View Full Version : How to tell when someone likes you?

2018-02-23, 04:17 AM
So I been wondering about since valentine day and I would like some advice. Honestly I didn't thought I could get valentine considering how when I try talking to someone they magically are always busy. Probably they are responding only out of politeness. Yet I did got one. It was given anonymously via teacher at my school. It was 3 different sized pepper hearts glued tougher. On witch there was a short poem probably copped from the internet. With amount of effort put onto it I would assume it to be sincere. However it was singed oxoxox so there is part of me think it might be joke but for above mentioned reasons I would assume it to be more of sing of being considerably more forward then usually. Witch worry as shy person is less likely to aprouche. Consider that in 2 mouths I'm leaving the school I really want to find out who did that, if for nothing else to thank them for making my day.

Being Stereotypical teen I'm way over thinking it but from design I would guess it was made by a girl and considering that teacher had only one class before my that day I could assume the person was that class. This assumptions allow to narrow the potential list to 3. Given anyone could give a valentine to teacher during the brake so either to this may not be a good best clue to go off.

Reaching out to wrong ones can be awkward and send a wrongly message to one I'm trying to find.

Advices? Thoughts? Opinions? Simular expirance? Feel free to share what ever it might be.

2018-02-23, 10:01 AM
Have you tried asking the teacher? Be honest and simple, like "do you remember who asked you to give me the Valentine? I'd like to thank them."

An important corollary to this, if course, is that even if it is someone you may not be interested in, you should sincerely thank them.

2018-02-23, 10:07 AM
That's not really an option. School makes it an anonymous so one would never know.

2018-02-23, 10:40 AM
That's not really an option. School makes it an anonymous so one would never know.

How about asking the teacher to thank them on your behalf? If the teacher knows (and just can't tell you because of the anonymity), they can pass along the thanks, and that might give that person the courage to approach you directly.

If even the teacher doesn't know, then that obviously won't work.

Bastian Weaver
2018-02-23, 12:25 PM
You could probably ask the teacher to pass an anonymous message to the class, something like "Thank you for the valentine, oxoxox, you made my day". Then it will be her turn to think of a smart move!

2018-02-23, 12:28 PM
yeah, just tried that.. well turns out there was another person colleting the notes and since he was reponsable for all the notes he dosn't rember

2018-02-23, 12:36 PM
So I been wondering about since valentine day and I would like some advice. Honestly I didn't thought I could get valentine considering how when I try talking to someone they magically are always busy. Probably they are responding only out of politeness. Yet I did got one. It was given anonymously via teacher at my school. It was 3 different sized pepper hearts glued tougher. On witch there was a short poem probably copped from the internet. With amount of effort put onto it I would assume it to be sincere. However it was singed oxoxox so there is part of me think it might be joke but for above mentioned reasons I would assume it to be more of sing of being considerably more forward then usually. Witch worry as shy person is less likely to aprouche. Consider that in 2 mouths I'm leaving the school I really want to find out who did that, if for nothing else to thank them for making my day.

Being Stereotypical teen I'm way over thinking it but from design I would guess it was made by a girl and considering that teacher had only one class before my that day I could assume the person was that class. This assumptions allow to narrow the potential list to 3. Given anyone could give a valentine to teacher during the brake so either to this may not be a good best clue to go off.

Reaching out to wrong ones can be awkward and send a wrongly message to one I'm trying to find.

Advices? Thoughts? Opinions? Simular expirance? Feel free to share what ever it might be.

In my experience one of the best ways to tell someone likes you is if they ask you questions. It signals interest, if nothing else.

Darth Ultron
2018-02-23, 05:58 PM
Well, it might be a little late now...but you could have looked for a reaction.

See, just like you, the sender wants to know you both got the card and liked it....but they want to ''stay anonymous''. But they still want to know...

So did any of them ask you some thing like ''how was your V-day?" Or did one of them ask a more pointed, but vague, question like ''did you get anything for V-day?"

Did any of your suspects show you a card or other thing they got? Maybe saying (without words) I got something: did you get something? (Really, this is a super classics trick, right here)

Of course, you might not have any of that to go on. So you might need to dig a little. You could go to each suspect and ''just chat''....but during the chat, randomly mention ''secret admirers''. This, alone, might cause them to slip. Now you could always mention the ''other'' card you got and say how much you wish that ''other'' admirer well....and if one of them is the admirer, they will 'accept' it.

I don't recommend this one...but you could get all mushy and emotional and cry to each one of them about ''how'' sad you are that you can't thank the secret admirer. It might work....

Or, you could just ask each one out on a date. Maybe one will say yes.

2018-02-23, 06:01 PM
You could probably ask the teacher to pass an anonymous message to the class, something like "Thank you for the valentine, oxoxox, you made my day". Then it will be her turn to think of a smart move!

Can still do the same with social media. Chances are, if there is a person interested in them, said person will follow their myspace, or whatever you kids use these days. Such is the beauty of the information superhighway. Word to your mother.

2018-02-23, 06:12 PM
Can still do the same with social media. Chances are, if there is a person interested in them, said person will follow their myspace, or whatever you kids use these days. Such is the beauty of the information superhighway. Word to your mother.
Yeah MySpace that's definitely wepside everyone uses. Anyways that's probably a good idea, they do know my name sir name so changes are they did add me to friends.

2018-02-23, 06:57 PM
If I fancy a guy I just go and talk to him, if I notice a guy is checking me out and he seems nice and cute I just go and talk to him. It's not as hard as people think it is, I lost so many opportunities in my youth... No more.

If they are not interested they will just say no, it's kind of weird but it’s not like they will bite your head off or you'll be banished to the dark dimension of loneliness forever, it's not that hard we just make it seem like it is.

2018-02-23, 07:04 PM
It's not as hard as people think it is, I lost so many opportunities in my youth... No more.

Oh god, tell me about it. I wish I could be a teen again with the outlook and attitude I have now. Things would be so different. Though I also wouldn't likely have the same network of friends, so overall I gotta say I'm pleased with how it all worked out.

Darth Ultron
2018-02-24, 01:06 AM
Yeah MySpace that's definitely wepside everyone uses.

Myspace? Myspace? Wow, set the Wayback Machine to A Long Time Ago....

2018-02-24, 01:18 AM
[...]banished to the dark dimension of loneliness forever[...]

From what I've gleaned about your excellent taste in media @S@tanicoaldo, I have a difficult time imagining that you would ever get bored enough to be lonely.

Oh god, tell me about it. I wish I could be a teen again with the outlook and attitude I have now.

Well now I'm curious!

You do seem to have a great outlook and attitude now @Peelee, but since my attitudes are only a bit more anti-social than when I was a teen, I've given up on seeking romance, and I listen to the Dead Kennedy's less, but otherwise I'm mostly the same personality that I was as a teen, that you've changed interests me.

Things would be so different. Though I also wouldn't likely have the same network of friends, so overall I gotta say I'm pleased with how it all worked out.


Not bitter?

What, you don't get used to and take for granted your good fortune and focus on your grievances instead? That just seems weird to me.

You're a better man than me Peelee!

2018-02-24, 05:09 AM
Here's my 2 cents. Ignore the Valentine... you will never know with any certainty who wrote it, unless the culprit comes forward and admits that she did. Use it as a confidence booster. You have a suspicion that there are three people who could have possibly written it. And since it's peaked your interest enough that you are considering all three of these folks and aren't repulsed by them, then start talking to them.

The best way to figure out if somebody has genuine interest in you is body language. And the fact that they're willing to discuss things with you. So guess that one of those three sent the Valentine and make contact, don't necessarily start anything heavy, just talk to them and then assess. If one of those three starts to express signs of interest, then she's probably the one who sent the Valentine, but unless she mentions it, I certainly wouldn't.

2018-02-24, 08:17 AM
I must say that sounds rather reasonable AMFV. The social media idea sounded good as well.

Thanks everyone

2018-02-24, 11:15 AM
Quick plug for the idea that it might not have been a girl. A besotted boy (or NB person) might have even more reason to wish to remain anonymous than a girl.

The only problem with using body language as a clue is that if someone is crushing on you and super shy, they may present as totally uninterested as a defense mechanism against detection. I remember, quite clearly, as a teen, interacting with people I had crushes on, acting so, so, so aloof so they wouldn't be able to tell I liked them, that I most likely convinced them that I actively disliked them.

But watching out for folks who seem to be around more than chance would suggest, or who seem eager to be in conversation with you, who seems to laugh at your jokes even when they aren't that funny, those are all decent signs.

2018-02-24, 06:46 PM
Quick plug for the idea that it might not have been a girl. A besotted boy (or NB person) might have even more reason to wish to remain anonymous than a girl.

The only problem with using body language as a clue is that if someone is crushing on you and super shy, they may present as totally uninterested as a defense mechanism against detection. I remember, quite clearly, as a teen, interacting with people I had crushes on, acting so, so, so aloof so they wouldn't be able to tell I liked them, that I most likely convinced them that I actively disliked them.

But watching out for folks who seem to be around more than chance would suggest, or who seem eager to be in conversation with you, who seems to laugh at your jokes even when they aren't that funny, those are all decent signs.

That's something a lot of people try, but very few succeed at. I can't speak for your success, but in my experience, both as the one with the crush and as a third party, attempts to remain aloof fail spectacularly - and, if you're a third party, often hilariously.
Which brings up the point that, this person probably being shy, and you both still being in adolescence, it's quite likely that we're not dealing with what might be considered a "smooth operator". People who behave oddly around you would be my prime suspects. This includes, but is not limited to, anyone that you can't seem to get a bead on with regards to how they feel about you - maybe they talk to you every time they get the chance in person, but don't interact with you on [Insert social media forum of the week here], or vice versa. Little anachronisms like that which suggest they're deliberately putting on a facade they can't keep up all the time are a big hint.
Plus, you know, the stuff mentioned above. Laughter, close proximity, touching, hugging, smelling your hair, following you home, keeping a lock of your hair on her nightstand - the usual stuff.

I'd also consider anyone who seems to have suddenly taken more of an interest in you as a possibility. We don't know how long these feelings have been around, but if there's someone who never spoke to you before and is now taking every opportunity to do so, they're worth considering.

Finally, even though I know I would personally have used every technique available to me - including handwriting analysis and what would have passed for forensics back in high school - I agree that the best thing might be to let it go. You certainly don't want to take the chance on assuming it's someone it isn't, and there's no way of confirming without asking. Someone out there seems to have a crush on you; that's great. Huge confidence boost. Pat yourself on the back, kid, you've earned it. +

2018-02-24, 08:33 PM
Why not just ask the people you suspect out and see if one or more of then says yes?

Jay R
2018-02-25, 10:30 PM
Don't guess who likes you. Go talk to the people that you like.