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View Full Version : Sources of Free Modules

2018-02-21, 10:44 AM
So, what sources of legitimately free modules do you use? I am emphatically NOT talking about "Well you can torrent Red Hand of Doom from this place". Rather, I mean "This place puts up free modules and adventure sites to use (sometimes amidst pay material, as well).

For me, one of the big sources if Dragonsfoot (https://www.dragonsfoot.org/ad/index.shtml). They're primarily 1st edition AD&D material, but that means it's a pretty seamless conversion for oD&D and 2e, as well as retroclones and a lot of OSR games.

Kenzerco has a few free modules for Hackmaster (http://www.kenzerco.com/hackmaster/downloads.php), which goes well with Hackmaster Basic, a free game.

And Drivethrurpg (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse.php?pto=0&pfrom=0) has a bunch of free resources for all sorts of things, including modules.

What are some sources you use?

2018-02-21, 05:04 PM
I've never used a module before, technically speaking.

However in live sessions (as opposed to PbP) I tend to run dungeon divers, because they are just simpler to run. In order to eliminate a lot of the paperwork, I started incorporating the maps and quests from an old board game I used to play called Hero Quest (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/HeroQuest).

The game has long since been discontinued and is now a collectible (I really wish I hadn't given mine away), but there is still a minority community of die hard fans who make free dungeon crawls for the system. Because it's based on Forgotten Realms lore it ports into D&D with only a few easy adjustments.

I refluff the Femir into Hobgoblins and use basic Monster Manual stats instead of the stats provided for the monsters and roll treasure according to the DMG instead of using the treasure provided.

It's clunkier than running a true module, but it's free and legal.

Here's the link, in case you want to check it out. (http://north-american.yeoldeinn.com/system.php)

2018-02-22, 09:20 AM
Not really adding anything useful since my source of free modules is Drivethrurpg as well...

I'm mostly responding so that I'll be more aware of any possible useful answers :smallbiggrin:

Everyone likes free stuff after all :smallamused: