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View Full Version : Other Steeds

brian 333
2018-02-21, 11:44 AM
This topic (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?551675-Divine-Steed-(feat-for-Horses-of-the-Apocalypse-and-other-Paladin-mounts)) inspired me to think of steeds from each of the alignment planes for use by the divine champions of each alignment. Using the Paladin's Warhorse as a template, I introduce 'skins' for the various alignment-based steeds.

LG = Paladin Warhorse

LN = Iron Horse, a mechanical steampunk horse fueled by wood, charcoal, or coal. It breathes out smoke and its dung is ash. In heavy activity its nostrils blow fire.

LE = Red Horse, a blood-colored steed which eats flesh and relishes combat.

NE = Nightmare, scaled down or up to equal the Paladin's warhorse.

CE = Skeletal Horse, perhaps with tatters of flesh. It consumes the bones of sapient beings.

CN = Water Horse, a physical manifestation of chaos which assumes the shape of a translucent horse.

CG = Spirit Horse, an insubstantial mist in the general shape of a horse becomes more substantial when its rider is mounted.

NG = Holy Mount, a golden steed of impressive stature which derives sustenence from pure thoughts and fervent prayer.

TN = This is a regular horse, perhaps derived from the six elements held in perfect balance.

Of course, the stats needed will vary by the game system, but in each case I'd say the Paladin Warhorse should be the template, and such creatures should require a feat to obtain if it is not already a class feature. I'd also recommend this be available only to those chosen by a deity as an exemplar of the faith, such as Blackguards, Divine Champions, and Paladins.

Each steed would have thematic benefits and drawbacks, such as the TN steed potentially having DR versus elemental attacks or the LN steed being immune to Death Magic.

I'm unfamiliar with any game version post D&D 3.5, but I could flesh out the basic premise for use in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd editions if someone is interested enough.

2018-02-21, 05:49 PM
I like it! (though I'm obviously biased haha)