View Full Version : [3.5] How big a bonus to a given d20 roll can you get from one feat?

2018-02-23, 12:57 PM
Let's start off with what I'm not looking for. I'm not looking for instances where a feat lets you bring way the hell more magic to bear than you otherwise might be able to (Persist Spell, crafting feats, etc.). I'm not looking for cases of "this feat lets you apply a different stat than normal, so if we assume the stat in question is obnoxiously high, the feat counts for the entire value of the stat" (Weapon Finesse, Tactile Trapsmith, etc.). I'm not looking for cases where a feat lets you bring in an arbitrarily high number of helpers to give bonuses based on how many bodies you can shove into a given space (Swarmfighting, Fell Conspiracy, Dark Speech to make a hivemind, etc.), at least not unless it's really clever and couldn't otherwise be done by a "nanobots" build. Basically, I don't want the answer to be "depends on how much you can game something else," whether that something else is a stat or a group of helpers or access to magic or whatever.

So what AM I talking about? I'm basically curious how big a bonus it's possible for a single feat (or, I guess, a directly related feat chain) to apply to given d20 roll. (Note that I'm not interested in damage rolls, even if you somehow finagle your way into using a d20 as an actual damage die.) Ideally I'd like this to be as direct a link as possible, which is why I threw in the caveat about feats that give you access to magic. As usual, I'm not planning on using this in any specific build or any actual game, but I find cleverness to be more interesting than shenanigans even when I don't have to get a live GM to approve it.

I've found a few feats that give a +10, which I suspect may be about as good as we're going to get:

Inquisitor (XPH) lets you expend psionic focus to get a +10 to a specific Sense Motive check.
Mental Leap (also XPH) lets you expend psionic focus to gain a +10 to a Jump check.
Dream of Instinct (Secrets of Sarlona) lets you expend your dreamtouched state to gain a +10 insight bonus to a given skill check or Will save. I think, based on the wording, that your dreamtouched state is technically still active while making the check in question, so if the roll in question is based off of one of the mental stats that the dreamtouched state boosts, the whole feat chain technically gives you a +11 to the roll we're talking about.
Dream of Insight (also Secrets of Sarlona) also lets you spend a use of dreamtouched state (but doesn't require you to be in it and end it, which is slightly different from Dream of Instinct; instead, you have to be asleep) to make a Knowledge check with a +10 insight bonus. (Side comment: Dream of Instinct, which also has lower prereqs than Dream of Insight, seems strictly superior unless you really need the ability to make untrained Knowledge checks for some reason, but hey, they're only literally right next to each other on the same page. It's not like we could have expected the devs to look at them and compare them to each other.)
Elemental Helmsman (Magic of Eberron) gives a +10 bonus to opposed CHA checks to control an elemental vessel if you're using an appropriate magic item, but it's only a +4 if you aren't using the right type of item.
Mighty Leaping (Savage Species) gives a +10 competence bonus on Jump checks. Interestingly, it has no cost, use limit, or activation action, but it does have rather intense prereqs.
Dragon Wings (Races of the Dragon) gives a +10 racial bonus on Jump checks.

What else is out there? I guess even if we can't match a +10 or +11, I'm interested in what feats might provide bigger bonuses than, say, the +4 offered by Combat Casting or Improved Initiative. +4 seems to be about the maximum that the devs were usually comfortable handing out as a feat, which is why it's interesting to track down exceptions. (Running with my "literally on the same page" deal, there are other dreamtouched feats that offer +5s in exchange for your dreamtouched state, though I'm hoping we can find even more than that.) I do notice that pretty much all of these have some kind of cost, which isn't entirely unreasonable or unexpected.

So let's lay this out as two questions: 1. What feats can, as directly as possible, apply a +5 or better (hopefully better) to a d20 roll? 2. How big a bonus can any such feat give, sans shenanigans?

I've found a handful of others in the +5 to +8 range:

Dallah Thaun's Luck (RotW) gives a +5 to a single saving throw 1/day at the cost of taking a -2 penalty on the rest of your saves that day.
Greater Power Penetration (XPH) technically gives a total of +8 on ML checks to defeat power resistance (at the cost of your focus), but that's technically a +4 that stacks with an earlier +4, so it's a little different than some of the others. Still, it's a big bonus to a single d20 roll.
Apostate (Elder Evils) gives a bonus equal to half your level to saves against divine spells. I guess this is technically a +10 bonus at level 20, but it feels weird to stick that in the same bin as the feats that can give a +10 by, like, level 1 or 3 or whatever. Similarly, Deformity (Madness) lets you add half your level to a single Will save, but unless you find a way to base your Will off of something that isn't WIS, the -4 WIS that the feat imposes means that this is not going to hit a net +10 pre-Epic.
Master's Will (Also Elder Evils) gives a 50/50 chance of giving a +8 bonus on one attack/save/skill check/ability check, but failure damages you.
As mentioned above, Dream of Strength and Dream of the Moment (SOS) can give a +5 insight to an attack roll, Fort save, or Ref save, depending on the feat, at the cost of your dreamtouched state.
Sailor's Balance (Stormwrack) gives a +5 competence bonus on Balance checks specifically made "on the deck or in the rigging of a ship."
Combat Stability (PHB2) gives a +8 bonus on checks to resist most combat maneuvers if you have at least three combat form feats. (This is likely intended to be only while in Combat Focus, but it doesn't actually say that.)
Sacred Healing (PHB2) gives a +5 bonus on Heal checks at the cost of a TU attempt.
Hawk's Vision (CAdv) gives a +8 bonus on Spot checks at the cost a a Wild Shape attempt. (Climb Like an Ape, from the same page in the same book, sorta also gives a +8 to Climb checks, but that seems to be a function of gaining a climb speed.)
Daredevil Athlete (CSc) gives a +5 competence to Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Jump, Ride, Swim, or Tumble checks 3/day. No separate cost other than the use limit, and no prereqs, which I didn't expect.
Warning Shout (CSc) gives an ally a +5 morale bonus to a Reflex save at the cost of some Bardic Music uses, but it doesn't work on the person who took the feat.
Keen-Eared Scout (PHB2) gives a +5 on Listen checks specifically to pinpoint invisible creatures, but not on any other Listen checks.
Leap of the Heavens (PHB2) gives a +5 competence bonus to Jump checks with a 20' running start.
Cumbrous Fortitude/Reflexes/Will (Savage Species) give a +6 bonus on the save associated with the feat, but they all impose a nasty cost of some kind (staggered, prone/dazed, or shaken).

I'm sure that can't be all of them. What other feats that give unusually large bonuses are out there?

2018-02-23, 01:24 PM
Knowledge Devotion (CC): attack, max +5

Law Devotion (CC): attack, +7 at level... 13?

Martial Study (ToB): that one is a bit harder to evaluate, but there are several maneuvers that lets you use a skill check in place of an attack roll or save which can result in a rather large "bonus".

2018-02-23, 01:51 PM
Leadership gives you a Cohort but also a metric ton of low level followers.

At a leadership score of 25, you have a total of 163 followers + 1 cohort. It's RAW legal that they all use the Aid Another action to help you, giving a bonus of +328 to your d20 (or +656 if they all have the Improved Aid Another feat from Dragon 323)

Not sure if this falls into your "nanobot" category but still

2018-02-23, 02:09 PM
Item Familiar gives you +1 bonus for every three skill points you invest in it (or was it ranks? eh, same thing unless you're building poorly usually), which you can distribute as you please among all your skills, up to a maximum of however many ranks you possess in the skill you're adding the bonus to. So this one feat theoretically gives up to +23 * ("the number of skills that exist" times 3), and that bonus isn't circumstantial, unlike most of the high bonuses in the OP. Of course, most people will probably only have enough skill points to have 1-3 skills at +(max rank), maybe 4 or 5 if they're super-skilled.

All that being said, the feat's downside of "your skill points are now tied to a physical object that can be stolen or broken" is a pretty hefty downside that makes even the massive, versatile bonuses this feat provides difficult to take in comparison to the circumstantial high bonus feats in the OP (well, unless you're theorycrafting around a single skill, but eh).

2018-02-23, 02:41 PM
There is innate spell and choose Guidance of the Avatar if that counts

2018-02-23, 02:52 PM
Technically, of course, Minor Utterance of the Evolving Mind and Utterance of the Evolving Mind fall into the category (+5 all skills and +10 all knowledges and bluff respectively), given a good enough truespeak check. You already knew that, but it kinda bears mentioning. Of course, it's arguably "More magic" for a set value of magic.

2018-02-23, 03:23 PM
Aberrant Dragonmark (Eberron Campaign Setting) allows you to choose jump as an SLA, which is a +10 by default, but if you take Lesser and Greater Aberrant Dragonmark (Dragonmarked), your caster level becomes 5 + one-half your character level, and your character level must be at least 9 for Greater, giving you a caster level of 9, which yields jump's maximum value of +30. I think that's probably the best you're likely to see. (Alternately, you could just take Lesser instead of Lesser and Greater; Lesser gives you 3 + 1/2 level, in which case you just have to be higher level.) Bonus: jump applies to every jump check you make for minutes/level, so at CL9 you can apply that +30 to up to 90 separate checks.

2018-02-24, 06:08 AM
Sand Camouflage (Sandstorm): +10 bonus on Hide checks in areas with 12 inches or more of appropriate loose soil

Heroic Destiny (Races of Destiny): add d6 roll to d20 roll

Otherworldly Countenance (Fiendish Codex I): bonus on Perform or Intimidate checks equal to the number of Abyssal heritor feats you possess
Shifter Magnetism (Player's Guide to Eberron): bonus on Handle Animal, Intimidate, and wild empathy checks equal to the number of shifter feats you have

2018-02-24, 07:45 AM
This is kind of stretching it a little, but at level 20 Ancestral Relic (BoED) can get you an item with a +61 bonus to any skill check. You'd just need to sacrifice 372,100g or goods equal to the equivalent, and spend a minimum of 5 hours a day per 1000 gold spent.

According to A&E 50 pounds of local lumbar is, on average, about 5g. Assuming an average of 2000lbs per tree and 700 trees per acre, you would just need to sacrifice about 13 acres of forest. And since you'll be performing the ritual for 13 months that's only 1 acre per month. Just hope the neighborhood druid doesn't take offense...

2018-02-26, 02:37 AM
Pious Soul (faith feat) Complete Divine 86
you gain 4 points when you take the feat, and can gain others based off how "faithful" you are to your religion as outlined on the same page. so if you do nothing w/ it, you can apply 4d6 to 1 d20 roll, as you can use more then 1 point at a time. If you save them up, you could apply literally Xd6's to a d20 roll at later levels, thought it would require quite a bit of roleplaying to get to that level of abuse/power.

2018-02-26, 07:17 AM
Any feat which gives you +10 move, mostly Fleet of Foot (PgtF) or Speed of Thought (XPH) gives you +6 on jump checks as part of that speed once you cross reference with the jump skill.

2018-02-26, 06:15 PM
Probably stretching it a bit, but at 11th level (though minimum 12th character level) a Warlock could take Infernal Adept (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/frcc/20070613) to gain Draconic Knowledge off of the Dragonfire Adept list, gaining an untyped +6 to all knowledge skills and Spellcraft...
of course, at that point it's probably easier to take 1 level of DfA and use you feats for better things... but, you know, it's an option! (And it is the equivalent of... *maths* ~108(+) skill points for the Warlock!* (Slightly more reasonable for a DfA, at "only" 66 skill points.))

10 PHB knowledge skills: Arcana; Architecture and engineering; Dungeoneering; Geography; History; Local; Nature; Nobility and royalty; Religion; The planes. Three of which are class skills for the Warlock. Add in Spellcraft (also in-class) and you have 4 skills that gain the equivalent of 6 points each, and 7 that gain the equivalent of 12 points each! The DfA has all knowledge skills and Spellcraft as class skills, so they get less of an overall boost.
The "(+)" represents any other possible knowledge's that might show up throughout the books/a DM might create.

2018-02-26, 07:29 PM
Multigrab sort-of grants a +10 bonus on certain grapple checks (technically, it reduces a -20 penalty to -10). Greater Multigrab makes the penalty go away entirely, which is a bit like a +20 bonus.

Cumbrous Will, Reflexes, and Fortitude each grant +6 to the appropriate save, at a cost of a status effect for the rest of the encounter (respectively shaken, prone AND dazed, and staggered). (Incidentally, being prone and dazed seems like a really powerful effect for a Ref partial spell to apply on a successful save.)

All of these are in Savage Species.

2018-02-27, 01:05 AM
Are we including Epic feats?

Arcane Strike (CW): sacrifice a spell to get a bonus on attack rolls equal to spell level for 1 round
Ascetic Mage (CAd): sacrifice a spell to get a bonus on attack rolls (and damage) equal to spell level on unarmed attacks for 1 round
Battlecaster Defense (CM): +10 bonus Concentration checks (situational)
Cerulean Will (MoI): bonus on a Will save equal to essentia invested
Close-Quarters Fighting (CW): bonus on grapple checks up to damage dealt on an AoO
Cobalt Charge (MoI): bonus equal to essentia invested on the attack roll (and damage) for a charge attack
Cobalt Expertise (MoI) bonus on disarm attacks, feint rolls, or a trip attacks equal to essentia invested
Cobalt Power (MoI): bonus on bull rush, overrun, or sunder attacks equal to essentia invested
Cobalt Rage (MoI) bonus on Will saves equal to essentia invested (while raging)
Dancing With Shadows (RoE): bonus on an attack roll equal to the AC bonus from Combat Expertise or fighting defensively previous round
Destructive Rage (CW): +8 bonus to break doors and sunder while raging
Draconic Persuasion (RotD): bonus on your next Bluff, Intimidate or Perform check equal to 1.5x spell level after you cast an arcane spell
Dragon Hunter Defense (Dr): bonus equal to 1/2 your character level on saves against the Su or SP attacks of dragons
Draw From The Land (UE): +10 bonus on Con checks against hunger and thirst
Epic Endurance (ELH): +10 on various endurance related checks
Epic Skill Focus (ELH): +10 bonus to a specific skill check
Fade (Gh): increases a Ghost's racial bonus to hide to +8
Illithid Enthusiast (CP): bonus on a Concentration, Knowledge (Psionics), Psicraft, or Sense Motive check equal to number of power points you spend on a compulsion power
Improved Aura Of Courage (ELH): boosts bonus to save granted by Aura of Courage to +8
Improved Resist Dragonfear (DCS): +8 bonus to Will saves against the frightful presence of dragons
Insightful Divination (CM): bonus on initiative checks and a single save equal to spell level +1 of a Divination spell
Intimidating Strike (PHB2): make a special Intimidate check with a bonus equal to the amount you subtract from an attack roll, up to your BAB
Legendary Wrestler (ELH): +10 bonus on grapple checks
Mounted Casting (MH): +10 bonus to Concentration checks casting spells while mounted (could be nice for a mounted ToB build); never mind, I was misremembering the feat
Netherese Battle Curse (LEoF): bonus on an attack roll equal to the spell level sacrificed
Oaken Resilience (CD): +8 bonus to avoid bull rush and trip attempts (uses Wild Shape)
Overhead Thrust (Dr): up to +16 bonus on an attack roll for an AoO (based on size of opponent)
Raptor School (CW): up to +6 bonus on a single attack roll
Recitation of Mindful State (ToM): bonus equal to 1/3 of your Truenamer level on one Craft, Disable Device, Forgery, Open Lock, or Sleight of Hand check
Soultouched Spellshaping: bonus on CL check to dispel or overcome SR equal to essentia invested
Superior Initiative (ELH): +8 bonus to initiative
Surge of Malevolence (HoH): up to a +9 bonus on an attack roll, saving throw or check (based on Corruption level)
Water Adaptation (RoF): +8 bonus to Swim checks
Waterspawn (LoM): +8 bonus to Swim checks

...there's also a number of Heritage feats that give a bonus on various rolls equal to the number of the particular type of Heritage feats you have.

2018-02-27, 01:35 AM
Pain Mastery gives +2 to Str for every 50 points of damage taken that encounter. Combine that with methods of not dying and of free healing and you've got arbitrarily large bonuses to everything Str based as the encounter goes on.