View Full Version : Party Contract

2018-02-20, 10:58 PM
Made up this Party contract for my Group recently thought I'd post it since I couldn't find alot of Helpful sources. Tell me what you think.

Party Accord

This is a binding pact, breaking the pact means you sacrifice all the safety accorded and protections of your interests.

Article 1. Party Management
The addition of new Members requires unanimous consent (majority consent for family) from all current members.
A Members expulsion requires a unanimous vote. The member in question is denied his vote.

A Members willful abandonment of the accord invalidates his claim to any Treasure acquired from the most recently completed contract or expedition.

Member actions that result in an expulsion vote include but are not limited too: Willful theft of a party members property; Bodily harm of a Member outside the confines of a fair duel; the Murder of a party member by any means, including inaction.
Special consideration should be made in the case of Possession or Domination

Article 2. Inactivity
In the event of inactivity on the part of a member (death, illness, absence, capture, petrification, possession, or transdimensional shift) towards the interest of the other members.
the inactive member may have their benefits suspended by unanimous consent of the remaining members no earlier than after one fortnight of inactivity. In the event of irreversible Death 30% of your current earning will be given to next of kin or a cause of your choice.

Article 3. Employment
The acceptance of any*Quest*
requires a unanimous vote among all present party members. In addition, the group must consider the political ramifications of any morally questionable Quests to prevent being branded as outlaws.
No entity, material or planar, can usurp the current Quest without a unanimous vote of the board members.

Article 4. Amendments
At any meeting of a full contingent of members the terms of this pact may be amended and are retroactively active to the offense that prompted the amendment. Ratification of the amendment must be unanimous

Article 5. Member Conduct
Members shall show proper respect to clients equal to their station.

Members must not willfully withold information vital to the survival or profitability of the party
Members must not actively harm the party financially or physically

Carousing shall take place between contracts only.

Article 6. Discovery
Each Member is required to HONESTLY divulge any Treasure findings too within a platinum piece. Failure to do so can result in a cumulative 2% Share penalty.

Article 7. Benefits of Membership

One party vote: to be used prior to each party undertaking.
In the event of a tie vote, the more profitable option shall be taken.

An Equal share in treasure and access to the parties collection of Magic items for use

A safe storage space for personal wealth.

An adventuring party for any personal issues that may arise.
The member requesting aid is entitled to half his usual share until the completion of that contract.

Requests of Members Tradework will not be denied and will be carried out at the earliest convenience for the worker.
With Materials being supplied by Requestee

Article 8.The Distribution of Loot

Party valuables (non-magical) are split evenly first along fair-market value then as gold and silver after liquidation. Spell component items of value are not to be liquidated.

The majority of valuables will be kept under lock and key as "Party funds".
Which full members will have full access too.
The party treasurer, as agreed to by unanimous vote, can disburse up to 15% of the party funds at his/her own discretion to pay for healing potions, inn services, leverage, or other sundries as needed for the purposes of*Adventuring.

Article 9. Magic items Found are property of the party. Thier use by Members is encouraged to provide the most benefit for the Party as a whole.

Article 10 Magic item awarded
for use are on a claim priority basis. if someone does not object to the claim then it is awarded to the claimant. At which point they drop to lowest priority.

Article 11. In the case of disputes, it will be awarded to the Member with higher priority. In the event of a tie in priority it may be awarded based on chance (roll dice) or by offering compensation (another item, cash, or a future boon) to the counter-claimant. These compensation claims are considered a binding part of this pact.

Article 12. Item Purchase
Should a Member wish to purchase a Magic item from the Party they can do so at full market value provided a unanimous vote by all Members is passed in favor of the sale.

Article 13. 3rd party expenses
Other entities acting on the behalf of The Party, will be paid a wage summarily based upon their abilities, level, risk, and suggested value. This may include party members working beyond the scope of thier normal role. Such as a Treasurer, Auctioneer, or Magical Services Rendered etc...

Article 14.Hirelings & Servants.
The aforementioned hirelings shall not get an equal cut of the treasure unless agreed to upon by all members of the undersigned.
With starting share being 1/4 of a normal share.

Article 15. The "Party name" exists to provide a cohesive team for going on*Adventures, and may not be used by legal authorities to incriminate the remaining members for one members behavior.

The Party

We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to form the Party _________________ for the purposes of*Adventuring. We agree to kill any form of bad guys and collect their belongings for the furtherance of adventuring activities. We agree to equally divide all treasure based on gold piece value among the undersigned

2018-02-20, 11:28 PM
I think if you have a party that actually needs a contract, you have a problem brewing--unless everyone is on board with a PvP game, in which case, go for it.

2018-02-21, 01:18 AM
Article 15 is completely useless unless you convince the authorities in question to honor it.

You won't.

2018-02-21, 03:58 AM
About the only party contract I recognise is;

-Don't get me killed and I won't get you killed.
-Let's not get bent out of shape over sharing loot/reward; spoils to the one that deserves it most.
-I'm only drinking with you if you're worth drinking with and don't expect me to pull you out of hot water if you put yourself there in the first place; I'll have the same expectations.

2018-02-21, 06:02 AM
It sounds fun if you roleplay someone learned/lawful. Function-wise, like everything, it needs to be respected by all members to work, so, eh.

2018-02-21, 06:15 AM


2018-02-21, 06:24 AM

I totally want to play someone lawful neutral now so I can spring this on the rest of the party.

2018-02-21, 06:36 AM
Sounds like it might be fun. It deals with some important issues (eg loot distribution) that should be hashed out ahead of time as is done here.
Small issue: report treasure honestly to the platinum piece should be silver piece IMO
Larger issue: too much “unanimous”. Party will never go anywhere or do anything.

2018-02-21, 07:42 AM
Doesn't seem like a fun Contract, too many things need unanimity in order to work, so it doesn't really work for conflict resolution.

But the important question is:

What is the purpose of it?
Is it expected to be respected by the players?


Article 13. 3rd party expenses
Other entities acting on the behalf of The Party, will be paid a wage summarily based upon their abilities, level, risk, and suggested value. This may include party members working beyond the scope of thier normal role. Such as a Treasurer, Auctioneer, or Magical Services Rendered etc...

Does this mean that the characters in game are aware of their own level? And NPC's levels?

2018-02-21, 01:25 PM
I recommend the contract states party treasure pay for resurrections and depetrifications and such. Nobody wants to lose a character after all.

2018-02-21, 01:54 PM
Closest I've ever come to this in a game was when a party decided and all agreed to set aside 15% of cash obtained from adventuring for party expenses. Food, lodging, consumables to include spell components used in adventures, equipment, travel, etc. Basically any expense caused by the adventure.