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2018-02-21, 08:02 PM
In the city of Neverwinter, a dwarf named Gundren Rockseeker asked you to bring a wagon load of provisions to the rough-and-tumble settlement of Phandalin, a couple of days' travel southeast of the city. Gundren was clearly excited and more than a little secretive about his reasons for the trip, saying only that he and his brothers had found "something big," and that he'd pay you 10 gp for escorting his supplies safely to Barthen's Provisions, a trading post in Phandalin. He introduced you to the rest of the hired team, and then set out ahead of you on horse, along with a warrior escort named Sildar Hallwinter, claiming he needed to arrive early to "take care of business."

This corner of the city is still. Few people seem to move through this small outer district and it takes let than a minute to guess why. Th smells of farm life dance throught the air suddenly. The thunderous steps of heavy hooves disrupt the peaceful morning. The sun bears down on the clearing as the sounds of a stampede draws nearer. From behind the stable come two robust oxen, and with them a wagon stacked with supplies. A young dragonborn comes sprinting after them, sweat pooling in the collar of his shirt. He looks around the gathered group with thinly veiled surprise in his eyes.

"You lot here for Rockseeker's delivery, right? Any of you think you can manage these guys?" He slaps one of the oxen on its hind.

2018-02-21, 08:27 PM
Ten gold

That’s the thought going through Elanon’s head as he approaches the meeting spot. It’s a lot of money, more than he’s seen in his entire life. He’s ready to get out and see the world and try new things, get out from under the yoke of his oppressive Clan.

As he walks up, he sees a Dragonborn, drenched in sweat. The child then has the gall to question his capabilities. Elanon snorts in response to the Dragonborn’s question and stands near the wagon, acknowledging fact that he’s supposed to be here, but not engaging with anybody more than to exchange names if they press him.

2018-02-21, 09:46 PM
A slight figure in a tattered, dark robe slinks out of the shadows and pulls back a hood to reveal a female tiefling face. Dull blue skin, dark red eyes and purple hair are framed by coppery horns that curl up from her forehead and back around her ears. Most of her hair is braided around the horns and hangs down to her shoulders.

In a squeaky, shy voice she says, "I was sent by Sildar Hallwinter to escort a cart of merchant's wares to the small town of Phandalin. He said I'd be paid ten pieces of gold. I'm not a teamster."

2018-02-21, 10:37 PM
Kalaham Duskrun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=929708)Level 1 Fighter | HP: 10/10 | AC: 19 | PP: 13

So far so good. Dervish's suggestion of work panned out and now Kalaham is standing here with a group of others ready to guide some oxen. Everything seemed to be the norm until he say this woman pull back her hood. What a sight.... I've heard of... but... wow... this is a first for me.. He's never actually met a tiefling before. Not wanting to gawk though he steps forward to address the dragonborn individual, another sight for Kalaham's eyes... I truly am out of my element...

Nodding at the others and the dragonborn Kalaham finally speaks, My name is Kalaham. I'm also here to guard the wagon. I've interacted with oxen before but I wouldn't exactly say I'm well versed on the subject... I'd be better off just keeping watch if anyone else is better.

Wheaton's Whelp
2018-02-21, 10:38 PM
As he sat waiting of the job to arrive, Dorn wondered how far east it would take for the brine smell of the sea to disperse to an indistinguishable point. He was running out of natural elements to remind him of home. The soils of his home were always a dense black dirt, the result of eroded volcanic stone; but, the sand he stood in currently was different, a fine material which spilled from his hand. The island held a small number of pine trees, but here enormous forests containing all sorts of unknown vegetation and wildlife. The clamor of the hooves, the sweat-dripped Dragonborn, and a cast of unlikely compatriots... a lot to take in. So much so he almost missed the Dragonborn's words.

"Ah... greetings. Not much training in such work, but I can always try my hand." He walks up and pats a shoulder of the closest beast of burden. "And I can't speak for everyone, but I was lured by Mr. Rockseeker's offer of work. A...friend pointed me here. Name's Dorn. Any idea how far this Phandalin is?"

2018-02-21, 11:21 PM
"I'm Ushozi," the tiefling says meekly, then adds with a little more boldness and confidence, "it should take a couple of days, or so I was told." She notices the reaction of Kalaham to her appearance and pulls her hood back over her head with a subtle scoff, "Have any of you ever traveled this route before?"

2018-02-22, 02:45 AM
Seeing the wagon arrive, Seth steps out of a side alley and makes his way over. He wears a dark brown hooded cloak, a battered backpack, and the expression of a man wrestling with a beast of a hangover. Gods only know what they were serving at the Broken Crown last night.

Seth takes one glance at the oxen and emphatically shakes his head. "I was hired to escort an ox wagon, not to drive the damn thing." His eyes quickly dart to the goods themselves:- I wonder if there's anything valuable hidden in there?

Wisdom (Perception) to get a basic sense of the wagon's contents: [roll0]

"I'm Seth by the way" he adds without looking up, his eyes still on the wagon.

2018-02-22, 05:21 AM
There doesn't seem to be anything particularly high in value on first glance. There's an assortment of used mining gear piled high in the back of the wagon and a few barrels and sacks of what you can only assume is a healthy supply of food. The smell of salted pork in particular is overpowering. You also see two kegs tied down to one side and immediately have a few flashbacks to the night before. As you continue to quickly scan the items, you finally spot something that seems out of place lodged between two sacks. A small vial, red liquid still sloshing around from the oxen's vigourous run.

The dragonborn chuckles softly. He takes another quick glance around the group and then beckons Dorn and Kalasham forward. He introduces the two men to the oxen, Thunder and Buck. He recommends staying clear of Buck's hooves at all times. The young boy takes a couple minutes to explain the basics of controlling the animals and manoeuvring the wagon. He hands the reins to Dorn and strolls back toward the stable. With his back turned to the group, he shouts,

"The dwarf said to tell you all that Ilmare Barten's the guy to see for your coin in Phandalin."

You all notice that he sort of stumbles over the name.
And, unless you tell me otherwise, I'll assume that Dorn and Kalasham are at the reins.

2018-02-22, 07:42 AM
Kalaham Duskrun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=929708)Level 1 Fighter | HP: 10/10 | AC: 19 | PP: 13

Not really the friendly type but knowing how to get things moving Kalaham looks at the young dragonborn and bends into a low bow. "You have my thanks."

Walking around to the wagon Kalaham gives a quick once over the contents, making sure everything is secure before moving up to the front of the cart. He positions himself next to the reins, allowing Dorn a seat to steer the way. He glances back to the rest of the group and calls out to them, "Are we ready to set off? From what I heard it's a few days ride from here so we best start out as early as we can"

I know Dorn will have the reins for this so since we both are in charge I'll throw out my animal handling assist roll to help him out a bit: [roll0]

Wheaton's Whelp
2018-02-22, 10:37 AM
Eyes wide with excitement as Dorn clutches the oxens' reigns. Mulling over all the little techniques to flick and pull to steer the cart taught by the Dragonborn. Nice and slow to start... Nice and Slow! With a light crack of the reigns the oxen lumber forward.

Check with ADV from Kalaham: [roll0] or [roll1]

2018-02-22, 03:21 PM
Ushozi quietly slides up beside the halfling to have a look in the back of the cart, "We should know what we're guarding, at least in general. I wonder if I can manage to make a spot where I can ride."

She grins fiercely and climbs up into the cart, then starts rummaging around as she adds, "If anything attacks us it'd be nice to have part of the cargo actively defending itself."

Perception [roll0]
Investigation [roll1]
(If she sees it or if Seth points it out) Arcana on that liquid [roll2]

2018-02-22, 03:51 PM
Oh, what do we have here then?, Seth ponders as he eyes the mysterious vial of liquid. Now what was it Katernin had said to him last night? Something about Rockseeker and Hallwinter, wasn't it? He tried to bring to mind his beer-blurred memories, but succeeded only in making his headache worse. Godsdammit, he was sure it had been something important...

In any case, he'd want to get a proper look at whatever it was when he got the chance. With a quick glance to check nobody is looking, Seth pulls a piece of sackcloth down over the vial to conceal it from view - only just in time for Ushozi to turn up beside him. So much for keeping it hidden, he thinks grimly as he watches her rummage through the wagon.

Sighing, he clambers on top of a few sacks of grain and tries to make himself as comfortable as he can. "Are we going to get a move on soon?" he calls out to the drivers, "The sooner we get to Phandalin, the sooner we get our gold from Barthen or Barten or whatever his name is."

2018-02-22, 06:14 PM
Everyone begins to get themselves situated for the journey. Dorn sits up front with the reins held loosely in his hands for the moment. Alongside him, Kalaham watches on, anxious to get out on the High Road. In the back of the wagon, Seth sits perched atop sacks of grain, fingers tapping rhythmically on the side of the wagon impatiently awaiting departure. Elanon quietly stands beside the wagon, looking on as Ushozi carelessly explores the supplies. She is almost finished digging through the piles when she uncovers a small piece of cloth and grabs the vial underneath for a closer look.

As soon as you pick up the vial and bring it closer to your face, you know immediately that this is a standard potion of healing. You've seen a few vials in your time, they are very common in Waterdeep.
Ushozi parts the now disorganised supplies and settles in. With the group ready and waiting, Dorn follows the quick instruction he received from the young stablehand. At first the oxen don't respond, but with a second tug of the reins, the wagon slowly presses onward.

Wheaton's Whelp
2018-02-22, 07:24 PM
The initial struggle to get the oxen moving quickly faded as the wagon made its way further down the High Road. The ride seemed so chaotic with random bumps and rocks to start, but with time each jostle became less and less unnerving to Dorn. Twenty minutes in his elevated heart rate had returned to a normal steady pace. Quite enchanted with the armor of Kalaham, Dorn watched out of the corner of his eye how the sun's rays reflected off after being broken apart by the occasional tree canopy.

Later into the day, Dorn finally builds the courage to attempt a conversation, "Kalaham, right? I must say, my martial training is limited, but do you not find that thick armor and shield of yours restrictive? Rather sturdy myself, youngest whaler in our town in truth, but half a sunny day and I'd be spent."

2018-02-22, 08:27 PM
Elanon walks beside the wagon as it moves. He’s not used to riding in vehicles or on animals, so he trusts his feet. He listens to the chatter in the wagon but doesn’t engage, partially to learn more about the party he’s contracted to guard with and partially because he just doesn’t do well around others.

He scans the horizon, keeping an eye out for anything that he thinks may be out of place, but other than that he’s alone with his thoughts.

I’m basically just sticking with my passive perception here (15) and not really trying to be active about anything.

2018-02-23, 02:51 AM
Seth could feel his spirits lift as the wagon got underway. Gods, it feels good to be on the road again, he thought, watching Neverwinter fade into the distance. Sure, he'd made the city his home for a few months and had managed to survive there, but he was a country boy at heart. And Seth wanted more from this life than mere survival.

Seth is sitting with his back to the direction of travel, watching the road behind them and the scenery (trees?) to either side. Passive perception: 14.

2018-02-23, 10:54 AM
"Hey Seth," Ushozi holds up the vial as she settles in, "look what I found. It's a healing potion."

2018-02-23, 11:14 AM
"Huh... I wonder what that's doing there?" Seth replies, trying to feign mild surprise at Ushozi's discovery. "Seems odd that it should just be lying around."

"How can you tell it's a healing potion?" he asks after a short pause, this time speaking more genuinely. He'd learned how to identify herbs as a child and could vaguely recall a few of his mother's more basic recipes, but he'd never had the know-how to identity potions from sight alone.

2018-02-24, 12:08 AM
The tiefling shrugs, "Odd indeed," she mutters something (in infernal, cast Thaumaturgy) and an ominous, indistinguishable whisper is heard behind Seth. A moment later her eyes flash bright red as she sinks into her robes, "finders keepers."

She chuckles softly at the second question, "Because I know magic," another phrase muttered (in draconic this time, cast Mage Hand) and a wave of her hand conjures a spectral hand, which she puts the potion into, "and I've seen these before, lots of times actually, in Waterdeep."

Her eyes return to normal, which is to say a deep red, and she grins mischievously as the hand holds the potion out between her and Seth, "You can have the potion if you're fast enough. I suspect you're the one who covered it up, and I sorta came along at the wrong moment. But lets make it fun, first to grab it. Ready? Go!"

Maybe dex check (+0) or sleight of hand (+2), DM? [roll0]
The hand comes over to pull her hood over her head, then vanishes as she asks, "Anyway, have you ever traveled much? What dangers might lie along this road?"

2018-02-24, 12:37 AM
Kalaham is content to sit at the head of the wagon with Dorn. Surprisingly the ride is off to a bit of a peaceful start. A nice change of pace.

Dorn finally builds the courage to attempt a conversation, "Kalaham, right? I must say, my martial training is limited, but do you not find that thick armor and shield of yours restrictive? Rather sturdy myself, youngest whaler in our town in truth, but half a sunny day and I'd be spent."

Kalaham turns to Dorn and gives him a soft smile, appreciating the pleasant conversation. "You know it's not too bad. I've always been the strong one in my group, even as a child, so lugging this armor around doesn't phase me much. I guess I've just gotten used to it..." He thinks back for a moment, thoughts drifting inward before he snaps himself out of it. "I will admit though it would be nice to not have to wear it all the time. I'm new to this land and not very accustomed to how things are. It leaves me a little more on edge you see."

Kalaham does his best to maintain conversation while keeping his eyes peered out to the road ahead. A simple guard job can always turn south in an instant, he would know... most of all...

Perception: [roll0]

2018-02-24, 04:16 AM
Seth jumps at the tiefling's whisper trick and then scowls. He doesn't answer Ushozi but stares intently at the potion floating in from of him. Okay mage, you want to play this game? Let's see how quick you really are...

As the wagon bounces slightly over a loose stone on the road, and with the sunlight behind him, he makes his move. Quick as a blink, he grabs the potion out of the spectral hand and is back sitting on the sacks again, gently tossing and catching the vial in one hand. "Didn't see me that time, did you?" he says with a smile.

"Yeah I've traveled a fair bit I guess," Seth continues. His little triumph has put him in a good mood and he's feeling talkative. "Never been out this way though. Reckon it's just bandits and wolves and the like we'll have to watch out for. It all seems pretty tame at the moment."

"How about you - you traveled much? When were you in Waterdeep?"

Wheaton's Whelp
2018-02-24, 11:29 AM
The travel seems to pass quickly as Dorn continues to converse with Kalaham. It seems neither party are all too forthcoming with personal information as the topics rarely verge on background intrusive subjects. However, even with that being so, Dorn enjoys being able to talk with someone again. Later into the day both grow a weary of talking and let their eyes focus on the road. Patrolling the area around with their eyes on a swivel, both for protection and to take in the passing scenery.

Perception as we ride, going to roll with disadvantage as Dorn is also quite concerned with keeping the oxen in line: [roll0] or [roll1]

As the sun settles on the horizon, broken by the canopy of trees, Kalaham and Dorn begin to search for a place to make camp for the night.

2018-02-24, 11:43 AM
Kalaham Duskrun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=929708)Level 1 Fighter | HP: 10/10 | AC: 19 | PP: 13

As the sun begins to set the two driving the cart begin looking for a place to stop and camp. Slowly leaning over, as to not alarm Dorn, Kalaham moves close enough to whisper to Dorn, as to not allow the others to hear over jostling of progress. "Dorn, I know this may seem closed minded of me but I have a question." pausing for a moment to consider the words before continuing, "Our companion, Ushozi, she is a... ti..tieling... no, uh. AHA Tiefling... Right? I've only ever heard stories of them and are not too familiar. I don't feel any need to be worried, just more fascinated if anything... Maybe I'll try to ask her some questions over the fire. What would you suggest?"
Kalaham isn't really sure what he is looking for bringing up this conversation topic. He just had the thought lingering on his mind and wanted someone to talk to about it.

2018-02-24, 11:48 AM
Ushazi looks disappointed as the potion seems to simply vanish from her magic hand before she could even move. Then she grins and nods, "Fast hands, almost magical, well done Seth."

Taking out a dagger, she carefully slices open a sack of apples, "Until a few days ago, my entire life was spent in Waterdeep. A friend convinced me to travel to Neverwinter to take this job."

Replacing the dagger she takes out three apples, pockets one, bites into another, and offers the third to Seth. She mutters a few strange words (in draconic, cast Mending) as one hand passes over the opening she made. Faint purple energy seems to repair the sack, leaving it perfectly intact with no sign it was ever cut, "Bandits and wolves, eh? Doesn't seem too scary, and our companions all seem well armed and sturdy. If we have any trouble we should watch each other's back."

Wheaton's Whelp
2018-02-24, 04:10 PM
"Dorn, I know this may seem closed minded of me but I have a question." pausing for a moment to consider the words before continuing, "Our companion, Ushozi, she is a... ti..tieling... no, uh. AHA Tiefling... Right? I've only ever heard stories of them and are not too familiar. I don't feel any need to be worried, just more fascinated if anything... Maybe I'll try to ask her some questions over the fire. What would you suggest?"

Dorn hadn't much familiarization with anything but humans, and bits of communication with merfolk and sahaugin. Tieflings were mentioned briefly in some of the texts shared to him by the Society though. "From what I can recall, Tieflings are victims of circumstance. Normal individuals cursed to bear the repercussions of deeds performed before their birth. I'd say look passed the appearance and speak to her as you have to me during this ride." Dorn became thankful in this moment for his transformation not having progressed in an easily visible way. Be bore no outward symbol of his past deeds, and thus suffered no public stigma. "I will say I'm curious as to her abilities. Apart from the crossbow on her back she seems to be traveling light for guard duty. Maybe a demonstration of skills is in order tonight around the fire?"

2018-02-24, 06:29 PM
As the light of day begins to fade, Dorn pulls the wagon off the road to a nearby caravan camping site. The heavily trodden path is filled with carts, carriages and wagons. The shouts of traders trying to sell their last wares of the day, the clipping of hooves as pack animals drag heavy weights to and from the road, the squeaking wheels of the carts struggling to keep moving under pressure stand in stark contrast to the quiet conversations taking place on Gundren's wagon. The aromas in the air too are overwhelming as Dorn and Kalaham pull the oxen to a gradual stop. Elanon sidles up alongside and slips to the floor. His feet thrumming with the aches of the day's journey. To the left of the wagon, one vendor holds up a haunch of cooked meat. On the right, a traveller dressed in unfamiliar garb gets bombarded by spritzes of perfume. Lingering amongst it all is the rich scent of nature. The clearing sits just off the road and is bordered on all other sides by thick vegetation. There is a bonfire roaring in the centre of the scene coming into full view. A svelte half elf dances in the glow of the flames shaking a tambourine to the rhythm of her hips while an elderly kenku plays a dulcimer in accompaniment. Individuals of all sort sit in scattered groups enjoying the atmosphere.The perimeter of the campsite is being patrolled by armoured men and women sporting two distinct colours. The vibrant blue surcoats marking half as members of the Neverwinter guard while the others wear the deep purple of Waterdeep.

2018-02-24, 06:47 PM
Once the cart stops, Ushozi slips out the back and shuffles over to the meat vendor. Muttering something as she pulls her hood back, her eyes flash a solid gold, "How much?"

Whatever price is asked, she'll try to haggle. She'll only pay half or less.

With food to share or not, she stays near the wagon. They're being paid to guard it's contents, after all.

With no other choice but the bare ground, she'll sleep in the cart. If we're doing night shifts she'll take last watch.

2018-02-24, 07:46 PM
Elanon, tired from the day of travel, trusts only his own rations. Focused entirely on his duties, he will quickly eat and then work toward establishing his own guard of the wagon. He scouts the area and looks for any weak spots in the guard’s patrol.

After that, he walks through the crowd and attempts to find an individual to give him any information in regards to the road ahead, especially safety concerns.

Depending on who he finds, he would probably buy a small, cheap item or a beer for them. He would not spend more than 3s on it.

Perception for likely informant [roll0]
Diplomacy for info (if needed), rolling twice in case advantage for buying stuff: [roll1] roll 2 [roll2]
Insight for trustworthiness of person and info (twice if needed for each thing): [roll3] roll 2 [roll4]

Wheaton's Whelp
2018-02-24, 08:45 PM
Much like a long day at sea, Dorn is always a bit surprised how tiring a day of sitting and doing largely nothing can make you. The congregation of wagons, merchants, and guards appeared a perfect resting place. Would take quite a thief to take on an encampment with mercenaries and posted guards. It didn't take long to unhitch the oxen and find a nice space of grazing land to let them rest. Deciding not to waste a chance for cooked meat and fresh produce, Dorn happily pays market price for a rather decent meal for one. Stationed a little way away from the wagon, he makes a small, crackling fire and lays his bedroll near the oxen in the field. Removing his armor brings a cooling sensation as fresh air hits the sweaty flesh beneath. After finishing his meal, Dorn walks around and makes small talk with those willing to chat.

Let me know what the cost of the meal was and I can mark that off on my sheet. (Modest meal of 3 sp?)

Party members who talk with Dorn learn the following:

Dorn is not originally from the mainland, but rather an island town off the Sword Coast.
The bladed-harpoon (Glaive in mechanics) he carries was given to him as a reward for his first killed whale.
A halfling friend named Rheon told him about this job, and he took it in Rheon's place.
Dorn is looking to develop his martial prowess quickly, and is seeking to learn from those around him.
After the day of driving the wagon, Dorn strongly suggests others take night watch.
Obvious to the others that he is quite young and inexperienced

While walking through the camps Dorn looks for oddities, or potential dangers (Perceptions): [roll0]
Doffs his armor and removes most of his gear (except his glaive), placing them on the wagon.

Content with his night, Dorn returns to his fire, now low, and reads from his book for a brief while before tucking it beneath him and settling in for bed.

2018-02-25, 11:37 AM
Kalaham Duskrun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=929708)Level 1 Fighter | HP: 10/10 | AC: 19 | PP: 13

Kalaham nods his head at Dorns suggestion, appreciating his candidness.

Finally arriving to make camp Kalaham works to getting a fire set up. He pays no mind to the others or those patrolling. While one could easily feel safe with the patrolling guards of the site Kalaham unfortunately feels uneasy. His 'exile', as he would call it, no more than 6 months ago and still very fresh for him. And so he sits, staring into the fire not really engaging in chat. Already forgetting about Dorn's suggestion with the tiefling, Kalaham just reflects on his past and sits quietly.

As things begin to wind down Kalaham will suggest taking first and second watch, nodding to Dorn that he is good to rest through the night. "Elanon that just leaves you with the 3rd watch then."

So I'm guessing Survival for making the fire: [roll0]
1st Watch Perception: [roll1]
2nd Watch Perception: [roll2]

2018-02-25, 01:58 PM
On the road:

Seth happily accepts the apple from Ushozi and munches on it hungrily. "Sounds like a plan to me", he says between bites, "If trouble turns up, you can zap them and I'll stick 'em full of arrows!"

Later on:

Seth hops out of the cart and walks alongside it as the party approaches the caravan site. His legs are stiff from riding in the wagon and it feels good to stretch them. Seeing the numbers of traders about he briefly considers scouting around for good thieving opportunities, but with both Neverwinter and Waterdeep guards out in force he decides against it. Not hanging around to arrange watch shifts - If they want me to play lookout they can try and kick me awake later - Seth slips away into the centre of the campsite, moving among the crowds with eyes and ears peeled for signs of anything threatening, unusual or just plain interesting.

After a short while he returns to the others, now in possession of a large mug of strong ale and a rather grim-looking bowl of something that was probably either porridge or stew -the old woman doling it out had been rather vague on that front. Sitting beside the fire Dorn made, he passes the time in conversation with him.

Perception roll to spot anything that Seth specifically might consider a threat to him (i.e. obvious shady characters, guards who might recognise him from Neverwinter etc.), as well as anything out-of-the-ordinary for a camp like this: [roll0]

Expenses: 1.5 mugs of ale and a poor meal for 1 sp total.

Dorn, and anyone else who might join them at the fire, learns the following from their conversation:-

Seth's worked odd jobs for Gundren Rockseeker a few times before. They've been pretty dull, mostly guarding storehouses and the like, but they've paid okay.
Seth arrived in Neverwinter as a ship's hand aboard the Keyleth, but didn't really get on with the crew. He's in no hurry to go to sea again.
Seth's hoping to find more work when he gets to Phandalin - he's heard that there's decent opportunities on the frontier.
Seth is originally from a village called Mossytree, but the village elders took a disliking to him so he had to leave. (Deception roll: [roll1])
Seth doesn't like talking about families and abruptly changes the subject if they're mentioned.

Perception roll if woken up for watch duty: [roll2]

With the fire fading, Seth gathers his belongings close to him, rolls out his bedroll in a sheltered spot, and turns in for the night.

2018-03-01, 05:46 PM
Seeing the others start a small fire and gather around near the wagon, Ushozi joins them. Though not chatty, she will answer questions.

She grew up in the streets of Waterdeep and has no memory of her origins
The journey from there to Neverwinter was the first time she ever left the city
She believes that change is the nature of things, so she's here to change her life
She’s a sorceress (uses thaumaturgy to play with the fire, change her eye color, and create a harmless tremor under Seth)

She returns to sleep in the cart, nestled among the cargo. She'll take last watch, skulking around the cart in the darkness.

Wheaton's Whelp
2018-03-27, 10:19 AM
The night is still for all watches. Bundled in a makeshift community of carts and wagons, each watch passes uninterrupted.

Moving around the camp, you don't see too many of he guards wearing the insignia of Neverwinter, or even of Neverwinter noble houses. Most appear to be like your group, likely paid to protect a specific individual or cargo. The others around are keeping to themselves and not moving from their spaces.

As the sun crests the horizon, splintered by the branches of the surrounding trees, the party wakes to find the wagon and gear untouched. A nearby caravan brings out a handful of percolators, filling the camp with the smells of brewing coffee, and offering cups to those around for a nominal fee. Waiting for Dorn to return with the oxen, minute by minute passes until worry begins to bubble. His camp has been cleaned with the fire dampened yet still throwing a bit of heat, with a note struck into the tree he was beneath.

"I am sorry, but I do not know if I can do this. The sea haunts my dreams as I move inland. I wish you all well on this journey, and who knows, maybe we'll meet again one day. The oxen are well feed and ready for the day ahead of them. Best wishes, - Dorn."

Returning the beast of burden to the wagon, the group finds themselves a day's travel away from Phandalin, and merely a couple hour trip until you hit the Triboar Trail.

Let me know where everyone will be during the day's travel.

The party is down to four with Dorn running back to the sea. I will send a PM to let everyone know a post has been made.

As DM, I will do my best to respond quickly to all posts which require DM interaction. I will post in the OOC Thread some little bits about my DM style/preferences.

2018-03-27, 01:16 PM
"Huh, well would you look at that..." Seth remarks, glancing over the note, "Hey, do you reckon this means we'll get his pay?"

Without much further thought, Seth makes ready to leave the camp. It's not like he actually knew Dorn at all, and he'd gotten used to sudden partings in his time since leaving home.

"Come on then, are we setting off for Phandalin or what?" he says impatiently, despite having only just got ready himself. "We've wasted enough hanging around here as it is!"

Seth will walk ahead of the cart, staying well clear of the oxen and keeping an eye out for any trouble ahead.

Also FYI as a player I'm sad we're losing Dorn, even if Seth isn't too fussed!

2018-03-27, 01:35 PM
Elanon watched the man go. He never took the man’s name. One more weakling gone, one less body to worry about. An elf would have never acted so cowardly, but that’s what happens when you consort with the lesser races.

His meditation complete, he does a before trip inspection of himself and then takes his place to the side of the cart, inspecting the countryside for anything notable during their travel

OOC: passive perception is 15

2018-03-28, 06:49 AM
Kalaham Duskrun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=929708)Level 1 Fighter | HP: 10/10 | AC: 19 | PP: 13

Kalaham reads over the note, shaking his head. "Shame. He seemed like a decent fellow. I expected him to have more honor..." Standing there, he ponders for a moment, reflecting back on his wife and kid... Could I run back to them... would I be able to help... No.... Looking up at the wagon he sees the others preparing to depart. Breaking out of the trance he heads over and brushes the oxen, making sure they are good and ready to be handled.

Once all the packing and preparations have been met Kalaham gets into the drivers seat of the wagon and sets off. He carries on along the road, following the path instructed, and does his best to keep a steady hand over the oxen. Hopefully he doesn't have to focus on them too much and can take in the countryside around him. This new land has many beautiful sights to see, but with that came many dangers and he needed to be prepared.

Ok so Kalaham has his armor on and will be in the driver seat of the cart. Taking us along the bumpy road..
Animal Handling Check: [roll0] (Hoping spending a few extra minutes in the morning with the animals may have helped him have an easier time :smallsmile:
Perception Check: [roll1]

2018-04-01, 08:16 PM
Uzoshi only shows interest in Dorn's departure when Seth mentions pay, "If our employer was paying a lump sum to the lot of us, it would mean be more for each of us, assuming we can get the job done without him."

She smiles and shrugs, "Regardless, I hope he finds what he seeks. Obviously the salt water runs thick in his veins. I've see that type many times during my life in Waterdeep."

The tiefling will once again ride in the wagon, but this time she'll sit up front with Kalaham, keeping watch around them.

Passive Perception is only 10.
I had really bad luck on stat rolls, the only ones above 10 are int (12) and cha (14).