View Full Version : Custom Alignment Idea (Cleric)

2018-02-20, 12:00 AM
One of my PC's is playing a cleric and he has a hard time with fitting into an alignment as his actions are random. To help with this i created a Brotherhood of clerics that follow two sibling gods instead of one, one god is good and the other is evil.

The way this new cleric will hopefully work is that he is true neutral but if he makes too many chaotic choices he slides to chaotic neutral and then if he chooses lawful actions he goes back to neutral and then lawful neutral. My main idea however is that when he is chaotic neutral he has a bonus to attack but a minus to heals and as a lawful neutral he has bonus to heals and minus to attack. Neutral is just as normal and if he ever goes so far as to turn good or evil his talisman will shatter leading to a quest to atone for it.

My question here is what is a good amount of bonus and minus i could use without being game breaking. I think it should scale as he levels starting off with more in the minus and less in the bonus and then changing over time to either even out or end in his benefit.

2018-02-20, 03:20 AM
Why not just say he's chaotic neutral?

Adding more bookkeeping, especially for alignment stuff, seems tedious.