32 PM

The adrenaline had worn off. The briefing was surprisingly quick and without much detailed information. One of the assistants pushed her chair into the make-shift locker room. Revy's hand trembled as her system's flood of stimulation began to wear off. The shake was almost to the point that the woman has a difficult time bandaging the finger where she had torn the nail away.

Revy wasn't sure that she would have been able to get dressed into her own suit without the woman's assistance, even if she could have normally physically done so. A ragged breath studied her as the snug compression of the suit gave her some comfort. The internal temperature regulation also seemed to help a good deal.

The woman wheeled her back out of the locker room in time to see the other pilots selecting their loadouts. Revy scratched her thigh absently as she looked over the battle map. It was clear that Zeus would be impeded by the soft ground, so her options were severely limited. Her normal tactic of harrying an opponent would not be effective in the sand and water.

As she swiped through her weapon options on the datapad, she paused at the P-8 rifle and glanced toward the other pilots and their selection of melee weapons. If she couldn't harass from up close, she could provide cover from afar. She triggered the retinal scan on the weapon selection and green-screened the approval. Immediately, tech and logistic crews began prepping the selection.

2018-03-05, 06:37 PM
As the acceleration of the elevator ramps up Kaldin feels his stomach start doing flips. Even though he's not feeling good he trys talking through the nausia of willing himself not to vomit in front of his team instead choosing to give a micro lecture on why people feel motion sickness.

As the team files out Kaldin makes a hard turn out of the elevator to the nearest corner and looses his lunch. Wiping the vomit from the corner of his mouth and checking his akrid breath Kaldin joins the breifing with the rest of his team.

As the breifing winds down and he makes his way with the others to the changing room Kaldin rakes his brain for any useful information on the topic of titans that might help them in the fight against Thetis. He thinks through papers and manuals that he had read prepping for this moment on Titan behavior hoping that he would be able to prove his worth through his extensive studying of titan research.

A memory of Kaldins parents pops into his head. Laughter on a sunny day.

He shoves the memory aside, this wasn't the time for sentimentality this was the time for hard facts. This was the time he had been waiting for.

2018-03-06, 02:43 AM
When their escort arrives, Pualani simply sighs. It would have been just a tad too much luck for the past decade to all have been a dream, and all the training for today that went with it. But, alas, it was quite real. While slightly less jarred than the non-spacer pilots, Pualani is still slightly nauseated by the descent in the elevator shaft.

As the brief presentation is given, Pualani finds herself standing up straighter, like a soldier at attention. Huh, was the responsibility already beginning to weigh on her? ...best not to think too much about it. Right now, she just had to get through this battle in one piece. If she could just manage that, it would mean that at least some of the colony had survived the initial attack.

"Mother, Father, I hope you're watching," she whispers to herself as she changes from the dress into the Deos pilot suit. Hm, with the rest of the group, and how aggressive these spawn are... Deciding on what weapon was difficult... First fight, it may be best to play to her strengths while keeping a healthy distance... "Get a chain spear for my Deos, please," she says to one of the attendants. The one girl had mentioned a name of hers at some point. Were they all named? I wonder what mine is called... Ooh! Or maybe we can name them! She chuckles to herself. Positive thoughts.

2018-03-06, 02:50 PM
Kouta wasn't lying when he told Helenka he was finding the prospect of fighting Titans kind of crazy - as he listened to the briefing, he tried to get his head around the fact that very soon he'd be fighting toe to toe with giant monsters. It still seemed crazy, but it was a kind of crazy he was confident about. He could do this, no problem. As he puts on his plug suit, he grins. This is going to be awesome.

Soon, Heracles was ready, standing at the front line with a long chain spear held in both hands.

2018-03-06, 06:09 PM

"We will do you proud sir." He says without hesitation, the events at the Gala already fading from his mind. For what did it really matter to him if people from the same school as him died? He had already seen just how horrible it can be to die. With that cheery thought echoing through his mind Michael approached the entry plug to his Deos. Like every other time he had interacted with the beast, the first part that he touched was always Polyphemus's sightless eyes. It was always comforting in an odd way to touch those empty sockets. It was a firm reminder of what he was shaped into being. A killer with no need to worry about anything else. Of course it would be all too easy to just sink into the that mindset and Winchester had taught him better then that. With his eyes now opened he fully entered the Deos and began booting it up.

Once everything was in place he reached down and took the Chainsword and Shield that had been assigned to him. Then with a flick of a switch he booted up his intercom to the rest of the squad. "This is going to be a rough battle but our approach will be quite simple. No matter what we must keep the Titanspawn out of the city so those in the front will need to focus on securing the beach. Everybody else offer help with the titanspawn when needed but also begin probing Thetis so we can figure out the best way of dealing with it."

2018-03-07, 03:57 AM
Calad was quite calm, all things considered. He was working hard to keep down his emotions. Not fear or anger, but excitement. The thrill of being filled to the brim with purpose. He got this feeling whenever he looked at Endymion, but knowing he would soon be piloting the orange and gold eyeless monster was another thing all together.

He was satisfied with the rest of the team's performance to this point. Any of them could have broken or panicked during all of this, but all of them seemed ready to fight. Calad was prepared to protect all those civilians and his team nearby. Area protection, baiting, covering fire... all of these were his domain.

"Mae'r ddyletswydd yn drymach na mynydd, yn marwach nag ysgafnach." He intoned quietly, not realizing he has dipped into an ancient tongue those of his family were expected to learn.

Burden King
2018-03-09, 06:44 AM
Helenka had seen plenty of things in her early life, done plenty as well, so watching the security forces be fired and torn apart by the Titanspawn was only jarring to the extent it was a slightly altered version of something she had seen before. What mattered was getting those who could make it to the escape pods, with the person she had harmed taking priority over everyone else. It wasn’t out of care, but principle. She would not be the cause of the boys death, and even if she felt bad, it didn’t factor in to saving him.

She luckily was less affected by the sudden descent than the others, having been raised in artificial gravity all her life and dealt with plenty of fast elevators and lifts. After the brief and concise briefing, Helenka immediatly put in a request for a Microwave Gun with a Markerlight attachment. She’d use it to help guide the shots of her teammates, which would prove useful when they needed to take out the angel since it seemed the angel sought to use its ability to be in deep water to its advantage.