View Full Version : Immunity; how to?

2018-02-22, 05:14 PM
Plenty of things grant Resistance to damage types; I don't want to go into those. Very few things grant Immunity. The only one I can think of, off the top of my head, is Lycanthropy granting Immunity to non-magical/silver B/P/S.

So my question is this; what other sources of Immunity are available to a player character? To anything, short duration or permanent.

2018-02-22, 05:20 PM
17th level forge cleric. I think druid fire elemental form... All I can think of from the top of my head.

2018-02-22, 05:27 PM
Plenty of things grant Resistance to damage types; I don't want to go into those. Very few things grant Immunity. The only one I can think of, off the top of my head, is Lycanthropy granting Immunity to non-magical/silver B/P/S.

So my question is this; what other sources of Immunity are available to a player character? To anything, short duration or permanent.

You can also Magic Jar into a werebear's body instead of contracting Lycanthropy in your own body. (True Polymorph can create the werebear from a rock wall if you have moral qualms about body snatching from a real werebear.)

Potentially, and depending on DM interpretation, you can even Magic Jar into other things like the Tarrasque if you simply True Polymorph the target into a humanoid form before you Magic Jar it. Then release True Polymorph and voila! the Tarrasque's soul is still in the Magic Jar, and you're now in the body of the Tarrasque.

(Realistically of course the Tarrasque's body is not a very good body to take over. It's terribly inconvenient. But it does have lots of immunities, per the OP.)


The various Investiture of [Element] spells also grant immunities in many cases.

Heroes' Feast grants immunity to poison.

2018-02-23, 01:03 AM
Monks get immunity to poison later on (10th level I think?), and so do land druids.

Blood of Gaea
2018-02-23, 02:40 AM
The first thing that immediately comes to mind is Shapechange, open up the MM and find something with CR 20 or less that has the immunity you want, than become that creature.

2018-02-23, 02:43 AM
Storm sorcerers get thunder and lightning immunity as part of their subclass capstone

2018-02-23, 02:51 AM
Elves are immune to sleep and ghoul paralysis.
Clarifying the above mention, the spells Investiture of Flame and Investiture of Ice grant immunity to fire and cold, respectively.
Shield grants immunity to Magic Missile (as does Brooch of Shielding).
Land druids get immunity to poison and disease at level 10. Monks get something similar, I believe, and paladins get immunity to disease.
Armor of Invulnerability grants temporary immunity to nonmagical damage.
Rod of Absorption and the absorption Ioun stones can (sort of) make you immune to spells. Don't know if that counts. In a similar vein, flying can make you 'immune' to melee attacks.
Freedom of Movement and the Ring of Free Action makes you immune to magical paralysis and restraint.
Truesight/True Seeing/Gem of Seeing give you immunity to illusions.
In fact, numerous rings grant varying degrees of immunity, depending on what you mean. Rings of Fire Elemental Command give you immunity to fire fire damage. Ring of Feather Fall makes you immune to falling damage (sort of). Ring of Evasion can make you immune to damage that requires a failed Dex save a few times per day.
The two periapts also grant immunity to poison (Proof against Poison) and disease (Health).

2018-02-23, 04:22 AM
Invulnerability makes you immune to all damage. It's also got the shortest description text from all spells in 5e.

2018-02-23, 04:24 AM
Being a Yuan-Ti Pureblood nets you immunity to poison damage, and the poisoned condition.

2018-02-23, 04:48 AM
Adamantine armor makes you essentially "immune" to critical hits :P

2018-02-23, 09:19 AM
Paladins also get immunity to the freightened condition, devotion ones also gain immunity to charmed

2018-02-23, 09:30 AM
This isn't an answer to the OP question, but I hope it adds to the discussion.

I am a DM, and I hate immunity. As a rule, I don't give my monsters immunities unless it can't be avoided (fire elemental's got to be immune to fire). Resistance is fine - I love resistance, but immunity shuts things down. I barely ever play anymore, but I can remember being on the other side of the screen and I play lots of RPG computer games, and seeing "your attack has no effect" is one of the most annoying things I can think of.

I also don't like players having it - at least not on a permanent item. If it's a class feature or a spell they can cast, fine. But I don't put it on items. Like a Weapon of Warning. That item basically removes from the game the ability to EVER use an ambush as something to spice up the game or move the plot forward.

I guess in conclusion immunity reminds me too much of my most hated superhero - Superman. Ah he's immune to this, immune to that, indestructible, unassailable. It doesn't matter how clever the villain is or his plan is, Superman is just immune.

Thank you and good night. YMMV

2018-02-23, 11:50 AM
The various Dragon Masks and Mask of the Dragon Queen from HotDQ / RoT HCs grant various damage resistances; that stack with existing resistances to grant immunity (and stack with existing immunities to grant damage absorption). So that means, for example, if you're wearing the red dragon mask and have resistance to fire from some other source (say a casting of the Absorb Elements spell), you become immune to fire. Or a raging bear totem barbarian, wearing the Mask of the Dragon Queen, would be immune to fire, lightning, cold, poison, and acid damage.