View Full Version : The bard who laughs

Sariel Vailo
2018-02-23, 07:22 AM
My chaotic good bard entered a arena run in a lawful evil empire criminals or ×"criminals" are sent here to fight a. Beholder.×note they were innocent.my chaotic good bard full well in a party with my so and roleplaying we're a couple explodes at the thought. After seeing 5 women in gallows nooses snapping around three of the womens necks.the other two having to fight a paldin who did not ascribe to this was ready to kill herself as the nobles looked on Sneering. I began to laugh getting bloodthirsty. After we helped the beholder attempt to escape the guards came in and attempted to apprehend us bad move.
While laughing i rolled a little to high on my intimidation while gigling i shouted "whats wrong i thought this was all a game to you."after most of the group escapes i hang back and attempt to get caught our i think lg divine soul sorcerer tries to help me he gets captured i get knocked unconcious saving my so.i cant argue with the emperor or try to talk to him im Unconcious. the groups lg divine soul sorcerer goliath gets a free swing on the emperor the emperor takes the hit and thinks hes found a new slave champion for the arena.
Later the emperor true to evil villain cliche brings me to him, the bard awake to talk in a grand feast hall. As im walking my hands and feet are bound in chains and irons i am given an enchanted necklace the guards need but snap their fingers i take electric damge static 4. So all the while im gigling and laughing about how many of their coworkers were slaughterd by me. As i entered and saw who it was they freed my hands and i gave a theater bow for a performance well done still covered in blood.
He offers me power in exchange for swearing loyalty.so i sit down and begin to ask for wine as i sus out the details i have a will a ,a dowery ,and freed ninty percent of my group to return to this town. All the while me n my significant other and i are planning to burn this lawful evil town to the ground, or kill the emperor and gain control.make it a cg town. To elaborate on the power it was litteral power go from 7 to 20. I didnt take it and got a boon of charisma becoming 20.

Sariel Vailo
2018-02-23, 07:56 AM
Now this post is for tuesday as the saga continues.
Also before anyone goes its hard to understand im currently rereading all my information trying to fix it.