View Full Version : Magic Items for Druids

2018-02-20, 06:24 PM
So as has been written often is the lack of magic item rewards for shape shifting druids. Since one of my PCs are playing said druid I took it upon myself to design some home brew items to add to the treasure charts. I'd appreciate feedback!
1. Holly Crown
This band of vines provides attuned druids with additional protection when placed on their brow. When an attuned druid wildshapes while wearing this crown his AC in wildshape form is improved by 1 and he or she receives advantage on concentration rolls to maintain concentration.

2. Wooden Shaft of Enduring Shapes
This thorn shaped piece of wood can be worn as a piercing. It activates when an attuned druid enters a wildshape, bolstering the shapes duration by 1 hour (1d4 hours?)

3. Indigo Ink of Rejuvenation
When this ink is permanently painted or tattooed onto a druid, once per long rest when they use the wildshape ability, they automatically regain a single use of the wildshape ability.

4. Skins of Remembrance
When an attuned druid wearing these finely worked animal skins reverts to his or her normal form he or she may change back into the previous animal form while the original duration persists. This ability is regained after the druid finishes a long rest.

OK. So the names may be a bit hoaky but you get the idea. Thoughts please?
Have you come up ideas as Well? Please share!

2018-02-20, 06:43 PM
5. Bear Claw Necklace
When this necklace is found it holds 1d4+1 claws. Prior to an attuned druid using wildshape ability one of the claws activate and are destroyed in the process.
Once wildshape is complete the animal form enters a Rage.
• You have advantage on Strength Checks and Strength saving throws.
• When you make a melee weapon Attack using Strength, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage roll.
• You have Resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.

Your rage lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you are knocked Unconscious or if Your Turn ends and you haven't attacked a hostile creature since your last turn or taken damage since then. You can also end your rage on Your Turn as a Bonus Action.

2018-02-20, 07:29 PM
The Holly Crown giving adv on concentration might be a bit steep, unless it's a difficult to get item.

I'd only give out the Bear Necklace if there's no Barbarian already in the party, as I'd prefer not to overlap archetypes where possible.

The others are pretty solid, in my opinion. You might look at giving an item that makes burning spell slots for healing more effective or an item that allows the Druid communication with their allies while in animal form.

2018-02-20, 07:52 PM
Communication while in animal form is a low power way to remove the story/rp challenges of the class. This would be a great item to help keep the player involved and still allow them to do their thing in beast mode.

2018-02-20, 08:00 PM
Any sort of item that allows you to cast a spell into it, then activate it while in beast form is useful.

Any weapon to increase the attack or damage is useful.

Any sort of armor that will adjust to turn into barding or animal armor at any time is amazing.

2018-02-20, 08:19 PM
For druids I tend to give rewards other than items - new wildshape forms, new spells and so on. Giving druids property just didn't sit quite right with me. My players seem happy with it.

2018-02-20, 11:51 PM
Actual Items:

Hide Cloak that acts as a bag of holding, and will shift into a saddle with saddlebags when going into ride-able wild shapes
Druid's Vestment from Pathfinder, clothes that give an additional wild shape use
An Ioun Stone
A compass that can cast a Locate spell eschewing components once per long rest
A woven cornucopia horn that can cast Hero's Feast, eschewing components, once per week.
An item that can cast a specific concentration spell, such as Heat Metal, without the concentration component

Non-item Gifts:

"Travel Form" - a non-combat form that can be used for the druid to move - it could be that shifting into this specific form doesn't use wild shape, or a bird that can move at supernatural speeds
The Natural Explorer class feature from level 1 Rangers
Double the range of their Tree Stride Ability, or increase the duration of Transport Via Plants
Upgrades the Druidcraft spell, like making plant-based minor illusions
Ability to use their wild shape "slot" to Conjure Animals instead

2018-02-21, 03:31 AM
Any sort of item that allows you to cast a spell into it, then activate it while in beast form is useful.

Any weapon to increase the attack or damage is useful.

Any sort of armor that will adjust to turn into barding or animal armor at any time is amazing.

The Barding one is nice, and will help the animal forms be a bit tankier as wel.

Another idea is giving them something that adds half their Proficiency Bonus (rounded down) as a plus to AC while in beast form.
It'll scale with the character, keep the forms a bit more relevant into mid to late game.. And fluffwise, you can say it's their magic weaving more strongly into their form, warding them from a bit more danger.

2018-02-21, 04:11 AM
Magical items that continue to function while absorbed into a wild shape. Anything from a luckstone over a suit of armour to a wand or staff.