View Full Version : Balancing 8 custom items based on previous heroes

Magic Myrmidon
2018-02-22, 05:16 PM
If you recognize Spooky, Roland, Olthas, and King Pelleas from a tabletop game, please don't read this topic.

I'm trying to put together a suite of magical items inspired by the PCs of a previous game for a new group in a new game. I'd like them all to be roughly on the same power level, and for them to have at least some utility out of combat (if not primarily useful out of combat). I'll try to keep the descriptions brief, leaving out most of the descriptive fluff. Just leaving a general "this is who it belonged to" for flavor.

Take a look, tell me what you think?

This is a spiked chain that once belonged to an elven fighter. One half of the spiked chain has a snake's head on the end. After a hit, as a bonus action, you can TWF with a guaranteed hit, as the snake bites the target. At will, as an action, one can detach the snake half of the chain. You can no longer get a free TWF hit until it reconnects, but it acts as tiny animated object with a 30 ft move and climb speed.

This is a metal battle flag that belonged to a cleric devoted to a tactician god. 1/long rest, within sight, you can make a hit that would reduce a creature to 0 hp reduce that creature to 1 hp instead. Also, 1/long rest, you can grant an action to an ally within sight. Finally, you get the minor illusion cantrip.

This is a warbow that belong to a wood elf ranger. It produces it's own ammo in the form of energy bolts, and needs no string. 3/long rest, it allows you to cast gaseous form. (This one is one that I'm still developing. Would love some ideas for this. Want it to be a stealth-focused bow.)

A book owned by the wizard Metis. Half gold and time to scribe new spells. Whenever you would gain a spell by leveling up, you gain an additional spell. Finally, 1/long rest, you can cast a spell in your spellbook that was not prepared.

This belonged to a druid who made it out of his animal companion's teeth. The wolf lost them through old age. 2/long rest, turn into a wolf as wildshape. 1/long rest, turn into a dire wolf as wildshape. Gain the scent ability while attuned.

This belonged to a dwarven fighter. This is a dwarven tower shield. At will, it can extend a 25 foot long, 4 foot tall energy barrier that blocks projectiles from either direction. People and melee attacks are not affected. (Think Reinhardt from Overwatch, if you've played it) Can cast or dismiss light at will. 1/long rest, allow you to spend hit dice to heal.

These gloves belonged to a sorcerer who loved color spray and grease. Allows you to cast color spray and grease at will, with a DC of 14.

These belonged to an acrobatic rogue. Ignore fall damage as long as you land on your feet or on a target. Double jump distance. Footsteps are completely silent, granting advantage on stealth that relies on silence.

2018-02-22, 06:31 PM
First, would these items be able to be used by anyone, or only by a member of the same class as the original PC?

Tome of Metis would make wizards a fair bit more versatile, or DOUBLE the number of spells known by a bard/sorcerer/warlock (classes which would otherwise have to pick spells carefully). A warlock or sorcerer who learns 30 spells instead of 15 is gaining an incredibly game-warping boost to versatility at endgame.

Casting 1st level spells at-will is an 18th level class feature for wizards. A magical item that allows that may be overpowered, even with the low save DC (maybe decrease the DC even further? 12? 10? That'd make it less of an overwhelming combat item, even at low levels).

Does the fanged necklace let anyone use wildshape?

Does the energy shield grant 1/2 cover? 3/4 cover? Total cover? Is it opaque? Does it stay where it's placed, or does it move with the shield? Maybe write this ability up as a 1/short rest Wall of Waist-High Cover spell-like ability?

The big question:

Are these magical items going to appear at the beginning of the campaign (at level 1)? Are they supposed to be good early-game items, that eventually get replaced with better/more suitable items while retaining a little bit of utility? Or are they supposed to be character defining legendary objects that generate lots and lots of power for a high level party?

Tome of Metis is a legendary 100,000gp+ artifact, while the Tactician's flag is a single ranged goodberry, a use of Action Surge and a cantrip.

Magic Myrmidon
2018-02-22, 07:05 PM
Thanks for your feedback!

These will basically be the Macguffins of the game, and I'd like them to be useful at all levels, while avoiding game breaking at low levels. So being a bit on the strong side is okay, but definitely not on the level of the Tome of Metis, as you pointed out.

I had initially intended these to be usable by anyone, but your critique of the Tome of Metis gives me some second thoughts. I'd probably go case by case, but for the Tome, I would definitely restrict that to wizard. A lot of spells are given for free if they get it early, but that's the wizard's schtick anyway.

On the painted gloves, good point. I was mainly imagining the grease to be a useful out-of-battle thing, so lowering that DC to 10 is probably a good idea. I'd probably keep the color spray ability at the same DC, but make it 1/long rest.

Yeah, the fang would let anyone use the shapeshifting. I was thinking the restriction to wolf might limit the power a bit, but druids take a while to get multiple uses of wildshape.

The shield is see-through, and would grant 3/4 cover. I figured it would move with the shield. Now that I think about it, though, the ability to move before and after attacks makes that insane, with a +5 to ac and dex saves at will. Definitely needs toning down to maybe half cover, at least. +2 ac for the party is alright, even being mobile. Encourages teamwork.

2018-02-22, 09:32 PM
If you want to be fairly well balanced at the cost of flavor/variety you can assign simpler abilities, for example:
Each item has a minor passive ability (proficiency in a skill or tool).
Each item grants the use of a cantrip.
Each item grants the use of a 1st level spell (at level 1, 1/long rest, at level 10, 1/short rest, at level 19, at-will).

Twinstrike is a snake's head talisman that can be attached to any spiked chain. When you have a spiked chain with Twinstrike equipped, you have proficiency in the Poisoner's kit, the Poison Spray cantrip and Detect Poison and Disease 1st level spell.

Tactician's Flag is a flag that can be worn as a cape, or attached to the end of a spear or other polearm. When you have the Tactician's Flag equipped, you have proficiency in Persuasion, the Guidance cantrip and the Heroism 1st level spell.

Wisp is an arrowhead on a clamp that can be attached to any bow or crossbow. When you have Wisp equipped, you have proficiency in Stealth, the Minor Illusion cantrip, and the Fog Cloud 1st level spell.

Metis' Ribbon is a bookmark that can be placed in any spellbook. When you have Metis' Ribbon on your person, you have proficiency in Arcana, the Prestidigitation cantrip, and the Detect Magic spell.

Kivran's Necklace is a necklace of wolf teeth. When you're wearing Kivran's Necklace, you have proficiency in Animal Handling, the Druidcraft cantrip, and can choose between Animal Friendship and Speak with Animals.

Caller's Bulwark is an emblem that can be attached to the front of a shield. When you have Caller's Bulwark equipped, you have proficiency in Blacksmith's tools, the Mold Earth cantrip (can raise earthen walls out of the ground for cover) and the Shield spell.

Painted Gloves are gloves... When you have Painted Gloves equipped, you have proficiency in (Performance? Trapmaking? Deception?), the Shocking Grasp cantrip and the Grease spell.

Footpad's Footpads are footpads :D When you have Footpad's Footpads on your foots, you have proficiency in Acrobatics, the Blade Ward cantrip, and the Feather Fall spell.

2018-02-23, 05:10 PM
Maybe tone down the Tome of Metis to letting you swap out one prepared spell/day as a fairly quick action, like maybe 1 minute? As has been pointed out, the version you propose matches the main power of the Tome of the Stilled Tongue, which is a legendary item, and its other powers are arguably better than the Tome of the Stilled Tongue's.