View Full Version : Tomb of annihilation ending question(no spoilers)

2018-02-21, 06:36 PM
Question: can the item sm be used by pc's

(Context)So my party of six starting lvl 2 embarked on our first play through. We are however a little unconventional when it comes to our alignment. By no means are we murder hobos but we each have clear character goals and often believe ends justify the means. Which brings me to my wizard, who is obsessed with perserving his life well beyond his years.

So with that in mind my wizard who by the end of this camp was close got pretty close to hitting 15, had learned about the process of lich hood through a certain faction that shows up. At first our help was unintentional but became instrumental in pushing forward in this camp. Again to avoid spoilers if u have not played though or to what faction I am referring hit me up and I will explain under a spoiler warning. Anyway this got me thinking about the lich raw requirements. I've read several posts on it and think I understand. Furthermore when used in conjunction with the demon binding guide on here I think my chances are pretty good though it borders home brew territory.

Anyway we have as of now not entered the final chamber, we scouted it out with invisible pets and blah blah. We meet in 2 weeks so I want to have something raw based for my dm.

But there is a certain item in the room that we are suppose to destroy however as a wizard considering lichhood for the sake of immortality such an item would be a amazing for gathering souls to fill a lichs requirements for fresh souls. I know we have to kill a certain something and fight a certain some one based on Our actions with npcs who have foreshadowed things that await us and my group may be strong enough to do it.

But conceptual before I hash out semantics is such a thing even possible