View Full Version : The Waking Rune: [IC]:

Hattish Thing
2018-02-21, 02:09 AM


Unknown Time, Unknown Location:

The nauseatingly sweet stench of exotic, intoxicating incense is the first thing that the group of half a dozen Pathfinder Society Field Agents strapped to tall, black chairs experience upon being simultaneously stirred awake within the depths of a top secret, labyrinthine underground stronghold with no memory of how they arrived. At first, deep, cloying, supernatural darkness is the only thing that rises to pique the senses of those within the expansive, chilling meeting chamber. Seconds later, globes of soft, white light begin to fill the large room, slowly illuminating a long, cold marble table topped with a layer of glittering black granite. More ominous than the expanding globes of light, however, would be the ten eerie, masked individuals clad in flowing robes of midnight black, seated around the long black table atop glittering thrones of exotic skymetal. Each of the disturbingly dressed figures stare towards the gathering of Pathfinder Society Field Agents in ominous unison, their blank black masks betraying no emotion.

An entire minute passes in vulnerable silence, while all the while, the ten figures comfortably seated around the long, marble table fail to move even but an inch, or produce any sort of sound one would associate with a living creature. Instead, the figures do naught but stare directly forward, blankly, unerringly. Finally, the uneasy silence is interrupted as the ten figures slowly, deliberately, and simultaneously each raise their right hands to their chests, almost as if performing some sort of strange ritual, before finally, each of the ten figures offers a single clap of their gloved hands, the noise causing the globes of soft light scattered about the room to brighten slightly. As the dark, cavernous chamber begins to grow slightly less oppressively dark, two additional, prominent figures come into view, along with a plethora of strangely dressed assistants facing the black, reflective, but otherwise featureless walls, concentrating on various spells that no doubt ward the room against eavesdroppers.

The first prominent ndividual is immediately recognized as the seasoned, yet retired Venture-Captain of the Pathfinder Society Lodge in Magnimar, Sheila Heidmarch. She appears exhausted and uncomfortable with the situation, entirely out of her element, a rare experience for the usually calm and collected Venture-Captain. At her side stands Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin, his expression steely and resolute, though quite a bit grimmer than usual, a detail which speaks volumes for the generally unflappable leader of the Pathfinder Society Grand Lodge. The man's muscular arms are crossed over his broad chest, and once the half-dozen Pathfinder Society Agents come into view, Ambrus nods curtly, almost reassuringly. Ambrus steps forward, towards the table, gesturing as if he was about to begin speaking before one of the anonymous figures raises a spidery, black gloved hand. Ambrus pauses reluctantly before shaking his head and stepping back, still obviously quite distressed with the situation.

Several seconds press on before each of the ten hooded, masked, and robed figures gesture blankly towards Venture-Captain Sheila Heidmarch in unison, as if they were expecting something. Nervously, she clears her throat before sighing and beginning to speak, her voice unusually timid and quivery. "Pathfinders, on behalf of the Decemvirate themselves, I apologize for any inconvenience that the nature of our congregation may have caused you. I'm afraid the secrecy, as unpleasant as it may be, is entirely necessary." After she finishes speaking, she glances back towards the ten masked figures, seeking some sort of approval from the figures but finding nothing beyond the cold, uncaring gaze of the blank masks of the Decemvirate. Ambrus Valsin steps forward awkwardly at this point and speaks, his voice gravelly and low, "My fellow Pathfinders, as you can see, the task that lies ahead transcends the interests of Magnimar's increasingly esteemed lodge; it's a mission that will affect the entire Pathfinder Society and merits the direct attention of the Decemvirate." The hooded figures lining the black marble table nod in silent agreement and then gesture for Valsin to continue. "Over the past year, we've received increasingly concerning reports from this region that the highly dangerous Lissalan cultists known as the Children of Thassilon have plans in motion to revive Krune, the Runelord of Sloth and one of the most powerful wizards of ancient Thassilon, and perhaps the entire world. We have set our own plans in motion to attempt to keep him in check if the Children of Thassilon succeed, but Sheila Heidmarch, under the direct authority of the Decemvirate, has an ambitious plan regarding this threat."

He nods and steps back to cede the briefing to his colleague. Sheila takes over, adding, "Over a year ago, the fledgling Magnimar lodge operated by my colleague, Venture-Captain Canayven, attracted the attention of the Pathfinder Society by learning of and subsequently bidding on an ancient Thassilonian artifact: a runecarved key dredged from nearby waters. This caused the Society to attract the attention of the Children of Thassilon, dangerous extremists devoted to the little-known Thassilonian goddess Lissala, whose worship was long thought abandoned. Three weeks after securing the runecarved key, Venture-Captain Canavyen was attacked by one of the leaders of the Children of Thassilon, a scarred and aged man who incinerated Canayven with a single spell. This... cold-blooded murder was public, and Canayven's death struck a deep blow to the Society. There was nothing left but ash. In response to the mysterious and disturbing resurgence, Pathfinder agents have spent the better part of the year unraveling the secrets of the enigmatic cult. While these investigations began as mere curiosity, it became apparent that Lissala's disciples maintained many active churches throughout Varisia, for more so than we would have ever suspected, and that the organization is ruled by a pair of highly powerful Thassilonian loyalists, one of which claims to be a blood relative of the Runelord of Wrath herself, while the other seems to have some deeply personal connection to the goddess Lissala. Even more threatening was the collection of information that suggested that these disciples were near completion of a complex plot to release a terrible evil upon the world by waking Lissala's last high priest-Lord Krune, Runelord of Sloth. These suggestions have, unfortunately, been confirmed. Runelord Krune stands as the cult's savior, for prophecies hail him as the one being who might call the attention of the vanished goddess back to Golarion."

Sheila continues, concern obvious in the tone of her voice. "Fortunately, with your help, and the aid of the Decemvirate, we may have a fighting chance at stopping the resurrection of the Runelord of Sloth. During a raid of one of the abandoned temples used as a place of worship by the Children of Thassilon, we acquired several unusual Thassilonian artifacts, which our best savants and researchers have managed to identify over the better part of a month. These particular magical devices are known as refuge tokens, and fortunately, we've also learned their command words. When broken, the tokens will take a handful of agents directly to Krune's sanctuary, wherever it may be. If he has yet to revive, which is what we're hoping for, do whatever you can to ensure he never does. If he does awaken, pray that he is too dazed and addled to command his full power. Whatever it takes, end this threat to Varisia-permanently." She then motions for an assistant, who produces a tray of curious, rune-carved artifacts, which he delicately sets upon the black marble table. "The Society has recovered several Thassilonian relics, perhaps some through your deeds, and I would rather they be in your hands as you face Krune; they will do us little good in a museum if the Runelord returns."

"Once you defeat him, take special care to recover his two artifacts: a dragon-tooth spear and a rune-inscribed rod. Once you are ready, I will show you how to use the refuge tokens. In addition, you'll find letters addressed to each of you directly from the heads of your individual faction leaders, located somewhere on your person."

"Now, do you have any questions? Time is of the essence."


OOC Status: You are each bound to black chairs crafted of some strange, seemingly magical material. In addition, you are each incredibly drowsy, the aftereffects of whatever was used to drug you.

Ochre Rhomboid Ioun Stone: [x1] A curious, intricately carved Ancient Thassilonian Ioun Stone, covered in complicated Thassilonian Runes. [Effects Unknown, radiates Strong Transmutation/Conjuration.]

Sigil Wafer: [x2] A foul tasting, layered wafer in shades of moldy green and sickening red. [A sigil wafer must be created in a special ritual involving seven participants. Their blood is combined and painted onto wafers, and in the process a fragment of each participant's soul becomes bound into a wafer. Anyone whose soul fragment gets bound into a wafer takes 2 points of ability drain divided as he chooses between one or two of his ability scores. If a participant in the ritual consumes the sigil wafer containing the fragment of his soul, he recovers this ability drain immediately. If instead someone other than the person whose soul is inside the wafer consumes it, she gains a +2 profane bonus to an ability score of her choice for one year. A character can benefit from only one bonus from a sigil wafer at a given time. The person whose soul fragment was in that wafer loses that part of his soul permanently, so consuming a wafer in this way is an evil act. The one consuming the wafer shifts her alignment one step toward evil.]

Thassilonian Runestone (Level 4): [x2] A glittering noqual orb, set with a single spikey Thassilonian rune. [ontaneous caster can draw upon a runestone of power to cast a spell—doing so is part of the spellcasting action, and expends that runestone’s power for the day rather than one of the spellcaster’s actual spell slots for the day. An expended runestone of power recharges its capacity after 24 hours. The spell must be of a particular level, depending on the runestone.]

Sihedron Branding (Endurance): [x3 Uses] An ominous, glowing, rune-carved brand crafted of the sickeningly bright, greenish skymetal known as Noqual. [A sizzling, bright green image of the Sihedron rune appears to writhe beneath the surface of the skin on which it is inscribed, as though a worm were crawling under the skin. A character marked with this arcane tattoo receives a +2 profane bonus on Fortitude saves. Once per day, the character may activate the tattoo to receive a number of temporary hit points equal to twice her character level. Displaying the arcane tattoo grants a +4 circumstance bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks against worshippers of Lissala.]

Sihedron Branding (Service): [x3 Uses] An ominous, glowing, rune-carved brand crafted of the sickeningly bright, greenish skymetal known as Noqual. [A sizzling, bright green image of the Sihedron rune appears to writhe beneath the surface of the skin on which it is inscribed, as though a worm were crawling under the skin. A character marked with this arcane tattoo receives a +2 profane bonus on attack and damage rolls against summoned creatures and a +2 profane bonus to AC against summoned creatures. Displaying the arcane tattoo grants a +4 circumstance bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks against worshipers of Lissala.]

Sihedron Branding (Basic): [x3 Uses] An ominous, glowing, rune-carved brand crafted of the sickeningly bright, greenish skymetal known as Noqual. [A sizzling, bright green image of the Sihedron rune appears to writhe beneath the surface of the skin on which it is inscribed, as though a worm were crawling under the skin. A character marked with this arcane tattoo receives a a +4 bonus on all Knowledge checks. Displaying the arcane tattoo grants a +4 circumstance bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks against worshippers of Lissala.]

+1 Sentient Scorpion Whip, "Lissala's Caress": [x1] This +1 whip is made from a single, continuous strip of tanned humanoid skin branded with dozens of occult runes and smells of musk and anise. [Anyone struck by Lissala's caress is overwhelmed with remorse for having disappointed those they serve (Fortitude DC 15 negates). The sensation, magnified by the souls of those trapped within the whip, is so powerful that the target is sickened for 1d6 minutes, and nauseated for 1d4 rounds. Additional failed saves increase the effect's duration but not its severity.]

Acrimony Veil: [x1] One of half a dozen rare and ancient magical devices created by Alaznist, the Runelord of Wrath. They are normally composed of several types of interconnected metal and human bones, each etched with complex designs. The morbid device covers the wearer's entire face (forehead, cheeks, and jaw). [This mask functions as a lesser empower metamagic rod, but only affecting spells of the evocation school. Additionally, the wearer of an acrimony veil may cast rage on himself once per day.]

Sihedron Medallion: [x4] This ominous noqual medallion hangs on a leather cord, a bright green disc inscribed with a dreaded seven-pointed star. While worn, a star medallion grants its wearer a +1 resistance bonus on all saving throws. Once per day, as a free action, it may be commanded to bestow the effects of false life on the wearer. Placed on the neck of a dead body, a star medallion preserves the body indefinitely via a gentle repose effect.]

Sihedron Ring: [x1] This noqual ring is adorned with a tiny Sihedron rune, set into a large ruby gemstone. These rings were given to agents and allies of the runelords as badges of office and tokens of appreciation for their work—sometimes, they were given as bribes to those a runelord was attempting to win to his cause. [A Sihedron ring grants a +3 deflection bonus to AC, a +3 resistance bonus on all saving throws, and protects the wearer with a constant endure elements effect. At will, as a standard action, the wearer can use the Sihedron ring to change the appearance of his clothing or armor into any other kind of clothing or armor. The actual clothing and armor worn retain all their properties (including weight) when glamered. Only true seeing or similar magic reveals the true nature of the adornments.]

2018-02-23, 07:47 AM
Xavier waits for the lady to finish speaking. He was quite frankly annoyed with the treatment but the Decemvirate were involved so atleast this much was expected. He says to the Venture Captain:
"I have quite a few questions. first of which, What do his artifacts do? Do these tokens have a return function and if not how are we expected to get back after completing the job? Finally is there any sort of Extra Payment?,"
Xaviers eyes scan the room. If only he wasn't shackled to the chair and had access to his magic. He could have finally found out who the Decimvirate were, provided they didnt cut him down while he tried.

Rendel Nep
2018-02-23, 04:07 PM
Oh good, I haven't been kidnapped by another faction of rebels, needing me to lead them in battle. That happens way more than i'd like. Keleni mutters as she rouses from her drug induced oblivion.
Hmmm...Does anyone know what happened to the runelord of Sloth's champion and for that matter his Alara'hai? It probably belongs in a vault or at the bottom of a volcano. She asks the first thing that pops in head as she listens to the extensive briefing.

2018-02-23, 11:05 PM
Urgoch wakes up with a pounding headache. He had been drinking heavily when he got captured and the headache had come with force. Usually he would eat the life force of a rat to get the headache to go away. Unfortunately, that wasn't really an option right now, so he would just have to live with it.

Were the bindings really needed? If they were only to keep us from immediately going to attack, can they please be undone? As for the questions, do the refuge stones teleport us back as well? Could, we be scryed upon once we arrive so the location of the refuge be figured out? If not, is there any way for us to mark the location? Will food be provided for this? I was in the middle of town when I was brought in.
He asks. His voice is weird and he has a massive lisp due to his tongue trying its best to escape his mouth. He looks around slightly seeing if he can see his scythe anywhere.

2018-02-24, 12:17 AM
The rude awakening that Sykes-Vale Churchill was forced into had not surprised him, for his handler had notified him in advance of a mission he'd be undertaking of incredible importance, which had tipped him off to the plausibility of such an evacuation for the mission briefing. Still, knowledge of a plausibility and genre-savviness after the past years of working under the mantle of the Society did not mean he would know when such a forcible extraction would arrive. Clearly, it had come in his sleep, for he had no memory of the actual events that preceded his unconsciousness, and hard drugs had been employed since he had not even the blurriest vision from during the extraction procedures. He lifted his head, laying his eyes on the council in front of him that he, correctly, assumed was the Decemvirate. He moved his body around, trying to get a grasp of himself and his position in the room. He had little in the way of intention to fight, but the awkward position in which he was forced made it clear that the council had not even the slightest concept of allowing that idea to formulate into anything similar to a plan.

The Andoran mage had little time to consider any of the other members of the "strike team" that had been assembled alongside him, before his head snapped to the front once again to pay attention to people he knew to be high level Venture-Captains nervously giving them their briefing on the mission at hand. Every word to leak out of their troubled mouths was one he understood, and each name struck a chord within the arcanist, one that brought pangs of equal amounts muted horror and wavering confidence. The very implications of the events that were about to unfold had drastic, absurd consequences for even the short term, and he doubted that even entire lifetimes of searching the archives of Nethys would bring him the knowledge of what effects it would have on the continent- nay, all of the planet itself. Krune's revival was one incredible leap towards the return of one of the most horrific Goddesses, who could only herald the return of all the ancient Runelords.

And he, the bumbling bastard whose entire magic had once been simply a sham orchestrated with clever motion, cheating, lies, and luck was now one of those expected to stop this. Not just for the Edge, not just for Andoran, not just for the ideas it stood for, but for the very future of the entire continent. In response, his mind only dropped to consider the rune upon the upside of his palm, a Thassilonian runic shortcut he had employed to bolster the effects of his magic... It was not irony that he felt from the conclusions he could draw. It was some cruel measure of fate clutching his gullet with a vengeance.

"Success is demanded, expected, desired, but not guaranteed. For people of your strength to not even imply the usual send off message of us not needing luck, I can assume that fairly easily. What contingencies do you have in case we fail? Not even the twelve of you put together could hope to match Krune or his conjured hordes in any way were he to awaken and bring about the return of She Who Was, Will Be. Even a fool like me knows that. Furthermore, the artifacts. Krune's weapons are cruel, murderous things not meant for a Free World, not to be seen or known ever. Yet you want them recovered. Holding them, even after the possible death of their creator, would be an absurd difficulty that I had no doubt the Council undertakes with thought out motives. What do you want with them? I don't expect an answer nearly as much as I want one, but I am aware... of the consequences of power." he said, ending on a drawn out note meant to signify little and yet much. His ability to threaten, coerce or pursue a diplomatic course of action with the council was nil, but he spoke as he did nonetheless.

"If my questions are answered, or not, I am prepared to use the tokens."

2018-02-24, 02:49 AM
Feeling the darkness recede from her mind, she keeps here eyes closed and all appearance to be still unconscious , she listens until they start to introduce themselves before making the show of waking up and paying attention. You cant be too careful. She listens to the others questions before asking her own, "What defenses are we to expect? If any is known? Do we know if there are any guards cultists, or anyone else who might be there before us? Do we know the people who are planning on doing the resurrection and their abilities/capabilities to watch out for? Or weaknesses we can exploit? She starts off with asking those.

2018-02-24, 06:07 AM
Strelok on the other hand, remained silent. There wasn't much for him to ask. Any questions that should be asked, were asked by the others or he was sure wasn't going to be answered in any acceptable ability. He adjusted his hands a bit, feeling the manacles around them, and idly wondering if he should let himself out. But best not to play his hand though, not yet at least.

Hattish Thing
2018-02-24, 06:26 PM
Unknown Time, Unknown Location:

The Decemvirate, clad all in darkened garb, wait patiently and silently as questions are asked, their pitch black robes blending in nicely with the expansive chamber's shadowy background. With a soured expression upon his face, Ambrus Valsin steps back after a moment, leaning against the glossy, mirror-like back wall, his muscular arms crossed over his chest once more.

After a moment, a particularly bookish looking Pathfinder Society Savant steps forward, a large, musty tome held in his arms. The scholar adjusts his thick, ivory glasses before clearing his throat and nodding curtly towards Keleni, his expression stern yet determined. The scholar speaks, his nasally voice echoing throughout the cold chamber. "Runelord Krune, the latst Runelord of Sloth and most relevant Runelord to our immediate interests failed to name a champion before the events of Earthfall caused the destruction of Thassilon as we knew it. You see, Shin-Tari, Sword of Sloth, was made under the command of Runelord Ilthyrius and wielded nearly thirteen thousand years ago by a nameless rune giant warrior, under the employ of Runelord Ilthyrius, Krune's mentor, an immensely powerful spellcaster who a younger Krune poisoned to take on the mantle of Runelord of Sloth. As Runelord Krune had no need of a champion, being the only Runelord to abstain entirely from war, Shin-Tari saw no use during his reign."

"It was a deceptively powerful blade, whose whereabouts are currently unknown.


Once the Pathfinder Savant finishes his brief explanation, Sheila addresses Urgoch's questions with confidence, though the wringing of her delicate hands betrays the nervousness beneath her calm, composed exterior. "The manacles are entirely necessary, I'm afraid, a security measure taken by those whose enemies span the lengths of the entirety of the Inner Sea. The Pathfinder Society is not without its opposition, a fact that I'm certain you're aware of, being the seasoned veteran that you are. The Decemvirate refuses to assemble at any location in groups of more than two or three, unless all involved are entirely secure. Once this briefing has been concluded, this congregation will be terminated. The Decemvirate will evacuate the premises, and your manacles will be removed. On behalf of the Decemvirate, I thank you for your patience. Rations will be provided, however, scrying proves fruitless. Even our best arcanists are no match for the power of Runelord Krune's abjurations. As for the refuge stones, the tokens have a minor enchantment that tracks where they were triggered and binds them to a crystal foci, so I have good reason to believe that you will be able to return simply by activating whichever crystal foci in Runelord Krune's sanctum matches your token's rune. Pay careful attention to what the rune carved into your refuge token looks like before you break it; you'll most likely need it to come back."

"Else you may be lost forever."


Upon finishing his long line of vaguely accusatory questions, Sykes finds himself spoken to by one of the Decemvirate themselves. The voice of the masked figure is warbled and muted, muffled and contorted, clearly altered in some way by the complicated, helmet-like mask worn beneath the hood of the ominous member of the Decemvirate. The figure's cold, uninviting tone echoes throughout the chamber, and the figure's eerie steepled fingers merely add to the uncomfortable nature of the response. "Your concerns are acknowledged, 242065-12. You needn't fear us. You'll find we can be quite... understanding of the concerns of our more valuable operatives. You and your new allies are on our team now -- and we take good care of our people. You see, as members of the Decemvirate, it is our duty to, when assets as valuable as the artifacts of Runelord Krune are available, use whatever means necessary to acquire, utilize, and control them for the betterment of the Society. These artifacts, they're tools, tools which we intend to use. Good, evil, whatever they are, it matters little. Pursuing the destruction of these immeasurably powerful artifacts is a noble and idealistic cause, but ideals belong on flagpoles and in museums and in the stories of the heroes of legend. This is reality--and reality is ugly. In addition to the acquisition of his artifacts, Runelord Krune's corpse is to be recovered and preserved for research purposes."

"That will be all."


Sheila Heidmarch closes the period of questioning with a rather ominous response, directed towards the rogue. "We've no idea what to expect within the depths of Runelord Krune's sanctum. Scrying attempts have failed consistently."

"We're running low on time, Pathfinders. Anything else?"

2018-02-24, 06:48 PM
"tch." Strelok makes a soft clicking sound. "They just wanted to see us all naked is all." he mutters under his breath. "Look, lets go already, tired of sitting around on this chair naked. In fact,
can I keep the chair? I'm gonna shove its leg up this krune's ass for having to make me sit here on this damn thing while the Decemvirate look at me naked."

Of course he had some meager scraps of clothing on, just enough that they didn't have to burn the chair afterwards. But when you're a high level adventurer not having your equipment was pretty naked.

2018-02-24, 11:40 PM
"No other questions. I am ready to leave as soon as you give me back my Gear,"

Rendel Nep
2018-02-25, 12:04 AM
What are you talking about? I was wearing this when I was at the bar.... She says, confused by the uttering of her neighbour.

Anyway, if things get bad but not absolute mission failure bad like you know death in the group and if we have the gold for it, can you provide the required diamonds? wait... She requests before pausing to work out something aloud.

Diamonds worth 5000 gp for the raise dead another 1000 worth for the restoration... Uh one week per casting. We've probably got the chance of one raise dead per person.... She quietly list off before shaking her head.

Change of question. Is it worth our while to raise people from the dead on mission and are there any of the material components need available to us? If not Can i have a few scrolls of gentle repose for myself and one other. Feel free to take the money in my bag for supplies, I may not need it aftre this She finally asks satisfied with her question this time.

2018-02-25, 05:57 PM
The Decemvirate's speaker got no reaction of him being impressed at getting a direct acknowledgement, and nor did she or he or they receive anything other than the few token words of "I'm sure." as Sykes closed his eyes and raised his eyebrows high. He had every understanding about the councils that worked in the dark, but sure as there was Kuthon and there was Iomedae, what was done would be brought to the light. Soon enough.

For the moment, however, his work had to be focused. He had neither the control, the understanding, nor the raw power to stand up to Krune, not even one sixth of the runelord like his position in the six person strike team would imply. His eye roamed to the rune upon the top of his palm yet again, before he snapped to look at the Venture Captain, and said "I am ready. Return to me my cards and my spellbook, and we shall see what the future holds for those of the waking runes."

Hattish Thing
2018-02-25, 10:11 PM
Unknown Time, Unknown Location:

The Decemvirate makes a point of not bothering to respond to Keleni's question. The lack of a response fills the room with an uncomfortable silence, before finally, one of the mysterious masked individuals slowly, deliberately turns his or her head towards Venture-Captain Sheila Heidmarch.

Their voice echoes ominously, cold and unsettling.

"We're done here."


Heidmarch nods, an expression of grim concern upon her otherwise attractive face before one by one, the Decemvirate retrieve intricate silver devices from within the depths of their midnight robes. Each of these curious devices is activated, and within seconds, all that is left is the scent of brimstone.

A foul smell commonly associated with powerful conjuration magics.


Once The Decemvirate evacuates the meeting chamber, Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin, with a flick of his wrist, causes the manacles strapped to the chairs to deactivate, snapping open. The impatient man snaps his fingers before a team of Pathfinder assistants teleport directly into the room, chests of gear available. A few minutes pass as the assistants aid the operatives as much as possible, ensuring that preparation for the difficult mission ahead is both quick and efficient. Once preparations are carried out with, Sheila Heidmarch provides the refuge tokens needed.

As she hands them over, she nods sympathetically towards the Pathfinder Operatives. "If things get rough in there, just remember, you're Pathfinders. You're some of the best we've got, and you're trained for this. You can do this."

"Don't fail us now."


The refuge tokens emit a powerful cracking noise as they're activated, and the instant they're used, the wielder of the token disappears, leaving behind nothing more than a Thassilonian rune, scorched into the ground. Several seconds later, each of the Pathfinder Operatives materialize in a chamber hundreds of thousands of miles away, and several thousand feet deep underground.

Ahead, a small but incredibly beautiful ziggurat emerges from the southern wall of the otherwise claustrophobic, tomb-like stone chamber. Intricate patterns of thousands of glowing, spiral runes crafted of a brilliant green skymetal decorate the walls, bathing the ziggurat in an eerie greenish light. Most of the structure's blocks are simple but precisely cut stone blocks, each carved in spiked runes that strengthen the material. Notably, however, in several places petrified humans-too finely sculpted to be carved-shoulder the burden of the blocks above with scarred backs and hands, their faces contorted into ancient expressions of unfathomable anguish. A short, steep flight of steps ascends the northern face to a second tier, and to the east and west two are other sets of steps that lead to the ziggurat's apex twenty feet above the ground, falling short of the thirty-foot ceiling, which depicts in luxurious golden paint, a sprawling city of green and gold, beautiful and elegant, built upon the backs of hundreds of thousands of slaves, painted with muted, blank faces.

Even more ominous, however, would be the massive, snake-like, winged creature coiled around the rune-carved apex of the extravagant ziggurat.


The instant the Pathfinder Field Agents arrive within the ziggurat chamber, the deafening sound of ancient Thassilonian chanting fills the room, shattering ear-drums and shaking dust up off the floor, alarming the chamber's sole occupant. The otherwordly creature curls farther around the ziggurat before spreading her six, massive feathery wings and raising a serpentine staff into the air.

The creature shouts something incomprehensible before her serpentine staff begins to glow with sickening green light, before a thin ray of violent energy sparks forward...

"Intruders have breached the sanctum, mistress!"

"I shall make quick work of them."

OOC I: Once the Refuge Tokens are used, all Non-Evil PCs are Shaken for 3 Rounds. In addition, all Non-Varisians are Sickened for 1 Rounds.
OOC II: Roll Initiative.



Rendel Nep
2018-02-25, 11:49 PM
Oh that was weird. WHOA SHE'S A Kelli comment be noticing the massive multiwinged outsider casting a spell.
A ray burst from her fingertips


Keleni's frame suddenly turn black and crumbles to dust before she eben had time to utter anything.
Cl-CLANG her armor goes as it strikes the ancient tiled cavern floor followed by Keleni's massive hammer..

2018-02-26, 12:38 AM
Strelock looks watches the beam sail past his shoulder, he knew it wasn't going to hit him the moment it was created, as everything within thirty feet of him was a lot clearer than most others would see as his telekinetic aura washed over the room.
He blinks as it strikes the woman with a massive hammer, instantly cutting off whatever she was saying. Frowning, he grits his teeth, power flowing to him through the air. "YOU DIDN'T LET HER FINISH!" he shouts out, grabbing the hammer in his magical grasp and hurling it at the enemy before them.

Shakened -2 to hit for 3 rounds
Sickened -2 to hit -2 to damage for 1 round

Point Blank Shot
Gather energy
Spend internal Point
Spend 1 point of burn
10 non-lethal damage applied.
Maximized Empowered Telekinetic Boomerang Kinetic Blast
5d6+12 = 45+12 = 57 dmg

2018-02-26, 02:06 AM
Talon quickly takes stock of the situation, and seeing one of the group just .... disintegrates, she moves off to the side, hoping to go unnoticed, and move towards the creature and around it for a flanking attack.

2018-02-26, 03:30 AM
Xavier snaps into action. He mutters Words invoking the Spirit of Justice and his main revolver glows with divine fury. Almost too fast to see, he sends 4 shots at the Herald before moving toward cover.

Full attack action + Swift action Bane
all attacks are vs touch
1st set of attacks:


2nd set:

1st revolver damage

2nd revolver:

Also I move as close to behind the Pillar as possible

2018-02-26, 08:48 AM
for the double crit.

2018-02-26, 10:06 AM
Orguch just sort of shrugs at the disintegrate. Not unexpected, though he had been hoping they would last more than five seconds before they started suffering casualties. There wasn't much that could be done now. Now all there was to do was to move forward and hope the thing went down quickly. He walks up the stairs hoping they weren't trapped and continued up the other path as Talon.

If possible try to get ready to disrupt the casting next time. Don't want another one of those spells. Urgoch says.

Double moving due to short legs to get up the stairs and next to her. I may provoke but Talon might already have taken the AoO.

2018-02-26, 10:33 PM
As soon as they teleported in, he'd expected a sentry, an incredibly powerful one, but what he hadn't expected was Lissala's own Herald, Kurshu the Undying herself. Immediately, he scampered into action, cursing out loud, "Son of a... That's Kurshu! The Undying! She's the damned Herald of the Rune Goddess herself! Get into cover!". Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the snake bitch weave into reality a bolt of disintegrating power that was clearly the product of a Limited Wish. The horror approached his mind as he understood just what level of power they were dealing with, and he immediately realized that they were about to lose a member.

It was the Suli.

He wanted to shake his head, but this was not the time for considering implication of his associate's sudden decision to turn into dust, and dove into action, stepping behind one of the others who was behind a pillar, tossing some ground mica out of somewhere in his robe's sleeves, which began to light up and accelerate to absurd speeds almost immediately as it left his open sleeve to cover the massive snake.

Glitterdust, DC 23, use Arcane Reservoir for +2 to DC
move behind whoever's behind the left pillar.

Hattish Thing
2018-02-27, 12:49 AM
Ziggurat Altar/Sanctum of Runelord Krune:

The small, yet exquisite chamber crackles with otherwordly energy as the dust settles from the unfathomably powerful spell, directed towards the helpless outsider. As soon as the thin, green ray of violent light strikes Keleni, without so much as a word, the woman's flesh begins to wither way at an alarming speed, before finally, all that remains is a pile of ash.

Kurshu, Herald of Lissala grimaces once the success of the spell becomes obvious.


With an air of noble divinity, the demi-god turns her regal head towards the others, her eyes aflame with violent greenish light. The Herald of Lissala appears to take no enjoyment from the grim task ahead of her, but nor does she seem particularly concerned about the life she just brutally extinguished.

However, her determined expression quickly contorts into one of violent rage, once Xavier's twin firearms blast gaping wounds into her flesh, rending scale and feather alike.


As she reels from the shots, the others attempt to take advantage of her weakness but ultimately fail.

In response to the resistance, Kurshu raises her staff once more into the air, and within moments, a great green blast of roaring flame appears to emerge out from the very runes built into the walls and steps of the ziggurat itself, bathing the chamber in an eerie green glow.

OOC: Power Surge, Fireball. DC 22, Reflex for 1/2.

2018-02-27, 03:26 AM
Xavier raises his guns and lets loose another volley of bullets. His left weapon glows like his right as he blesses it.
He looks the Herald in the eye and says in his baritone voice to the Herald.
"This is Judgment for your many sins. Repent and your soul may still be saved,"

2018-02-27, 09:19 AM
As the fire and flames come crashing down on him, Strelock stands firm, snapping the strings of Aether to hurl the hammer back at the being of snake and feathers.

Shakened -2 to hit for 2 rounds

Point Blank Shot

Maximized Empowered Telekinetic Boomerang Kinetic Blast - Rebound
5d6+12 = 45+12 = 57 dmg

2018-02-27, 09:23 AM
Rolls to hit

2018-02-27, 04:34 PM
Being tossed forward by her party wizard, Talon drops in behind the creature and a couple of quick stabs to vital areas finishes her off.

Hattish Thing
2018-02-27, 05:47 PM
Ziggurat Altar/Sanctum of Runelord Krune:

The divine being screams in otherwordly pain, her echoing cries of agony reverberating within the ziggurat chamber. As yet another bullet pierces her side, striking a thunderous blow, she recoils in horror, divine lifeblood leaking out from her wounds, which fail to stitch back together quickly enough to overcome the damage being done to her body.

Finally, as she begins to feel the pangs of death overtake her, and her vision grows blurry and red, Kurshu glances towards the heavens, staring mournfully into the painting of Xin-Haruka.


A sad, yet determined expression falls over the face of the regal divinity before knives slash and lacerate her side, tearing flesh and severing scales. The otherwordly beautiful figure closes her eyes as the sharpened blades puncture deep, causing blood to spurt and splatter over the steps of the ziggurat.

The figure falls to the ground, her staff clattering down, her form beautiful even in death.


Seconds later, however, the droplets of blood leaking from the corpse of the Herald of Lissala begin to move of their own volition, forming a gorey splattered sequence of ominous Thassilonian runes.

:]"Enjoy your victory, and I shall enjoy mine. In your righteousness you have sacrificed my life to assure the rise of another. May Runelord Krune skin you alive and use your flesh as the canvas for the scriptures of Lissala's second coming!"


Ahead/Sanctum of Runelord Krune:

Past the corpse of the Herald of Lissala, a flight of steep stairs ascends to the north from the stone ziggurat's first tier, terminating in a large door of glittering, green skymetal. Carved into the door's center is a large seven-pointed star, known as a Sihedron, with a palm-sized disk of blue-green metal inlaid into each point and a hand print embedded in its center. The disks glow softly with blue-green light, illuminating several runes that surround the hand print.

The skymetal door has no visible hinges, nor a keyhole.

2018-02-27, 07:05 PM
Urgoch slashes the dead Herald with his scythe to just make sure it was dead.

Everyone have some healing. He says pulling out his wand. While waiting for the healing he cuts a few bits off the snake portion of the Herald to munch on while he waits. His head didn't feel too well after that fight and the healing didn't really help. It was like his mind was full of fluff. He really didn't like it.

Once the healing was done and the items were redistributed he walks over to the door. A quick look reveals nothing so he pushes on it with his medallion and then his hand if that didn't work.

2018-02-27, 07:16 PM
As soon as he could act, he rushed to the corner of the structure, and pointed an arm, at the end of which there was his closed palm, right at Talon, the double knife wielding maniac. He then forcibly brought his arm towards the snake, opening his palm to showcase another card laying there, heads up, letting the Herald witness the face of The Big Sky, as he catapulted his associate into her. The ensuing storm of knives brought down the demigod, and he almost cheered.

He rushed over the body, but stopped himself from congratulating the rogue, stopping as soon as he noticed the blood flow. He followed it, and stared at it for a few moments, allowing his unused memories of Thassilonian to come back as he read it. Any trace of a smile on his face from their first victory of the expedition disappeared. "No time to celebrate, we must move immediately," he called out, walking towards the door, not quite approaching it, "we just ensured Krune's rebirth. Hurry up!"

2018-02-27, 09:41 PM
Xavier cuts off the Heralds head and ties it to his belt. He then takes a portion of the ash and puts it In the dead woman's Haversack before grabbing her cloak and Armor. "From ashes to ashes. Rejoice in knowing your death was for the greater good,"
Xavier then follows the others.

2018-02-28, 09:49 AM
Strelok looked to the pile of ash and materials, and over the body of the demigod for a moment. Sighing a little, he followed the rest, "Move away from the door, it may be trapped when it opens." he says pulling the medallion out of his pouch and holding it in a telekinetic grip. "This looks to be the key, and if so, I can open the door without being near it."

He did pause to look around at the runes in the room for a moment to remember which one was on his token thing.

2018-02-28, 03:15 PM
"Alright, anyone know what that stuff says?" Talon asks , pointing to the runes, as she is less ... historian and more ... killer.

Hattish Thing
2018-02-28, 03:50 PM
The Hall of the Waking Runes/Sanctum of Runelord Krune:

After several minutes spent recuperating within the exquisite ziggurat chamber, Urghoc moves forward, stepping towards the door of glittering, green skymetal. While the ominous, blue-green seven-sided star carved into the door meant little to the dwarven Pathfinder, Sykes recognizes the symbol immediately. It was the Sihedron, the symbol of the Runelords of Thassilon, but more importantly in this situation, the holy symbol of the goddess of runes, Lisalla herself. At the seven serrated tips of the skymetal star, glowing disks are seen, and at the heart of each disk, a single rune can be seen.

Quickly, Sykes identifies each of the runes as the symbols meant to symbolize each of the seven kingdoms of Ancient Thassilon. Sykes spends a moment puzzling over the curious door, before it becomes clear to him that the seven kingdoms were out of order, each of the symbols set to represent an entirely different school of magic, or sin. While the Sihedron brand burnt into Urghoc's body meant that whatever defensive wards the door may have been set with had failed to activate, the door would fail to open as long as the seven disks were unaligned.

However, the disks could not be operated by hand. Sykes steps back, operating the device utilizing the Mage Hand spell. Bakrakhan is quickly set to Wrath, Ederassil to Envy, Shalast to Greed, Haruka to Sloth, Eurythnia to Sloth, Cyrusian to Pride, and finally, Gastash to Gluttony.


Once the final disk is aligned, and Urghoc places his branded hand upon the door once more, the blank skymetal block begins to slowly shake and slide, causing dust to shake off from the ceilings. After a moment, the door slides down entirely into the floor, allowing access to the Hall of the Waking Runes.

The entrance opens into an ominous fifteen-foot hallway that extends to the northeast and northwest to create a heptagonal perimeter around a well-protected central structure. The vaulted ceiling of the fifteen-foot wide hallway rises up forty-feet, and stunning paintings depicting the opulent glory of Xin-Haruka can be seen alongside runic motifs that depict Runelord Krune engaging in various acts of heroism. The magnificent paintings of the exquisite capital city of Haruka, the domain of Sloth, connect to disturbing paintings set upon the walls of the Hall of the Waking Runes. These particular paintings depict hundreds of thousands of slaves piled atop one another in agonizing towers of torn and ragged flesh while men and women in Thassilonian garb relax along the sides or brandish spiked whips set with the symbols of Lissala.

At the top of the piles, slaves raise their hands to the heavens, their fingertips connecting to the lowest sections of the city of Xin-Haruka, representative of the fact that Xin-Haruka was built atop the beaten and bloody backs of thousands of individuals their most powerful leader had enslaved over centuries of rule.

Complicated spiral designs decorated with glowing Thassilonian runes illuminate the halls, while here and there, the complicated murals are interrupted by great stone plates inlaid with blue-green skymetal, which have been built into alternating walls, each massive plate inscribed with its own immense rune. Each of the runes radiate extraordinarily powerful magic beyond even the comprehension of mere mortals, both divine and arcane. Framing each massive rune is a trio of extraplanar figures cast in stone, each one's visage twisted in anger, agony, or unfathomable despair.

The only other visible door lies on the eastern side of the central structure.


Identify Runes: Knowledge: Religion, Knowledge: Arcana, Spellcraft, and Linguistics. [7 Runes]:

2018-03-01, 03:23 PM
After getting explained what the runes do, Strelok nods, picking up the body of the decapitated snake woman in his telekinetic grip, and hurling it as hard as he could up against the runes himself. Blood and bits of flesh splatter every where, but it worked.

Again he gathered power, and slammed it against another rune, splitting it twang.

"I think the body is still good for a weapon." he says.

Hattish Thing
2018-03-01, 04:53 PM
The Hall of the Waking Runes/Sanctum of Runelord Krune:

After quite some time spent deciphering the purpose of the ominous runes before deactivating a majority of them utilizing some clever thinking, the drums suddenly cease. Simultaneously, the lights within the Hall of the Waking Runes dim, before deactivating entirely, plunging the halls into pitch black darkness.

Seconds later, Sykes and Miranda will feel the firm group of a pair of highly muscular individuals clasp over their mouths before the pain of being practically impaled by the rough blade of a massive, rune-carved greatsword. The pain is overwhelming, and Sykes immediately drops, his chest punctured right through, the gaping wound spurting blood across the floor.

His body hits the ground hard.



OOC: Scorching Ray to Xavier, Cultists attacking Sykes and Talon. The hall has been plunged into Magical Darkness.

2018-03-01, 05:17 PM
Strelok rolls his eyes as the lights go dark. Honestly, was he sent with a group of frail children and old people? Granted, the could do things he couldn't, but they needed to stop falling like flies. At least the one that just fell was still alive, but barely according to the readout of his mask. A useful little item he had after all, as he walked over between talon and sykes to touch the fallen arcanist, punching his soul back into his body.
"Get back in there and make these people dead."

Strelok would have healed the dropped wizard, but of course there always goes to be someone who is annoying. So instead he suddenly disappears, bending light around him.

Giving Sykes 1 burn to heal [roll0]

2018-03-02, 12:19 AM
(posting two actions, one without ham flanking and one with because i have no idea what hes doing ...)

(with ham flanking)

Talon will jump over to the left and stab the bitch who stabbed her .... (full attack, 4 attacks in total with sneak, taking the wait action or whatever it is to go after he moves over to flank)


(without ham doing something useful :P)

Stepping back from the sudden attack, and cursing, hearing more then seeing the mage fall ,damn ... maybe he could get rid of this darkness .... she pulls out her wand and cast a cure light wounds upon him.

(5ft step back, ASSUMING HE DOESNT FOLLOW, (i know your tricks ..) will cast 1 charge of cure light wounds upon fed)

2018-03-02, 02:13 AM
Xavier rushes in to the fray so he may defend the mage. He stands on the mages body and looks the enemy in the eyes. He chants
"You have been found guilty of aiding the rise of Krune. The sentence is death and decapitiation,"
He levels his pistol and fires at the Caster who scorched him.

2018-03-03, 08:57 AM
Urgoch casts a spell and disappears. He then walks over to flank the cultist with Talon. No need to announce it, either Talon would realize what he was doing or not.

Hopefully with Strelok being invisible they would be fine. No one was dealing with the casters and fifty percent of the people were blind but at least they had flanks. Hopefully, he could help take out one of the casters soon but for now he would just help with the flank.

If VA had a reach weapon casting defensively [roll0] and assuming I grabbed the torc from the ashes seeing no one else seemed to claim it (if it was subtract 2 from this)

Moving to the opposite side of where Talon is so that I'm flanking with them.

Hattish Thing
2018-03-03, 09:41 PM
The Hall of the Waking Runes/Sanctum of Runelord Krune:

Talon makes quick work of the first tattooed bodyguard, slicing and raking chunks of flesh, spilling blood across the floor. With a gurgle, the helpless bodyguard coughs blood, spraying it across the tapestry of Xin-Haruka before falling to a knee, burying his rough greatsword into the floor, attempting to support himself upon its weight.

However, Talon finishes with a final slice, cutting the man's throat before leaving him to die upon the floor of the blessed halls, choking upon his own blood.


In rage, the twin bodyguard calls out a name in Thassilonian, focusing his rage upon the gunner, not understanding what in the world the gunslinging inquisitor was saying, nor understanding his futuristic weapon. With a grim expression upon his face, the bodyguard bashes with the hilt first, breaking Xavier's nose and stunning him, before bringing the sword down, severing fingers and causing the revolver to fall to the ground, scattering and sliding upon the tile. As the bodyguard's gaze grows only more intense, he brings the greatsword down once more, slicing through Xavier's shoulder, cutting him in twain.

He crumples to the floor, bleeding out atop Sykes' body.


Meanwhile, the woman all in green and gold smirks from beneath her lavish facial mask, pleased with how the encounter was proceeding. Once Talon cuts down one of her bodyguards, she grows more concerned, and quickly points a sharp, painted golden finger towards Talon.

"The cat has claws, I see."

"Not for long."