View Full Version : 3rd Ed Stormcaster help

2018-02-20, 10:16 PM
Yeah yeah, I know that Stormcaster from Stormwrack isn't the best caster prestige class, but it only loses one CL and gets some neatly thematic boosts and abilities. What are y'all's thoughts on building one at 9th level? I'm thinking Human Sorcerer 6/Stormcaster 3, and taking a couple of those Draconic Heritage feats. Of course with regards to optimizing I'll likely take things like Versatile Spellcaster and Practical Metamagic. This also avoids a lot of the multiple splat book usage that some DMs look for and shy away from.

Any suggestions for other feats or ways to up my CL for lightning spells? Would wizard be better than sorcerer? Specializing would be helpful to get more castings but I'd lose some of the fun thematics behind Blue draconic heritage. Any suggested substitution levels perhaps? I know that blasting isn't the best way to play a powerful spell caster, and that is not all that he is going to do, it's just going to be the most visible.

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: It is a high seas/island themed game, so any thoughts along those lines would work too.

2018-02-20, 10:28 PM
Complete Mage has the Storm Bolt reserve feat, which not only gives you a source of virtually unlimited electricity attacks, but also gives a +1 competence bonus to your caster level when casting electricity spells.

2018-02-20, 10:44 PM
I like Evoker (with Lightning Affinity (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/specialistWizardVariants.htm#evokerVariants)) or Domain Wizard (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#wizardVariantDomainWiz ard) (Storm Domain) better than Sorcerer. You just get stronger spells sooner. I don't think you need to be super worried about casting spontanously; you have spontaneous Thunderclap, anyway.

2018-02-21, 04:00 AM
If you're Sorcerer, then how about the Draconic Power feat?

Also, if Dragon stuff is OK, there are Spheres for Sorcerers in Dragon #330, which gives +1 CL to your chosen Sphere, but -2 CL to "opposite Sphere"

Alternately, Dragon #328 have Storm Druid, which is able to spontaneously convert prepared spells into Storm Magic

2018-02-21, 06:05 AM
Born of the three thunders is a pretty good feat if you're using electricity based spells.

2018-02-21, 07:49 AM
Genie Lore (Races of Faerūn): add +1 to the DC of saving throws for any sorcerer spells with the chosen energy type descriptor that you cast
Entangling Spell and Lingering Spell [metamagic] (Champions of Ruin)

If Dragon stuff is OK:
Elemalefic Spellcaster [ceremonial] feat (Dragon #311): deals extra 1d4 damage/level for the number of levels = spell's level; required 50 gp of material component
Psi-spell feats (Dragon #313) - in case you will go Mind Mage:
Bioelectrical Surge - for each 10 points of electricity damage it also does 2 Dex damage (Fort. save); costs 3 pp/spell's level
Energy Flare - +1 damage dice size (i. e., say, d8 instead d6); costs 4 pp/spell's level
Harden Energy - up to half of damage dice could be changed to force damage; costs 3 pp/spell's level
Bull Blast - Spells also perform a bull rush; costs 3 pp/spell's level; should be applied on top of Harden Energy
Concussive Blast - spell will get extra force damage (3 pp/die, up to half of normal damage)

2018-02-21, 08:27 AM
If you have access to Dragon Magazine and Eberron, then you might consider the Dragonmark Sorcerer feat (Dr.351).

You get a number of bonus spells known instead of spell-like abilities, and you get a Dragonmark which may allow you to take Mark of the Dauntless (immunity to Dazed).

Immunity to Dazed + Born of the Three Thunders = awesome, and getting some bonus spells is also quite nice.

2018-02-21, 11:49 AM
You're taking Draconic feats? Did you end up with the [dragonblood] subtype? If so, it might be worthwhile to take Draconic Aura (DrM pp. 16-7) for the Energy aura. It'd give you a slowly scaling bonus on the DC of any effects you create that have your chosen energy descriptor, which would presumably be electricity. Same for any friends nearby you, too, which is kinda neat. You can technically take the feat without the [dragonblood] subtype, but the feat doesn't scale without the subtype, making it not worth your time.

Stormcaster seems to have a fair bit of sonic damage. It's a Bard and Druid spell rather than a Sor/Wiz spell, so it may be difficult for you to access, but if you can find a way to gain access to Creaking Cacophony (SpC p. 55), that can amplify your sonic damage.