View Full Version : Kingmaker

2018-02-21, 09:42 PM
Be it so known that the bearer of this charter has been charged by the Swordlords of Restov, acting upon the greater good and authority vested within them by the offce of the Regent of the Dragonscale Throne, has granted the right of exploration and travel within the wilderness region known as the Greenbelt. Exploration should be limited to an area no further than thirty-six miles east and west and sixty miles south of Oleg’s Trading Post. The carrier of this charter should also strive against banditry and other unlawful behavior to be encountered. The punishment for unrepentant banditry remains, as always, execution by sword or rope. So witnessed on this 24th day of Calistril, under watchful eye of the Lordship of Restov and authority granted by Lord Noleski Surtova, current Regent of the Dragonscale Throne.

The words above embossed onto the charter presented by the Swordlords of Brevoy in Restov, a copy of which is presented to each of you in the greathall of the Aldori Academy, echoing through the room as the readers voice resonates with each syllable. Several representatives of the noble families are present, watching with varying degrees of interest in the proceedings, wearing heavier cloaks to offset the chill of the late Calistril chill, even in the early afternoon. The strangers to your left and right are likely not what you expected when you received the courier to come receive your charter. You'd heard the rumors of the other three chartered groups being sent out in taverns, taphouses, inns, and markets. None of them had yet to return or send word back.

The charter is bestowed to each of you, following the Swordlord Jamandi Aldori touching the flat of the blade of his ceremonial sword to each of your shoulders in almost ritualistic fashion. Upon receipt of the charter, Rostlander wine is tapped in a form of celebration as the nobles and Swordlords begin mingling and talking amongst themselves.

2018-02-21, 11:24 PM
Feeling a little out of place, Lorthos eyes his surroundings a little warily, as others eye him and his horns in turn. He sips from his glass appreciatively, thinking, 'Certainly nothing wrong with the wine at least, though I could use something stronger. I don't suppose they have any brandy around?'

The tiefling is more than a bit uncertain why he thought this was a good idea to begin with. There may be few better ways to earn a fresh start, but this was looking to be rather higher risk than he'd anticipated. Then there are the insects he'd have to deal with. Of all the unnatural benefits he'd have actually liked to inherit at birth, vermin staying away from him would've been nice, but no, he'll be on the menu out there like everyone else.

Speaking of whom... The arcanist turns to regard his would be companions, and startles a passing waiter by taking another glass of wine with his tail and pouring it into the one in his hand before passing it back. A motley bunch they made. Oh, it certainly looked like most of them could handle themselves, but they've essentially been thrown together, with no indication that they'd mesh at all. Hopefully there was a tactician amongst them, someone who could coordinate things. With luck, the big half orc would be assigned to be his shield. Surely they'd see the value of keeping the mage unharmed.

2018-02-22, 01:07 AM
Rising from his knee after having been acknowledged by Lord Jamandi Aldori, the figure in the hooded cloak immediately made his way from the room. A leather cloak with matching boots and gloves, writ firmly grasped within one gloved hand were all that could be seen as they passed through the assemblage.

2018-02-22, 03:08 AM
A small, almost imperceptible smile crossed Cyrus's face as he accepted his copy of the charter. It was from this paper that his authority -- and the authority of his new companions -- derived, but it would ultimately be their strength of arms that determined their success.

What, then, was the charter? A fiction that disguised the martial nature of their mission behind a veneer of legalism? Or perhaps it was meant to reinforce the power dynamic between the charter-bearers and the Swordlords: Be it so known that the bearer of this charter has been charged by the Swordlords of Restov, acting upon the greater good and authority vested within them by the office of the Regent of the Dragonscale Throne, has granted the right of exploration and travel within the wilderness region known as the Greenbelt. A right that was granted by a higher authority could, after all, be rescinded by that same authority. So long as that authority had the means to enforce their wishes.

But there would be time to philosophize later. On a more practical level, the charter was a valuable tool, and Cyrus would treat it with care.

Cyrus then turned to regard his companions. Each of them had been chosen for this expedition; thus, each of them could be assumed to have capabilities that would contribute to the coming struggles.

The cloaked man left immediately, a stance that Cyrus himself could sympathize with. No matter, they would become acquainted later.

As for the rest... it was time for Cyrus to introduce himself. "My name is Cyrus Gandolan. I serve in the priesthood of Gorum. It appears that our fortunes will be bound together for some time to come."

2018-02-22, 10:56 AM
Lorthos watches the hooded man leave with a wry look, someone feeling even more shy than he is, would wonders never cease. There's probably a story behind that.

In response to Cyrus, he states, "So it would seem. Lorthos, mage. Yes, I'm a tiefling, no, that blood does not drive me." This last is said with a bit of weary resignation.

2018-02-22, 12:50 PM
J'Kar stands up, now towering over everyone in the room, he looks around at his compatriots, so we have a pair of humans and a couple outsiders. This cleric looks like he can handle himself, but the rest may need a little hand holding, hopefully they bring somthing to the table He goes to grab an ale, some food, and returns to the others, "Cyrus, a plessure to meet you. Glad to see another strong abled body on this journey, and a cleric no less. A mage huh, don't really have many dealings with your kind, mage or tiefling, but I've heard tales of what mages can do, a pleasure Lorthos. My name is Sir J'Kar Orlovsky, and my noble steed Shreek is hiding outside somewhere. This is a nice little send off for us, good food and ale. So any of you have any experience out in the wilderness or in actual combat?"

2018-02-22, 01:48 PM
Lorthos hesitates, then shakes his head no. "Unfortunately not. The closest I can claim is having won a fair share of magic duels. I did manage to knock out three others for half a minute with a single spell once, I imagine that could be quite an advantage on the field, especially if someone is prepared to finish off the afflicted before they recover. You should also know I have a knack for summoning creatures to aid me."

2018-02-22, 02:24 PM
"That sounds impressive, I've knocked a few people out as well in my time sparing, but it was definitely not at once. I have never been in a true fight myself, but ive been in my fair share of drunken bar brawls and have held my own.

Oberon Kenobi
2018-02-22, 07:28 PM
Alya Zethusri (https://docs.google.com/document/d/19KS_Uop2BVL0mxJ2oa5mv7p1HTp_EPfWbvmdWTSywhg/edit?usp=sharing)
"Well, I expect you'll have your chance to prove yourself in a real fight soon enough, nephew."

The woman who speaks up is the last of the new charter-bearers in their little group, an ifrit with long, proud horns parting her fiery hair. Her clothes are plain, but well-kept, and she carries herself with a practiced, regal bearing. She fixes Lorthos with a half-smile.

"Good to see it's not just humans on this little venture. You say you're a mage; what sort of magic to do you do?"

2018-02-23, 02:58 PM
"I have served on some town watches, and been a part of some mercenary companies. I have seen some combat with them. Outside of woodcutting, no wilderness experience."

Lorthos sounded capable, and J'Kar definitely looked the part. The ifrit... well, Cyrus couldn't be sure, but she certainly carried herself in a way that left little room to doubt her competence.

2018-02-23, 04:24 PM
Lorthos hesitantly smiles back at Alya, but its gone almost as soon as it appears. Looking from the ifrit to the half orc, he's more than a little curious about the nephew comment, but he decides to leave it alone for now. Scratching at his short beard he answers the question, "I know a few tricks from all branches of arcane magic, but my real talents are in the fields of transmutation and conjuration. I can claim more in the way of practical results from the latter field at the moment, I'm not ready to attempt the former with humanoid subjects. I think you'll understand if I wait until the mice I try it with stop occasionally turning inside out. But I did manage this fascinating result the other day, the subject mouse actually bent the bars of his cage and escaped, the increase in muscle mass was far beyond what I..."

The tiefling's eyes get a far away look as he starts rambling about his work. He'll keep going for quite some time unless interrupted or people leave.

2018-02-23, 07:22 PM
The group is pleasantly relieved when one of the nobility approaches the group, wine glass in hand and broad smile on his face. His hair is meticulously groomed, blonde hair cut fairly short with high cheekbones and cleanshaven face. Neither big nor imposing in his demeanor, he approaches you all as if he was meeting his old drinking mates. He smacks J'Kar on the shoulder with the intensity that it was supposed to show his dominance in the group, but barely even registered to make an impact on the muscled half-orc.

"Greetings! And continued success through your upcoming journey! I'm Addard, of the most noble House of Lebeda. I must say, such a...unique collection of individuals willing to leap at the opportunity presented stands a fair chance at success and we are proud to support the venture."

He smiles at each of you in turn, presenting his free hand in turn to each of you.

Oberon Kenobi
2018-02-23, 07:49 PM
Alya Zethusri (https://docs.google.com/document/d/19KS_Uop2BVL0mxJ2oa5mv7p1HTp_EPfWbvmdWTSywhg/edit?usp=sharing)
Alya smiles politely as she shakes his hand and returns his greeting, half in Ignan. "<Is 'unique' the vogue euphemism for 'outsider,' then?> Alya, first of the House of Zethusri."

2018-02-24, 02:15 PM
Lorthos takes the man's hand, saying little other than his name. He observes Addard with the others, trying to determine what the man's interest in him and Alya over the other two here might be.

Could he have an interest in outsider blood for some reason? Or perhaps it is fiendish individuals in particular he wishes to meet and he made a mistake on guessing Alya's nature? If either, the man needed to be watched to determine his intent.

Unfortunately, that's not really his forte. Perhaps one of the others? He'll have to ask later.

2018-02-26, 09:05 AM
Addard smiles widely at your introductions, greeting you warmly. He's in maybe his mid-20's, the condition of his hands suggest he hasn't had to do a hard days work in his life.

"I can only assume that was a greeting from your homeland. I can only assume our humble nation is much colder than you should like. Alas, we make up for it with our personal warmth and charm. I apologize for any offense as I must admit your family house is not a name I am familiar with. It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance none the less."

"I'm uncertain where your other comrade is off to, but unless you as a group are off to adventure as soon as possible, it would honor my household if you as a group would join me for dinner tonight before you set off. After all, it is bad luck to start an adventure on poor sleep and mediocre food." He is still smiling broadly, obviously excited about the prospect.

Several of the other nobles seem to be shuffling into groups for discussion, some still open faced as though inviting the party or individuals to join them, others huddling off to discuss matters among themselves.

Perception Check if you would be so kind

2018-02-26, 10:19 AM
As Leithbridge is hurrying down the street, he feels a firm tugging on his cloak; upon whirling around to see the source, he is treated to a slightly odd sight.

A goblin with an unusually serious and focused look in his eyes and demeanor, is firmly pulling on your cloak to draw your attention. Dressed in simple black pants, a small hooded tunic with the symbol of a greenshelled crab climbing from the blue waters toward the gray band of shore surmounted by a gray tower-keep in the center, against a backdrop of black. As soon as you make any level of eye-contact with the goblin, his eyes go straight down to the ground. His voice is strained and slightly high pitched.

"Swordlord in big hurry to go alone. No point in hiring group if group goes off alone." the goblin starts, clearly nervous and slightly terrified; his speech rate only quickens the more he talks. "SoMastersendsSnektochaseandofferhouseandsheltersin ceMasterknowsSwordlordmustnotwanttobeseen."

2018-02-26, 04:16 PM
J'Kar stands there, not really noticing the pat on his back as he was contemplating the nephew comment, as he finally realizes that this must be the lieing creature who his family mentioned was going around touting that she's part of our family, he then realizes he hadn't greeted this man yet. "Ah yes, that would be a grand idea, my name is J'Kar Orlovsky and I would be wary of inviting Alya here to your home, she may take that invite to mean she's now apart of your family." as he shoots Alya a glare.

Oberon Kenobi
2018-02-26, 04:27 PM
Alya Zethusri (https://docs.google.com/document/d/19KS_Uop2BVL0mxJ2oa5mv7p1HTp_EPfWbvmdWTSywhg/edit?usp=sharing)"Well, it would be both impolite and imprudent to refuse hospitality when it is so freely given. 'Tis a rare thing among nobility these days," Alya responds to Addard, casting a sidelong glance at J'Kar. "And never you mind my nephew; neither his family nor yours face any danger from me, despite whatever stories the Orlovskys have filled his head with."

2018-02-26, 05:01 PM
"Physical danger, no, that is not a concern, but reputations with you running around telling your lies is at risk."

2018-02-26, 05:14 PM
Addard seems equal aparts horrified, delighted, and surprised at the back and forth between Alya and J'Kar.

"I was unaware that House Orlovsky had connections in such a way! Surely there are rumors of course, but rumors can be true or false. I would DELIGHT to hear how your homeland is, your nations culture, and your journey across the Inner Sea to our lands my Lady." Addard seems to be getting more and more excited as the ideas are coming to him. "We often hear about the great Imperial Navy of your homeland, but we don't see much of the sea here. I would delight in listening to your stories over fine wine."

He casts a small smile towards J'Kar and Lorthos, grinning broadly by this point, as though he's pieced together a puzzle.

"J'Kar, there's no need for any level of hostilities or concerns. The Kelesh!tes consider having guests to be a great honor, and I like to think of my household as being quite progressive."

Oberon Kenobi
2018-02-26, 05:15 PM
Alya Zethusri (https://docs.google.com/document/d/19KS_Uop2BVL0mxJ2oa5mv7p1HTp_EPfWbvmdWTSywhg/edit?usp=sharing)"I am many things, nephew, but a liar is not one of them," Alya answers, her voice heated. "That's one family trait I didn't pick up from your grandfather."

She turns back to Addard when he speaks, giving him a strained smile. "I suspect you are under a misapprehension about my homeland, but I would be happy to oblige you with tales of it all the same."

2018-02-26, 05:20 PM
"No need to nitpick; honesty is one of her...heritages virtues after all. This is a better discussion meant for after dinner and drinks I believe is customary; best to clear the air with a full belly before your journey together starts." Addard is trying his best to keep his composure together, but is now looking between Lorthos, Alya, and J'Kar like he may be set spontaneously on fire.

2018-02-26, 05:52 PM
Lorthos looks askance at his would be companions and tries to stay out of the apparent spat between them. This sounds like an interesting story, but not one he wants to receive fallout from.

When things seem to have quieted down just a bit, he will look to Addard, saying, "Well, I cannot speak for the others, but I would be glad to enjoy a bit of hospitality before embarking on this venture."

"But, ah, perhaps I should clarify something first. Based upon the comment about honesty, am I correct in guessing that you believe the unusual aspects of her heritage and mine to be the same? They are not. Her blood is of a rather different nature."

2018-02-26, 09:17 PM
Cyrus maintained his silence as he observed the dynamic between his teammates. This was... unexpected. But it was too early to consider it a problem. After all, worse things had been said in at least one of the mercenary groups Cyrus had accompanied, and they still managed to work with one another relatively effectively.

"I would also enjoy the opportunity to dine with you, Lord Addard." Cyrus saw an opportunity to feel out the nature of the mission, as well as potentially become further acquainted with his companions.

And, if nothing else, Cyrus was not inclined to pass up a meal that was, in all likelihood, better than anything he'd tasted in a long while.

2018-02-27, 01:05 AM
Leithbridge turned at the insistent tugging at the hem of his cloak. At the sight of the goblin, he nearly recoils before noticing the heraldic device. Parsing what the goblin rambled out, the man gave him a quizzical look before responding, "You're an odd fellow. If not for that House Lodovka livery, I would have thought you to be insane. Which one is your master?"

2018-02-27, 09:38 AM
"Always excited to receive a priest of the Lord of Battle to our estate; it is an honor few receive."

Addard looks at Lorthos in such a way that it seemed like he was worried a tentacle was growing out of the tieflings skull, smile finally fading for a few seconds before returning.

"I see, and I fully understand. I have heard the wizards and scholars speak of the differences between the terms used by the layman and the inherent differences between the different...races of your ancestors. Regardless, I look to dinner, as I expect it will be an eventful affair. I must go begin the preparations. So much to do! A pleasure meeting you all." Addard gives the directions to his home before shaking everyones hand again and departing.


The goblin steadfastly remains eyes on the ground, refusing to look up at Leithbridge.

"MasterforbidsSnekfromsayingMastersname. SnekonlycallMaster Master. SwordlordisrightthatMasterisofLodovkathoughSnekkno wsnotwhataliverisexceptwhatpartofgoattoeat."

Finally, the goblin begins slowing down, either calming down or catching his breath, it's hard to tell since Leithbridge has to look down at the top of the goblins head to speak to him.

"SnekcanshowyouwhereMasterlivesfordinnerandrest beforeSwordlordandfriendsgokill BANDITS !!! Because Snek is good and does what Master says." the goblin almost snarls the word "bandits" as opposed to his frantic and higher voice he has been rambling with.

Leithbridge- if you care to roll Knowledge Nobility (if you have it) for me; DC 14

2018-02-27, 10:01 AM
Lorthos quirks an eyebrow, "That is not what I... Oh, nevermind"

He turns to the others, "Well, I tried, perhaps he'll actually listen later. As for you two, this is not a story I know, but I think I can guess some of it. Perhaps this can be set aside for now? After all, we just committed to an endeavor where we will be reliant upon each other to survive."

Lorthos is prepared to head to the indicated home when the others are.

2018-02-27, 11:44 AM
J'Kar looks at Lothos mildly heated, "That sounds reasonable, and am perfectly willing to do so with 2 simple terms; if she stops calling me nephew and insinuating MY family are liars." as he calms down, "And in turn I will no longer call her a liar and we can go and have a lovely meal."

Oberon Kenobi
2018-02-27, 09:37 PM
Alya Zethusri (https://docs.google.com/document/d/19KS_Uop2BVL0mxJ2oa5mv7p1HTp_EPfWbvmdWTSywhg/edit?usp=sharing)Alya's nostrils flare in barely-restrained anger, but she holds her tongue. Unlike the elders of the family, the boy had no reason to believe her story; no need pressing the matter and complicating their working relationship before it even starts.

"I can live with that... J'Kar."

2018-02-28, 08:38 AM
The strife between Cyrus's companions seemed to have abated, for a moment. He was not quite able to understand the reason behind the conflict -- but then, it was not his affair.

"Shall we go directly to Lord Addard's house? Or is there anything further to be done here?"

2018-02-28, 11:58 AM
Lorthos speaks up, "Not here, but there is one more thing that may be worth doing, finding our fifth companion. I am pretty sure I saw one of the nobles send a servant to chase after him. Perhaps we could still catch up? Whether or not he wishes to join us at Addard's, it would be good to let him know where to meet us tomorrow."

2018-03-01, 11:00 AM
J'Kar calmly responds, "Glad to hear it Alya. Lorthos, if you think you can find him we can go greet him, but my tracking ability would likly fail to locate him. If a servant was sent to him, I'm sure he has recieved the invite and we can go and meet up with him at the Addard's house."

2018-03-01, 11:07 AM
Lorthos shakes his head, "I'd hoped one of you had such talents. In any case, it wasn't Addard who sent after him. It was that fellow." He nods towards the noble he'd seen before, "Anyone know the sigil?"

2018-03-05, 11:52 AM
The noble in question bears the mark of House Lodovka on his cloak, known for their passion and skill for the seas. He himself sticks out as being one of the few nobles actually visibly armed as he has a sword on his hip. A stark contrast to Addards enthusiasm and smiling face, he seems annoyed to simply even be there. Long dark hair, a sneer on his face, and and expression that clearly says he has no desire to be at the ceremony.

2018-03-05, 01:32 PM
J'Kar peers over to where Lorthos pointed, "You mean the bored looking gentleman from House Lodovka? Lets go ask him if he knows where our 5th member has gone." as J'Kar goes up to the man, "Greetings, I am J'Kar Orlovsky, whom do I have the pleasure meeting?"

2018-03-07, 05:09 AM
Leithbridge struggles to follow the goblin's rapid fire speech, but he does manage to get the gist. "Very well, Snek, lead on. Fighting bandits sounds like it could be fun. Though I guess it all depends on what kind of bandits they are. Say, Snek, would you know about these bandits?" The novice swordlord asks in his most friendly voice.

2018-03-07, 09:35 AM
The noble looks at J'kar with relative indifference. He extends his arm in a casual greeting; more out of custom than enthusiasm to meet the half-orc.
"Well met. Albel Lodovka. My family wishes you well on your quest and journey." His voice is dripping with his lack of enthusiasm.


Snek bows his head deeply, turning and walking down the street, leading the way.

"SnekleadsSwordlordtowhereMasterstays. BANDITS....arefilthystinkyrottenthieves." Snek seems to break off into a strange song as he is walking, "killthemgutthemburnthemcuttheirthroats!

2018-03-07, 10:32 AM
Observing the interaction between J'Kar and Albel from several paces away, Cyrus found himself intrigued by this noble's obvious lack of interest. Did this indicate disapproval of their mission, doubt that the mission would succeed, or something else entirely?

"And I am Cyrus Gandolan." The cleric refrained from saying anything more; J'Kar looked as if he had a clear idea of what he wanted from the noble.

2018-03-07, 11:30 AM
J'Kar not deterred by the mans lack of enthusiasm, "We thank you for your house's best wishes; I do have a query for you. You sent a man after the 5th member of our adventuring party, and we were hoping you could deliver a message for us that he is invited to Addard Lebeda's house for dinner tonight. We would inform hims ourselves, but have no way to locate him, but you seem to be ahead of the game on that one."

2018-03-07, 12:15 PM
"Calling that foul creature a man is a disgusting overstatement. But yes, I sent my servant to invite him to a quiet evening at my families holdings here in Restov, as per my directives. I will inform him of the invitation upon my arrival, assuming he accepted." He casts a rather annoyed look at other nobles assorted. "Whether he accepts Addards offer I cannot say; I can send my servant as a courier if you think you will have a departure time and location decided by this evening."

2018-03-07, 12:22 PM
Lorthos raises an eyebrow at the comment towards his servant, but says nothing about that. Instead he asks, "Perhaps simply a request for us all to meet at the local supply store an hour or so after dawn tomorrow would suffice? Wherever he chooses to stay tonight, we can discuss and prepare there easily enough I would think."

2018-03-07, 12:36 PM
J'Kar nods to Lorthos, "Yes, that is perfectly reasonable, an hour after dawn would work well. " and turns back to Albel, "As for the creature you sent after our compatriot, I saw not who or what he was, I was just told you sent someone. If you've already invited him to dinner, it would be rude of me to request you invite him elsewhere. Just if you could inform him that we would like to meet at the local shop an hour after dawn tomorrow to head out, it would be much appreciated."

2018-03-08, 01:46 AM
The human chuckled at the goblin's further antics. "That's quite the song you sing,
Snek. Did you just make that up or have you been practicing?"

Oberon Kenobi
2018-03-08, 03:19 PM
Alya Zethusri (https://docs.google.com/document/d/19KS_Uop2BVL0mxJ2oa5mv7p1HTp_EPfWbvmdWTSywhg/edit?usp=sharing)"Indeed, we wouldn't wish to violate human hospitality, <such as it is, elitist cold-blood,>" Alya adds, smiling warmly as though bestowing an honorific upon the man. "We are most obliged for your own in passing our message along. Now if you will pardon us, I believe we have consumed enough of your time, and our own host is waiting."

With a slight bow, she turns to leave, waiting for the others to follow.

2018-03-08, 03:23 PM
A little lost on what is appropriate here, Lorthos simply follows along.

2018-03-09, 11:34 AM
Cyrus followed his companions' lead. He looked forward to the upcoming meal, but he found that most of his thoughts were focused on their missing compatriot. The cleric felt that he had a decent read on everybody else, and how they might act together as a team, but the fifth member would remain a mystery until they met up. Then, Gorum would reveal the full capabilities of this group.

2018-03-14, 08:12 AM
Addards home seems to be a nice estate in the middle of Restov. Servants hustle and bustle throughout the house, tending to various tasks and chores. Addard leads you to a sitting room, where a servant is immediately dispatched to retrieve the tea.

"It will be some time yet before dinner." he says as he gestures to the multitude of chairs within the room situated around a fireplace and a central table. "Please, make yourselves comfortable. These Calistril months can have quite the chill."

A servant hustles in with a tray of tea and various cups. Addard takes a cup, pours himself a bit, then begins adding his sugar and creme to it. "So tell me, what inspired you all to join on such a patriotic adventure? Surely the call of the wild isn't the only draw."


Snek leads Leithbridge to the docks alongside the Sellen River; the hustle and bustle of the sailors, merchants, and dock workers fill the streets. Snek moves fluidly and effortlessly in and out of the crowds, periodically looking back to make sure Leithbridge is keeping up. Snek eventually stops at a seemingly innocuous house, nothing to mark it as any different than the dozens of houses and buildings near by. Sizable, but clearly no mansion or estate. Snek bows his head and body low as he gestures you inside.


2018-03-14, 10:56 AM
Lorthos shrugs and says, "I need funding and a place of my own to practice my craft. But most who can provide such either assume I'll be summoning devils, and only half believe my claim I want nothing to do with such things, or want me to summon devils for their benefit. Far as I'm concerned, I'm living proof of just how stupid it is to meddle in that field."

"Can't find a respectable patron, so I intend to earn respect and funding another way. This opportunity seems to be a good chance."

2018-03-14, 11:21 AM
J'Kar listens to Lorthos story while he gets himself a cup of tea, adding in a sizeable amount of sugar with a dash of cream. Once he has finished, J'kar speaks up "First I would just like to say thank you for the tea and you have a lovely estate. To answer your question, this journey we are about to undertake will greatly help this nation of ours, ridding it of those thieves and murderers. My family could not have such an important venture be undertaken without a representative from our house to make sure it is successful. I volunteered for the honor. And as a side note, being the second son, I have no inheritance to speak of and must make my own way, I figured this would be a great starting point."

Oberon Kenobi
2018-03-14, 07:33 PM
Alya Zethusri (https://docs.google.com/document/d/19KS_Uop2BVL0mxJ2oa5mv7p1HTp_EPfWbvmdWTSywhg/edit?usp=sharing)"J'kar's story is similar to mine," Alya adds. "Save that I was the firstborn, and still have no inheritance or titles. I intend to earn the respect I deserve out here, prove that my name means something. Regardless of what others might say to the contrary."

2018-03-14, 11:10 PM
"I have been blessed with the abilities I need to make my own way in the world. I would be foolish to pass up the opportunity to put my martial skills to worthy use. And this venture," added Cyrus, deciding for the moment to omit any mention of his mother and refer to his ambitions only obliquely, "Seems a far better chance to make a name and fortune -- and to do honor to my god -- than working as a simple mercenary."

2018-03-15, 01:11 AM
Leithbridge looks up and down the lane as Snek bows before the door to the unmarked house. Well, it is on the water, so it's reasonable to expect it to be a Lodovka holding. The minor noble thought as he didn't see any obvious signs of an ambush. "Very well, Snek, lead me inside will you?" He said in a tone that made it clear it wasn't a request.

2018-03-17, 12:22 AM
Snek opens the door a steps inside. A few travel packs lay gathered in a corner, the rooms only light is the late afternoon Winter sun pouring through the windows. No servants, major furniture, or art decorate what would essentially be the main room. Snek steps off into a side room.

"SwordlordcanrestinMastersstudywhileSnekpreparesdin ner."

The "study" looks to be a single large table with various maps of Brevoy sprawled across it with a pair of chairs at the table. A bookshelf with a dozen books or so relating to various historical events of the Inner Sea. In the corner seems to be a chair and ottoman with various cushions, clearly the only chair meant for longterm sitting.

2018-03-19, 01:40 AM
Leithbridge steps inside and sets his own pack down with the others. Upon entering the study, he turns to the goblin, "Thank you for your assistance, Snek." Watching the goblin leave, he makes sure the door is closed before turning back to the contents of the room. Seeing the maps strewn across the table, he begins to peruse them looking for any that show more detail of the Stolen Lands, explicitly the area to which he and his fellow adventurers were assigned.

He will note anything worth mentioning among the maps before moving to the bookcases to find what they contain and, in particular, if there are any on the Stolen Lands.

2018-03-23, 02:25 PM
"Wonderful!" Addards exclaims as he listens to everyones stories, tending to his own tea.

As everyone finishes their stories, one of the servants comes in.

"Dinner is ready, sirs and mi'lady."

"Even better timing; please, let us adjourn to the dining room."
Addard leads the way into a well decorated dining room with a lavish array of food laid out. He takes a seat at the head of the rectangular table.

"Now, have you as a group considered what supplies you might need for the journey?"

2018-03-23, 02:38 PM
As Leithbridge goes through the maps and notes laid out on the table, he notices that the Stolen Lands are more defined by the gap between the surrounding River Kingdoms rather than it's own shape; certain areas are marked off such as the Greenbelt, the Narlmarches, and others, but it seems like there is a minimal amount of detail in the maps themselves. Some of the "maps" seem like cut-outs in a puzzle, as though someone was trying to rearrange or piece together ideas. Some older, archaic maps seem to mention a large lake, massive forests, and other terrains, though their exact position seems difficult to surmise.

The books seem to be historical in nature, mostly relating to the background of Brevoy. There are also manuals on the various schools of Aldori Swordsmanship, its history, several books dedicated to warfare (with a few written in a strange, almost runic language), as well as compilations of something known as "The List Of Mivon" sorted by year for about the last 15 years or so.

2018-03-23, 03:25 PM
J'Kar follows to the dining area and takes a seat, surveying the lavish spread, "The feast looks amazing Addard. We actually haven't really discussed much in the way of supplies or plan yet. We are planning on meeting up with our final compatriot at the local supply shop and discuss what we might need there. Personally, I have some equipment for camping and food prep, some trail rations for days we can't find much food, my trusty mount Shreek to ferry myself through the lands, and of course a handful of various weapons to deal with the bandits."

2018-03-24, 07:36 AM
Lorthos inclines his head towards J'kar, "As he stated, we only met a brief time ago. An opportunity to discuss supplies has not yet occurred. I will leave much of that to others, unfortunately my experience with the wilds is limited. My needs for preparation are a little less mundane, though I do not know if I will have the chance to correct."

"In particular my spellbook is a little sparse at the moment. The tools within should prove handy, but cannot cover all situations."

2018-03-24, 08:25 AM
"I am somewhat prepared for a venture into the wilderness, but I have little experience with traveling beyond the reach of civilization. Any suggestions would be welcome," said Cyrus. "It also occurs to me that travel would be eased if I were to purchase a mount.."

2018-03-25, 11:26 PM
Leithbridge peruses the titles of the books noting the names of those treating with Aldori and Swordlords; perhaps recognizing some while others may be new to him. The annuals steal his attention and he pulls out the most recent and leafs through it in an attempt to understand it's title and subject matter.