View Full Version : TV The Reboot... er, reboot. Trailer. Thing.

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2018-02-23, 06:56 PM

I have so many questions. Like:

1) Why did they run Code Lyoko through a Power Rangers washing machine and call it Reboot?
2) Why does Megabyte look even worse now than he did two decades ago?
3) Why does Netflix suck so badly at live-action adaptations?
4) Do you think they noticed the dislike ratio?

Okay, I guess it's not that many questions, but still :smallyuk:

An Enemy Spy
2018-02-23, 07:14 PM
Is this real? It has the same quality as a fan trailer.

2018-02-23, 07:18 PM
Why are we here? Just to suffer?

Kitten Champion
2018-02-23, 07:25 PM
But...but...but... why?

If you wanted to make a Tron-meets-Power Rangers, then fine, that's a show. They've made similar ones to it too, where they combine elements of 3D space with live-action actors for a video game-ish action series a few time. Not one I'd be interested in, but they're for kids, so sure.

Here though, they've just ignored the premise of the series, which was the novelty of it and why it holds any value. Why even call it Reboot when you've abandoned the whole inner-cyber universe setting and characters-from-data concept? It's like making a Spongebob series a decade from now and having it be a live action series about a marine biologist named Bob.

2018-02-23, 07:48 PM
Is this real? It has the same quality as a fan trailer.

Yes. (https://io9.gizmodo.com/the-first-reboot-the-guardian-code-trailer-has-too-man-1823223874) And, yes.

Why are we here? Just to suffer?

Also yes.

Here though, they've just ignored the premise of the series, which was the novelty of it and why it holds any value. Why even call it Reboot when you've abandoned the whole inner-cyber universe setting and characters-from-data concept? It's like making a Spongebob series a decade from now and having it be a live action series about a marine biologist named Bob.

One of the YT commenters theorized they pitched a Code Lyoko reboot, and the Netflix exec heard "Reboot! I love that show! Here's money dollars!" It's... as good an explanation as any.

2018-02-23, 07:54 PM
what, was the V.R. Troopers license too expensive for them?

Aotrs Commander
2018-02-23, 08:04 PM


WHY? Just... Why even would you?

No, but of course, got to jam human in again, don't we?

The really stupid part is that Netflix even does at least TWO really good CGI cartoons, why the MERRY HELL wouldn't they do another one?

That dislike ratio says it all, really.

2018-02-23, 09:37 PM
Its not...Reboot...

Where was Dot? and Enzo? and Fong? and BOB!?! Where were the game cubes? You can't just slap a Megabyte lookalike and the Icon in there and call it Reboot. :smallfrown:

2018-02-23, 09:42 PM
I mean, it doesn't look awful for what it is. It looks like it's directed towards small kids. It'll probably be fine for that purpose. If you're a 20-30 year old adult going to a Reboot movie and expecting it be meet your childhood expectations you'll be pretty disappointed.

I don't get why they'd call it Reboot though. That just ties it to the old franchise and ensures the internet will hate it.

2018-02-23, 09:49 PM
This is NOT a Reboot series...

This is a Super Human Samurai Syber-Squad reboot.

Youtube Link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N34MmqmxqD0)

They have EVERYTHING SH3S had. Jesus:

1- Antagonists are an evil computer program and a human being teaming up
2- Protagonists are students digitalizing into computers to fight evil programs/viruses

I mean, is there even ONE notorious difference?!

2018-02-23, 10:53 PM
I mean, it doesn't look awful for what it is. It looks like it's directed towards small kids. It'll probably be fine for that purpose. If you're a 20-30 year old adult going to a Reboot movie and expecting it be meet your childhood expectations you'll be pretty disappointed.

If they don't expect 20-30 year olds to go to it, why the gently caress would they call it "Reboot?" You can't try for a nostalgia dollar cashgrab with one hand, while throwing excrement at said nostalgia with the other, and not expect any backlash. The younger audiences you claim they're targeting won't even care what it's called, since they have no idea what "Reboot" even is.

(As for not looking awful - Megabyte looks like garbage.)

2018-02-23, 11:58 PM
Why even bother with Megabyte if they can't get the sweet, haunting voice of Tony Jay? It's just.... not even close.

Definitely going to let this one pass by. A shame, really.

2018-02-24, 12:18 AM
To be fair, in Reboot most guardians were deleted/corrupted by the end, so apparently they branched out turning Users into Guardians?!

Megabyte was reactivated by this kid.

So it is Reboot the universe, but not Reboot the series.

2018-02-24, 01:51 AM
OMG I love this, I must have LaZodiac's opinion as well :smallbiggrin::smallcool:

2018-02-24, 02:48 AM
If they don't expect 20-30 year olds to go to it, why the gently caress would they call it "Reboot?" You can't try for a nostalgia dollar cashgrab with one hand, while throwing excrement at said nostalgia with the other, and not expect any backlash. The younger audiences you claim they're targeting won't even care what it's called, since they have no idea what "Reboot" even is.

(As for not looking awful - Megabyte looks like garbage.)

I meant not awful for a movie presumably targeted towards 5 year olds. They probably won't care about bad CGI.

As for why call it Reboot...I already said I have no idea.

Kitten Champion
2018-02-24, 03:19 AM
I meant not awful for a movie presumably targeted towards 5 year olds. They probably won't care about bad CGI.

As for why call it Reboot...I already said I have no idea.

I think an issue for the 5-year-old demographic is it's kind of bland. The live-action bits are doing the darker-towards-realism lighting you might see in modern adult-oriented productions, whereas most youth-oriented live action shows use a pretty bright and welcoming aesthetic in their cinematography nowadays. Power Rangers, particularly, is quite vibrant. Even the only Power Rangers show I've actually seen outside of clips on Youtube - RPM - which is set in a post-apocalyptic future, is charmingly colourful by comparison.

The characters are also a little unapproachable relatively speaking, they feel more like the ones from the recent Power Rangers movie than anything.

Basically, it feels like they're trying to have it both ways with a maturer-feeling show but with a Saturday morning cartoon premise.

That's based off a teaser trailer, so whatever.

2018-02-24, 03:31 AM
OMG I love this, I must have LaZodiac's opinion as well :smallbiggrin::smallcool:

This is literally one of the worst things I've seen all week and I've willingly watched Suicide Squad today.

How the **** are they going to make 26 episodes of this garbage. Who greenlit this? Who decided this was what they should do with Reboot? And I mean look, you're never replacing the original Megabyte actor god rest his soul, but at least get someone who TRIES, at least a little? And they call the real villain, the human villain, the SOURCEROR, as in SOURCE CODE, as in computer term, which....god. It's so ****ing bad.


2018-02-24, 03:37 AM
As for why call it Reboot...I already said I have no idea.

It was a rhetorical question actually - I already told you why, nostalgia cashgrab. So they should have seen the backlash coming, and it is well deserved.

As for bad CGI - they didn't have to try to keep Megabyte's janky old appearance. Heck, even the name no longer makes sense; a megabyte was a big deal in '94, but you can't even take a picture that size these days. It's all for nostalgia's sake, because they're trying to have their millennial cake and make Z eat it too.

2018-02-24, 04:06 AM
This is literally one of the worst things I've seen all week and I've willingly watched Suicide Squad today.

How the **** are they going to make 26 episodes of this garbage. Who greenlit this? Who decided this was what they should do with Reboot? And I mean look, you're never replacing the original Megabyte actor god rest his soul, but at least get someone who TRIES, at least a little? And they call the real villain, the human villain, the SOURCEROR, as in SOURCE CODE, as in computer term, which....god. It's so ****ing bad.


You see the trailer is so bad, so corny it has the potential to actually be good by being so bad :smallbiggrin:

And I mean look, you're never replacing the original Megabyte actor god rest his soul


Tony Jay, sigh. Frollo from Hunchback, that creepy guy that runs the insane asylum from Beauty and the Beast, Shere Khan from Talespin, other works that are numerous (174 roles on IMDB as an actor or voice actor), he will be irreplaceable.

This is literally one of the worst things I've seen all week and I've willingly watched Suicide Squad today.

Same guy who produced Suicide Squad also did The Lego Movie and Max Max Fury Road before getting his current job as Treasury Security and doing meme photos in front of money with his signature on it. So lot of bad stuff, but some good stuff as well. He executive produced 44 movies all of them coming out from 2014 to today.

Then again this guy in politics before politics and besides his banking stuff, also is one of the founders of Dune Entertainment which became RatPac Dune Entertainment (a play on words for Brett Ratner, James Parker, and this guy) so he is also the money behind dozens of other movies some horrible things like X-Men 3: the Last Stand, some awesome movies like The Devil Wears Prada, and some medium movies like Avatar 2009 the blue alien people. (Plus dozens upon dozens upon dozens other movies many famous)


So after teasing LaZodiac I was curious so I did some googling. The production company for this is Rainmaker Studios. Rainmaker is the same people who made the original Reboot almost 25 years ago. I can now see how this got off the ground, 1) It was their first show, and the one that made them famous (they also are famous for Beast Wars and Beast Machines which occured later), 2) In 2016 Rainmaker acquired Federator Networks which is famous for youtube stuff supposedly (I am unfamiliar with it) but Federator Networks also has Federator Studios as a subsidary / production company that does more famous things like Adventure Time and Castlevania ... I do not know the financial situation but I bet after acquiring another company either they want money or at the minimum a return on investment. 3) Step in Netflix with their bags of money.

Thus it is my speculation with 1, 2, and 3, a reboot idea was green light off the ground even if the idea was not ready and it should have been matured / resent to the idea drawing board. All of this is speculation on my part though.

a megabyte was a big deal in '94, but you can't even take a picture that size these days. It's all for nostalgia's sake, because they're trying to have their millennial cake and make Z eat it too.

I agree with your sentiment, but let me throw out a term I heard for the first time today. Xennials. Xennials are a gradient / microgeneration that occured between the gen X and the gen Y / millennial generation. So 1977 to 1983 or 1977 to 1985 roughly. These are people who were born in an analog world but the world is becoming digital during the child hood. The internet was just starting underneath it all for when these people were in high school or college they only had dial up. According to Pew in the year 2000, 3% of the US had broadband, and 34% had dial up. Remember AIM was launched in 1997, and Netscape in 1994. A very different type of technology interfaces these older millennials and youngest gen Xers, these Xennials dealt with. Some people call these Xennials the Oregon Trail micro generation.

It was these people who were watching the original Reboot. I was born in 1986 so I get these people (1977-85), my younger brother born in 1992 would not have seen Reboot, and almost missed out on Beast Wars. Then again these generations are usually silly terms for a generation is usually 20 to 25 years but the concept of the baby boomers is 18 years, and then the Gen X are 15 years and same for millenials. Aka the term generation now is mostly about marketing and marketing brackets where I can say these people are 20 to 34 years old and that is 15 years of demographics and who can I sell Tide Pods to with tv ads and so on. Something not real, something that is tv fakery by the "Mad Men."

Kitten Champion
2018-02-24, 04:14 AM
It was a rhetorical question actually - I already told you why, nostalgia cashgrab. So they should have seen the backlash coming, and it is well deserved.

As for bad CGI - they didn't have to try to keep Megabyte's janky old appearance. Heck, even the name no longer makes sense; a megabyte was a big deal in '94, but you can't even take a picture that size these days. It's all for nostalgia's sake, because they're trying to have their millennial cake and make Z eat it too.

See, that's what's confusing me. There's nothing inapplicable about Reboot to today's audiences in its premise. The animation and references were of its time of course - particularly the games they used - but that's something you can update. The fact that you now have decades of gaming and computer development to work with for your stories and potential ideas you could implement should be exciting. Why can't they make gen Z's Reboot be Reboot for Z rather than a show made for Z that's just called Reboot? Like, say, Voltron did with Voltron on bloody Netflix.

Live action's probably cheaper - I assume at least - but there are still plenty of fully-animated 3D shows on television these days so it can't be prohibitively so. Even if you wanted to implement more - any, I guess - live action, there are ways to do that without being this.

2018-02-24, 04:15 AM
Wow, that is utterly horrible. ReBoot was the first TV show I ever really loved - as a 5 year old. My childhood does not deserve this!

2018-02-24, 05:11 AM
Made me wonder what if the leads are recruited for what they think is a virtual reality game machine but find themselves stuck in the virtual world.

They run into Kid Enzo whose dog was apparently hurt so they help him move his dog to safety discovering someone has been deliberately invading their world using the form of a long deleted Virus named MegaByte to lead their army of corrupted programs.

Bob and Adult Enzo protected the System until MegaByte2 caused a system breakdown stranding the two somewhere else but it also introduced the team's predecessor who is simply known as the Guardian who pursued MegaByte2 back into the real world and for a time managed to shut him down.

Now he's returned and like last time Users stranded in the System have come to help fight MegaByte2!

The twist is the scientist who used them to test his transfer device is MegaByte2 the Guardian located him in the real world and got him arrested because of his hacking but the Authorities instead recruited him to continue his insane experiments.

As for the Guardian she's still out there searching for Bob and Adult Enzo but will inevitably discover the kids stranded in the System and will help bring them back out leading to them discovering what's really going on!

Does that sound better?

Draconi Redfir
2018-02-24, 05:15 AM
Rule #1 of the Reboot Franchise: You do not show the Users or their world.

Rule #2 of the Reboot franchise: YOU. DO NOT. SHOW. THE. USERS. OR. THEIR. WORLD.


No brains
2018-02-24, 05:41 AM
Now Megabyte is someone's minion and isn't voiced by Tony Jay...

I know he was bad, but nobody deserves that level of punishment.

If they also took away his guitar skillz I'll just break down and cry.


Aotrs Commander
2018-02-24, 06:35 AM
I think the most depressing thing is, with this misstep, that's it. Because when this tanks - and it's GOING to tank, just look at the reaction, even here there's like, one person who was even sort of neutral - that will just send the message to the execs that no-one wants Reboot. (Not, of course, no-one wants THIS "Reboot.")

And if, by some implausible miracle it succeeds... It will mean Reboot is now just a cut-rate Power Rangers forever.

Whatever, this series is Reboot's killing blow.

2018-02-24, 07:55 AM
What if, in a shocking plot twist, the "totally realistic" Alan Turing High School is actually a Visual Novel style game that the guardians have been stuck in for such a long simulated amount of time that the show gets an excuse to explain Mainframe to them. The game/fantastic plot elements of the ATHS VN, or just Mainframe enhancements in these last decades, give the guardians the ability to transfer back and forth between MF and the gameworld. In one or two episodes, ATHS ends and it actually acts like a Reboot show. They keep the live-action folks around because that's cheaper than doing the hyper-realistic graphics of high end modern games from scratch (to avoid copyrights).

2018-02-24, 07:56 AM
This is NOT a Reboot series...

This is a Super Human Samurai Syber-Squad reboot.

Youtube Link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N34MmqmxqD0)

They have EVERYTHING SH3S had. Jesus:

1- Antagonists are an evil computer program and a human being teaming up
2- Protagonists are students digitalizing into computers to fight evil programs/viruses

I mean, is there even ONE notorious difference?!

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1: I, have had vague recollections of kind of liking that show as a small child. Small enough in fact I could not recall what it was called even a little bit. I now know what it was called. Thank you.

2: Huh, neat, I love Tim Curry, didn't know he was the villain in this.


*sobs* I loved Reboot when I was a kid. I use to argue with my mother to please not video record yet another episode of Oprah and let me change the channel to watch Reboot and Sailor Moon on Cartoon Network when they were on Toonami.

why netflix? why? did, did I hurt you personally at some point in my life?

2018-02-24, 08:10 AM
I just don't get why you're all so set on disparaging what is clearly going to be the greatest film of our generation.

Seriously, this thing is so obviously awful that it's not even worth discussing. :smallbiggrin:

2018-02-24, 08:21 AM
I just don't get why you're all so set on disparaging what is clearly going to be the greatest film of our generation.

Seriously, this thing is so obviously awful that it's not even worth discussing. :smallbiggrin:

I'll tell you what,

Let it approach you, take a cactus, and insert it forcefully into the back of your head. This is roughly comparable to the pain I, and I subsequently presume most of the rest of us here, are feeling.

See how much you want to be forgiving to it after that.

And don't ask how I know how much a cactus to the back of the head hurts. I will never, ever tell that story.

2018-02-24, 11:58 AM
Xennials the Oregon Trail micro generation.[/B]

It was these people who were watching the original Reboot. I was born in 1986 so I get these people (1977-85), my younger brother born in 1992 would not have seen Reboot, and almost missed out on Beast Wars. Then again these generations are usually silly terms for a generation is usually 20 to 25 years but the concept of the baby boomers is 18 years, and then the Gen X are 15 years and same for millenials. Aka the term generation now is mostly about marketing and marketing brackets where I can say these people are 20 to 34 years old and that is 15 years of demographics and who can I sell Tide Pods to with tv ads and so on. Something not real, something that is tv fakery by the "Mad Men."

The producer doesn't matter they just give money to make the film. It's the director and writer who matter.

My biggest problem with this show is that if you really really wanted to do something like this, there's another Canadian IP that would fit a lot ****ing better, and was left on a cliffhanger, and would actually be at least somewhat interesting to pick up again. The Zixx series, with human people going into a digital, game like world to fight things. The original season had an alien main character and her lizard dog but you could probably do something with that to make it NON terrible. At least up grade it to "just kind of bad child human entertainment".

As it stands, this thing is going to flop hard. The kids who might be attracted have way way WAY better options to choose from, and the adults who are nostalgic for Reboot will just ****ing eviscerate this.

2018-02-24, 12:16 PM
I'll tell you what,

Let it approach you, take a cactus, and insert it forcefully into the back of your head. This is roughly comparable to the pain I, and I subsequently presume most of the rest of us here, are feeling.

See how much you want to be forgiving to it after that.

And don't ask how I know how much a cactus to the back of the head hurts. I will never, ever tell that story.


2018-02-24, 12:54 PM
The producer doesn't matter they just give money to make the film. It's the director and writer who matter.

My biggest problem with this show is that if you really really wanted to do something like this, there's another Canadian IP that would fit a lot ****ing better, and was left on a cliffhanger, and would actually be at least somewhat interesting to pick up again. The Zixx series, with human people going into a digital, game like world to fight things. The original season had an alien main character and her lizard dog but you could probably do something with that to make it NON terrible. At least up grade it to "just kind of bad child human entertainment".

As it stands, this thing is going to flop hard. The kids who might be attracted have way way WAY better options to choose from, and the adults who are nostalgic for Reboot will just ****ing eviscerate this.

Or Superhuman Samurai Syber Squad

2018-02-24, 03:01 PM
Or Superhuman Samurai Syber Squad

I've never seen that and have no frame of reference. You're probably right that that would work as well.

2018-02-24, 03:19 PM
I just watched the trailer in the OP. Words fail me. I literally have no way to describe that absolute abomination. :smallfurious:

No brains
2018-02-24, 03:46 PM
I'll tell you what,

Let it approach you, take a cactus, and insert it forcefully into the back of your head. This is roughly comparable to the pain I, and I subsequently presume most of the rest of us here, are feeling.

See how much you want to be forgiving to it after that.

And don't ask how I know how much a cactus to the back of the head hurts. I will never, ever tell that story.

This doesn't make me feel pain so much as an anesthetic sorrow. Pain reminds me I'm alive. This reminds me that ReBoot's dead.

But, I can understand if others have a reaction that fits this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdIZdDvpYJE

Giggling Ghast
2018-02-24, 04:39 PM
My thoughts on this new rebooted Reboot:


Admittedly, I’m not the target audience for this series. But even if I had no knowledge of the original, I can’t imagine something with such poor CGI and a corny set-up appealing to anyone, even little kids.

2018-02-24, 06:25 PM
This doesn't make me feel pain so much as an anesthetic sorrow. Pain reminds me I'm alive. This reminds me that ReBoot's dead.

But, I can understand if others have a reaction that fits this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdIZdDvpYJE

Oddly, from :49 to :53 or so is Reboot in that video.

Zodi: Actually, because producers can take there money away in a lot of cases, it's producers, directors and executives that hole all the power on a TV show or a movie. Writers can't do crap and will be ignore the instant the director OR a producer OR an executive wish for them to be.

2018-02-24, 06:46 PM
Its not...Reboot...

Where was Dot? and Enzo? and Fong? and BOB!?! Where were the game cubes? You can't just slap a Megabyte lookalike and the Icon in there and call it Reboot. :smallfrown:
Yeah, yeah that's basically my thought as well. I mean, why the heck are they calling this Reboot? I mean yes, to try and get people nostalgic for the show to watch it, sure, but as many people have pointed out, there's other shows that fit this one's premise way better that they could have used instead. Code Lyoko and VR Troopers both came to mind for me immediately while watching the trailer, and others have listed ones I've never heard of but would bet fit better for this than Reboot. So it's not like they lacked for options for a franchise to slap this basic premise on if all they want is easy nostalgia views. Nor is it like Reboot specifically was a much bigger hit than those alternatives - this isn't Transformers or Ninja Turtles or anything, it's a one-off show that had a fanbase, but not an enormous one. It's just baffling.

2018-02-24, 06:53 PM
I've never seen that and have no frame of reference. You're probably right that that would work as well.

I posted a link to a Youtube video of the intro earlier.

Its exactly the same goddamn premise: students digitalising into software avatars to fight computer viruses created by teamup of an evil human and an evil computer software.

The computer software was played by Tim Curry

2018-02-24, 07:11 PM
Superhuman Samurai Syber Squad was great! This Reboot “reboot” looks awful.

What is Code Lykos? Is it good?

2018-02-24, 07:37 PM
According to the show's wikipedia page (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ReBoot:_The_Guardian_Code):

Bob, Dot, Enzo and other characters from the original series have been confirmed to appear in the series.[5] Viruses such as Megabyte and Hexadecimal are also slated to appear in one or more episodes.[6]

So they are going to use the characters from the original show, it seems. Still looks awful, though.

2018-02-24, 10:13 PM
Oddly, from :49 to :53 or so is Reboot in that video.

Zodi: Actually, because producers can take there money away in a lot of cases, it's producers, directors and executives that hole all the power on a TV show or a movie. Writers can't do crap and will be ignore the instant the director OR a producer OR an executive wish for them to be.

Fair point, and true, but it depends on the situation.

Superhuman Samurai Syber Squad was great! This Reboot “reboot” looks awful.

What is Code Lykos? Is it good?

Code Lyoko is...good, ish, if you like Frenchame.

According to the show's wikipedia page (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ReBoot:_The_Guardian_Code):

Bob, Dot, Enzo and other characters from the original series have been confirmed to appear in the series.[5] Viruses such as Megabyte and Hexadecimal are also slated to appear in one or more episodes.[6]

So they are going to use the characters from the original show, it seems. Still looks awful, though.

That's definitely going to be an "in name only" style thing. God, this is going to be terrible.

2018-02-24, 10:46 PM
What is Code Lykos? Is it good?
From what little I remember of it, it was okay. Basic premise was a group of High School apparently Middle School students stumbling upon a way to access a computer world called Lyoko, which they had to defend from... something, I forget what, because that something could impact both their world and Lyoko. And also because one of them wound up with a crush on a girl from that world. The real world scenes were in normal 2D animation, while Lyoko scenes were 3D CG more reminiscent of Reboot. So yeah, obvious parallels with what we're seeing from this new Reboot.

Honestly, the catchy theme song (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sq0EAiaUR9E) is part I remember liking the most about it.

2018-02-24, 11:19 PM
Fair point, and true, but it depends on the situation.

Good producers and directors will usually tell the executives to back off if it get's excessive, and then will actually pay attention too the writers. Clearly this is not in the hands of good directors and producers.

Regarding Code Lyoko: It's ok, it has moments were it goes a little darker then you might expect, and you get odd little details that make a bit more sense then one might expect every now and then. (Example: The characters are all in middle school, and one of the things you'll notice is that the girls are for the most part as tall as if not taller then the boys. Which is a nice bit of realism considering in the age range being depicted, that's pretty standard, girls hit there growth spurts first in most cases, so during those couple of years, there often as tall or taller then boys the same age group.)

And the thing they were opposing was some malevolent AI program that wanted to wipe out humanity. And would affect our world, for the most part, by infecting and taking control of the computer systems to important things and putzing with them in ways designed to get people killed. I remember at least one episode were it's trying to launch nuclear missiles for example.

It's ability to do so is however partially limited by plot, and by the fact that the main character people can use the super computer that lets them get into the virtual reality world to shut it off if they can get past the defenses it can erect in that world.

Also the main character people have some weird thing they can do with the computer were they reset time by like a week to undo damage done by the evil AI attacks. But they retain there memories because of exposure to the super computer putting them into the VR world or something. No I was and am not clear on how that works.

2018-02-25, 05:32 PM
OMG I just realized the reboot reboot can introduce us to a "Curling" game cube :smallbiggrin: It will be so worth a reboot if there is curling in the reboot.

Hunter Noventa
2018-02-27, 11:06 AM
I saw the trailer a couple days ago, and my friend was like 'So it's Super Human Samurai Cyber Squad'. I remember Reboot, it was great (heck I have the show on DVD and need to rewatch it). I don't remember Cyber Squad, but I do remember VR Troopers.

This is not my Reboot.

2018-02-28, 06:14 AM
Wait....This is a whole TV series???!!!

It was awful enough when I thought it was a movie... But you're telling me they are making at least 3 hours of... That?!


Well... If Reboot wasn't dead before, this sure killed it. Way to go, Netflix! Make the first installment of the new reboot series a franchise-killer! That way you don't waste money on the sequels!

But, hey! Maybe we'll something decent in 2038 when they give it another try... Nah! Who am I kidding? It'll still be awful! And the only projects that will make some money by then are the ones banking on 2020 nostalgia!

2018-02-28, 06:37 AM
Man, take your nostalgia goggles off. I grew up watching reboot too. lol. Have you tried to go watch those old episodes? It's like trying to watch Thundercats or He-man over again. They are bad, just like reboot is.

Aotrs Commander
2018-02-28, 07:14 AM
So, I watched one ReBoot clip on youtube, and was siezed with a desperate urge to hope that this is all a Bleakbane-esque elaborate ploy, wherein at the end of the first episode, we see the real (properly animated) Megabyte watching with a chuckle (convincingly imitating Tony Jay) and it turns out our four heroes are really Enzo and company, only what's happened is after the end of the cliffhanger, Megabyte basically trapped them in an illusory world where they think they're saving the world and fighting him, an illusion with just barely enough connection to their previous lives to allay suspicion, leaving him free reign and the series' first arc is the heroes breaking out of what is essentially Megabyte's live-action Infinite Tsukuyomi. Because ReBoot would be clever enough to do that, right? Right? Right?

I'm not crazy!

Man, take your nostalgia goggles off. I grew up watching reboot too. lol. Have you tried to go watch those old episodes? It's like trying to watch Thundercats or He-man over again. They are bad, just like reboot is.

Having watched all three within the past few years on DVD after twenty years, I can say that I completely disagree. ReBoot blows both of those out of the water (but considering Thundercats ranks about on the level of MASK and Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors, that is not a high bar to overcome1). Sure, ReBoot's first season was more shaky, but the second and third rank up with Avatar, Centurions, W.i.t.c.h and Young Justice as the best of their generas.

Hell, ReBoot stands in the VERY rare category of a nominal children's show killing named characters onscreen multiple times.

1Because out of the 80's cartoons, Transformers, for all it's flaws holds up, He-Man and She-Ra are not actually terrible, but very much feel aimed at a younger audience for the most part, MASK is formulaic to the point of idiocy, Thundercats suffers catastrophically from Because The Plot Says So (at least in the early episodes, I haven't managed to force my way through the whole series), Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors is an exercise is insipid made truly painful by all the potential that, is used, could have made it brilliant and Centurions is actually BETTER than I remembered (at the very least, it shows the writers actually GAVE a frag, and when it's stupid, it's so gloriously stupid it's hilarious).

Also, ReBoot is 90s, and comtemporary with the Marvel X-Men/Spider-Man series (which were good) and the earliest bits of the DCAU (which was also good to fantastic).

2018-02-28, 08:02 AM
Good or bad isn't really the issue here though. It's the concept. Reboot was video games entirely from the npc's perspective, and the world that was constructed around that. This, good or bad, is not that.

You could change the animation style, for that matter you could do it live action (video games look more like that than 90s cg these days after all). You don't need to reuse any of the characters and plots. As long as you keep the core concept, you could easily make something feel more like Reboot than this does.

So on that note, anything else out there with that concept? All I can think of is Avalon.

2018-02-28, 08:55 AM
Man, take your nostalgia goggles off. I grew up watching reboot too. lol. Have you tried to go watch those old episodes? It's like trying to watch Thundercats or He-man over again. They are bad, just like reboot is.

You have the weirdest of comments at times.

I rewatched the whole Reboot a few years ago as a 28 year old. It stood up. A bit cringy a times, but otherwise actually damn good.

2018-02-28, 10:04 AM
Not to mention that a reboot made now would be more current. Nostalgia doesn't mean "make it exactly like it was 30 years ago". It's the setting and the concept (as JoshL points out).

This new reboot doesn't even try to capture that.

2018-02-28, 10:34 AM
Hell, ReBoot stands in the VERY rare category of a nominal children's show killing named characters onscreen multiple times.

When I re-watched it as an adult I was still shocked by Matrix killing a virus in cold blood execution-style. Kid's show protagonists just don't do that.

Aotrs Commander
2018-02-28, 11:13 AM
When I re-watched it as an adult I was still shocked by Matrix killing a virus in cold blood execution-style. Kid's show protagonists just don't do that.

I only saw the first two seasons when they were shown on UK YV.

Imagine, then, my reaction watching season three on DVD as an adult, at the end of that first arc and what happened to Enzo.

(Granted, I had sort of an idea that Getting Lost In The Games was the plotline of season three from knowing that existed, but even so.)

And coming, in true ReBoot style, after Firewall and that ridiculously side-splitting Bond spoof intro.

Not only could ReBoot to drama, it could parody with the best of them and spoof two things simultaneously. My prevailing memory of ReBoot was the end of season two, with the X-Files spoof and that episode where they parodied Thunderbirds and Power Rangers at the same time. It stood and stills stands on a rewatch as one of the things I'v laughed hardest at EVER; so funny in, fact, that I remembered the laughung more than the actual jokes.

Dunno about you guys, but I did not get sort of self-aware, clever parody/humour from the trailer either.

2018-02-28, 12:20 PM
I'm just trying to figure out who this show is for. Surely not the fans of the original. So they are trying to reach a newer audience? Are Super Sentai shows still that popular here in the West?

2018-02-28, 12:25 PM
I'm just trying to figure out who this show is for. Surely not the fans of the original. So they are trying to reach a newer audience? Are Super Sentai shows still that popular here in the West?

The sadly mixed reception of the Power Rangers reboot suggests that they're not, or at least not quite, and certainly not as much as they once were.

2018-02-28, 01:16 PM
I rewatched the whole Reboot a few years ago as a 28 year old. It stood up. A bit cringy a times, but otherwise actually damn good.

Totally agree. I re-watched it a couple of years ago as well and, if anything, I enjoyed it more as an adult because I didn't appreciate how ground-breaking it was when I was 5. The jokes are more funny now because of how much computer technology has advanced in the last 20 years (and because a 5-year-old doesn't understand that "it's the ABCs, they've turned on us! Treacherous dogs!" is a joke), and the storytelling is genuinely solid.

2018-02-28, 01:18 PM
The sadly mixed reception of the Power Rangers reboot suggests that they're not, or at least not quite, and certainly not as much as they once were.

I honestly don't know. I remember there was a huge slew of them back when Power Rangers first became big, but most of them didn't last very long (as opposed to Power Rangers, which I believe is still running to this day, isn't it?).

2018-02-28, 01:47 PM
I honestly don't know. I remember there was a huge slew of them back when Power Rangers first became big, but most of them didn't last very long (as opposed to Power Rangers, which I believe is still running to this day, isn't it?).

Power rangers is still wildly popular in the west. It's just that it doesn't work on the big screen.

Even at the height of it's popularity the power rangers movies did poorly on the big screen.

Kitten Champion
2018-02-28, 02:11 PM
Totally agree. I re-watched it a couple of years ago as well and, if anything, I enjoyed it more as an adult because I didn't appreciate how ground-breaking it was when I was 5. The jokes are more funny now because of how much computer technology has advanced in the last 20 years (and because a 5-year-old doesn't understand that "it's the ABCs, they've turned on us! Treacherous dogs!" is a joke), and the storytelling is genuinely solid.

Having watched a few episodes on Youtube today, I was amazed in how fully-realized the concept was out-of-the-gate. There's a lot of show rather than tell, and it takes for granted that the audience gets what's going on despite how incredibly weird and divorced from our reality it is. It's also amazing how smoothly they integrated the computer science-ness of the world into the dialogue -- which is very fluid.

It makes the AI character in the trailer all the more baffling because of how stilted they made her -- like no character is in Reboot at all. No one does the Mr. Robotto voice, and everyone has an obvious personality if they get a chance to express it.

Giggling Ghast
2018-02-28, 03:39 PM
Reboot was never a great show until it hit the middle of its run, when it became an independent production and was free to be more experimental and a little more “adult.” Evil Dead and Mortal Kombat references in a cartoon? That s**t was amazing.

However, this rebooted Reboot doesn’t just look bad from a nostalgic standpoint. It just looks really bad, period.

2018-02-28, 06:20 PM
It makes the AI character in the trailer all the more baffling because of how stilted they made her -- like no character is in Reboot at all. No one does the Mr. Robotto voice, and everyone has an obvious personality if they get a chance to express it.

This doesn't really surprise me. Ignoring the source material to go for the old "haha, she's a painfully unrealistic robot" joke is so Hollywood it hurts.

What blows my mind is that this is supposedly the original company behind this production. Is it just an entirely different set of people or what?

Quick...to Google!!

Looking at what Rainmaker have done since Reboot, it's hard to imagine the same crew being involved. Animated series continue up to about 2003, where all TV work stops and they begin churning out crappy Direct-to-Video Barbie movies and the like. The only works of substance they've output is some movie called Escape from Planet Earth and the Ratchet and Clank movie. The first was apparently pretty bad, and the Ratchet and Clank movie was merely passable despite heavy involvement from Insomniac.

Further research proves this - of the 4 original creators (not counting the visual director), 3 of them had left Mainframe/Rainmaker by 2003. The last, John Grace, sadly died in 2004.

So...yeah. It really does look like Netflix decided to cash in on the nostalgia and Rainmaker still held the rights. It doesn't look like any of the original creators are involved, which explains the total lack of respect for the source material.

2018-02-28, 06:45 PM
I wonder how many "nostalgic" reboots from the last 10 years stayed true to the original material... I'm sure there are some, but they can be probably counted on your fingers.

2018-03-01, 03:22 AM
I just find it ludicrously hilariously hypocritical when people on this forum get mad over one thing. When they defend the exact same thing tooth and nail. Al la Star Wars (Force Awakens, Last Jedi) or Ghostbusters. They aren't ruining your childhood, by making this show. Nevermind the fact they are fundamentally changing things about the show. By the way, you guys are pretty judgemental about the show, having not seeing ANYTHING concrete about the show. The same thing people accused other people about previously mentioned movies.

I am ambivalent about the news of the show, personally. Being a fan of the original show, I am holding out hope that they will do something good about the show. I am not wishing it will fail.

2018-03-01, 07:23 AM
I just find it ludicrously hilariously hypocritical when people on this forum get mad over one thing. When they defend the exact same thing tooth and nail. Al la Star Wars (Force Awakens, Last Jedi) or Ghostbusters. They aren't ruining your childhood, by making this show. Nevermind the fact they are fundamentally changing things about the show. By the way, you guys are pretty judgemental about the show, having not seeing ANYTHING concrete about the show. The same thing people accused other people about previously mentioned movies.

I am ambivalent about the news of the show, personally. Being a fan of the original show, I am holding out hope that they will do something good about the show. I am not wishing it will fail.

Are you actively trying to antagonize other people? Can you be clear about your criticism so we have something to argue?

And this part:

I am ambivalent about the news of the show, personally. Being a fan of the original show, I am holding out hope that they will do something good about the show. I am not wishing it will fail.

Really makes me question whether you are serious about discussing, because literally last page you said this:

Man, take your nostalgia goggles off. I grew up watching reboot too. lol. Have you tried to go watch those old episodes? It's like trying to watch Thundercats or He-man over again. They are bad, just like reboot is.

2018-03-01, 09:03 AM
The problem with what we've seen about the new series is this. Reboot was a scifi show asking the question

" What if the programs within a computer were a form of life " It made you question things like killing NPCs in a videogame, made you consider stuff like how updates to a program, and damage to a CPU would affect such life.

Humans were the unseen and unknowable gods to this world. Our every action or inaction affecting everything for good or ill. It's like looking into an Ant farm and making the show about the Ants. and their relationship with a human.

By shifting the focus to humans now in this new show well it brings to mind a whole host of ramifications. If these people don't have some sort of existential crisis that during their lives they've killed billions of sentient beings. That their every little action on a phone or computer or videogame affects real living beings... Well then it's not reboot.

2018-03-01, 09:41 AM
I just find it ludicrously hilariously hypocritical when people on this forum get mad over one thing. When they defend the exact same thing tooth and nail. Al la Star Wars (Force Awakens, Last Jedi) or Ghostbusters. They aren't ruining your childhood, by making this show. Nevermind the fact they are fundamentally changing things about the show. By the way, you guys are pretty judgemental about the show, having not seeing ANYTHING concrete about the show. The same thing people accused other people about previously mentioned movies.

I am ambivalent about the news of the show, personally. Being a fan of the original show, I am holding out hope that they will do something good about the show. I am not wishing it will fail.

Um...both of those are pretty terrible examples.

You can criticize the new Star Wars movies all you want, but one thing that's above reproach is their faithfulness to the source material. They're clearly direct sequels to the OT, with all of the main characters of the earlier movies in advisory roles. The universe is clearly the same, following the same rules. From top to bottom, they are clearly recognizable as Star Wars. Heck, the main criticism of Force Awakens is that it's a ripoff of A New Hope.

I rewatched the trailer (thanks for that pain, by the way) and there is almost nothing that says "Reboot" in there. If I was shown the trailer as a big fan of the show, I wouldn't have been able to definitively identify it as Reboot until Megabyte shows up. The only other clue is the icon/logo on the big machine they get into. For a supposed sequel, that's pretty bad. The rules of the universe have evidently changed, there's no sign of the recognizable characters from the franchise - literally nothing to say "this is the same show" apart from Megabyte.

As for Ghost Busters, have you seen how much hate that film got for destroying childhoods? I'm one of the few defenders of that film and even I think they would have been better off doing it as an original IP. The decision to make it Ghostbusters was as clear a cash grab as you're ever likely to see.

And even saying that, Ghostbusters had more in common with the source material than the new Reboot does. The original film was about a group of paranormal investigators starting a business around capturing ghosts. The remake was exactly that. The new Reboot, on the other hand, has almost nothing identifiable from the original premise. Reboot was about a bunch of computer programs trying to survive daily life inside a computer. Nu-Reboot is about a bunch of humans going inside a computer to fight against another human. There's just no similarity.

Aotrs Commander
2018-03-01, 11:26 AM
And even saying that, Ghostbusters had more in common with the source material than the new Reboot does. The original film was about a group of paranormal investigators starting a business around capturing ghosts. The remake was exactly that. The new Reboot, on the other hand, has almost nothing identifiable from the original premise. Reboot was about a bunch of computer programs trying to survive daily life inside a computer. Nu-Reboot is about a bunch of humans going inside a computer to fight against another human. There's just no similarity.

Yeah. I have seen shows do a fairly radical departure from their initial instance (Teen Titans Go from Teen Titans, Equestria Girls from Friendship is Magic, Iron Man Armoured Adventures) and whether or not you think they are successful (I do in those instances, personally, though the first one is a bit contraversial), they all had some continuity from what they were spinning off from.

This is the equivilent of, say, Equestria Girls where it is in live-action, there are no ponies and the only returning character is off-model Discord (voiced by someone completely different) working for some random dude or Pokémon, where the pokémon are all magic cards used by humans to play a game with and the only returning character is off-model Seto Kiba working for some random dude.

Or Dragonball Evolution, which basically IS to DBZ what this appears to be to Reboot.


As close as it is to the above formula, even Evolution had more in common with DBZ (i.e. names of the characters) than this does with Reboot.

That's terrifiying.

The thing that bothers me the most about this is it doesn't look CLEVER. And you can get around all sorts of bullcrap with clever writing. (I am on record as being extremely negative on the whole idea of Equestria Girls conceptually and said it couldn't possibly be better then mediocre, given even the show's already proven writing quality - and was forced to eat my own helmet and several crows when it was actually good.) But this... Shows no semblence of self-awareness or parody or doing anything other than being what it is.

Now, I will again eat my helmet if the show turns out to be Doing A Bleakbane and doing a DM's smug grin while we all blow up about it, knowing that it;s deliberately doing so to hide The Big Reveal (which is a bit of a... risky move, but if that is genuinely the case, I will salute them to the heavens). But... I just don't think it's LIKELY, since we've seen this cash-in crap time and time and time again.

Hunter Noventa
2018-03-01, 11:30 AM
What's really funny is, it really is Superhuman Samurai Cyber Squad, because I just saw a video about Gridman, the old Tokusatsu show on which SSCS was based in the same way as Power Rangers being based on Super Sentai. The plot of Gridman is almost literally this terrible reboot of ReBoot. And it looks done better, despite being older. And it has giant robots.

Draconi Redfir
2018-03-01, 12:01 PM
The problem with what we've seen about the new series is this. Reboot was a scifi show asking the question

" What if the programs within a computer were a form of life " It made you question things like killing NPCs in a videogame, made you consider stuff like how updates to a program, and damage to a CPU would affect such life. .

Fun fact; after watching ReBoot as a kid and slowly getting that message, i started intentionally loosing video games for awhile because i didn't want to Nullify anyone:smallbiggrin:

How about we just forget this whole ReBoot thing ever happened and just watch the recap of season three? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7SqlwATPeI)

2018-03-01, 12:05 PM
Fun fact; after watching ReBoot as a kid and slowly getting that message, i started intentionally loosing video games for awhile because i didn't want to Nullify anyone:smallbiggrin:

How about we just forget this whole ReBoot thing ever happened and just watch the recap of season three? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7SqlwATPeI)

This is the proper way to end a season that took the most silly fun loving kid and turned him into the darklord edgeman who literally names his gun Gun.

Shows that have some minor difficulty with tone problems: look at Reboot. They managed to make it work.

God...I really wanted to see how the Hunt would of gone.

2018-03-01, 06:01 PM
Yeah, I agree with what's being said now. I don't have a problem with them producing a show about humans who fight other humans in cyberspace--heck, they might even produce something *good* with that concept. However, what's the point of calling it Reboot when it's nowhere close to the original? Those who don't remember the original aren't going to watch it just because of the name, and those who *do* remember it won't appreciate your show on its own merits because they're just totting up all the ways it doesn't live up to its namesake.

Giggling Ghast
2018-03-01, 10:28 PM
That does remind me of one thing I f***ing hated about the old Reboot: Mike the TV.

2018-03-02, 02:31 AM
To be fair, Mike Teavee is very hate-able. So it was an inherited property.

2018-03-02, 04:58 AM
The one good thing this trailer has done is get me re-watching the original. The early episodes are definitely shaky, but still hold up reasonably well for how old they are and the target demographic.

Still, episode 4 "Medusa Bug" remains among the top episodes for the entire show. I wonder how many young kids that episode gave nightmares to?

Draconi Redfir
2018-03-03, 03:22 PM
im sure there were comics about it somewhere, but does anyone know how Matrix got his gun and replacement eye? that was always something i was curious about when the season following him and Andrea came about.

2018-03-05, 12:23 AM
im sure there were comics about it somewhere, but does anyone know how Matrix got his gun and replacement eye? that was always something i was curious about when the season following him and Andrea came about.

I don't think there's ever a canon explanation for it, but I'd have to assume he just cobbled them together between games. Maybe stole some tech from a game too?

Scowling Dragon
2018-03-05, 12:32 AM
Yeah, I agree with what's being said now. I don't have a problem with them producing a show about humans who fight other humans in cyberspace--heck, they might even produce something *good* with that concept. However, what's the point of calling it Reboot when it's nowhere close to the original? Those who don't remember the original aren't going to watch it just because of the name, and those who *do* remember it won't appreciate your show on its own merits because they're just totting up all the ways it doesn't live up to its namesake.
Because nobdoy would care at ALL otherwise. They know they have something that is at best mediocre and hope that name value will draw up at least SOMEBODY on disparegment alone.

2018-03-05, 06:33 AM
Because nobdoy would care at ALL otherwise. They know they have something that is at best mediocre and hope that name value will draw up at least SOMEBODY on disparegment alone.

It still is silly, IMHO. I mean, it reminds me of SFDebris's comment on the Kes nostalgia factor in the "Fury" episode:

"Those who wont remember her wont care her coming back. Those who do remember her will be pissed that you screwed her character"

Basically, its taking all the risks for no reward. In that case, brand recognition might do some buzz, but it'll be negative buzz.

Scowling Dragon
2018-03-05, 09:15 AM
In that case, brand recognition might do some buzz, but it'll be negative buzz.

In some cases, negative buzz is better then nothing at all. Its an investor shareholder thing.

Not say I agree with what they did but you get my jazz?

2018-03-05, 10:25 AM
In some cases, negative buzz is better then nothing at all. Its an investor shareholder thing.

Not say I agree with what they did but you get my jazz?

I totally do. I wasn't sure i wanted to comment on it.

Its just... They are so stupid. It was so.easy to just grab an alternative franchise that fittes their premise better. Like I said: Superhuman Samurai Sybersquad was the perfect fit, and AFAIK, it was marginally popular in the 90s

Hunter Noventa
2018-03-05, 12:23 PM
im sure there were comics about it somewhere, but does anyone know how Matrix got his gun and replacement eye? that was always something i was curious about when the season following him and Andrea came about.

He could have also gotten it from another system. Given how they stepped out of a game into that port-like system at the start of the season, I'm guessing they stepped out of every system they could between games to try and get back to Mainframe.

Draconi Redfir
2018-03-05, 01:54 PM
He could have also gotten it from another system. Given how they stepped out of a game into that port-like system at the start of the season, I'm guessing they stepped out of every system they could between games to try and get back to Mainframe.

that makes me wonder. how does game-jumping really work? If user A is playing Pong, and then they leave with the game, do they then have to play a second game of Pong played by user B on a different computer? Or are they sent to some kind of central game-network that randomly assigns them as sprites for a different game that they then leave out of?

Also again someone mentioned it before, Zixx level one/two/three/whatever would have been perfect for this as well. just introduce the Zixx character, remove the reboot logo, hell you could even keep megabyte if you change his name.

of course the weird dimension thing Zixx visited wasn't a digital world i think buut.. .yea.

2018-03-05, 01:59 PM
Until badass grown Enzo showed up the show wasn't that great TBH.

2018-03-05, 06:10 PM
Oh look, another reason to not get a Netflix subscription.

2018-03-06, 05:13 AM
You can be a fan of something, and still think it sucks after some perspective. When I was younger, a lot of the things the show did was new to me at the time. That doesn't mean it was something game changing. I still like it, for the nostalgia effect. When I watch episodes now, it brings up memories of my childhood. That doesn't make it good. Same thing with Thundercats, or G.I. Joe, or Transformers.

Also, I think it takes more then just claiming I am a part of something, to make me a part of that same thing. It takes more then throwing on some costumes and putting in lightsabers to make something Star Wars. I also don't think you show faithfulness to something, by completely ripping something off, and trying to change it's meaning to fit some it never really tried to do in the first place. Like in Ghostbusters or the nu Star Wars.

This is just what you guys do all the time. You get something and you all jump on the Hate train, or the Hype train. You act like you know what this show is going to be. Just insta-hate or some blind following. Then when someone comes along and says you might be wrong, you get pedantically obstinate. When the truth is, you don't know.

I am not saying this show is going to be some game changer. I think it's probably going to be something normal. Not really good. Yet not really bad. I hope that to some kids out there, who the show is made for. Watches it with the same sense of wonder and amazement that I had when I watched the first show. That it is good enough, to help them feel some sense of ... something when they play games.

Aotrs Commander
2018-03-06, 07:38 AM
Bleakbane's reaction to watching Reboot season 3 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=16201042&postcount=725) for the first time (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=16206670&postcount=773) (note date of posting), because it was recent enough to have been recorded on ponythread. (Spoilers, obviously.)

Pretty sure it isn't nostaglia talking when it's less than five years ago at the age of thirty-three and when it's brand new to you.

Even less so at the time.

2018-03-07, 05:43 PM
To be blunt this looks like the crap they did with The Cloverfield Paradox, where they wrote a script and started production THEN decided to make it fit into the Cloverfield universe, and it shows.

This feels exactly the same way, like they had written a generic 'LUL team of kids teleports into and saves other world' show, and then changed to tack Reboot into it.

2018-03-07, 06:31 PM
The story behind it is that, at least according to Rainmaker's President and Chief Creative Officer, no studio wanted to buy an actual reboot of Reboot, so they had to make concessions in order to get someone to pick it up.

From the Wikipedia page (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ReBoot:_The_Guardian_Code):

Commenting on the inclusion of live-action material in the series, Hefferon stated, "I talked with broadcasters around the world. The one [resounding] thing — and I hate to break it to the fans — was nobody wanted the reboot of what [the show originally] was. Nobody was willing to buy it." He later added that two thirds of an average episode would be animated content.

Giggling Ghast
2018-03-07, 06:35 PM
But ... why call it Reboot then? I get that there's some value in a brand name, but is it really worth all the negativity from old Reboot fans irritated at this in-name-only remake? Just call it "Cyber Commandoes" or whatever.

2018-03-07, 07:04 PM
But ... why call it Reboot then? I get that there's some value in a brand name, but is it really worth all the negativity from old Reboot fans irritated at this in-name-only remake? Just call it "Cyber Commandoes" or whatever.
The fans may be mad about the changes, but a lot of them will tune in anyway...if for no other reason than to hate-watch it.

They probably figure bad press is better than no press. If they had created an entirely new IP, none of us would likely be talking about it right now.

2018-03-07, 09:37 PM
The fans may be mad about the changes, but a lot of them will tune in anyway...if for no other reason than to hate-watch it.

They probably figure bad press is better than no press. If they had created an entirely new IP, none of us would likely be talking about it right now.

That kind of viewership generally only lasts a few episodes before people have burned through their nostalgia and stop watching.

2018-03-07, 11:44 PM
The story behind it is that, at least according to Rainmaker's President and Chief Creative Officer, no studio wanted to buy an actual reboot of Reboot, so they had to make concessions in order to get someone to pick it up.

From the Wikipedia page (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ReBoot:_The_Guardian_Code):

Commenting on the inclusion of live-action material in the series, Hefferon stated, "I talked with broadcasters around the world. The one [resounding] thing — and I hate to break it to the fans — was nobody wanted the reboot of what [the show originally] was. Nobody was willing to buy it." He later added that two thirds of an average episode would be animated content.

This is a lie for two very clear reasons.

1: It's not that they don't want it you just suck at selling it
2: Netflix will let you do ****ing anything, as we've seen multiple times, so if you wanted to do an actual Reboot you could of just done it.

2018-03-08, 02:44 AM
This is a lie for two very clear reasons.

1: It's not that they don't want it you just suck at selling it
2: Netflix will let you do ****ing anything, as we've seen multiple times, so if you wanted to do an actual Reboot you could of just done it.

Absolutely. The 'nobody wanted to buy it' is a BS excuse.

Seriously if Evil Dead and Castlevania can get Netflix series Reboot should have been a shoe-in. They just weren't willing to make a smaller first season to get the ball rolling and increase the size in upcoming seasons assuming they delivered what the fans wanted.

Aotrs Commander
2018-03-08, 05:55 AM
I find it dubious myself that Netflix would "not want to buy it" considering as they have at least two fully CGI cartoons I'm aware of.

And, I suspect, if they really all were so stupid as to believe that this... version... of ReBoot was going to fly, I suspect they are rather going to be taken aback by the reception that proves they were wrong. Trailer currently has more then ten times as many dislikes than likes. And 11k dislikes is really quite a lot. By comparison, the Teen Titans Go movie trailer (which is... Not a good trailer, even if you LIKE the show) currently stands at 8k likes to 13k dislikes and that's a much better known property AND the trailer has been out twice as long.

Or Rainmaker were themselves unrealistic in what they were trying to sell (i.e. asking too much etc).

2018-03-08, 08:26 AM
****. Now i want a bona-fide Reboot reboot, 1 solid season of solid arching story narrative in the likes of Stranger Things or Jessica Jones.

No brains
2018-03-08, 09:59 AM
Y'know, a literal 'reboot' reboot of ReBoot would be kinda cool. Like what if the old Mainframe catastrophically crashed and the sprites are now like archaeologists defragging and recompiling the civilization that came before them? The characters can look at old computer terms like they are cryptic warnings from ancient times. They can all live in a tablet and scratch their heads over ideas like: What is 'The Monitor'? We need to plug in the 'Key Board'. Eeek! A 'Mouse'! There's so much room for cheesy jokes and substantial material that equates tech progression to getting over nostalgia. It would be perfect for the kinda smart/ kinda stupid style cartoons take these days.

Instead we're all just slamming our fists in the surf because they blew it up, those maniacs.

2018-03-08, 10:35 AM
Y'know, a literal 'reboot' reboot of ReBoot would be kinda cool. Like what if the old Mainframe catastrophically crashed and the sprites are now like archaeologists defragging and recompiling the civilization that came before them? The characters can look at old computer terms like they are cryptic warnings from ancient times. They can all live in a tablet and scratch their heads over ideas like: What is 'The Monitor'? We need to plug in the 'Key Board'. Eeek! A 'Mouse'! There's so much room for cheesy jokes and substantial material that equates tech progression to getting over nostalgia. It would be perfect for the kinda smart/ kinda stupid style cartoons take these days.

Instead we're all just slamming our fists in the surf because they blew it up, those maniacs.

Cute, though Mouse already exists and she's a badass hacker UI with a samurai sword.

That said, while an actual reboot of Reboot would be interesting, and probably the way it should go, I look at where the original Reboot ended and it's like aaaah, give me that. Give me that.

Reddish Mage
2018-03-08, 11:01 AM
Cute, though Mouse already exists and she's a badass hacker UI with a samurai sword

Sounds like the sort of mouse that if one sees, they might say “Eeek!”

2018-03-08, 03:23 PM
Presumably, Superhuman Samurai Syber Squad is unavailable for adaptation due to the fact that the Japanese show it's based on is already being adapted (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SSSS.Gridman) into an anime.

Which doesn't explain why they're making this thing.

I mean, it looks like it'll be a mild-to-mediocre TV series, but yeah, it is very not Reboot.

2018-03-08, 06:55 PM
I guess he could be lying. But I'm not sure why. What possible truth could he be hiding?

2018-03-08, 06:59 PM
I find it dubious myself that Netflix would "not want to buy it" considering as they have at least two fully CGI cartoons I'm aware of.

And, I suspect, if they really all were so stupid as to believe that this... version... of ReBoot was going to fly, I suspect they are rather going to be taken aback by the reception that proves they were wrong. Trailer currently has more then ten times as many dislikes than likes. And 11k dislikes is really quite a lot. By comparison, the Teen Titans Go movie trailer (which is... Not a good trailer, even if you LIKE the show) currently stands at 8k likes to 13k dislikes and that's a much better known property AND the trailer has been out twice as long.

Or Rainmaker were themselves unrealistic in what they were trying to sell (i.e. asking too much etc).

Never underestimate the ability of arrogant people in Hollywood to convince themselves that people don't ACTUALLY dislike something and it's just stupid people on the internet and that they're actual going to marvel at their brilliance after it releases. See Ghostbusters for probably the highest profile recent example of this. Or any of dozens of TV shows that bombed and were cancelled after 1 (or even less than 1) season.

Draconi Redfir
2018-03-08, 10:56 PM
Cute, though Mouse already exists and she's a badass hacker UI with a samurai sword.

That said, while an actual reboot of Reboot would be interesting, and probably the way it should go, I look at where the original Reboot ended and it's like aaaah, give me that. Give me that.

to be fair it's more that she was named after a computer mouse, not the actual embodiment of one.

Mouse could be a common name among sprites, you never know.

No brains
2018-03-09, 08:48 AM
Cute, though Mouse already exists and she's a badass hacker UI with a samurai sword.

That said, while an actual reboot of Reboot would be interesting, and probably the way it should go, I look at where the original Reboot ended and it's like aaaah, give me that. Give me that.

I would like more of classic ReBoot too, but (especially in tech fields) old things go away and it sucks and isn't fair. All we can do is archive the old information and back up what we can to learn from the past. Things and people don't last forever, especially when tech marches onward at a pace to make things obsolescent right off the line. It's a good setting for exploring that train of thought.

Also, since we're not gonna get the rest of the cast back, what better way to honor Tony Jay's Megabyte than by having him eventually pyhriccally win? Destroying Mainframe was more like old hexadecimal, sure, but megalomaniac Megabyte destroying everything with him is a fitting end. Also that's the best way to work with what we got.

I'm also glad that you think my half-thought out funpost was more interesting that what was actually produced. Thank you. :smallsmile:

Draconi Redfir
2018-03-09, 01:28 PM
keep in mind, the entirety of ReBoot occurred over the course of like, a day in human time. the entire world was depicted as moving REALLY fast, with Nanosecconds and such being used in place of "second" and Enzo freaking out at the thought of reading something might take "one whole second."

so if we had a modern-day ReBoot, the events/time of the first ReBoot would be BEYOND ancient-civilization levels, like, we're talking the distance between humans and the first animals to walk on land here. any modern characters likely wouldn't even be aware anything COULD exist so far back.

though since it would hypothetically be a ReBoot rather then a sequel, then i suppose none of that would matter, as we'd just take the same concept / characters and place them into a more modern setting without another word.

2018-03-09, 01:36 PM
keep in mind, the entirety of ReBoot occurred over the course of like, a day in human time. the entire world was depicted as moving REALLY fast, with Nanosecconds and such being used in place of "second" and Enzo freaking out at the thought of reading something might take "one whole second."

so if we had a modern-day ReBoot, the events/time of the first ReBoot would be BEYOND ancient-civilization levels, like, we're talking the distance between humans and the first animals to walk on land here. any modern characters likely wouldn't even be aware anything COULD exist so far back.

though since it would hypothetically be a ReBoot rather then a sequel, then i suppose none of that would matter, as we'd just take the same concept / characters and place them into a more modern setting without another word.

An entire day?

So... The Reboot mainframe is.. maybe a gaming computer in a school?

Draconi Redfir
2018-03-09, 07:22 PM
no idea. might explain how the user has such a wide variety of games, never seems to play the same game more then once, and is just absolutely garbage at all of them.

the game that beat Enzo that first time might have been played by a Teacher or something:smalltongue:

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2018-03-09, 09:25 PM
I am not actually very knowledgeable about computer tech, but I’d had the thought that it was a computer on a fairly local network, like a college or a school, because it was connected to all those other systems through the Net while still being separate from the wider, more chaotic Web.

Draconi Redfir
2018-03-09, 11:00 PM
it was actually offline for a majority of it's run, that's what kept it safe from threats such as dameon and the infected guardians for so long. The few times it WAS online was due to outside interferance such as infected guardians, web creatures opening portals, or in small A to B link portals made by Bob or games.

2018-03-10, 12:01 PM
keep in mind, the entirety of ReBoot occurred over the course of like, a day in human time. the entire world was depicted as moving REALLY fast, with Nanosecconds and such being used in place of "second" and Enzo freaking out at the thought of reading something might take "one whole second."

so if we had a modern-day ReBoot, the events/time of the first ReBoot would be BEYOND ancient-civilization levels, like, we're talking the distance between humans and the first animals to walk on land here. any modern characters likely wouldn't even be aware anything COULD exist so far back.

though since it would hypothetically be a ReBoot rather then a sequel, then i suppose none of that would matter, as we'd just take the same concept / characters and place them into a more modern setting without another word.

I mean, if you try to extrapolate time in Reboot, you just can't.

On the one hand, absolutely, they use nanoseconds that way. On the other hand, when games start, they're playing at the same speed as the User, and they don't come back to find that relative centuries have elapsed while they were gone. The User plays over 30 games over the course of the story, many of which are quite long.

2018-03-10, 12:26 PM
I mean, if you try to extrapolate time in Reboot, you just can't.

On the one hand, absolutely, they use nanoseconds that way. On the other hand, when games start, they're playing at the same speed as the User, and they don't come back to find that relative centuries have elapsed while they were gone. The User plays over 30 games over the course of the story, many of which are quite long.

Also.. what is the supercalculator again? Not 100% sure its the proper name. The place Megabytes wants to go, where the Guardians come from

2018-03-10, 12:36 PM
Also.. what is the supercalculator again? Not 100% sure its the proper name. The place Megabytes wants to go, where the Guardians come from

It was the Super Computer (http://reboot.wikia.com/wiki/Super_Computer).

Draconi Redfir
2018-03-10, 02:20 PM
I mean, if you try to extrapolate time in Reboot, you just can't.

On the one hand, absolutely, they use nanoseconds that way. On the other hand, when games start, they're playing at the same speed as the User, and they don't come back to find that relative centuries have elapsed while they were gone. The User plays over 30 games over the course of the story, many of which are quite long.

yeah, games are like the one exeption to that whole thing, if you're trying to evaluate time in ReBoot, you really gotta ignore the games.

they can take a long time out of the game for a short period of time in the game

they can age you up relative to twenty years in just a few relative weeks

and yeah... Games just break everything, so it's easier to just ignore their impact and chock it up to "time Game shenanigans"

2018-03-10, 03:42 PM
It was the Super Computer (http://reboot.wikia.com/wiki/Super_Computer).

Thanks. In french is was "Supercalculateur"

Maybe it was.. a local server?

No brains
2018-03-10, 09:07 PM
Maybe the user is an ultra-high stakes speedrunner? :smallbiggrin:

2018-03-10, 11:35 PM
I've always held the opinion that Reboot takes place in some high class tech school that has ties to the military, and some borrowed/shared hardware causes things to be what they are. We know it runs on Linux because of Damien but other than that I can't be sure, I'm not actually a programmer.

Also I appreciate that this thread has gone from "**** this reboot nonsense" to "hey lets talk about the good Reboot nonsense".

Draconi Redfir
2018-03-11, 11:48 AM
Also I appreciate that this thread has gone from "**** this reboot nonsense" to "hey lets talk about the good Reboot nonsense".

makes it easier to cope :P

2018-03-14, 03:34 PM
So the users are the good guys now?

2018-03-15, 12:54 AM
So the users are the good guys now?

And the bad guys. Because shut up that's why. Or so seems to be the message form the people who made this, thing, anyway.

2018-03-15, 04:50 AM
I find it dubious myself that Netflix would "not want to buy it" considering as they have at least two fully CGI cartoons I'm aware of.

Netflix have loads of CGI cartoons, many of them crap, and Amazon Prime will stock any old rubbish.

However, you can't fuel an audience for these shows on nostalgia alone, they also have to be relevant to the current generation of the original target demographic.

And here's a shocking idea.

They don't use computers.

Like even school leavers now do not own a computer on average. Because everything you would have done on a computer even five years ago you can do on a phone now. There is an entire generation growing up to whom computers are just not relevant.

So a Reboot reboot? You can't do it. It's a relic of a prior generation tied to a specific point in time that can't be made relevant in the way that eg. Voltron could (giant robots will never get old).

Whatever this ends up being probably won't work either mind, for much the same reasons except Tron nostalgia is even more out of time (and there are numerous examples of that).

(Could have rebooted Shadow Raiders though).

2018-03-15, 06:07 AM
And here's a shocking idea.

They don't use computers.

Like even school leavers now do not own a computer on average. Because everything you would have done on a computer even five years ago you can do on a phone now. There is an entire generation growing up to whom computers are just not relevant.

So a Reboot reboot? You can't do it. It's a relic of a prior generation tied to a specific point in time that can't be made relevant in the way that eg. Voltron could (giant robots will never get old).
Counterpoint: The Emoji Movie exists. A movie for goddamn troll dolls exists, and it's not direct to VHS. Modern audiences have more widespread exposure to games and broken electronics now than they did back then. Reboot is more relevant today. It's not modern test audiences rejecting the idea, it's outdated media execs dismissing it out of hand (supposedly).

2018-03-15, 06:54 AM
Counterpoint: The Emoji Movie exists. A movie for goddamn troll dolls exists, and it's not direct to VHS. Modern audiences have more widespread exposure to games and broken electronics now than they did back then. Reboot is more relevant today. It's not modern test audiences rejecting the idea, it's outdated media execs dismissing it out of hand (supposedly).

How is that a counterpoint? The Emoji Movie is Reboot for the modern generation, using aspects of computer interaction that they recognise and personifying them.

That is what "Reboot but now" would have to look like. Nothing like Reboot.

Reboot the way it used to exist is based on a paradigm of computing that nobody recognises anymore. It might as well be loading its programs off reel to reel tapes for all its resemblance to modern computing.

Also the Troll dolls movie is not for people who bought Troll dolls in the '80s, it's purely and explicitly aimed at their very young children. It isn't relevant to nostalgia appeal.

2018-03-15, 08:12 AM
I would argue that, at its roots, a Reboot series would be just as topical now as then. Perhaps a good chunk of the populace has moved to a post-PC frame of reference, but when Reboot came out we had a pretty large slice that was still pre-PC. Only the nerds and enthusiasts really "got" Reboot, especially the early episodes (Naming a character after Phong shading? Celebrating Enzo's 11th (pronounced 3rd) birthday? Having an infinite if-then data loop be considered the equivalent of a black hole?). The rest of the audience just enjoyed interesting and quirky characters on interesting and quirky adventures. That really hasn't changed, just that the "casual" audience has a stronger affinity for technology than the the old school ones that had to have it pointed out to them that Mouse was named after the peripheral rather than the rodent.

The trailer looks really, really bad, but the premise could be good. It almost seems like what I've heard about the recent-ish Power Rangers movie, where they spent far more time focusing on the teens themselves and not the Voltron-Meets-Bay-Transformers fighting robot. And more on Krispy Kreme than anything. The characters in the old Reboot were manifestations of technical in-jokes that slowly evolved into interesting characters. A human cast could start interesting and pull the audience into a world of technical in-jokes and nostalgic references, resulting in an experience that just flows better. And while there is still a lot of lazy cash grabs exploiting nostalgia, there is also a freedom to allow for better writing as well.

Of course, I'm estimating a 63% chance that it's gonna suck, but hope burns eternal. (Note: All percentages referenced are displayed in hexadecimal.)

2018-03-15, 08:24 AM
I would argue that, at its roots, a Reboot series would be just as topical now as then. Perhaps a good chunk of the populace has moved to a post-PC frame of reference, but when Reboot came out we had a pretty large slice that was still pre-PC. Only the nerds and enthusiasts really "got" Reboot, especially the early episodes (Naming a character after Phong shading? Celebrating Enzo's 11th (pronounced 3rd) birthday? Having an infinite if-then data loop be considered the equivalent of a black hole?). The rest of the audience just enjoyed interesting and quirky characters on interesting and quirky adventures. That really hasn't changed, just that the "casual" audience has a stronger affinity for technology than the the old school ones that had to have it pointed out to them that Mouse was named after the peripheral rather than the rodent.

You could do a series, but to include anything people who remember Reboot would recognise you'd have to dig deep into the retro aesthetic like Wreck-it Ralph did with arcades.

Which the modern target audience would "get" even less when it's about what was mostly hardware layer stuff rather than accessible pop culture artifacts like Q*Bert.

It almost seems like what I've heard about the recent-ish Power Rangers movie, where they spent far more time focusing on the teens themselves and not the Voltron-Meets-Bay-Transformers fighting robot. And more on Krispy Kreme than anything.

Power Rangers always spent time focusing on the teen characters, just with a series you have more time to do that individually and have some explosions every week to satiate the younger end of the target demographic (which, crucially, is always a bit younger than the ages of the actual characters). The movie is just pretty standard YA guff that has about the ratio of character to action you'd expect from a movie.

2018-03-15, 09:16 AM
How is that a counterpoint? The Emoji Movie is Reboot for the modern generation, using aspects of computer interaction that they recognise and personifying them.

That is what "Reboot but now" would have to look like. Nothing like Reboot.

Reboot the way it used to exist is based on a paradigm of computing that nobody recognises anymore. It might as well be loading its programs off reel to reel tapes for all its resemblance to modern computing.

Also the Troll dolls movie is not for people who bought Troll dolls in the '80s, it's purely and explicitly aimed at their very young children. It isn't relevant to nostalgia appeal.

Oh God you're right. The Emoji movie is the closest we'll ever get to a real Reboot movie. It's pretty much everything we were asking for. Just done terribly.

2018-03-15, 09:25 AM
You could do a series, but to include anything people who remember Reboot would recognise you'd have to dig deep into the retro aesthetic like Wreck-it Ralph did with arcades.

Which the modern target audience would "get" even less when it's about what was mostly hardware layer stuff rather than accessible pop culture artifacts like Q*Bert.

You are correct, which I suspect is why they went with the Code Lyoko formula rather than the continuing misadventures of Bob. Portraying Bob and Dot as relics of an x86 era in an i9 era could be done, with them struggling to cope in an environment nothing like what they were designed for, but they aren't viable as a modern audience surrogate. Rather than replace the fan favorites with updated copies, they opted to bring in human characters, who can bridge the gap between audience and environment more effectively using mentalities and perspectives familiar to us.

That said, again, the audience was always a mix of enthusiasts who got the jokes and casuals who enjoyed the ride, and that wouldn't change in this day and age. But we can see from the trailer that they're not approaching it with the same "throw it at the wall and see what sticks" tactics the original used. The casuals are being catered to by using human surrogates, giving them something they can connect with without needing to know technology and in-jokes - which are likely better served as background fanservice for the enthusiasts, anyway.

I'm not saying it's a good idea. I'm not saying it will work. But I do believe there is still a sweet spot between fun sci-fi storytelling and witty technological word play that only Reboot ever really approached. The approach they took back then wouldn't work well for a modern audience, but (if they were clever) a new approach could certainly scratch that itch.

Power Rangers always spent time focusing on the teen characters, just with a series you have more time to do that individually and have some explosions every week to satiate the younger end of the target demographic (which, crucially, is always a bit younger than the ages of the actual characters). The movie is just pretty standard YA guff that has about the ratio of character to action you'd expect from a movie.

Interesting. That does not reflect the comments I read/heard when I was looking up reviews on it, where it was routinely portrayed as a twenty-teens remake of Breakfast Club, only ending with a 15 minute kaiju-vs-robot fight rather than the traditional. An alternate perspective is welcome, and I will keep such in mind in the future.

2018-03-15, 10:05 AM
Netflix have loads of CGI cartoons, many of them crap, and Amazon Prime will stock any old rubbish.

However, you can't fuel an audience for these shows on nostalgia alone, they also have to be relevant to the current generation of the original target demographic.

And here's a shocking idea.

They don't use computers.

Like even school leavers now do not own a computer on average. Because everything you would have done on a computer even five years ago you can do on a phone now. There is an entire generation growing up to whom computers are just not relevant.

So a Reboot reboot? You can't do it. It's a relic of a prior generation tied to a specific point in time that can't be made relevant in the way that eg. Voltron could (giant robots will never get old).

Whatever this ends up being probably won't work either mind, for much the same reasons except Tron nostalgia is even more out of time (and there are numerous examples of that).

(Could have rebooted Shadow Raiders though).

Eighty-four percent of Americans (as of 2013) own computers.
The target audience may not own computers, but that's because they're kids. They still have them at home and are more familiar with them than we were when ReBoot came out.

2018-03-15, 10:36 AM
Regardless, my phone is way more powerful than any computer I had in the 90s. Probably more powerful than the systems that rendered the original show! But the interface of the user never mattered in the original show. They could have been playing games on a console, or even on a phone. All that mattered is that games would begin and the guardians would need to stop whatever they were doing to play them.

You don't need to go the nostalgia, Wreck-It-Ralph style, since the games in the original were generic anyway. All that mattered was that the viewer understood what type of games were being played. And to that end, there have been so many more different and distinct styles of games since then, you'd have plenty of material for the game sequences. Online play is a bigger thing now, so you could interact with multiple users, or guardians from other systems. Out of game plots, well, viruses and hackers are no less common these days. And those ideas certainly apply to phones too. Just spit balling were, but if you set it in the phone, you could have a character as a switchboard operator, running the actual phone app, and make them a little retro-styled, since kids are more likely to text than call. Calling is old fashioned.

As long as there are games, or any part of a system you can anthropomorphize, the concept still holds.

Draconi Redfir
2018-03-15, 11:55 AM
How is that a counterpoint? The Emoji Movie is Reboot for the modern generation, using aspects of computer interaction that they recognise and personifying them.

... that's a horrifying thought... but i can't think of any way to argue against it...

I would argue that, at its roots, a Reboot series would be just as topical now as then. Perhaps a good chunk of the populace has moved to a post-PC frame of reference, but when Reboot came out we had a pretty large slice that was still pre-PC. Only the nerds and enthusiasts really "got" Reboot, especially the early episodes (Naming a character after Phong shading? Celebrating Enzo's 11th (pronounced 3rd) birthday? Having an infinite if-then data loop be considered the equivalent of a black hole?). The rest of the audience just enjoyed interesting and quirky characters on interesting and quirky adventures. That really hasn't changed, just that the "casual" audience has a stronger affinity for technology than the the old school ones that had to have it pointed out to them that Mouse was named after the peripheral rather than the rodent.

this guy's got a point. you don't really need to understand the information or terminology. You think i had any idea what a "Mainframe" or a "megabyte" was when i first watched ReBoot? Heck no! all i saw was an interesting world that used different names for things, heck i didn't even learn it took place inside a computer until like, midway into the first season!

i remember asking my dad where "Our mainframe" (the city) would be in our home computer, and he had to repeatedly tell me that we don't have a mainframe (the hardware) because by then technology had grown beyond that.

long story short, you don't need to "get" it, nobody needs to "get" it. you just need to make a compelling story.

Aotrs Commander
2018-03-15, 12:08 PM
I would argue that, at its roots, a Reboot series would be just as topical now as then. Perhaps a good chunk of the populace has moved to a post-PC frame of reference, but when Reboot came out we had a pretty large slice that was still pre-PC.

this guy's got a point. you don't really need to understand the information or terminology. You think i had any idea what a "Mainframe" or a "megabyte" was when i first watched ReBoot? Heck no! all i saw was an interesting world that used different names for things, heck i didn't even learn it took place inside a computer until like, midway into the first season!

i remember asking my dad where "Our mainframe" (the city) would be in our home computer, and he had to repeatedly tell me that we don't have a mainframe (the hardware) because by then technology had grown beyond that.

long story short, you don't need to "get" it, nobody needs to "get" it. you just need to make a compelling story.


I didn't even have a PC until I had left school (the best I had was an Atari ST until then) in 1996. And I was in university (and Reboot was already over) before we went on the internet.

(Also, computers are not less relevant than they were twenty years ago - phones and tablets to a lesser degree still can't do a lot of very basic things that a PC does very well (like word processing) - and DEFINITELY not others (like CAD 1); and word processing is basically a requirement nowadays for school stuff, at least this side of the pond. All-in-all PCs are probably more relevant now then back then, because freaking everything uses them.

(That your phone can now Internet is neither here nor there, since twenty years ago most of us - as noted - didn't HAVE internet, period.)

Sure, you can argue that PCs are now less critical than a bit over a decade or so back before mobile internet was prevalent but the net had taken off - but not less so than in the 90s.)

1And that's only going to rise in promenance, since 3D printing is on the steady rise (the £200-£300 printer is now extremely respectable).

2018-03-15, 11:10 PM
(Could have rebooted Shadow Raiders though).

This made me angry because now I really really want that now.

Draconi Redfir
2018-03-16, 09:49 AM
This made me angry because now I really really want that now.

Between the ReBoot reboot, the ghost busters reboot, transformers, TMNT, fantastic four, and the smurfs, i'm worried that the ReBoot for shadow raiders would be "Techla doesn't exist or at the very least doesn't look like a robot, planet rock is actually earth but with only one battlemoon, the beast planet is a giant gas-cloud, and the Beast soldiers look like actual animals instead of null / void/whatever energy they were made of originally."

"Also the world engines aren't a thing"

2018-03-16, 09:55 AM
Between the ReBoot reboot, the ghost busters reboot, transformers, TMNT, fantastic four, and the smurfs, i'm worried that the ReBoot for shadow raiders would be "Techla doesn't exist or at the very least doesn't look like a robot, planet rock is actually earth but with only one battlemoon, the beast planet is a giant gas-cloud, and the Beast soldiers look like actual animals instead of null / void/whatever energy they were made of originally."

"Also the world engines aren't a thing"

A reboot on it's own isn't a bad thing. All of those things have had good reboots. The 2012 Turtles reboot cartoon was amazing. The Newest Smurfs movie was good. Ghost Busters had Ghostbusters extreem. Transformers have a huge number of good shows and versions around.

Reboots don't have to be bad.

Draconi Redfir
2018-03-16, 09:58 AM
A reboot on it's own isn't a bad thing. All of those things have had good reboots. The 2012 Turtles reboot cartoon was amazing. The Newest Smurfs movie was good. Ghost Busters had Ghostbusters extreem. Transformers have a huge number of good shows and versions around.

Reboots don't have to be bad.

No they don't, you're right of course.

just all the most recent ones have been pretty bad.

2018-03-16, 12:32 PM
Between the ReBoot reboot, the ghost busters reboot, transformers, TMNT, fantastic four, and the smurfs, i'm worried that the ReBoot for shadow raiders would be "Techla doesn't exist or at the very least doesn't look like a robot, planet rock is actually earth but with only one battlemoon, the beast planet is a giant gas-cloud, and the Beast soldiers look like actual animals instead of null / void/whatever energy they were made of originally."

"Also the world engines aren't a thing"

This would be the one time making the enemy be a giant space cloud could arguably make sense, in the sense that the Beast Planet could be covered in some sort of sparking, crackling hell energy that makes it look like a gas giant planet. That'd rule. God, no one but us cares about Shadow Raiders.

Aotrs Commander
2018-03-16, 01:11 PM
This would be the one time making the enemy be a giant space cloud could arguably make sense, in the sense that the Beast Planet could be covered in some sort of sparking, crackling hell energy that makes it look like a gas giant planet. That'd rule. God, no one but us cares about Shadow Raiders.

The fact that Shadow Raiders STILL holds the crown of Best Mass Starfighter Combat action twenty years later is a crying travesty against all post-1990s starship scifi.

(Made only worse because they still haven't managed, really, to even top B5 with the capital ship starship combat.)

Draconi Redfir
2018-03-16, 01:58 PM
i always liked the concept of planet bone. it was the one place that had actual organic life, and organic spaceships.

and that scene where Femur gets saved from the Beast by his own guards in a hallway (Who then either die, or go back into hiding by sinking into some goop... i'm not really sure WTF was going on there... they gave an awesome thumbs up though) was always awesome and will forever stick with me.

2018-03-16, 10:47 PM
Personally, an obscure one I'd be interested to see a reboot of would be this thing from the late 90's called CyberSix.

Give a very, VERY mild tweak to the art style, take it to were it can be true to the source material, and put it on Netflix. I'd watch that in a heartbeat.

2018-03-16, 10:52 PM
Personally, an obscure one I'd be interested to see a reboot of would be this thing from the late 90's called CyberSix.

Give a very, VERY mild tweak to the art style, take it to were it can be true to the source material, and put it on Netflix. I'd watch that in a heartbeat.

Honestly after reading some of the comic, stay AWAY from most of the source material. We don't need to see Jose raping people. Keep the nazi zombie mutants and take away the gross ****. Keep Cybersix being a badass vampire lady in latex, remove the "and also she's naked a lot" because there's really no need for that.

Also god this entire thread's a bomb for me because this is all **** I grew up with.

2018-03-16, 11:01 PM
Honestly after reading some of the comic, stay AWAY from most of the source material. We don't need to see Jose raping people. Keep the nazi zombie mutants and take away the gross ****. Keep Cybersix being a badass vampire lady in latex, remove the "and also she's naked a lot" because there's really no need for that.

Also god this entire thread's a bomb for me because this is all **** I grew up with.

En, I'll grant, I'm not super familiar with the source material. I know that the Evil Scientist who's the actual Evil Scientist is a Nazi Scientist who escaped the fall of the Nazi's, and that the series was made much, MUCH less dark in terms of the plot and in focusing on the son as the villain so that he could be ineffectual, less scary, and more funny, and added like, cartoon sound effects and what not, and by passed a lot of the darker theme's and what not and way toned down the violence and upped the comedy so that they could show it to kids.

What I'm trying to say is let it be adult oriented this time.

I have no particular objection to keeping the thing with the title character were she was able to be sexy while being far more covered up than most people, men and women, I see walking down the street 10 months out of the year on any given day. Particularly since they really did manage an air of supreme confidence for her when she was doing so. I think that would be refreshing. "I am neither A-sexual nor am I going to throw sexuality in your face till it leaves a freaking mark either. It's there, were all adults and were going to treat it and you as such. On with the plot and the cool fight scenes and soundtrack and somber at times rather dark themes."

2018-03-17, 12:04 AM
En, I'll grant, I'm not super familiar with the source material. I know that the Evil Scientist who's the actual Evil Scientist is a Nazi Scientist who escaped the fall of the Nazi's, and that the series was made much, MUCH less dark in terms of the plot and in focusing on the son as the villain so that he could be ineffectual, less scary, and more funny, and added like, cartoon sound effects and what not, and by passed a lot of the darker theme's and what not and way toned down the violence and upped the comedy so that they could show it to kids.

What I'm trying to say is let it be adult oriented this time.

I have no particular objection to keeping the thing with the title character were she was able to be sexy while being far more covered up than most people, men and women, I see walking down the street 10 months out of the year on any given day. Particularly since they really did manage an air of supreme confidence for her when she was doing so. I think that would be refreshing. "I am neither A-sexual nor am I going to throw sexuality in your face till it leaves a freaking mark either. It's there, were all adults and were going to treat it and you as such. On with the plot and the cool fight scenes and soundtrack and somber at times rather dark themes."

That's fair. "Make it more adult" is the exact thought I had while rewatching it lately. Change basically nothing else.

2018-03-17, 12:08 AM
That's fair. "Make it more adult" is the exact thought I had while rewatching it lately. Change basically nothing else.

I don't even know I'd call it making it more adult. I feel like the best way to phrase it is "Get out of it's way and let it actually show you it's freaking merit as both an action piece and a series in general.".

2018-03-17, 12:54 AM
I don't even know I'd call it making it more adult. I feel like the best way to phrase it is "Get out of it's way and let it actually show you it's freaking merit as both an action piece and a series in general.".

Honestly yeah, that. Make it more of a running story instead of episodic too.

2018-03-17, 01:29 AM
That would be good. It wouldn't even be that difficult. You could just drop tidbits of relevant world building or advancements of some slightly grander scheme of the bad guys beyond "throw something at her this week and see what happens.", and let the character development not get reset, odd mention of past events here or there as a reminder that there is a continuity here.

For what you'd need of that per episode in a majority of episodes, 5 minutes of scree time. If your on Netflix, make 30 minutes eps, that still leaves you with more time than the original series had per episode to do plot for the ep, character development/dynamic and action scene's.

Hmmmmmm, you know, I wonder what it would cost to buy the rights to CyberSix? It's an old property by now, almost 20 years for the animated series and longer for the comic. Crowd fundable? Get the fund going, get the rights, have some money to help with the budget and contact Netflix and say "I've got a not inconsiderable cut and the rights, you've got the platform and cash flow for new content, let's see what we can't make happen here.".

What do you think?

2018-03-17, 01:56 AM
(Made only worse because they still haven't managed, really, to even top B5 with the capital ship starship combat.)

I dunno, there were some nice mass starship battles in DS9...

2018-03-17, 02:04 AM
That would be good. It wouldn't even be that difficult. You could just drop tidbits of relevant world building or advancements of some slightly grander scheme of the bad guys beyond "throw something at her this week and see what happens.", and let the character development not get reset, odd mention of past events here or there as a reminder that there is a continuity here.

For what you'd need of that per episode in a majority of episodes, 5 minutes of scree time. If your on Netflix, make 30 minutes eps, that still leaves you with more time than the original series had per episode to do plot for the ep, character development/dynamic and action scene's.

Hmmmmmm, you know, I wonder what it would cost to buy the rights to CyberSix? It's an old property by now, almost 20 years for the animated series and longer for the comic. Crowd fundable? Get the fund going, get the rights, have some money to help with the budget and contact Netflix and say "I've got a not inconsiderable cut and the rights, you've got the platform and cash flow for new content, let's see what we can't make happen here.".

What do you think?

...I'll consider it.

2018-03-17, 02:52 AM
...I'll consider it.

Lemme know. I think if we can figure out how much it would take to get the whole of the rights, and a decent figure for a share of the budget to come in and offer up as part of the terms for Netflix, that this could work.

Aotrs Commander
2018-03-17, 06:15 AM
I dunno, there were some nice mass starship battles in DS9...

Two things a) same era and b) yes, yes, there were ("fire odd-numbered photon torpedoes...") but they weren't AS good as Babylon 5's. (I mean, we're talking gold to platinum.)

And I didn't say MASS starship battles like I did for starfighters for good reason. I have honestly yet to see a starship battle as edge-of-your-seat (even on repeated viewing twenty years later) as the small-scale one in Severed Dreams in B5 season four - and part of that was because the battle WAS the dramatic and narrative culmination of the main plot arc in a way that's very rare. Nowadays... actually, for a while and especially with movies, the vast majority of starship combat has been VERY much a small, half-arsed side-show to other things going on, never given enough time breathe.

2018-03-17, 07:24 AM
And I didn't say MASS starship battles like I did for starfighters for good reason. I have honestly yet to see a starship battle as edge-of-your-seat (even on repeated viewing twenty years later) as the small-scale one in Severed Dreams in B5 season four

Well, yes, when you're trying to look for something better than the best starship battle ever put in a TV series, it's maybe not surprising you're coming up short all the time. :smallsmile:

Aotrs Commander
2018-03-17, 07:34 AM
Well, yes, when you're trying to look for something better than the best starship battle ever put in a TV series, it's maybe not surprising you're coming up short all the time. :smallsmile:

Fair point...!

Draconi Redfir
2018-03-19, 08:55 PM
Since we're talking old CGI shows; Beast Wars/ Beasties. What did you think?

Similarly, it's sequel Beast Machines. love it, hate it, or meh?

2018-03-19, 10:54 PM
Did Cybersix really have that many nude scenes? This is one of those series I barely remember. It's just flashes of disconnected memories here and there...

And also... Nothing wrong with a few nude scenes. ;)

2018-03-19, 11:20 PM
Since we're talking old CGI shows; Beast Wars/ Beasties. What did you think?

Similarly, it's sequel Beast Machines. love it, hate it, or meh?

Beast Wars is actually the best Transformers cartoon show, breaking past Transformers Animated only because Hasbro cancelled it unjustly and out of nowhere because Bay's films are trash. We could of got ****ing Shattered Glass!!!!!

Anyway yeah no Beast Wars kicks major ass and is a literal codifier of so much Transformers lore and world building that it has to be as good as it is. Beast Machines is...not as good, but has it's really good moments, but is ultimately a product of it's time and sort of misteps everywhere a lot. But I mean it's still decent.

Did Cybersix really have that many nude scenes? This is one of those series I barely remember. It's just flashes of disconnected memories here and there...

And also... Nothing wrong with a few nude scenes. ;)

The comic had a **** ton, and they're rather gratuitous.

Kitten Champion
2018-03-19, 11:29 PM
Did Cybersix really have that many nude scenes? This is one of those series I barely remember. It's just flashes of disconnected memories here and there...

And also... Nothing wrong with a few nude scenes. ;)

I don't believe so. It was on Fox Kids and Teletoon after all, and besides that I think I'd remember if nudity popped up.

Cybersix was one of those shows that I wanted to like - the animation is stellar and its take on the Superman/Lois Lane romance was cute - but it was a bit too bland all-around. Just weak, underwhelming scripts. The villain in particular felt like a perfunctory ball of cliches.

The comic had a **** ton, and they're rather gratuitous.


It's weird that a Canadian/Japanese/Argentine production exists at all, but it's kind of baffling why they chose Cybersix as a comic to adapt if it was aimed mostly at adults and kind of felt weird conceptually as something to sell to the YA male demographic, as the show mostly was in North America.

2018-03-19, 11:31 PM
Beast Wars is like Transformers Prime or G4 MLP.

It's outright better than is has any right being. It is proof positive that if you REALLY sink in the effort and REALLY give a damn about doing things correctly, even the stupidest and most Ludacris concept can be turned into freaking gold.

Edit: Kitten, you should read the comic the series was based on. The little kid wasn't the main villain. The Morally bankrupt Nazi Scientist guy was. And the violence level was higher. And there were no cartoon sound effects or bad cartoony jokes to "lighten the mood and make it kid friendly and less scary.". And as Zodi mentions, the comic DID have some gratuitous nudity.

Kitten Champion
2018-03-19, 11:56 PM
Edit: Kitten, you should read the comic the series was based on. The little kid wasn't the main villain. The Morally bankrupt Nazi Scientist guy was. And the violence level was higher. And there were no cartoon sound effects or bad cartoony jokes to "lighten the mood and make it kid friendly and less scary.". And as Zodi mentions, the comic DID have some gratuitous nudity.

I was thinking of the Nazi Scientist when I typed that. Though he's not a Nazi-Nazi in the cartoon, he was the typical Frankenstein/Mengele match-up with the thick German accent to firmly denote that stereotype.

As to reading the comic, why would I want to, given the above? Sure, Cybersix had tonal issues, and making the villains more threatening would've really helped, but the writing issues were more bland story-telling and characterization than "I want this more adult".

2018-03-20, 12:11 AM
I was thinking of the Nazi Scientist when I typed that. Though he's not a Nazi-Nazi in the cartoon, he was the typical Frankenstein/Mengele match-up with the thick German accent to firmly denote that stereotype.

As to reading the comic, why would I want to, given the above? Sure, Cybersix had tonal issues, and making the villains more threatening would've really helped, but the writing issues were more bland story-telling and characterization than "I want this more adult".

Honestly Herr Doktor doesn't even have that thick a german accent in the cartoon. I'm actually okay with that since they're supposed to all be speaking spanish anyway since it's Argentina. That said Jose, his clone son, LITERALLY goosesteps around when bored, they went as far into showing it as they could.

The comic is...arguably better written than the show, but not much much and it has a lot of "dark for darks sake" **** in it, like Jose sexually assaulting Lori and generally, again, being way too gratuitous on what it shows. So yeah I'd honestly say not to read it, except for this one really good panel which shows Von Reichter standing next to Hitler and two Fixed Idea spetnaz and Reichter is SO HAPPY to be there it's hilarious.

2018-03-20, 12:36 AM
I was thinking of the Nazi Scientist when I typed that. Though he's not a Nazi-Nazi in the cartoon, he was the typical Frankenstein/Mengele match-up with the thick German accent to firmly denote that stereotype.

As to reading the comic, why would I want to, given the above? Sure, Cybersix had tonal issues, and making the villains more threatening would've really helped, but the writing issues were more bland story-telling and characterization than "I want this more adult".

My suggestion was based on the point that you seemed in the previous post to not think it had any nudity based on the young rating it received, and that a lot of the weakness of the plots in my experience was down to having to cut a lot of stuff to make sure it didn't touch on anything a 7-8 year old couldn't reasonably be expected to handle. Which lead them to filling in the run time with overly goofy ideas, jokes and sound effects on a routine bases that frequently hurt the episodes, buuuuuuuut made the bad guys less threatening and the whole thing more "child friendly.".

Also I seem to distinctly remember Jose's role as a villain being noticeably expanded in the Show, primarily because he was significantly less threatening than his father, and it was easier to do "Comedy" with him to make it less scary still.

As for why Cybersix, maybe the originally meant to make it a bit darker and then someone higher up lost there nerve about it or something. Best I can figure. Either that or it's kind of like 4Kids trying to Dub One Piece. They went it with no real checking in advance to confirm what kind of a level of sexuality or violence they were signing up to try and tone down. I mean, really, they didn't check, got in, got surprised, went oh crap, and started doing stuff like frantically replacing rifles with tricked out Super Soakers.

2018-03-20, 12:38 AM
Since we're talking old CGI shows; Beast Wars/ Beasties. What did you think?

Similarly, it's sequel Beast Machines. love it, hate it, or meh?

I wonder how I would feel about Beast Wars and Beast Machines if I were to rewatch it.

I remember hating Beast Machines at the time I watched it for it was not Beast Wars, but about 6 years or so later I realized many of the themes of Beast Machine I did not get as a middle schooler I suddenly got as a Freshman College Student and I understood what the series was trying to stay. And its been over a decade since then (No I will not tell you my age, Giant In The Playground Readers :smallbiggrin: )

2018-03-20, 12:41 AM
I wonder how I would feel about Beast Wars and Beast Machines if I were to rewatch it.

I remember hating Beast Machines at the time I watched it for it was not Beast Wars, but about 6 years or so later I realized many of the themes of Beast Machine I did not get as a middle schooler I suddenly got as a Freshman College Student and I understood what the series was trying to stay. And its been over a decade since then (No I will not tell you my age, Giant In The Playground Readers :smallbiggrin: )

Beast Machines really is just considerably weakened just via proximity of Beast Wars to it, yeah. Beast Machines is on it's own a rather interesting show with fascinating ideas and themes, and you kinda HAVE to take it with Beast Wars because otherwise Rhinox's actually really, truly, genuinely sensible and good character arc doesn't work. And nether does Cheetors' for that matter.

That said taken on its own, Beast Machines is the first bit of spirituality I've ever really experienced, and it goes way deeper into that than any children's show really has, I think.

2018-03-20, 12:48 AM
Beast Machines really is just considerably weakened just via proximity of Beast Wars to it, yeah. Beast Machines is on it's own a rather interesting show with fascinating ideas and themes, and you kinda HAVE to take it with Beast Wars because otherwise Rhinox's actually really, truly, genuinely sensible and good character arc doesn't work. And nether does Cheetors' for that matter.

That said taken on its own, Beast Machines is the first bit of spirituality I've ever really experienced, and it goes way deeper into that than any children's show really has, I think.

I can say similar things, but I wonder if those are really accurate, or if its a mixture of nostalgia and tricks of memory. But yeah I disliked Beast Machines as a Child, but as a Young Adult (not Teen) I somehow connected to it even though I did not rewatched it during those Young Adult years, suddenly things I was dealing with at time suddenly clicked and made Beast Machines make a lot more sense.

But yeah I loved Beast Wars in Middle School.

Sidenote I say all of these things about myself, but I bet what I said could apply to you LaZodiac, for if I recall I am older than you,and if I was too young to truely get Beast Machines, [drops this for I feel I am projecting and that is just rude]...and also blah word salad but I think you get what I am saying :smallbiggrin:

2018-03-20, 01:04 AM
I can say similar things, but I wonder if those are really accurate, or if its a mixture of nostalgia and tricks of memory. But yeah I disliked Beast Machines as a Child, but as a Young Adult (not Teen) I somehow connected to it even though I did not rewatched it during those Young Adult years, suddenly things I was dealing with at time suddenly clicked and made Beast Machines make a lot more sense.

But yeah I loved Beast Wars in Middle School.

Sidenote I say all of these things about myself, but I bet what I said could apply to you LaZodiac, for if I recall I am older than you,and if I was too young to truely get Beast Machines, [drops this for I feel I am projecting and that is just rude]...and also blah word salad but I think you get what I am saying :smallbiggrin:

Yeah no as a kid I was the definition of the "wow cool robot" joke. It still affected me, I just didn't notice it. Until Gundam Seed showed up and showed me what a bad TV show was.

2018-03-20, 01:19 AM
Yeah no as a kid I was the definition of the "wow cool robot" joke. It still affected me, I just didn't notice it. Until Gundam Seed showed up and showed me what a bad TV show was.

Was Gundam Seed Bad? I never saw it.

I remember watching Gundam Wing Endless Waltz (prior to Gundam Wing) and thinking this is so insightful only to then see a year or two later the original Gundam Wing TV show and it was so bad... like 80% Bad but 20% good.

But like 5 years prior to me actually watching Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz and Gundam Wing...prior to me seeing those shows for I did not have cable and it was the age of dial up I saw this commercial to Gundam Wing on an Anime VHS and I was enchanted.


Draconi Redfir
2018-03-20, 12:22 PM
Beast Wars is actually the best Transformers cartoon show, breaking past Transformers Animated only because Hasbro cancelled it unjustly and out of nowhere because Bay's films are trash. We could of got ****ing Shattered Glass!!!!!

Anyway yeah no Beast Wars kicks major ass and is a literal codifier of so much Transformers lore and world building that it has to be as good as it is. Beast Machines is...not as good, but has it's really good moments, but is ultimately a product of it's time and sort of misteps everywhere a lot. But I mean it's still decent.

Honestly surprised we don't see more of the transformers universe from the Beast-wars perspective. We have smaller human-sized transformers thanks to their interaction with humans, predacons and maximals instead of autobots and decepticons, personally i'd love to see more of this transformers future.

personally i enjoyed beast machines, if nothing else i loved the concept of Technorganic, the perfect mix of machine and organic existing in a single lifeform in harmony. I'll agree that it could have been done better, but to be fair beast wars and machines were my only experiences with transformers at the time, as i was born in an era after the vehicle transformers had come and gone. So taken on it's own rather then a continuation of the transformers series, it's pretty good.

2018-03-20, 12:28 PM
Honestly surprised we don't see more of the transformers universe from the Beast-wars perspective. We have smaller human-sized transformers thanks to their interaction with humans, predacons and maximals instead of autobots and decepticons, personally i'd love to see more of this transformers future.

AFAICT the toys weren't super popular (even outside of "they changed it now its ruined FOREVER"), partly because a lot of them weren't so much transformers as a robot hiding in an animal shell that would hang off them awkwardly in robot mode (and probably break when played with a lot).

The show is rememebered a lot more fondly than the toys it was intended to sell.

Draconi Redfir
2018-03-20, 12:32 PM
AFAICT the toys weren't super popular (even outside of "they changed it now its ruined FOREVER"), partly because a lot of them weren't so much transformers as a robot hiding in an animal shell that would hang off them awkwardly in robot mode (and probably break when played with a lot).

The show is rememebered a lot more fondly than the toys it was intended to sell.

as someone who had beast wars toys... yeah i can confirm that.

to be fair, the "Panthernator" one i had was a Mcdonalds toy, so low-quality is expected, but the best "Transforming" it did was you pulled it's head back to reveal a robot head, and then just tilted it's legs back so it had two arms and two legs. and the head was just kinda on it's back like an oversized hood.

Vaguely recall the Quickstrike toy being better. Think the top of his scorpion head actually went into his chest like the TV version did. Also distinctly remember a hammerhead shark / snowy owl fuzor i had as well but for the life of me i can't remember what that transformation was like.

the Fuzors were honestly probably one of the major events in my life that made me desire to be a genetic engineer :P

2018-03-20, 02:32 PM
as someone who had beast wars toys... yeah i can confirm that.

to be fair, the "Panthernator" one i had was a Mcdonalds toy, so low-quality is expected, but the best "Transforming" it did was you pulled it's head back to reveal a robot head, and then just tilted it's legs back so it had two arms and two legs. and the head was just kinda on it's back like an oversized hood.

Vaguely recall the Quickstrike toy being better. Think the top of his scorpion head actually went into his chest like the TV version did. Also distinctly remember a hammerhead shark / snowy owl fuzor i had as well but for the life of me i can't remember what that transformation was like.

the Fuzors were honestly probably one of the major events in my life that made me desire to be a genetic engineer :P

McDonald toys don't really count but also holy shiiiiit I had that one too! I also had the Quickstrike toy, it could suck up water and shoot it out. Very poorly!

That being said, the Beast Wars era toys are...basically the baby form of the best type of toys they can make for this series. They were better than the bricks of G1, but nowadays they're basically just as clunky.

2018-03-20, 05:49 PM
I had an off color Dinobot (no clue why he was white instead of brown, but whatever), Optimus Primal, the Bird Chick, and a Buffalo. Honestly, the buffalo was pretty awesome and optimus was cool (he had shoulder cannons that were spring loaded and fired projectiles!). They didn't do a great job of being playable in both modes, which was a right shame. Optimus was okay as a gorilla and decent as a robot, but otherwise they were mostly statues in one form or the other.

2018-03-20, 05:59 PM
I had an off color Dinobot (no clue why he was white instead of brown, but whatever), Optimus Primal, the Bird Chick, and a Buffalo. Honestly, the buffalo was pretty awesome and optimus was cool (he had shoulder cannons that were spring loaded and fired projectiles!). They didn't do a great job of being playable in both modes, which was a right shame. Optimus was okay as a gorilla and decent as a robot, but otherwise they were mostly statues in one form or the other.

That'd be Dinobot-2 from the Transmetal line, probably. It's a long story. Watch the TV show!

2018-03-20, 06:17 PM
That'd be Dinobot-2 from the Transmetal line, probably. It's a long story. Watch the TV show!

No, we got that toy long before the Transmetal line. It was pretty much a color changed version of Dinobot, white for light brown and (I think) green for his dark brown stripes.

2018-03-20, 06:42 PM
That'd be Dinobot-2 from the Transmetal line, probably. It's a long story. Watch the TV show!

There is a lot of off color dinobot toys. Link to a wiki which has the toys at the bottom and story plus plot at the top


2018-03-20, 07:52 PM

https://frinkiac.com/meme/S10E20/781596.jpg?b64lines=IERJRE4nVCBUSEFUIFRIUkVBRCBVU0 VEIFRPCiBCRSBBQk9VVCBSRUJPT1Q_

No brains
2018-03-20, 08:32 PM

https://frinkiac.com/meme/S10E20/781596.jpg?b64lines=IERJRE4nVCBUSEFUIFRIUkVBRCBVU0 VEIFRPCiBCRSBBQk9VVCBSRUJPT1Q_

Yes and the reboot looks like it sucks so we're talking about things that make us happy.

If a thread is in a place of happiness, it didn't derail. It reached its destination.

2018-03-20, 09:55 PM

https://frinkiac.com/meme/S10E20/781596.jpg?b64lines=IERJRE4nVCBUSEFUIFRIUkVBRCBVU0 VEIFRPCiBCRSBBQk9VVCBSRUJPT1Q_

It's related since Mainframe Entertainment did it. And really we're just talking about reboots in general.

2018-03-20, 09:57 PM
It's related since Mainframe Entertainment did it. And really we're just talking about reboots in general.

Hmmm, was Beast Wars a Transformers reboot? Or do we need a new Beast Wars in order to have a Beast Wars that is also a reboot. How about we put a Reboot reboot out that is set on the computer of the Autobot Maximal ship in Beast Wars? Or would that be too meta?

2018-03-20, 10:50 PM
Canonically, Beast Wars is a continuation, not a reboot.

2018-03-20, 11:23 PM
Canonically, Beast Wars is a continuation, not a reboot.

Well it's not a reboot in the strict terminology that it reset the continuity, but it was a reboot in the sense that the main series had stagnated and that Beast Wars was a radical change both in aesthetics and setting intended to take the series in a different direction.

2018-03-20, 11:42 PM
Ok, but on the flip side, we also met and explained Starscream's Ghost, and we saw the Gen 1 characters entombed on the planet that we find out is earth of the Distant Past. It went out of it's way to not just be some alternative universe, but to make itself work in conjunction with the already established Canon, just to get along with the Gen 1 fans.

Also, as for Beastwars being unpopular, I know off the top of my head, Waspinator and Dinobot won the first couple of Transformers Hall of Fame Contests, as voted on by fans, so, they couldn't be THAT unpopular.

2018-03-20, 11:45 PM
Hmmm, was Beast Wars a Transformers reboot? Or do we need a new Beast Wars in order to have a Beast Wars that is also a reboot. How about we put a Reboot reboot out that is set on the computer of the Autobot Maximal ship in Beast Wars? Or would that be too meta?

THAT would probably be too meta. That being said, other ways they COULD of made the new Reboot good: just do the same story, but starting over from the beginning and changing things minorly enough to have your own unique take on it. Start it off on a good first step, unlike the original run.

2018-03-21, 09:53 AM
Also, as for Beastwars being unpopular, I know off the top of my head, Waspinator and Dinobot won the first couple of Transformers Hall of Fame Contests, as voted on by fans, so, they couldn't be THAT unpopular.

Again though, the characters and show were popular.

The toys less so than desired.

THAT would probably be too meta. That being said, other ways they COULD of made the new Reboot good: just do the same story, but starting over from the beginning and changing things minorly enough to have your own unique take on it. Start it off on a good first step, unlike the original run.

You have to change quite a lot though.

Like one of the fundamental aspects of the original 'verse is that the web is dark and full of terrors, whereas for a modern audience being offline for an afternoon is a tragedy of the highest order.

So the modern Reboot would contain things fundamentally unrecognisable to the original, because technology as the modern user recognises it is always on, always connected, and hugely abstracted from the hardware layer.

2018-03-21, 10:26 AM
Like one of the fundamental aspects of the original 'verse is that the web is dark and full of terrors, whereas for a modern audience being offline for an afternoon is a tragedy of the highest order.

Yeah, but the Reboot web was dark and full of things that were terrifying *to the computer people*, not the users (who we barely saw). Megabyte himself was supposed to be a computer virus, and those are still around and still dangerous.

2018-03-21, 10:26 AM
Again though, the characters and show were popular.

The toys less so than desired.

You have to change quite a lot though.

Like one of the fundamental aspects of the original 'verse is that the web is dark and full of terrors, whereas for a modern audience being offline for an afternoon is a tragedy of the highest order.

So the modern Reboot would contain things fundamentally unrecognisable to the original, because technology as the modern user recognises it is always on, always connected, and hugely abstracted from the hardware layer.

Honestly that sounds like it could be worked with. People are always online now, yeah, but the dangers that lurk in the dark are still THERE, they're just nastier and more surprising since you think you're safer. Could probably put some focus on fighting web creatures and stuff, symbolism wise.

Draconi Redfir
2018-03-21, 11:26 AM
you would definitely have trouble with the whole game-jumping arc if it was done in a modern setting. the thing that made Maneframe stand out among all the other systems was that it was never connected to the net, but even then, every system Matrix and Andraya visited also didn't have access to the net. so.... i dunno... they would have to get REALLY unlucky to visit so many not-connected computers these days.

originating from one computer that doesn't have net / web access could still be doable. but you'd have to work out some new reason for why they can't just go onto the net in any other system to find their way back to mainframe.

2018-03-21, 01:14 PM
you would definitely have trouble with the whole game-jumping arc if it was done in a modern setting. the thing that made Maneframe stand out among all the other systems was that it was never connected to the net, but even then, every system Matrix and Andraya visited also didn't have access to the net. so.... i dunno... they would have to get REALLY unlucky to visit so many not-connected computers these days.

originating from one computer that doesn't have net / web access could still be doable. but you'd have to work out some new reason for why they can't just go onto the net in any other system to find their way back to mainframe.

That's another thing they could introduce to change things up, actually. The net is more open, so we get more travelers. Could be interesting a thing to work with. So less "lost in the net" and more a refuge post in the net.

It occurs to me this would basically just be that one seaport city, but as the main location, and that's honestly not that bad an idea to me?

2018-03-21, 03:49 PM
Again though, the characters and show were popular.

The toys less so than desired.

You have to change quite a lot though.

Like one of the fundamental aspects of the original 'verse is that the web is dark and full of terrors, whereas for a modern audience being offline for an afternoon is a tragedy of the highest order.

So the modern Reboot would contain things fundamentally unrecognisable to the original, because technology as the modern user recognises it is always on, always connected, and hugely abstracted from the hardware layer.

It wasn't so much that they were unpopular, the problem was they were popular but too expensive. The toys were extremely popular in the sense that kids wanted them because they were pretty top of the line at the time with much higher quality movement and transformations than previous Transformers toys - but remember even if kids love them the parents are the ones footing the bill, and they were balking at the price tags.

2018-03-21, 04:49 PM
It wasn't so much that they were unpopular, the problem was they were popular but too expensive. The toys were extremely popular in the sense that kids wanted them because they were pretty top of the line at the time with much higher quality movement and transformations than previous Transformers toys - but remember even if kids love them the parents are the ones footing the bill, and they were balking at the price tags.

Indeed. A beast wars action figure cost about as much as a decent lego set. They started at about $10, and went up from there. I never paid much attention to older transformer toys, but I imagine that original models went for a couple dollars at the low end up to $50 or so for the really cool ones (e.g. Optimus Prime or Megatron). As a parent, I can see spending about $5 on a toy that my kid really wants to keep her quiet, so getting a toy for $2 - $3 every time we go to the store would let her build up a pile of transformers (as a note, we don't do that, but I can see people in similar circumstances doing so). I could even see spending $10 for 3 - 5 toys like the ones we had slowly been building up. Alternatively, I can see a kid scrounging up $5 and walking down to the store to get a new toy. Saving up $10 as a kid was hard. I think I figured out that I wanted a transformer and spend so long saving up the money for it that it had moved in the store 5 times and was actually on clearance when I finally bought it. In other words, the price of entry in to Beast Wars was too high.

Aotrs Commander
2018-03-24, 10:02 AM
I never paid much attention to older transformer toys, but I imagine that original models went for a couple dollars at the low end up to $50 or so for the really cool ones (e.g. Optimus Prime or Megatron).

Eh.... From what I recall (given we ARE going back thirty-plus years), even the minibots were about three or four quid or more (which is closer to your $10 mark then than now). I don't recall the, like, two Beast Wars Transformers I bought before stopping entirely being particularly more expensive than the originals, but again, that's going back... twenty years bare-minimum. (Prime and such were about £30 or so initiall, as I distantly recall.)

And LEGO hasn't exactly been cheap for a long time, either, for that matter.

2018-03-24, 07:45 PM
Also, as for Beastwars being unpopular, I know off the top of my head, Waspinator and Dinobot won the first couple of Transformers Hall of Fame Contests, as voted on by fans, so, they couldn't be THAT unpopular.

SFDebris explained that these two were the only Beast War representatives in the pool of candidates at the time of voting. So where G1 votes were overall more numerous, they were split between many candidates.

2018-03-24, 11:07 PM
SFDebris explained that these two were the only Beast War representatives in the pool of candidates at the time of voting. So where G1 votes were overall more numerous, they were split between many candidates.

Perhaps, but still, if they were that unpopular as a whole, they still would have lost and one of the other Gen 1 characters would have won.

2018-03-25, 12:15 AM
SFDebris explained that these two were the only Beast War representatives in the pool of candidates at the time of voting. So where G1 votes were overall more numerous, they were split between many candidates.

The only reason Dinobot and Waspinator were even IN the mix to begin with was they were fan nominations - they won their spots in the first place because enough fans voted for them to get them nominated, and THEN they won the actual HOF vote.

2018-03-29, 02:39 PM
The only reason Dinobot and Waspinator were even IN the mix to begin with was they were fan nominations - they won their spots in the first place because enough fans voted for them to get them nominated, and THEN they won the actual HOF vote.
For which I'm thankful! Beast Wars' Dinobot was the one and only Transformers toy I ever had, and I loved it! He fought (and defeated) Godzilla and Tigerzord plenty of times for the soberany of Castle Lego!

2018-04-01, 10:41 PM
So the Reboot...reboot...came out on the 30th. Has anyone watched it yet? Is it as bad as we all fear?

2018-04-01, 10:49 PM
I'm waiting till I hear some quality personality's reaching a consensus on weather the affair is as awful as we expect or pulls a freaking miracle out of it's hat.

2018-04-01, 10:59 PM
The fact that no one has watched it at all, far as I can tell, is really telling.

2018-04-01, 11:14 PM
I'm not so sure. Maybe it means everyone is so mad about it that there black listing it on principle.


Maybe it just means no one gives a crap.


Maybe it means they haven't gotten around too it yet.


Maybe it means they think it's alright, not great but not awful, and thus aren't concerned about it.

2018-04-02, 12:27 AM
The fact that no one has watched it at all, far as I can tell, is really telling.

I checked. It doesn't even have an entry on Rotten Tomatoes yet, much less an actual review.

This does not bode well for it.

Kitten Champion
2018-04-02, 01:23 AM
Personally, I just don't care about it at all one way or another. Had I not seen the trailer here, I'd probably have checked it out based on "Hey, that's Reboot" alone, but now I won't.

Why - in all likelihood - invite frustration upon myself just so I can complain or feel miserable? It's the same approach I take to DC movies.

Draconi Redfir
2018-04-02, 11:11 AM
the most i might do is load it up just to give it a thumbs down.

i do WANT to give it a chance but... at the same time i don't want to even remotely support this butchery of my childhood.

2018-04-02, 11:21 AM
I saw one review of it somewhere - the reviewer gave it a 3/10 and said that the live action stuff and the CG stuff is very badly interlinked.

Which I sort of expected, so biases confirmed, I guess.

2018-04-02, 06:35 PM
I saw one review of it somewhere - the reviewer gave it a 3/10 and said that the live action stuff and the CG stuff is very badly interlinked.

Which I sort of expected, so biases confirmed, I guess.

Did the reviewer mention having any real familiarity with the first series? Or any knowledge of it? Or ever having been particularly attached too it?

2018-04-02, 07:06 PM
It's bad, it's really bad. It's bad in a way that it makes the old series worse by watching it. Just... just stay away.

2018-04-02, 09:31 PM
Maybe it just means no one gives a crap.
That's where I'm at. I mean, I watch little enough TV or TV-esque online programming these days that I might not even bother watching if this were a proper reboot - there's plenty of shows I'd probably like but just don't watch because there's other things I do with my free time that I think I prefer. After that trailer showed that it's not even close to a proper reboot, I definitely have no reason to bother.

2018-04-02, 10:24 PM
That's where I'm at. I mean, I watch little enough TV or TV-esque online programming these days that I might not even bother watching if this were a proper reboot - there's plenty of shows I'd probably like but just don't watch because there's other things I do with my free time that I think I prefer. After that trailer showed that it's not even close to a proper reboot, I definitely have no reason to bother.

I don't dispute that. Though in fairness, to my knowledge your not a semi professional or professional reviewer and/or critic.

2018-04-02, 11:03 PM
I don't dispute that. Though in fairness, to my knowledge your not a semi professional or professional reviewer and/or critic.
True, though I didn't have the impression anyone was talking strictly about those.

2018-04-02, 11:45 PM
True, though I didn't have the impression anyone was talking strictly about those.

In the singular post that you'd quoted initially, I was, as I was responding to Zodi mentioning that the fact that the show had been out for 1 or 2 days and there were no reviews yet boded ill for it's quality.

2018-04-03, 12:53 AM
It's bad, it's really bad. It's bad in a way that it makes the old series worse by watching it. Just... just stay away.

You watched it? Can you give some details then? I'm pretty curious in how it's bad, beyond impressions from the trailer.

Draconi Redfir
2018-04-03, 11:32 AM
something that crossed my mind last night;

in Reboot (the original / real ReBoot) you have Binomes and you have sprites. And it's almost universally accepted that Sprites are "more advanced" then binomes. you never see any anti-sprite binomes, any wish-i-was-a-sprite binomes, there isn't any kind of jealousy or disdain between sprites and binomes.

you would NOT get that if ReBoot was made today, i'd all but guarantee it.

2018-04-03, 11:50 AM
something that crossed my mind last night;

in Reboot (the original / real ReBoot) you have Binomes and you have sprites. And it's almost universally accepted that Sprites are "more advanced" then binomes. you never see any anti-sprite binomes, any wish-i-was-a-sprite binomes, there isn't any kind of jealousy or disdain between sprites and binomes.

you would NOT get that if ReBoot was made today, i'd all but guarantee it.

"In the slums of Mainframe, there are two kinds of people: the ones and the zeroes. The one thing that unites them is hatred. Of their own powerlessness. Of the Sprites that hold them down. Of the system that treats them as interchangeable, as the most insignificant kind of data around. But one zero has had enough. He may not be hexadecimal. He may not be a Megabyte. He may not even be a guy - don't be so binary. But he is going to take down the system. This April, Netflix presents Reboot 2: Payback's a Bit."

Sorry. I just couldn't help myself. I was also toying with "IF-THEN-ELSE-KILL", "Bravebit", and "Malcom[X,Y]" as possible subtitles, but I like to think I have more class than that.

Draconi Redfir
2018-04-03, 11:57 AM
"In the slums of Mainframe, there are two kinds of people: the ones and the zeroes. The one thing that unites them is hatred. Of their own powerlessness. Of the Sprites that hold them down. Of the system that treats them as interchangeable, as the most insignificant kind of data around. But one zero has had enough. He may not be hexadecimal. He may not be a Megabyte. He may not even be a guy - don't be so binary. But he is going to take down the system. This April, Netflix presents Reboot 2: Payback's a Bit."

Sorry. I just couldn't help myself. I was also toying with "IF-THEN-ELSE-KILL" as the subtitle, but I like to think I have more class than that.

four out of five stars. would watch unironcially:smalltongue:

2018-04-03, 12:00 PM
four out of five stars. would watch unironcially:smalltongue:

I find it works best if you imagine it voiced by the Honest Trailers guys.

2018-04-03, 07:02 PM
something that crossed my mind last night;

in Reboot (the original / real ReBoot) you have Binomes and you have sprites. And it's almost universally accepted that Sprites are "more advanced" then binomes. you never see any anti-sprite binomes, any wish-i-was-a-sprite binomes, there isn't any kind of jealousy or disdain between sprites and binomes.

you would NOT get that if ReBoot was made today, i'd all but guarantee it.

You wouldn't. You really wouldn't. It was allowed to treat this world as not our own with a coat of paint. That would never fly today, if it wasn't slanted toward a very particular political bend, certain people would absolutely loose there ****.

Damn shame really.

2018-04-03, 07:09 PM
You wouldn't. You really wouldn't. It was allowed to treat this world as not our own with a coat of paint. That would never fly today, if it wasn't slanted toward a very particular political bend, certain people would absolutely loose there ****.

Damn shame really.

And, much as I hate to say it, it wouldn't particularly matter which way you pointed your politics in the US, you would get flack. Some directions would get more than others, but people don't seem to be able to let things not have a deeper, darker message anymore.

Draconi Redfir
2018-04-03, 08:55 PM
in other news, i just found this video. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jYdVis8Yjo)

enjoy :smalltongue:

2018-04-03, 11:11 PM
in other news, i just found this video. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jYdVis8Yjo)

enjoy :smalltongue:

Care to tell me what is on the other end of that link? I have been negatively conditioned against clicking on links that I cannot tell what is on the other end.

Draconi Redfir
2018-04-03, 11:42 PM
Care to tell me what is on the other end of that link? I have been negatively conditioned against clicking on links that I cannot tell what is on the other end.

a watchmojo youtube video of a "top ten" list of classic ReBoot moments. such as the guitar duel, megabyte fusing with hex, and the duel between Andraya and the yellow guardian.

2018-04-04, 08:34 AM

Right. So. Apparently they felt the need to FUBAR the entire timeline in order to take a shot at the freaking fanbase.

I say we leave negative reviews on Netflix, Rotten Tomato's and IMDB. Who's with me?

Draconi Redfir
2018-04-04, 10:45 AM
"Cyber locusts"... "Dark code"


and you DO see mainframe and the original cast.... like ORIGINAL, original cast.... it just take ten episodes and is done horribly.

wow i "love" this show already.

2018-04-04, 10:54 AM
WoolieVersus made a pretty cool video about the tragic story of Reboot (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVnzhISq0oY).

Aotrs Commander
2018-04-04, 10:59 AM
I would like to say this surprises me.

Sadly, it REALLY does not.

2018-04-04, 11:14 AM
a watchmojo youtube video of a "top ten" list of classic ReBoot moments. such as the guitar duel, megabyte fusing with hex, and the duel between Andraya and the yellow guardian.

It's missing my all-time favorite though. That time when Hexadecimal won and her evil plan came to fruition, only for her to agree with Bob that the way things ended up will be boring and undo everything. Also, some great quips from her. (https://youtu.be/znrl023KLL4)

2018-04-04, 11:22 AM

Right. So. Apparently they felt the need to FUBAR the entire timeline in order to take a shot at the freaking fanbase.

I say we leave negative reviews on Netflix, Rotten Tomato's and IMDB. Who's with me?

... ... ... Wow...

I thought it was just a disappointing cash grab that tried to combine a recognizable name with a bits of other recognizable settings to create a half-assed kids' show... but sacrosanct excrement...

Their handling of Megabyte is bad, their use of the old cast is sloppy, but... really? Characterizing the infamous User of the original series as a balding, overweight man-child who apparently lives in his mother's basement and surrounds himself with Reboot merchandise (as the video asks, how does that work?) that happily logs in and rushes to start another game the Mainframe goes back online... on a twenty-year old computer that probably has less processing power than my microwave.

I... uh... I... how much effort did they put into crafting the most demeaning representation of the old school fan-base? Because I can't fathom that being an accident. And I see no love in the mockery, which the old Reboot employed regularly. (During an Evil Dead referencing horror game. Dot: "What kind of twisted person would enjoy a game like this?!?" Dot and Enzo turn slowly and look meaningfully at the camera.)

I don't see the gambit, here. Sure, it was once commonplace to play to a young audience by portraying adults as exaggerated stereotypes that are painfully out of step with the world, but that's a dated strategy and this is built on the nostalgia of the adults they're mocking. It's just poisoning the well with no profit to be had for it.

2018-04-04, 02:40 PM
... ... ... Wow...

I thought it was just a disappointing cash grab that tried to combine a recognizable name with a bits of other recognizable settings to create a half-assed kids' show... but sacrosanct excrement...

Their handling of Megabyte is bad, their use of the old cast is sloppy, but... really? Characterizing the infamous User of the original series as a balding, overweight man-child who apparently lives in his mother's basement and surrounds himself with Reboot merchandise (as the video asks, how does that work?) that happily logs in and rushes to start another game the Mainframe goes back online... on a twenty-year old computer that probably has less processing power than my microwave.

I... uh... I... how much effort did they put into crafting the most demeaning representation of the old school fan-base? Because I can't fathom that being an accident. And I see no love in the mockery, which the old Reboot employed regularly. (During an Evil Dead referencing horror game. Dot: "What kind of twisted person would enjoy a game like this?!?" Dot and Enzo turn slowly and look meaningfully at the camera.)

I don't see the gambit, here. Sure, it was once commonplace to play to a young audience by portraying adults as exaggerated stereotypes that are painfully out of step with the world, but that's a dated strategy and this is built on the nostalgia of the adults they're mocking. It's just poisoning the well with no profit to be had for it.

They probably put no effort in, honestly. As a group Hollywood is one of the most intellectually lazy communities in existence and is universally incapable of doing basic research on any subject, never mind one that none of them participate in (seriously how many times have you seen games come up in any modern TV show or movie and people still talk about 'points') and the gaming community is looked down on with condescending superiority of their 'childish' hobby.

Hollywood is utterly incapable of thinking of gamers as anything OTHER than fat, basement-dwelling neckbearded virgins. Never mind the rapidly increasing popularity of eSports and that a group shot of the bulk of eSports teams shows none of that.

I frankly wouldn't be surprised if the morons in charge thought they were actually sending a message thanking the community for their enthusiasm.

Kitten Champion
2018-04-04, 08:55 PM
If they wanted to say that the User was just some schlub all this time who played computer games two decades ago, fine - that goes with the whole "Humans Are Cthulhu" approach that was part of the quirky charm of the original series' premise - but seriously, what could Reboot: The Guardian Code possibly gain by having its own Superboy Prime?

I agree, it's truly a baffling creative decision.

It would like if the theme of The Lego Movie was you're a **** for liking Legos.

2018-04-04, 09:52 PM
I would like to say this surprises me.

Sadly, it REALLY does not.
I'm moderately surprised that more of the original characters than Megabyte actually show up in the show despite being wholly absent from the initial setup of it.

That's it though. Otherwise, yeah, about what I'd expect.

2018-04-04, 10:35 PM
I'm not going to beat around the bush here.

The idea of making the User from the original show the villain makes me so ****ing mad I'm seriously tempted to actually watch it so I can have a better footing when I rip this show limb from ****ing limb.

The entire point of the User is that while yes he or she is this horrifying cthulhu like entity, ultimately he is GOOD. He simply doesn't know what he does because an entire life time for them passes by us in a second. The MAJOR CONCLUSION to the third season was Bob gambling on the fact that the User is, at it's core, good and will save them if a system crash happened.


Going against this, in ANY way, is STUPID, and a spit in the face of not only the base premise of the original show but in the actual heart of the show itself.

Draconi Redfir
2018-04-04, 11:25 PM
wait wait wait, they're making the user a villain?

from what i saw he was just some kind of tertiary character they threw in for an excuse to have game cubes again.

Kitten Champion
2018-04-05, 12:04 AM
wait wait wait, they're making the user a villain?

from what i saw he was just some kind of tertiary character they threw in for an excuse to have game cubes again.

He is, at least according to review.

The villain is the 90's hacker edgelord dude from the trailer.

2018-04-05, 02:28 AM
Yeah, the villain is the Palpatine wannabe in the hood--different character to the basement-dwelling gamer.

2018-04-05, 02:33 AM
... ... ... Wow...

I thought it was just a disappointing cash grab that tried to combine a recognizable name with a bits of other recognizable settings to create a half-assed kids' show... but sacrosanct excrement...

Their handling of Megabyte is bad, their use of the old cast is sloppy, but... really? Characterizing the infamous User of the original series as a balding, overweight man-child who apparently lives in his mother's basement and surrounds himself with Reboot merchandise (as the video asks, how does that work?) that happily logs in and rushes to start another game the Mainframe goes back online... on a twenty-year old computer that probably has less processing power than my microwave.

I... uh... I... how much effort did they put into crafting the most demeaning representation of the old school fan-base? Because I can't fathom that being an accident. And I see no love in the mockery, which the old Reboot employed regularly. (During an Evil Dead referencing horror game. Dot: "What kind of twisted person would enjoy a game like this?!?" Dot and Enzo turn slowly and look meaningfully at the camera.)

I don't see the gambit, here. Sure, it was once commonplace to play to a young audience by portraying adults as exaggerated stereotypes that are painfully out of step with the world, but that's a dated strategy and this is built on the nostalgia of the adults they're mocking. It's just poisoning the well with no profit to be had for it.

Now, here's what makes it worse.

I think your right. I don't think this is legitimate stupidity or ineptitude. I think this was done deliberately.

And if it's intentional, there has to be a reason.

Reasons I can think of.

They wanted to give there dedicated fans a middle finger.

They wanted to get revenue for the trailer backlash.

Or they were anticipating the backlash, and decided to put a petty act of retaliation in at the end of the first season. Or, heaven willing, at the end of the series. (I REALLY hope Netflix tells them to bugger off on making another season of this show.)

Draconi Redfir
2018-04-05, 03:03 AM
no matter what the reason i think we can all agree on one thing; it's really frakkin stupid that the "user" has ReBoot merchandise all over his room. the only reason i can think of for that is that he "came up" with the idea for ReBoot not realizing it was "inspired" by real events happening inside his computer. but in a world that apparently has ReBoot app games, you'd think he'd have a bit more revinue then living in his mom's basement.

2018-04-05, 04:52 AM
no matter what the reason i think we can all agree on one thing; it's really frakkin stupid that the "user" has ReBoot merchandise all over his room. the only reason i can think of for that is that he "came up" with the idea for ReBoot not realizing it was "inspired" by real events happening inside his computer. but in a world that apparently has ReBoot app games, you'd think he'd have a bit more revinue then living in his mom's basement.

I stand by the assessment that the only reason it was there was to take a dump on the original shows fans. Hell, I wouldn't be overly surprised to find out between the trailer and the show they tacked his stuff on (Would be cheap and easy enough, could have been done in a few days.), just to say up yours to the people who down voted the trailer on the grounds that this is what they want everyone to think they are really like.

2018-04-05, 01:08 PM
I stand by the assessment that the only reason it was there was to take a dump on the original shows fans. Hell, I wouldn't be overly surprised to find out between the trailer and the show they tacked his stuff on (Would be cheap and easy enough, could have been done in a few days.), just to say up yours to the people who down voted the trailer on the grounds that this is what they want everyone to think they are really like.

I'm going to go with "They are so clueless that they think this is a positive portrayal and a thank-you nod to the fans for their patience and love of the franchise."

The YouTube link has a quote from someone claiming to be involved with the show - it came out on Reddit before the show premiered. An excerpt:

In summary the production was a complete cluster **** with a CEO making all the decisions, refusing to listen to anybody just making his pet fantasy project about his self inserted son, but hey he got what he wanted, he can now say reboot the guardian code is the first ever show to be made with the unreal engine and rendered in 4k plus there is some VR stuff. Watch anytime he talks about the show he'll hit on those points, hell those are the points we've been told to hit on in the handout they gave us about how we're supposed to talk about the show in public.I'm very sorry about the product we put out there, I can't imagine how hard it is for long time fans of ReBoot to look at this abomination, if you're holding out any hope for this show don't, not only did the spit on the grave of ReBoot they did it in a badly written, badly acted show. If you're wondering if they tried to do anything to placate you guys, that'd be episode 10, they have all the old main characters in that episode but only that episode and it's just as badly written and acted as they other episodes. Do not watch this show, do not support this show or if you feel the need to satisfy your curiosity about it wait at least a month after release, netflix tends to make a decision on renewing for more seasons based on the numbers after about 2-4 weeks so the last thing this show needs is to do well out of morbid curiosity during those weeks and get another season."

2018-04-05, 01:49 PM
I stand by the assessment that the only reason it was there was to take a dump on the original shows fans.

That doesn't really seem likely to me. What would they have to gain by doing that? For what reason would they spend the time and money just to give a middle finger to fans of the old show? I just don't see any reasonable motive behind doing something like that.

Remember Hanlon's razor. "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

2018-04-05, 03:23 PM
That doesn't really seem likely to me. What would they have to gain by doing that? For what reason would they spend the time and money just to give a middle finger to fans of the old show? I just don't see any reasonable motive behind doing something like that.

Remember Hanlon's razor. "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

I mean its definitely not without precedent. New Ghostbusters did EXACTLY what he's accused Reboot of doing - post production explicitly added in a scene where they insult the fans that thought the trailer and advance information were terrible. What they 'gain' is salving their egos by taking a swipe at the ignorant rubes that just don't see their brilliance.

As I said, I disagree, I think they're just that stupid, arrogant and ignorant about gamers that they think this was a positive portrayal of their enthusiasm.

2018-04-05, 03:36 PM
I mean its definitely not without precedent. New Ghostbusters did EXACTLY what he's accused Reboot of doing - post production explicitly added in a scene where they insult the fans that thought the trailer and advance information were terrible. What they 'gain' is salving their egos by taking a swipe at the ignorant rubes that just don't see their brilliance.

As I said, I disagree, I think they're just that stupid, arrogant and ignorant about gamers that they think this was a positive portrayal of their enthusiasm.

"They" in this case being the CEO, if that quote posted by Friv is legitimate.

2018-04-06, 10:42 AM
Okay, Here is my official, review of Reboot(theReboot). So you thankfully don't have to watch it.

The short review: not 100% awful, merely 98%

Long form:

So, I went in willing to overlook the whole issue with adding in kids from reality. Most episodes involve one of the team doing something stupid and then at the end we all afternoon special about the issue and everything is better. of the "good guys" The only one who doesn't get a stupid moment episode is the Human Girl. But she is actually the most underused of the team. The AI shoved into a Human Girl body - does get one of these episodes, and it goes about the same. Its both a reoccurring plot point of oh She's secretly an AI, make sure she doesn't understand how to appear human. HURDUHR! Though the idea on the Siri Alexa Voice assistant turning on people and doing things from insulting users to trying to crash vehicles to kill the occupants is a good one. However, the while the plot idea is good, the execution is bad. so yeah.

Megabyte: The new voice actor is surprisingly reasonable? The Original actor is and will always be better, but there were some good moments. Also, they do have an "upgrade scene" to update original body megabyte to the model they use during the show.
Also, surprisingly, there were some bits of his dialog, as well as how the actor did it, that came out very like the real Megabyte. Like about 1 scene in 5. Megabyte is forced to work with :smallfrown: The Sourcerer :smallfurious: (so awful!) because He Who Shall Not Be Named put a delete command in Megabyte. It actually feels like how original Megabyte would have reacted to that scenario. He spends his conversations with (the Human) (I refuse to write that name again) has small surprisingly well written Digs I could see Megabyte saying because he is in no other position. If the series continues ( Dear lord I hope not) , I can see the Bad guy getting into the computers as well, but getting murdered by Megabyte for his insolence. (which would be the one thing I would to see from this series.)

The episode of everything else from Mainframe is like 90% bad, and made me cry tears of rage. Bob's Dialog is 50% the opening Spiel from the original series, 50% ignoring HAVING THE CHANCE TO TALK TO USERS FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER!!!!! Sorry, The caps were accidental, but hoo-boy! do they match my mood. The Jailbreak Redux they did was a good idea though executed mediocrely. The one good thing about this episode. Hexidecimal was modeled pretty well, though she had more facial animation that I would have liked. Her voice actor was also decent, but not as good as the original. All her lines were pretty well written, shocking everyone.

Final point: about 5 minutes of the 220ish minutes of these 10 episodes are surprisingly good. Unfortunately, those minutes are not together. I recommend using this shows badness to distract you from something even worse - like a real life personal disaster, thats what I did.

2018-04-06, 11:45 AM
What I'm taking away from Ornithologist is:

"Reboot reboot: Marginally better than a personal tragedy."

2018-04-06, 12:47 PM
I mean its definitely not without precedent. New Ghostbusters did EXACTLY what he's accused Reboot of doing - post production explicitly added in a scene where they insult the fans that thought the trailer and advance information were terrible.

Insult 'the fans?' The misogynistic and racist trolls that drove Leslie Jones from Twitter were not 'fans' by any stretch of the definition.

2018-04-06, 01:14 PM
Insult 'the fans?' The misogynistic and racist trolls that drove Leslie Jones from Twitter were not 'fans' by any stretch of the definition.

You mean the *******s? Yeah, they exist. So do the sun and the rain. But they're not the majority, even in this. A lot of the backlash was against a movie that was presented as unfunny and awkward with poor special effects and actors unsuited for their roles. However, the folks behind the movie have been accused of deleting all "reasonable" negative reactions while leaving the ******* responses to make it look like anyone saying ill was a raging misogynists, an accusation naturally would shut down most decent-minded detractors.

Edit: Huh. The censoring makes that look much worse than it was.

2018-04-06, 01:31 PM
Insult 'the fans?' The misogynistic and racist trolls that drove Leslie Jones from Twitter were not 'fans' by any stretch of the definition.

So a tiny subset of trolls on the internet is justification for smearing your entire fanbase? That was certainly a winning strategy for them. Oh wait, no it wasn't. And many other public figures responded by posting entire threads of various forms of aggressive trolls from their Twitter feed that were far, FAR worse than what was posted to Jones feed. You don't normally hear about it because they block, delete, and ignore them. She just got publicity about it.

The first trailer they released for the movie was objectively TERRIBLE (I literally cringed when I watched it for the first time), and when the entire script of the movie was leaked, it was just as bad.

They made a mediocre to bad movie, released a REALLY bad trailer for it, and when it was rightly panned by everybody and their dog, they tried to wiggle out of it by claiming ALL criticism was colored by trolls on the internet and insulting the fan base - they were actually caught doing things like removing reasonable and highly rated criticisms from the video and intentionally leaving racist/sexist troll rants up. Not surprisingly they lost hundreds of millions of dollars on it because SHOCKER, potential fans don't like being told 'if you didn't like the trailer your a terrible racist misogynist.'

By contrast, Star Trek Beyond also had really poor initial reception for their first trailer, and it was absolutely savaged by the committed Trek fanbase for being Fast and Furious In Space. The director and actors like Simon Pegg responded by saying 'Yeah that was a really bad trailer. That's not the movie we made', and explained what they did make. It worked, they released a MUCH better 2nd trailer, and while it wasn't super successful, they at least avoided a financial disaster, and a lot of the fan base considered it to be the movie that most captured the spirit of original Trek.

That's how you respond to criticism of your movie or TV show. By addressing the actual concerns of your fanbase. Not picking out a cross section of minority trolls and acting like they're representative of the whole, and completely ignoring criticism.

Heck just the other day watching the League of Legends twitch feed a few people apparently realized the mods were asleep and started spamming variations of NWORDS ARE BAD. Does that mean all fans of League of Legends are racist? Of course not. At the end of the day if you actually looked at it there were maybe 50-100 people doing the spamming out of over 100,000 watching, and as soon as they were banned the chat returned to normal. Well, as normal as Twitch chat gets with the constant spamming of LULs and POGGERS and BALANCE RITO and whatnot.

Draconi Redfir
2018-04-06, 01:36 PM
isn't jones the one that tweeted out a bunch of racist, sexist stuff herself? might have been someone else, but i swear i saw some tweets from at least one of the ghostbusters cast spewing out a bunch of anti-white or "kill all men" BS at one point or another. sadly trying to google this stuff only brings results for what you're talking about.

Regardless yeah, those people weren't fans, because they weren't fans of the new ghostbusters movie. it just wasn't very good.

2018-04-06, 01:46 PM
What I'm taking away from Ornithologist is:

"Reboot reboot: Marginally better than a personal tragedy."

I approve of this message!

I suppose I should have put a spoiler warning on that review, but really I probably did several people a favor.

2018-04-06, 02:21 PM
So a tiny subset of trolls on the internet is justification for smearing your entire fanbase?
You're the one conflating the trolls with the fanbase.

The joke you are referring to, the one that 'took a swipe' at the 'fans' was about how jerks on the internet were attacking the Ghostbusters for being women (e.g., 'women can't bust ghosts, get back in the kitchen!') in internet comments.

Unless you are trying to make the argument that the trolls are the fans or that misogyny is a core element of Ghostbusters fandom, then no, the movie did not 'smear the entire fanbase.' The took a jab at internet trolls, that's all.

2018-04-07, 01:47 AM
That doesn't really seem likely to me. What would they have to gain by doing that? For what reason would they spend the time and money just to give a middle finger to fans of the old show? I just don't see any reasonable motive behind doing something like that.

Remember Hanlon's razor. "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

Insult 'the fans?' The misogynistic and racist trolls that drove Leslie Jones from Twitter were not 'fans' by any stretch of the definition.

You're the one conflating the trolls with the fanbase.

The joke you are referring to, the one that 'took a swipe' at the 'fans' was about how jerks on the internet were attacking the Ghostbusters for being women (e.g., 'women can't bust ghosts, get back in the kitchen!') in internet comments.

Unless you are trying to make the argument that the trolls are the fans or that misogyny is a core element of Ghostbusters fandom, then no, the movie did not 'smear the entire fanbase.' The took a jab at internet trolls, that's all.

No, see, what you did was take a Jab at me.

I saw the trailer.

I didn't like the Trailer.

I opted not to go see the movie.

Multiple people involved with the project put up a MASSIVE campaign to inform me that for not spending my very finite money on a movie with a trailer I didn't care for I was a racist and a misogynist.

Shockingly, after having that accusation thrown at me by people who still got paid more in a day of filming this movie than I make in more than a freaking month, every day they were working on it or working on something involved with it, like marketing, I elected NOT to go see the movie in theaters, or stream it, or buy it on disk, or even waste my time on it.

Your sat here claiming THAT definitively makes me a Racist and a Misogynist personally, because you've made a broad, categorical claim. No. Exceptions.

As to the rest of your quotes, which I took the liberty of collecting up top,

As mentioned, they get several things. They get the satisfaction of a take that. They get the smug satisfaction of having both soothed there ego's and gotten to take an act of petty revenge on the people that bruised it in the first place. And they can in a pinch now make a play to try and push the situation, if needed/desired/opportune, to claim that this is what the people down voting the trailer were all really like, and you should ignore them and there gatekeeping and watch our product! Really! It's not what there making it out to be, ignore what they say, after all, there like this guy, doesn't seem very credible does he?

Maybe that's not what happened. Maybe it is. Frankly, it's on them to prove, convincingly, that that is not EXACTLY what was going on, given how badly they have, it seems, bungled EVERYTHING else form the word "Go" on this whole thing.

2018-04-07, 03:05 AM
Metahuman he is not saying any of that about you.

2018-04-07, 03:25 AM
Metahuman he is not saying any of that about you.

He's backing the position of the people who made Ghostbusters 2016 and went directly after the fans, claiming from the time the 1st trailer got a bad reception onwards that anyone who didn't go see it or was critical of it for any reason was both a Racist and a Misogynist by default.

That was there entire massive campaign from the time the 1st trailer hit till after the movie left theaters and they were left having to justify a financial and PR disaster. The claim that everyone who didn't see the movie or at all had anything critical to say about it is only doing so because they are Racist and a Misogynist. Period. No Exceptions.

He's espousing and defending that position as being objective fact. Period, full stop, no debate, end of story, no exceptions. It is, according to what he's claiming, objective fact that those accusations were 100% right.

I was one of the people who saw the trailer and didn't care for it and opted to not go see it in theaters. After the claims started getting thrown around like candy, I opted not to go see it at all, or buy it, to stream it, or spend one penny on it, or time on it when others didn't bring it up.

And according to the people that JadedDM is defending the positions of and calling correct on the matter, categorically, I am, by virtue of not going to see a specific movie in theaters cause I didn't like the look of the trailer, both a Racist and a Misogynist.

That is the position that was put out that he is citing and defending. Nothing less. Nothing more.

It is most unfortunate that he's citing and defending that claim, and that doing so has this consequence. But he is citing and defending that claim. And doing so has this exact consequence. Specifically, the exact consequence of stating categorically that I am a Racist and a Misogynist, because I did not go see Ghostbusters 2016 when it was out, and if I didn't do that, or had anything at all critical to say about it at any point at all, than I am both a Racist and a Misogynist according to the people JadedDM is citing and defending. Period. No exceptions.

And since he's citing them and defending there claim, he is also saying exactly the same about me.

Was that his intention? Perhaps not. But it is what he wound up doing weather he meant too or not.

2018-04-07, 09:11 AM
He's backing the position of the people who made Ghostbusters 2016 and went directly after the fans, claiming from the time the 1st trailer got a bad reception onwards that anyone who didn't go see it or was critical of it for any reason was both a Racist and a Misogynist by default.

Was that his intention? Perhaps not. But it is what he wound up doing weather he meant too or not.

Except that's not what they said, and no one is saying basically anything you said they're saying, especially not towards you. Jaded understands that you dislike the film for non sexist reasons. So do the creators of the film, though they don't likely care. But there are a lot of people who hated the film entirely because it stars women. There are also people who probably would of liked it if it had men doing the exact same shtick as the film.

I thought the film was okay. The trailer was bad but I wanted to see it to make sure. Turns out it was "fine" at most. There are definite problems with the film, and I can point them out without getting all uptight about people potentially thinking I'm sexist, because I'm not the one shouting from the rooftops "oh so you think I'm sexist even though I don't like it???" when literally no one except lunatics think that way.

The producers did not in any way insult "the old fans". All they did was make a swing at people online who hated the film for having women in it. If you feel insulted by them making a joke about angry internet dudes getting mad because they're women, stop and consider why you feel personally insulted. And THAT is someone ACTUALLY calling you potentially sexist. I should clarify I don't think you are, and I know you're just upset because of perceived insult because you've likely dealt with actual idiots who do think your genuine dislike of the film for reasonable reasons are actually just a cover for being sexist (like it was for James Rofle, as an example), but that's not what is happening here. No one thinks you're actually a sexist jerk for disliking the film.

2018-04-07, 09:16 AM
Except that's not what they said, and no one is saying basically anything you said they're saying, especially not towards you. Jaded understands that you dislike the film for non sexist reasons. So do the creators of the film, though they don't likely care. But there are a lot of people who hated the film entirely because it stars women. There are also people who probably would of liked it if it had men doing the exact same shtick as the film.

I thought the film was okay. The trailer was bad but I wanted to see it to make sure. Turns out it was "fine" at most. There are definite problems with the film, and I can point them out without getting all uptight about people potentially thinking I'm sexist, because I'm not the one shouting from the rooftops "oh so you think I'm sexist even though I don't like it???" when literally no one except lunatics think that way.

The producers did not in any way insult "the old fans". All they did was make a swing at people online who hated the film for having women in it. If you feel insulted by them making a joke about angry internet dudes getting mad because they're women, stop and consider why you feel personally insulted. And THAT is someone ACTUALLY calling you potentially sexist. I should clarify I don't think you are, and I know you're just upset because of perceived insult because you've likely dealt with actual idiots who do think your genuine dislike of the film for reasonable reasons are actually just a cover for being sexist (like it was for James Rofle, as an example), but that's not what is happening here. No one thinks you're actually a sexist jerk for disliking the film.

They were very VERY specific in who they targeted. They only went after the internet *******s. I don't remember them going after any people like me who simply didn't like the movie. Or even imply that anyone who didn't like it was a mysoginistic troll.

2018-04-07, 01:12 PM
No, see, what you did was take a Jab at me.
They took a jab at online trolls who attacked the movie for having women in it, and who sent rape and death threats to the actresses involved, telling them to 'get back in the kitchen.' The only way that was a jab at you is if you are counting yourself among those trolls. If you do not count yourself among them, no jab was made at you.

Multiple people involved with the project put up a MASSIVE campaign to inform me that for not spending my very finite money on a movie with a trailer I didn't care for I was a racist and a misogynist.
Literally nobody working on the film did this. There was no campaign. It didn't exist.

Your sat here claiming THAT definitively makes me a Racist and a Misogynist personally, because you've made a broad, categorical claim. No. Exceptions.

I did no such thing. Again, unless you are saying you are one of the trolls who sent rape and death threats to the actresses, and who hated the idea of the film because it had women in it.

He's backing the position of the people who made Ghostbusters 2016 and went directly after the fans, claiming from the time the 1st trailer got a bad reception onwards that anyone who didn't go see it or was critical of it for any reason was both a Racist and a Misogynist by default.
But I'm not. Actually, you are. You are the one conflating the people who didn't like the film because it had women in it and the people who didn't like the film for other, more legitimate reasons. To the point that when the film took a jab at the former, you somehow took offense.

The claim that everyone who didn't see the movie or at all had anything critical to say about it is only doing so because they are Racist and a Misogynist. Period. No Exceptions.
This never happened. Citation needed.

Kitten Champion
2018-04-07, 04:49 PM
They were very VERY specific in who they targeted. They only went after the internet *******s. I don't remember them going after any people like me who simply didn't like the movie. Or even imply that anyone who didn't like it was a mysoginistic troll.

That was actually one of the few bits that made me laugh, because it had a slight build-up to it rather than being just another thing thrown into their layers of improvisation. With them going through this whole laborious process to finally capture this video proof of the paranormal and nervously anticipating incredulity once they made it public, only to be met with what was pretty typical Youtube comments about superficial BS.